Python tensorflow.reduce_sum() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tensorflow.reduce_sum().
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Example #1
Source File: From neural-fingerprinting with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def set_input_shape(self, input_shape): batch_size, dim = input_shape self.input_shape = [batch_size, dim] self.output_shape = [batch_size, self.num_hid] if self.init_mode == "norm": init = tf.random_normal([dim, self.num_hid], dtype=tf.float32) init = init / tf.sqrt(1e-7 + tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(init), axis=0, keep_dims=True)) init = init * self.init_scale elif self.init_mode == "uniform_unit_scaling": scale = np.sqrt(3. / dim) init = tf.random_uniform([dim, self.num_hid], dtype=tf.float32, minval=-scale, maxval=scale) else: raise ValueError(self.init_mode) self.W = PV(init) if self.use_bias: self.b = PV((np.zeros((self.num_hid,)) + self.init_b).astype('float32'))
Example #2
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def l1_regularizer(weight=1.0, scope=None): """Define a L1 regularizer. Args: weight: scale the loss by this factor. scope: Optional scope for name_scope. Returns: a regularizer function. """ def regularizer(tensor): with tf.name_scope(scope, 'L1Regularizer', [tensor]): l1_weight = tf.convert_to_tensor(weight, dtype=tensor.dtype.base_dtype, name='weight') return tf.multiply(l1_weight, tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(tensor)), name='value') return regularizer
Example #3
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def build_cross_entropy_loss(logits, gold): """Constructs a cross entropy from logits and one-hot encoded gold labels. Supports skipping rows where the gold label is the magic -1 value. Args: logits: float Tensor of scores. gold: int Tensor of one-hot labels. Returns: cost, correct, total: the total cost, the total number of correctly predicted labels, and the total number of valid labels. """ valid = tf.reshape(tf.where(tf.greater(gold, -1)), [-1]) gold = tf.gather(gold, valid) logits = tf.gather(logits, valid) correct = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_int32(tf.nn.in_top_k(logits, gold, 1))) total = tf.size(gold) cost = tf.reduce_sum( tf.contrib.nn.deprecated_flipped_sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits, tf.cast(gold, tf.int64))) / tf.cast(total, tf.float32) return cost, correct, total
Example #4
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_hash_slots(self, query): """Gets hashed-to buckets for batch of queries. Args: query: 2-d Tensor of query vectors. Returns: A list of hashed-to buckets for each hash function. """ binary_hash = [ tf.less(tf.matmul(query, self.hash_vecs[i], transpose_b=True), 0) for i in xrange(self.num_libraries)] hash_slot_idxs = [ tf.reduce_sum( tf.to_int32(binary_hash[i]) * tf.constant([[2 ** i for i in xrange(self.num_hashes)]], dtype=tf.int32), 1) for i in xrange(self.num_libraries)] return hash_slot_idxs
Example #5
Source File: From icme2019 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): if K.ndim(inputs) != 3: raise ValueError( "Unexpected inputs dimensions %d, expect to be 3 dimensions" % (K.ndim(inputs))) concated_embeds_value = inputs square_of_sum = tf.square(tf.reduce_sum( concated_embeds_value, axis=1, keep_dims=True)) sum_of_square = tf.reduce_sum( concated_embeds_value * concated_embeds_value, axis=1, keep_dims=True) cross_term = square_of_sum - sum_of_square cross_term = 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(cross_term, axis=2, keep_dims=False) return cross_term
Example #6
