Python munkres.Munkres() Examples

The following are 21 code examples of munkres.Munkres(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module munkres , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From acai with Apache License 2.0 7 votes vote down vote up
def error(cluster, target_cluster, k):
    """ Compute error between cluster and target cluster
    :param cluster: proposed cluster
    :param target_cluster: target cluster
    :return: error
    n = np.shape(target_cluster)[0]
    M = np.zeros((k, k))
    for i in range(k):
        for j in range(k):
            M[i][j] = np.sum(np.logical_and(cluster == i, target_cluster == j))
    m = Munkres()
    indexes = m.compute(-M)
    corresp = []
    for i in range(k):
    pred_corresp = [corresp[int(predicted)] for predicted in cluster]
    acc = np.sum(pred_corresp == target_cluster) / float(len(target_cluster))
    return acc 
Example #2
Source File:    From video-to-pose3D with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def best_matching_hungarian(all_cors, all_pids_info, all_pids_fff, track_vid_next_fid, weights, weights_fff, num, mag):
    box1_num = len(all_pids_info)
    box2_num = track_vid_next_fid['num_boxes']
    cost_matrix = np.zeros((box1_num, box2_num))

    # print(f"Outer for loop :{box1_num}", end=' ')
    pool = Pool()
    results = []
    for pid1 in range(box1_num):
        result = pool.apply_async(cal_one_matching,
                                  args=(all_cors, all_pids_fff, all_pids_info, cost_matrix, mag, num, pid1, track_vid_next_fid, weights, weights_fff))


    # print()

    for i, result in enumerate(results):
        cost_matrix[i] = result.get()

    m = Munkres()
    indexes = m.compute((-np.array(cost_matrix)).tolist())

    return indexes, cost_matrix 
Example #3
Source File:    From SpectralNet with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_y_preds(cluster_assignments, y_true, n_clusters):
    Computes the predicted labels, where label assignments now
    correspond to the actual labels in y_true (as estimated by Munkres)

    cluster_assignments:    array of labels, outputted by kmeans
    y_true:                 true labels
    n_clusters:             number of clusters in the dataset

    returns:    a tuple containing the accuracy and confusion matrix,
                in that order
    confusion_matrix = sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(y_true, cluster_assignments, labels=None)
    # compute accuracy based on optimal 1:1 assignment of clusters to labels
    cost_matrix = calculate_cost_matrix(confusion_matrix, n_clusters)
    indices = Munkres().compute(cost_matrix)
    kmeans_to_true_cluster_labels = get_cluster_labels_from_indices(indices)
    y_pred = kmeans_to_true_cluster_labels[cluster_assignments]
    return y_pred, confusion_matrix 
Example #4
Source File:    From MvDSCN with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def best_map(L1, L2):
    #L1 should be the groundtruth labels and L2 should be the clustering labels we got
    Label1 = np.unique(L1)
    nClass1 = len(Label1)
    Label2 = np.unique(L2)
    nClass2 = len(Label2)
    nClass = np.maximum(nClass1,nClass2)
    G = np.zeros((nClass,nClass))
    for i in range(nClass1):
        ind_cla1 = L1 == Label1[i]
        ind_cla1 = ind_cla1.astype(float)
        for j in range(nClass2):
            ind_cla2 = L2 == Label2[j]
            ind_cla2 = ind_cla2.astype(float)
            G[i,j] = np.sum(ind_cla2 * ind_cla1)
    m = Munkres()
    index = m.compute(-G.T)
    index = np.array(index)
    c = index[:,1]
    newL2 = np.zeros(L2.shape)
    for i in range(nClass2):
        newL2[L2 == Label2[i]] = Label1[c[i]]
    return newL2 
Example #5
Source File:    From Deep-Spectral-Clustering-using-Dual-Autoencoder-Network with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_y_preds(cluster_assignments, y_true, n_clusters):
    Computes the predicted labels, where label assignments now
    correspond to the actual labels in y_true (as estimated by Munkres)

    cluster_assignments:    array of labels, outputted by kmeans
    y_true:                 true labels
    n_clusters:             number of clusters in the dataset

