Python numpy.result_type() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.result_type().
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Example #1
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _filter_special_cases(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(terms): # single unary operand if len(terms) == 1: return _align_core_single_unary_op(terms[0]) term_values = (term.value for term in terms) # only scalars or indexes if all(isinstance(term.value, pd.Index) or term.isscalar for term in terms): return np.result_type(*term_values), None # no pandas objects if not _any_pandas_objects(terms): return np.result_type(*term_values), None return f(terms) return wrapper
Example #2
Source File: From mars with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _unsigned_subtract(a, b): """ Subtract two values where a >= b, and produce an unsigned result This is needed when finding the difference between the upper and lower bound of an int16 histogram """ # coerce to a single type signed_to_unsigned = { np.byte: np.ubyte, np.short: np.ushort, np.intc: np.uintc, np.int_: np.uint, np.longlong: np.ulonglong } dt = np.result_type(a, b) try: dt = signed_to_unsigned[dt.type] except KeyError: # pragma: no cover return np.subtract(a, b, dtype=dt) else: # we know the inputs are integers, and we are deliberately casting # signed to unsigned return np.subtract(a, b, casting='unsafe', dtype=dt)
Example #3
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testQuantile(self, op, a_rng, q_rng, a_shape, a_dtype, q_shape, q_dtype, axis, keepdims): if op == "quantile" and numpy_version < (1, 15): raise SkipTest("Numpy < 1.15 does not have np.quantile") if op == "median": args_maker = lambda: [a_rng(a_shape, a_dtype)] else: args_maker = lambda: [a_rng(a_shape, a_dtype), q_rng(q_shape, q_dtype)] def onp_fun(*args): args = [x if lnp.result_type(x) != lnp.bfloat16 else onp.asarray(x, onp.float32) for x in args] return getattr(onp, op)(*args, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) lnp_fun = partial(getattr(lnp, op), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) # TODO(phawkins): we currently set dtype=False because we aren't as # aggressive about promoting to float64. It's not clear we want to mimic # Numpy here. tol_spec = {onp.float32: 2e-4, onp.float64: 5e-6} tol = max(jtu.tolerance(a_dtype, tol_spec), jtu.tolerance(q_dtype, tol_spec)) self._CheckAgainstNumpy(onp_fun, lnp_fun, args_maker, check_dtypes=False, tol=tol) self._CompileAndCheck(lnp_fun, args_maker, check_dtypes=True, rtol=tol)
Example #4
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _align(terms): """Align a set of terms""" try: # flatten the parse tree (a nested list, really) terms = list(com.flatten(terms)) except TypeError: # can't iterate so it must just be a constant or single variable if isinstance(terms.value, pd.core.generic.NDFrame): typ = type(terms.value) return typ, _zip_axes_from_type(typ, terms.value.axes) return np.result_type(terms.type), None # if all resolved variables are numeric scalars if all(term.isscalar for term in terms): return np.result_type(*(term.value for term in terms)).type, None # perform the main alignment typ, axes = _align_core(terms) return typ, axes
Example #5
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testDot(self, lhs_shape, lhs_dtype, rhs_shape, rhs_dtype, rng_factory): rng = rng_factory() args_maker = lambda: [rng(lhs_shape, lhs_dtype), rng(rhs_shape, rhs_dtype)] tol = {onp.float16: 1e-2, onp.float32: 1e-5, onp.float64: 1e-14, onp.complex128: 1e-14} if jtu.device_under_test() == "tpu": tol[onp.float32] = tol[onp.complex64] = 2e-1 def onp_dot(x, y): x = x.astype(onp.float32) if lhs_dtype == lnp.bfloat16 else x y = y.astype(onp.float32) if rhs_dtype == lnp.bfloat16 else y # `, y).dtype` sometimes differs from `onp.result_type(x, y)` # (e.g. when x is float64[] and y is complex64[3,3], or when x is # float16[3,3] and y is int64[]). We ignore this corner case and pretend # that they agree. return, y).astype(onp.result_type(x, y)) self._CheckAgainstNumpy(onp_dot,, args_maker, check_dtypes=True, tol=tol) # We disable dtype check in the following cases because `` does # value-dependent type promotion in those cases. check_dtypes = () not in (lhs_shape, rhs_shape) self._CompileAndCheck(, args_maker, check_dtypes=check_dtypes, atol=tol, rtol=tol, check_incomplete_shape=True)