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def compute_column_softmax(self, column_controller_vector, time_step): #compute softmax over all the columns using column controller vector column_controller_vector = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(column_controller_vector, 1), [1, self.num_cols + self.num_word_cols, 1]) #max_cols * bs * d column_controller_vector = nn_utils.apply_dropout( column_controller_vector, self.utility.FLAGS.dropout, self.mode) self.full_column_hidden_vectors = tf.concat( axis=1, values=[self.column_hidden_vectors, self.word_column_hidden_vectors]) self.full_column_hidden_vectors += self.summary_text_entry_embeddings self.full_column_hidden_vectors = nn_utils.apply_dropout( self.full_column_hidden_vectors, self.utility.FLAGS.dropout, self.mode) column_logits = tf.reduce_sum( column_controller_vector * self.full_column_hidden_vectors, 2) + ( self.params["word_match_feature_column_name"] * self.batch_column_exact_match) + self.full_column_mask column_softmax = tf.nn.softmax(column_logits) #batch_size * max_cols return column_softmax
Example #7
Source File: From disentangling_conditional_gans with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _create_autosummary_var(name, value_expr): assert not _autosummary_finalized v = tf.cast(value_expr, tf.float32) if v.shape.ndims is 0: v = [v, np.float32(1.0)] elif v.shape.ndims is 1: v = [tf.reduce_sum(v), tf.cast(tf.shape(v)[0], tf.float32)] else: v = [tf.reduce_sum(v), tf.reduce_prod(tf.cast(tf.shape(v), tf.float32))] v = tf.cond(tf.is_finite(v[0]), lambda: tf.stack(v), lambda: tf.zeros(2)) with tf.control_dependencies(None): var = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(2)) # [numerator, denominator] update_op = tf.cond(tf.is_variable_initialized(var), lambda: tf.assign_add(var, v), lambda: tf.assign(var, v)) if name in _autosummary_vars: _autosummary_vars[name].append(var) else: _autosummary_vars[name] = [var] return update_op #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Call filewriter.add_summary() with all summaries in the default graph, # automatically finalizing and merging them on the first call.
Example #8
Source File: From icme2019 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): if K.ndim(inputs[0]) != 3: raise ValueError( "Unexpected inputs dimensions %d, expect to be 3 dimensions" % (K.ndim(inputs))) embed_list = inputs row = [] col = [] num_inputs = len(embed_list) for i in range(num_inputs - 1): for j in range(i + 1, num_inputs): row.append(i) col.append(j) p = tf.concat([embed_list[idx] for idx in row], axis=1) # batch num_pairs k q = tf.concat([embed_list[idx] for idx in col], axis=1) inner_product = p * q if self.reduce_sum: inner_product = tf.reduce_sum( inner_product, axis=2, keep_dims=True) return inner_product
Example #9
Source File: From neural-fingerprinting with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def set_input_shape(self, input_shape): batch_size, rows, cols, input_channels = input_shape kernel_shape = tuple(self.kernel_shape) + (input_channels, self.output_channels) assert len(kernel_shape) == 4 assert all(isinstance(e, int) for e in kernel_shape), kernel_shape init = tf.random_normal(kernel_shape, dtype=tf.float32) init = init / tf.sqrt(1e-7 + tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(init), axis=(0, 1, 2))) self.kernels = tf.Variable(init) self.b = tf.Variable( np.zeros((self.output_channels,)).astype('float32')) input_shape = list(input_shape) input_shape[0] = 1 dummy_batch = tf.zeros(input_shape) dummy_output = self.fprop(dummy_batch) output_shape = [int(e) for e in dummy_output.get_shape()] output_shape[0] = batch_size self.output_shape = tuple(output_shape)
Example #10
