Python tensorflow.TensorArray() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of tensorflow.TensorArray(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module tensorflow , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From MultitaskAIS with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def tas_for_tensors(tensors, length):
  """Unstacks a set of Tensors into TensorArrays.

    tensors: A potentially nested tuple or list of Tensors with length in the
      first dimension greater than or equal to the 'length' input argument.
    length: The desired length of the TensorArrays.
    tensorarrays: A potentially nested tuple or list of TensorArrays with the
      same structure as 'tensors'. Contains the result of unstacking each Tensor
      in 'tensors'.
  def map_fn(x):
    ta = tf.TensorArray(x.dtype, length,':')[0] + '_ta')
    return ta.unstack(x[:length, :])
  return map_nested(map_fn, tensors) 
Example #2
Source File:    From addons with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _check_static_batch_beam_maybe(shape, batch_size, beam_width):
    """Raises an exception if dimensions are known statically and can not be
    reshaped to [batch_size, beam_size, -1]."""
    reshaped_shape = tf.TensorShape([batch_size, beam_width, None])
    assert len(shape.dims) > 0
    if batch_size is None or shape[0] is None:
        return True  # not statically known => no check
    if shape[0] == batch_size * beam_width:
        return True  # flattened, matching
    has_second_dim = shape.ndims >= 2 and shape[1] is not None
    if has_second_dim and shape[0] == batch_size and shape[1] == beam_width:
        return True  # non-flattened, matching
    # Otherwise we could not find a match and warn:
        "TensorArray reordering expects elements to be "
        "reshapable to %s which is incompatible with the "
        "current shape %s. Consider setting "
        "reorder_tensor_arrays to False to disable TensorArray "
        "reordering during the beam search." % (reshaped_shape, shape)
    return False 
Example #3
Source File:    From addons with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _maybe_merge_batch_beams(self, t, s):
        """Splits the tensor from a batch by beams into a batch of beams.

        More exactly, `t` is a tensor of dimension
        `[batch_size * beam_width] + s`, then we reshape it to
        `[batch_size, beam_width] + s`.

          t: `Tensor` of dimension `[batch_size * beam_width] + s`.
          s: `Tensor`, Python int, or `TensorShape`.

          A reshaped version of t with shape `[batch_size, beam_width] + s`.

          ValueError:  If the rank of `t` is not statically known.
        if isinstance(t, tf.TensorArray):
            return t
        if t.shape.ndims >= 2:
            return self._merge_batch_beams(t, s)
            return t 
Example #4
Source File:    From athena with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def mix_target_sequence(self, gold_token, predicted_token, training, top_k=5):
        """ to mix gold token and prediction
        param gold_token: true labels
        param predicted_token: predictions by first pass
        return: mix of the gold_token and predicted_token
        mix_result = tf.TensorArray(
            tf.float32, size=1, dynamic_size=True, clear_after_read=False
        for i in tf.range(tf.shape(gold_token)[-1]):
            if self.random_num([1]) > self.hparams.schedual_sampling_rate:# do schedual sampling
                selected_input = predicted_token[:, i, :]
                selected_idx = tf.nn.top_k(selected_input, top_k).indices
                embedding_input = self.y_net.layers[1](selected_idx, training=training)
                embedding_input = tf.reduce_mean(embedding_input, axis=1)
                mix_result = mix_result.write(i, embedding_input)
                selected_input = tf.reshape(gold_token[:, i], [-1, 1])
                embedding_input = self.y_net.layers[1](selected_input, training=training)
                mix_result = mix_result.write(i, embedding_input[:, 0, :])
        final_input = self.y_net.layers[2](tf.transpose(mix_result.stack(), [1, 0, 2]),
        final_input = self.y_net.layers[3](final_input, training=training)
        return final_input 
Example #5
Source File:    From yolo_v2 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def tas_for_tensors(tensors, length):
  """Unstacks a set of Tensors into TensorArrays.

