Python torch.utils.serialization.load_lua() Examples

The following are 18 code examples of torch.utils.serialization.load_lua(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module torch.utils.serialization , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From PytorchWCT with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self,args):
        super(WCT, self).__init__()
        # load pre-trained network
        vgg1 = load_lua(args.vgg1)
        decoder1_torch = load_lua(args.decoder1)
        vgg2 = load_lua(args.vgg2)
        decoder2_torch = load_lua(args.decoder2)
        vgg3 = load_lua(args.vgg3)
        decoder3_torch = load_lua(args.decoder3)
        vgg4 = load_lua(args.vgg4)
        decoder4_torch = load_lua(args.decoder4)
        vgg5 = load_lua(args.vgg5)
        decoder5_torch = load_lua(args.decoder5)

        self.e1 = encoder1(vgg1)
        self.d1 = decoder1(decoder1_torch)
        self.e2 = encoder2(vgg2)
        self.d2 = decoder2(decoder2_torch)
        self.e3 = encoder3(vgg3)
        self.d3 = decoder3(decoder3_torch)
        self.e4 = encoder4(vgg4)
        self.d4 = decoder4(decoder4_torch)
        self.e5 = encoder5(vgg5)
        self.d5 = decoder5(decoder5_torch) 
Example #2
Source File:    From dong_iccv_2017 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _load_dataset(self, img_root, caption_root, classes_filename, word_embedding):
        output = []
        with open(os.path.join(caption_root, classes_filename)) as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            for line in lines:
                cls = line.replace('\n', '')
                filenames = os.listdir(os.path.join(caption_root, cls))
                for filename in filenames:
                    datum = load_lua(os.path.join(caption_root, cls, filename))
                    raw_desc = datum['char'].numpy()
                    desc, len_desc = self._get_word_vectors(raw_desc, word_embedding)
                        'img': os.path.join(img_root, datum['img']),
                        'desc': desc,
                        'len_desc': len_desc
        return output 
Example #3
Source File:    From fast-neural-style with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def init_vgg16(model_folder):
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(model_folder, 'vgg16.weight')):
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(model_folder, 'vgg16.t7')):
                'wget -O ' + os.path.join(model_folder, 'vgg16.t7'))
        vgglua = load_lua(os.path.join(model_folder, 'vgg16.t7'))
        vgg = Vgg16()
        for (src, dst) in zip(vgglua.parameters()[0], vgg.parameters()):
  [:] = src, os.path.join(model_folder, 'vgg16.weight')) 
Example #4
Source File:    From SPN.pytorch with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, state_dict=''):
        super(SP_GoogLeNet, self).__init__()

        state_dict = load_lua(state_dict)
        pretrained_model = state_dict[0]
        self.features = LegacyModel(pretrained_model)
        self.pooling = nn.Sequential()
        self.pooling.add_module('adconv', nn.Conv2d(832, 1024, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, groups=2, bias=True))
        self.pooling.add_module('maps', nn.ReLU())
        self.pooling.add_module('sp', SoftProposal(factor=2.1))
        self.pooling.add_module('sum', SpatialSumOverMap())[1][0])[1][1])

        # classification layer
        self.classifier = nn.Linear(1024, 1000)[2][0])[2][1])

        # image normalization
        self.image_normalization_mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
        self.image_normalization_std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] 
Example #5
Source File:    From MMdnn with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, model_file_name, input_shape):
        super(TorchParser, self).__init__()
        if not os.path.exists(model_file_name):
            raise ValueError("Torch7 model file [{}] is not found.".format(model_file_name))
        model = load_lua(model_file_name)
        if type(model).__name__=='hashable_uniq_dict':
            model = model.model
        self.weight_loaded = True

        # Build network graph
        self.torch_graph = TorchGraph(model)[[1] + list(map(int, input_shape))]) 
Example #6
Source File:    From torch2coreml with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def load_torch_model(path):
    model = load_lua(path, unknown_classes=True)
        lambda m: isinstance(m, TorchObject) and
        m.torch_typename() == 'nn.InstanceNormalization',
        lambda m: isinstance(m, SpatialFullConvolution),
    return model 
Example #7
Source File:    From FastNeuralStyle with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def init_vgg16(model_folder ='model'):
	"""load the vgg16 model feature"""
	if not os.path.exists(model_folder+'/vgg16.weight'):
		if not os.path.exists(model_folder+'/vgg16.t7'):
			os.system('wget '+model_folder+'/vgg16.t7')
		vgglua = load_lua(model_folder + '/vgg16.t7')
		vgg= net.Vgg16Part()
		for ( src, dst) in zip(vgglua.parameters()[0], vgg.parameters()):
			dst[:].data = src[:]  
			# here comes a bug in pytorch version 0.1.10
			# change to dst[:].data = src[:]
			# ref to issue:, model_folder+'/vgg16.weight')

