Python twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString().
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Example #1
Source File: From flocker with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def webserver_for_test(test, url_path, response_content): """ Create a webserver that serves ``response_content`` from ``url_path``. """ app = Klein() @app.route(url_path) def _respond(request): return response_content factory = Site(app.resource()) endpoint = serverFromString(reactor, b"tcp:0") listening = endpoint.listen(factory) def stop_port(port): test.addCleanup(port.stopListening) return port listening.addCallback(stop_port) return listening
Example #2
Source File: From magic-wormhole with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _start_listener(self, addresses): # TODO: listen on a fixed port, if possible, for NAT/p2p benefits, also # to make firewall configs easier # TODO: retain listening port between connection generations? ep = serverFromString(self._reactor, "tcp:0") f = InboundConnectionFactory(self) d = ep.listen(f) def _listening(lp): # lp is an IListeningPort self._listeners.add(lp) # for shutdown and tests portnum = lp.getHost().port direct_hints = [DirectTCPV1Hint(to_unicode(addr), portnum, 0.0) for addr in addresses] self.listener_ready(direct_hints) d.addCallback(_listening) d.addErrback(log.err)
Example #3
Source File: From magic-wormhole with MIT License | 6 votes |
def web(): # set up a server that serves web/ at the root, plus a /data.json built # from {timeline}. Quit when it fetches /done . from twisted.web import resource, static, server from twisted.internet import reactor, endpoints ep = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, "tcp:8066:interface=") root = static.File(web_root) root.putChild("data.json", static.Data(json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8"), "application/json")) root.putChild("lib", static.File(lib_root)) class Shutdown(resource.Resource): def render_GET(self, request): #print("timeline ready, server shutting down") #reactor.stop() return "shutting down" root.putChild("done", Shutdown()) site = server.Site(root) ep.listen(site) import webbrowser def launch_browser():"http://localhost:%d/timeline.html" % 8066) print("browser opened, waiting for shutdown") reactor.callLater(0, launch_browser)
Example #4
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def listen(description, factory): """ Listen on a port corresponding to a description. @param description: The description of the connecting port, in the syntax described by L{twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString}. @type description: L{str} @param factory: The protocol factory which will build protocols on connection. @type factory: L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocolFactory} @rtype: L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IListeningPort} @return: the port corresponding to a description of a reliable virtual circuit server. @see: L{twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString} """ from twisted.internet import reactor name, args, kw = endpoints._parseServer(description, factory) return getattr(reactor, 'listen' + name)(*args, **kw)
Example #5
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def service(description, factory, reactor=None): """ Return the service corresponding to a description. @param description: The description of the listening port, in the syntax described by L{twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString}. @type description: C{str} @param factory: The protocol factory which will build protocols for connections to this service. @type factory: L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocolFactory} @rtype: C{twisted.application.service.IService} @return: the service corresponding to a description of a reliable stream server. @see: L{twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString} """ if reactor is None: from twisted.internet import reactor svc = StreamServerEndpointService( endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, description), factory) svc._raiseSynchronously = True return svc
Example #6
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_typeFromPlugin(self): """ L{endpoints.serverFromString} looks up plugins of type L{IStreamServerEndpoint} and constructs endpoints from them. """ # Set up a plugin which will only be accessible for the duration of # this test. addFakePlugin(self) # Plugin is set up: now actually test. notAReactor = object() fakeEndpoint = endpoints.serverFromString( notAReactor, "fake:hello:world:yes=no:up=down") from twisted.plugins.fakeendpoint import fake self.assertIs(fakeEndpoint.parser, fake) self.assertEqual(fakeEndpoint.args, (notAReactor, 'hello', 'world')) self.assertEqual(fakeEndpoint.kwargs, dict(yes='no', up='down'))
