Python google.protobuf.json_format.Parse() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of google.protobuf.json_format.Parse().
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Example #1
Source File: From calamari with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, json_path: str, auto_update=True, dry_run=False): self.json_path = json_path if json_path.endswith('.json') else json_path + '.json' self.json_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(self.json_path))) self.ckpt_path = os.path.splitext(self.json_path)[0] self.dry_run = dry_run # do not parse as proto, since some parameters might have changed with open(self.json_path, 'r') as f: self.json = json.load(f) self.version = self.json['version'] if 'version' in self.json else 0 if self.version != Checkpoint.VERSION: if auto_update: self.update_checkpoint() else: raise Exception("Version of checkpoint is {} but {} is required. Please upgrade the model or " "set the auto update flag.".format(self.version, Checkpoint.VERSION)) else: print("Checkpoint version {} is up-to-date.".format(self.version)) with open(self.json_path, 'r') as f: self.checkpoint = json_format.Parse(, CheckpointParams())
Example #2
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testParseEnumValue(self): message = json_format_proto3_pb2.TestMessage() text = '{"enumValue": 0}' json_format.Parse(text, message) text = '{"enumValue": 1}' json_format.Parse(text, message) self.CheckError( '{"enumValue": "baz"}', 'Failed to parse enumValue field: Invalid enum value baz ' 'for enum type proto3.EnumType.') # Proto3 accepts numeric unknown enums. text = '{"enumValue": 12345}' json_format.Parse(text, message) # Proto2 does not accept unknown enums. message = unittest_pb2.TestAllTypes() self.assertRaisesRegex( json_format.ParseError, 'Failed to parse optionalNestedEnum field: Invalid enum value 12345 ' 'for enum type protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes.NestedEnum.', json_format.Parse, '{"optionalNestedEnum": 12345}', message)
Example #3
Source File: From interop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def post(self, request): creds = Credentials() try: json_format.Parse(request.body, creds) except Exception as e: return HttpResponseBadRequest( 'Failed to parse request. Error: %s' % str(e)) if not creds.HasField('username') or not creds.HasField('password'): return HttpResponseBadRequest('Request missing fields.') user = authenticate(username=creds.username, password=creds.password) if user is not None and user.is_active: # Successful authentication with active user, login login(request, user) return HttpResponse('User logged in: %s' % user.username) else: # Invalid user credentials, invalid request return HttpResponse( 'Invalid credentials in request. Could not log in.', status=401)
Example #4
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testInvalidIntegerValue(self): message = json_format_proto3_pb2.TestMessage() text = '{"int32Value": 0x12345}' self.assertRaises(json_format.ParseError, json_format.Parse, text, message) self.CheckError('{"int32Value": 1.5}', 'Failed to parse int32Value field: ' 'Couldn\'t parse integer: 1.5.') self.CheckError('{"int32Value": 012345}', (r'Failed to load JSON: Expecting \'?,\'? delimiter: ' r'line 1.')) self.CheckError('{"int32Value": " 1 "}', 'Failed to parse int32Value field: ' 'Couldn\'t parse integer: " 1 ".') self.CheckError('{"int32Value": "1 "}', 'Failed to parse int32Value field: ' 'Couldn\'t parse integer: "1 ".') self.CheckError('{"int32Value": 12345678901234567890}', 'Failed to parse int32Value field: Value out of range: ' '12345678901234567890.') self.CheckError('{"uint32Value": -1}', 'Failed to parse uint32Value field: ' 'Value out of range: -1.')
