Python numpy.argpartition() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.argpartition().
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Example #1
Source File: From youtube-8m with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def format_lines(video_ids, predictions, labels, top_k): batch_size = len(video_ids) for video_index in range(batch_size): n_recall = max(int(numpy.sum(labels[video_index])), 1) # labels label_indices = numpy.argpartition(labels[video_index], -n_recall)[-n_recall:] label_predictions = [(class_index, predictions[video_index][class_index]) for class_index in label_indices] label_predictions = sorted(label_predictions, key=lambda p: -p[1]) label_str = "\t".join(["%d\t%f"%(x,y) for x,y in label_predictions]) # predictions top_k_indices = numpy.argpartition(predictions[video_index], -top_k)[-top_k:] top_k_predictions = [(class_index, predictions[video_index][class_index]) for class_index in top_k_indices] top_k_predictions = sorted(top_k_predictions, key=lambda p: -p[1]) top_k_str = "\t".join(["%d\t%f"%(x,y) for x,y in top_k_predictions]) # compute PERR top_n_indices = numpy.argpartition(predictions[video_index], -n_recall)[-n_recall:] positives = [labels[video_index][class_index] for class_index in top_n_indices] perr = sum(positives) / float(n_recall) # URL url = "" + video_ids[video_index].decode('utf-8') yield url + "\t" + str(1-perr) + "\t" + top_k_str + "\t" + label_str + "\n"
Example #2
Source File: From pyxclib with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _update_predicted(start_idx, predicted_batch_labels, predicted_labels, top_k=10): """ Update the predicted answers for the batch Args: predicted_batch_labels predicted_labels """ def _select_topk(vec, k): batch_size = vec.shape[0] top_ind = np.argpartition(vec, -k)[:, -k:] ind = np.zeros((k*batch_size, 2), ind[:, 0] = np.repeat(np.arange(0, batch_size, 1), [k]*batch_size) ind[:, 1] = top_ind.flatten('C') return top_ind.flatten('C'), vec[ind[:, 0], ind[:, 1]] batch_size = predicted_batch_labels.shape[0] top_indices, top_vals = _select_topk(predicted_batch_labels, k=top_k) ind = np.zeros((top_k*batch_size, 2), ind[:, 0] = np.repeat( np.arange(start_idx, start_idx+batch_size, 1), [top_k]*batch_size) ind[:, 1] = top_indices predicted_labels[ind[:, 0], ind[:, 1]] = top_vals
Example #3
Source File: From xam with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fit(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): # scikit-learn checks X, y = utils.check_X_y(X, y, accept_sparse='csr', order='C') n_terms = min(self.n_terms, X.shape[1]) # Get a list of unique labels from y labels = np.unique(y) # Determine the n top terms per class self.top_terms_per_class_ = { c: set(np.argpartition(np.sum(X[y == c], axis=0), -n_terms)[-n_terms:]) for c in labels } # Return the classifier return self
Example #4
Source File: From iAI with MIT License | 6 votes |
def analyze(output_data): #Results from the engine are returned as a list of 5D numpy arrays: # (Number of Batches x Batch Size x C x H x W) output = output_data.reshape(len(LABELS)) # Get result top = np.argmax(output) top = LABELS[top] # Get top5 top5 = np.argpartition(output, -5, axis=-1)[-5:] top5 = top5[np.argsort(output[top5])][::-1] top5_classes = [] for i in top5: top5_classes.append((LABELS[i], output[i])) return [top, top5_classes] #Arguments to create lite engine
Example #5
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_argequivalent(self): """ Test it translates from arg<func> to <func> """ from numpy.random import rand a = rand(3, 4, 5) funcs = [ (np.sort, np.argsort, dict()), (_add_keepdims(np.min), _add_keepdims(np.argmin), dict()), (_add_keepdims(np.max), _add_keepdims(np.argmax), dict()), (np.partition, np.argpartition, dict(kth=2)), ] for func, argfunc, kwargs in funcs: for axis in list(range(a.ndim)) + [None]: a_func = func(a, axis=axis, **kwargs) ai_func = argfunc(a, axis=axis, **kwargs) assert_equal(a_func, take_along_axis(a, ai_func, axis=axis))
Example #6
Source File: From iAI with MIT License | 6 votes |
