Python tkinter.messagebox.showerror() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tkinter.messagebox.showerror().
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Example #1
Source File: From networkx_viewer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def goto_path(self, event): frm = self.node_entry.get() to = self.node_entry2.get() self.node_entry.delete(0, tk.END) self.node_entry2.delete(0, tk.END) if frm == '': tkm.showerror("No From Node", "Please enter a node in both " "boxes to plot a path. Enter a node in only the first box " "to bring up nodes immediately adjacent.") return if frm.isdigit() and int(frm) in self.canvas.dataG.nodes(): frm = int(frm) if to.isdigit() and int(to) in self.canvas.dataG.nodes(): to = int(to) self.canvas.plot_path(frm, to, levels=self.level)
Example #2
Source File: From PyEveLiveDPS with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, logPath, mainWindow): super().__init__(logPath, mainWindow) self.log = open(logPath, 'r', encoding="utf8") self.log.readline() self.log.readline() characterLine = self.log.readline() self.character, self.language = ProcessCharacterLine(characterLine)'Log language is ' + self.language) self.log.readline() self.log.readline() self.logLine = self.log.readline() if (self.logLine == "------------------------------------------------------------\n"): self.log.readline() collisionCharacter, language = ProcessCharacterLine(self.log.readline()) logging.error('Log file collision on characters' + self.character + " and " + collisionCharacter) messagebox.showerror("Error", "Log file collision on characters:\n\n" + self.character + " and " + collisionCharacter + "\n\nThis happens when both characters log in at exactly the same second.\n" + "This makes it impossible to know which character owns which log.\n\n" + "Please restart the client of the character you want to track to use this program.\n" + "If you already did, you can ignore this message, or delete this log file:\n" + logPath) raise BadLogException("log file collision") self.compileRegex()
Example #3
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def populate_recordlist(self): try: rows = self.data_model.get_all_records() except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror( title='Error', message='Problem reading file', detail=str(e) ) else: self.recordlist.populate(rows)
Example #4
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def update_weather_data(self): try: weather_data = n.get_local_weather( self.settings['weather_station'].get() ) except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror( title='Error', message='Problem retrieving weather data', detail=str(e) ) self.status.set('Problem retrieving weather data') else: self.data_model.add_weather_data(weather_data) self.status.set( 'Weather data recorded for {}' .format(weather_data['observation_time_rfc822']) )
Example #5
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def populate_recordlist(self): try: rows = self.data_model.get_all_records() except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror( title='Error', message='Problem reading file', detail=str(e) ) else: self.recordlist.populate(rows)
Example #6
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def check_queue(self, queue): if not queue.empty(): item = queue.get() if item.status == 'done': messagebox.showinfo( item.status, message=item.subject, detail=item.body ) self.status.set(item.subject) return elif item.status == 'error': messagebox.showerror( item.status, message=item.subject, detail=item.body ) self.status.set(item.subject) return else: self.status.set(item.body) self.after(100, self.check_queue, queue)
Example #7
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def populate_recordlist(self): try: rows = self.data_model.get_all_records() except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror( title='Error', message='Problem reading file', detail=str(e) ) else: self.recordlist.populate(rows)
Example #8
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def populate_recordlist(self): try: rows = self.data_model.get_all_records() except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror( title='Error', message='Problem reading file', detail=str(e) ) else: self.recordlist.populate(rows)
Example #9
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def open_record(self, rowkey=None): """Rowkey must be a tuple of (Date, Time, Lab, Plot)""" if rowkey is None: record = None else: try: record = self.data_model.get_record(*rowkey) except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror( title='Error', message='Problem reading file', detail=str(e) ) return self.recordform.load_record(rowkey, record) self.recordform.tkraise()
Example #10
Source File: From lackey with MIT License | 5 votes |
def popError(text, title="Lackey Error"): """ Creates an error dialog with the specified text. """ root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() tkMessageBox.showerror(title, text)
Example #11
Source File: From lackey with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _findFailedPrompt(self, pattern): ret_value = tkmb.showerror( title="Sikuli Prompt", message="Could not find target '{}'. Abort, retry, or skip?".format(pattern), type=tkmb.ABORTRETRYIGNORE) value_map = { "abort": "ABORT", "retry": "RETRY", "ignore": "SKIP" } return value_map[ret_value]
Example #12
Source File: From PcapXray with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def browse_directory(self, option): if option == "pcap": # Reference: self.pcap_file.set(fd.askopenfilename(initialdir = sys.path[0],title = "Select Packet Capture File!",filetypes = (("All","*.pcap *.pcapng"),("pcap files","*.pcap"),("pcapng files","*.pcapng")))) self.filename = self.pcap_file.get().replace(".pcap","") if "/" in self.filename: self.filename = self.filename.split("/")[-1] #,("all files","*.*") #self.filename_field.delete(0, END) #self.filename_field.insert(0, self.pcap_file) print(self.filename) print(self.pcap_file) else: self.destination_report.set(fd.askdirectory()) if self.destination_report.get(): if not os.access(self.destination_report.get(), os.W_OK): mb.showerror("Error","Permission denied to create report! Run with higher privilege.") else: mb.showerror("Error", "Enter a output directory!")
