Python tensorflow.string_split() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tensorflow.string_split().
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Example #1
Source File: From fine-lm with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_data(input_file, input_vocab): """Returns an iterator over the input file. Args: input_file: The input text file. input_vocab: The input vocabulary. Returns: A dataset batch iterator. """ dataset = dataset = x: tf.string_split([x]).values) dataset = dataset = x: { "ids": x, "length": tf.shape(x)[0]}) dataset = dataset.padded_batch(64, { "ids": [None], "length": []}) return dataset.make_initializable_iterator()
Example #2
Source File: From reaction_prediction_seq2seq with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def decode(self, data, items): decoded_items = {} # Split tokens tokens = tf.string_split([data], delimiter=self.delimiter).values # Optionally prepend a special token if self.prepend_token is not None: tokens = tf.concat([[self.prepend_token], tokens], 0) # Optionally append a special token if self.append_token is not None: tokens = tf.concat([tokens, [self.append_token]], 0) decoded_items[self.length_feature_name] = tf.size(tokens) decoded_items[self.tokens_feature_name] = tokens return [decoded_items[_] for _ in items]
Example #3
Source File: From professional-services with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def parse_raw_text(sentence): """Splits text tensor by word to sparse sequence of tokens. Args: sentence: `tf.string`, with text record to split. Returns: Dictionary mapping feature name to tensors with the following entries `constants.TOKENS` mapping to a `SparseTensor` and `constants.SEQUENCE_LENGTH` mapping to a one-dimensional integer `Tensor`. """ tokens = tf.regex_replace(sentence, _CHAR_TO_FILTER_OUT, ' ', replace_global=True) sparse_sequence = tf.string_split(tokens) features = { constants.TOKENS: sparse_sequence, constants.SEQUENCE_LENGTH: get_sparse_tensor_size(sparse_sequence) } return features
Example #4
Source File: From ConMask with MIT License | 6 votes |
def multiple_content_lookup(content, vocab_table, ids, name=None): """ :param content: :param vocab_table: :param ids: :param name: :return: 2-D [batch_size, max_length_in_batch] content id matrix, 1-D [batch_size] content len vector """ with tf.name_scope(name, 'multiple_content_lookup', [content, vocab_table, ids]): content_list = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(content, ids) extracted_sparse_content = tf.string_split(content_list, delimiter=' ') sparse_content = tf.SparseTensor(indices=extracted_sparse_content.indices, values=vocab_table.lookup(extracted_sparse_content.values), dense_shape=extracted_sparse_content.dense_shape) extracted_content_ids = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(sparse_content, default_value=0, name='dense_content') extracted_content_len = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tf.not_equal(extracted_content_ids, 0), tf.int32), axis=-1) return extracted_content_ids, extracted_content_len
Example #5
Source File: From ConMask with MIT License | 6 votes |
def entity_content_embedding_lookup(entities, content, content_len, vocab_table, word_embedding, str_pad, name=None): """ Lookup entity word embeddings given a flatten 1-D entity id list and content lookup table :param entities: Must be a 1-D entity vector :param content: :param content_len: :param vocab_table: :param word_embedding: :param str_pad: :param name: :return: """ with tf.device('/cpu:0'): with tf.name_scope(name, 'entity_content_lookup', [entities, content, content_len, vocab_table, word_embedding]): ent_content = tf.string_split(tf.nn.embedding_lookup(content, entities, name='ent_content'), delimiter=' ') content_len = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(content_len, entities, name='ent_content_len') ent_content_dense = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(ent_content, default_value=str_pad, name='ent_content_dense') ent_embedding = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(word_embedding, vocab_table.lookup(ent_content_dense, name='ent_content_ids')) return ent_embedding, content_len
