Python twisted.internet.endpoints.clientFromString() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of twisted.internet.endpoints.clientFromString().
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Example #1
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_tcp(self): """ When passed a TCP strports description, L{endpoints.clientFromString} returns a L{TCP4ClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, "") self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint) self.assertIs(client._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(client._host, "") self.assertEqual(client._port, 1234) self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 7) self.assertEqual(client._bindAddress, ("", 0))
Example #2
Source File: From floranet with MIT License | 6 votes |
def start(self, netserver): """Start the application interface Args: netserver (NetServer): The LoRa network server Returns True on success, False otherwise """ self.netserver = netserver # MQTT factory and endpoint self.factory = MQTTFactory(profile=MQTTFactory.PUBLISHER | MQTTFactory.SUBSCRIBER) self.endpoint = clientFromString(reactor, 'ssl:{}:8883'.format(self.iothost)) # Set the running flag self.started = True returnValue(True) yield
Example #3
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_tcp(self): """ When passed a TCP strports description, L{endpointClient} returns a L{TCP4ClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, "") self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint) self.assertIdentical(client._reactor, reactor) self.assertEquals(client._host, "") self.assertEquals(client._port, 1234) self.assertEquals(client._timeout, 7) self.assertEquals(client._bindAddress, "")
Example #4
Source File: From ccs-calendarserver with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _getPage(url, descriptor): """ Fetch the body of the given url via HTTP, connecting to the given host and port. @param url: The URL to GET @type url: C{str} @param descriptor: The endpoint descriptor to use @type descriptor: C{str} @return: A deferred; upon 200 success the body of the response is returned, otherwise a twisted.web.error.Error is the result. """ point = endpoints.clientFromString(reactor, descriptor) factory = HTTPClientFactory(url, timeout=10) point.connect(factory) return factory.deferred
Example #5
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_utf8Encoding(self): """ The hostname passed to L{clientFromString} is treated as utf-8 bytes; it is then encoded as IDNA when it is passed along to L{HostnameEndpoint}, and passed as unicode to L{optionsForClientTLS}. """ reactor = object() endpoint = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, b'tls:\xc3\' ) self.assertEqual( endpoint._wrappedEndpoint._hostBytes, b'' ) connectionCreator = connectionCreatorFromEndpoint( reactor, endpoint) self.assertEqual(connectionCreator._hostname, u'\')
Example #6
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_hostnameEndpointConstruction(self): """ A L{HostnameEndpoint} is constructed from parameters passed to L{clientFromString}. """ reactor = object() endpoint = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, nativeString( '')) hostnameEndpoint = endpoint._wrappedEndpoint self.assertIs(hostnameEndpoint._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(hostnameEndpoint._hostBytes, b'') self.assertEqual(hostnameEndpoint._port, 443) self.assertEqual(hostnameEndpoint._timeout, 10) self.assertEqual(hostnameEndpoint._bindAddress, nativeString(''))
Example #7
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_sslWithDefaults(self): """ When passed an SSL strports description without extra arguments, L{clientFromString} returns a L{SSL4ClientEndpoint} instance whose context factory is initialized with default values. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString(reactor, "") self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.SSL4ClientEndpoint) self.assertIs(client._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(client._host, "") self.assertEqual(client._port, 4321) certOptions = client._sslContextFactory self.assertEqual(certOptions.method, SSLv23_METHOD) self.assertIsNone(certOptions.certificate) self.assertIsNone(certOptions.privateKey)
Example #8
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_sslPositionalArgs(self): """ When passed an SSL strports description, L{clientFromString} returns a L{SSL4ClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, "" "certKey=%s:bindAddress=" % (escapedPEMPathName, escapedPEMPathName, escapedCAsPathName)) self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.SSL4ClientEndpoint) self.assertIs(client._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(client._host, "") self.assertEqual(client._port, 4321) self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 3) self.assertEqual(client._bindAddress, ("", 0))
Example #9
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_stringParserWithReactor(self): """ L{endpoints.clientFromString} will pass a reactor to plugins implementing the L{IStreamClientEndpointStringParserWithReactor} interface. """ addFakePlugin(self) reactor = object() clientEndpoint = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, 'crfake:alpha:beta:cee=dee:num=1') from twisted.plugins.fakeendpoint import fakeClientWithReactor self.assertEqual( (clientEndpoint.parser, clientEndpoint.args, clientEndpoint.kwargs), (fakeClientWithReactor, (reactor, 'alpha', 'beta'), dict(cee='dee', num='1')))
Example #10