    returns:    a tuple containing the accuracy and confusion matrix,
                in that order
    confusion_matrix = sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(y_true, cluster_assignments, labels=None)
    # compute accuracy based on optimal 1:1 assignment of clusters to labels
    cost_matrix = calculate_cost_matrix(confusion_matrix, n_clusters)
    indices = Munkres().compute(cost_matrix)
    kmeans_to_true_cluster_labels = get_cluster_labels_from_indices(indices)
    y_pred = kmeans_to_true_cluster_labels[cluster_assignments]
    return y_pred, confusion_matrix 
Example #6
Source File:    From pose-ae-demo with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def py_max_match(scores):
    m = Munkres()
    tmp = m.compute(-scores)
    tmp = np.array(tmp).astype(np.int32)
    return tmp 
Example #7
Source File:    From biclustlib with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _calculate_dmax(predicted_biclustering, reference_biclustering):
    pred_sets = _bic2sets(predicted_biclustering)
    true_sets = _bic2sets(reference_biclustering)
    cost_matrix = [[sys.maxsize - len(b.intersection(g)) for g in true_sets] for b in pred_sets]
    indices = Munkres().compute(cost_matrix)
    return sum(sys.maxsize - cost_matrix[i][j] for i, j in indices) 
Example #8
Source File:    From px2graph with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def py_max_match(scores):
    # Backup if you have trouble getting munkres-tensorflow compiled (much slower)
    from munkres import Munkres
    m = Munkres()
    tmp = m.compute(-scores)
    return np.array(tmp).astype(np.int32) 
Example #9
Source File:    From SpectralNet with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_accuracy(cluster_assignments, y_true, n_clusters):
    Computes the accuracy based on the provided kmeans cluster assignments
    and true labels, using the Munkres algorithm

    cluster_assignments:    array of labels, outputted by kmeans
    y_true:                 true labels
    n_clusters:             number of clusters in the dataset

    returns:    a tuple containing the accuracy and confusion matrix,
                in that order
    y_pred, confusion_matrix = get_y_preds(cluster_assignments, y_true, n_clusters)
    # calculate the accuracy
    return np.mean(y_pred == y_true), confusion_matrix 
Example #10
Source File:    From Smart-City-Sample with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self):
        # Array of Gallery Objects - {embeddings(numpy array), timestamp}
        self.identities = []
        self.reid_threshold = 0.7
        self.matcher = Munkres()
        self.timestamp = 0 
Example #11
Source File:    From pytorch-meta with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _assign_samples(tcga_metadataset):
    import pandas as pd
    import munkres

    blacklist = []
    sample_to_task_assignment = {}
    for cancer in get_cancers():
        filename = tcga_metadataset.get_processed_filename(cancer)
        dataframe = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', index_col=0, header=0)
        dataframe = dataframe.drop(blacklist, errors='ignore')
        permutation = dataframe.index[torch.randperm(len(dataframe.index))]
        dataframe = dataframe.reindex(permutation)
        labels = dataframe.notna()
        labels = labels.applymap(lambda x: 1. if x else munkres.DISALLOWED)
        all_disallowed = labels.apply(lambda x: True if all(x == munkres.DISALLOWED) else False, axis=1)
        labels = labels.drop(labels[all_disallowed].index)

        matrix = labels.values
        shape = matrix.shape
        # The +5 allows for some slack in the assignment
        # which is necessary for the used implementation to converge on BRCA
        repeats =[0] / shape[1])) + 5
        expanded_matrix = np.tile(matrix, (1, repeats))

        indices = munkres.Munkres().compute(expanded_matrix)
        mapped_indices = [(a, b % shape[1]) for a, b in indices]

        for index, mapped_index in mapped_indices:
            sample_to_task_assignment.setdefault((dataframe.columns[mapped_index], cancer), []).append(


    return sample_to_task_assignment 
Example #12
Source File:    From Deep-Spectral-Clustering-using-Dual-Autoencoder-Network with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_accuracy(cluster_assignments, y_true, n_clusters):
    Computes the accuracy based on the provided kmeans cluster assignments
    and true labels, using the Munkres algorithm

    cluster_assignments:    array of labels, outputted by kmeans
    y_true:                 true labels
    n_clusters:             number of clusters in the dataset

