Python cv2.findFundamentalMat() Examples

The following are 18 code examples of cv2.findFundamentalMat(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module cv2 , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From Practical-Computer-Vision with MIT License 8 votes vote down vote up
def compute_fundamental_matrix(filename1, filename2):
    Takes in filenames of two input images 
    Return Fundamental matrix computes 
    using 8 point algorithm
    # compute ORB keypoints and descriptor for each image
    img1, kp1, des1 = compute_orb_keypoints(filename1)
    img2, kp2, des2 = compute_orb_keypoints(filename2)
    # compute keypoint matches using descriptor
    matches = brute_force_matcher(des1, des2)
    # extract points
    pts1 = []
    pts2 = []
    for i,(m) in enumerate(matches):
        if m.distance < 20:
    pts1  = np.asarray(pts1)
    pts2 = np.asarray(pts2)
    # Compute fundamental matrix
    F, mask = cv2.findFundamentalMat(pts1,pts2,cv2.FM_8POINT)
    return F 
Example #2
Source File:    From pyslam with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def computeFundamentalMatrix(self, kps_ref, kps_cur):
            F, mask = cv2.findFundamentalMat(kps_ref, kps_cur, cv2.FM_RANSAC, param1=kRansacThresholdPixels, param2=kRansacProb)
            if F is None or F.shape == (1, 1):
                # no fundamental matrix found
                raise Exception('No fundamental matrix found')
            elif F.shape[0] > 3:
                # more than one matrix found, just pick the first
                F = F[0:3, 0:3]
            return np.matrix(F), mask 
Example #3
Source File:    From Monocular-Visual-Inertial-Odometry with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def main():
        scale = 1.
	retval1, img_1 = cv2.imread("",0) #read images and convert to grayscale
	retval2, img_2 = cv2.imread("",0)
	if (retval1 or retval2 == 0):
		print "Reading image failed. Please try again"
		return -1
        points1 = np.array([[]]) #lists to store feature points 
        points2 = np.array([[]]) 
        status = np.array([])
        feature_tracking(img_1,img_2,points1,points2, status)
        F, mask = cv2.findFundamentalMat(pts1, pts2, cv2.FM_RANSAC, 0.1, 0.99)
        E = 
Example #4
Source File:    From ImageAnalysis with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def filterFeatures(p1, p2, K, method):
    inliers = 0
    total = len(p1)
    space = ""
    status = []
    while inliers < total and total >= 7:
        if method == 'homography':
            M, status = cv2.findHomography(p1, p2, cv2.LMEDS, tol)
        elif method == 'fundamental':
            M, status = cv2.findFundamentalMat(p1, p2, cv2.LMEDS, tol)
        elif method == 'essential':
            M, status = cv2.findEssentialMat(p1, p2, K, cv2.LMEDS, threshold=tol)
        elif method == 'none':
            M = none
            status = np.ones(total)
        newp1 = []
        newp2 = []
        for i, flag in enumerate(status):
            if flag:
        p1 = np.float32(newp1)
        p2 = np.float32(newp2)
        inliers = np.sum(status)
        total = len(status)
        #print '%s%d / %d  inliers/matched' % (space, np.sum(status), len(status))
        space += " "
    return M, status, np.float32(newp1), np.float32(newp2) 
Example #5
Source File:    From ImageAnalysis with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def filterFeatures(p1, p2, K, method):
    inliers = 0
    total = len(p1)
    space = ""
    status = []
    M = None
    if len(p1) < 7:
        # not enough points
        return None, np.zeros(total), [], []
    if method == 'homography':
        M, status = cv2.findHomography(p1, p2, cv2.LMEDS, tol)
    elif method == 'fundamental':
        M, status = cv2.findFundamentalMat(p1, p2, cv2.LMEDS, tol)
    elif method == 'essential':
        M, status = cv2.findEssentialMat(p1, p2, K, cv2.LMEDS, threshold=tol)
    elif method == 'none':
        M = None
        status = np.ones(total)
    newp1 = []
    newp2 = []
    for i, flag in enumerate(status):
        if flag:
    p1 = np.float32(newp1)
    p2 = np.float32(newp2)
    inliers = np.sum(status)
    total = len(status)
    #print '%s%d / %d  inliers/matched' % (space, np.sum(status), len(status))
    return M, status, np.float32(newp1), np.float32(newp2) 
Example #6
Source File:    From ImageAnalysis with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def filterFeatures(p1, p2, K, method):
    inliers = 0
    total = len(p1)
    space = ""
    status = []
    M = None
    if len(p1) < 7:
        # not enough points
        return None, np.zeros(total), [], []
    if method == 'homography':
        M, status = cv2.findHomography(p1, p2, cv2.LMEDS, tol)
    elif method == 'fundamental':
        M, status = cv2.findFundamentalMat(p1, p2, cv2.LMEDS, tol)
    elif method == 'essential':
        M, status = cv2.findEssentialMat(p1, p2, K, cv2.LMEDS, threshold=tol)
    elif method == 'none':
        M = None
        status = np.ones(total)
    newp1 = []
    newp2 = []
    for i, flag in enumerate(status):
        if flag:
    p1 = np.float32(newp1)
    p2 = np.float32(newp2)
    inliers = np.sum(status)
    total = len(status)
    #print '%s%d / %d  inliers/matched' % (space, np.sum(status), len(status))
    return M, status, np.float32(newp1), np.float32(newp2) 
Example #7
Source File:    From SimpleCV2 with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def projectPoint( self, point, H ,whichImage):