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_tcpPositionalArgs(self): """ When passed a TCP strports description using positional arguments, L{endpoints.clientFromString} returns a L{TCP4ClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, "") self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint) self.assertIs(client._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(client._host, "") self.assertEqual(client._port, 1234) self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 7) self.assertEqual(client._bindAddress, ("", 0))
Example #11
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_tcp(self): """ When passed a TCP strports description, L{endpoints.clientFromString} returns a L{TCP4ClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, "") self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint) self.assertIs(client._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(client._host, "") self.assertEqual(client._port, 1234) self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 7) self.assertEqual(client._bindAddress, ("", 0))
Example #12
Source File: From txamqp with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def connect(self, protocol_factory): """ Connect to the C{protocolFactory} to the AMQP broker specified by the URI of this endpoint. @param protocol_factory: An L{AMQFactory} building L{AMQClient} objects. @return: A L{Deferred} that results in an L{AMQClient} upon successful connection otherwise a L{Failure} wrapping L{ConnectError} or L{NoProtocol <twisted.internet.error.NoProtocol>}. """ # XXX Since AMQClient requires these parameters at __init__ time, we # need to override them in the provided factory. protocol_factory.set_vhost(self._vhost) protocol_factory.set_heartbeat(self._heartbeat) description = "tcp:{}:{}:timeout={}".format( self._host, self._port, self._timeout) endpoint = clientFromString(self._reactor, description) deferred = endpoint.connect(protocol_factory) return deferred.addCallback(self._authenticate)
Example #13
Source File: From universe with MIT License | 6 votes |
def connectionMade(self):'[%s] Connection received from VNC client', factory = protocol.ClientFactory() factory.protocol = VNCProxyClient factory.vnc_server = self factory.deferrable = defer.Deferred() endpoint = endpoints.clientFromString(reactor, self.factory.vnc_address) def _established_callback(client): if self._broken: client.close() self.vnc_client = client self.flush() def _established_errback(reason): logger.error('[VNCProxyServer] Connection succeeded but could not establish session: %s', reason) self.close() factory.deferrable.addCallbacks(_established_callback, _established_errback) def _connect_errback(reason): logger.error('[VNCProxyServer] Connection failed: %s', reason) self.close() endpoint.connect(factory).addErrback(_connect_errback) self.send_ProtocolVersion_Handshake()
Example #14
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_utf8Encoding(self): """ The hostname passed to L{clientFromString} is treated as utf-8 bytes; it is then encoded as IDNA when it is passed along to L{HostnameEndpoint}, and passed as unicode to L{optionsForClientTLS}. """ reactor = object() endpoint = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, b'tls:\xc3\' ) self.assertEqual( endpoint._wrappedEndpoint._hostBytes, b'' ) connectionCreator = connectionCreatorFromEndpoint( reactor, endpoint) self.assertEqual(connectionCreator._hostname, u'\')
Example #15
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_sslWithDefaults(self): """ When passed an SSL strports description without extra arguments, L{clientFromString} returns a L{SSL4ClientEndpoint} instance whose context factory is initialized with default values. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString(reactor, "") self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.SSL4ClientEndpoint) self.assertIs(client._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(client._host, "") self.assertEqual(client._port, 4321) certOptions = client._sslContextFactory self.assertEqual(certOptions.method, SSLv23_METHOD) self.assertIsNone(certOptions.certificate) self.assertIsNone(certOptions.privateKey)
Example #16
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_hostnameEndpointConstruction(self): """ A L{HostnameEndpoint} is constructed from parameters passed to L{clientFromString}. """ reactor = object() endpoint = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, nativeString( '')) hostnameEndpoint = endpoint._wrappedEndpoint self.assertIs(hostnameEndpoint._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(hostnameEndpoint._hostBytes, b'') self.assertEqual(hostnameEndpoint._port, 443) self.assertEqual(hostnameEndpoint._timeout, 10) self.assertEqual(hostnameEndpoint._bindAddress, nativeString(''))
Example #17
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_sslPositionalArgs(self): """ When passed an SSL strports description, L{clientFromString} returns a L{SSL4ClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, "" "certKey=%s:bindAddress=" % (escapedPEMPathName, escapedPEMPathName, escapedCAsPathName)) self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.SSL4ClientEndpoint) self.assertIs(client._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(client._host, "") self.assertEqual(client._port, 4321) self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 3) self.assertEqual(client._bindAddress, ("", 0))
Example #18
