Python Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.generate() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.generate().
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Example #1
Source File: From calm-dsl with Apache License 2.0 | 8 votes |
def create_cred_keys(dir_name): # Will create key via name centos/centos_pub key = RSA.generate(2048) # Write private key private_key = key.export_key("PEM") private_key_filename = os.path.join(dir_name, "centos") with open(private_key_filename, "wb") as fd: fd.write(private_key) os.chmod(private_key_filename, 0o600) # Write public key public_key = key.publickey().export_key("OpenSSH") public_key_filename = os.path.join(dir_name, "centos_pub") with open(public_key_filename, "wb") as fd: fd.write(public_key) os.chmod(public_key_filename, 0o600)
Example #2
Source File: From infrabox with MIT License | 7 votes |
def _setup_rsa_keys(): private_key_path = '/tmp/ib/run/rsa/id_rsa' public_key_path = '/tmp/ib/run/rsa/' key = RSA.generate(2048) if not os.path.exists(private_key_path): logger.warn('Private key does not exist: %s', private_key_path) logger.warn('Recreating it') if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(private_key_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(private_key_path)) with open(private_key_path, 'w+') as s: s.write(str(key.exportKey())) if not os.path.exists(public_key_path): logger.warn('Public key does not exist: %s', public_key_path) logger.warn('Recreating it') if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(public_key_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(public_key_path)) with open(public_key_path, 'w+') as s: s.write(str(key.publickey().exportKey()))
Example #3
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def generate(bits, progress_func=None): """ Generate a new private RSA key. This factory function can be used to generate a new host key or authentication key. @param bits: number of bits the generated key should be. @type bits: int @param progress_func: an optional function to call at key points in key generation (used by C{pyCrypto.PublicKey}). @type progress_func: function @return: new private key @rtype: L{RSAKey} """ rsa = RSA.generate(bits,, progress_func) key = RSAKey(vals=(rsa.e, rsa.n)) key.d = rsa.d key.p = rsa.p key.q = rsa.q return key
Example #4
Source File: From gitlab-tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def create_rsa_pair(user_id: int) -> None: user = User.query.filter_by(id=user_id, is_rsa_pair_set=False).first() if user: # check if priv and pub keys exists private_key_path = get_user_private_key_path(user, flask.current_app.config['USER']) public_key_path = get_user_public_key_path(user, flask.current_app.config['USER']) key = RSA.generate(4096) with open(private_key_path, 'wb') as content_file: os.chmod(private_key_path, 0o0600) content_file.write(key.exportKey('PEM')) pubkey = key.publickey() with open(public_key_path, 'wb') as content_file: content_file.write(pubkey.exportKey('OpenSSH')) user.is_rsa_pair_set = True db.session.add(user) db.session.commit()
Example #5
Source File: From orisi with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_public_key(self, pwtxid): key = RSAKeyPairs( if key: return key['public'] random_generator = new_keypair = RSA.generate(KEY_SIZE, random_generator) public_key = json.dumps({'n':new_keypair.n, 'e':new_keypair.e}) whole_key_serialized = json.dumps({ 'n':new_keypair.n, 'e':new_keypair.e, 'd':new_keypair.d, 'p':new_keypair.p, 'q':new_keypair.q, 'u':new_keypair.u}) RSAKeyPairs({ 'pwtxid': pwtxid, 'public': public_key, 'whole': whole_key_serialized}) return public_key
Example #6
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def generate(bits, progress_func=None): """ Generate a new private RSA key. This factory function can be used to generate a new host key or authentication key. @param bits: number of bits the generated key should be. @type bits: int @param progress_func: an optional function to call at key points in key generation (used by C{pyCrypto.PublicKey}). @type progress_func: function @return: new private key @rtype: L{RSAKey} """ rsa = RSA.generate(bits,, progress_func) key = RSAKey(vals=(rsa.e, rsa.n)) key.d = rsa.d key.p = rsa.p key.q = rsa.q return key