Example #5
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testSurrogates(self): # Test correct surrogate handling. message = json_format_proto3_pb2.TestMessage() json_format.Parse('{"stringValue": "\\uD83D\\uDE01"}', message) self.assertEqual(message.string_value, b'\xF0\x9F\x98\x81'.decode('utf-8', 'strict')) # Error case: unpaired high surrogate. self.CheckError( '{"stringValue": "\\uD83D"}', r'Invalid \\uXXXX escape|Unpaired.*surrogate') # Unpaired low surrogate. self.CheckError( '{"stringValue": "\\uDE01"}', r'Invalid \\uXXXX escape|Unpaired.*surrogate')
Example #6
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_summary_description(node_def): """Given a TensorSummary node_def, retrieve its SummaryDescription. When a Summary op is instantiated, a SummaryDescription of associated metadata is stored in its NodeDef. This method retrieves the description. Args: node_def: the node_def_pb2.NodeDef of a TensorSummary op Returns: a summary_pb2.SummaryDescription Raises: ValueError: if the node is not a summary op. """ if node_def.op != 'TensorSummary': raise ValueError("Can't get_summary_description on %s" % node_def.op) description_str = _compat.as_str_any(node_def.attr['description'].s) summary_description = SummaryDescription() _json_format.Parse(description_str, summary_description) return summary_description
Example #7
Source File: From coremltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def testJsonEscapeString(self): message = json_format_proto3_pb2.TestMessage() if sys.version_info[0] < 3: message.string_value = '&\n<\"\r>\b\t\f\\\001/\xe2\x80\xa8\xe2\x80\xa9' else: message.string_value = '&\n<\"\r>\b\t\f\\\001/' message.string_value += (b'\xe2\x80\xa8\xe2\x80\xa9').decode('utf-8') self.assertEqual( json_format.MessageToJson(message), '{\n "stringValue": ' '"&\\n<\\\"\\r>\\b\\t\\f\\\\\\u0001/\\u2028\\u2029"\n}') parsed_message = json_format_proto3_pb2.TestMessage() self.CheckParseBack(message, parsed_message) text = u'{"int32Value": "\u0031"}' json_format.Parse(text, message) self.assertEqual(message.int32_value, 1)
Example #8
Source File: From coremltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def testSurrogates(self): # Test correct surrogate handling. message = json_format_proto3_pb2.TestMessage() json_format.Parse('{"stringValue": "\\uD83D\\uDE01"}', message) self.assertEqual(message.string_value, b'\xF0\x9F\x98\x81'.decode('utf-8', 'strict')) # Error case: unpaired high surrogate. self.CheckError( '{"stringValue": "\\uD83D"}', r'Invalid \\uXXXX escape|Unpaired.*surrogate') # Unpaired low surrogate. self.CheckError( '{"stringValue": "\\uDE01"}', r'Invalid \\uXXXX escape|Unpaired.*surrogate')
Example #9
Source File: From recipes-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def add_comment(self, category, message, path, start_line=0, end_line=0, start_char=0, end_char=0, suggestions=()): comment = Data.Comment() comment.category = category comment.message = message comment.path = path comment.start_line = start_line comment.end_line = end_line comment.start_char = start_char comment.end_char = end_char for s in suggestions: # Convert from dict to proto message by way of JSON. json_format.Parse(self.m.json.dumps(s), comment.suggestions.add()) if comment not in self._comments: self._comments.append(comment)
Example #10
Source File: From interop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_conversion(self): """Tests that it can convert a valid request.""" self.client.force_login(self.superuser) request_proto = interop_admin_api_pb2.GpsConversionRequest() request_proto.latitude = 'N38-08-46.57' request_proto.longitude = 'W076-25-41.39' response =, json_format.MessageToJson(request_proto), content_type='application/json') self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code) response_proto = interop_admin_api_pb2.GpsConversionResponse() json_format.Parse(response.content, response_proto) self.assertAlmostEqual(response_proto.latitude, 38.146269, places=5) self.assertAlmostEqual(response_proto.longitude, -76.428164, places=5)