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def l1_l2_regularizer(weight_l1=1.0, weight_l2=1.0, scope=None): """Define a L1L2 regularizer. Args: weight_l1: scale the L1 loss by this factor. weight_l2: scale the L2 loss by this factor. scope: Optional scope for name_scope. Returns: a regularizer function. """ def regularizer(tensor): with tf.name_scope(scope, 'L1L2Regularizer', [tensor]): weight_l1_t = tf.convert_to_tensor(weight_l1, dtype=tensor.dtype.base_dtype, name='weight_l1') weight_l2_t = tf.convert_to_tensor(weight_l2, dtype=tensor.dtype.base_dtype, name='weight_l2') reg_l1 = tf.multiply(weight_l1_t, tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(tensor)), name='value_l1') reg_l2 = tf.multiply(weight_l2_t, tf.nn.l2_loss(tensor), name='value_l2') return tf.add(reg_l1, reg_l2, name='value') return regularizer
Example #11
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): in_m, in_k = self.get_message_and_key() encrypted = self.model('alice', in_m, in_k) decrypted = self.model('bob', encrypted, in_k) eve_out = self.model('eve', encrypted, None) self.reset_eve_vars = *[w.initializer for w in tf.get_collection('eve')]) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=FLAGS.learning_rate) # Eve's goal is to decrypt the entire message: eve_bits_wrong = tf.reduce_sum( tf.abs((eve_out + 1.0) / 2.0 - (in_m + 1.0) / 2.0), [1]) self.eve_loss = tf.reduce_sum(eve_bits_wrong) self.eve_optimizer = optimizer.minimize( self.eve_loss, var_list=tf.get_collection('eve')) # Alice and Bob want to be accurate... self.bob_bits_wrong = tf.reduce_sum( tf.abs((decrypted + 1.0) / 2.0 - (in_m + 1.0) / 2.0), [1]) # ... and to not let Eve do better than guessing. self.bob_reconstruction_loss = tf.reduce_sum(self.bob_bits_wrong) bob_eve_error_deviation = tf.abs(float(TEXT_SIZE) / 2.0 - eve_bits_wrong) # 7-9 bits wrong is OK too, so we squish the error function a bit. # Without doing this, we often tend to hang out at 0.25 / 7.5 error, # and it seems bad to have continued, high communication error. bob_eve_loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(bob_eve_error_deviation) / (TEXT_SIZE / 2)**2) # Rescale the losses to [0, 1] per example and combine. self.bob_loss = (self.bob_reconstruction_loss / TEXT_SIZE + bob_eve_loss) self.bob_optimizer = optimizer.minimize( self.bob_loss, var_list=(tf.get_collection('alice') + tf.get_collection('bob')))
Example #12
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _AddCostFunction(self, batch_size, gold_actions, logits): """Cross entropy plus L2 loss on weights and biases of the hidden layers.""" dense_golden = BatchedSparseToDense(gold_actions, self._num_actions) cross_entropy = tf.div( tf.reduce_sum( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=dense_golden, logits=logits)), batch_size) regularized_params = [tf.nn.l2_loss(p) for k, p in self.params.items() if k.startswith('weights') or k.startswith('bias')] l2_loss = 1e-4 * tf.add_n(regularized_params) if regularized_params else 0 return {'cost': tf.add(cross_entropy, l2_loss, name='cost')}
Example #13
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def error_computation(self): #computes the error of each example in a batch math_error = 0.5 * tf.square(tf.subtract(self.scalar_output, self.batch_answer)) #scale math error math_error = math_error / self.rows math_error = tf.minimum(math_error, self.utility.FLAGS.max_math_error * tf.ones(tf.shape(math_error), self.data_type)) self.init_print_error = tf.where( self.batch_gold_select, -1 * tf.log(self.batch_lookup_answer + 1e-300 + self.invert_select_full_mask), -1 * tf.log(1 - self.batch_lookup_answer)) * self.select_full_mask print_error_1 = self.init_print_error * tf.cast( tf.equal(self.batch_print_answer, 0.0), self.data_type) print_error = tf.reduce_sum(tf.reduce_sum((print_error_1), 1), 1) for val in range(1, 58): print_error += self.compute_lookup_error(val + 0.0) print_error = print_error * self.utility.FLAGS.print_cost / self.num_entries if (self.mode == "train"): error = tf.where( tf.logical_and( tf.not_equal(self.batch_answer, 0.0), tf.not_equal( tf.reduce_sum(tf.reduce_sum(self.batch_print_answer, 1), 1), 0.0)), self.soft_min(math_error, print_error), tf.where( tf.not_equal(self.batch_answer, 0.0), math_error, print_error)) else: error = tf.where( tf.logical_and( tf.equal(self.scalar_output, 0.0), tf.equal( tf.reduce_sum(tf.reduce_sum(self.batch_lookup_answer, 1), 1), 0.0)), tf.ones_like(math_error), tf.where( tf.equal(self.scalar_output, 0.0), print_error, math_error)) return error
