Python tensorflow.reduce_any() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tensorflow.reduce_any().
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Example #1
Source File: From tf2-yolo3 with Apache License 2.0 | 8 votes |
def yolo_nms(outputs, anchors, masks, num_classes, iou_threshold=0.6, score_threshold=0.15): boxes, confs, classes = [], [], [] for o in outputs: boxes.append(tf.reshape(o[0], (tf.shape(o[0])[0], -1, tf.shape(o[0])[-1]))) confs.append(tf.reshape(o[1], (tf.shape(o[0])[0], -1, tf.shape(o[1])[-1]))) classes.append(tf.reshape(o[2], (tf.shape(o[0])[0], -1, tf.shape(o[2])[-1]))) boxes = tf.concat(boxes, axis=1) confs = tf.concat(confs, axis=1) class_probs = tf.concat(classes, axis=1) box_scores = confs * class_probs mask = box_scores >= score_threshold mask = tf.reduce_any(mask, axis=-1) class_boxes = tf.boolean_mask(boxes, mask) class_boxes = tf.reshape(class_boxes, (tf.shape(boxes)[0], -1, 4)) class_box_scores = tf.boolean_mask(box_scores, mask) class_box_scores = tf.reshape(class_box_scores, (tf.shape(boxes)[0], -1, num_classes)) class_boxes, class_box_scores = tf.py_function(func=batched_nms, inp=[class_boxes, class_box_scores, num_classes, iou_threshold], Tout=[tf.float32, tf.float32]) classes = tf.argmax(class_box_scores, axis=-1) return class_boxes, class_box_scores, classes
Example #2
Source File: From BERT with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def self_attention(config, is_train, p, p_mask=None, scope=None): #[N, L, 2d] with tf.variable_scope(scope or "self_attention"): PL = p.get_shape()[1] dim = p.get_shape()[-1] # HL = tf.shape(h)[1] p_aug_1 = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(p, 2), [1,1,config.max_seq_len_word,1]) p_aug_2 = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(p, 1), [1,config.max_seq_len_word,1,1]) #[N, PL, HL, 2d] if p_mask is None: ph_mask = None else: p_mask_aug_1 = tf.reduce_any(tf.cast(tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(p_mask, 2), [1, 1, config.max_seq_len_word, 1]), tf.bool), axis=3) p_mask_aug_2 = tf.reduce_any(tf.cast(tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(p_mask, 1), [1, config.max_seq_len_word, 1, 1]), tf.bool), axis=3) self_mask = p_mask_aug_1 & p_mask_aug_2 h_logits = get_logits([p_aug_1, p_aug_2], None, True, wd=config.wd, mask=self_mask, is_train=is_train, func=config.self_att_logit_func, scope='h_logits') # [N, PL, HL] self_att = softsel(p_aug_2, h_logits) return self_att
Example #3
Source File: From BERT with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def bi_attention_mx(config, is_train, p, h, p_mask=None, h_mask=None, scope=None): #[N, L, 2d] with tf.variable_scope(scope or "dense_logit_bi_attention"): PL = p.get_shape()[1] HL = h.get_shape()[1] p_aug = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(p, 2), [1,1,config.max_seq_len_word,1]) h_aug = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(h, 1), [1,config.max_seq_len_word,1,1]) #[N, PL, HL, 2d] if p_mask is None: ph_mask = None else: p_mask_aug = tf.reduce_any(tf.cast(tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(p_mask, 2), [1, 1, config.max_seq_len_word, 1]), tf.bool), axis=3) h_mask_aug = tf.reduce_any(tf.cast(tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(h_mask, 1), [1, config.max_seq_len_word, 1, 1]), tf.bool), axis=3) ph_mask = p_mask_aug & h_mask_aug ph_mask = None h_logits = p_aug * h_aug return h_logits
Example #4
Source File: From BERT with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testLoss(self): batch_size = 2 key_depth = 5 val_depth = 5 memory_size = 4 window_size = 3 x_depth = 5 memory = transformer_memory.TransformerMemory( batch_size, key_depth, val_depth, memory_size) x = tf.random_uniform([batch_size, window_size, x_depth], minval=.0) memory_results, _, _, _ = ( memory.pre_attention( tf.random_uniform([batch_size], minval=0, maxval=1, dtype=tf.int32), x, None, None)) x = memory.post_attention(memory_results, x) with tf.control_dependencies([tf.print("x", x)]): is_nan = tf.reduce_any(tf.math.is_nan(x)) with self.test_session() as session: for _ in range(100): is_nan_value, _ =[is_nan, x]) self.assertEqual(is_nan_value, False)
