Python tensorflow.scatter_update() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tensorflow.scatter_update().
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Example #1
Source File: From MobileNet with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def curvature_range(self): # set up the curvature window self._curv_win = \ tf.Variable(np.zeros( [self._curv_win_width, ] ), dtype=tf.float32, name="curv_win", trainable=False) self._curv_win = tf.scatter_update(self._curv_win, self._global_step % self._curv_win_width, self._grad_norm_squared) # note here the iterations start from iteration 0 valid_window = tf.slice(self._curv_win, tf.constant( [0, ] ), tf.expand_dims(tf.minimum(tf.constant(self._curv_win_width), self._global_step + 1), dim=0) ) self._h_min_t = tf.reduce_min(valid_window) self._h_max_t = tf.reduce_max(valid_window) curv_range_ops = [] with tf.control_dependencies([self._h_min_t, self._h_max_t] ): avg_op = self._moving_averager.apply([self._h_min_t, self._h_max_t] ) with tf.control_dependencies([avg_op] ): self._h_min = tf.identity(self._moving_averager.average(self._h_min_t) ) self._h_max = tf.identity(self._moving_averager.average(self._h_max_t) ) curv_range_ops.append(avg_op) return curv_range_ops
Example #2
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def reset(self, indices=None): """Reset the batch of environments. Args: indices: The batch indices of the environments to reset; defaults to all. Returns: Batch tensor of the new observations. """ if indices is None: indices = tf.range(len(self._batch_env)) observ_dtype = self._parse_dtype(self._batch_env.observation_space) observ = tf.py_func( self._batch_env.reset, [indices], observ_dtype, name='reset') observ = tf.check_numerics(observ, 'observ') reward = tf.zeros_like(indices, tf.float32) done = tf.zeros_like(indices, tf.bool) with tf.control_dependencies([ tf.scatter_update(self._observ, indices, observ), tf.scatter_update(self._reward, indices, reward), tf.scatter_update(self._done, indices, done)]): return tf.identity(observ)
Example #3
Source File: From Parser-v3 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def sparse_moving_average(self, variable, unique_indices, accumulant, name='Accumulator', decay=.9): """""" accumulant = tf.clip_by_value(accumulant, -self.clip, self.clip) first_dim = variable.get_shape().as_list()[0] accumulator = self.get_accumulator(name, variable) indexed_accumulator = tf.gather(accumulator, unique_indices) iteration = self.get_accumulator('{}/iteration'.format(name), variable, shape=[first_dim, 1]) indexed_iteration = tf.gather(iteration, unique_indices) iteration = tf.scatter_add(iteration, unique_indices, tf.ones_like(indexed_iteration)) indexed_iteration = tf.gather(iteration, unique_indices) if decay < 1: current_indexed_decay = decay * (1-decay**(indexed_iteration-1)) / (1-decay**indexed_iteration) else: current_indexed_decay = (indexed_iteration-1) / indexed_iteration accumulator = tf.scatter_update(accumulator, unique_indices, current_indexed_decay*indexed_accumulator) accumulator = tf.scatter_add(accumulator, unique_indices, (1-current_indexed_decay)*accumulant) return accumulator, iteration #=============================================================
Example #4
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def reinit_nested_vars(variables, indices=None): """Reset all variables in a nested tuple to zeros. Args: variables: Nested tuple or list of variaables. indices: Batch indices to reset, defaults to all. Returns: Operation. """ if isinstance(variables, (tuple, list)): return*[ reinit_nested_vars(variable, indices) for variable in variables]) if indices is None: return variables.assign(tf.zeros_like(variables)) else: zeros = tf.zeros([tf.shape(indices)[0]] + variables.shape[1:].as_list()) return tf.scatter_update(variables, indices, zeros)
Example #5