Example #14
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def compute_lookup_error(self, val): #computes lookup error. cond = tf.equal(self.batch_print_answer, val) inter = tf.where( cond, self.init_print_error, tf.tile( tf.reshape(tf.constant(1e10, self.data_type), [1, 1, 1]), [ self.batch_size, self.utility.FLAGS.max_word_cols + self.utility.FLAGS.max_number_cols, self.utility.FLAGS.max_elements ])) return tf.reduce_min(tf.reduce_min(inter, 1), 1) * tf.cast( tf.greater( tf.reduce_sum(tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(cond, self.data_type), 1), 1), 0.0), self.data_type)
Example #15
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def compute_max_or_min(self, select, maxi=True): #computes the argmax and argmin of a column with probabilistic row selection answer = tf.zeros([ self.batch_size, self.num_cols + self.num_word_cols, self.max_elements ], self.data_type) sum_prob = tf.zeros([self.batch_size, self.num_cols + self.num_word_cols], self.data_type) for j in range(self.max_elements): if (maxi): curr_pos = j else: curr_pos = self.max_elements - 1 - j select_index = tf.slice(self.full_processed_sorted_index_column, [0, 0, curr_pos], [self.batch_size, -1, 1]) select_mask = tf.equal( tf.tile( tf.expand_dims( tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(tf.range(self.max_elements), 0), [self.batch_size, 1]), 1), [1, self.num_cols + self.num_word_cols, 1]), select_index) curr_prob = tf.expand_dims(select, 1) * tf.cast( select_mask, self.data_type) * self.select_bad_number_mask curr_prob = curr_prob * tf.expand_dims((1 - sum_prob), 2) curr_prob = curr_prob * tf.expand_dims( tf.cast((1 - sum_prob) > 0.0, self.data_type), 2) answer = tf.where(select_mask, curr_prob, answer) sum_prob += tf.reduce_sum(curr_prob, 2) return answer
Example #16
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def attention(self, last_layer, attention_tensor): """Compute the attention term for the network unit.""" h_tensor = attention_tensor # Compute the attentions. # Using feed-forward net to map the two inputs into the same dimension focus_tensor = tf.nn.tanh( tf.matmul( h_tensor, self._component.get_variable('attention_weights_pm_0'), name='h_x_pm') + self._component.get_variable('attention_bias_0')) context_tensor = tf.nn.tanh( tf.matmul( last_layer, self._component.get_variable('attention_weights_hm_0'), name='l_x_hm') + self._component.get_variable('attention_bias_1')) # The tf.multiply in the following expression broadcasts along the 0 dim: z_vec = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(focus_tensor, context_tensor), 1) p_vec = tf.nn.softmax(tf.reshape(z_vec, [1, -1])) # The tf.multiply in the following expression broadcasts along the 1 dim: r_vec = tf.expand_dims( tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply( h_tensor, tf.reshape(p_vec, [-1, 1]), name='time_together2'), 0), 0) return tf.matmul( r_vec, self._component.get_variable('attention_weights_pu'), name='time_together3')
Example #17
