Python isodate.parse_duration() Examples
The following are 26
code examples of isodate.parse_duration().
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Example #1
Source File: From scrape-schema-recipe with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _pythonize_objects(scrapings: List[Dict], python_objects: Union[bool, List, Tuple]) -> List[Dict]: if python_objects is False: # this really should not be happening return scrapings # this should work, mypy gives error, this isn't bulletproof code if python_objects is True or datetime.timedelta in python_objects: # type: ignore # convert ISO 8601 date times into timedelta scrapings = _convert_properties_scrape(scrapings, DURATION_PROPERTIES, isodate.parse_duration) if python_objects is True or _have_matching_items((, datetime.datetime), python_objects): # convert ISO 8601 date times into datetimes.datetime objects scrapings = _convert_properties_scrape(scrapings, DATETIME_PROPERTIES, _parse_determine_date_datetime) return scrapings
Example #2
Source File: From python3-saml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def parse_duration(duration, timestamp=None): """ Interprets a ISO8601 duration value relative to a given timestamp. :param duration: The duration, as a string. :type: string :param timestamp: The unix timestamp we should apply the duration to. Optional, default to the current time. :type: string :return: The new timestamp, after the duration is applied. :rtype: int """ assert isinstance(duration, compat.str_type) assert timestamp is None or isinstance(timestamp, int) timedelta = duration_parser(duration) if timestamp is None: data = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta else: data = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp) + timedelta return calendar.timegm(data.utctimetuple())
Example #3
Source File: From beets-bandcamp with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _parse_album_track(self, track_html): """Returns a TrackInfo derived from the html describing a track in a bandcamp album page. """ track_num = track_html['rel'].split('=')[1] track_num = int(track_num) title_html = track_html.find(attrs={'class': 'title-col'}) title = title_html.find(attrs={'itemprop': 'name'}).text.strip() artist = None if self.config['split_artist_title']: artist, title = self._split_artist_title(title) track_url = title_html.find(attrs={'itemprop': 'url'}) if track_url is None: raise BandcampException('No track url (id) for track {0} - {1}'.format(track_num, title)) track_id = track_url['href'] try: duration = title_html.find('meta', attrs={'itemprop': 'duration'})['content'] duration = duration.replace('P', 'PT') track_length = isodate.parse_duration(duration).total_seconds() except TypeError: track_length = None return TrackInfo(title, track_id, index=track_num, length=track_length, artist=artist)
Example #4
Source File: From incubator-superset with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def compute_time_compare(granularity, periods): if not granularity: return None # convert old db_engine_spec granularity to ISO duration if granularity in db_engine_specs_map: granularity = db_engine_specs_map[granularity] try: obj = isodate.parse_duration(granularity) * periods except isodate.isoerror.ISO8601Error: # if parse_human_timedelta can parse it, return it directly delta = "{0} {1}{2}".format(periods, granularity, "s" if periods > 1 else "") obj = parse_human_timedelta(delta) if obj: return delta raise Exception("Unable to parse: {0}".format(granularity)) if isinstance(obj, isodate.duration.Duration): return isodate_duration_to_string(obj) elif isinstance(obj, datetime.timedelta): return timedelta_to_string(obj)
Example #5
Source File: From msrest-for-python with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_attr_duration(self): """ Test serializing a duration """ test_obj = self.TestObj() test_obj.attr_f = timedelta(days=1) message = self.s._serialize(test_obj) self.assertEqual("P1D", message["AttrF"]) test_obj = self.TestObj() test_obj.attr_f = isodate.parse_duration("P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S") message = self.s.body({ "attr_f": isodate.parse_duration("P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S")}, 'TestObj') self.assertEqual("P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S", message["AttrF"])