    tensors: A potentially nested tuple or list of Tensors with length in the
      first dimension greater than or equal to the 'length' input argument.
    length: The desired length of the TensorArrays.
    tensorarrays: A potentially nested tuple or list of TensorArrays with the
      same structure as 'tensors'. Contains the result of unstacking each Tensor
      in 'tensors'.
  def map_fn(x):
    ta = tf.TensorArray(x.dtype, length,':')[0] + '_ta')
    return ta.unstack(x[:length, :])
  return map_nested(map_fn, tensors) 
Example #6
Source File:    From yolo_v2 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def testConvertNetworkStateTensorarray(self):
    with self.test_session() as session:
      ta = tf.TensorArray(
      # Create a 3-step x 2-stride x 2-feature-dim source array.
      ta = ta.write(0, [[0., 0.]] * 2)  # The zeroth step will be removed.
      ta = ta.write(1, [[1., 10.]] * 2)
      ta = ta.write(2, [[2., 20.]] * 2)
      ta = ta.write(3, [[3., 30.]] * 2)
      tensor = network_units.convert_network_state_tensorarray(ta)
      actual =
      self.assertEqual(actual.shape, (6, 2))

      # The arrangement of the values is expected to be stride * steps.
      expected = [[1., 10.], [2., 20.], [3., 30.], [1., 10.], [2., 20.],
                  [3., 30.]]
      self.assertAllEqual(actual, expected) 
Example #7
Source File:    From federated with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def extend_prefixes(prefixes_to_extend, possible_prefix_extensions):
  """Extends prefixes in `prefixes_to_extend` by `possible_prefix_extensions`.

    prefixes_to_extend: A 1D tf.string containing prefixes to be extended.
    possible_prefix_extensions: A 1D tf.string containing all possible prefix

    A 1D tf.string containing all the extended prefixes.
  num_new_prefixes = tf.shape(prefixes_to_extend)[0] * tf.shape(
  extended_prefixes = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.string, size=num_new_prefixes)
  position = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32)
  for prefix in prefixes_to_extend:
    for possible_extension in possible_prefix_extensions:
      # [-1] is passed to tf.reshape to flatten the extended prefix. This is
      # important to ensure consistency of shapes.
      extended_prefix = tf.reshape(
          tf.strings.reduce_join([prefix, possible_extension]), [-1])
      extended_prefixes = extended_prefixes.write(position, extended_prefix)
      position += 1
  return extended_prefixes.concat() 
Example #8
Source File:    From ntm with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def call(self, inputs):
        x, seq_length = inputs

        x_list = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=seq_length)
        x_list = x_list.unstack(tf.transpose(x, perm=[1, 0, 2]))
        state = self.cell.get_initial_state(batch_size=self.batch_size, dtype=tf.float32)
        for t in range(seq_length):
            output, state = self.cell(tf.concat([, tf.zeros([self.batch_size, 1])], axis=1), state)

        output, state = self.cell(self.eof, state)

        output_list = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=seq_length)
        for t in range(seq_length):
            output, state = self.cell(, state)
            output_list = output_list.write(t, output[:, 0:self.vector_dim])
        y_pred = tf.sigmoid(tf.transpose(output_list.stack(), perm=[1, 0, 2]))

        return y_pred 
Example #9
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _maybe_split_batch_beams(self, t, s):
    """Maybe splits the tensor from a batch by beams into a batch of beams.

    We do this so that we can use nest and not run into problems with shapes.

      t: `Tensor`, either scalar or shaped `[batch_size * beam_width] + s`.
      s: `Tensor`, Python int, or `TensorShape`.

      If `t` is a matrix or higher order tensor, then the return value is
      `t` reshaped to `[batch_size, beam_width] + s`.  Otherwise `t` is
      returned unchanged.

      ValueError: If the rank of `t` is not statically known.
    if isinstance(t, tf.TensorArray):
      return t
    if t.shape.ndims >= 1:
      return self._split_batch_beams(t, s)
      return t 
Example #10
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _maybe_merge_batch_beams(self, t, s):
    """Splits the tensor from a batch by beams into a batch of beams.