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def nce_loss(self, true_logits, sampled_logits): """Build the graph for the NCE loss.""" # cross-entropy(logits, labels) opts = self._options true_xent = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=tf.ones_like(true_logits), logits=true_logits) sampled_xent = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=tf.zeros_like(sampled_logits), logits=sampled_logits) # NCE-loss is the sum of the true and noise (sampled words) # contributions, averaged over the batch. nce_loss_tensor = (tf.reduce_sum(true_xent) + tf.reduce_sum(sampled_xent)) / opts.batch_size return nce_loss_tensor
Example #18
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _num_labels(weights): """Number of 1's in weights. Returns 1. if 0.""" num_labels = tf.reduce_sum(weights) num_labels = tf.where(tf.equal(num_labels, 0.), 1., num_labels) return num_labels
Example #19
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def accuracy(logits, targets, weights): """Computes prediction accuracy. Args: logits: 2-D classifier logits [timesteps*batch_size, num_classes] targets: 1-D [timesteps*batch_size] integer tensor. weights: 1-D [timesteps*batch_size] float tensor. Returns: Accuracy: float scalar. """ with tf.name_scope('accuracy'): eq = tf.cast(tf.equal(predictions(logits), targets), tf.float32) return tf.identity( tf.reduce_sum(weights * eq) / _num_labels(weights), name='accuracy')
Example #20
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def classification_loss(logits, labels, weights): """Computes cross entropy loss between logits and labels. Args: logits: 2-D [timesteps*batch_size, m] float tensor, where m=1 if num_classes=2, otherwise m=num_classes. labels: 1-D [timesteps*batch_size] integer tensor. weights: 1-D [timesteps*batch_size] float tensor. Returns: Loss scalar of type float. """ inner_dim = logits.get_shape().as_list()[-1] with tf.name_scope('classifier_loss'): # Logistic loss if inner_dim == 1: loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=tf.squeeze(logits), labels=tf.cast(labels, tf.float32)) # Softmax loss else: loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=logits, labels=labels) num_lab = _num_labels(weights) tf.summary.scalar('num_labels', num_lab) return tf.identity( tf.reduce_sum(weights * loss) / num_lab, name='classification_xentropy')
Example #21
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def call(self, inputs): x, labels, weights = inputs if self.num_candidate_samples > -1: assert self.vocab_freqs is not None labels = tf.expand_dims(labels, -1) sampled = tf.nn.fixed_unigram_candidate_sampler( true_classes=labels, num_true=1, num_sampled=self.num_candidate_samples, unique=True, range_max=self.vocab_size, unigrams=self.vocab_freqs) lm_loss = tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss( weights=tf.transpose(self.lin_w), biases=self.lin_b, labels=labels, inputs=x, num_sampled=self.num_candidate_samples, num_classes=self.vocab_size, sampled_values=sampled) else: logits = tf.matmul(x, self.lin_w) + self.lin_b lm_loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=logits, labels=labels) lm_loss = tf.identity( tf.reduce_sum(lm_loss * weights) / _num_labels(weights), name='lm_xentropy_loss') return lm_loss
Example #22
Source File: From neural-combinatorial-optimization-rl-tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def attention(self,ref,query): # Attending mechanism encoded_ref_g = tf.nn.conv1d(ref, self.W_ref_g, 1, "VALID", name="encoded_ref_g") # [Batch size, seq_length, n_hidden] encoded_query_g = tf.expand_dims(tf.matmul(query, self.W_q_g, name="encoded_query_g"), 1) # [Batch size, 1, n_hidden] scores_g = tf.reduce_sum(self.v_g * tf.tanh(encoded_ref_g + encoded_query_g), [-1], name="scores_g") # [Batch size, seq_length] # Attend to current city and cities to visit only (Apply mask) attention_g = tf.nn.softmax(scores_g - 100000000.