Example #5
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def search(self, initial_ids, initial_cache): """Beam search for sequences with highest scores.""" state, state_shapes = self._create_initial_state(initial_ids, initial_cache) finished_state = tf.while_loop( cond=self._continue_search, body=self._search_step, loop_vars=[state], shape_invariants=[state_shapes], parallel_iterations=1, back_prop=False) finished_state = finished_state[0] alive_seq = finished_state[_StateKeys.ALIVE_SEQ] alive_log_probs = finished_state[_StateKeys.ALIVE_LOG_PROBS] finished_seq = finished_state[_StateKeys.FINISHED_SEQ] finished_scores = finished_state[_StateKeys.FINISHED_SCORES] finished_flags = finished_state[_StateKeys.FINISHED_FLAGS] # Account for corner case where there are no finished sequences for a # particular batch item. In that case, return alive sequences for that batch # item. finished_seq = tf.compat.v1.where( tf.reduce_any(input_tensor=finished_flags, axis=1), finished_seq, alive_seq) finished_scores = tf.compat.v1.where( tf.reduce_any(input_tensor=finished_flags, axis=1), finished_scores, alive_log_probs) return finished_seq, finished_scores
Example #6
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def search(self, initial_ids, initial_cache): """Beam search for sequences with highest scores.""" state, state_shapes = self._create_initial_state(initial_ids, initial_cache) finished_state = tf.while_loop( cond=self._continue_search, body=self._search_step, loop_vars=[state], shape_invariants=[state_shapes], parallel_iterations=1, back_prop=False) finished_state = finished_state[0] alive_seq = finished_state[_StateKeys.ALIVE_SEQ] alive_log_probs = finished_state[_StateKeys.ALIVE_LOG_PROBS] finished_seq = finished_state[_StateKeys.FINISHED_SEQ] finished_scores = finished_state[_StateKeys.FINISHED_SCORES] finished_flags = finished_state[_StateKeys.FINISHED_FLAGS] # Account for corner case where there are no finished sequences for a # particular batch item. In that case, return alive sequences for that batch # item. finished_seq = tf.compat.v1.where( tf.reduce_any(input_tensor=finished_flags, axis=1), finished_seq, alive_seq) finished_scores = tf.compat.v1.where( tf.reduce_any(input_tensor=finished_flags, axis=1), finished_scores, alive_log_probs) return finished_seq, finished_scores
Example #7
Source File: From vae_tacotron2 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, state, sample_ids, stop_token_prediction, name=None): '''Stop on EOS. Otherwise, pass the last output as the next input and pass through state.''' with tf.name_scope('TacoTestHelper'): #A sequence is finished when the output probability is > 0.5 finished = tf.cast(tf.round(stop_token_prediction), tf.bool) #Since we are predicting r frames at each step, two modes are #then possible: # Stop when the model outputs a p > 0.5 for any frame between r frames (Recommended) # Stop when the model outputs a p > 0.5 for all r frames (Safer) #Note: # With enough training steps, the model should be able to predict when to stop correctly # and the use of stop_at_any = True would be recommended. If however the model didn't # learn to stop correctly yet, (stops too soon) one could choose to use the safer option # to get a correct synthesis if hparams.stop_at_any: finished = tf.reduce_any(finished) #Recommended else: finished = tf.reduce_all(finished) #Safer option # Feed last output frame as next input. outputs is [N, output_dim * r] next_inputs = outputs[:, -self._output_dim:] next_state = state return (finished, next_inputs, next_state)
Example #8
Source File: From ICML2019-TREX with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __call__(self,input_var,name=None,**kwargs) : def _init(): v_norm = tf.nn.l2_normalize(self.v,axis=[0,1,2]) t = tf.nn.conv2d(input_var,v_norm,self.strides,self.padding,data_format='NHWC') mu,var = tf.nn.moments(t,axes=[0,1,2]) std = tf.sqrt(var+self.epsilon) return [tf.assign(self.g,1/std),tf.assign(self.b,-1.*mu/std)] require_init = tf.reduce_any(tf.is_nan(self.g)) init_ops = tf.cond(require_init,_init,lambda : [self.g,self.b]) with tf.control_dependencies(init_ops): w = tf.reshape(self.g,[1,1,1,tf.shape(self.v)[-1]]) * tf.nn.l2_normalize(self.v,axis=[0,1,2]) return tf.nn.bias_add( tf.nn.conv2d(input_var, w,data_format='NHWC', strides=self.strides, padding=self.padding), self.b,data_format='NHWC',name=name)