Example #6
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testBitwiseOp(self, onp_op, lnp_op, rng_factory, shapes, dtypes): rng = rng_factory() args_maker = self._GetArgsMaker(rng, shapes, dtypes) has_python_scalar = jtu.PYTHON_SCALAR_SHAPE in shapes self._CheckAgainstNumpy(onp_op, lnp_op, args_maker, check_dtypes=True) if onp_op == onp.bitwise_not and has_python_scalar: # For bitwise_not with a Python `int`, npe.jit may choose a different # dtype for the `int` from onp's choice, which may result in a different # result value, so we skip _CompileAndCheck. return # Numpy does value-dependent dtype promotion on Python/numpy/array scalars # which `jit` can't do (when np.result_type is called inside `jit`, tensor # values are not available), so we skip dtype check in this case. check_dtypes = not(set(shapes) & set([jtu.NUMPY_SCALAR_SHAPE, jtu.PYTHON_SCALAR_SHAPE, ()])) self._CompileAndCheck(lnp_op, args_maker, check_dtypes=check_dtypes)
Example #7
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _promote_like_lnp(fun, inexact=False): """Decorator that promotes the arguments of `fun` to `lnp.result_type(*args)`. lnp and onp have different type promotion semantics; this decorator allows tests make an onp reference implementation act more like an lnp implementation. """ def wrapper(*args, **kw): flat_args = tf.nest.flatten(args) if inexact and not any(lnp.issubdtype(lnp.result_type(x), lnp.inexact) for x in flat_args): dtype = lnp.result_type(lnp.float_, *flat_args) else: dtype = lnp.result_type(*flat_args) args = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda a: onp.asarray(a, dtype), args) return fun(*args, **kw) return wrapper
Example #8
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _unsigned_subtract(a, b): """ Subtract two values where a >= b, and produce an unsigned result This is needed when finding the difference between the upper and lower bound of an int16 histogram """ # coerce to a single type signed_to_unsigned = { np.byte: np.ubyte, np.short: np.ushort, np.intc: np.uintc, np.int_: np.uint, np.longlong: np.ulonglong } dt = np.result_type(a, b) try: dt = signed_to_unsigned[dt.type] except KeyError: return np.subtract(a, b, dtype=dt) else: # we know the inputs are integers, and we are deliberately casting # signed to unsigned return np.subtract(a, b, casting='unsafe', dtype=dt)
Example #9
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _unsigned_subtract(a, b): """ Subtract two values where a >= b, and produce an unsigned result This is needed when finding the difference between the upper and lower bound of an int16 histogram """ # coerce to a single type signed_to_unsigned = { np.byte: np.ubyte, np.short: np.ushort, np.intc: np.uintc, np.int_: np.uint, np.longlong: np.ulonglong } dt = np.result_type(a, b) try: dt = signed_to_unsigned[dt.type] except KeyError: return np.subtract(a, b, dtype=dt) else: # we know the inputs are integers, and we are deliberately casting # signed to unsigned return np.subtract(a, b, casting='unsafe', dtype=dt)
Example #10
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _conc_mos(moi, moj, compact=False): if numpy.result_type(moi, moj) != numpy.double: compact = False nmoi = moi.shape[1] nmoj = moj.shape[1] if compact and iden_coeffs(moi, moj): ijmosym = 's2' nij_pair = nmoi * (nmoi+1) // 2 moij = numpy.asarray(moi, order='F') ijshape = (0, nmoi, 0, nmoi) else: ijmosym = 's1' nij_pair = nmoi * nmoj moij = numpy.asarray(numpy.hstack((moi,moj)), order='F') ijshape = (0, nmoi, nmoi, nmoi+nmoj) return ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijshape
Example #11
