Python cv2.boxFilter() Examples
The following are 3
code examples of cv2.boxFilter().
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Example #1
Source File: From lpr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def niBlackThreshold( src, blockSize, k, binarizationMethod= 0 ): mean = cv2.boxFilter(src,cv2.CV_32F,(blockSize, blockSize),borderType=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) sqmean = cv2.sqrBoxFilter(src, cv2.CV_32F, (blockSize, blockSize), borderType = cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) variance = sqmean - (mean*mean) stddev = np.sqrt(variance) thresh = mean + stddev * float(-k) thresh = thresh.astype(src.dtype) k = (src>thresh)*255 k = k.astype(np.uint8) return k # cv2.imshow()
Example #2
Source File: From stytra with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _process( self, im, image_scale: Param(0.5, (0.05, 1.0)), filter_size: Param(2, (0, 15)), color_invert: Param(True), clip: Param(140, (0, 255)), **extraparams ): """ Optionally resizes, smooths and inverts the image :param im: :param state: :param filter_size: :param image_scale: :param color_invert: :return: """ if image_scale != 1: im = cv2.resize( im, None, fx=image_scale, fy=image_scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA ) if filter_size > 0: im = cv2.boxFilter(im, -1, (filter_size, filter_size)) if color_invert: im = 255 - im if clip > 0: im = np.maximum(im, clip) - clip if self.set_diagnostic == "filtered": self.diagnostic_image = im return NodeOutput([], im)
Example #3
Source File: From Finger-Detection-and-Tracking with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def main(): image = cv2.imread("../data/7.1.01.tiff", 1) ''' # Kernal or Convolution matrix for Identity Filter kernal = np.array(([0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]), np.float32) # Kernal or Convolution matrix for Edge Detection kernal = np.array(([-1, -1, -1], [-1, 8, -1], [-1, -1, -1]), np.float32) ''' # Kernal or Convolution matrix for Box BLue Filter kernal = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) / 25 output = cv2.filter2D(image, -1, kernal) # Low pass filters implementation box_blur = cv2.boxFilter(image, -1, (31, 31)) simple_blur = cv2.blur(image, (21, 21)) gaussian_blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, (51, 51), 0) cv2.imshow("Orignal Image", image) cv2.imshow("Filtered Image", output) cv2.imshow("Box Blur", box_blur) cv2.imshow("Simple Blur", simple_blur) cv2.imshow("Gaussian Blur", gaussian_blur) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()