Example #9
Source File: From ICML2019-TREX with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __call__(self,input_var,name=None,**kwargs) : if( input_var.shape.ndims > 2 ) : dims = tf.reduce_prod(tf.shape(input_var)[1:]) input_var = tf.reshape(input_var,[-1,dims]) def _init(): v_norm = tf.nn.l2_normalize(self.v,axis=0) t = tf.matmul(input_var,v_norm) mu,var = tf.nn.moments(t,axes=[0]) std = tf.sqrt(var+self.epsilon) return [tf.assign(self.g,1/std),tf.assign(self.b,-1.*mu/std)] require_init = tf.reduce_any(tf.is_nan(self.g)) init_ops = tf.cond(require_init,_init,lambda : [self.g,self.b]) with tf.control_dependencies(init_ops): w = tf.expand_dims(self.g,axis=0) * tf.nn.l2_normalize(self.v,axis=0) return tf.matmul(input_var,w)+self.b
Example #10
Source File: From Gun-Detector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _BuildSequence(self, batch_size, max_steps, features, state, use_average=False): """Adds a sequence of beam parsing steps.""" def Advance(state, step, scores_array, alive, alive_steps, *features): scores = self._BuildNetwork(features, return_average=use_average)['logits'] scores_array = scores_array.write(step, scores) features, state, alive = ( gen_parser_ops.beam_parser(state, scores, self._feature_size)) return [state, step + 1, scores_array, alive, alive_steps + tf.cast( alive, tf.int32)] + list(features) # args: (state, step, scores_array, alive, alive_steps, *features) def KeepGoing(*args): return tf.logical_and(args[1] < max_steps, tf.reduce_any(args[3])) step = tf.constant(0, tf.int32, []) scores_array = tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=0, dynamic_size=True) alive = tf.constant(True, tf.bool, [batch_size]) alive_steps = tf.constant(0, tf.int32, [batch_size]) t = tf.while_loop( KeepGoing, Advance, [state, step, scores_array, alive, alive_steps] + list(features), shape_invariants=[tf.TensorShape(None)] * (len(features) + 5), parallel_iterations=100) # Link to the final nodes/values of ops that have passed through While: return {'state': t[0], 'concat_scores': t[2].concat(), 'alive': t[3], 'alive_steps': t[4]}
Example #11
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def any(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): """Bitwise reduction (logical OR). # Arguments x: Tensor or variable. axis: An integer or list of integers in [-rank(x), rank(x)), the axes to compute the logical or. If `None` (default), computes the logical or over all dimensions. keepdims: whether the drop or broadcast the reduction axes. # Returns A uint8 tensor (0s and 1s). """ x = tf.cast(x, tf.bool) return tf.reduce_any(x, axis, keepdims)
Example #12
Source File: From tensorflow with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def prune_completely_outside_window(boxlist, window, scope=None): """Prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside of the given window. The function clip_to_window prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside the window, but also clips any bounding boxes that partially overflow. This function does not clip partially overflowing boxes. Args: boxlist: a BoxList holding M_in boxes. window: a float tensor of shape [4] representing [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] of the window scope: name scope. Returns: pruned_corners: a tensor with shape [M_out, 4] where M_out <= M_in valid_indices: a tensor with shape [M_out] indexing the valid bounding boxes in the input tensor. """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'PruneCompleteleyOutsideWindow'): y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = tf.split( value=boxlist.get(), num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1) win_y_min, win_x_min, win_y_max, win_x_max = tf.unstack(window) coordinate_violations = tf.concat([ tf.greater_equal(y_min, win_y_max), tf.greater_equal(x_min, win_x_max), tf.less_equal(y_max, win_y_min), tf.less_equal(x_max, win_x_min) ], 1) valid_indices = tf.reshape( tf.where(tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_any(coordinate_violations, 1))), [-1]) return gather(boxlist, valid_indices), valid_indices
