Python redis.from_url() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of redis.from_url().
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Example #1
Source File: From flask-redis-queue with MIT License | 7 votes |
def get_status(task_id): with Connection(redis.from_url(current_app.config["REDIS_URL"])): q = Queue() task = q.fetch_job(task_id) if task: response_object = { "status": "success", "data": { "task_id": task.get_id(), "task_status": task.get_status(), "task_result": task.result, }, } else: response_object = {"status": "error"} return jsonify(response_object)
Example #2
Source File: From flask-spark-docker with MIT License | 6 votes |
def run_worker(): redis_url = app.config['REDIS_URL'] redis_connection = redis.from_url(redis_url) with Connection(redis_connection): worker = Worker(app.config['QUEUES'])
Example #3
Source File: From plaso with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _GetRedisClient(self): """Creates a Redis client for testing. This method will attempt to use a Redis server listening on localhost and fallback to a fake Redis client if no server is availble or the connection timed out. Returns: Redis: a Redis client. """ try: redis_client = redis.from_url(self._REDIS_URL, socket_timeout=60) except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: redis_client = fakeredis.FakeStrictRedis() return redis_client
Example #4
Source File: From syntheticmass with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def redis(app, config, args, kwargs): kwargs.update(dict( host=config.get('CACHE_REDIS_HOST', 'localhost'), port=config.get('CACHE_REDIS_PORT', 6379), )) password = config.get('CACHE_REDIS_PASSWORD') if password: kwargs['password'] = password key_prefix = config.get('CACHE_KEY_PREFIX') if key_prefix: kwargs['key_prefix'] = key_prefix db_number = config.get('CACHE_REDIS_DB') if db_number: kwargs['db'] = db_number redis_url = config.get('CACHE_REDIS_URL') if redis_url: kwargs['host'] = redis_from_url( redis_url, db=kwargs.pop('db', None), ) return RedisCache(*args, **kwargs)
Example #5
Source File: From code-coverage with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, reports_dir=None): # Open redis connection self.redis = redis.from_url(taskcluster.secrets["REDIS_URL"]) assert, "Redis server does not ping back" # Open gcp connection to bucket assert ( taskcluster.secrets["GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE"] is not None ), "Missing GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE secret" self.bucket = get_bucket(taskcluster.secrets["GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE"]) # Local storage for reports self.reports_dir = reports_dir or os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir(), "ccov-reports" ) os.makedirs(self.reports_dir, exist_ok=True)"Reports will be stored in {}".format(self.reports_dir)) # Load most recent reports in cache for repo in REPOSITORIES: for report in self.list_reports(repo, nb=1): self.download_report(report)
Example #6
Source File: From openci with MIT License | 6 votes |
def grade_project(project_id): project = Project.query.filter_by(id=project_id).first_or_404() with Connection(redis.from_url(current_app.config['REDIS_URL'])): q = Queue() task = q.enqueue( create_task, project.url, current_app.config["OPENFAAS_URL"] ) response_object = { 'status': 'success', 'data': { 'task_id': task.get_id() } } return jsonify(response_object), 202
Example #7
Source File: From mee6 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.broker_url = config.BROKER_URL or DEFAULT_BROKER_URL self.redis_url = config.REDIS_URL or DEFAULT_BROKER_URL self.log = logging.getLogger('worker').info self.redis = redis.from_url(self.redis_url, decode_responses=True) self.log('Connected to redis database') discord_config = ClientConfig() discord_config.token = config.MEE6_TOKEN discord_client = Client(discord_config) self.api = discord_client.api self.listeners = [] self.plugins = []
Example #8
Source File: From nidaba with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def reload_config(): """ Triggers a global reloading of the configuration files and reinitializes the redis connection pool. As of now configuration files are only read from sys.prefix/etc/nidaba/. """ global nidaba_cfg, celery_cfg, Redis ipath = path.join(sys.prefix, 'etc', 'nidaba', 'nidaba.yaml') with open(ipath, 'rb') as fp: nidaba_cfg = yaml.safe_load(fp) if 'redis_url' not in nidaba_cfg: raise NidabaConfigException('No redis URL defined') Redis = redis.from_url(nidaba_cfg['redis_url']) cpath = path.join(sys.prefix, 'etc', 'nidaba', 'celery.yaml') with open(cpath, 'rb') as fp: celery_cfg = yaml.safe_load(fp)