        This method returns the corresponding point (x, y)


        * *point* - Input point (x, y)
        * *whichImage* - Index of the image (1 or 2) that contains the point
        * *H* - Homography that can be estimated
                using StereoCamera.findHomography()


        Corresponding point (x, y) as tuple


        >>> img1 = Image("sampleimages/stereo_view1.png")
        >>> img2 = Image("sampleimages/stereo_view2.png")
        >>> stereoImg = StereoImage(img1,img2)
        >>> F,pts1,pts2 = stereoImg.findFundamentalMat()
        >>> point = pts2[0]
        >>> projectPoint = stereoImg.projectPoint(point,H ,1) #finds corresponding  point in the left image.

        H = np.matrix(H)
        point = np.matrix((point[1], point[0],1.00))
        if whichImage == 1.00:
            corres_pt = H * point.T
            corres_pt = np.linalg.inv(H) * point.T
        corres_pt = corres_pt / corres_pt[2]
        return (float(corres_pt[1]), float(corres_pt[0])) 
Example #8
Source File:    From calc2.0 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def close_loop(db, dbkp, descr, kp):
    matcher = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_L2)
    kp, kp_d = kp
    db = np.concatenate(tuple(db), axis=0)
    sim = np.sum(descr * db, axis=-1) 
    top_k_sim_ind = np.argpartition(sim, -K)[-K:] 

    max_sim = -1.0
    i_max_sim = -1
    best_match_tuple = None

    for k in top_k_sim_ind:
        db_kp, db_kp_d = dbkp[k]
        matches = matcher.knnMatch(kp_d, db_kp_d, 2)
        good = []
        pts1 = []
        pts2 = []
        for m,n in matches:
            if m.distance < 0.7*n.distance:
        if len(good) > 7:
            pts1 = np.int32(pts1)
            pts2 = np.int32(pts2)
            curr_sim = sim[k]
            if curr_sim > max_sim:
                max_sim = curr_sim
                i_max_sim = k
                best_match_tuple = (kp, db_kp, good, pts1, pts2)
    if i_max_sim > -1:
        F, mask = cv2.findFundamentalMat(best_match_tuple[3],
                     best_match_tuple[4], cv2.FM_RANSAC)
        if F is None:
            i_max_sim = -1
    return i_max_sim 
Example #9
Source File:    From DFE with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def eval_model(pts, side_info, model, device, postprocess=True):
    pts_orig = pts.copy()
    pts = torch.from_numpy(pts).to(device).unsqueeze(0)
    side_info = torch.from_numpy(side_info).to(torch.float).to(device).unsqueeze(0)