Example #13
Source File: From Gun-Detector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def prune_outside_window(boxlist, window, scope=None): """Prunes bounding boxes that fall outside a given window. This function prunes bounding boxes that even partially fall outside the given window. See also clip_to_window which only prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside the window, and clips any bounding boxes that partially overflow. Args: boxlist: a BoxList holding M_in boxes. window: a float tensor of shape [4] representing [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] of the window scope: name scope. Returns: pruned_corners: a tensor with shape [M_out, 4] where M_out <= M_in valid_indices: a tensor with shape [M_out] indexing the valid bounding boxes in the input tensor. """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'PruneOutsideWindow'): y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = tf.split( value=boxlist.get(), num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1) win_y_min, win_x_min, win_y_max, win_x_max = tf.unstack(window) coordinate_violations = tf.concat([ tf.less(y_min, win_y_min), tf.less(x_min, win_x_min), tf.greater(y_max, win_y_max), tf.greater(x_max, win_x_max) ], 1) valid_indices = tf.reshape( tf.where(tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_any(coordinate_violations, 1))), [-1]) return gather(boxlist, valid_indices), valid_indices
Example #14
Source File: From Gun-Detector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def prune_completely_outside_window(boxlist, window, scope=None): """Prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside of the given window. The function clip_to_window prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside the window, but also clips any bounding boxes that partially overflow. This function does not clip partially overflowing boxes. Args: boxlist: a BoxList holding M_in boxes. window: a float tensor of shape [4] representing [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] of the window scope: name scope. Returns: pruned_boxlist: a new BoxList with all bounding boxes partially or fully in the window. valid_indices: a tensor with shape [M_out] indexing the valid bounding boxes in the input tensor. """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'PruneCompleteleyOutsideWindow'): y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = tf.split( value=boxlist.get(), num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1) win_y_min, win_x_min, win_y_max, win_x_max = tf.unstack(window) coordinate_violations = tf.concat([ tf.greater_equal(y_min, win_y_max), tf.greater_equal(x_min, win_x_max), tf.less_equal(y_max, win_y_min), tf.less_equal(x_max, win_x_min) ], 1) valid_indices = tf.reshape( tf.where(tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_any(coordinate_violations, 1))), [-1]) return gather(boxlist, valid_indices), valid_indices
Example #15
Source File: From efficientdet-tf with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_compute_gt(self): ds = voc.build_dataset('test/data/VOC2007', im_input_size=(512, 512), shuffle=False) ds = ds.skip(1).batch(1) wrapped_ds =, (512, 512), 20) anchors = self.generate_anchors(config.AnchorsConfig(), 512) im, (regressors, l) = next(iter(wrapped_ds.take(1))) im = unnormalize_image(im[0]) near_mask = regressors[0, :, -1] == 1 nearest_regressors = tf.expand_dims( tf.boolean_mask(regressors[0], near_mask)[:, :-1], 0) nearest_anchors = tf.expand_dims(anchors[near_mask], 0) # apply regression to boxes regressed_boxes = utils.bndbox.regress_bndboxes(nearest_anchors, nearest_regressors) im = utils.visualizer.draw_boxes( im, nearest_anchors[0], colors=[(255, 255, 0)]) im = utils.visualizer.draw_boxes( im, regressed_boxes[0], colors=[(0, 255, 255)]) plt.imshow(im) plt.axis('off') print('GT shapes:', l.shape, regressors.shape) print('Found any overlapping anchor?', tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(l[:, :, -1], 1.)))