*(self.mask - self.current_city),name="attention_g") self.attending.append(attention_g) # 1 glimpse = Linear combination of reference vectors (defines new query vector) glimpse = tf.multiply(ref, tf.expand_dims(attention_g,2)) glimpse = tf.reduce_sum(glimpse,1) + query # Pointing mechanism with 1 glimpse encoded_ref = tf.nn.conv1d(ref, self.W_ref, 1, "VALID", name="encoded_ref") # [Batch size, seq_length, n_hidden] encoded_query = tf.expand_dims(tf.matmul(glimpse, self.W_q, name="encoded_query"), 1) # [Batch size, 1, n_hidden] scores = tf.reduce_sum(self.v * tf.tanh(encoded_ref + encoded_query), [-1], name="scores") # [Batch size, seq_length] if self.inference_mode == True: scores = scores/self.temperature # control diversity of sampling (inference mode) scores = self.C*tf.tanh(scores) # control entropy # Point to cities to visit only (Apply mask) masked_scores = scores - 100000000.*self.mask # [Batch size, seq_length] pointing = tf.nn.softmax(masked_scores, name="attention") # [Batch size, Seq_length] self.pointing.append(pointing) return masked_scores # One pass of the decode mechanism
Example #23
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _kl_divergence_with_logits(q_logits, p_logits, weights): """Returns weighted KL divergence between distributions q and p. Args: q_logits: logits for 1st argument of KL divergence shape [num_timesteps * batch_size, num_classes] if num_classes > 2, and [num_timesteps * batch_size] if num_classes == 2. p_logits: logits for 2nd argument of KL divergence with same shape q_logits. weights: 1-D float tensor with shape [num_timesteps * batch_size]. Elements should be 1.0 only on end of sequences Returns: KL: float scalar. """ # For logistic regression if FLAGS.num_classes == 2: q = tf.nn.sigmoid(q_logits) kl = (-tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=q_logits, labels=q) + tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=p_logits, labels=q)) kl = tf.squeeze(kl) # For softmax regression else: q = tf.nn.softmax(q_logits) kl = tf.reduce_sum( q * (tf.nn.log_softmax(q_logits) - tf.nn.log_softmax(p_logits)), 1) num_labels = tf.reduce_sum(weights) num_labels = tf.where(tf.equal(num_labels, 0.), 1., num_labels) kl.get_shape().assert_has_rank(1) weights.get_shape().assert_has_rank(1) loss = tf.identity(tf.reduce_sum(weights * kl) / num_labels, name='kl') return loss
Example #24
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _scale_l2(x, norm_length): # shape(x) = (batch, num_timesteps, d) # Divide x by max(abs(x)) for a numerically stable L2 norm. # 2norm(x) = a * 2norm(x/a) # Scale over the full sequence, dims (1, 2) alpha = tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(x), (1, 2), keep_dims=True) + 1e-12 l2_norm = alpha * tf.sqrt( tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(x / alpha, 2), (1, 2), keep_dims=True) + 1e-6) x_unit = x / l2_norm return norm_length * x_unit
Example #25
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sampled_sequence_loss(inputs, targets, weights, loss_function, average_across_timesteps=True, average_across_batch=True, name=None): """Weighted cross-entropy loss for a sequence of logits, batch-collapsed. Args: inputs: List of 2D Tensors of shape [batch_size x hid_dim]. targets: List of 1D batch-sized int32 Tensors of the same length as inputs. weights: List of 1D batch-sized float-Tensors of the same length as inputs. loss_function: Sampled softmax function (inputs, labels) -> loss average_across_timesteps: If set, divide the returned cost by the total label weight. average_across_batch: If set, divide the returned cost by the batch size. name: Optional name for this operation, defaults to 'sequence_loss'. Returns: A scalar float Tensor: The average log-perplexity per symbol (weighted). Raises: ValueError: If len(inputs) is different from len(targets) or len(weights). """ with tf.name_scope(values=inputs + targets + weights, name=name, default_name='sampled_sequence_loss'): cost = tf.reduce_sum(sequence_loss_by_example( inputs, targets, weights, loss_function, average_across_timesteps=average_across_timesteps)) if average_across_batch: batch_size = tf.shape(targets[0])[0] return cost / tf.cast(batch_size, tf.float32) else: return cost