Example #7
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_ssl(self): """ When passed an SSL strports description, L{endpoints.serverFromString} returns a L{SSL4ServerEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() server = endpoints.serverFromString( reactor, "ssl:1234:backlog=12:privateKey=%s:" "certKey=%s:interface=" % (escapedPEMPathName, escapedPEMPathName)) self.assertIsInstance(server, endpoints.SSL4ServerEndpoint) self.assertIdentical(server._reactor, reactor) self.assertEquals(server._port, 1234) self.assertEquals(server._backlog, 12) self.assertEquals(server._interface, "") ctx = server._sslContextFactory.getContext() self.assertIsInstance(ctx, ContextType)
Example #8
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_unix(self): """ When passed a UNIX strports description, L{endpoint.serverFromString} returns a L{UNIXServerEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() endpoint = endpoints.serverFromString( reactor, "unix:/var/foo/bar:backlog=7:mode=0123:lockfile=1") self.assertIsInstance(endpoint, endpoints.UNIXServerEndpoint) self.assertIs(endpoint._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(endpoint._address, "/var/foo/bar") self.assertEqual(endpoint._backlog, 7) self.assertEqual(endpoint._mode, 0o123) self.assertTrue(endpoint._wantPID)
Example #9
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_sslNoTrailingNewlinePem(self): """ Lack of a trailing newline in key and cert .pem files should not generate an exception. """ reactor = object() server = endpoints.serverFromString( reactor, "ssl:1234:backlog=12:privateKey=%s:" "certKey=%s:sslmethod=TLSv1_METHOD:interface=" % ( escapedNoTrailingNewlineKeyPEMPathName, escapedNoTrailingNewlineCertPEMPathName, ) ) self.assertIsInstance(server, endpoints.SSL4ServerEndpoint) self.assertIs(server._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(server._port, 1234) self.assertEqual(server._backlog, 12) self.assertEqual(server._interface, "") self.assertEqual(server._sslContextFactory.method, TLSv1_METHOD) ctx = server._sslContextFactory.getContext() self.assertIsInstance(ctx, ContextType)
Example #10
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_unix(self): """ When passed a UNIX strports description, L{endpoint.serverFromString} returns a L{UNIXServerEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() endpoint = endpoints.serverFromString( reactor, "unix:/var/foo/bar:backlog=7:mode=0123:lockfile=1") self.assertIsInstance(endpoint, endpoints.UNIXServerEndpoint) self.assertIdentical(endpoint._reactor, reactor) self.assertEquals(endpoint._address, "/var/foo/bar") self.assertEquals(endpoint._backlog, 7) self.assertEquals(endpoint._mode, 0123) self.assertEquals(endpoint._wantPID, True)
Example #11
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_sslChainLoads(self): """ Specifying a chain file loads the contained certificates in the right order. """ server = endpoints.serverFromString( object(), self.SSL_CHAIN_TEMPLATE % (escapedPEMPathName, escapedChainPathName,) ) # Test chain file is just a concatenation of thing1.pem and thing2.pem # so we can check that loading has succeeded and order has been # preserved. expectedChainCerts = [ Certificate.loadPEM(casPath.child("thing%d.pem" % (n,)) .getContent()) for n in [1, 2] ] cf = server._sslContextFactory self.assertEqual(cf.extraCertChain[0].digest('sha1'), expectedChainCerts[0].digest('sha1')) self.assertEqual(cf.extraCertChain[1].digest('sha1'), expectedChainCerts[1].digest('sha1'))
Example #12
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_sslWithDefaults(self): """ An SSL string endpoint description with minimal arguments returns a properly initialized L{SSL4ServerEndpoint} instance. """ reactor = object() server = endpoints.serverFromString( reactor, "ssl:4321:privateKey=%s" % (escapedPEMPathName,)) self.assertIsInstance(server, endpoints.SSL4ServerEndpoint) self.assertIs(server._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(server._port, 4321) self.assertEqual(server._backlog, 50) self.assertEqual(server._interface, "") self.assertEqual(server._sslContextFactory.method, SSLv23_METHOD) self.assertTrue( server._sslContextFactory._options & OP_NO_SSLv3, ) ctx = server._sslContextFactory.getContext() self.assertIsInstance(ctx, ContextType) # Use a class variable to ensure we use the exactly same endpoint string # except for the chain file itself.