Example #9
Source File: From AlexaBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def gettoken(uid): red = redis.from_url(redis_url) token = red.get(uid+"-access_token") refresh = red.get(uid+"-refresh_token") if token: return token elif refresh: #good refresh token try: payload = {"client_id" : Client_ID, "client_secret" : Client_Secret, "refresh_token" : refresh, "grant_type" : "refresh_token", } url = "" r =, data = payload) resp = json.loads(r.text) red.set(uid+"-access_token", resp['access_token']) red.expire(uid+"-access_token", 3600) return resp['access_token'] #bad refresh token except: return False else: return False # Get Alexa's [text] response to a [text] query
Example #10
Source File: From AlexaBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get(self): code=self.get_argument("code") mid=self.get_cookie("user") path = "https" + "://" + callback = path+"/code" payload = {"client_id" : Client_ID, "client_secret" : Client_Secret, "code" : code, "grant_type" : "authorization_code", "redirect_uri" : callback } url = "" r =, data = payload) red = redis.from_url(redis_url) resp = json.loads(r.text) if mid != None: print("fetched MID: ",mid) red.set(mid+"-access_token", resp['access_token']) red.expire(mid+"-access_token", 3600) red.set(mid+"-refresh_token", resp['refresh_token']) self.render("static/return.html") bot.send_text_message(mid, "Great, you're logged in. Start talking to Alexa!") else: self.redirect("/?refreshtoken="+resp['refresh_token'])
Example #11
Source File: From limits with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): pymemcache.client.Client(('localhost', 22122)).flush_all() redis.from_url('unix:///tmp/limits.redis.sock').flushall() redis.from_url("redis://localhost:7379").flushall() redis.from_url("redis://:sekret@localhost:7389").flushall() redis.sentinel.Sentinel([ ("localhost", 26379) ]).master_for("localhost-redis-sentinel").flushall() rediscluster.RedisCluster("localhost", 7000).flushall() if RUN_GAE: from google.appengine.ext import testbed tb = testbed.Testbed() tb.activate() tb.init_memcache_stub()
Example #12
Source File: From limits with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): self.storage_url = "redis://localhost:7379" = RedisStorage(self.storage_url) redis.from_url(self.storage_url).flushall()
Example #13
Source File: From limits with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_init_options(self): with mock.patch( "" ) as get_dependency: storage_from_string(self.storage_url, connection_timeout=1) self.assertEqual( get_dependency().from_url.call_args[1]['connection_timeout'], 1 )
Example #14
Source File: From AlexaBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get(self): uid = tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(self.current_user) red = redis.from_url(redis_url) red.delete(uid+"-access_token") red.delete(uid+"-refresh_token") self.clear_cookie("user") self.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') self.write("Logged Out, Goodbye") self.finish() # Facebook Messenger webhook
Example #15
Source File: From limits with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): self.storage_url = "redis+unix:///tmp/limits.redis.sock" = RedisStorage(self.storage_url) redis.from_url('unix:///tmp/limits.redis.sock').flushall()
Example #16
Source File: From limits with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_init_options(self): with mock.patch( "" ) as get_dependency: storage_from_string(self.storage_url, connection_timeout=1) self.assertEqual( get_dependency().from_url.call_args[1]['connection_timeout'], 1 )
Example #17
Source File: From depsy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setup_redis_for_unittests(): # do the same thing for the redis db, set up the test redis database. We're using DB Number 8 r = redis.from_url("redis://localhost:6379", db=REDIS_UNITTEST_DATABASE_NUMBER) r.flushdb() return r # from # with a few changes
Example #18
Source File: From SwarmOps with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def create_redis_engine(): """ 创建redis连接 """ from redis import from_url from config import REDIS as REDIS_URL return from_url(REDIS_URL)
Example #19
Source File: From zeus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def init_app(self, app): self.redis = redis.from_url(app.config["REDIS_URL"]) self.logger = app.logger