Example #16
Source File: From tpu_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def prune_outside_window(boxlist, window, scope=None): """Prunes bounding boxes that fall outside a given window. This function prunes bounding boxes that even partially fall outside the given window. See also clip_to_window which only prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside the window, and clips any bounding boxes that partially overflow. Args: boxlist: a BoxList holding M_in boxes. window: a float tensor of shape [4] representing [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] of the window scope: name scope. Returns: pruned_corners: a tensor with shape [M_out, 4] where M_out <= M_in valid_indices: a tensor with shape [M_out] indexing the valid bounding boxes in the input tensor. """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'PruneOutsideWindow'): y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = tf.split( value=boxlist.get(), num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1) win_y_min, win_x_min, win_y_max, win_x_max = tf.unstack(window) coordinate_violations = tf.concat([ tf.less(y_min, win_y_min), tf.less(x_min, win_x_min), tf.greater(y_max, win_y_max), tf.greater(x_max, win_x_max) ], 1) valid_indices = tf.reshape( tf.where(tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_any(coordinate_violations, 1))), [-1]) return gather(boxlist, valid_indices), valid_indices
Example #17
Source File: From tpu_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def metric_fn(answers, prediction, start, end, yp1, yp2, num_answers): """Compute span accuracies and token F1/EM scores.""" yp1 = tf.expand_dims(yp1, -1) yp2 = tf.expand_dims(yp2, -1) answer_mask = tf.sequence_mask(num_answers) start = tf.to_int64(start) end = tf.to_int64(end) start_correct = tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(start, yp1) & answer_mask, 1) end_correct = tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(end, yp2) & answer_mask, 1) correct = start_correct & end_correct em = tf.py_func( enum_fn(_exact_match_score, dtype='float32'), [prediction, answers, answer_mask], 'float32') f1 = tf.py_func( enum_fn(_f1_score, dtype='float32'), [prediction, answers, answer_mask], 'float32') eval_metric_ops = { # TODO(ddohan): Add other useful metrics 'acc_start': tf.metrics.mean(tf.cast(start_correct, 'float')), 'acc_end': tf.metrics.mean(tf.cast(end_correct, 'float')), 'acc_span': tf.metrics.mean(tf.cast(correct, 'float')), 'em': tf.metrics.mean(em), 'f1': tf.metrics.mean(f1), # Number of questions processed 'num_question': tf.metrics.true_positives( tf.ones([tf.shape(prediction)][0]), tf.ones([tf.shape(prediction)][0])) } return eval_metric_ops
Example #18
Source File: From Traffic-Rule-Violation-Detection-System with MIT License | 5 votes |
def prune_completely_outside_window(boxlist, window, scope=None): """Prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside of the given window. The function clip_to_window prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside the window, but also clips any bounding boxes that partially overflow. This function does not clip partially overflowing boxes. Args: boxlist: a BoxList holding M_in boxes. window: a float tensor of shape [4] representing [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] of the window scope: name scope. Returns: pruned_boxlist: a new BoxList with all bounding boxes partially or fully in the window. valid_indices: a tensor with shape [M_out] indexing the valid bounding boxes in the input tensor. """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'PruneCompleteleyOutsideWindow'): y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = tf.split( value=boxlist.get(), num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1) win_y_min, win_x_min, win_y_max, win_x_max = tf.unstack(window) coordinate_violations = tf.concat([ tf.greater_equal(y_min, win_y_max), tf.greater_equal(x_min, win_x_max), tf.less_equal(y_max, win_y_min), tf.less_equal(x_max, win_x_min) ], 1) valid_indices = tf.reshape( tf.where(tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_any(coordinate_violations, 1))), [-1]) return gather(boxlist, valid_indices), valid_indices
Example #19
Source File: From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def aggregate_gradients_using_copy(tower_grads, use_mean, check_inf_nan): """Calculate the average gradient for each shared variable across all towers. Note that this function provides a synchronization point across all towers. Args: tower_grads: List of lists of (gradient, variable) tuples. The outer list is over towers. The inner list is over individual gradients. use_mean: if True, mean is taken, else sum of gradients is taken. check_inf_nan: check grads for nans and infs. Returns: The tuple ([(average_gradient, variable),], has_nan_or_inf) where the gradient has been averaged across all towers. The variable is chosen from the first tower. The has_nan_or_inf indicates the grads has nan or inf. """ agg_grads = [] has_nan_or_inf_list = [] for single_grads in zip(*tower_grads): grad_and_var, has_nan_or_inf = aggregate_single_gradient_using_copy( single_grads, use_mean, check_inf_nan) agg_grads.append(grad_and_var) has_nan_or_inf_list.append(has_nan_or_inf) if check_inf_nan: return agg_grads, tf.reduce_any(has_nan_or_inf_list) else: return agg_grads, None