    F_est, rescaling_1, rescaling_2, weights = model(pts, side_info)

    F_est = rescaling_1.permute(0, 2, 1).bmm(F_est[-1].bmm(rescaling_2))

    F_est = F_est / F_est[:, -1, -1].unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
    F = F_est[0].data.cpu().numpy()
    weights = weights[0, 0].data.cpu().numpy()

    F_best = F

    if postprocess:
        inliers_best = np.sum(compute_residual(pts_orig, F) <= 1.0)

        for th in [25, 50, 75]:
            perc = np.percentile(weights, th)
            good = np.where(weights > perc)[0]

            if len(good) < 9:

            pts_ = pts_orig[good]
            F, _ = cv2.findFundamentalMat(pts_[:, 2:], pts_[:, :2], cv2.FM_LMEDS)
            inliers = np.sum(compute_residual(pts_orig, F) <= 1.0)

            if inliers > inliers_best:
                F_best = F
                inliers_best = inliers

    return F_best 
Example #10
Source File:    From dfc2019 with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def match_rpc(rpc1, rpc2, rows, columns, x_km=1.0, z_km=0.5, num_samples=100):
    # get UTM zone
    clat, clon, cheight = rpc1.approximate_wgs84()
    easting, northing, zone_number, zone_letter = wgs84_to_utm(clat, clon)

    # sample local world coordinates around the center coordinate
    print('finding virtual xyz correspondences...')
    dlat = dlon = (x_km / 2.0) / 111.0
    dheight = (z_km / 2.0) * 1000.0
    lat = np.random.uniform(clat - dlat, clat + dlat, num_samples)
    lon = np.random.uniform(clon - dlon, clon + dlon, num_samples)
    z = np.random.uniform(cheight - dheight, cheight + dheight, num_samples)

    # project into both images
    i1, j1 = rpc1.forward_array(lon, lat, z)
    i1 = np.int32(np.round(i1))
    j1 = np.int32(np.round(j1))
    i2, j2 = rpc2.forward_array(lon, lat, z)
    i2 = np.int32(np.round(i2))
    j2 = np.int32(np.round(j2))

    # remove invalid image coordinates
    keep = (i1 > 0) & (i1 < columns - 1) & (j1 > 0) & (j1 < rows - 1)
    lat = lon[keep]
    lon = lon[keep]
    i1 = i1[keep]
    j1 = j1[keep]
    i2 = i2[keep]
    j2 = j2[keep]
    keep = (i2 > 0) & (i2 < columns - 1) & (j2 > 0) & (j2 < rows - 1)
    lat = lon[keep]
    lon = lon[keep]
    i1 = i1[keep]
    j1 = j1[keep]
    i2 = i2[keep]
    j2 = j2[keep]


    count = np.asarray(i1).shape[0]
    pts1 = np.asarray([(i1, j1)])
    pts1 = pts1[0, :, :].transpose()
    pts2 = np.asarray([(i2, j2)])
    pts2 = pts2[0, :, :].transpose()
    pts1 = np.int32(pts1)
    pts2 = np.int32(pts2)
    print('Points: ', len(pts1))
    print('Fundamental matrix = ')
    F, mask = cv2.findFundamentalMat(pts1, pts2, cv2.FM_8POINT)
    return F, pts1, pts2

# get epipolar rectification matrices 
Example #11
Source File:    From geodesc with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_matches(self, feat1, feat2, cv_kpts1, cv_kpts2, ratio=None, cross_check=True, err_thld=4, info=''):
        """Compute putative and inlier matches.
            feat: (n_kpts, 128) Local features.
            cv_kpts: A list of keypoints represented as cv2.KeyPoint.
            ratio: The threshold to apply ratio test.
            cross_check: (True by default) Whether to apply cross check.
            err_thld: Epipolar error threshold.
            info: Info to print out.
            good_matches: Putative matches.
            mask: The mask to distinguish inliers/outliers on putative matches.