def analyze(output_data): #Results from the engine are returned as a list of 5D numpy arrays: # (Number of Batches x Batch Size x C x H x W) output = output_data.reshape(len(LABELS)) # Get result top = np.argmax(output) top = LABELS[top] # Get top5 top5 = np.argpartition(output, -5, axis=-1)[-5:] top5 = top5[np.argsort(output[top5])][::-1] top5_classes = [] for i in top5: top5_classes.append((LABELS[i], output[i])) return [top, top5_classes] #Arguments to create lite engine
Example #7
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_init_guess(na, nb, nroots, hdiag): '''Initial guess is the single Slater determinant ''' # The "nroots" lowest determinats based on energy expectation value. ci0 = [] try: addrs = numpy.argpartition(hdiag, nroots-1)[:nroots] except AttributeError: addrs = numpy.argsort(hdiag)[:nroots] for addr in addrs: x = numpy.zeros((na*nb)) x[addr] = 1 ci0.append(x.ravel()) # Add noise ci0[0][0 ] += 1e-5 ci0[0][-1] -= 1e-5 return ci0
Example #8
Source File: From yolo_v2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def remove_n(self, n): """Get n items for removal.""" assert self.init_length + n <= self.cur_size if self.eviction_strategy == 'rand': # random removal idxs = random.sample(xrange(self.init_length, self.cur_size), n) elif self.eviction_strategy == 'fifo': # overwrite elements in cyclical fashion idxs = [ self.init_length + (self.remove_idx + i) % (self.max_size - self.init_length) for i in xrange(n)] self.remove_idx = idxs[-1] + 1 - self.init_length elif self.eviction_strategy == 'rank': # remove lowest-priority indices idxs = np.argpartition(self.priorities, n)[:n] return idxs
Example #9
Source File: From hred-latent-piecewise with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def select_next_words(self, next_costs, next_probs, step_num, how_many): # Pick only on the first line (for the beginning of sampling) # This will avoid duplicate <q> token. if step_num == 0: flat_next_costs = next_costs[:1, :].flatten() else: # Set the next cost to infinite for finished utterances (they will be replaced) # by other utterances in the beam flat_next_costs = next_costs.flatten() voc_size = next_costs.shape[1] args = numpy.argpartition(flat_next_costs, how_many)[:how_many] args = args[numpy.argsort(flat_next_costs[args])] return numpy.unravel_index(args, next_costs.shape), flat_next_costs[args]
Example #10
Source File: From OpenQA with MIT License | 6 votes |
def closest_docs(self, query, k=1): """Closest docs by dot product between query and documents in tfidf weighted word vector space. """ spvec = self.text2spvec(query) res = spvec * self.doc_mat if len( <= k: o_sort = np.argsort( else: o = np.argpartition(, k)[0:k] o_sort = o[np.argsort([o])] doc_scores =[o_sort] doc_ids = [self.get_doc_id(i) for i in res.indices[o_sort]] return doc_ids, doc_scores
Example #11
Source File: From AugmentedAutoencoder with MIT License | 6 votes |
def nearest_rotation(self, session, x, top_n=1, upright=False, return_idcs=False): #R_model2cam if x.dtype == 'uint8': x = x/255. if x.ndim == 3: x = np.expand_dims(x, 0) cosine_similarity =, {self._encoder.x: x}) if top_n == 1: if upright: idcs = np.argmax(cosine_similarity[:,::int(self._dataset._kw['num_cyclo'])], axis=1)*int(self._dataset._kw['num_cyclo']) else: idcs = np.argmax(cosine_similarity, axis=1) else: unsorted_max_idcs = np.argpartition(-cosine_similarity.squeeze(), top_n)[:top_n] idcs = unsorted_max_idcs[np.argsort(-cosine_similarity.squeeze()[unsorted_max_idcs])] if return_idcs: return idcs else: return self._dataset.viewsphere_for_embedding[idcs].squeeze()
Example #12
Source File: From cryptotrader with MIT License | 6 votes |
def polar_returns(ret, k): """ Calculate polar return :param obs: pandas DataFrame :return: return radius, return angles """ ret= np.mat(ret) # Find the radius and the angle decomposition on price relative vectors radius = np.linalg.norm(ret, ord=1, axis=1) angle = np.divide(ret, np.mat(radius).T) # Select the 'window' greater values on the observation index = np.argpartition(radius, -(int(ret.shape[0] * k) + 1))[-(int(ret.shape[0] * k) + 1):] index = index[np.argsort(radius[index])] # Return the radius and the angle for extreme found values return radius[index][::-1], angle[index][::-1] # Pareto Extreme Risk Index
Example #13