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def cartesian_prod(arrays, out=None, order = 'C'): ''' This function is similar to lib.cartesian_prod of PySCF, except the output can be in Fortran or in C order ''' arrays = [np.asarray(x) for x in arrays] dtype = np.result_type(*arrays) nd = len(arrays) dims = [nd] + [len(x) for x in arrays] if out is None: out = np.empty(dims, dtype) else: out = np.ndarray(dims, dtype, buffer=out) tout = out.reshape(dims) shape = [-1] + [1] * nd for i, arr in enumerate(arrays): tout[i] = arr.reshape(shape[:nd-i]) return tout.reshape((nd,-1),order=order).T
Example #12
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __array__(self, dtype=None, copy=True): fill_value = self.fill_value if self.sp_index.ngaps == 0: # Compat for na dtype and int values. return self.sp_values if dtype is None: # Can NumPy represent this type? # If not, `np.result_type` will raise. We catch that # and return object. if is_datetime64_any_dtype(self.sp_values.dtype): # However, we *do* special-case the common case of # a datetime64 with pandas NaT. if fill_value is NaT: # Can't put pd.NaT in a datetime64[ns] fill_value = np.datetime64('NaT') try: dtype = np.result_type(self.sp_values.dtype, type(fill_value)) except TypeError: dtype = object out = np.full(self.shape, fill_value, dtype=dtype) out[self.sp_index.to_int_index().indices] = self.sp_values return out
Example #13
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _align(terms): """Align a set of terms""" try: # flatten the parse tree (a nested list, really) terms = list(com.flatten(terms)) except TypeError: # can't iterate so it must just be a constant or single variable if isinstance(terms.value, pd.core.generic.NDFrame): typ = type(terms.value) return typ, _zip_axes_from_type(typ, terms.value.axes) return np.result_type(terms.type), None # if all resolved variables are numeric scalars if all(term.is_scalar for term in terms): return _result_type_many(*(term.value for term in terms)).type, None # perform the main alignment typ, axes = _align_core(terms) return typ, axes
Example #14
Source File: From ektelo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, matrices): self.matrices = matrices self.shape = tuple([Q.shape for Q in matrices], axis=0)) self.dtype = np.result_type(*[Q.dtype for Q in matrices])
Example #15
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_result_type(self): self.check_promotion_cases(np.result_type) assert_(np.result_type(None) == np.dtype(None))
Example #16
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _result_type_many(*arrays_and_dtypes): """ wrapper around numpy.result_type which overcomes the NPY_MAXARGS (32) argument limit """ try: return np.result_type(*arrays_and_dtypes) except ValueError: # we have > NPY_MAXARGS terms in our expression return reduce(np.result_type, arrays_and_dtypes)
Example #17
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testClipStaticBounds(self, shape, dtype, a_min, a_max, rng_factory): rng = rng_factory() onp_fun = lambda x: onp.clip(x, a_min=a_min, a_max=a_max) lnp_fun = lambda x: lnp.clip(x, a_min=a_min, a_max=a_max) args_maker = lambda: [rng(shape, dtype)] tol_spec = {onp.float64: 2e-7} tol = jtu.tolerance(dtype, tol_spec) is_x32_scalar = (dtype in [onp.int32, onp.float32] and shape in [jtu.NUMPY_SCALAR_SHAPE, ()]) # Turns check_dtypes off if is_x32_scalar is True because there is # a weird promotion inconsistency in numpy: # ``` # print(np.result_type(np.ones([], np.int32), 1)) # print(np.result_type(np.ones([1], np.int32), 1)) # print(np.result_type(np.int32(1), 1)) # print(np.result_type(np.int32, 1)) # print(np.result_type(np.ones([], np.float32), 1)) # print(np.result_type(np.ones([1], np.float32), 1)) # print(np.result_type(np.float32(1), 1)) # print(np.result_type(np.float32, 1)) # ``` # >>> # int64 # int32 # int64 # int32 # float64 # float32 # float64 # float32 self._CheckAgainstNumpy(onp_fun, lnp_fun, args_maker, check_dtypes=not is_x32_scalar, tol=tol) self._CompileAndCheck(lnp_fun, args_maker, check_dtypes=not is_x32_scalar, atol=tol, rtol=tol, check_incomplete_shape=True)
Example #18