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_stringParserWithReactor(self): """ L{endpoints.clientFromString} will pass a reactor to plugins implementing the L{IStreamClientEndpointStringParserWithReactor} interface. """ addFakePlugin(self) reactor = object() clientEndpoint = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, 'crfake:alpha:beta:cee=dee:num=1') from twisted.plugins.fakeendpoint import fakeClientWithReactor self.assertEqual( (clientEndpoint.parser, clientEndpoint.args, clientEndpoint.kwargs), (fakeClientWithReactor, (reactor, 'alpha', 'beta'), dict(cee='dee', num='1')))
Example #19
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_tcpPositionalArgs(self): """ When passed a TCP strports description using positional arguments, L{endpoints.clientFromString} returns a L{TCP4ClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, "") self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint) self.assertIs(client._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(client._host, "") self.assertEqual(client._port, 1234) self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 7) self.assertEqual(client._bindAddress, ("", 0))
Example #20
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_unix(self): """ When passed a UNIX strports description, L{endpointClient} returns a L{UNIXClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, "unix:path=/var/foo/bar:lockfile=1:timeout=9") self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.UNIXClientEndpoint) self.assertIdentical(client._reactor, reactor) self.assertEquals(client._path, "/var/foo/bar") self.assertEquals(client._timeout, 9) self.assertEquals(client._checkPID, True)
Example #21
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_tcpDefaults(self): """ A TCP strports description may omit I{timeout} or I{bindAddress} to allow the default to be used. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, "") self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 30) self.assertIsNone(client._bindAddress)
Example #22
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_tcpPortPositionalArg(self): """ When passed a TCP strports description specifying port as a positional argument, L{endpoints.clientFromString} returns a L{TCP4ClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, "") self.assertEqual(client._host, "") self.assertEqual(client._port, 1234)
Example #23
Source File: From rethinkdb-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _connectTimeout(self, factory, timeout): try: # TODO: use ssl options # TODO: this doesn't work for literal IPv6 addresses like '::1' args = "tcp:%s:%d" % (, self._parent.port) if timeout is not None: args = args + (":timeout=%d" % timeout) endpoint = clientFromString(reactor, args) p = yield endpoint.connect(factory) returnValue(p) except TimeoutError: raise ReqlTimeoutError()
Example #24
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_tcpHostPositionalArg(self): """ When passed a TCP strports description specifying host as a positional argument, L{endpoints.clientFromString} returns a L{TCP4ClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, "") self.assertEqual(client._host, "") self.assertEqual(client._port, 1234)
Example #25
Source File: From tensor with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _getEndpoint(self, scheme, host, port): client = clientFromString(reactor, self.path) return client
Example #26
Source File: From magic-wormhole with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _make_endpoint(self, url): p = urlparse(url) tls = (p.scheme == "wss") port = p.port or (443 if tls else 80) if self._tor: return self._tor.stream_via(p.hostname, port, tls=tls) if tls: return endpoints.clientFromString(self._reactor, "tls:%s:%s" % (p.hostname, port)) return endpoints.HostnameEndpoint(self._reactor, p.hostname, port)
Example #27
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_tcpDefaults(self): """ A TCP strports description may omit I{timeout} or I{bindAddress} to allow the default to be used. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, "") self.assertEquals(client._timeout, 30) self.assertEquals(client._bindAddress, None)
Example #28
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_unixPathPositionalArg(self): """ When passed a UNIX strports description specifying path as a positional argument, L{endpoints.clientFromString} returns a L{UNIXClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, "unix:/var/foo/bar:lockfile=1:timeout=9") self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.UNIXClientEndpoint) self.assertIs(client._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(client._path, "/var/foo/bar") self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 9) self.assertTrue(client._checkPID)
Example #29
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_unixDefaults(self): """ A UNIX strports description may omit I{lockfile} or I{timeout} to allow the defaults to be used. """ client = endpoints.clientFromString(object(), "unix:path=/var/foo/bar") self.assertEquals(client._timeout, 30) self.assertEquals(client._checkPID, False)
Example #30
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_typeFromPlugin(self): """ L{endpoints.clientFromString} looks up plugins of type L{IStreamClientEndpoint} and constructs endpoints from them. """ addFakePlugin(self) notAReactor = object() clientEndpoint = endpoints.clientFromString( notAReactor, "cfake:alpha:beta:cee=dee:num=1") from twisted.plugins.fakeendpoint import fakeClient self.assertIdentical(clientEndpoint.parser, fakeClient) self.assertEquals(clientEndpoint.args, ('alpha', 'beta')) self.assertEquals(clientEndpoint.kwargs, dict(cee='dee', num='1'))