# Gram Loss 
Example #8
Source File:    From face-alignment-pytorch with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def generateSampleFace(self, idx):
        sf = self.scale_factor
        rf = self.rot_factor

        main_pts = load_lua(
            os.path.join(self.img_folder, 'landmarks', self.anno[idx].split('_')[0],
                         self.anno[idx][:-4] + '.t7'))
        pts = main_pts[0] if self.pointType == '2D' else main_pts[1]
        c = torch.Tensor((450 / 2, 450 / 2 + 50))
        s = 1.8

        img = load_image(
            os.path.join(self.img_folder, self.anno[idx].split('_')[0], self.anno[idx][:-8] +

        r = 0
        if self.is_train:
            s = s * torch.randn(1).mul_(sf).add_(1).clamp(1 - sf, 1 + sf)[0]
            r = torch.randn(1).mul_(rf).clamp(-2 * rf, 2 * rf)[0] if random.random() <= 0.6 else 0

            if random.random() <= 0.5:
                img = torch.from_numpy(fliplr(img.numpy())).float()
                pts = shufflelr(pts, width=img.size(2), dataset='w300lp')
                c[0] = img.size(2) - c[0]

            img[0, :, :].mul_(random.uniform(0.7, 1.3)).clamp_(0, 1)
            img[1, :, :].mul_(random.uniform(0.7, 1.3)).clamp_(0, 1)
            img[2, :, :].mul_(random.uniform(0.7, 1.3)).clamp_(0, 1)

        inp = crop(img, c, s, [256, 256], rot=r)
        inp = color_normalize(inp, self.mean, self.std)

        tpts = pts.clone()
        out = torch.zeros(self.nParts, 64, 64)
        for i in range(self.nParts):
            if tpts[i, 0] > 0:
                tpts[i, 0:2] = to_torch(transform(tpts[i, 0:2] + 1, c, s, [64, 64], rot=r))
                out[i] = draw_labelmap(out[i], tpts[i] - 1, sigma=1)

        return inp, out, pts, c, s 
Example #9
Source File:    From face-alignment-pytorch with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def generateSampleFace(self, idx):
        sf = self.scale_factor
        rf = self.rot_factor

        main_pts = load_lua(self.anno[idx])
        pts = main_pts  # 3D landmarks only. # if self.pointType == '2D' else main_pts[1]
        mins_ = torch.min(pts, 0)[0].view(2)  # min vals
        maxs_ = torch.max(pts, 0)[0].view(2)  # max vals
        c = torch.FloatTensor((maxs_[0] - (maxs_[0] - mins_[0]) / 2,
                               maxs_[1] - (maxs_[1] - mins_[1]) / 2))
        c[1] -= ((maxs_[1] - mins_[1]) * 0.12)
        s = (maxs_[0] - mins_[0] + maxs_[1] - mins_[1]) / 195

        img = load_image(self.anno[idx][:-3] + '.jpg')

        r = 0
        if self.is_train:
            s = s * torch.randn(1).mul_(sf).add_(1).clamp(1 - sf, 1 + sf)[0]
            r = torch.randn(1).mul_(rf).clamp(-2 * rf, 2 * rf)[0] if random.random() <= 0.6 else 0

            if random.random() <= 0.5:
                img = torch.from_numpy(fliplr(img.numpy())).float()
                pts = shufflelr(pts, width=img.size(2), dataset='vw300')
                c[0] = img.size(2) - c[0]

            img[0, :, :].mul_(random.uniform(0.7, 1.3)).clamp_(0, 1)
            img[1, :, :].mul_(random.uniform(0.7, 1.3)).clamp_(0, 1)
            img[2, :, :].mul_(random.uniform(0.7, 1.3)).clamp_(0, 1)