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_weights(self): y = np.arange(10) w = np.arange(10) actual = average(y, weights=w) desired = (np.arange(10) ** 2).sum() * 1. / np.arange(10).sum() assert_almost_equal(actual, desired) y1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) w0 = [1, 2] actual = average(y1, weights=w0, axis=0) desired = np.array([3., 4., 5.]) assert_almost_equal(actual, desired) w1 = [0, 0, 1] actual = average(y1, weights=w1, axis=1) desired = np.array([3., 6.]) assert_almost_equal(actual, desired) # This should raise an error. Can we test for that ? # assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w1), 9./2.) # 2D Case w2 = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2]] desired = np.array([3., 6.]) assert_array_equal(average(y1, weights=w2, axis=1), desired) assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w2), 5.) y3 = rand(5).astype(np.float32) w3 = rand(5).astype(np.float64) assert_(np.average(y3, weights=w3).dtype == np.result_type(y3, w3))
Example #19
Source File: From ektelo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, A, B): assert A.shape[1] == B.shape[0] self._A = A self._B = B self.shape = (A.shape[0], B.shape[1]) self.dtype = np.result_type(A.dtype, B.dtype)
Example #20
Source File: From qiskit-aer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _inequality(self, other, op, op_name, bad_scalar_msg): # Scalar other. if isscalarlike(other): if other == 0 and op_name in ('_le_', '_ge_'): raise NotImplementedError(" >= and <= don't work with 0.") if op(0, other): warn(bad_scalar_msg, SparseEfficiencyWarning) other_arr = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=np.result_type(other)) other_arr.fill(other) other_arr = csr_matrix(other_arr) return self._binopt(other_arr, op_name) else: return self._scalar_binopt(other, op) # Dense other. elif isdense(other): return op(self.todense(), other) # Sparse other. elif isspmatrix(other): # TODO sparse broadcasting if self.shape != other.shape: raise ValueError("inconsistent shapes") if self.format != other.format: other = other.asformat(self.format) if op_name not in ('_ge_', '_le_'): return self._binopt(other, op_name) warn("Comparing sparse matrices using >= and <= is inefficient, " "using <, >, or !=, instead.", SparseEfficiencyWarning) all_true = _all_true(self.shape) res = self._binopt(other, '_gt_' if op_name == '_le_' else '_lt_') return all_true - res else: raise ValueError("Operands could not be compared.")
Example #21
Source File: From ektelo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, matrices): # all matrices must have same number of rows cols = [Q.shape[1] for Q in matrices] m = matrices[0].shape[0] n = sum(cols) assert all(Q.shape[0] == m for Q in matrices), 'dimension mismatch' self.shape = (m,n) self.matrices = matrices self.dtype = np.result_type(*[Q.dtype for Q in matrices]) self.split = np.cumsum(cols)[:-1]
Example #22
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_weights(self): y = np.arange(10) w = np.arange(10) actual = average(y, weights=w) desired = (np.arange(10) ** 2).sum() * 1. / np.arange(10).sum() assert_almost_equal(actual, desired) y1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) w0 = [1, 2] actual = average(y1, weights=w0, axis=0) desired = np.array([3., 4., 5.]) assert_almost_equal(actual, desired) w1 = [0, 0, 1] actual = average(y1, weights=w1, axis=1) desired = np.array([3., 6.]) assert_almost_equal(actual, desired) # This should raise an error. Can we test for that ? # assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w1), 9./2.) # 2D Case w2 = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2]] desired = np.array([3., 6.]) assert_array_equal(average(y1, weights=w2, axis=1), desired) assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w2), 5.) y3 = rand(5).astype(np.float32) w3 = rand(5).astype(np.float64) assert_(np.average(y3, weights=w3).dtype == np.result_type(y3, w3))
Example #23
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_result_type(self): self.check_promotion_cases(np.result_type) assert_(np.result_type(None) == np.dtype(None))
Example #24
Source File: From mars with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testResultType(self): x = tensor([2, 3], dtype='i4') y = 3 z = np.array([3, 4], dtype='f4') r = result_type(x, y, z) e = np.result_type(x.dtype, y, z) self.assertEqual(r, e)
Example #25