Example #26
Source File: From ARU-Net with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def horizontal_cell(images, num_filters_out, cell_fw, cell_bw, keep_prob=1.0, scope=None): """Run an LSTM bidirectionally over all the rows of each image. Args: images: (num_images, height, width, depth) tensor num_filters_out: output depth scope: optional scope name Returns: (num_images, height, width, num_filters_out) tensor, where """ with tf.variable_scope(scope, "HorizontalGru", [images]): sequence = images_to_sequence(images) shapeT = tf.shape(sequence) sequence_length = shapeT[0] batch_sizeRNN = shapeT[1] sequence_lengths = tf.to_int64( tf.fill([batch_sizeRNN], sequence_length)) forward_drop1 = DropoutWrapper(cell_fw, output_keep_prob=keep_prob) backward_drop1 = DropoutWrapper(cell_bw, output_keep_prob=keep_prob) rnn_out1, _ = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(forward_drop1, backward_drop1, sequence, dtype=tf.float32, sequence_length=sequence_lengths, time_major=True, swap_memory=True, scope=scope) rnn_out1 = tf.concat(rnn_out1, 2) rnn_out1 = tf.reshape(rnn_out1, shape=[-1, batch_sizeRNN, 2, num_filters_out]) output_sequence = tf.reduce_sum(rnn_out1, axis=2) batch_size=tf.shape(images)[0] output = sequence_to_images(output_sequence, batch_size) return output
Example #27
Source File: From neural-combinatorial-optimization-rl-tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def build_reward(self): with tf.name_scope('permutations'): # Reorder input % tour self.ordered_input_ = [] for input_, path in zip(tf.unstack(self.input_,axis=0), tf.unstack(self.positions,axis=0)): # Unstack % batch axis self.ordered_input_.append(tf.gather_nd(input_,tf.expand_dims(path,1))) self.ordered_input_ = tf.transpose(tf.stack(self.ordered_input_,0),[2,1,0]) # [batch size, seq length +1 , features] to [features, seq length +1, batch_size] Rq: +1 because end = start = first_city # Ordered coordinates ordered_x_ = self.ordered_input_[0] # [seq length +1, batch_size] delta_x2 = tf.transpose(tf.square(ordered_x_[1:]-ordered_x_[:-1]),[1,0]) # [batch_size, seq length] delta_x**2 ordered_y_ = self.ordered_input_[1] # [seq length +1, batch_size] delta_y2 = tf.transpose(tf.square(ordered_y_[1:]-ordered_y_[:-1]),[1,0]) # [batch_size, seq length] delta_y**2 with tf.name_scope('environment'): # Get tour length (euclidean distance) inter_city_distances = tf.sqrt(delta_x2+delta_y2) # sqrt(delta_x**2 + delta_y**2) this is the euclidean distance between each city: depot --> ... ---> depot [batch_size, seq length] self.distances = tf.reduce_sum(inter_city_distances, axis=1) # [batch_size] #variable_summaries('tour_length',self.distances, with_max_min = True) # Define reward from tour length self.reward = tf.cast(self.distances,tf.float32) variable_summaries('reward',self.reward, with_max_min = True)
Example #28
Source File: From neural-combinatorial-optimization-rl-tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def attention(self,ref,query): # Attending mechanism encoded_ref_g = tf.nn.conv1d(ref, self.W_ref_g, 1, "VALID", name="encoded_ref_g") # [Batch size, seq_length, n_hidden] encoded_query_g = tf.expand_dims(tf.matmul(query, self.W_q_g, name="encoded_query_g"), 1) # [Batch size, 1, n_hidden] scores_g = tf.reduce_sum(self.v_g * tf.tanh(encoded_ref_g + encoded_query_g), [-1], name="scores_g") # [Batch size, seq_length] # Attend to current city and cities to visit only (Apply mask) attention_g = tf.nn.softmax(scores_g - 100000000.