        init_matches1 = self.matcher.knnMatch(feat1, feat2, k=2)
        init_matches2 = self.matcher.knnMatch(feat2, feat1, k=2)

        good_matches = []

        for i in range(len(init_matches1)):
            cond = True
            if cross_check:
                cond1 = cross_check and init_matches2[init_matches1[i][0].trainIdx][0].trainIdx == i
                cond *= cond1
            if ratio is not None:
                cond2 = init_matches1[i][0].distance <= ratio * init_matches1[i][1].distance
                cond *= cond2
            if cond:

        if type(cv_kpts1) is list and type(cv_kpts2) is list:
            good_kpts1 = np.array([cv_kpts1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in good_matches])
            good_kpts2 = np.array([cv_kpts2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good_matches])
        elif type(cv_kpts1) is np.ndarray and type(cv_kpts2) is np.ndarray:
            good_kpts1 = np.array([cv_kpts1[m.queryIdx] for m in good_matches])
            good_kpts2 = np.array([cv_kpts2[m.trainIdx] for m in good_matches])
            raise Exception("Keypoint type error!")

        _, mask = cv2.findFundamentalMat(good_kpts1, good_kpts2, cv2.RANSAC, err_thld, confidence=0.999)
        n_inlier = np.count_nonzero(mask)
        print(info, 'n_putative', len(good_matches), 'n_inlier', n_inlier)
        return good_matches, mask 
Example #12
Source File:    From pyslam with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def matchWithCrossCheckAndModelFit(self, des1, des2, kps1, kps2, ratio_test=None, cross_check=True, err_thld=1, info=''):
        """Compute putative and inlier matches.
            feat: (n_kpts, 128) Local features.
            cv_kpts: A list of keypoints represented as cv2.KeyPoint.
            ratio_test: The threshold to apply ratio test.
            cross_check: (True by default) Whether to apply cross check.
            err_thld: Epipolar error threshold.
            info: Info to print out.
            good_matches: Putative matches.
            mask: The mask to distinguish inliers/outliers on putative matches.
        idx1, idx2 = [], []          
        if ratio_test is None: 
            ratio_test = self.ratio_test
        init_matches1 = self.matcher.knnMatch(des1, des2, k=2)
        init_matches2 = self.matcher.knnMatch(des2, des1, k=2)

        good_matches = []

        for i,(m1,n1) in enumerate(init_matches1):
            cond = True
            if cross_check:
                cond1 = cross_check and init_matches2[m1.trainIdx][0].trainIdx == i
                cond *= cond1
            if ratio_test is not None:
                cond2 = m1.distance <= ratio_test * n1.distance
                cond *= cond2
            if cond:

        if type(kps1) is list and type(kps2) is list:
            good_kps1 = np.array([kps1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in good_matches])
            good_kps2 = np.array([kps2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good_matches])
        elif type(kps1) is np.ndarray and type(kps2) is np.ndarray:
            good_kps1 = np.array([kps1[m.queryIdx] for m in good_matches])
            good_kps2 = np.array([kps2[m.trainIdx] for m in good_matches])
            raise Exception("Keypoint type error!")

        _, mask = cv2.findFundamentalMat(good_kps1, good_kps2, cv2.RANSAC, err_thld, confidence=0.999)
        n_inlier = np.count_nonzero(mask)
        print(info, 'n_putative', len(good_matches), 'n_inlier', n_inlier)
        return idx1, idx2, good_matches, mask
    # input: des1 = query-descriptors, des2 = train-descriptors
    # output: idx1, idx2  (vectors of corresponding indexes in des1 and des2, respectively)
    # N.B.: this returns matches where each trainIdx index is associated to only one queryIdx index 
Example #13
Source File:    From SimpleCV2 with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def Eline (self, point, F, whichImage):

        This method returns, line feature object.