Example #13
Source File: From textext with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def cb_ok(self, widget=None, data=None): try: self.global_scale_factor = float(self._scale.get()) except ValueError: TkMsgBoxes.showerror("Scale factor error", "Please enter a valid floating point number for the scale factor!") return self.text = self._text_box.get(1.0, Tk.END) self.preamble_file = self._preamble.get() try: self.callback(self.text, self.preamble_file, self.global_scale_factor, self._alignment_tk_str.get(), self._tex_command_tk_str.get()) except Exception as error: self.show_error_dialog("TexText Error", "Error occurred while converting text from Latex to SVG:", error) return False self._frame.quit() return False
Example #14
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def upload_to_corporate_ftp(self): csvfile = self._create_csv_extract() d = v.LoginDialog( self, 'Login to ABQ Corporate FTP' ) if d.result is not None: username, password = d.result try: n.upload_to_corporate_ftp( csvfile, self.settings['abq_ftp_host'].get(), self.settings['abq_ftp_port'].get(), username, password ) except n.ftp.all_errors as e: messagebox.showerror('Error connecting to ftp', str(e)) else: messagebox.showinfo( 'Success', '{} successfully uploaded to FTP'.format(csvfile) )
Example #15
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def update_weather_data(self): try: weather_data = n.get_local_weather( self.settings['weather_station'].get() ) except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror( title='Error', message='Problem retrieving weather data', detail=str(e) ) self.status.set('Problem retrieving weather data') else: self.data_model.add_weather_data(weather_data) self.status.set( 'Weather data recorded for {}' .format(weather_data['observation_time_rfc822']) )
Example #16
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def populate_recordlist(self): try: rows = self.data_model.get_all_records() except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror( title='Error', message='Problem reading file', detail=str(e) ) else: self.recordlist.populate(rows)
Example #17
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def open_record(self, rownum=None): if rownum is None: record = None else: rownum = int(rownum) try: record = self.data_model.get_record(rownum) except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror( title='Error', message='Problem reading file', detail=str(e) ) return self.recordform.load_record(rownum, record) self.recordform.tkraise()
Example #18
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def upload_to_corporate_ftp(self): csvfile = self._create_csv_extract() d = v.LoginDialog( self, 'Login to ABQ Corporate FTP' ) if d.result is not None: username, password = d.result try: n.upload_to_corporate_ftp( csvfile, self.settings['abq_ftp_host'].get(), self.settings['abq_ftp_port'].get(), username, password ) except n.ftp.all_errors as e: messagebox.showerror('Error connecting to ftp', str(e)) else: messagebox.showinfo( 'Success', '{} successfully uploaded to FTP'.format(csvfile) )
Example #19
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def populate_recordlist(self): try: rows = self.data_model.get_all_records() except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror( title='Error', message='Problem reading file', detail=str(e) ) else: self.recordlist.populate(rows)
Example #20
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def upload_to_corporate_ftp(self): csvfile = self._create_csv_extract() d = v.LoginDialog( self, 'Login to ABQ Corporate FTP' ) if d.result is not None: username, password = d.result try: n.upload_to_corporate_ftp( csvfile, self.settings['abq_ftp_host'].get(), self.settings['abq_ftp_port'].get(), username, password ) except n.ftp.all_errors as e: messagebox.showerror('Error connecting to ftp', str(e)) else: messagebox.showinfo( 'Success', '{} successfully uploaded to FTP'.format(csvfile) )
Example #21
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def upload_to_corporate_rest(self): csvfile = self._create_csv_extract() if csvfile is None: messagebox.showwarning( title='No records', message='There are no records to upload' ) return d = v.LoginDialog( self, 'Login to ABQ Corporate REST API' ) if d.result is not None: username, password = d.result else: return try: n.upload_to_corporate_rest( csvfile, self.settings['abq_upload_url'].get(), self.settings['abq_auth_url'].get(), username, password) except n.requests.RequestException as e: messagebox.showerror('Error with your request', str(e)) except n.requests.ConnectionError as e: messagebox.showerror('Error connecting', str(e)) except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror('General Exception', str(e)) else: messagebox.showinfo( 'Success', '{} successfully uploaded to REST API.'.format(csvfile) )
Example #22
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def update_weather_data(self): try: weather_data = n.get_local_weather( self.settings['weather_station'].get() ) except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror( title='Error', message='Problem retrieving weather data', detail=str(e) ) self.status.set('Problem retrieving weather data') else: self.data_model.add_weather_data(weather_data) self.status.set( 'Weather data recorded for {}' .format(weather_data['observation_time_rfc822']) )
Example #23