*(self.mask - self.first_city_hot),name="attention_g") ########### self.attending.append(attention_g) # 1 glimpse = Linear combination of reference vectors (defines new query vector) glimpse = tf.multiply(ref, tf.expand_dims(attention_g,2)) glimpse = tf.reduce_sum(glimpse,1)+query ########### Residual connection # Pointing mechanism with 1 glimpse encoded_ref = tf.nn.conv1d(ref, self.W_ref, 1, "VALID", name="encoded_ref") # [Batch size, seq_length, n_hidden] encoded_query = tf.expand_dims(tf.matmul(glimpse, self.W_q, name="encoded_query"), 1) # [Batch size, 1, n_hidden] scores = tf.reduce_sum(self.v * tf.tanh(encoded_ref + encoded_query), [-1], name="scores") # [Batch size, seq_length] if self.inference_mode == True: scores = scores/self.temperature # control diversity of sampling (inference mode) scores = self.C*tf.tanh(scores) # control entropy # Point to cities to visit only (Apply mask) masked_scores = scores - 100000000.*self.mask # [Batch size, seq_length] pointing = tf.nn.softmax(masked_scores, name="attention") # [Batch size, Seq_length] self.pointing.append(pointing) return masked_scores # One pass of the decode mechanism
Example #29
Source File: From Black-Box-Audio with MIT License | 5 votes |
def compute_mfcc(audio, **kwargs): """ Compute the MFCC for a given audio waveform. This is identical to how DeepSpeech does it, but does it all in TensorFlow so that we can differentiate through it. """ batch_size, size = audio.get_shape().as_list() audio = tf.cast(audio, tf.float32) # 1. Pre-emphasizer, a high-pass filter audio = tf.concat((audio[:, :1], audio[:, 1:] - 0.97*audio[:, :-1], np.zeros((batch_size,1000),dtype=np.float32)), 1) # 2. windowing into frames of 320 samples, overlapping windowed = tf.stack([audio[:, i:i+400] for i in range(0,size-320,160)],1) # 3. Take the FFT to convert to frequency space ffted = tf.spectral.rfft(windowed, [512]) ffted = 1.0 / 512 * tf.square(tf.abs(ffted)) # 4. Compute the Mel windowing of the FFT energy = tf.reduce_sum(ffted,axis=2)+1e-30 filters = np.load("filterbanks.npy").T feat = tf.matmul(ffted, np.array([filters]*batch_size,dtype=np.float32))+1e-30 # 5. Take the DCT again, because why not feat = tf.log(feat) feat = tf.spectral.dct(feat, type=2, norm='ortho')[:,:,:26] # 6. Amplify high frequencies for some reason _,nframes,ncoeff = feat.get_shape().as_list() n = np.arange(ncoeff) lift = 1 + (22/2.)*np.sin(np.pi*n/22) feat = lift*feat width = feat.get_shape().as_list()[1] # 7. And now stick the energy next to the features feat = tf.concat((tf.reshape(tf.log(energy),(-1,width,1)), feat[:, :, 1:]), axis=2) return feat
Example #30
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def char_accuracy(predictions, targets, rej_char, streaming=False): """Computes character level accuracy. Both predictions and targets should have the same shape [batch_size x seq_length]. Args: predictions: predicted characters ids. targets: ground truth character ids. rej_char: the character id used to mark an empty element (end of sequence). streaming: if True, uses the streaming mean from the slim.metric module. Returns: a update_ops for execution and value tensor whose value on evaluation returns the total character accuracy. """ with tf.variable_scope('CharAccuracy'): predictions.get_shape().assert_is_compatible_with(targets.get_shape()) targets = tf.to_int32(targets) const_rej_char = tf.constant(rej_char, shape=targets.get_shape()) weights = tf.to_float(tf.not_equal(targets, const_rej_char)) correct_chars = tf.to_float(tf.equal(predictions, targets)) accuracy_per_example = tf.div( tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(correct_chars, weights), 1), tf.reduce_sum(weights, 1)) if streaming: return tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_mean(accuracy_per_example) else: return tf.reduce_mean(accuracy_per_example)