Example #7
Source File: From xblock-lti-consumer with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def setUp(self): super(TestLtiConsumer1p3XBlock, self).setUp() self.xblock_attributes = { 'lti_version': 'lti_1p3', 'lti_1p3_launch_url': 'http://tool.example/launch', 'lti_1p3_oidc_url': 'http://tool.example/oidc', # We need to set the values below because they are not automatically # generated until the user selects `lti_version == 'lti_1p3'` on the # Studio configuration view. 'lti_1p3_client_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'lti_1p3_block_key': RSA.generate(2048).export_key('PEM'), } self.xblock = make_xblock('lti_consumer', LtiConsumerXBlock, self.xblock_attributes) # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Example #8
Source File: From xblock-lti-consumer with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def clean_studio_edits(self, data): """ This is a handler to set hidden Studio variables for LTI 1.3. These variables shouldn't be editable by the user, but need to be automatically generated for each instance: * lti_1p3_client_id: random uuid (requirement: must be unique) * lti_1p3_block_key: PEM export of 2048-bit RSA key. TODO: Remove this once the XBlock Fields API support using a default computed value. """ if data.get('lti_version') == 'lti_1p3': # Check if values already exist before populating # to avoid overwriting these keys on every edit. if not self.lti_1p3_client_id: data['lti_1p3_client_id'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) if not self.lti_1p3_block_key: data['lti_1p3_block_key'] = RSA.generate(2048).export_key('PEM') return super(LtiConsumerXBlock, self).clean_studio_edits(data)
Example #9
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def generate_service_key( service, expiration_date, kid=None, name="", metadata=None, rotation_duration=None ): private_key = RSA.generate(2048) jwk = RSAKey(key=private_key.publickey()).serialize() if kid is None: kid = canonical_kid(jwk) key = create_service_key( name, kid, service, jwk, metadata or {}, expiration_date, rotation_duration=rotation_duration, ) return (private_key, key)
Example #10
Source File: From jose with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_jwe(self): bad_key = {'k': RSA.generate(2048).exportKey('PEM')} jwe = legacy_encrypt(claims, rsa_pub_key) token = jose.serialize_compact(jwe) jwt = jose.decrypt(jose.deserialize_compact(token), rsa_priv_key) self.assertEqual(, claims) self.assertNotIn(jose._TEMP_VER_KEY, claims) # invalid key try: jose.decrypt(jose.deserialize_compact(token), bad_key) except jose.Error as e: self.assertEqual(e.message, 'Incorrect decryption.')
Example #11
Source File: From sgx-kms with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_get_public_key(self): test_public_key = RSA.generate(2048).publickey() key_info = dogtag_key.KeyInfo() key_info.public_key = test_public_key.exportKey('DER') self.keyclient_mock.get_key_info.return_value = key_info secret_metadata = { dogtag_import.DogtagKRAPlugin.ALG: sstore.KeyAlgorithm.RSA, dogtag_import.DogtagKRAPlugin.BIT_LENGTH: 2048, dogtag_import.DogtagKRAPlugin.KEY_ID: 'key1', dogtag_import.DogtagKRAPlugin.CONVERT_TO_PEM: 'true' } result = self.plugin.get_secret(sstore.SecretType.PUBLIC, secret_metadata) self.assertEqual(test_public_key.exportKey('PEM').encode('utf-8'), result.secret)
Example #12
Source File: From jose with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_jwe_decrypt_compliant_incorrect_jwk(self): jwk_for_decrypt = {'k': RSA.generate(2048).exportKey('PEM')} legacy_patch = mock.patch.object( jose, 'legacy_decrypt', wraps=jose.legacy_decrypt ) spec_patch = mock.patch.object( jose, 'spec_compliant_decrypt', wraps=jose.spec_compliant_decrypt ) with legacy_patch as legacy_mock, spec_patch as spec_mock: with self.assertRaises(jose.Error) as decryption_error: jose.decrypt( jose.deserialize_compact(SPEC_COMPLIANT_TOKEN), jwk_for_decrypt) self.assertEqual(legacy_mock.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(spec_mock.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(decryption_error.exception.message, "Incorrect decryption.")