Example #6
Source File: From ConMask with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_true_tails(ent_rel_str, targets_lookup_table, targets, name=None): """ Given ent \t rel pair return a list of string targets :param ent_rel_str: :param targets_lookup_table: :param name: :return: """ with tf.name_scope(name, 'get_true_tails', [ent_rel_str, targets_lookup_table, targets]): target_entities_lookup_id = targets_lookup_table.lookup(ent_rel_str) # CHECK IF WE HAVE -1 HERE, if so the error will be have a -2 that is out of the range target_entities_lookup_id = tf.where(tf.equal(target_entities_lookup_id, -1), target_entities_lookup_id - 1, target_entities_lookup_id) # sparseTensor str_targets = tf.string_split(tf.nn.embedding_lookup(targets, target_entities_lookup_id), delimiter=' ') return str_targets.values
Example #7
Source File: From natural-language-summary-generation-from-structured-data with MIT License | 6 votes |
def decode(self, data, items): decoded_items = {} # Split tokens tokens = tf.string_split([data], delimiter=self.delimiter).values # Optionally prepend a special token if self.prepend_token is not None: tokens = tf.concat([[self.prepend_token], tokens], 0) # Optionally append a special token if self.append_token is not None: tokens = tf.concat([tokens, [self.append_token]], 0) decoded_items[self.length_feature_name] = tf.size(tokens) decoded_items[self.tokens_feature_name] = tokens return [decoded_items[_] for _ in items]
Example #8
Source File: From reading_comprehension_tf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def generate_word_feat(sentence, word_vocab_index, word_max_length, word_pad, word_sos, word_eos, word_placeholder_enable): """generate word feature for sentence""" words = tf.string_split([sentence], delimiter=' ').values if word_placeholder_enable == True: words = tf.concat([[word_sos], words[:word_max_length], [word_eos], tf.constant(word_pad, shape=[word_max_length])], axis=0) word_max_length = word_max_length + 2 else: words = tf.concat([words[:word_max_length], tf.constant(word_pad, shape=[word_max_length])], axis=0) words = tf.reshape(words[:word_max_length], shape=[word_max_length]) words = tf.cast(word_vocab_index.lookup(words), dtype=tf.int32) words = tf.expand_dims(words, axis=-1) return words
Example #9
Source File: From reading_comprehension_tf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def create_trg_dataset(input_dataset, input_data_type, word_vocab_index, word_max_length, word_pad, word_sos, word_eos, word_placeholder_enable, num_parallel): """create dataset for input target data""" dataset = input_dataset if input_data_type == "span": dataset = span: tf.string_split([span], delimiter='|').values, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel) dataset = span: tf.string_to_number(span, out_type=tf.int32), num_parallel_calls=num_parallel) dataset = span: tf.expand_dims(span, axis=-1), num_parallel_calls=num_parallel) elif input_data_type == "text": dataset = sent: generate_word_feat(sent, word_vocab_index, word_max_length, word_pad, word_sos, word_eos, word_placeholder_enable), num_parallel_calls=num_parallel) return dataset
Example #10
Source File: From tensorflow_nlp with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def read_word_freq(filename): filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer([filename]) reader = tf.WholeFileReader() key, value = lines = tf.string_split([value], "\n") with tf.Session() as sess: # Start populating the filename queue. coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord)[lines]) lines_eval = lines.eval() result = [] for line in lines_eval.values: s = line.split() result.append((s[0], int(s[1]))) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) return result
Example #11