Example #20
Source File: From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def aggregate_gradients_using_copy_with_variable_colocation( tower_grads, use_mean, check_inf_nan): """Aggregate gradients, colocating computation with the gradient's variable. Args: tower_grads: List of lists of (gradient, variable) tuples. The outer list is over towers. The inner list is over individual gradients. All variables of the same gradient across towers must be the same (that is, tower_grads[x][a][1] == tower_grads[y][a][1] for all indices x, y, and a) use_mean: if True, mean is taken, else sum of gradients is taken. check_inf_nan: If true, check grads for nans and infs. Returns: The tuple ([(average_gradient, variable),], has_nan_or_inf) where the gradient has been averaged across all towers. The variable is chosen from the first tower. The has_nan_or_inf indicates the grads has nan or inf. """ agg_grads = [] has_nan_or_inf_list = [] for single_grads in zip(*tower_grads): # Note that each single_grads looks like the following: # ((grad0_gpu0, var0_gpu0), ... , (grad0_gpuN, var0_gpuN)) var = single_grads[0][1] for _, v in single_grads: assert v == var with tf.device(var.device): grad_and_var, has_nan_or_inf = aggregate_single_gradient_using_copy( single_grads, use_mean, check_inf_nan) agg_grads.append(grad_and_var) has_nan_or_inf_list.append(has_nan_or_inf) if check_inf_nan: return agg_grads, tf.reduce_any(has_nan_or_inf_list) else: return agg_grads, None
Example #21
Source File: From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def aggregate_gradients_using_copy_with_device_selection( benchmark_cnn, tower_grads, use_mean, check_inf_nan): """Aggregate gradients, controlling device for the aggregation. Args: benchmark_cnn: benchmark_cnn class. tower_grads: List of lists of (gradient, variable) tuples. The outer list is over towers. The inner list is over individual gradients. use_mean: if True, mean is taken, else sum of gradients is taken. check_inf_nan: If true, check grads for nans and infs. Returns: The tuple ([(average_gradient, variable),], has_nan_or_inf) where the gradient has been averaged across all towers. The variable is chosen from the first tower. The has_nan_or_inf indicates the grads has nan or inf. """ if benchmark_cnn.local_parameter_device_flag == 'gpu': avail_devices = benchmark_cnn.raw_devices else: avail_devices = [benchmark_cnn.param_server_device] agg_grads = [] has_nan_or_inf_list = [] for i, single_grads in enumerate(zip(*tower_grads)): with tf.device(avail_devices[i % len(avail_devices)]): grad_and_var, has_nan_or_inf = aggregate_single_gradient_using_copy( single_grads, use_mean, check_inf_nan) agg_grads.append(grad_and_var) has_nan_or_inf_list.append(has_nan_or_inf) if check_inf_nan: return agg_grads, tf.reduce_any(has_nan_or_inf_list) else: return agg_grads, None
Example #22
Source File: From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _self_suppression(iou, _, iou_sum): batch_size = tf.shape(iou)[0] can_suppress_others = tf.cast( tf.reshape(tf.reduce_max(iou, 1) <= 0.5, [batch_size, -1, 1]), iou.dtype) iou_suppressed = tf.reshape( tf.cast(tf.reduce_max(can_suppress_others * iou, 1) <= 0.5, iou.dtype), [batch_size, -1, 1]) * iou iou_sum_new = tf.reduce_sum(iou_suppressed, [1, 2]) return [ iou_suppressed, tf.reduce_any(iou_sum - iou_sum_new > 0.5), iou_sum_new ]
Example #23
Source File: From Traffic-Rule-Violation-Detection-System with MIT License | 5 votes |
def prune_outside_window(boxlist, window, scope=None): """Prunes bounding boxes that fall outside a given window. This function prunes bounding boxes that even partially fall outside the given window. See also clip_to_window which only prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside the window, and clips any bounding boxes that partially overflow. Args: boxlist: a BoxList holding M_in boxes. window: a float tensor of shape [4] representing [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] of the window scope: name scope. Returns: pruned_corners: a tensor with shape [M_out, 4] where M_out <= M_in valid_indices: a tensor with shape [M_out] indexing the valid bounding boxes in the input tensor. """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'PruneOutsideWindow'): y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = tf.split( value=boxlist.get(), num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1) win_y_min, win_x_min, win_y_max, win_x_max = tf.unstack(window) coordinate_violations = tf.concat([ tf.less(y_min, win_y_min), tf.less(x_min, win_x_min), tf.greater(y_max, win_y_max), tf.greater(x_max, win_x_max) ], 1) valid_indices = tf.reshape( tf.where(tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_any(coordinate_violations, 1))), [-1]) return gather(boxlist, valid_indices), valid_indices