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_weights(self): y = np.arange(10) w = np.arange(10) actual = average(y, weights=w) desired = (np.arange(10) ** 2).sum() * 1. / np.arange(10).sum() assert_almost_equal(actual, desired) y1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) w0 = [1, 2] actual = average(y1, weights=w0, axis=0) desired = np.array([3., 4., 5.]) assert_almost_equal(actual, desired) w1 = [0, 0, 1] actual = average(y1, weights=w1, axis=1) desired = np.array([3., 6.]) assert_almost_equal(actual, desired) # This should raise an error. Can we test for that ? # assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w1), 9./2.) # 2D Case w2 = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2]] desired = np.array([3., 6.]) assert_array_equal(average(y1, weights=w2, axis=1), desired) assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w2), 5.) y3 = rand(5).astype(np.float32) w3 = rand(5).astype(np.float64) assert_(np.average(y3, weights=w3).dtype == np.result_type(y3, w3))
Example #26
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, h, x_dtype, up, down): """Helper for resampling""" h = np.asarray(h) if h.ndim != 1 or h.size == 0: raise ValueError('h must be 1D with non-zero length') self._output_type = np.result_type(h.dtype, x_dtype, np.float32) h = np.asarray(h, self._output_type) self._up = int(up) self._down = int(down) if self._up < 1 or self._down < 1: raise ValueError('Both up and down must be >= 1') # This both transposes, and "flips" each phase for filtering self._h_trans_flip = _pad_h(h, self._up) self._h_trans_flip = np.ascontiguousarray(self._h_trans_flip)
Example #27
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _inequality(self, other, op, op_name, bad_scalar_msg): # Scalar other. if isscalarlike(other): if 0 == other and op_name in ('_le_', '_ge_'): raise NotImplementedError(" >= and <= don't work with 0.") elif op(0, other): warn(bad_scalar_msg, SparseEfficiencyWarning) other_arr = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=np.result_type(other)) other_arr.fill(other) other_arr = self.__class__(other_arr) return self._binopt(other_arr, op_name) else: return self._scalar_binopt(other, op) # Dense other. elif isdense(other): return op(self.todense(), other) # Sparse other. elif isspmatrix(other): #TODO sparse broadcasting if self.shape != other.shape: raise ValueError("inconsistent shapes") elif self.format != other.format: other = other.asformat(self.format) if op_name not in ('_ge_', '_le_'): return self._binopt(other, op_name) warn("Comparing sparse matrices using >= and <= is inefficient, " "using <, >, or !=, instead.", SparseEfficiencyWarning) all_true = self.__class__(np.ones(self.shape)) res = self._binopt(other, '_gt_' if op_name == '_le_' else '_lt_') return all_true - res else: raise ValueError("Operands could not be compared.")
Example #28
Source File: From westpa with MIT License | 5 votes |
def as_array(self): '''Return this EDF as a (N,2) array, where N is the number of unique values passed to the constructor. Numpy type casting rules are applied (so, for instance, integral abcissae are converted to floating-point values).''' result = numpy.empty((len(self.F),2), dtype=numpy.result_type(self.x, self.F)) result[:,0] = self.x result[:,1] = self.F return result
Example #29
Source File: From mars with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __call__(self, y_true, y_pred): type_true, y_true, y_pred = _check_targets(y_true, y_pred) self._type_true = type_true inputs = [y_true, y_pred, type_true] if isinstance(self._sample_weight, (Base, Entity)): inputs.append(self._sample_weight) dtype = np.dtype(float) if self._normalize else np.result_type(y_true, y_pred) return self.new_tileable(inputs, dtype=dtype, shape=(), order=TensorOrder.C_ORDER)
Example #30
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _fxc_mat(self, cell, ao_kpts, wv, non0tab, xctype, ao_loc): nkpts = len(ao_kpts) nao = ao_kpts[0].shape[-1] dtype = numpy.result_type(*ao_kpts) mat = numpy.empty((nkpts,nao,nao), dtype=dtype) for k in range(nkpts): mat[k] = _fxc_mat(cell, ao_kpts[k], wv, non0tab, xctype, ao_loc) return mat