Source File: From conv-ensemble-str with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_label(self, text, null_character=u'\u2591'): """ Returns the ids of the corresponding text, Args: text: a tensor with shape [batch_size, lexicon_size] and type string null_character: a unicode character used to replace '<null>' character. the default value is a light shade block '░'. """ batch_size = text.shape[0].value lexicon_size = text.shape[1].value text = tf.reshape(text, [-1]) sp_text = tf.string_split(text, delimiter='') sp_text = tf.sparse_reset_shape(sp_text, [batch_size*lexicon_size, self.max_sequence_length]) sp_text = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(sp_text, default_value=null_character) ids = self.invert_table.lookup(sp_text) ids = tf.reshape(ids, [batch_size, lexicon_size, self.max_sequence_length]) return tf.to_int32(ids)
Example #12
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testStringSplitWithDelimiterTensor(self): strings = ["hello|world", "hello world"] with self.test_session() as sess: delimiter = tf.placeholder(tf.string) tokens = tf.string_split(strings, delimiter=delimiter) with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError):, feed_dict={delimiter: ["a", "b"]}) with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError):, feed_dict={delimiter: ["a"]}) with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError):, feed_dict={delimiter: "abc"}) indices, values, shape =, feed_dict={delimiter: "|"}) self.assertAllEqual(indices, [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]]) self.assertAllEqual(values, [b"hello", b"world", b"hello world"]) self.assertAllEqual(shape, [2, 2])
Example #13
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testStringSplitWithDelimiter(self): strings = ["hello|world", "hello world"] with self.test_session() as sess: self.assertRaises( ValueError, tf.string_split, strings, delimiter="delimiter") self.assertRaises( ValueError, tf.string_split, strings, delimiter=["|", ""]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, tf.string_split, strings, delimiter=["a"]) tokens = tf.string_split(strings, delimiter="|") indices, values, shape = self.assertAllEqual(indices, [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]]) self.assertAllEqual(values, [b"hello", b"world", b"hello world"]) self.assertAllEqual(shape, [2, 2])
Example #14
Source File: From Document-Transformer with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_inference_input_ctx(inputs, ctxs, params): with tf.device("/cpu:0"): dataset = tf.constant(inputs) ) # Split string dataset = x: tf.string_split([x]).values, num_parallel_calls=params.num_threads) # Append <eos> dataset = lambda x: tf.concat([x, [tf.constant(params.eos)]], axis=0), num_parallel_calls=params.num_threads ) # Convert tuple to dictionary dataset = lambda x: {"source": x, "source_length": tf.shape(x)[0]}, num_parallel_calls=params.num_threads ) dataset = dataset.padded_batch( params.decode_batch_size * len(params.device_list), {"source": [tf.Dimension(None)], "source_length": []}, {"source": params.pad, "source_length": 0} ) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() features = iterator.get_next() src_table = tf.contrib.lookup.index_table_from_tensor( tf.constant(params.vocabulary["source"]), default_value=params.mapping["source"][params.unk] ) features["source"] = src_table.lookup(features["source"]) return features
Example #15
Source File: From Document-Transformer with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_inference_input(inputs, params): with tf.device("/cpu:0"): dataset = tf.constant(inputs) ) # Split string dataset = x: tf.string_split([x]).values, num_parallel_calls=params.num_threads) # Append <eos> dataset = lambda x: tf.concat([x, [tf.constant(params.eos)]], axis=0), num_parallel_calls=params.num_threads ) # Convert tuple to dictionary dataset = lambda x: {"source": x, "source_length": tf.shape(x)[0]}, num_parallel_calls=params.num_threads ) dataset = dataset.padded_batch( params.decode_batch_size * len(params.device_list), {"source": [tf.Dimension(None)], "source_length": []}, {"source": params.pad, "source_length": 0} ) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() features = iterator.get_next() src_table = tf.contrib.lookup.index_table_from_tensor( tf.constant(params.vocabulary["source"]), default_value=params.mapping["source"][params.unk] ) features["source"] = src_table.lookup(features["source"]) return features