    More exactly, `t` is a tensor of dimension `[batch_size * beam_width] + s`,
    then we reshape it to `[batch_size, beam_width] + s`.

      t: `Tensor` of dimension `[batch_size * beam_width] + s`.
      s: `Tensor`, Python int, or `TensorShape`.

      A reshaped version of t with shape `[batch_size, beam_width] + s`.

      ValueError:  If the rank of `t` is not statically known.
    if isinstance(t, tf.TensorArray):
      return t
    if t.shape.ndims >= 2:
      return self._merge_batch_beams(t, s)
      return t 
Example #11
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _check_batch_beam(t, batch_size, beam_width):
  """Returns an Assert operation checking that the elements of the stacked
  TensorArray can be reshaped to [batch_size, beam_size, -1]. At this point,
  the TensorArray elements have a known rank of at least 1.
  error_message = ("TensorArray reordering expects elements to be "
                   "reshapable to [batch_size, beam_size, -1] which is "
                   "incompatible with the dynamic shape of %s elements. "
                   "Consider setting reorder_tensor_arrays to False to disable "
                   "TensorArray reordering during the beam search."
                   % (
  rank = t.shape.ndims
  shape = tf.shape(t)
  if rank == 2:
    condition = tf.equal(shape[1], batch_size * beam_width)
    condition = tf.logical_or(
        tf.equal(shape[1], batch_size * beam_width),
            tf.equal(shape[1], batch_size),
            tf.equal(shape[2], beam_width)))
  return tf.Assert(condition, [error_message]) 
Example #12
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _maybe_split_batch_beams(self, t, s):
    """Maybe splits the tensor from a batch by beams into a batch of beams.

    We do this so that we can use nest and not run into problems with shapes.

      t: `Tensor`, either scalar or shaped `[batch_size * beam_width] + s`.
      s: `Tensor`, Python int, or `TensorShape`.

      If `t` is a matrix or higher order tensor, then the return value is
      `t` reshaped to `[batch_size, beam_width] + s`.  Otherwise `t` is
      returned unchanged.

      ValueError: If the rank of `t` is not statically known.
    if isinstance(t, tf.TensorArray):
      return t
    if t.shape.ndims >= 1:
      return self._split_batch_beams(t, s)
      return t 
Example #13
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _maybe_merge_batch_beams(self, t, s):
    """Splits the tensor from a batch by beams into a batch of beams.

    More exactly, `t` is a tensor of dimension `[batch_size * beam_width] + s`,
    then we reshape it to `[batch_size, beam_width] + s`.

      t: `Tensor` of dimension `[batch_size * beam_width] + s`.
      s: `Tensor`, Python int, or `TensorShape`.

      A reshaped version of t with shape `[batch_size, beam_width] + s`.

      ValueError:  If the rank of `t` is not statically known.
    if isinstance(t, tf.TensorArray):
      return t
    if t.shape.ndims >= 2:
      return self._merge_batch_beams(t, s)
      return t 
Example #14
Source File:    From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def testConvertNetworkStateTensorarray(self):
    with self.test_session() as session:
      ta = tf.TensorArray(
      # Create a 3-step x 2-stride x 2-feature-dim source array.
      ta = ta.write(0, [[0., 0.]] * 2)  # The zeroth step will be removed.
      ta = ta.write(1, [[1., 10.]] * 2)
      ta = ta.write(2, [[2., 20.]] * 2)
      ta = ta.write(3, [[3., 30.]] * 2)
      tensor = network_units.convert_network_state_tensorarray(ta)
      actual =
      self.assertEqual(actual.shape, (6, 2))

