Python semver.parse_version_info() Examples
The following are 14
code examples of semver.parse_version_info().
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Example #1
Source File: From aeon-ztps with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_install_os_image_not_all_good(mock_exit_results, mock_os, mock_con, device, cli_args): image_name = 'test_image' errmsg = 'error running command' device.api.execute.return_value = (False, errmsg) local_cb = cumulus_bootstrap.CumulusBootstrap(args['server'], cli_args) = device local_cb.image_name = image_name sem_ver = semver.parse_version_info(device.facts['os_version']) if sem_ver >= (3, 0, 0): # Cumulus 3.x install command cmd = 'sudo onie-select -rf' else: # Cumulus 2.x install command cmd = 'sudo /usr/cumulus/bin/cl-img-install -sf http://{server}/images/{os_name}/{image_name}'.format( server=local_cb.cli_args.server, os_name=_OS_NAME, image_name=image_name) with pytest.raises(SystemExit): local_cb.install_os() mock_exit_results.assert_called_with(results={'ok': False, 'error_type': 'install', 'message': 'Unable to run command: {cmd}. ' 'Error message: {errmsg}'.format(cmd=cmd, errmsg=errmsg)})
Example #2
Source File: From aeon-ztps with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_install_os_image(mock_os, mock_con, mock_time, mock_wait_device, mock_onie_install, mock_wait_for_onie, device, cli_args): image_name = 'test_image' results = 'test result message' device.api.execute.return_value = (True, results) local_cb = cumulus_bootstrap.CumulusBootstrap(args['server'], cli_args) = device local_cb.image_name = image_name sem_ver = semver.parse_version_info(device.facts['os_version']) if sem_ver >= (3, 0, 0): # Cumulus 3.x install command cmd = 'sudo onie-select -rf' method_calls = [[cmd]),['sudo reboot'])] else: # Cumulus 2.x install command cmd = 'sudo /usr/cumulus/bin/cl-img-install -sf http://{server}/images/{os_name}/{image_name}'.format( server=local_cb.cli_args.server, os_name=_OS_NAME, image_name=image_name) method_calls = [[cmd])] local_cb.install_os() assert device.api.method_calls == method_calls
Example #3
Source File: From boundary-layer with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def validate_compatibility_version(self, data): if not data.get('compatibility_version'): return version = None try: version = semver.parse_version_info(data['compatibility_version']) except ValueError: raise ValidationError('Must be a valid SemVer', ['compatibility_version']) if VERSION < version: raise ValidationError( 'Incompatible boundary_layer version: This ' 'workflow requires boundary_layer version {} or higher! ' 'Current version is {}'.format(version, VERSION), ['compatibility_version']) if version < MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION: raise ValidationError( 'Incompatible boundary_layer version: This workflow ' 'is for the incompatible prior version {}. Use the ' 'migrate-workflow script to update it.'.format(version), ['compatibility_version'])
Example #4
Source File: From integrations-core with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def get_agent_tags(since, to): """ Return a list of tags from integrations-core representing an Agent release, sorted by more recent first. """ agent_tags = sorted(parse_version_info(t) for t in git_tag_list(r'^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$')) # default value for `to` is the latest tag if to: to = parse_version_info(to) else: to = agent_tags[-1] since = parse_version_info(since) # filter out versions according to the interval [since, to] agent_tags = [t for t in agent_tags if since <= t <= to] # reverse so we have descendant order return [str(t) for t in reversed(agent_tags)]
Example #5
Source File: From integrations-core with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def parse_version(raw_version): try: # Only works for MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH(-PRE_RELEASE) return semver.parse_version_info(raw_version) except ValueError: pass try: # Version may be missing minor eg: 10.0 version = raw_version.split(' ')[0].split('.') version = [int(part) for part in version] while len(version) < 3: version.append(0) return semver.VersionInfo(*version) except ValueError: # Postgres might be in development, with format \d+[beta|rc]\d+ match = re.match(r'(\d+)([a-zA-Z]+)(\d+)', raw_version) if match: version = list(match.groups()) return semver.parse_version_info('{}.0.0-{}.{}'.format(*version)) raise Exception("Cannot determine which version is {}".format(raw_version))
Example #6
Source File: From reckoner with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_version_is_valid(self): """Load the reckoner version and parse with semver""" assert semver.parse_version_info(reckoner_version)
Example #7
Source File: From singularity-cli with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_singularity_version_info(): """get the full singularity client version as a semantic version" """ version_string = get_singularity_version() prefix = "singularity version " if version_string.startswith(prefix): version_string = version_string[len(prefix) :] elif "/" in version_string: # Handle old stuff like "x.y.z-pull/123-0a5d" version_string = version_string.replace("/", "+", 1) return semver.parse_version_info(version_string)
Example #8
Source File: From aeon-ztps with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def ensure_os_version(self): self.check_os_install_and_finally() if not self.image_name:'no software install required') return'software image install required: %s' % self.image_name) self.install_os()'software install OK') os_semver = semver.parse_version_info(['os_version']) if os_semver.major < 3:'rebooting device ... please be patient') self.post_device_status(message='OS install completed, now rebooting ... please be patient', state='OS-REBOOTING')['sudo reboot']) time.sleep(self.cli_args.init_delay) return self.wait_for_device(countdown=self.cli_args.reload_delay, poll_delay=10) # ##### ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ##### # ##### !!! MAIN !!! # ##### # ##### -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #9