Example #11
Source File: From interop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def put(self, request, pk): """Updates the review status of a odlc.""" review_proto = interop_admin_api_pb2.OdlcReview() try: json_format.Parse(request.body, review_proto) except Exception: return HttpResponseBadRequest('Failed to parse review proto.') try: odlc = find_odlc(request, int(pk)) except Odlc.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponseNotFound('Odlc %s not found' % pk) except ValueError as e: return HttpResponseForbidden(str(e)) update_odlc_from_review_proto(odlc, review_proto) return HttpResponse(json_format.MessageToJson( odlc_to_review_proto(odlc)), content_type="application/json")
Example #12
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testInvalidAny(self): message = any_pb2.Any() text = '{"@type": ""}' self.assertRaisesRegex( KeyError, 'value', json_format.Parse, text, message) text = '{"value": 1234}' self.assertRaisesRegex( json_format.ParseError, '@type is missing when parsing any message.', json_format.Parse, text, message) text = '{"@type": "", "value": 1234}' self.assertRaisesRegex( TypeError, 'Can not find message descriptor by type_url: ' '', json_format.Parse, text, message) # Only last part is to be used: b/25630112 text = (r'{"@type": "",' r'"value": 1234}') json_format.Parse(text, message)
Example #13
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testPreservingProtoFieldNames(self): message = json_format_proto3_pb2.TestMessage() message.int32_value = 12345 self.assertEqual('{\n "int32Value": 12345\n}', json_format.MessageToJson(message)) self.assertEqual('{\n "int32_value": 12345\n}', json_format.MessageToJson(message, False, True)) # When including_default_value_fields is True. message = json_format_proto3_pb2.TestTimestamp() self.assertEqual('{\n "repeatedValue": []\n}', json_format.MessageToJson(message, True, False)) self.assertEqual('{\n "repeated_value": []\n}', json_format.MessageToJson(message, True, True)) # Parsers accept both original proto field names and lowerCamelCase names. message = json_format_proto3_pb2.TestMessage() json_format.Parse('{"int32Value": 54321}', message) self.assertEqual(54321, message.int32_value) json_format.Parse('{"int32_value": 12345}', message) self.assertEqual(12345, message.int32_value)
Example #14
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_summary_description(node_def): """Given a TensorSummary node_def, retrieve its SummaryDescription. When a Summary op is instantiated, a SummaryDescription of associated metadata is stored in its NodeDef. This method retrieves the description. Args: node_def: the node_def_pb2.NodeDef of a TensorSummary op Returns: a summary_pb2.SummaryDescription Raises: ValueError: if the node is not a summary op. """ if node_def.op != 'TensorSummary': raise ValueError("Can't get_summary_description on %s" % node_def.op) description_str = _compat.as_str_any(node_def.attr['description'].s) summary_description = SummaryDescription() _json_format.Parse(description_str, summary_description) return summary_description
Example #15
Source File: From interop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def post_odlc(self, odlc): """POST odlc. Args: odlc: The odlc to upload. Returns: The odlc after upload, which will include the odlc ID and user. Raises: InteropError: Error from server. requests.Timeout: Request timeout. ValueError or AttributeError: Malformed response from server. """ r ='/api/odlcs', data=json_format.MessageToJson(odlc)) odlc = interop_api_pb2.Odlc() json_format.Parse(r.text, odlc) return odlc