Example #16
Source File: From reading_comprehension_tf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def generate_subword_feat(sentence, subword_vocab_index, word_max_length, subword_max_length, subword_size, word_sos, word_eos, word_placeholder_enable, subword_pad): def word_to_subword(word): """generate subwords for word""" word_len = tf.size(tf.string_split([word], delimiter='')) subwords = tf.substr([word], 0, subword_size) for i in range(1, subword_max_length): subwords = tf.cond(i+subword_size-1 < word_len, lambda: tf.concat([subwords, tf.substr([word], i, subword_size)], 0), lambda: subwords) subwords = tf.concat([subwords[:subword_max_length], tf.constant(subword_pad, shape=[subword_max_length])], axis=0) subwords = tf.reshape(subwords[:subword_max_length], shape=[subword_max_length]) return subwords """generate subword feature for sentence""" words = tf.string_split([sentence], delimiter=' ').values if word_placeholder_enable == True: words = tf.concat([[word_sos], words[:word_max_length], [word_eos], tf.constant(subword_pad, shape=[word_max_length])], axis=0) word_max_length = word_max_length + 2 else: words = tf.concat([words[:word_max_length], tf.constant(subword_pad, shape=[word_max_length])], axis=0) words = tf.reshape(words[:word_max_length], shape=[word_max_length]) word_subwords = tf.map_fn(word_to_subword, words) word_subwords = tf.cast(subword_vocab_index.lookup(word_subwords), dtype=tf.int32) return word_subwords
Example #17
Source File: From TwinGAN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def tensors_to_item(self, keys_to_tensors): unmapped_tensor = super(OneHotLabelTensor, self).tensors_to_item(keys_to_tensors) labels_text_split = tf.string_split([unmapped_tensor], delimiter=self._delimiter) tensor = self._table.lookup(labels_text_split.values) tensor = util_misc.safe_one_hot_encoding(tensor, self._num_classes, dtype=self._dtype) return tensor ##################### # tf example parser # ##################### # tf example parser functions. Some are taken from the tensorflow object detection repo.
Example #18
Source File: From reading_comprehension_tf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def generate_char_feat(sentence, char_vocab_index, word_max_length, char_max_length, word_sos, word_eos, word_placeholder_enable, char_pad): def word_to_char(word): """generate chars for word""" chars = tf.string_split([word], delimiter='').values chars = tf.concat([chars[:char_max_length], tf.constant(char_pad, shape=[char_max_length])], axis=0) chars = tf.reshape(chars[:char_max_length], shape=[char_max_length]) return chars """generate char feature for sentence""" words = tf.string_split([sentence], delimiter=' ').values if word_placeholder_enable == True: words = tf.concat([[word_sos], words[:word_max_length], [word_eos], tf.constant(char_pad, shape=[word_max_length])], axis=0) word_max_length = word_max_length + 2 else: words = tf.concat([words[:word_max_length], tf.constant(char_pad, shape=[word_max_length])], axis=0) words = tf.reshape(words[:word_max_length], shape=[word_max_length]) word_chars = tf.map_fn(word_to_char, words) word_chars = tf.cast(char_vocab_index.lookup(word_chars), dtype=tf.int32) return word_chars
Example #19
Source File: From aster with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _split_lexicon(self, keys_to_tensors): joined_lexicon = keys_to_tensors[fields.TfExampleFields.lexicon] lexicon_sparse = tf.string_split([joined_lexicon], delimiter='\t') lexicon = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(lexicon_sparse, default_value='')[0] return lexicon
Example #20