Example #13
Source File: From sgx-kms with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_should_raise_for_pycrypto_stored_key_no_container(self): self.order_meta.update(self.stored_key_meta) private_key = RSA.generate(2048, None, None, 65537) public_key = private_key.publickey() self.private_key_value = private_key.exportKey('PEM', None, 8) self.public_key_value = public_key.exportKey() self.store_plugin.get_secret.side_effect = self.stored_key_side_effect self.result.status = cert_man.CertificateStatus.WAITING_FOR_CA container_repo.delete_project_entities( self.assertRaises(excep.StoredKeyContainerNotFound, cert_res.issue_certificate_request, self.order, self.project, self.result_follow_on)
Example #14
Source File: From sgx-kms with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_should_return_for_pycrypto_stored_key_without_passphrase(self): self.order_meta.update(self.stored_key_meta) private_key = RSA.generate(2048, None, None, 65537) public_key = private_key.publickey() self.private_key_value = base64.b64encode( private_key.exportKey('PEM', None, 8)) self.public_key_value = base64.b64encode(public_key.exportKey()) self.store_plugin.get_secret.side_effect = self.stored_key_side_effect self._test_should_return_waiting_for_ca( cert_res.issue_certificate_request) self._verify_issue_certificate_plugins_called() self.assertIsNotNone( self.order.order_barbican_meta['generated_csr']) # TODO(alee-3) Add tests to validate the request based on the validator # code that dave-mccowan is adding.
Example #15
Source File: From aliyun-oss-python-sdk with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_rsa_provider_init_invalid_passphrase(self): private_key = RSA.generate(2048) public_key = private_key.publickey() passphrase = random_string(6) invalid_passphrase = random_string(8) with open('./rsa-test.private_key.pem', 'wb') as f: f.write(private_key.exportKey(passphrase=passphrase)) with open('./rsa-test.public_key.pem', 'wb') as f: f.write(public_key.exportKey(passphrase=passphrase)) self.assertRaises(ClientError, LocalRsaProvider, dir='./', key='rsa-test', passphrase=invalid_passphrase) silently_remove('./rsa-test.public_key.pem') silently_remove('./rsa-test.private_key.pem') private_key_str = RsaKey.exportKey(private_key, passphrase=passphrase) public_key_str = RsaKey.exportKey(public_key, passphrase=passphrase) self.assertRaises(ClientError, RsaProvider, key_pair={'private_key': private_key_str, 'public_key': public_key_str}, passphrase=invalid_passphrase) # 测试基本key, start加/解密
Example #16
Source File: From aliyun-oss-python-sdk with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_rsa_provider_init_invalid_keys(self): private_key = RSA.generate(2048) public_key = private_key.publickey() # 这个地方修改private_key的内容 private_key = random_string(2048) with open('./rsa-test.private_key.pem', 'wb') as f: f.write(oss2.to_bytes(private_key)) with open('./rsa-test.public_key.pem', 'wb') as f: f.write(public_key.exportKey()) self.assertRaises(ClientError, LocalRsaProvider, dir='./', key='rsa-test') silently_remove('./rsa-test.public_key.pem') silently_remove('./rsa-test.private_key.pem') self.assertRaises(ClientError, RsaProvider, key_pair={'private_key': private_key, 'public_key': public_key}) # 测试当keys存在时,使用错误的passpass初始化LocalRsaProvider时抛出异常
Example #17
Source File: From inception with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self): super(Adb, self).__init__(None) self.busybox = False if not os.path.exists(InceptionConstants.PATH_RSA_KEY): logger.warning("%s does not exist, going to generate RSA keys" % InceptionConstants.PATH_RSA_KEY) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(InceptionConstants.PATH_RSA_KEY)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(InceptionConstants.PATH_RSA_KEY)) private = RSA.generate(1024) public = private.publickey() with open(InceptionConstants.PATH_RSA_KEY, 'w') as privateKeyFile: privateKeyFile.write(private.exportKey()) with open(InceptionConstants.PATH_RSA_KEY + ".pub", "w") as publicKeyFile: publicKeyFile.write(public.exportKey()) self.rsaKeys = [M2CryptoSigner(InceptionConstants.PATH_RSA_KEY)]
Example #18
