Python isodate.ISO8601Error() Examples
The following are 4
code examples of isodate.ISO8601Error().
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Example #1
Source File: From C-3PO with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _insert_post(url, user, data, session): try: date_time = parse_datetime(data["created_time"]) except ISO8601Error: date_time = if not data.get("message") or len(data.get("message")) > 160: caption = "" else: caption = data.get("message").strip() facebook_id = data["id"] likes_count = data["reactions"]["summary"]["total_count"] permalink_url = data["permalink_url"] new_link = _insert_link(url, session) if not new_link: new_link = session.query(Link).filter(Link.url == url).first() new_post = UserPosts( user, new_link, date_time, caption, facebook_id, permalink_url ) new_post.likes_count = likes_count session.add(new_post) return None new_post = UserPosts(user, new_link, date_time, caption, facebook_id, permalink_url) new_post.likes_count = likes_count session.add(new_post) return new_link
Example #2
Source File: From scrape-schema-recipe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _convert_properties_scrape(recipes: List[Dict], properties: frozenset, function: Callable[[str], Union[datetime.datetime,]]) -> List[Dict]: for i in range(len(recipes)): key_set = set(recipes[i].keys()) for p in key_set.intersection(properties): try: recipes[i][p] = function(recipes[i][p]) except (isodate.ISO8601Error, ValueError): # parse error, just leave the value as is pass return recipes
Example #3
Source File: From modmail with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def get(self, key: str, convert=True) -> typing.Any: value = self.__getitem__(key) if not convert: return value if key in self.colors: try: return int(value.lstrip("#"), base=16) except ValueError: logger.error("Invalid %s provided.", key) value = int(self.remove(key).lstrip("#"), base=16) elif key in self.time_deltas: if not isinstance(value, isodate.Duration): try: value = isodate.parse_duration(value) except isodate.ISO8601Error: logger.warning( "The {account} age limit needs to be a " 'ISO-8601 duration formatted duration, not "%s".', value, ) value = self.remove(key) elif key in self.booleans: try: value = strtobool(value) except ValueError: value = self.remove(key) elif key in self.special_types: if value is None: return None if key == "status": try: # noinspection PyArgumentList value = discord.Status(value) except ValueError: logger.warning("Invalid status %s.", value) value = self.remove(key) elif key == "activity_type": try: # noinspection PyArgumentList value = discord.ActivityType(value) except ValueError: logger.warning("Invalid activity %s.", value) value = self.remove(key) return value
Example #4
Source File: From modmail with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def set(self, key: str, item: typing.Any, convert=True) -> None: if not convert: return self.__setitem__(key, item) if key in self.colors: try: hex_ = str(item) if hex_.startswith("#"): hex_ = hex_[1:] if len(hex_) == 3: hex_ = "".join(s for s in hex_ for _ in range(2)) if len(hex_) != 6: raise InvalidConfigError("Invalid color name or hex.") try: int(hex_, 16) except ValueError: raise InvalidConfigError("Invalid color name or hex.") except InvalidConfigError: name = str(item).lower() name = re.sub(r"[\-+|. ]+", " ", name) hex_ = ALL_COLORS.get(name) if hex_ is None: name = re.sub(r"[\-+|. ]+", "", name) hex_ = ALL_COLORS.get(name) if hex_ is None: raise return self.__setitem__(key, "#" + hex_) if key in self.time_deltas: try: isodate.parse_duration(item) except isodate.ISO8601Error: try: converter = UserFriendlyTimeSync() time = converter.convert(None, item) if time.arg: raise ValueError except BadArgument as exc: raise InvalidConfigError(*exc.args) except Exception as e: logger.debug(e) raise InvalidConfigError( "Unrecognized time, please use ISO-8601 duration format " 'string or a simpler "human readable" time.' ) item = isodate.duration_isoformat(time.dt - return self.__setitem__(key, item) if key in self.booleans: try: return self.__setitem__(key, strtobool(item)) except ValueError: raise InvalidConfigError("Must be a yes/no value.") # elif key in self.special_types: # if key == "status": return self.__setitem__(key, item)