      # The arrangement of the values is expected to be stride * steps.
      expected = [[1., 10.], [2., 20.], [3., 30.], [1., 10.], [2., 20.],
                  [3., 30.]]
      self.assertAllEqual(actual, expected) 
Example #15
Source File:    From batchflow with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def non_max_suppression(inputs, scores, batch_size, max_output_size,
                        score_threshold=0.7, iou_threshold=0.7, nonempty=False, name='nms'):
    """ Perform NMS on batch of images. """
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        ix = tf.constant(0)
        filtered_rois = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.int32, size=batch_size, infer_shape=False)
        loop_cond = lambda ix, filtered_rois: tf.less(ix, batch_size)
        def _loop_body(ix, filtered_rois):
            indices, score, roi = _filter_tensor(scores[ix], score_threshold, inputs[ix]) # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
            roi_corners = tf.concat([roi[:, :2], roi[:, :2]+roi[:, 2:]], axis=-1)
            roi_after_nms = tf.image.non_max_suppression(roi_corners, score, max_output_size, iou_threshold)
            if nonempty:
                is_not_empty = lambda: filtered_rois.write(ix,
                                                           tf.cast(tf.gather(indices, roi_after_nms),
                is_empty = lambda: filtered_rois.write(ix, tf.constant([[0]]))
                filtered_rois = tf.cond(tf.not_equal(tf.shape(indices)[0], 0), is_not_empty, is_empty)
                filtered_rois = filtered_rois.write(ix, tf.cast(tf.gather(indices, roi_after_nms), dtype=tf.int32))
            return [ix+1, filtered_rois]
        _, res = tf.while_loop(loop_cond, _loop_body, [ix, filtered_rois])
        res = _array_to_tuple(res, batch_size, [-1, 1])
    return res 
Example #16
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _maybe_merge_batch_beams(self, t, s):
    """Splits the tensor from a batch by beams into a batch of beams.

    More exactly, `t` is a tensor of dimension `[batch_size * beam_width] + s`,
    then we reshape it to `[batch_size, beam_width] + s`.

      t: `Tensor` of dimension `[batch_size * beam_width] + s`.
      s: `Tensor`, Python int, or `TensorShape`.

      A reshaped version of t with shape `[batch_size, beam_width] + s`.

      ValueError:  If the rank of `t` is not statically known.
    if isinstance(t, tf.TensorArray):
      return t
    if t.shape.ndims >= 2:
      return self._merge_batch_beams(t, s)
      return t 
Example #17
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _check_batch_beam(t, batch_size, beam_width):
  """Returns an Assert operation checking that the elements of the stacked
  TensorArray can be reshaped to [batch_size, beam_size, -1]. At this point,
  the TensorArray elements have a known rank of at least 1.
  error_message = ("TensorArray reordering expects elements to be "
                   "reshapable to [batch_size, beam_size, -1] which is "
                   "incompatible with the dynamic shape of %s elements. "
                   "Consider setting reorder_tensor_arrays to False to disable "
                   "TensorArray reordering during the beam search."
                   % (
  rank = t.shape.ndims
  shape = tf.shape(t)
  if rank == 2:
    condition = tf.equal(shape[1], batch_size * beam_width)
    condition = tf.logical_or(
        tf.equal(shape[1], batch_size * beam_width),
            tf.equal(shape[1], batch_size),
            tf.equal(shape[2], beam_width)))
  return tf.Assert(condition, [error_message]) 
Example #18
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _check_static_batch_beam_maybe(shape, batch_size, beam_width):
  """Raises an exception if dimensions are known statically and can not be
  reshaped to [batch_size, beam_size, -1].
  reshaped_shape = tf.TensorShape([batch_size, beam_width, None])
  if (batch_size is not None and shape[0].value is not None
      and (shape[0] != batch_size * beam_width
           or (shape.ndims >= 2 and shape[1].value is not None
               and (shape[0] != batch_size or shape[1] != beam_width)))):
    tf.logging.warn("TensorArray reordering expects elements to be "
                    "reshapable to %s which is incompatible with the "
                    "current shape %s. Consider setting "
                    "reorder_tensor_arrays to False to disable TensorArray "
                    "reordering during the beam search."
                    % (reshaped_shape, shape))
    return False
  return True 
Example #19
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _maybe_split_batch_beams(self, t, s):
    """Maybe splits the tensor from a batch by beams into a batch of beams.