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_argequivalent(self): """ Test it translates from arg<func> to <func> """ from numpy.random import rand a = rand(3, 4, 5) funcs = [ (np.sort, np.argsort, dict()), (_add_keepdims(np.min), _add_keepdims(np.argmin), dict()), (_add_keepdims(np.max), _add_keepdims(np.argmax), dict()), (np.partition, np.argpartition, dict(kth=2)), ] for func, argfunc, kwargs in funcs: for axis in list(range(a.ndim)) + [None]: a_func = func(a, axis=axis, **kwargs) ai_func = argfunc(a, axis=axis, **kwargs) assert_equal(a_func, take_along_axis(a, ai_func, axis=axis))
Example #14
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def remove_n(self, n): """Get n items for removal.""" assert self.init_length + n <= self.cur_size if self.eviction_strategy == 'rand': # random removal idxs = random.sample(xrange(self.init_length, self.cur_size), n) elif self.eviction_strategy == 'fifo': # overwrite elements in cyclical fashion idxs = [ self.init_length + (self.remove_idx + i) % (self.max_size - self.init_length) for i in xrange(n)] self.remove_idx = idxs[-1] + 1 - self.init_length elif self.eviction_strategy == 'rank': # remove lowest-priority indices idxs = np.argpartition(self.priorities, n)[:n] return idxs
Example #15
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_partition_cdtype(self): d = array([('Galahad', 1.7, 38), ('Arthur', 1.8, 41), ('Lancelot', 1.9, 38)], dtype=[('name', '|S10'), ('height', '<f8'), ('age', '<i4')]) tgt = np.sort(d, order=['age', 'height']) assert_array_equal(np.partition(d, range(d.size), order=['age', 'height']), tgt) assert_array_equal(d[np.argpartition(d, range(d.size), order=['age', 'height'])], tgt) for k in range(d.size): assert_equal(np.partition(d, k, order=['age', 'height'])[k], tgt[k]) assert_equal(d[np.argpartition(d, k, order=['age', 'height'])][k], tgt[k]) d = array(['Galahad', 'Arthur', 'zebra', 'Lancelot']) tgt = np.sort(d) assert_array_equal(np.partition(d, range(d.size)), tgt) for k in range(d.size): assert_equal(np.partition(d, k)[k], tgt[k]) assert_equal(d[np.argpartition(d, k)][k], tgt[k])
Example #16
Source File: From BrainSpace with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _dominant_set_sparse(s, k, is_thresh=False, norm=False): """Compute dominant set for a sparse matrix.""" if is_thresh: mask = s > k idx, data = np.where(mask), s[mask] s = ssp.coo_matrix((data, idx), shape=s.shape) else: # keep top k nr, nc = s.shape idx = np.argpartition(s, nc - k, axis=1) col = idx[:, -k:].ravel() # idx largest row = np.broadcast_to(np.arange(nr)[:, None], (nr, k)).ravel() data = s[row, col].ravel() s = ssp.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=s.shape) if norm: /= s.sum(axis=1).A1[s.row] return s.tocsr(copy=False)
Example #17
Source File: From siamese-triplet with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def get_pairs(self, embeddings, labels): if self.cpu: embeddings = embeddings.cpu() distance_matrix = pdist(embeddings) labels = labels.cpu().data.numpy() all_pairs = np.array(list(combinations(range(len(labels)), 2))) all_pairs = torch.LongTensor(all_pairs) positive_pairs = all_pairs[(labels[all_pairs[:, 0]] == labels[all_pairs[:, 1]]).nonzero()] negative_pairs = all_pairs[(labels[all_pairs[:, 0]] != labels[all_pairs[:, 1]]).nonzero()] negative_distances = distance_matrix[negative_pairs[:, 0], negative_pairs[:, 1]] negative_distances = negative_distances.cpu().data.numpy() top_negatives = np.argpartition(negative_distances, len(positive_pairs))[:len(positive_pairs)] top_negative_pairs = negative_pairs[torch.LongTensor(top_negatives)] return positive_pairs, top_negative_pairs
Example #18
Source File: From BrainSpace with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _dominant_set_dense(s, k, is_thresh=False, norm=False, copy=True): """Compute dominant set for a dense matrix.""" if is_thresh: s = s.copy() if copy else s s[s <= k] = 0 else: # keep top k nr, nc = s.shape idx = np.argpartition(s, nc - k, axis=1) row = np.arange(nr)[:, None] if copy: col = idx[:, -k:] # idx largest data = s[row, col] s = np.zeros_like(s) s[row, col] = data else: col = idx[:, :-k] # idx smallest s[row, col] = 0 if norm: s /= np.nansum(s, axis=1, keepdims=True) return s
Example #19