Example #13
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_ssl(self): """ When passed an SSL strports description, L{endpoints.serverFromString} returns a L{SSL4ServerEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() server = endpoints.serverFromString( reactor, "ssl:1234:backlog=12:privateKey=%s:" "certKey=%s:sslmethod=TLSv1_METHOD:interface=" % (escapedPEMPathName, escapedPEMPathName)) self.assertIsInstance(server, endpoints.SSL4ServerEndpoint) self.assertIs(server._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(server._port, 1234) self.assertEqual(server._backlog, 12) self.assertEqual(server._interface, "") self.assertEqual(server._sslContextFactory.method, TLSv1_METHOD) ctx = server._sslContextFactory.getContext() self.assertIsInstance(ctx, ContextType)
Example #14
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_typeFromPlugin(self): """ L{endpoints.serverFromString} looks up plugins of type L{IStreamServerEndpoint} and constructs endpoints from them. """ # Set up a plugin which will only be accessible for the duration of # this test. addFakePlugin(self) # Plugin is set up: now actually test. notAReactor = object() fakeEndpoint = endpoints.serverFromString( notAReactor, "fake:hello:world:yes=no:up=down") from twisted.plugins.fakeendpoint import fake self.assertIdentical(fakeEndpoint.parser, fake) self.assertEquals(fakeEndpoint.args, (notAReactor, 'hello', 'world')) self.assertEquals(fakeEndpoint.kwargs, dict(yes='no', up='down'))
Example #15
Source File: From txacme with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _parse(reactor, directory, pemdir, *args, **kwargs): """ Parse a txacme endpoint description. :param reactor: The Twisted reactor. :param directory: ``twisted.python.url.URL`` for the ACME directory to use for issuing certs. :param str pemdir: The path to the certificate directory to use. """ def colon_join(items): return ':'.join([item.replace(':', '\\:') for item in items]) timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', _DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) sub = colon_join(list(args) + ['='.join(item) for item in kwargs.items()]) pem_path = FilePath(pemdir).asTextMode() acme_key = load_or_create_client_key(pem_path) return AutoTLSEndpoint( reactor=reactor, directory=directory, client_creator=partial( Client.from_url, key=acme_key, alg=RS256, timeout=timeout), cert_store=DirectoryStore(pem_path), cert_mapping=HostDirectoryMap(pem_path), sub_endpoint=serverFromString(reactor, sub))
Example #16
Source File: From bitmask-dev with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _start_onion_service(self, factory): def progress(percent, tag, message): bar = int(percent / 10) log.debug('[%s%s] %s' % ('#' * bar, '.' * (10 - bar), message)) def setup_complete(port): port = txtorcon.IHiddenService(port) self.uri = "http://%s" % (port.getHost().onion_uri)'I have set up a hidden service, advertised at: %s' % self.uri)'locally listening on %s' % port.local_address.getHost()) def setup_failed(args): log.error('onion service setup FAILED: %r' % args) endpoint = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, 'onion:80') txtorcon.IProgressProvider(endpoint).add_progress_listener(progress) d = endpoint.listen(factory) d.addCallback(setup_complete) d.addErrback(setup_failed) return d
Example #17
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def listen(description, factory): """ Listen on a port corresponding to a description. @param description: The description of the connecting port, in the syntax described by L{twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString}. @type description: L{str} @param factory: The protocol factory which will build protocols on connection. @type factory: L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocolFactory} @rtype: L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IListeningPort} @return: the port corresponding to a description of a reliable virtual circuit server. @see: L{twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString} """ from twisted.internet import reactor name, args, kw = endpoints._parseServer(description, factory) return getattr(reactor, 'listen' + name)(*args, **kw)
Example #18
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def service(description, factory, reactor=None): """ Return the service corresponding to a description. @param description: The description of the listening port, in the syntax described by L{twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString}. @type description: C{str} @param factory: The protocol factory which will build protocols for connections to this service. @type factory: L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocolFactory} @rtype: C{twisted.application.service.IService} @return: the service corresponding to a description of a reliable stream server. @see: L{twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString} """ if reactor is None: from twisted.internet import reactor svc = StreamServerEndpointService( endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, description), factory) svc._raiseSynchronously = True return svc
Example #19
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_typeFromPlugin(self): """ L{endpoints.serverFromString} looks up plugins of type L{IStreamServerEndpoint} and constructs endpoints from them. """ # Set up a plugin which will only be accessible for the duration of # this test. addFakePlugin(self) # Plugin is set up: now actually test. notAReactor = object() fakeEndpoint = endpoints.serverFromString( notAReactor, "fake:hello:world:yes=no:up=down") from twisted.plugins.fakeendpoint import fake self.assertIs(fakeEndpoint.parser, fake) self.assertEqual(fakeEndpoint.args, (notAReactor, 'hello', 'world')) self.assertEqual(fakeEndpoint.kwargs, dict(yes='no', up='down'))
Example #20
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_ssl(self): """ When passed an SSL strports description, L{endpoints.serverFromString} returns a L{SSL4ServerEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() server = endpoints.serverFromString( reactor, "ssl:1234:backlog=12:privateKey=%s:" "certKey=%s:sslmethod=TLSv1_METHOD:interface=" % (escapedPEMPathName, escapedPEMPathName)) self.assertIsInstance(server, endpoints.SSL4ServerEndpoint) self.assertIs(server._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(server._port, 1234) self.assertEqual(server._backlog, 12) self.assertEqual(server._interface, "") self.assertEqual(server._sslContextFactory.method, TLSv1_METHOD) ctx = server._sslContextFactory.getContext() self.assertIsInstance(ctx, ContextType)
Example #21
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_unix(self): """ When passed a UNIX strports description, L{endpoint.serverFromString} returns a L{UNIXServerEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() endpoint = endpoints.serverFromString( reactor, "unix:/var/foo/bar:backlog=7:mode=0123:lockfile=1") self.assertIsInstance(endpoint, endpoints.UNIXServerEndpoint) self.assertIs(endpoint._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(endpoint._address, "/var/foo/bar") self.assertEqual(endpoint._backlog, 7) self.assertEqual(endpoint._mode, 0o123) self.assertTrue(endpoint._wantPID)
Example #22
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_sslWithDefaults(self): """ An SSL string endpoint description with minimal arguments returns a properly initialized L{SSL4ServerEndpoint} instance. """ reactor = object() server = endpoints.serverFromString( reactor, "ssl:4321:privateKey=%s" % (escapedPEMPathName,)) self.assertIsInstance(server, endpoints.SSL4ServerEndpoint) self.assertIs(server._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(server._port, 4321) self.assertEqual(server._backlog, 50) self.assertEqual(server._interface, "") self.assertEqual(server._sslContextFactory.method, SSLv23_METHOD) self.assertTrue( server._sslContextFactory._options & OP_NO_SSLv3, ) ctx = server._sslContextFactory.getContext() self.assertIsInstance(ctx, ContextType) # Use a class variable to ensure we use the exactly same endpoint string # except for the chain file itself.