Source File: From aeon-ztps with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_ensure_os_version(mock_wait_for_device, mock_get_os, mock_install_os, mock_time, device, cli_args): results = 'test result message' device.api.execute.return_value = (True, results) ver_required = '3.1.2' device_semver = semver.parse_version_info(device.facts['os_version']) image_name = 'image_file_name' def mock_get_os_function(): diff =['os_version'], ver_required) # Check if upgrade is required if diff < 0: # upgrade required local_cb.image_name = image_name else: # upgrade not required local_cb.image_name = None mock_get_os.side_effect = mock_get_os_function local_cb = cumulus_bootstrap.CumulusBootstrap(args['server'], cli_args) = device local_cb.ensure_os_version() # If upgrade was required, check that the correct calls were made if local_cb.image_name: assert mock_install_os.called_with(, image_name=image_name) if device_semver < (3, 0, 0): device.api.execute.assert_called_with(['sudo reboot']) mock_wait_for_device.assert_called_with(countdown=local_cb.cli_args.reload_delay, poll_delay=10) else: # Ensure device was not rebooted if v3 or greater, and wait_for_device was called assert not device.api.execute.called else: assert not device.api.execute.called assert not mock_install_os.called
Example #10
Source File: From cc-utils with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _parse_to_semver_and_metadata(version: str): def raise_invalid(): raise ValueError(f'not a valid (semver) version: `{version}`') if not version: raise_invalid() semver_version = version metadata = _VersionMetadata() # strip leading `v` if version[0] == 'v': semver_version = version[1:] metadata.prefix = 'v' # in most cases, we should be fine now try: return semver.parse_version_info(semver_version), metadata except ValueError: pass # try extending `.0` as patch-level # blindly append patch-level if '-' in version: sep = '-' else: sep = '+' numeric, sep, suffix = semver_version.partition(sep) numeric += '.0' try: return semver.parse_version_info(numeric + sep + suffix), metadata except ValueError: # re-raise with original version str raise_invalid()
Example #11
Source File: From cc-utils with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_find_latest_version(self): versions = (semver.parse_version_info(v) for v in ( '0.0.10', '0.20.1', '2.50.100', '3.0.1', '1.0.0', ) ) result = examinee.find_latest_version(versions) self.assertEqual(str(result), '3.0.1')
Example #12
Source File: From integrations-core with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_latest_tag(pattern=None, tag_prefix='v'): """ Return the highest numbered tag (most recent) Filters on pattern first, otherwise based off all tags Removes prefixed `v` if applicable """ if not pattern: pattern = rf'^({tag_prefix})?\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*' all_tags = sorted((parse_version_info(t.replace(tag_prefix, '', 1)), t) for t in git_tag_list(pattern)) if not all_tags: return else: # reverse so we have descending order return list(reversed(all_tags))[0][1]
Example #13
Source File: From integrations-core with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def discover_api(self): # type: () -> Tuple[str, str]"Discovering Cloud Foundry API version and authentication endpoint") try: res = self.http.get(self._api_url) except RequestException: self.log.exception("Error connecting to the API server") raise try: res.raise_for_status() except HTTPError: self.log.exception("Error querying API information: response: %s", res.text) raise try: payload = res.json() except ValueError: self.log.exception("Error decoding API information: response: %s", res.text) raise links = payload.get("links") if not links: raise CheckException("Unable to inspect API information from payload {}".format(payload)) api_v3_version = "0.0.0" try: api_v3_version = links["cloud_controller_v3"]["meta"]["version"] except Exception: self.log.debug("cloud_controller_v3 information not found, defaulting to v2") try: uaa_url = links["uaa"]["href"] except Exception: raise CheckException("Unable to collect API version and/or UAA URL from links {}".format(links)) api_version = "v2" if semver.parse_version_info(api_v3_version) >= MIN_V3_VERSION: api_version = "v3""Discovered API `%s` and UAA URL `%s`", api_version, uaa_url) return api_version, uaa_url
Example #14
Source File: From aeon-ztps with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def install_os(self): vendor_dir = os.path.join(self.cli_args.topdir, 'vendor_images', self.os_name) image_fpath = os.path.join(vendor_dir, self.image_name) if not os.path.exists(image_fpath): errmsg = 'Image file does not exist: %s' % image_fpath self.log.error(errmsg) self.exit_results(results=dict( ok=False, error_type='install', message=errmsg)) msg = 'Installing Cumulus image=[%s] ... this can take up to 30 min.' % self.image_name self.post_device_status(message=msg, state='OS-INSTALL') os_semver = semver.parse_version_info(['os_version']) # Cumulus 2.x upgrade command is removed in Cumulus 3.x, so two upgrade methods are required # Cumulus 2.x upgrade if os_semver.major == 2: install_command = 'sudo /usr/cumulus/bin/cl-img-install -sf http://{server}/images/{os_name}/{image_name}'.format(server=self.cli_args.server, os_name=self.os_name, image_name=self.image_name) all_good, results =[install_command]) if not all_good: errmsg = 'Unable to run command: {}. Error message: {}'.format(install_command, results) self.exit_results(results=dict( ok=False, error_type='install', message=errmsg)) # Cumulus 3.x upgrade else: install_command = 'sudo onie-select -rf' all_good, results =[install_command]) if not all_good: errmsg = 'Unable to run command: {}. Error message: {}'.format(install_command, results) self.exit_results(results=dict( ok=False, error_type='install', message=errmsg))['sudo reboot']) time.sleep(60) # Boot into ONIE rescue mode self.wait_for_onie_rescue(countdown=300, poll_delay=10, user='root') # Download and verify OS self.onie_install() # Wait for onie-rescue shell to terminate time.sleep(60) # Wait for actual install to occur. This takes up to 30 min. self.wait_for_device(countdown=1800, poll_delay=30)