        inp = crop(img, c, s, [256, 256], rot=r)
        inp = color_normalize(inp, self.mean, self.std)

        tpts = pts.clone()
        out = torch.zeros(self.nParts, 64, 64)
        for i in range(self.nParts):
            if tpts[i, 0] > 0:
                tpts[i, 0:2] = to_torch(transform(tpts[i, 0:2] + 1, c, s, [64, 64], rot=r))
                out[i] = draw_labelmap(out[i], tpts[i] - 1, sigma=1)

        return inp, out, pts, c, s 
Example #10
Source File:    From arbitrary_style_transfer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def convert(src_model_path, dst_model_path, weights_indices):
    model = load_lua(src_model_path)

    weights = []
    for idx in weights_indices:
        kernel = model.modules[idx].weight.numpy()
        bias   = model.modules[idx].bias.numpy()


    np.savez(dst_model_path, *weights) 
Example #11
Source File:    From imagenet-fast with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def torch_to_pytorch(t7_filename,outputname=None):
    model = load_lua(t7_filename,unknown_classes=True)
    if type(model).__name__=='hashable_uniq_dict': model=model.model
    model.gradInput = None
    slist = lua_recursive_source(torch.legacy.nn.Sequential().add(model))
    s = simplify_source(slist)
    header = '''
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
from functools import reduce

class LambdaBase(nn.Sequential):
    def __init__(self, fn, *args):
        super(LambdaBase, self).__init__(*args)
        self.lambda_func = fn

    def forward_prepare(self, input):
        output = []
        for module in self._modules.values():
        return output if output else input

class Lambda(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return self.lambda_func(self.forward_prepare(input))

class LambdaMap(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return list(map(self.lambda_func,self.forward_prepare(input)))

class LambdaReduce(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return reduce(self.lambda_func,self.forward_prepare(input))
    varname = t7_filename.replace('.t7','').replace('.','_').replace('-','_')
    s = '{}\n\n{} = {}'.format(header,varname,s[:-2])

    if outputname is None: outputname=varname
    with open(outputname+'.py', "w") as pyfile:

    n = nn.Sequential()
Example #12
Source File:    From face-alignment-pytorch with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def generateSampleFace(self, idx):
        sf = self.scale_factor
        rf = self.rot_factor

        main_pts = load_lua(self.anno[idx])
        pts = main_pts
        mins_ = torch.min(pts, 0)[0].view(2)  # min vals
        maxs_ = torch.max(pts, 0)[0].view(2)  # max vals
        c = torch.FloatTensor((maxs_[0] - (maxs_[0] - mins_[0]) / 2,
                               maxs_[1] - (maxs_[1] - mins_[1]) / 2))
        # c[0] -= ((maxs_[0] - mins_[0]) * 0.12)
        c[1] -= ((maxs_[1] - mins_[1]) * 0.12)
        s = (maxs_[0] - mins_[0] + maxs_[1] - mins_[1]) / 195

        img = load_image(self.anno[idx][:-3] + '.jpg')

        r = 0
        if self.is_train:
            # scale
            s = s * torch.randn(1).mul_(sf).add_(1).clamp(1 - sf, 1 + sf)[0]
            # rotatation
            r = torch.randn(1).mul_(rf).clamp(-2 * rf, 2 * rf)[0] if random.random() <= 0.6 else 0
            # flip
            if random.random() <= 0.5:
                img = torch.from_numpy(fliplr(img.numpy())).float()
                pts = shufflelr(pts, width=img.size(2), dataset='w300lp')
                c[0] = img.size(2) - c[0]
            # RGB
            img[0, :, :].mul_(random.uniform(0.7, 1.3)).clamp_(0, 1)
            img[1, :, :].mul_(random.uniform(0.7, 1.3)).clamp_(0, 1)
            img[2, :, :].mul_(random.uniform(0.7, 1.3)).clamp_(0, 1)

        inp = crop(img, c, s, [256, 256], rot=r)
        # inp = color_normalize(inp, self.mean, self.std)

        tpts = pts.clone()
        out = torch.zeros(self.nParts, 64, 64)
        for i in range(self.nParts):
            if tpts[i, 0] > 0:
                tpts[i, 0:2] = to_torch(transform(tpts[i, 0:2] + 1, c, s, [64, 64], rot=r))
                out[i] = draw_labelmap(out[i], tpts[i] - 1, sigma=1)