Example #16
Source File: From interop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_odlc(self, odlc_id): """GET odlc. Args: odlc_id: The ID of the odlc to get. Returns: Odlc object with corresponding ID. Raises: InteropError: Error from server. requests.Timeout: Request timeout. ValueError or AttributeError: Malformed response from server. """ r = self.get('/api/odlcs/%d' % odlc_id) odlc = interop_api_pb2.Odlc() json_format.Parse(r.text, odlc) return odlc
Example #17
Source File: From interop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_odlcs(self, mission=None): """GET odlcs. Args: mission: Optional. ID of a mission to restrict by. Returns: List of Odlc objects which are viewable by user. Raises: InteropError: Error from server. requests.Timeout: Request timeout. ValueError or AttributeError: Malformed response from server. """ url = '/api/odlcs' if mission: url += '?mission=%d' % mission r = self.get(url) odlcs = [] for odlc_dict in r.json(): odlc_proto = interop_api_pb2.Odlc() json_format.Parse(json.dumps(odlc_dict), odlc_proto) odlcs.append(odlc_proto) return odlcs
Example #18
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testJsonEscapeString(self): message = json_format_proto3_pb2.TestMessage() if sys.version_info[0] < 3: message.string_value = '&\n<\"\r>\b\t\f\\\001/\xe2\x80\xa8\xe2\x80\xa9' else: message.string_value = '&\n<\"\r>\b\t\f\\\001/' message.string_value += (b'\xe2\x80\xa8\xe2\x80\xa9').decode('utf-8') self.assertEqual( json_format.MessageToJson(message), '{\n "stringValue": ' '"&\\n<\\\"\\r>\\b\\t\\f\\\\\\u0001/\\u2028\\u2029"\n}') parsed_message = json_format_proto3_pb2.TestMessage() self.CheckParseBack(message, parsed_message) text = u'{"int32Value": "\u0031"}' json_format.Parse(text, message) self.assertEqual(message.int32_value, 1)
Example #19
Source File: From interop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_teams(self): """GET the status of teams. Returns: List of TeamStatus objects for active teams. Raises: InteropError: Error from server. requests.Timeout: Request timeout. ValueError or AttributeError: Malformed response from server. """ r = self.get('/api/teams') teams = [] for team_dict in r.json(): team_proto = interop_api_pb2.TeamStatus() json_format.Parse(json.dumps(team_dict), team_proto) teams.append(team_proto) return teams
Example #20
Source File: From SROS-grpc-services with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def end_of_rib(self, id=None, table_id=None, json=None): ''' Constructs EndOfRib message. ''' if json: msg = json_format.Parse(json, rib.ModifyRequest.Request()) else: if not id: id = self.request_id() msg = rib.ModifyRequest.Request(id=id, END_OF_RIB=rib.EndOfRib(id=table_id)) self.request[id] = msg return
Example #21
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testInvalidIntegerValue(self): message = json_format_proto3_pb2.TestMessage() text = '{"int32Value": 0x12345}' self.assertRaises(json_format.ParseError, json_format.Parse, text, message) self.CheckError('{"int32Value": 1.5}', 'Failed to parse int32Value field: ' 'Couldn\'t parse integer: 1.5.') self.CheckError('{"int32Value": 012345}', (r'Failed to load JSON: Expecting \'?,\'? delimiter: ' r'line 1.')) self.CheckError('{"int32Value": " 1 "}', 'Failed to parse int32Value field: ' 'Couldn\'t parse integer: " 1 ".') self.CheckError('{"int32Value": "1 "}', 'Failed to parse int32Value field: ' 'Couldn\'t parse integer: "1 ".') self.CheckError('{"int32Value": 12345678901234567890}', 'Failed to parse int32Value field: Value out of range: ' '12345678901234567890.') self.CheckError('{"uint32Value": -1}', 'Failed to parse uint32Value field: ' 'Value out of range: -1.')