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def populate_recordlist(self): try: rows = self.data_model.get_all_records() except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror( title='Error', message='Problem reading file', detail=str(e) ) else: self.recordlist.populate(rows)
Example #24
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def open_record(self, rownum=None): if rownum is None: record = None else: rownum = int(rownum) try: record = self.data_model.get_record(rownum) except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror( title='Error', message='Problem reading file', detail=str(e) ) return self.recordform.load_record(rownum, record) self.recordform.tkraise()
Example #25
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def populate_recordlist(self): try: rows = self.data_model.get_all_records() except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror( title='Error', message='Problem reading file', detail=str(e) ) else: self.recordlist.populate(rows)
Example #26
Source File: From Python-GUI-Programming-with-Tkinter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def on_save(self): """Handles save button clicks""" # Check for errors first errors = self.recordform.get_errors() if errors: message = "Cannot save record" detail = "The following fields have errors: \n * {}".format( '\n * '.join(errors.keys()) ) self.status.set( "Cannot save, error in fields: {}" .format(', '.join(errors.keys())) ) messagebox.showerror(title='Error', message=message, detail=detail) return False filename = self.filename.get() model = m.CSVModel(filename) data = self.recordform.get() model.save_record(data) self.records_saved += 1 self.status.set( "{} records saved this session".format(self.records_saved) ) self.recordform.reset() # new code for ch6
Example #27
Source File: From EasyModbusTCP.PY with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __writeValuesToServer(self): try: modbusClient = ModbusClient(self.ipAddressEntry.get(), int(self.portEntry.get())) if (not modbusClient.is_connected()): modbusClient.connect() numberOfLines = (int(self.requestTextField.index('end').split('.')[0]) - 2) if (self.variableDatatype.get() == 'Coils (bool)'): if (numberOfLines > 1): valueToWrite = list() for i in range(1, numberOfLines+1): textFieltValues = str(self.requestTextField.get(str(i)+".0", str(i+1)+".0")[:-1]) if "TRUE" in textFieltValues: #String comparison contains some ""Null" symbol valueToWrite.append(1) else: valueToWrite.append(0) modbusClient.write_multiple_coils(int(self.startingAddressWrite.get()) - 1, valueToWrite) else: textFieltValues = str(self.requestTextField.get('1.0', END)[:-1]) if "TRUE" in textFieltValues: #String comparison contains some ""Null" symbol dataToSend = 1 else: dataToSend = 0 modbusClient.write_single_coil(int(self.startingAddressWrite.get()) - 1, dataToSend) else: if (numberOfLines > 1): valueToWrite = list() for i in range(1, numberOfLines+1): textFieltValues = int(self.requestTextField.get(str(i)+".0", str(i+1)+".0")[:-1]) valueToWrite.append(textFieltValues) modbusClient.write_multiple_registers(int(self.startingAddressWrite.get()) - 1, valueToWrite) else: textFieltValues = int(self.requestTextField.get('1.0', END)[:-1]) modbusClient.write_single_register(int(self.startingAddressWrite.get()) - 1, textFieltValues) except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror('Exception writing values to Server', str(e)) modbusClient.close()
Example #28
Source File: From EasyModbusTCP.PY with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __ReadHoldingRegisters(self): try: modbusClient = ModbusClient(self.ipAddressEntry.get(), int(self.portEntry.get())) if (not modbusClient.is_connected()): modbusClient.connect() holdingRegisters = modbusClient.read_holdingregisters(int(self.startingAddress.get()) - 1, int(self.quantity.get())) self.responseTextField.delete('1.0', END) for register in holdingRegisters: self.responseTextField.insert(END, str(register) + "\n") except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror('Exception Reading holding registers from Server', str(e)) finally: modbusClient.close()
Example #29
Source File: From EasyModbusTCP.PY with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __ReadDiscreteInputs(self): try: modbusClient = ModbusClient(self.ipAddressEntry.get(), int(self.portEntry.get())) if (not modbusClient.is_connected()): modbusClient.connect() discrInputs = modbusClient.read_discreteinputs(int(self.startingAddress.get()) - 1, int(self.quantity.get())) self.responseTextField.delete('1.0', END) for inp in discrInputs: if (inp == FALSE): response = "FALSE" else: response = "TRUE" self.responseTextField.insert(END, response + "\n") except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror('Exception Reading discrete inputs from Server', str(e)) finally: modbusClient.close()
Example #30
Source File: From EasyModbusTCP.PY with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __ReadCoils(self): try: modbusClient = ModbusClient(self.ipAddressEntry.get(), int(self.portEntry.get())) if (not modbusClient.is_connected()): modbusClient.connect() coils = modbusClient.read_coils(int(self.startingAddress.get()) - 1, int(self.quantity.get())) self.responseTextField.delete('1.0', END) for coil in coils: if (coil == FALSE): response = "FALSE" else: response = "TRUE" self.responseTextField.insert(END, response + "\n") except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror('Exception Reading coils from Server', str(e)) finally: modbusClient.close()