        return inp, out, pts, c, s 
Example #13
Source File:    From convert_torch_to_pytorch with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def torch_to_pytorch(t7_filename,outputname=None):
    model = load_lua(t7_filename,unknown_classes=True)
    if type(model).__name__=='hashable_uniq_dict': model=model.model
    model.gradInput = None
    slist = lua_recursive_source(lnn.Sequential().add(model))
    s = simplify_source(slist)
    header = '''
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.legacy.nn as lnn

from functools import reduce
from torch.autograd import Variable

class LambdaBase(nn.Sequential):
    def __init__(self, fn, *args):
        super(LambdaBase, self).__init__(*args)
        self.lambda_func = fn

    def forward_prepare(self, input):
        output = []
        for module in self._modules.values():
        return output if output else input

class Lambda(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return self.lambda_func(self.forward_prepare(input))

class LambdaMap(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return list(map(self.lambda_func,self.forward_prepare(input)))

class LambdaReduce(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return reduce(self.lambda_func,self.forward_prepare(input))
    varname = t7_filename.replace('.t7','').replace('.','_').replace('-','_')
    s = '{}\n\n{} = {}'.format(header,varname,s[:-2])

    if outputname is None: outputname=varname
    with open(outputname+'.py', "w") as pyfile:

    n = nn.Sequential()
Example #14
Source File:    From models with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def torch_to_pytorch(t7_filename,outputname=None, save_output_to_file = True):
    model = load_lua(t7_filename,unknown_classes=True)
    if type(model).__name__=='hashable_uniq_dict': model=model.model
    model.gradInput = None
    slist = lua_recursive_source(lnn.Sequential().add(model))
    s = simplify_source(slist)
    header = '''
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.legacy.nn as lnn

from functools import reduce
from torch.autograd import Variable

class LambdaBase(nn.Sequential):
    def __init__(self, fn, *args):
        super(LambdaBase, self).__init__(*args)
        self.lambda_func = fn

    def forward_prepare(self, input):
        output = []
        for module in self._modules.values():
        return output if output else input

class Lambda(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return self.lambda_func(self.forward_prepare(input))

class LambdaMap(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return list(map(self.lambda_func,self.forward_prepare(input)))

class LambdaReduce(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return reduce(self.lambda_func,self.forward_prepare(input))
    varname = t7_filename.replace('.t7','').replace('.','_').replace('-','_')
    s = '{}\n\n{} = {}'.format(header,varname,s[:-2])
    if save_output_to_file:
        if outputname is None: outputname=varname
        with open(outputname+'.py', "w") as pyfile:

    n = nn.Sequential()
    if save_output_to_file:,outputname+'.pth')
    return n 
Example #15
Source File:    From imagenet-fast with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def torch_to_pytorch(t7_filename,outputname=None):
    model = load_lua(t7_filename,unknown_classes=True)
    if type(model).__name__=='hashable_uniq_dict': model=model.model
    model.gradInput = None
    slist = lua_recursive_source(torch.legacy.nn.Sequential().add(model))
    s = simplify_source(slist)
    header = '''
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
from functools import reduce

class LambdaBase(nn.Sequential):
    def __init__(self, fn, *args):
        super(LambdaBase, self).__init__(*args)
        self.lambda_func = fn

    def forward_prepare(self, input):
        output = []
        for module in self._modules.values():
        return output if output else input

class Lambda(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return self.lambda_func(self.forward_prepare(input))

class LambdaMap(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return list(map(self.lambda_func,self.forward_prepare(input)))

class LambdaReduce(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return reduce(self.lambda_func,self.forward_prepare(input))
    varname = t7_filename.replace('.t7','').replace('.','_').replace('-','_')
    s = '{}\n\n{} = {}'.format(header,varname,s[:-2])

    if outputname is None: outputname=varname
    with open(outputname+'.py', "w") as pyfile:

    n = nn.Sequential()
Example #16
Source File:    From pytorch-layoutnet with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def cvt2png(target_dir, patterns, pano_map_path):
    os.makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok=True)
    for cat in cat_list:
        for pat in patterns:
            # Define source file paths
            th_path = os.path.join(ORGIN_DATA_DIR, pat % cat)
            assert os.path.isfile(th_path), '%s not found !!!' % th_path

            if pat.startswith('stanford'):
                gt_path = os.path.join(
                    ORGIN_GT_DIR, 'pano_id_%s.txt' % pat[-9:-3])
                gt_path = os.path.join(
                    ORGIN_GT_DIR, 'panoContext_%s.txt' % pat.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0])
            assert os.path.isfile(gt_path), '%s not found !!!' % gt_path