Source File: From ChatLearner with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_inference_batch(self, src_dataset): text_dataset = src: tf.string_split([src]).values) if self.hparams.src_max_len_infer: text_dataset = src: src[:self.hparams.src_max_len_infer]) # Convert the word strings to ids id_dataset = src: tf.cast(self.vocab_table.lookup(src), tf.int32)) if self.hparams.source_reverse: id_dataset = src: tf.reverse(src, axis=[0])) # Add in the word counts. id_dataset = src: (src, tf.size(src))) def batching_func(x): return x.padded_batch( self.hparams.batch_size_infer, # The entry is the source line rows; this has unknown-length vectors. # The last entry is the source row size; this is a scalar. padded_shapes=(tf.TensorShape([None]), # src tf.TensorShape([])), # src_len # Pad the source sequences with eos tokens. Though notice we don't generally need to # do this since later on we will be masking out calculations past the true sequence. padding_values=(self.hparams.eos_id, # src 0)) # src_len -- unused id_dataset = batching_func(id_dataset) infer_iter = id_dataset.make_initializable_iterator() (src_ids, src_seq_len) = infer_iter.get_next() return BatchedInput(initializer=infer_iter.initializer, source=src_ids, target_input=None, target_output=None, source_sequence_length=src_seq_len, target_sequence_length=None)
Example #21
Source File: From tf-encrypted with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def provide_data(self): def decode(line): fields = tf.string_split([line], self.field_delim).values if self.index: # Skip index fields = fields[1:] fields = tf.regex_replace(fields, "|".join(self.na_values), "nan") fields = tf.string_to_number(fields, tf.float32) return fields def fill_na(fields, fill_values): fields = tf.where(tf.is_nan(fields), fill_values, fields) return fields dataset = if self.header: # Skip header dataset = dataset.skip(1) dataset = ( .map(lambda x: fill_na(x, self.data_schema.field_defaults)) .repeat() .batch(self.batch_size) ) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() batch = iterator.get_next() batch = tf.reshape(batch, [self.batch_size, self.data_schema.field_num]) return batch
Example #22
Source File: From tf-encrypted with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _read_(prot, filename_prefix, batch_size, n_columns): row_shape = [n_columns] def decode(line): fields = tf.string_split([line], ",").values fields = tf.strings.to_number(fields, tf.int64) fields = tf.reshape(fields, row_shape) return fields batch = [[None] * 2 for _ in range(3)] for i in range(3): with tf.device(prot.servers[i].device_name): for j in range(2): data = ( ["{}_share{}{}".format(filename_prefix, i, j)] ) .map(decode) .repeat() .batch(batch_size=batch_size) ) it = data.make_one_shot_iterator() batch[i][j] = it.get_next() batch[i][j] = tf.reshape(batch[i][j], [batch_size] + row_shape) batch[i][j] = prot.int_factory.tensor(batch[i][j]) return ABY3PrivateTensor(prot, batch, True, ARITHMETIC)
Example #23
Source File: From tf_examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_input_fn(mode, filename_in, filename_out, in_vocab_file, out_vocab_file, batch_size, vocab_size, input_max_length, output_max_length, queue_capacity=10000, num_threads=10): def input_fn(): num_epochs = None if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN else 1 filename_in_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer( [filename_in], num_epochs=num_epochs) filename_out_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer( [filename_out], num_epochs=num_epochs) reader_in = tf.TextLineReader() reader_out = tf.TextLineReader() in_list, out_list = [], [] for _ in range(num_threads): in_list.append([1]) out_list.append([1]) tensor_in =[1] tensor_out =[1] if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: inputs, outputs = tf.train.shuffle_batch( (tensor_in, tensor_out), batch_size, capacity=queue_capacity, min_after_dequeue=batch_size * 3, enqueue_many=True ) else: inputs, outputs = tf.train.batch( (tensor_in, tensor_out), batch_size, capacity=queue_capacity, allow_smaller_final_batch=True) # Preprocess inputs. inputs = utils.sparse_to_dense_trim(tf.string_split(inputs), output_shape=[batch_size, input_max_length], default_value='<\S>') outputs = utils.sparse_to_dense_trim(tf.string_split(outputs), output_shape=[batch_size, output_max_length], default_value='<\S>') tf.identity(inputs[0], name='inputs') tf.identity(outputs[0], name='outputs') in_vocab = tf.contrib.lookup.index_table_from_file(in_vocab_file, vocab_size=vocab_size, default_value=2) input_ids = in_vocab.lookup(inputs) out_vocab = tf.contrib.lookup.index_table_from_file(out_vocab_file, vocab_size=vocab_size, default_value=2) output_ids = out_vocab.lookup(outputs) return {'inputs': inputs_ids, 'outputs': outputs_ids}, None return input_fn