Example #22
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testInvalidMap(self): message = json_format_proto3_pb2.TestMap() text = '{"int32Map": {"null": 2, "2": 3}}' self.assertRaisesRegexp( json_format.ParseError, 'Failed to parse int32Map field: invalid literal', json_format.Parse, text, message) text = '{"int32Map": {1: 2, "2": 3}}' self.assertRaisesRegexp( json_format.ParseError, (r'Failed to load JSON: Expecting property name' r'( enclosed in double quotes)?: line 1'), json_format.Parse, text, message) text = '{"boolMap": {"null": 1}}' self.assertRaisesRegexp( json_format.ParseError, 'Failed to parse boolMap field: Expected "true" or "false", not null.', json_format.Parse, text, message) if sys.version_info < (2, 7): return text = r'{"stringMap": {"a": 3, "\u0061": 2}}' self.assertRaisesRegexp( json_format.ParseError, 'Failed to load JSON: duplicate key a', json_format.Parse, text, message)
Example #23
Source File: From sagemaker-python-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __call__(self, stream, content_type): """ Args: stream: content_type: """ try: data = finally: stream.close() for possible_response in _possible_responses(): try: return protobuf_to_dict(json_format.Parse(data, possible_response())) except (UnicodeDecodeError, DecodeError, json_format.ParseError): # given that the payload does not have the response type, there no way to infer # the response without keeping state, so I'm iterating all the options. pass return json.loads(data.decode())
Example #24
Source File: From data-validation with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def from_json(cls, options_json: Text) -> 'StatsOptions': """Construct an instance of stats options from a JSON representation. Args: options_json: A JSON representation of the __dict__ attribute of a StatsOptions instance. Returns: A StatsOptions instance constructed by setting the __dict__ attribute to the deserialized value of options_json. """ options_dict = json.loads(options_json) if 'schema_json' in options_dict: options_dict['_schema'] = json_format.Parse(options_dict['schema_json'], schema_pb2.Schema()) del options_dict['schema_json'] options = cls() options.__dict__ = options_dict return options
Example #25
Source File: From calamari with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _load_sample(self, sample): gt_txt_path = sample['pred_path'] if gt_txt_path is None: return None, None if gt_txt_path.endswith('.json'): with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: p = Parse(str(, Predictions()) if len(p.predictions) == 0: return None, None voted_p = p.predictions[0] for vp in p.predictions: if == 'voted': voted_p = vp sample['best_prediction'] = voted_p sample['predictions'] = p return None, voted_p.sentence
Example #26
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testInvalidAny(self): message = any_pb2.Any() text = '{"@type": ""}' self.assertRaisesRegexp( KeyError, 'value', json_format.Parse, text, message) text = '{"value": 1234}' self.assertRaisesRegexp( json_format.ParseError, '@type is missing when parsing any message.', json_format.Parse, text, message) text = '{"@type": "", "value": 1234}' self.assertRaisesRegexp( TypeError, 'Can not find message descriptor by type_url: ' '', json_format.Parse, text, message) # Only last part is to be used: b/25630112 text = (r'{"@type": "",' r'"value": 1234}') json_format.Parse(text, message)
Example #27
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_summary_description(node_def): """Given a TensorSummary node_def, retrieve its SummaryDescription. When a Summary op is instantiated, a SummaryDescription of associated metadata is stored in its NodeDef. This method retrieves the description. Args: node_def: the node_def_pb2.NodeDef of a TensorSummary op Returns: a summary_pb2.SummaryDescription Raises: ValueError: if the node is not a summary op. """ if node_def.op != 'TensorSummary': raise ValueError("Can't get_summary_description on %s" % node_def.op) description_str = _compat.as_str_any(node_def.attr['description'].s) summary_description = SummaryDescription() _json_format.Parse(description_str, summary_description) return summary_description
Example #28
Source File: From interop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def upload_odlc(client, odlc_file, image_file): """Upload a single odlc to the server Args: client: interop.Client connected to the server odlc_file: Path to file containing odlc details in the Object File Format. image_file: Path to odlc thumbnail. May be None. """ odlc = interop_api_pb2.Odlc() with open(odlc_file) as f: json_format.Parse(, odlc)'Uploading odlc %s: %r' % (odlc_file, odlc)) odlc = client.post_odlc(odlc).result() if image_file:'Uploading odlc thumbnail %s' % image_file) with open(image_file, 'rb') as img: client.post_odlc_image(, else: logger.warning('No thumbnail for odlc %s' % odlc_file)
Example #29
Source File: From coremltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def CheckParseBack(self, message, parsed_message): json_format.Parse(json_format.MessageToJson(message), parsed_message) self.assertEqual(message, parsed_message)
Example #30
Source File: From coremltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def CheckError(self, text, error_message): message = json_format_proto3_pb2.TestMessage() self.assertRaisesRegexp( json_format.ParseError, error_message, json_format.Parse, text, message)