        * *point* - Input point (x, y)
        * *F* - Fundamental matrix.
        * *whichImage* - Index of the image (1 or 2) that contains the point


        epipolar line, in the form of line feature object.


        >>> img1 = Image("sampleimages/stereo_view1.png")
        >>> img2 = Image("sampleimages/stereo_view2.png")
        >>> stereoImg = StereoImage(img1,img2)
        >>> F,pts1,pts2 = stereoImg.findFundamentalMat()
        >>> point = pts2[0]
        >>> epiline = mapper.Eline(point,F, 1) #find corresponding Epipolar line in the left image.

        from SimpleCV.Features.Detection import Line

        pts1 = (0,0)
        pts2 = self.size
        pt_cvmat = cv.CreateMat(1, 1, cv.CV_32FC2)
        pt_cvmat[0, 0] = (point[1], point[0])  # OpenCV seems to use (y, x) coordinate.
        line = cv.CreateMat(1, 1, cv.CV_32FC3)
        cv.ComputeCorrespondEpilines(pt_cvmat, whichImage, npArray2cvMat(F), line)
        line_npArray = np.array(line).squeeze()
        line_npArray = line_npArray[[1.00, 0, 2]]
        pts1 = (pts1[0],(-line_npArray[2]-line_npArray[0]*pts1[0])/line_npArray[1] )
        pts2 = (pts2[0],(-line_npArray[2]-line_npArray[0]*pts2[0])/line_npArray[1] )
        if whichImage == 1 :
            return Line(self.ImageLeft, [pts1,pts2])
        elif whichImage == 2 :
            return Line(self.ImageRight, [pts1,pts2]) 
Example #14
Source File:    From pyslam with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_matches(self, feat1, feat2, cv_kpts1, cv_kpts2, ratio=None, cross_check=True, err_thld=4, info=''):
        """Compute putative and inlier matches.
            feat: (n_kpts, 128) Local features.
            cv_kpts: A list of keypoints represented as cv2.KeyPoint.
            ratio: The threshold to apply ratio test.
            cross_check: (True by default) Whether to apply cross check.
            err_thld: Epipolar error threshold.
            info: Info to print out.
            good_matches: Putative matches.
            mask: The mask to distinguish inliers/outliers on putative matches.

        init_matches1 = self.matcher.knnMatch(feat1, feat2, k=2)
        init_matches2 = self.matcher.knnMatch(feat2, feat1, k=2)

        good_matches = []

        for i in range(len(init_matches1)):
            cond = True
            if cross_check:
                cond1 = cross_check and init_matches2[init_matches1[i][0].trainIdx][0].trainIdx == i
                cond *= cond1
            if ratio is not None:
                cond2 = init_matches1[i][0].distance <= ratio * init_matches1[i][1].distance
                cond *= cond2
            if cond:

        if type(cv_kpts1) is list and type(cv_kpts2) is list:
            good_kpts1 = np.array([cv_kpts1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in good_matches])
            good_kpts2 = np.array([cv_kpts2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good_matches])
        elif type(cv_kpts1) is np.ndarray and type(cv_kpts2) is np.ndarray:
            good_kpts1 = np.array([cv_kpts1[m.queryIdx] for m in good_matches])
            good_kpts2 = np.array([cv_kpts2[m.trainIdx] for m in good_matches])
            raise Exception("Keypoint type error!")