    returns:    a tuple containing the accuracy and confusion matrix,
                in that order
    y_pred, confusion_matrix = get_y_preds(cluster_assignments, y_true, n_clusters)
    # calculate the accuracy
    return np.mean(y_pred == y_true), confusion_matrix 
Example #13
Source File:    From panphon with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def main(wordlist1, wordlist2, dist_funcs):
    with open(wordlist1, 'rb') as file_a, open(wordlist2, 'rb') as file_b:
        reader_a = csv.reader(file_a, encoding='utf-8')
        reader_b = csv.reader(file_b, encoding='utf-8')
        print('Reading word lists...')
        words = zip([(w, g) for (g, w) in reader_a],
                    [(w, g) for (g, w) in reader_b])
        words_a, words_b = zip(*[(a, b) for (a, b) in words if a and b])
        print('Constructing cost matrix...')
        matrix = construct_cost_matrix(words_a, words_b, dist_funcs)
        m = munkres.Munkres()
        print('Computing matrix using Hungarian Algorithm...')
        indices = m.compute(matrix)
Example #14
Source File:    From show-control-and-tell with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, pre_comp_file):
        self.pre_comp_file = pre_comp_file
        self.munkres = munkres.Munkres()

        with open(self.pre_comp_file, 'rb') as fp:
            self.vectors = pkl.load(fp) 
Example #15
Source File:    From HigherHRNet-Human-Pose-Estimation with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def py_max_match(scores):
    m = Munkres()
    tmp = m.compute(scores)
    tmp = np.array(tmp).astype(np.int32)
    return tmp 
Example #16
Source File:    From detectron2-pipeline with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def best_matching_hungarian(all_cors, all_pids_info, all_pids_fff, track_vid_next_fid,
                            weights, weights_fff, num, mag):
    box1_num = len(all_pids_info)
    box2_num = len(track_vid_next_fid[1])
    cost_matrix = np.zeros((box1_num, box2_num))

    for pid1 in range(box1_num):
        box1_pos = all_pids_info[pid1]['box_pos']
        box1_region_ids = find_region_cors_last(box1_pos, all_cors)
        box1_score = all_pids_info[pid1]['box_score']
        box1_pose = all_pids_info[pid1]['keypoints_pos']
        box1_fff = all_pids_fff[pid1]

        for pid2 in range(box2_num):
            box2_pos = track_vid_next_fid[1][pid2]['box_pos']
            box2_region_ids = find_region_cors_next(box2_pos, all_cors)
            box2_score = track_vid_next_fid[1][pid2]['box_score']
            box2_pose = track_vid_next_fid[1][pid2]['keypoints_pos']

            inter = box1_region_ids & box2_region_ids
            union = box1_region_ids | box2_region_ids
            dm_iou = len(inter) / (len(union) + 0.00001)
            box_iou = cal_bbox_iou(box1_pos, box2_pos)
            pose_iou_dm = cal_pose_iou_dm(all_cors, box1_pose, box2_pose, num, mag)
            pose_iou = cal_pose_iou(box1_pose, box2_pose, num, mag)
            if box1_fff:
                grade = cal_grade([dm_iou, box_iou, pose_iou_dm, pose_iou, box1_score, box2_score], weights)
                grade = cal_grade([dm_iou, box_iou, pose_iou_dm, pose_iou, box1_score, box2_score], weights_fff)

            cost_matrix[pid1, pid2] = grade

    m = Munkres()
    indexes = m.compute((-np.array(cost_matrix)).tolist())

    return indexes, cost_matrix 
Example #17
Source File:    From py-lapsolver with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def load_solver_munkres():
    from munkres import Munkres, DISALLOWED

    def run(costs):
        m = Munkres()
        idx = np.array(m.compute(costs), dtype=int)
        return costs[idx[:,0], idx[:,1]].sum()

    return run 
Example #18
Source File:    From pose-ae-train with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def py_max_match(scores):
    m = Munkres()
    tmp = m.compute(-scores)
    tmp = np.array(tmp).astype(np.int32)
    return tmp 
Example #19
Source File:    From 3d-vehicle-tracking with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, groundtruth, hypotheses, overlap_threshold):
        """Constructor """

        self.overlap_threshold_ = overlap_threshold
        """Bounding box overlap threshold"""

        self.munkres_inf_ = sys.maxsize
        """Not quite infinite number for Munkres algorithm"""

        self.sync_delta_ = 0.001
        """Maximum offset considered for a match of hypothesis and ground 

        self.groundtruth_ = groundtruth
        """Groundtruth. See groundtruth.json for a sample file"""

        if self.groundtruth_["class"] != "video":
            raise Exception("Ground truth is not of class \"video\"")

        self.hypotheses_ = hypotheses
        """Hypotheses. See hypotheses.json for a sample file"""

        if self.hypotheses_["class"] != "video":
            raise Exception("Hypotheses is not of class \"video\"")