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def reset(self, indices=None): """Reset the batch of environments. Args: indices: The batch indices of the environments to reset; defaults to all. Returns: Batch tensor of the new observations. """ if indices is None: indices = tf.range(len(self._batch_env)) observ_dtype = self._parse_dtype(self._batch_env.observation_space) observ = tf.py_func( self._batch_env.reset, [indices], observ_dtype, name='reset') observ = tf.check_numerics(observ, 'observ') reward = tf.zeros_like(indices, tf.float32) done = tf.zeros_like(indices, tf.bool) with tf.control_dependencies([ tf.scatter_update(self._observ, indices, observ), tf.scatter_update(self._reward, indices, reward), tf.scatter_update(self._done, indices, done)]): return tf.identity(observ)
Example #6
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def assign_nested_vars(variables, tensors, indices=None): """Assign tensors to matching nested tuple of variables. Args: variables: Nested tuple or list of variables to update. tensors: Nested tuple or list of tensors to assign. indices: Batch indices to assign to; default to all. Returns: Operation. """ if isinstance(variables, (tuple, list)): return*[ assign_nested_vars(variable, tensor) for variable, tensor in zip(variables, tensors)]) if indices is None: return variables.assign(tensors) else: return tf.scatter_update(variables, indices, tensors)
Example #7
Source File: From yolo_v2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_update_op(self, upd_idxs, upd_keys, upd_vals, batch_size, use_recent_idx, intended_output): """Function that creates all the update ops.""" mem_age_incr = self.mem_age.assign_add(tf.ones([self.memory_size], dtype=tf.float32)) with tf.control_dependencies([mem_age_incr]): mem_age_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_age, upd_idxs, tf.zeros([batch_size], dtype=tf.float32)) mem_key_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_keys, upd_idxs, upd_keys) mem_val_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_vals, upd_idxs, upd_vals) if use_recent_idx: recent_idx_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.recent_idx, intended_output, upd_idxs) else: recent_idx_upd = return, mem_key_upd, mem_val_upd, recent_idx_upd)
Example #8
Source File: From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _reset_non_empty(self, indices): # pylint: disable=protected-access new_values = self._batch_env._reset_non_empty(indices) # pylint: enable=protected-access initial_frames = getattr(self._batch_env, "history_observations", None) if initial_frames is not None: # Using history buffer frames for initialization, if they are available. with tf.control_dependencies([new_values]): # Transpose to [batch, height, width, history, channels] and merge # history and channels into one dimension. initial_frames = tf.transpose(initial_frames, [0, 2, 3, 1, 4]) initial_frames = tf.reshape(initial_frames, (len(self),) + self.observ_shape) else: inx = tf.concat( [ tf.ones(tf.size(tf.shape(new_values)), dtype=tf.int64)[:-1], [self.history] ], axis=0) initial_frames = tf.tile(new_values, inx) assign_op = tf.scatter_update(self._observ, indices, initial_frames) with tf.control_dependencies([assign_op]): return tf.gather(self.observ, indices)
Example #9
Source File: From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _reset_non_empty(self, indices): # pylint: disable=protected-access new_values = self._batch_env._reset_non_empty(indices) # pylint: enable=protected-access initial_frames = getattr(self._batch_env, "history_observations", None) if initial_frames is not None: # Using history buffer frames for initialization, if they are available. with tf.control_dependencies([new_values]): # Transpose to [batch, height, width, history, channels] and merge # history and channels into one dimension. initial_frames = tf.transpose(initial_frames, [0, 2, 3, 1, 4]) initial_frames = tf.reshape(initial_frames, (len(self),) + self.observ_shape) else: inx = tf.concat( [ tf.ones(tf.size(tf.shape(new_values)), dtype=tf.int64)[:-1], [self.history] ], axis=0) initial_frames = tf.tile(new_values, inx) assign_op = tf.scatter_update(self._observ, indices, initial_frames) with tf.control_dependencies([assign_op]): return tf.gather(self.observ, indices)
Example #10