Example #6
Source File: From msrest-for-python with MIT License | 6 votes |
def deserialize_duration(attr): """Deserialize ISO-8601 formatted string into TimeDelta object. :param str attr: response string to be deserialized. :rtype: TimeDelta :raises: DeserializationError if string format invalid. """ if isinstance(attr, ET.Element): attr = attr.text try: duration = isodate.parse_duration(attr) except(ValueError, OverflowError, AttributeError) as err: msg = "Cannot deserialize duration object." raise_with_traceback(DeserializationError, msg, err) else: return duration
Example #7
Source File: From pajbot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_pleblist_song_info(youtube_id): import isodate from apiclient.errors import HttpError if is None: log.warning("youtube was not initialized") return False try: video_response = (, part="snippet,contentDetails").execute() ) except HttpError as e: log.exception("Youtube HTTPError") return False except: log.exception("uncaught exception in videos().list()") return False if not video_response.get("items", []): log.warning(f"Got no valid responses for {youtube_id}") return False video = video_response["items"][0] title = video["snippet"]["title"] duration = int(isodate.parse_duration(video["contentDetails"]["duration"]).total_seconds()) default_thumbnail = video["snippet"]["thumbnails"]["default"]["url"] return PleblistSongInfo(youtube_id, title, duration, default_thumbnail)
Example #8
Source File: From azure-cli-extensions with MIT License | 5 votes |
def execute_query(cmd, client, application, analytics_query, start_time=None, end_time=None, offset='1h', resource_group_name=None): """Executes a query against the provided Application Insights application.""" from .vendored_sdks.applicationinsights.models import QueryBody targets = get_query_targets(cmd.cli_ctx, application, resource_group_name) if not isinstance(offset, datetime.timedelta): offset = isodate.parse_duration(offset) try: return client.query.execute(targets[0], QueryBody(query=analytics_query, timespan=get_timespan(cmd.cli_ctx, start_time, end_time, offset), applications=targets[1:])) except ErrorResponseException as ex: if "PathNotFoundError" in ex.message: raise ValueError("The Application Insight is not found. Please check the app id again.") raise ex
Example #9
Source File: From CloudBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def youtime(text): """youtime <query> -- Gets the total run time of the first YouTube search result for <query>.""" if not dev_key: return "This command requires a Google Developers Console API key." json = requests.get(search_api_url, params={"q": text, "key": dev_key, "type": "video"}).json() if json.get('error'): if json['error']['code'] == 403: return err_no_api else: return 'Error performing search.' if json['pageInfo']['totalResults'] == 0: return 'No results found.' video_id = json['items'][0]['id']['videoId'] json = requests.get(api_url.format(video_id, dev_key)).json() if json.get('error'): return data = json['items'] snippet = data[0]['snippet'] content_details = data[0]['contentDetails'] statistics = data[0]['statistics'] if not content_details.get('duration'): return length = isodate.parse_duration(content_details['duration']) l_sec = int(length.total_seconds()) views = int(statistics['viewCount']) total = int(l_sec * views) length_text = timeformat.format_time(l_sec, simple=True) total_text = timeformat.format_time(total, accuracy=8) return 'The video \x02{}\x02 has a length of {} and has been viewed {:,} times for ' \ 'a total run time of {}!'.format(snippet['title'], length_text, views, total_text)
Example #10
Source File: From linkedevents with MIT License | 5 votes |
def to_internal_value(self, data): if data: value = parse_duration(data) return ( value.days * 24 * 3600 * 1000000 + value.seconds * 1000 + value.microseconds / 1000 ) else: return 0
Example #11
