Python django.db.models.functions.Now() Examples
The following are 7
code examples of django.db.models.functions.Now().
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Example #1
Source File: From yawn with MIT License | 6 votes |
def submit_run(self, parameters=None, scheduled_time=None): """Create a run of this template""" from yawn.task.models import Task run_parameters = self.parameters.copy() run_parameters.update(parameters or {}) run = Run.objects.create( workflow=self, submitted_time=functions.Now(), scheduled_time=scheduled_time, parameters=run_parameters, ) for template in self.template_set.all(): task = Task.objects.create( run=run, template=template, ) if not template.upstream.exists(): task.enqueue() # refresh to get the actual DB submitted time run.refresh_from_db() return run
Example #2
Source File: From yawn with MIT License | 6 votes |
def find_lost(timeout): from yawn.task.models import Execution # Make a sparse index so looking up active workers is fast: # CREATE INDEX yawn_worker_active ON yawn_worker (status) WHERE status = 'active' lost = Worker.objects.filter( status=Worker.ACTIVE, last_heartbeat__lt=functions.Now() - timedelta(seconds=timeout) ) for worker in lost: logger.warning('Marking %r as lost', worker) worker.status = Worker.LOST executions = worker.execution_set.filter(status=Execution.RUNNING) for execution in executions: logger.warning('Marking %r as lost', execution) execution.mark_finished(lost=True)
Example #3
Source File: From django-cachalot with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_now(self): """ Checks that queries with a Now() parameter are not cached. """ obj = Test.objects.create(datetime='1992-07-02T12:00:00') qs = Test.objects.filter( datetime__lte=Now()) with self.assertNumQueries(1): obj1 = qs.get() with self.assertNumQueries(1): obj2 = qs.get() self.assertEqual(obj1, obj2) self.assertEqual(obj1, obj)
Example #4
Source File: From yawn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def mark_finished(self, exit_code=None, lost=False): """ Update the execution status after it has finished: successfully, in error, or because it was lost. Also update the task and workflow; re-queue the task if it should be retried. """ if lost: self.status = Execution.LOST self.task.enqueue() elif exit_code == 0: self.task.status = Task.SUCCEEDED self.status = Execution.SUCCEEDED else: # queue another run if there are remaining retries # (current execution is not in count b/c it hasn't been saved yet) failed_count = self.task.execution_set.filter(status=Task.FAILED).count() if failed_count < self.task.template.max_retries: self.task.enqueue() else: self.task.status = Task.FAILED self.status = Execution.FAILED if self.task.status != Task.RUNNING: with transaction.atomic(): self.task.update_downstream() if self.stop_timestamp = functions.Now() self.exit_code = exit_code # need to be careful not to overwrite stdout/stderr['status', 'stop_timestamp', 'exit_code'])
Example #5
Source File: From yawn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def update_worker(self): """ Look for executors where the connection has broken and tasks need to be re-submitted. """ if not self.worker: self.worker = Worker.objects.create(, start_timestamp=functions.Now(), last_heartbeat=functions.Now() ) else: self.worker.refresh_from_db() if self.worker.status == Worker.LOST: # someone else marked us as lost, terminate all tasks and exit logger.warning('Marked as lost, committing harakiri') self.state = State.terminate self.executor.mark_terminated(self.executor.get_running_ids()) return # update our timestamp so no one marks us as lost self.worker.last_heartbeat = functions.Now() # look for lost workers and re-queue their tasks Worker.find_lost(self.timeout)
Example #6
Source File: From djongo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_basic(self): a1 = Article.objects.create( title='How to Django', text=lorem_ipsum,, ) a2 = Article.objects.create( title='How to Time Travel', text=lorem_ipsum,, ) num_updated = Article.objects.filter(, published=None).update(published=Now()) self.assertEqual(num_updated, 1) num_updated = Article.objects.filter(, published=None).update(published=Now()) self.assertEqual(num_updated, 0) a1.refresh_from_db() self.assertIsInstance(a1.published, datetime) a2.published = Now() + timedelta(days=2) a2.refresh_from_db() self.assertIsInstance(a2.published, datetime) self.assertQuerysetEqual( Article.objects.filter(published__lte=Now()), ['How to Django'], lambda a: a.title ) self.assertQuerysetEqual( Article.objects.filter(published__gt=Now()), ['How to Time Travel'], lambda a: a.title )
Example #7
Source File: From django-rq-scheduler with MIT License | 5 votes |
def reschedule_scheduled_jobs(self): ScheduledJob = self.get_model('ScheduledJob') jobs = ScheduledJob.objects.filter( enabled=True, scheduled_time__lte=Now()) self.reschedule_jobs(jobs)