Example #24
Source File: From yolo_v2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def prune_completely_outside_window(boxlist, window, scope=None): """Prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside of the given window. The function clip_to_window prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside the window, but also clips any bounding boxes that partially overflow. This function does not clip partially overflowing boxes. Args: boxlist: a BoxList holding M_in boxes. window: a float tensor of shape [4] representing [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] of the window scope: name scope. Returns: pruned_corners: a tensor with shape [M_out, 4] where M_out <= M_in valid_indices: a tensor with shape [M_out] indexing the valid bounding boxes in the input tensor. """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'PruneCompleteleyOutsideWindow'): y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = tf.split( value=boxlist.get(), num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1) win_y_min, win_x_min, win_y_max, win_x_max = tf.unstack(window) coordinate_violations = tf.concat([ tf.greater_equal(y_min, win_y_max), tf.greater_equal(x_min, win_x_max), tf.less_equal(y_max, win_y_min), tf.less_equal(x_max, win_x_min) ], 1) valid_indices = tf.reshape( tf.where(tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_any(coordinate_violations, 1))), [-1]) return gather(boxlist, valid_indices), valid_indices
Example #25
Source File: From yolo_v2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def prune_outside_window(boxlist, window, scope=None): """Prunes bounding boxes that fall outside a given window. This function prunes bounding boxes that even partially fall outside the given window. See also clip_to_window which only prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside the window, and clips any bounding boxes that partially overflow. Args: boxlist: a BoxList holding M_in boxes. window: a float tensor of shape [4] representing [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] of the window scope: name scope. Returns: pruned_corners: a tensor with shape [M_out, 4] where M_out <= M_in valid_indices: a tensor with shape [M_out] indexing the valid bounding boxes in the input tensor. """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'PruneOutsideWindow'): y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = tf.split( value=boxlist.get(), num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1) win_y_min, win_x_min, win_y_max, win_x_max = tf.unstack(window) coordinate_violations = tf.concat([ tf.less(y_min, win_y_min), tf.less(x_min, win_x_min), tf.greater(y_max, win_y_max), tf.greater(x_max, win_x_max) ], 1) valid_indices = tf.reshape( tf.where(tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_any(coordinate_violations, 1))), [-1]) return gather(boxlist, valid_indices), valid_indices
Example #26
Source File: From yolo_v2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _BuildSequence(self, batch_size, max_steps, features, state, use_average=False): """Adds a sequence of beam parsing steps.""" def Advance(state, step, scores_array, alive, alive_steps, *features): scores = self._BuildNetwork(features, return_average=use_average)['logits'] scores_array = scores_array.write(step, scores) features, state, alive = ( gen_parser_ops.beam_parser(state, scores, self._feature_size)) return [state, step + 1, scores_array, alive, alive_steps + tf.cast( alive, tf.int32)] + list(features) # args: (state, step, scores_array, alive, alive_steps, *features) def KeepGoing(*args): return tf.logical_and(args[1] < max_steps, tf.reduce_any(args[3])) step = tf.constant(0, tf.int32, []) scores_array = tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=0, dynamic_size=True) alive = tf.constant(True, tf.bool, [batch_size]) alive_steps = tf.constant(0, tf.int32, [batch_size]) t = tf.while_loop( KeepGoing, Advance, [state, step, scores_array, alive, alive_steps] + list(features), shape_invariants=[tf.TensorShape(None)] * (len(features) + 5), parallel_iterations=100) # Link to the final nodes/values of ops that have passed through While: return {'state': t[0], 'concat_scores': t[2].concat(), 'alive': t[3], 'alive_steps': t[4]}
Example #27
Source File: From HereIsWally with MIT License | 5 votes |