Source File: From k8s-snapshots with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def parse_deltas( delta_string: str ) -> List[Union[timedelta, isodate.Duration]]: """q§Parse the given string into a list of ``timedelta`` instances. """ if delta_string is None: raise DeltasParseError( f'Delta string is None', ) deltas = [] for item in delta_string.split(' '): item = item.strip() if not item: continue try: deltas.append(isodate.parse_duration(item)) except ValueError as exc: raise DeltasParseError( f'Could not parse duration: {item!r}', error=exc, item=item, deltas=deltas, delta_string=delta_string, ) from exc if deltas and len(deltas) < 2: raise DeltasParseError( 'At least two deltas are required', deltas=deltas, delta_string=delta_string, ) return deltas
Example #12
Source File: From datapackage-pipelines with MIT License | 5 votes |
def object_hook(cls, obj): if 'type{decimal}' in obj: try: return decimal.Decimal(obj['type{decimal}']) except decimal.InvalidOperation: pass if 'type{time}' in obj: try: return datetime.datetime \ .strptime(obj["type{time}"], TIME_FORMAT) \ .time() except ValueError: pass if 'type{datetime}' in obj: try: return datetime.datetime \ .strptime(obj["type{datetime}"], DATETIME_FORMAT) except ValueError: pass if 'type{date}' in obj: try: return datetime.datetime \ .strptime(obj["type{date}"], DATE_FORMAT) \ .date() except ValueError: pass if 'type{duration}' in obj: try: return isodate.parse_duration(obj["type{duration}"]) except ValueError: pass if 'type{set}' in obj: try: return set(obj['type{set}']) except ValueError: pass return obj
Example #13
Source File: From tableschema-py with MIT License | 5 votes |
def cast_duration(format, value, **options): if not isinstance(value, (isodate.Duration, datetime.timedelta)): if not isinstance(value, six.string_types): return ERROR try: value = isodate.parse_duration(value) except Exception: return ERROR return value
Example #14
Source File: From streamlink with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def duration(duration): return parse_duration(duration)
Example #15
Source File: From msrest-for-python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def serialize_duration(attr, **kwargs): """Serialize TimeDelta object into ISO-8601 formatted string. :param TimeDelta attr: Object to be serialized. :rtype: str """ if isinstance(attr, str): attr = isodate.parse_duration(attr) return isodate.duration_isoformat(attr)
Example #16
Source File: From exchangelib with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def xml_text_to_value(value, value_type): # We can't handle bytes in this function because str == bytes on Python2 from .ewsdatetime import EWSDateTime return { bool: lambda v: True if v == 'true' else False if v == 'false' else None, int: int, Decimal: Decimal, datetime.timedelta: isodate.parse_duration, EWSDateTime: EWSDateTime.from_string, str: lambda v: v }[value_type](value)
Example #17
Source File: From CloudBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def youtime(text: str, reply) -> str: """<query> - Gets the total run time of the first YouTube search result for <query>.""" parts = ["statistics", "contentDetails", "snippet"] try: video_id = get_video_id(text) request = get_video(video_id, parts) raise_api_errors(request) except NoResultsError as e: return e.message except APIError as e: reply(e.message) raise json = request.json() data = json["items"] item = data[0] snippet = item["snippet"] content_details = item["contentDetails"] statistics = item["statistics"] duration = content_details.get("duration") if not duration: return "Missing duration in API response" length = isodate.parse_duration(duration) l_sec = int(length.total_seconds()) views = int(statistics["viewCount"]) total = int(l_sec * views) length_text = timeformat.format_time(l_sec, simple=True) total_text = timeformat.format_time(total, accuracy=8) return ( "The video \x02{}\x02 has a length of {} and has been viewed {:,} times for " "a total run time of {}!".format( snippet["title"], length_text, views, total_text ) )
Example #18