        # Set class and type for hypos and ground truths
        for f in self.hypotheses_["frames"]:
            for h in f["hypotheses"]:
                h["type"] = "hypothesis"
                h["class"] = "unevaluated"

        for f in self.groundtruth_["frames"]:
            for g in f["annotations"]:
                g["type"] = "groundtruth"
                g["class"] = "unevaluated"

        # List of dicts, containing ground truths and hypotheses for visual 
        # debugging
        self.visualDebugFrames_ = [] 
Example #20
Source File:    From proficiency-metric with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def compute_assignment (self):
        import munkres
        taxonomy = list(self.check_taxonomy())
        costs = []
        actual_entropy = []
        for ac in taxonomy:
            an = self.actual.get(ac,0)
            ae = util.bin_entropy(self.observations,an)
            if ae == 0:
                costs.append([0 for _pc in taxonomy])
                # negative MI because munkres minimizes costs
                costs.append([- util.bin_mutual_info(
                              for pc in taxonomy])
        m = munkres.Munkres()
        indexes = m.compute(costs)
        mutual_information = 0
        reassigned = []
        for row, col in indexes:
            mutual_information += - costs[row][col]
            if row != col:
                ac = taxonomy[row]
                pc = taxonomy[col]
                c = -100*costs[row][col]
                if c > 0:
                    c /= actual_entropy[row]
        if len(reassigned) > 0:
            self.logger.warn("Reassigned %d categories%s",len(reassigned),"".join(
                ["\n  Proficiency=%.2f%%: Actual [%s](%d) = Predicted [%s](%d)"
                 % (p,ac,an,pc,pn)
                 for (p,ac,an,pc,pn) in reassigned
                 if (p >= 10 and an >= 5 and pn >= 5)]))
        actual_entropy = sum(actual_entropy)
        return (taxonomy,indexes,
                0 if actual_entropy == 0 else mutual_information / actual_entropy) 
Example #21
Source File:    From simple-HRNet with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def find_person_id_associations(boxes, pts, prev_boxes, prev_pts, prev_person_ids, next_person_id=0,
                                pose_alpha=0.5, similarity_threshold=0.5, smoothing_alpha=0.):
    Find associations between previous and current skeletons and apply temporal smoothing.
    It requires previous and current bounding boxes, skeletons, and previous person_ids.

        boxes (:class:`np.ndarray`): current person bounding boxes
        pts (:class:`np.ndarray`): current human joints
        prev_boxes (:class:`np.ndarray`): previous person bounding boxes
        prev_pts (:class:`np.ndarray`): previous human joints
        prev_person_ids (:class:`np.ndarray`): previous person ids
        next_person_id (int): the id that will be assigned to the next novel detected person
            Default: 0
        pose_alpha (float): parameter to weight between bounding box similarity and pose (oks) similarity.
            pose_alpha * pose_similarity + (1 - pose_alpha) * bbox_similarity
            Default: 0.5
        similarity_threshold (float): lower similarity threshold to have a correct match between previous and
            current detections.
            Default: 0.5
        smoothing_alpha (float): linear temporal smoothing filter. Set 0 to disable, 1 to keep the previous detection.
            Default: 0.1

            (:class:`np.ndarray`, :class:`np.ndarray`, :class:`np.ndarray`):
                A list with (boxes, pts, person_ids) where boxes and pts are temporally smoothed.
    bbox_similarity_matrix, pose_similarity_matrix = compute_similarity_matrices(boxes, prev_boxes, pts, prev_pts)
    similarity_matrix = pose_similarity_matrix * pose_alpha + bbox_similarity_matrix * (1 - pose_alpha)

    m = munkres.Munkres()
    assignments = np.asarray(m.compute((1 - similarity_matrix).tolist()))  # Munkres require a cost => 1 - similarity

    person_ids = np.ones(len(pts), dtype=np.int32) * -1
    for assignment in assignments:
        if similarity_matrix[assignment[0], assignment[1]] > similarity_threshold:
            person_ids[assignment[0]] = prev_person_ids[assignment[1]]
            if smoothing_alpha:
                boxes[assignment[0]] = (1 - smoothing_alpha) * boxes[assignment[0]] + smoothing_alpha * prev_boxes[assignment[1]]
                pts[assignment[0]] = (1 - smoothing_alpha) * pts[assignment[0]] + smoothing_alpha * prev_pts[assignment[1]]

    person_ids[person_ids == -1] = np.arange(next_person_id, next_person_id + np.sum(person_ids == -1))

    return boxes, pts, person_ids