    We do this so that we can use nest and not run into problems with shapes.

      t: `Tensor`, either scalar or shaped `[batch_size * beam_width] + s`.
      s: `Tensor`, Python int, or `TensorShape`.

      If `t` is a matrix or higher order tensor, then the return value is
      `t` reshaped to `[batch_size, beam_width] + s`.  Otherwise `t` is
      returned unchanged.

      ValueError: If the rank of `t` is not statically known.
    if isinstance(t, tf.TensorArray):
      return t
    if t.shape.ndims >= 1:
      return self._split_batch_beams(t, s)
      return t 
Example #20
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _maybe_merge_batch_beams(self, t, s):
    """Splits the tensor from a batch by beams into a batch of beams.

    More exactly, `t` is a tensor of dimension `[batch_size * beam_width] + s`,
    then we reshape it to `[batch_size, beam_width] + s`.

      t: `Tensor` of dimension `[batch_size * beam_width] + s`.
      s: `Tensor`, Python int, or `TensorShape`.

      A reshaped version of t with shape `[batch_size, beam_width] + s`.

      ValueError:  If the rank of `t` is not statically known.
    if isinstance(t, tf.TensorArray):
      return t
    if t.shape.ndims >= 2:
      return self._merge_batch_beams(t, s)
      return t 
Example #21
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _maybe_split_batch_beams(self, t, s):
    """Maybe splits the tensor from a batch by beams into a batch of beams.

    We do this so that we can use nest and not run into problems with shapes.

      t: `Tensor`, either scalar or shaped `[batch_size * beam_width] + s`.
      s: `Tensor`, Python int, or `TensorShape`.

      If `t` is a matrix or higher order tensor, then the return value is
      `t` reshaped to `[batch_size, beam_width] + s`.  Otherwise `t` is
      returned unchanged.

      ValueError: If the rank of `t` is not statically known.
    if isinstance(t, tf.TensorArray):
      return t
    if t.shape.ndims >= 1:
      return self._split_batch_beams(t, s)
      return t 
Example #22
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _check_static_batch_beam_maybe(shape, batch_size, beam_width):
  """Raises an exception if dimensions are known statically and can not be
  reshaped to [batch_size, beam_size, -1].
  reshaped_shape = tf.TensorShape([batch_size, beam_width, None])
  if (batch_size is not None and shape[0].value is not None
      and (shape[0] != batch_size * beam_width
           or (shape.ndims >= 2 and shape[1].value is not None
               and (shape[0] != batch_size or shape[1] != beam_width)))):
    tf.logging.warn("TensorArray reordering expects elements to be "
                    "reshapable to %s which is incompatible with the "
                    "current shape %s. Consider setting "
                    "reorder_tensor_arrays to False to disable TensorArray "
                    "reordering during the beam search."
                    % (reshaped_shape, shape))
    return False
  return True 
Example #23
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _maybe_merge_batch_beams(self, t, s):
    """Splits the tensor from a batch by beams into a batch of beams.

    More exactly, `t` is a tensor of dimension `[batch_size * beam_width] + s`,
    then we reshape it to `[batch_size, beam_width] + s`.

      t: `Tensor` of dimension `[batch_size * beam_width] + s`.
      s: `Tensor`, Python int, or `TensorShape`.

      A reshaped version of t with shape `[batch_size, beam_width] + s`.