Source File: From cryptocurrency-samplecode with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, privatekey_text = None, pass_phrase= None): print('Initializing KeyManager...') if privatekey_text: self.import_key_pair(privatekey_text, pass_phrase) else: random_gen = self._private_key = RSA.generate(2048, random_gen) self._public_key = self._private_key.publickey() self._signer = if pass_phrase is not None: my_pem = self.export_key_pair(pass_phrase) my_pem_hex = binascii.hexlify(my_pem).decode('ascii') # とりあえずファイル名は固定 path = 'my_server_key_pair.pem' f1 = open(path,'a') f1.write(my_pem_hex) f1.close()
Example #19
Source File: From sgx-kms with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_get_private_key(self): test_key = RSA.generate(2048) key_data = dogtag_key.KeyData() = test_key.exportKey('DER') self.keyclient_mock.retrieve_key.return_value = key_data secret_metadata = { dogtag_import.DogtagKRAPlugin.ALG: sstore.KeyAlgorithm.RSA, dogtag_import.DogtagKRAPlugin.BIT_LENGTH: 2048, dogtag_import.DogtagKRAPlugin.KEY_ID: 'key1', dogtag_import.DogtagKRAPlugin.CONVERT_TO_PEM: 'true' } result = self.plugin.get_secret(sstore.SecretType.PRIVATE, secret_metadata) self.assertEqual(test_key.exportKey('PEM').encode('utf-8'), result.secret)
Example #20
Source File: From cryptocurrency-samplecode with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, privatekey_text = None, pass_phrase= None): print('Initializing KeyManager...') if privatekey_text: self.import_key_pair(privatekey_text, pass_phrase) else: random_gen = self._private_key = RSA.generate(2048, random_gen) self._public_key = self._private_key.publickey() self._signer = if pass_phrase is not None: my_pem = self.export_key_pair(pass_phrase) my_pem_hex = binascii.hexlify(my_pem).decode('ascii') # とりあえずファイル名は固定 path = 'my_server_key_pair.pem' f1 = open(path,'a') f1.write(my_pem_hex) f1.close()
Example #21
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def generate_key_pair(filename, kid=None): private_key = RSA.generate(2048) jwk = RSAKey(key=private_key.publickey()).serialize() if kid is None: kid = canonical_kid(jwk) print(("Writing public key to %s.jwk" % filename)) with open("%s.jwk" % filename, mode="w") as f: f.truncate(0) f.write(json.dumps(jwk)) print(("Writing key ID to %s.kid" % filename)) with open("%s.kid" % filename, mode="w") as f: f.truncate(0) f.write(kid) print(("Writing private key to %s.pem" % filename)) with open("%s.pem" % filename, mode="w") as f: f.truncate(0) f.write(private_key.exportKey())
Example #22
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def jwk(): return RSAKey(key=RSA.generate(2048))
Example #23
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def private_key(): return RSA.generate(2048)
Example #24
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def generate_ssh_keypair(): """ Generates a new 2048 bit RSA public key in OpenSSH format and private key in PEM format. """ key = RSA.generate(2048) public_key = key.publickey().exportKey("OpenSSH") private_key = key.exportKey("PEM") return (public_key, private_key)
Example #25
Source File: From fluxclient with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def new_keyobj(cls, size=4096): ref = RSA.generate(size) return cls(ref)
Example #26
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _generate_certs(): public_key = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) key = RSA.generate(1024) private_key_data = key.exportKey("PEM") pubkey = key.publickey() public_key.write(pubkey.exportKey("OpenSSH")) return (public_key, private_key_data)
Example #27
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def generate(bits): key = PyCrypto_RSAKey() def f(numBytes): return bytesToString(getRandomBytes(numBytes)) key.rsa = RSA.generate(bits, f) return key
Example #28
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def generateDSAkey(options): from Crypto.PublicKey import DSA print 'Generating public/private dsa key pair.' key = DSA.generate(int(options['bits']), randbytes.secureRandom) _saveKey(key, options)
Example #29
Source File: From cryptovenom with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def genKeys(bits): print('\033[1;34m[*]\033[0m Generating keys of ' + bits + ' bits.') random_generator = key = RSA.generate(int(bits), random_generator) privatekey = key.exportKey("PEM") publickey = key.publickey().exportKey("PEM") keys = [privatekey, publickey] return keys
Example #30
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def generate(bits): key = PyCrypto_RSAKey() def f(numBytes): return bytesToString(getRandomBytes(numBytes)) key.rsa = RSA.generate(bits, f) return key