Source File: From pscheduler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def iso8601_as_timedelta(iso): """Convert an ISO 8601 string to a timdelta""" # TODO: Decide what to do with months or years. try: duration = isodate.parse_duration(iso) except isodate.isoerror.ISO8601Error: raise ValueError("Invalid ISO duration") if type(duration) != datetime.timedelta: raise ValueError("Cannot support months or years") return duration
Example #19
Source File: From dataflows with MIT License | 4 votes |
def object_hook(cls, obj): if 'type{decimal}' in obj: try: return decimal.Decimal(obj['type{decimal}']) except decimal.InvalidOperation: pass if 'type{time}' in obj: try: return datetime.datetime \ .strptime(obj["type{time}"], TIME_FORMAT) \ .time() except ValueError: pass if 'type{datetime}' in obj: try: (isoformat, tzofs, tzname) = obj["type{datetime}"] parsed = datetime.datetime \ .strptime(isoformat, DATETIME_FORMAT) if tzname is not None: return datetime.datetime \ .combine(, parsed.time(), datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=tzofs), tzname)) else: return parsed except ValueError: pass if 'type{date}' in obj: try: return datetime.datetime \ .strptime(obj["type{date}"], DATE_FORMAT) \ .date() except ValueError: pass if 'type{duration}' in obj: try: return isodate.parse_duration(obj["type{duration}"]) except ValueError: pass if 'type{set}' in obj: try: return set(obj['type{set}']) except ValueError: pass return obj
Example #20
Source File: From modmail with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def set(self, key: str, item: typing.Any, convert=True) -> None: if not convert: return self.__setitem__(key, item) if key in self.colors: try: hex_ = str(item) if hex_.startswith("#"): hex_ = hex_[1:] if len(hex_) == 3: hex_ = "".join(s for s in hex_ for _ in range(2)) if len(hex_) != 6: raise InvalidConfigError("Invalid color name or hex.") try: int(hex_, 16) except ValueError: raise InvalidConfigError("Invalid color name or hex.") except InvalidConfigError: name = str(item).lower() name = re.sub(r"[\-+|. ]+", " ", name) hex_ = ALL_COLORS.get(name) if hex_ is None: name = re.sub(r"[\-+|. ]+", "", name) hex_ = ALL_COLORS.get(name) if hex_ is None: raise return self.__setitem__(key, "#" + hex_) if key in self.time_deltas: try: isodate.parse_duration(item) except isodate.ISO8601Error: try: converter = UserFriendlyTimeSync() time = converter.convert(None, item) if time.arg: raise ValueError except BadArgument as exc: raise InvalidConfigError(*exc.args) except Exception as e: logger.debug(e) raise InvalidConfigError( "Unrecognized time, please use ISO-8601 duration format " 'string or a simpler "human readable" time.' ) item = isodate.duration_isoformat(time.dt - return self.__setitem__(key, item) if key in self.booleans: try: return self.__setitem__(key, strtobool(item)) except ValueError: raise InvalidConfigError("Must be a yes/no value.") # elif key in self.special_types: # if key == "status": return self.__setitem__(key, item)
Example #21
Source File: From motorway with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def process(self, message): self.process_statistics = message.content['process_statistics'] self.stream_consumers = message.content['stream_consumers'] self.failed_messages = message.content['failed_messages'] for process_id, stats in self.process_statistics.items(): if process_id in self.process_id_to_name: stats['state'] = 'available' if stats['waiting'] > 0: stats['state'] = 'busy' processed_last_few_minutes = 0 for minute in self.get_last_minutes(3): processed_last_few_minutes += stats['histogram'][str(minute)]['processed_count'] if stats['waiting'] > processed_last_few_minutes: stats['state'] = 'overloaded' group_name = self.process_id_to_name[process_id].split('-')[0] new_stats = self.groups.get(group_name, {'processes': {}.copy()}.copy()) new_stats['processes'][process_id] = stats self.groups[group_name] = new_stats for group in self.groups.values(): group['waiting'] = sum([process['waiting'] for process in group['processes'].values()]) group['time_taken'] = datetime.timedelta() group['histogram'] = {str(minute): {'error_count': 0, 'success_count': 0, 'timeout_count': 0, 'processed_count': 0}.copy() for minute in range(0, 60)}.copy() for process_id, process in group['processes'].items(): # Remove stale processes (those