      ValueError:  If the rank of `t` is not statically known.
    if isinstance(t, tf.TensorArray):
      return t
    if t.shape.ndims >= 2:
      return self._merge_batch_beams(t, s)
      return t 
Example #24
Source File:    From mist-rnns with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _compute_states(self):

    _inputs = tf.transpose(self.inputs, [1, 0, 2])
    x_ta = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, size=self.length).unstack(_inputs)
    h_ta = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, size=self.length)
    c_ta = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, size=self.length)

    def cond(t, c, h, c_ta, h_ta):
      return tf.less(t, self.length)

    def body(t, c, h, c_ta, h_ta):

      x =
      num_units, input_size = self.num_hidden_units, self.input_size

      with tf.variable_scope('lstm'):
        c_tilde = self.activation(self._linear(h, x, num_units, scope='c'))
        i = tf.nn.sigmoid(self._linear(h, x, num_units, scope='i'))
        f = tf.nn.sigmoid(self._linear(h, x, num_units, shift=self.optional_bias_shift, scope='f'))
        o = tf.nn.sigmoid(self._linear(h, x, num_units, scope='o'))
        c_new = i * c_tilde + f * c
        h_new = o * self.activation(c_new)

      c_ta_new = c_ta.write(t, c_new)
      h_ta_new = h_ta.write(t, h_new)
      return t + 1, c_new, h_new, c_ta_new, h_ta_new

    t = tf.constant(0)
    c, h = tf.split(tf.squeeze(self.initial_states, [1]), 2, axis=1)
    _, _, _, c_ta, h_ta = tf.while_loop(cond, body, [t, c, h, c_ta, h_ta])

    outputs = tf.transpose(h_ta.stack(), [1, 0, 2], name='outputs')
    cells = tf.transpose(c_ta.stack(), [1, 0, 2])
    states = tf.concat([cells, outputs], axis=2, name='states')
    return outputs, states 
Example #25
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _maybe_tensor_gather_helper(gather_indices, gather_from, batch_size,
                                range_size, gather_shape):
  """Maybe applies _tensor_gather_helper.

  This applies _tensor_gather_helper when the gather_from dims is at least as
  big as the length of gather_shape. This is used in conjunction with nest so
  that we don't apply _tensor_gather_helper to inapplicable values like scalars.

    gather_indices: The tensor indices that we use to gather.
    gather_from: The tensor that we are gathering from.
    batch_size: The batch size.
    range_size: The number of values in each range. Likely equal to beam_width.
    gather_shape: What we should reshape gather_from to in order to preserve the
      correct values. An example is when gather_from is the attention from an
      AttentionWrapperState with shape [batch_size, beam_width, attention_size].
      There, we want to preserve the attention_size elements, so gather_shape is
      [batch_size * beam_width, -1]. Then, upon reshape, we still have the
      attention_size as desired.

    output: Gathered tensor of shape tf.shape(gather_from)[:1+len(gather_shape)]
      or the original tensor if its dimensions are too small.
  if isinstance(gather_from, tf.TensorArray):
    return gather_from
  if gather_from.shape.ndims >= len(gather_shape):
    return _tensor_gather_helper(
    return gather_from 
Example #26
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _maybe_tensor_gather_helper(gather_indices, gather_from, batch_size,
                                range_size, gather_shape):
  """Maybe applies _tensor_gather_helper.

  This applies _tensor_gather_helper when the gather_from dims is at least as
  big as the length of gather_shape. This is used in conjunction with nest so
  that we don't apply _tensor_gather_helper to inapplicable values like scalars.

    gather_indices: The tensor indices that we use to gather.
    gather_from: The tensor that we are gathering from.
    batch_size: The batch size.
    range_size: The number of values in each range. Likely equal to beam_width.
    gather_shape: What we should reshape gather_from to in order to preserve the
      correct values. An example is when gather_from is the attention from an
      AttentionWrapperState with shape [batch_size, beam_width, attention_size].
      There, we want to preserve the attention_size elements, so gather_shape is
      [batch_size * beam_width, -1]. Then, upon reshape, we still have the
      attention_size as desired.

    output: Gathered tensor of shape tf.shape(gather_from)[:1+len(gather_shape)]
      or the original tensor if its dimensions are too small.
  if isinstance(gather_from, tf.TensorArray):
    return gather_from
  if gather_from.shape.ndims >= len(gather_shape):
    return _tensor_gather_helper(
    return gather_from 
Example #27
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _maybe_sort_array_beams(self, t, parent_ids, sequence_length):
    """Maybe sorts beams within a `TensorArray`.

      t: A `TensorArray` of size `max_time` that contains `Tensor`s of shape
        `[batch_size, beam_width, s]` or `[batch_size * beam_width, s]` where
        `s` is the depth shape.
      parent_ids: The parent ids of shape `[max_time, batch_size, beam_width]`.
      sequence_length: The sequence length of shape `[batch_size, beam_width]`.