Source File: From scikit-learn-extra with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _initialize_medoids(self, D, n_clusters, random_state_): """Select initial mediods when beginning clustering.""" if self.init == "random": # Random initialization # Pick random k medoids as the initial ones. medoids = random_state_.choice(len(D), n_clusters) elif self.init == "k-medoids++": medoids = self._kpp_init(D, n_clusters, random_state_) elif self.init == "heuristic": # Initialization by heuristic # Pick K first data points that have the smallest sum distance # to every other point. These are the initial medoids. medoids = np.argpartition(np.sum(D, axis=1), n_clusters - 1)[ :n_clusters ] else: raise ValueError(f"init value '{self.init}' not recognized") return medoids # Copied from sklearn.cluster.k_means_._k_init
Example #20
Source File: From DeepHash with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_mAPs(q_output, q_labels, db_output, db_labels, Rs, dist_type): dist = distance(q_output, db_output, dist_type=dist_type, pair=True) unsorted_ids = np.argpartition(dist, Rs - 1)[:, :Rs] APx = [] for i in range(dist.shape[0]): label = q_labels[i, :] label[label == 0] = -1 idx = unsorted_ids[i, :] idx = idx[np.argsort(dist[i, :][idx])] imatch = np.sum(np.equal(db_labels[idx[0: Rs], :], label), 1) > 0 rel = np.sum(imatch) Lx = np.cumsum(imatch) Px = Lx.astype(float) / np.arange(1, Rs + 1, 1) if rel != 0: APx.append(np.sum(Px * imatch) / rel) return np.mean(np.array(APx))
Example #21
Source File: From justcopy-backend with MIT License | 6 votes |
def closest_docs(self, query, k=1): """Closest docs by dot product between query and documents in tfidf weighted word vector space. """ spvec = self.text2spvec(query) res = spvec * self.doc_mat if len( <= k: o_sort = np.argsort( else: o = np.argpartition(, k)[0:k] o_sort = o[np.argsort([o])] doc_scores =[o_sort] doc_ids = [self.get_doc_id(i) for i in res.indices[o_sort]] return doc_ids, doc_scores
Example #22
Source File: From otalign with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def csls_sparse(X, Y, idx_x, idx_y, knn = 10): def mean_similarity_sparse(X, Y, seeds, knn, axis = 1, metric = 'cosine'): if axis == 1: dists = sp.spatial.distance.cdist(X[seeds,:], Y, metric=metric) else: dists = sp.spatial.distance.cdist(X, Y[seeds,:], metric=metric).T nghbs = np.argpartition(dists, knn, axis = 1) # for rows #[-k:] # argpartition returns top k not in order but it's efficient (doesnt sort all rows) nghbs = nghbs[:,:knn] nghbs_dists = np.concatenate([row[indices] for row, indices in zip(dists, nghbs)]).reshape(nghbs.shape) nghbs_sims = 1 - nghbs_dists return nghbs_sims.mean(axis = 1) src_ms = mean_similarity_sparse(X, Y, idx_x, knn, axis = 1) trg_ms = mean_similarity_sparse(X, Y, idx_y, knn, axis = 0) sims = 1 - sp.spatial.distance.cdist(X[idx_x,:], Y[idx_y,:]) normalized_sims = ((2*sims - trg_ms).T - src_ms).T print(normalized_sims) nn = normalized_sims.argmax(axis=1).tolist() return nn
Example #23
Source File: From knmt with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def iterate_eos_scores(new_scores, eos_idx, existing_cases = None, beam_width=None)->Tuple[Sequence, Sequence, Sequence]: """ Return the indices and scores corresponding to the eos word. Meaning of returned values is the same as for iterate_best_score """ nb_cases, v_size = new_scores.shape num_cases = np.arange(nb_cases, dtype=np.int32) scores = -cuda.to_cpu(new_scores[:, eos_idx]) if existing_cases is not None: need_to_return = np.logical_not(np.isin(num_cases, existing_cases)) num_cases = num_cases[need_to_return] scores = scores[need_to_return] idx_in_cases = np.full(num_cases.shape[0], eos_idx, dtype=np.int32) if beam_width is not None: if beam_width < len(scores): idx_to_keep = np.argpartition(scores, beam_width)[:beam_width] scores = scores[idx_to_keep] num_cases = num_cases[idx_to_keep] idx_in_cases = idx_in_cases[idx_to_keep] return num_cases, idx_in_cases, scores
Example #24
Source File: From hred-qs with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def argpartition(a, kth, axis=-1, order=None): return numpy.argsort(a, axis=axis, order=order)
Example #25