no longer in the connection thread) if process_id not in self.process_id_to_name: del group['processes'][process_id] continue # Calculate statistics on the active processes group['time_taken'] += parse_duration(process['time_taken']) or datetime.timedelta(seconds=0) for minute, histogram_dict in process.get('histogram').items(): group['histogram'][minute]['error_count'] += histogram_dict['error_count'] group['histogram'][minute]['success_count'] += histogram_dict['success_count'] group['histogram'][minute]['timeout_count'] += histogram_dict['timeout_count'] group['histogram'][minute]['processed_count'] += histogram_dict['processed_count'] group['frequency'] = sum([sum(process['frequency'].values()) for process in group['processes'].values()]) or 1 # Fallback to at least one, otherwise division fails below group['avg_time_taken'] = group['time_taken'] / group['frequency'] / len(group['processes']) if len(group['processes']) else 0 yield
Example #22
Source File: From modmail with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def get(self, key: str, convert=True) -> typing.Any: value = self.__getitem__(key) if not convert: return value if key in self.colors: try: return int(value.lstrip("#"), base=16) except ValueError: logger.error("Invalid %s provided.", key) value = int(self.remove(key).lstrip("#"), base=16) elif key in self.time_deltas: if not isinstance(value, isodate.Duration): try: value = isodate.parse_duration(value) except isodate.ISO8601Error: logger.warning( "The {account} age limit needs to be a " 'ISO-8601 duration formatted duration, not "%s".', value, ) value = self.remove(key) elif key in self.booleans: try: value = strtobool(value) except ValueError: value = self.remove(key) elif key in self.special_types: if value is None: return None if key == "status": try: # noinspection PyArgumentList value = discord.Status(value) except ValueError: logger.warning("Invalid status %s.", value) value = self.remove(key) elif key == "activity_type": try: # noinspection PyArgumentList value = discord.ActivityType(value) except ValueError: logger.warning("Invalid activity %s.", value) value = self.remove(key) return value
Example #23
Source File: From rssit with MIT License | 4 votes |
def generate_user(config, user): url = "" + user data = soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(data, 'lxml') author = html.unescape(soup.find("meta", attrs={"property": "og:title"})["content"]) if config["author_username"]: author = user description = html.unescape(soup.find("p", attrs={"itemprop": "description"}).text).strip() if len(description) <= 0: description = "%s's soundcloud" % user feed = { "title": author, "description": description, "url": url, "author": user, "entries": [] } tracks = soup.findAll("article", attrs={"itemprop": "track"}) for track in tracks: tracka = track.find("a", attrs={"itemprop": "url"}) trackname = tracka.text trackurl = urllib.parse.urljoin(url, tracka["href"]) date = parse(track.find("time").text) title = trackname duration_delta = isodate.parse_duration(track.find("meta", attrs={"itemprop": "duration"})["content"]) duration_seconds = duration_delta.total_seconds() duration_text = "[%s:%s:%s]" % ( str(int(duration_seconds / 3600)).zfill(2), str(int((duration_seconds % 3600) / 60)).zfill(2), str(int(duration_seconds % 60)).zfill(2) ) content = "<p>%s <a href='%s'>%s</a> by <a href='%s'>%s</a></p>" % ( duration_text, trackurl, trackname, url, author ) feed["entries"].append({ "url": trackurl, "title": title, "content": content, "author": user, "date": date, }) return ("feed", feed)
Example #24
Source File: From appdaemon-scripts with MIT License | 4 votes |