        _, mask = cv2.findFundamentalMat(good_kpts1, good_kpts2, cv2.RANSAC, err_thld, confidence=0.999)
        n_inlier = np.count_nonzero(mask)
        print(info, 'n_putative', len(good_matches), 'n_inlier', n_inlier)
        return good_matches, mask 
Example #15
Source File:    From ImageAnalysis with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def filter_by_transform(K, i1, i2, transform):
    clean = True

    # tol = float(i1.width) / 200.0 # rejection range in pixels
    tol = math.pow(i1.width, 0.25)
    if tol < 1.0:
        tol = 1.0
    # print "tol = %.4f" % tol 
    matches = i1.match_list[]
    if len(matches) < min_pairs:
        i1.match_list[] = []
        return True
    p1 = []
    p2 = []
    for k, pair in enumerate(matches):
        use_raw_uv = False
        if use_raw_uv:
            p1.append( i1.kp_list[pair[0]].pt )
            p2.append( i2.kp_list[pair[1]].pt )
            # undistorted uv points should be better if the camera
            # calibration is known, right?
            p1.append( i1.uv_list[pair[0]] )
            p2.append( i2.uv_list[pair[1]] )

    p1 = np.float32(p1)
    p2 = np.float32(p2)
    #print "p1 = %s" % str(p1)
    #print "p2 = %s" % str(p2)
    method = cv2.RANSAC
    #method = cv2.LMEDS
    if transform == "homography":
        M, status = cv2.findHomography(p1, p2, method, tol)
    elif transform == "fundamental":
        M, status = cv2.findFundamentalMat(p1, p2, method, tol)
    elif transform == "essential":
        M, status = cv2.findEssentialMat(p1, p2, K, method, threshold=tol)
    elif transform == "none":
        status = np.ones(len(matches))
        # fail
        M, status = None, None
    log("  %s vs %s: %d / %d  inliers/matched" % (,, np.sum(status), len(status)))
    # remove outliers
    for k, flag in enumerate(status):
        if not flag:
            # print("    deleting: " + str(matches[k]))
            clean = False
            matches[k] = (-1, -1)
    for pair in reversed(matches):
        if pair == (-1, -1):
    return clean

# Filter duplicate features.  SIFT (for example) can detect the same
# feature at different scales/orientations which can lead to duplicate
# match pairs, or possibly one feature in image1 matching two or more
# features in images2.  Find and remove these from the set. 
Example #16
Source File:    From ImageAnalysis with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def reviewFundamentalErrors(self, fuzz_factor=1.0, interactive=True):
        total_removed = 0

        # Test fundametal matrix constraint
        for i, i1 in enumerate(self.image_list):
            # rejection range in pixels
            tol = float(i1.width) / 800.0 + fuzz_factor
            print("tol = %.4f" % tol)
            if tol < 0.0:
                tol = 0.0
            for key in i1.match_list:
                matches = i1.match_list[key]
                i2 = self.findImageByName[key]
                if ==
                if len(matches) < min_pairs:
                    i1.match_list[] = []
                p1 = []
                p2 = []
                for k, pair in enumerate(matches):
                    p1.append( i1.kp_list[pair[0]].pt )
                    p2.append( i2.kp_list[pair[1]].pt )

                p1 = np.float32(p1)
                p2 = np.float32(p2)
                #print "p1 = %s" % str(p1)
                #print "p2 = %s" % str(p2)
                M, status = cv2.findFundamentalMat(p1, p2, cv2.RANSAC, tol)

                size = len(status)
                inliers = np.sum(status)
                print('  %s vs %s: %d / %d  inliers/matched' \
                    % (,, inliers, size))

                if inliers < size:
                    total_removed += (size - inliers)
                    if interactive:
                        status = self.showMatch(i1, i2, matches, status)

                    delete_list = []
                    for k, flag in enumerate(status):
                        if not flag:
                            print("    deleting: " + str(matches[k]))
                            #match[i] = (-1, -1)

                    for pair in delete_list:
                        self.deletePair(i, j, pair)
        return total_removed