Source File: From youtube-8m with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def calculate_precision_at_equal_recall_rate(predictions, actuals): """Performs a local (numpy) calculation of the PERR. Args: predictions: Matrix containing the outputs of the model. Dimensions are 'batch' x 'num_classes'. actuals: Matrix containing the ground truth labels. Dimensions are 'batch' x 'num_classes'. Returns: float: The average precision at equal recall rate across the entire batch. """ aggregated_precision = 0.0 num_videos = actuals.shape[0] for row in numpy.arange(num_videos): num_labels = int(numpy.sum(actuals[row])) top_indices = numpy.argpartition(predictions[row], -num_labels)[-num_labels:] item_precision = 0.0 for label_index in top_indices: if predictions[row][label_index] > 0: item_precision += actuals[row][label_index] item_precision /= top_indices.size aggregated_precision += item_precision aggregated_precision /= num_videos return aggregated_precision
Example #26
Source File: From youtube-8m with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def format_lines(video_ids, predictions, top_k): batch_size = len(video_ids) for video_index in range(batch_size): top_indices = numpy.argpartition(predictions[video_index], -top_k)[-top_k:] line = [(class_index, predictions[video_index][class_index]) for class_index in top_indices] # print("Type - Test :") # print(type(video_ids[video_index])) # print(video_ids[video_index].decode('utf-8')) line = sorted(line, key=lambda p: -p[1]) yield video_ids[video_index].decode('utf-8') + "," + " ".join("%i %f" % pair for pair in line) + "\n"
Example #27
Source File: From youtube-8m with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def format_lines(video_ids, predictions, labels): batch_size = len(video_ids) for video_index in range(batch_size): # error rate top_k = max(int(numpy.sum(labels[video_index])), 1) top_indices = numpy.argpartition(predictions[video_index], -top_k)[-top_k:] positives = [labels[video_index][class_index] for class_index in top_indices] perr = sum(positives) / float(top_k) yield video_ids[video_index].decode('utf-8') + "\t" + str(1-perr) + "\n"
Example #28
Source File: From youtube-8m with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def format_lines(video_ids, predictions, top_k): batch_size = len(video_ids) for video_index in range(batch_size): top_indices = numpy.argpartition(predictions[video_index], -top_k)[-top_k:] line = [(class_index, predictions[video_index][class_index]) for class_index in top_indices] # print("Type - Test :") # print(type(video_ids[video_index])) # print(video_ids[video_index].decode('utf-8')) line = sorted(line, key=lambda p: -p[1]) yield video_ids[video_index].decode('utf-8') + "," + " ".join("%i %f" % pair for pair in line) + "\n"
Example #29
Source File: From otalign with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def translations_from_coupling(G, src_words = None, tgt_words=None, verbose = False): """ Returns pairs of matched (row, col) pairs according to some criterion """ # Naive method: look for unambiguous words who are mutually NN G.max(0) n_s, n_t = G.shape best_match_src = G.argmax(1) # Best match for each source word best_match_tgt = G.argmax(0) paired = [] for i in range(n_s): m = best_match_src[i] if verbose: k = 10 topk_idx = np.argpartition(G[i,:], -k)[-k:] topk_idx_sort = topk_idx[np.argsort(-G[i,topk_idx])] # With - to get descending order print('{:20s} -> {}'.format(src_words[i],','.join([tgt_words[m] for m in topk_idx_sort]))) if best_match_tgt[m] == i: paired.append((i,m)) paired_toks = [] if src_words and tgt_words: paired_toks = [(src_words[i],tgt_words[j]) for (i,j) in paired] else: paired_toks = paired return paired_toks
Example #30
Source File: From youtube-8m with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def format_lines(video_ids, predictions, top_k): batch_size = len(video_ids) for video_index in range(batch_size): top_indices = numpy.argpartition(predictions[video_index], -top_k)[-top_k:] line = [(class_index, predictions[video_index][class_index]) for class_index in top_indices] # print("Type - Test :") # print(type(video_ids[video_index])) # print(video_ids[video_index].decode('utf-8')) line = sorted(line, key=lambda p: -p[1]) yield video_ids[video_index].decode('utf-8') + "," + " ".join("%i %f" % pair for pair in line) + "\n"