def getIntentResponse(self, slots, devicename): ############################################ # an Intent to give back the state from a light. # but it also can be any other kind of entity ############################################ try: entityname = self.listService.getSwitchable()[slots["device"]] # to upper because of duration = isodate.parse_duration(slots["duration"].upper()) self.timer_handle_list.append( self.run_in( self.turn_off_callback, duration.total_seconds(), entityname=entityname, ) ) minutes, seconds = divmod(duration.total_seconds(), 60) minutes = int(minutes) seconds = int(seconds) if minutes == 0: if seconds == 1: timeText = " einer Sekunde" else: timeText = " {} Sekunden".format(seconds) elif minutes == 1: if seconds == 1: timeText = " einer Minute und einer Sekunde" elif seconds == 0: timeText = " einer Minute" else: timeText = " einer Minute und {} Sekunden".format(seconds) else: if seconds == 1: timeText = " {} Minuten und einer Sekunde".format(minutes) elif seconds == 0: timeText = " {} Minuten".format(minutes) else: timeText = " {} Minuten und {} Sekunden".format(minutes, seconds) text = self.args["textLine"] + timeText + " ab." except Exception as e: self.log("Exception: {}".format(e)) self.log("slots: {}".format(slots)) text = self.random_arg(self.args["Error"]) return text
Example #25
Source File: From CloudBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def get_video_description(video_id): json = requests.get(api_url.format(video_id, dev_key)).json() if json.get('error'): if json['error']['code'] == 403: return err_no_api else: return data = json['items'] snippet = data[0]['snippet'] statistics = data[0]['statistics'] content_details = data[0]['contentDetails'] out = '\x02{}\x02'.format(snippet['title']) if not content_details.get('duration'): return out length = isodate.parse_duration(content_details['duration']) out += ' - length \x02{}\x02'.format(timeformat.format_time(int(length.total_seconds()), simple=True)) try: total_votes = (float(statistics['likeCount']) + float(statistics['dislikeCount'])) except KeyError: total_votes = "N/A" if total_votes != 0: # format try: likes = pluralize(int(statistics['likeCount']), "like") dislikes = pluralize(int(statistics['dislikeCount']), "dislike") percent = 100 * float(statistics['likeCount']) / total_votes out += ' - {}, {} (\x02{:.1f}\x02%)'.format(likes, dislikes, percent) except (KeyError, ValueError): out += ' - {}, {}, (\x02{})'.format('N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A') if 'viewCount' in statistics: views = int(statistics['viewCount']) out += ' - \x02{:,}\x02 view{}'.format(views, "s"[views == 1:]) uploader = snippet['channelTitle'] upload_time = time.strptime(snippet['publishedAt'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z") out += ' - \x02{}\x02 on \x02{}\x02'.format(uploader, time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d", upload_time)) if 'contentRating' in content_details: out += ' - \x034NSFW\x02' return out
Example #26
Source File: From CloudBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def get_video_description(video_id: str) -> str: parts = ["statistics", "contentDetails", "snippet"] request = get_video(video_id, parts) raise_api_errors(request) json = request.json() data = json["items"] if not data: raise NoResultsError() item = data[0] snippet = item["snippet"] statistics = item["statistics"] content_details = item["contentDetails"] out = "\x02{}\x02".format(snippet["title"]) if not content_details.get("duration"): return out length = isodate.parse_duration(content_details["duration"]) out += " - length \x02{}\x02".format( timeformat.format_time(int(length.total_seconds()), simple=True) ) try: total_votes = float(statistics["likeCount"]) + float(statistics["dislikeCount"]) except (LookupError, ValueError): total_votes = 0 if total_votes != 0: # format likes = pluralize_suffix(int(statistics["likeCount"]), "like") dislikes = pluralize_suffix(int(statistics["dislikeCount"]), "dislike") percent = 100 * float(statistics["likeCount"]) / total_votes out += " - {}, {} (\x02{:.1f}\x02%)".format(likes, dislikes, percent) if "viewCount" in statistics: views = int(statistics["viewCount"]) out += " - \x02{:,}\x02 view{}".format(views, "s"[views == 1 :]) uploader = snippet["channelTitle"] upload_time = isodate.parse_datetime(snippet["publishedAt"]) out += " - \x02{}\x02 on \x02{}\x02".format( uploader, upload_time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d") ) try: yt_rating = content_details["contentRating"]["ytRating"] except KeyError: pass else: if yt_rating == "ytAgeRestricted": out += colors.parse(" - $(red)NSFW$(reset)") return out