def prune_completely_outside_window(boxlist, window, scope=None): """Prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside of the given window. The function clip_to_window prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside the window, but also clips any bounding boxes that partially overflow. This function does not clip partially overflowing boxes. Args: boxlist: a BoxList holding M_in boxes. window: a float tensor of shape [4] representing [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] of the window scope: name scope. Returns: pruned_corners: a tensor with shape [M_out, 4] where M_out <= M_in valid_indices: a tensor with shape [M_out] indexing the valid bounding boxes in the input tensor. """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'PruneCompleteleyOutsideWindow'): y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = tf.split( value=boxlist.get(), num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1) win_y_min, win_x_min, win_y_max, win_x_max = tf.unstack(window) coordinate_violations = tf.concat([ tf.greater_equal(y_min, win_y_max), tf.greater_equal(x_min, win_x_max), tf.less_equal(y_max, win_y_min), tf.less_equal(x_max, win_x_min) ], 1) valid_indices = tf.reshape( tf.where(tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_any(coordinate_violations, 1))), [-1]) return gather(boxlist, valid_indices), valid_indices
Example #28
Source File: From HereIsWally with MIT License | 5 votes |
def prune_outside_window(boxlist, window, scope=None): """Prunes bounding boxes that fall outside a given window. This function prunes bounding boxes that even partially fall outside the given window. See also clip_to_window which only prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside the window, and clips any bounding boxes that partially overflow. Args: boxlist: a BoxList holding M_in boxes. window: a float tensor of shape [4] representing [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] of the window scope: name scope. Returns: pruned_corners: a tensor with shape [M_out, 4] where M_out <= M_in valid_indices: a tensor with shape [M_out] indexing the valid bounding boxes in the input tensor. """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'PruneOutsideWindow'): y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = tf.split( value=boxlist.get(), num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1) win_y_min, win_x_min, win_y_max, win_x_max = tf.unstack(window) coordinate_violations = tf.concat([ tf.less(y_min, win_y_min), tf.less(x_min, win_x_min), tf.greater(y_max, win_y_max), tf.greater(x_max, win_x_max) ], 1) valid_indices = tf.reshape( tf.where(tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_any(coordinate_violations, 1))), [-1]) return gather(boxlist, valid_indices), valid_indices
Example #29
Source File: From garbage-object-detection-tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def prune_completely_outside_window(boxlist, window, scope=None): """Prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside of the given window. The function clip_to_window prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside the window, but also clips any bounding boxes that partially overflow. This function does not clip partially overflowing boxes. Args: boxlist: a BoxList holding M_in boxes. window: a float tensor of shape [4] representing [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] of the window scope: name scope. Returns: pruned_corners: a tensor with shape [M_out, 4] where M_out <= M_in valid_indices: a tensor with shape [M_out] indexing the valid bounding boxes in the input tensor. """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'PruneCompleteleyOutsideWindow'): y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = tf.split( value=boxlist.get(), num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1) win_y_min, win_x_min, win_y_max, win_x_max = tf.unstack(window) coordinate_violations = tf.concat([ tf.greater_equal(y_min, win_y_max), tf.greater_equal(x_min, win_x_max), tf.less_equal(y_max, win_y_min), tf.less_equal(x_max, win_x_min) ], 1) valid_indices = tf.reshape( tf.where(tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_any(coordinate_violations, 1))), [-1]) return gather(boxlist, valid_indices), valid_indices
Example #30
Source File: From garbage-object-detection-tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def prune_outside_window(boxlist, window, scope=None): """Prunes bounding boxes that fall outside a given window. This function prunes bounding boxes that even partially fall outside the given window. See also clip_to_window which only prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside the window, and clips any bounding boxes that partially overflow. Args: boxlist: a BoxList holding M_in boxes. window: a float tensor of shape [4] representing [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] of the window scope: name scope. Returns: pruned_corners: a tensor with shape [M_out, 4] where M_out <= M_in valid_indices: a tensor with shape [M_out] indexing the valid bounding boxes in the input tensor. """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'PruneOutsideWindow'): y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = tf.split( value=boxlist.get(), num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1) win_y_min, win_x_min, win_y_max, win_x_max = tf.unstack(window) coordinate_violations = tf.concat([ tf.less(y_min, win_y_min), tf.less(x_min, win_x_min), tf.greater(y_max, win_y_max), tf.greater(x_max, win_x_max) ], 1) valid_indices = tf.reshape( tf.where(tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_any(coordinate_violations, 1))), [-1]) return gather(boxlist, valid_indices), valid_indices