Example #23
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_sslChainLoads(self): """ Specifying a chain file loads the contained certificates in the right order. """ server = endpoints.serverFromString( object(), self.SSL_CHAIN_TEMPLATE % (escapedPEMPathName, escapedChainPathName,) ) # Test chain file is just a concatenation of thing1.pem and thing2.pem # so we can check that loading has succeeded and order has been # preserved. expectedChainCerts = [ Certificate.loadPEM(casPath.child("thing%d.pem" % (n,)) .getContent()) for n in [1, 2] ] cf = server._sslContextFactory self.assertEqual(cf.extraCertChain[0].digest('sha1'), expectedChainCerts[0].digest('sha1')) self.assertEqual(cf.extraCertChain[1].digest('sha1'), expectedChainCerts[1].digest('sha1'))
Example #24
Source File: From Paradrop with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def setup_http_server(http_server, host, port): endpoint = serverFromString( reactor, "tcp:port={0}:interface={1}".format(port, host) ) endpoint.listen(Site(
Example #25
Source File: From magic-wormhole-transit-relay with MIT License | 5 votes |
def makeService(config, reactor=reactor): increase_rlimits() ep = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, config["port"]) # to listen log_file = (os.fdopen(int(config["log-fd"]), "w") if config["log-fd"] is not None else None) f = transit_server.Transit(blur_usage=config["blur-usage"], log_file=log_file, usage_db=config["usage-db"]) parent = MultiService() StreamServerEndpointService(ep, f).setServiceParent(parent) TimerService(5*60.0, f.timerUpdateStats).setServiceParent(parent) return parent
Example #26
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_quoteStringArgument(self): """ L{endpoints.quoteStringArgument} should quote backslashes and colons for interpolation into L{endpoints.serverFromString} and L{endpoints.clientFactory} arguments. """ self.assertEquals(endpoints.quoteStringArgument("some : stuff \\"), "some \\: stuff \\\\")
Example #27
Source File: From dwc_network_server_emulator with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def start(self): endpoint = serverFromString( reactor, "tcp:%d:interface=%s" % (address[1], address[0]) ) conn = endpoint.listen(SessionFactory(self.qr)) try: if not reactor.running: except ReactorAlreadyRunning: pass
Example #28
Source File: From dwc_network_server_emulator with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def start(self): endpoint_search = serverFromString( reactor, "tcp:%d:interface=%s" % (address[1], address[0]) ) conn_search = endpoint_search.listen(PlayerSearchFactory()) try: if not reactor.running: except ReactorAlreadyRunning: pass
Example #29
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_tcp(self): """ When passed a TCP strports description, L{endpoints.serverFromString} returns a L{TCP4ServerEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() server = endpoints.serverFromString( reactor, "tcp:1234:backlog=12:interface=") self.assertIsInstance(server, endpoints.TCP4ServerEndpoint) self.assertIdentical(server._reactor, reactor) self.assertEquals(server._port, 1234) self.assertEquals(server._backlog, 12) self.assertEquals(server._interface, "")
Example #30
Source File: From dwc_network_server_emulator with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def start(self): endpoint_search = serverFromString( reactor, "tcp:%d:interface=%s" % (address[1], address[0]) ) conn_search = endpoint_search.listen(GamestatsFactory()) try: if not reactor.running: except ReactorAlreadyRunning: pass