            # Parse file names from gt list
            with open(gt_path) as f:
                fnames = [line.strip() for line in f]
            print('%-30s: %3d examples' % (pat % cat, len(fnames)))

            # Remapping panoContext filenames
            if pat.startswith('pano'):
                fnames_cnt = dict([(v, 0) for v in fnames])
                with open(pano_map_path) as f:
                    for line in f:
                        v, k, _ = line.split()
                        k = int(k)
                        fnames[k] = v
                        fnames_cnt[v] += 1
                for v in fnames_cnt.values():
                    assert v == 1

            # Parse th file
            imgs = load_lua(th_path).numpy()
            assert imgs.shape[0] == len(fnames), 'number of data and gt mismatched !!!'

            # Dump each images to target direcotry
            target_cat_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, cat)
            os.makedirs(target_cat_dir, exist_ok=True)
            for img, fname in zip(imgs, fnames):
                target_path = os.path.join(target_cat_dir, fname)
                if img.shape[0] == 3:
                    # RGB
                        (img.transpose([1, 2, 0]) * 255).astype(np.uint8)).save(target_path)
                    # Gray
                        (img[0] * 255).astype(np.uint8)).save(target_path) 
Example #17
Source File:    From pytorch-AdaIN with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def torch_to_pytorch(t7_filename, outputname=None):
    model = load_lua(t7_filename, unknown_classes=True)
    if type(model).__name__ == 'hashable_uniq_dict': model = model.model
    model.gradInput = None
    slist = lua_recursive_source(torch.legacy.nn.Sequential().add(model))
    s = simplify_source(slist)
    header = '''
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
from functools import reduce

class LambdaBase(nn.Sequential):
    def __init__(self, fn, *args):
        super(LambdaBase, self).__init__(*args)
        self.lambda_func = fn

    def forward_prepare(self, input):
        output = []
        for module in self._modules.values():
        return output if output else input

class Lambda(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return self.lambda_func(self.forward_prepare(input))

class LambdaMap(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return list(map(self.lambda_func,self.forward_prepare(input)))

class LambdaReduce(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return reduce(self.lambda_func,self.forward_prepare(input))
    varname = t7_filename.replace('.t7', '').replace('.', '_').replace('-',
    s = '{}\n\n{} = {}'.format(header, varname, s[:-2])

    if outputname is None: outputname = varname
    with open(outputname + '.py', "w") as pyfile:

    n = nn.Sequential()
    lua_recursive_model(model, n), outputname + '.pth') 
Example #18
Source File:    From Stylized-ImageNet with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def torch_to_pytorch(t7_filename, outputname=None):
    model = load_lua(t7_filename, unknown_classes=True)
    if type(model).__name__ == 'hashable_uniq_dict': model = model.model
    model.gradInput = None
    slist = lua_recursive_source(torch.legacy.nn.Sequential().add(model))
    s = simplify_source(slist)
    header = '''
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
from functools import reduce

class LambdaBase(nn.Sequential):
    def __init__(self, fn, *args):
        super(LambdaBase, self).__init__(*args)
        self.lambda_func = fn

    def forward_prepare(self, input):
        output = []
        for module in self._modules.values():
        return output if output else input

class Lambda(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return self.lambda_func(self.forward_prepare(input))

class LambdaMap(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return list(map(self.lambda_func,self.forward_prepare(input)))

class LambdaReduce(LambdaBase):
    def forward(self, input):
        return reduce(self.lambda_func,self.forward_prepare(input))
    varname = t7_filename.replace('.t7', '').replace('.', '_').replace('-',
    s = '{}\n\n{} = {}'.format(header, varname, s[:-2])

    if outputname is None: outputname = varname
    with open(outputname + '.py', "w") as pyfile:

    n = nn.Sequential()
    lua_recursive_model(model, n), outputname + '.pth')