    # return true if point set is pretty close to linear 
Example #17
Source File:    From pyslam with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_matches(self, feat1, feat2, cv_kpts1, cv_kpts2, ratio=None, cross_check=True, err_thld=4, ransac=True, info=''):
        """Compute putative and inlier matches.
            feat: (n_kpts, 128) Local features.
            cv_kpts: A list of keypoints represented as cv2.KeyPoint.
            ratio: The threshold to apply ratio test.
            cross_check: (True by default) Whether to apply cross check.
            err_thld: Epipolar error threshold.
            info: Info to print out.
            good_matches: Putative matches.
            mask: The mask to distinguish inliers/outliers on putative matches.

        init_matches1 = self.matcher.knnMatch(feat1, feat2, k=2)
        init_matches2 = self.matcher.knnMatch(feat2, feat1, k=2)

        good_matches = []

        for i in range(len(init_matches1)):
            cond = True
            if cross_check:
                cond1 = cross_check and init_matches2[init_matches1[i][0].trainIdx][0].trainIdx == i
                cond *= cond1
            if ratio is not None:
                cond2 = init_matches1[i][0].distance <= ratio * init_matches1[i][1].distance
                cond *= cond2
            if cond:

        if type(cv_kpts1) is list and type(cv_kpts2) is list:
            good_kpts1 = np.array([cv_kpts1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in good_matches])
            good_kpts2 = np.array([cv_kpts2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good_matches])
        elif type(cv_kpts1) is np.ndarray and type(cv_kpts2) is np.ndarray:
            good_kpts1 = np.array([cv_kpts1[m.queryIdx] for m in good_matches])
            good_kpts2 = np.array([cv_kpts2[m.trainIdx] for m in good_matches])
            raise Exception("Keypoint type error!")

        if ransac:
            _, mask = cv2.findFundamentalMat(
                good_kpts1, good_kpts2, cv2.RANSAC, err_thld, confidence=0.999)
            n_inlier = np.count_nonzero(mask)
            print(info, 'n_putative', len(good_matches), 'n_inlier', n_inlier)
            mask = np.ones((len(good_matches), ))
            print(info, 'n_putative', len(good_matches))
        return good_matches, mask 
Example #18
Source File:    From GIFT with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_matches(self, feat1, feat2, cv_kpts1, cv_kpts2, ratio=None, cross_check=True, err_thld=4, info=''):
        """Compute putative and inlier matches.
            feat: (n_kpts, 128) Local features.
            cv_kpts: A list of keypoints represented as cv2.KeyPoint.
            ratio: The threshold to apply ratio test.
            cross_check: (True by default) Whether to apply cross check.
            err_thld: Epipolar error threshold.
            info: Info to print out.
            good_matches: Putative matches.
            mask: The mask to distinguish inliers/outliers on putative matches.

        init_matches1 = self.matcher.knnMatch(feat1, feat2, k=2)
        init_matches2 = self.matcher.knnMatch(feat2, feat1, k=2)

        good_matches = []

        for i in range(len(init_matches1)):
            cond = True
            if cross_check:
                cond1 = cross_check and init_matches2[init_matches1[i][0].trainIdx][0].trainIdx == i
                cond *= cond1
            if ratio is not None:
                cond2 = init_matches1[i][0].distance <= ratio * init_matches1[i][1].distance
                cond *= cond2
            if cond:

        if type(cv_kpts1) is list and type(cv_kpts2) is list:
            good_kpts1 = np.array([cv_kpts1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in good_matches])
            good_kpts2 = np.array([cv_kpts2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good_matches])
        elif type(cv_kpts1) is np.ndarray and type(cv_kpts2) is np.ndarray:
            good_kpts1 = np.array([cv_kpts1[m.queryIdx] for m in good_matches])
            good_kpts2 = np.array([cv_kpts2[m.trainIdx] for m in good_matches])
            raise Exception("Keypoint type error!")

        _, mask = cv2.findFundamentalMat(good_kpts1, good_kpts2, cv2.RANSAC, err_thld, confidence=0.999)
        n_inlier = np.count_nonzero(mask)
        print(info, 'n_putative', len(good_matches), 'n_inlier', n_inlier)
        return good_matches, mask