Example #20
Source File: From Rqalpha-myquant-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, path, redis_uri): super(RedisDataSource, self).__init__(path) self._env = Environment.get_instance() import redis self._redis_client = redis.from_url(redis_uri)
Example #21
Source File: From Rqalpha-myquant-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, redis_url): import redis self._client = redis.from_url(redis_url)
Example #22
Source File: From rqalpha-mod-stock-realtime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, path, redis_uri): super(RedisDataSource, self).__init__(path) self._env = Environment.get_instance() import redis self._redis_client = redis.from_url(redis_uri)
Example #23
Source File: From docket with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def redis(cls): if cls._redis: return cls._redis if cls.get('DOCKET_NO_REDIS') or not cls.get('REDIS_URL'): return None cls._redis = redis.from_url(url=cls.get('REDIS_URL')) return cls._redis
Example #24
Source File: From openslack-crawler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def from_settings(settings): url = settings.get('REDIS_URL', REDIS_URL) host = settings.get('REDIS_HOST', REDIS_HOST) port = settings.get('REDIS_PORT', REDIS_PORT) # REDIS_URL takes precedence over host/port specification. if url: return redis.from_url(url) else: return redis.Redis(host=host, port=port)
Example #25
Source File: From flask-limiter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def redis_connection(): r = redis.from_url("redis://localhost:36379") r.flushall() return r
Example #26
Source File: From openci with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_status(project_id, task_id): with Connection(redis.from_url(current_app.config['REDIS_URL'])): q = Queue() task = q.fetch_job(task_id) if task: response_object = { 'status': 'success', 'data': { 'task_id': task.get_id(), 'task_status': task.get_status(), 'task_result': task.result } } if task.get_status() == 'finished': project = Project.query.filter_by(id=project_id).first() project.status = False if bool(task.result['status']): project.status = True db.session.commit() db.session.add( Build(, status=project.status,'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S') ) ) db.session.commit() else: response_object = {'status': 'error'} return jsonify(response_object)
Example #27
Source File: From openci with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run_worker(): redis_url = app.config['REDIS_URL'] redis_connection = redis.from_url(redis_url) with Connection(redis_connection): worker = Worker(app.config['QUEUES'])
Example #28
Source File: From flask-spark-docker with MIT License | 5 votes |
def push_rq_connection(): push_connection(redis.from_url(current_app.config['REDIS_URL']))
Example #29
Source File: From satori with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('inject') parser.add_argument('--redis', type=str, default='redis://localhost:6379/0') parser.add_argument('--id', type=str, default='injected-test-event-id') parser.add_argument('--endpoint', type=str, default='test-endpoint') parser.add_argument('--note', type=str, default="SpaceX have just blasted Facebook's satellite!") parser.add_argument('--status', type=str.upper, default='PROBLEM') parser.add_argument('--level', type=int, default=3) parser.add_argument('--metric', type=str, default='facebook.satellite.healthy') parser.add_argument('--time', type=int, default=int(time.time())) parser.add_argument('--tags', type=eval, default={}) parser.add_argument('--actual', type=float, default=0) parser.add_argument('--expected', type=float, default=1) parser.add_argument('--teams', type=str, nargs='+', default=['operation']) options = parser.parse_args() ev = { 'status': options.status, 'tags': options.tags, 'metric': options.metric, 'groups': options.teams, 'id':, 'endpoint': options.endpoint, 'actual': options.actual, 'level': options.level, 'note': options.note, 'time': options.time, 'expected': options.expected, } r = redis.from_url(options.redis) r.rpush("satori-events:%s" % options.level, json.dumps(ev))
Example #30
Source File: From flask-redis-queue with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run_task(): task_type = request.form["type"] with Connection(redis.from_url(current_app.config["REDIS_URL"])): q = Queue() task = q.enqueue(create_task, task_type) response_object = { "status": "success", "data": { "task_id": task.get_id() } } return jsonify(response_object), 202