Source File: From Gun-Detector with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_update_op(self, upd_idxs, upd_keys, upd_vals, batch_size, use_recent_idx, intended_output): """Function that creates all the update ops.""" mem_age_incr = self.mem_age.assign_add(tf.ones([self.memory_size], dtype=tf.float32)) with tf.control_dependencies([mem_age_incr]): mem_age_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_age, upd_idxs, tf.zeros([batch_size], dtype=tf.float32)) mem_key_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_keys, upd_idxs, upd_keys) mem_val_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_vals, upd_idxs, upd_vals) if use_recent_idx: recent_idx_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.recent_idx, intended_output, upd_idxs) else: recent_idx_upd = return, mem_key_upd, mem_val_upd, recent_idx_upd)
Example #11
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testWhileUpdateVariable_1(self): with self.test_session(): select = tf.Variable([3.0, 4.0, 5.0]) n = tf.constant(0) def loop_iterator(j): return tf.less(j, 3) def loop_body(j): ns = tf.scatter_update(select, j, 10.0) nj = tf.add(j, 1) op = nj = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([op], nj) return [nj] r = tf.while_loop(loop_iterator, loop_body, [n], parallel_iterations=1) self.assertTrue(check_op_order(n.graph)) tf.global_variables_initializer().run() self.assertEqual(3, r.eval()) result = select.eval() self.assertAllClose(np.array([10.0, 10.0, 10.0]), result)
Example #12
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testWhileUpdateVariable_3(self): with self.test_session(): select = tf.Variable([3.0, 4.0, 5.0]) n = tf.constant(0) def loop_iterator(j, _): return tf.less(j, 3) def loop_body(j, _): ns = tf.scatter_update(select, j, 10.0) nj = tf.add(j, 1) return [nj, ns] r = tf.while_loop(loop_iterator, loop_body, [n, tf.identity(select)], parallel_iterations=1) tf.global_variables_initializer().run() result = r[1].eval() self.assertTrue(check_op_order(n.graph)) self.assertAllClose(np.array([10.0, 10.0, 10.0]), result) # b/24814703
Example #13
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def insert(self, ids, scores): """Insert the ids and scores into the TopN.""" with tf.control_dependencies(self.last_ops): scatter_op = tf.scatter_update(self.id_to_score, ids, scores) larger_scores = tf.greater(scores, self.sl_scores[0]) def shortlist_insert(): larger_ids = tf.boolean_mask(tf.to_int64(ids), larger_scores) larger_score_values = tf.boolean_mask(scores, larger_scores) shortlist_ids, new_ids, new_scores = self.ops.top_n_insert( self.sl_ids, self.sl_scores, larger_ids, larger_score_values) u1 = tf.scatter_update(self.sl_ids, shortlist_ids, new_ids) u2 = tf.scatter_update(self.sl_scores, shortlist_ids, new_scores) return, u2) # We only need to insert into the shortlist if there are any # scores larger than the threshold. cond_op = tf.cond( tf.reduce_any(larger_scores), shortlist_insert, tf.no_op) with tf.control_dependencies([cond_op]): self.last_ops = [scatter_op, cond_op]
Example #14
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def remove(self, ids): """Remove the ids (and their associated scores) from the TopN.""" with tf.control_dependencies(self.last_ops): scatter_op = tf.scatter_update( self.id_to_score, ids, tf.ones_like( ids, dtype=tf.float32) * tf.float32.min) # We assume that removed ids are almost always in the shortlist, # so it makes no sense to hide the Op behind a tf.cond shortlist_ids_to_remove, new_length = self.ops.top_n_remove(self.sl_ids, ids) u1 = tf.scatter_update( self.sl_ids, tf.concat(0, [[0], shortlist_ids_to_remove]), tf.concat(0, [new_length, tf.ones_like(shortlist_ids_to_remove) * -1])) u2 = tf.scatter_update( self.sl_scores, shortlist_ids_to_remove, tf.float32.min * tf.ones_like( shortlist_ids_to_remove, dtype=tf.float32)) self.last_ops = [scatter_op, u1, u2]
Example #15
Source File: From planet with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def reset(self, indices=None): """Reset the batch of environments. Args: indices: The batch indices of the environments to reset; defaults to all. Returns: Batch tensor of the new observations. """ if indices is None: indices = tf.range(len(self._batch_env)) observ_dtype = self._parse_dtype(self._batch_env.observation_space) observ = tf.py_func( self._batch_env.reset, [indices], observ_dtype, name='reset') reward = tf.zeros_like(indices, tf.float32) done = tf.zeros_like(indices, tf.int32) with tf.control_dependencies([ tf.scatter_update(self._observ, indices, observ), tf.scatter_update(self._reward, indices, reward), tf.scatter_update(self._done, indices, tf.to_int32(done))]): return tf.identity(observ)