      A `TensorArray` where beams are sorted in each `Tensor` or `t` itself if
      it is not a `TensorArray` or does not meet shape requirements.
    if not isinstance(t, tf.TensorArray):
      return t
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    if (not t._infer_shape or not t._element_shape
        or t._element_shape[0].ndims is None
        or t._element_shape[0].ndims < 1):
      shape = (
          t._element_shape[0] if t._infer_shape and t._element_shape
          else tf.TensorShape(None))
      tf.logging.warn("The TensorArray %s in the cell state is not amenable to "
                      "sorting based on the beam search result. For a "
                      "TensorArray to be sorted, its elements shape must be "
                      "defined and have at least a rank of 1, but saw shape: %s"
                      % (, shape))
      return t
    shape = t._element_shape[0]
    # pylint: enable=protected-access
    if not _check_static_batch_beam_maybe(
        shape, tf.contrib.util.constant_value(self._batch_size),
      return t
    t = t.stack()
    with tf.control_dependencies(
        [_check_batch_beam(t, self._batch_size, self._beam_width)]):
      return gather_tree_from_array(t, parent_ids, sequence_length) 
Example #28
Source File:    From mist-rnns with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _compute_states(self):
    """ Compute hidden states.

      A tuple, (outputs, states).

    _inputs = tf.transpose(self.inputs, [1, 0, 2])
    x_ta = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, size=self.length).unstack(_inputs)
    h_ta = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, size=self.length)

    def cond(t, h, h_ta):
      return tf.less(t, self.length)

    def body(t, h, h_ta):

      x =
      num_units, input_size = self.num_hidden_units, self.input_size

      with tf.variable_scope('simple_rnn'):
        h_new = self.activation(self._linear(h, x, num_units, scope='simple_rnn'))

      h_ta_new = h_ta.write(t, h_new)
      return t + 1, h_new, h_ta_new

    t = tf.constant(0)
    h = tf.squeeze(self.initial_states, [1])
    _, _, h_ta = tf.while_loop(cond, body, [t, h, h_ta])

    states = tf.transpose(h_ta.stack(), [1, 0, 2], name='states')
    outputs = tf.identity(states, name='outputs')
    return outputs, states 
Example #29
Source File:    From OpenNMT-tf with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _initialize(self, batch_size, start_ids, attention_size=None):
    start_ids = tfa.seq2seq.tile_batch(start_ids, self.beam_size)
    finished = tf.zeros([batch_size * self.beam_size], dtype=tf.bool)
    # Give all probability to first beam for the first iteration.
    initial_log_probs = tf.tile([0.] + [-float("inf")] * (self.beam_size - 1), [batch_size])
    parent_ids = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, size=0, dynamic_size=True)
    sequence_lengths = tf.zeros([batch_size * self.beam_size], dtype=tf.int32)
    extra_vars = [parent_ids, sequence_lengths]
    if self.coverage_penalty != 0:
      if attention_size is None:
        raise ValueError("The attention size should be known to support coverage penalty")
      accumulated_attention = tf.zeros([batch_size * self.beam_size, attention_size])
    return start_ids, finished, initial_log_probs, tuple(extra_vars) 
Example #30
Source File:    From OpenNMT-tf with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _get_shape_invariants(tensor):
  """Returns the shape of the tensor but sets middle dims to None."""
  if isinstance(tensor, tf.TensorArray):
    shape = None
    shape = tensor.shape.as_list()
    for i in range(1, len(shape) - 1):
      shape[i] = None
  return tf.TensorShape(shape)