Example #24
Source File: From NAO with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def predict_input_fn(predict_from_file): dataset = def decode_record(record): src = tf.string_split([record]).values src = tf.string_to_number(src, out_type=tf.int32) return src, tf.constant([SOS], dtype=tf.int32) dataset = dataset = dataset.batch(FLAGS.batch_size) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() inputs, targets_inputs = iterator.get_next() assert inputs.shape.ndims == 2 return inputs, targets_inputs
Example #25
Source File: From deep-learning-note with MIT License | 5 votes |
def generator(ln): splits = tf.string_split([ln], delimiter=',') label = splits.values[0] # 解析 dense 部分 features = {} for i in range(1, 14): features['I'+str(i)] = tf.string_to_number(splits.values[i], tf.int64) return features, label
Example #26
Source File: From NAO with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def predict_from_file(estimator, batch_size, decode_from_file, decode_to_file=None): def infer_input_fn(): sos_id = tf.constant([SOS], dtype=tf.int32) dataset = def decode_record(record): src = tf.string_split([record]).values src = tf.string_to_number(src, out_type=tf.float32) return src, tf.constant([SOS], dtype=tf.int32) dataset = dataset = dataset.batch(FLAGS.batch_size) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() inputs, targets_inputs = iterator.get_next() assert inputs.shape.ndims == 2 #assert targets_inputs.shape.ndims == 2 return { 'inputs' : inputs, 'targets_inputs' : targets_inputs, 'targets' : None, }, None results = [] result_iter = estimator.predict(infer_input_fn) for result in result_iter: output = result['output'].flatten() output = ' '.join(map(str, output))'Inference results OUTPUT: %s' % output) results.append(output) if decode_to_file: output_filename = decode_to_file else: output_filename = '%s.result' % decode_from_file'Writing results into {0}'.format(output_filename)) with tf.gfile.Open(output_filename, 'w') as f: for res in results: f.write('%s\n' % (res))
Example #27
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testStringSplitEmptyToken(self): strings = [" hello ", "", "world "] with self.test_session() as sess: tokens = tf.string_split(strings) indices, values, shape = self.assertAllEqual(indices, [[0, 0], [2, 0]]) self.assertAllEqual(values, [b"hello", b"world"]) self.assertAllEqual(shape, [3, 1])
Example #28
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testStringSplitEmptyDelimiter(self): strings = ["hello", "hola", b"\xF0\x9F\x98\x8E"] # Last string is U+1F60E with self.test_session() as sess: tokens = tf.string_split(strings, delimiter="") indices, values, shape = self.assertAllEqual(indices, [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [0, 4], [1, 0], [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 0], [2, 1], [2, 2], [2, 3]]) expected = np.array( ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 'h', 'o', 'l', 'a', b'\xf0', b'\x9f', b'\x98', b'\x8e'], dtype='|S1') self.assertAllEqual(values.tolist(), expected) self.assertAllEqual(shape, [3, 5])
Example #29
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testStringSplit(self): strings = ["pigs on the wing", "animals"] with self.test_session() as sess: tokens = tf.string_split(strings) indices, values, shape = self.assertAllEqual(indices, [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [1, 0]]) self.assertAllEqual(values, [b"pigs", b"on", b"the", b"wing", b"animals"]) self.assertAllEqual(shape, [2, 4])
Example #30
Source File: From mead-baseline with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def lowercase(self, raw_post): split_chars = tf.string_split(tf.reshape(raw_post, [-1]), delimiter="").values upchar_inds = self.upchars_lut.lookup(split_chars) return tf.reduce_join(tf.map_fn(lambda x: tf.cond(x[0] > 25, lambda: x[1], lambda: self.lchars[x[0]]), (upchar_inds, split_chars), dtype=tf.string))