Example #16
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def replace(self, episodes, length, rows=None): """Replace full episodes. Args: episodes: Tuple of transition quantities with batch and time dimensions. length: Batch of sequence lengths. rows: Episodes to replace, defaults to all. Returns: Operation. """ rows = tf.range(self._capacity) if rows is None else rows assert rows.shape.ndims == 1 assert_capacity = tf.assert_less( rows, self._capacity, message='capacity exceeded') with tf.control_dependencies([assert_capacity]): assert_max_length = tf.assert_less_equal( length, self._max_length, message='max length exceeded') replace_ops = [] with tf.control_dependencies([assert_max_length]): for buffer_, elements in zip(self._buffers, episodes): replace_op = tf.scatter_update(buffer_, rows, elements) replace_ops.append(replace_op) with tf.control_dependencies(replace_ops): return tf.scatter_update(self._length, rows, length)
Example #17
Source File: From MobileNet with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_mu_tensor(self): const_fact = self._dist_to_opt_avg**2 * self._h_min**2 / 2 / self._grad_var coef = tf.Variable([-1.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0], dtype=tf.float32, name="cubic_solver_coef") coef = tf.scatter_update(coef, tf.constant(2), -(3 + const_fact) ) roots = tf.py_func(np.roots, [coef], Tout=tf.complex64, stateful=False) # filter out the correct root root_idx = tf.logical_and(tf.logical_and(tf.greater(tf.real(roots), tf.constant(0.0) ), tf.less(tf.real(roots), tf.constant(1.0) ) ), tf.less(tf.abs(tf.imag(roots) ), 1e-5) ) # in case there are two duplicated roots satisfying the above condition root = tf.reshape(tf.gather(tf.gather(roots, tf.where(root_idx) ), tf.constant(0) ), shape=[] ) tf.assert_equal(tf.size(root), tf.constant(1) ) dr = self._h_max / self._h_min mu = tf.maximum(tf.real(root)**2, ( (tf.sqrt(dr) - 1)/(tf.sqrt(dr) + 1) )**2) return mu
Example #18
Source File: From batch-ppo with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def replace(self, episodes, length, rows=None): """Replace full episodes. Args: episodes: Tuple of transition quantities with batch and time dimensions. length: Batch of sequence lengths. rows: Episodes to replace, defaults to all. Returns: Operation. """ rows = tf.range(self._capacity) if rows is None else rows assert rows.shape.ndims == 1 assert_capacity = tf.assert_less( rows, self._capacity, message='capacity exceeded') with tf.control_dependencies([assert_capacity]): assert_max_length = tf.assert_less_equal( length, self._max_length, message='max length exceeded') with tf.control_dependencies([assert_max_length]): replace_ops = lambda var, val: tf.scatter_update(var, rows, val), self._buffers, episodes, flatten=True) with tf.control_dependencies(replace_ops): return tf.scatter_update(self._length, rows, length)
Example #19
Source File: From batch-ppo with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def reset(self, indices=None): """Reset the batch of environments. Args: indices: The batch indices of the environments to reset; defaults to all. Returns: Batch tensor of the new observations. """ if indices is None: indices = tf.range(len(self._batch_env)) observ_dtype = self._parse_dtype(self._batch_env.observation_space) observ = tf.py_func( self._batch_env.reset, [indices], observ_dtype, name='reset') observ = tf.check_numerics(observ, 'observ') reward = tf.zeros_like(indices, tf.float32) done = tf.zeros_like(indices, tf.bool) with tf.control_dependencies([ tf.scatter_update(self._observ, indices, observ), tf.scatter_update(self._reward, indices, reward), tf.scatter_update(self._done, indices, done)]): return tf.identity(observ)
Example #20
Source File: From batch-ppo with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def reinit_nested_vars(variables, indices=None): """Reset all variables in a nested tuple to zeros. Args: variables: Nested tuple or list of variables. indices: Batch indices to reset, defaults to all. Returns: Operation. """ if isinstance(variables, (tuple, list)): return*[ reinit_nested_vars(variable, indices) for variable in variables]) if indices is None: return variables.assign(tf.zeros_like(variables)) else: zeros = tf.zeros([tf.shape(indices)[0]] + variables.shape[1:].as_list()) return tf.scatter_update(variables, indices, zeros)
Example #21
Source File: From openrec with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def censor_l2_norm_op(self, censor_id_list=None, max_norm=1): """Limit the norm of embeddings. Parameters ---------- censor_id_list: list or Tensorflow tensor list of embeddings to censor (indexed by ids). max_norm: float, optional Maximum norm. Returns ------- Tensorflow operator An operator for post-training execution. """ embedding_gather = tf.gather(self._embedding, indices=censor_id_list) norm = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(embedding_gather), axis=1, keep_dims=True)) return tf.scatter_update(self._embedding, indices=censor_id_list, updates=embedding_gather / tf.maximum(norm, max_norm))
Example #22
Source File: From professional-services with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _update_embedding_matrix(row_indices, rows, embedding_size, tft_output, vocab_name): """Creates and maintains a lookup table of embeddings for inference. Args: row_indices: indices of rows of the lookup table to update. rows: the values to update the lookup table with. embedding_size: the size of the embedding. tft_output: a TFTransformOutput object. vocab_name: a tft vocabulary name. Returns: A num_items x embedding_size table of the latest embeddings with the given rows updated. """ embedding = _get_embedding_matrix(embedding_size, tft_output, vocab_name) return tf.scatter_update(embedding, row_indices, rows)
Example #23
Source File: From Deep-Association-Learning with MIT License | 6 votes |
def update_cross_anchor(cross_anchors, intra_anchors_n, intra_anchors_batch_n, labels_cam, start_sign): # update cross-anchor for i in range(FLAGS.num_cams): # other_anchors: all the anchors under other cameras other_anchors_n = [] [other_anchors_n.append(intra_anchors_n[x]) for x in range(FLAGS.num_cams) if x is not i] other_anchors_n = tf.concat(other_anchors_n, 0) consistent, rank1_anchors = \ cyclic_ranking(intra_anchors_batch_n[i], intra_anchors_n[i], other_anchors_n, labels_cam[i], start_sign) # if the consistency fulfills, update by # merging with the best-matched rank1 anchors in another camera update = tf.where(consistent, (intra_anchors_batch_n[i] + rank1_anchors) / 2, intra_anchors_batch_n[i]) # update the associate centers under each camera cross_anchors[i] = tf.scatter_update(cross_anchors[i], labels_cam[i], update) return cross_anchors
Example #24
Source File: From hands-detection with MIT License | 6 votes |
def make_update_op(self, upd_idxs, upd_keys, upd_vals, batch_size, use_recent_idx, intended_output): """Function that creates all the update ops.""" mem_age_incr = self.mem_age.assign_add(tf.ones([self.memory_size], dtype=tf.float32)) with tf.control_dependencies([mem_age_incr]): mem_age_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_age, upd_idxs, tf.zeros([batch_size], dtype=tf.float32)) mem_key_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_keys, upd_idxs, upd_keys) mem_val_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_vals, upd_idxs, upd_vals) if use_recent_idx: recent_idx_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.recent_idx, intended_output, upd_idxs) else: recent_idx_upd = return, mem_key_upd, mem_val_upd, recent_idx_upd)
Example #25
Source File: From SSD_tensorflow_VOC with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_scatter_nd_2(): gt_bboxes = tf.constant([[0,0,1,2],[1,0,3,4],[100,100,105,102.5]]) gt_labels = tf.constant([1,2,6]) gt_anchors_labels = tf.Variable([100,100,100,100], trainable=False,collections=[ops.GraphKeys.LOCAL_VARIABLES]) gt_anchors_bboxes=tf.Variable([[100,100,105,105],[2,1,3,3.5],[0,0,10,10],[0.5,0.5,0.8,1.5]], trainable=False,collections=[ops.GraphKeys.LOCAL_VARIABLES],dtype=tf.float32) max_inds = [1,0,3] gt_anchors_labels = tf.scatter_update(gt_anchors_labels, max_inds,gt_labels) gt_anchors_bboxes = tf.scatter_update(gt_anchors_bboxes, max_inds,gt_bboxes) return gt_anchors_labels,gt_anchors_bboxes
Example #26
Source File: From object_detection_kitti with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_update_op(self, upd_idxs, upd_keys, upd_vals, batch_size, use_recent_idx, intended_output): """Function that creates all the update ops.""" mem_age_incr = self.mem_age.assign_add(tf.ones([self.memory_size], dtype=tf.float32)) with tf.control_dependencies([mem_age_incr]): mem_age_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_age, upd_idxs, tf.zeros([batch_size], dtype=tf.float32)) mem_key_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_keys, upd_idxs, upd_keys) mem_val_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_vals, upd_idxs, upd_vals) if use_recent_idx: recent_idx_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.recent_idx, intended_output, upd_idxs) else: recent_idx_upd = return, mem_key_upd, mem_val_upd, recent_idx_upd)
Example #27
Source File: From object_detection_with_tensorflow with MIT License | 6 votes |
def make_update_op(self, upd_idxs, upd_keys, upd_vals, batch_size, use_recent_idx, intended_output): """Function that creates all the update ops.""" mem_age_incr = self.mem_age.assign_add(tf.ones([self.memory_size], dtype=tf.float32)) with tf.control_dependencies([mem_age_incr]): mem_age_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_age, upd_idxs, tf.zeros([batch_size], dtype=tf.float32)) mem_key_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_keys, upd_idxs, upd_keys) mem_val_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_vals, upd_idxs, upd_vals) if use_recent_idx: recent_idx_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.recent_idx, intended_output, upd_idxs) else: recent_idx_upd = return, mem_key_upd, mem_val_upd, recent_idx_upd)
Example #28
Source File: From HumanRecognition with MIT License | 6 votes |
def make_update_op(self, upd_idxs, upd_keys, upd_vals, batch_size, use_recent_idx, intended_output): """Function that creates all the update ops.""" mem_age_incr = self.mem_age.assign_add(tf.ones([self.memory_size], dtype=tf.float32)) with tf.control_dependencies([mem_age_incr]): mem_age_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_age, upd_idxs, tf.zeros([batch_size], dtype=tf.float32)) mem_key_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_keys, upd_idxs, upd_keys) mem_val_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_vals, upd_idxs, upd_vals) if use_recent_idx: recent_idx_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.recent_idx, intended_output, upd_idxs) else: recent_idx_upd = return, mem_key_upd, mem_val_upd, recent_idx_upd)
Example #29
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_update_op(self, upd_idxs, upd_keys, upd_vals, batch_size, use_recent_idx, intended_output): """Function that creates all the update ops.""" mem_age_incr = self.mem_age.assign_add(tf.ones([self.memory_size], dtype=tf.float32)) with tf.control_dependencies([mem_age_incr]): mem_age_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_age, upd_idxs, tf.zeros([batch_size], dtype=tf.float32)) mem_key_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_keys, upd_idxs, upd_keys) mem_val_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_vals, upd_idxs, upd_vals) if use_recent_idx: recent_idx_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.recent_idx, intended_output, upd_idxs) else: recent_idx_upd = return, mem_key_upd, mem_val_upd, recent_idx_upd)
Example #30
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_update_op(self, upd_idxs, upd_keys, upd_vals, batch_size, use_recent_idx, intended_output): """Function that creates all the update ops.""" mem_age_incr = self.mem_age.assign_add(tf.ones([self.memory_size], dtype=tf.float32)) with tf.control_dependencies([mem_age_incr]): mem_age_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_age, upd_idxs, tf.zeros([batch_size], dtype=tf.float32)) mem_key_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_keys, upd_idxs, upd_keys) mem_val_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.mem_vals, upd_idxs, upd_vals) if use_recent_idx: recent_idx_upd = tf.scatter_update( self.recent_idx, intended_output, upd_idxs) else: recent_idx_upd = return, mem_key_upd, mem_val_upd, recent_idx_upd)