Python tensorflow.ones_like() Examples
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code examples of tensorflow.ones_like().
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Example #1
Source File: From decompose with MIT License | 6 votes |
def cond(self) -> CenNnFullyElasticNetCond: b = self.b mu = tau = self.tau betaExponential = self.betaExponential tauLomax = self.tauLomax b = tf.ones_like(tauLomax)*b mu = tf.ones_like(tauLomax)*mu tau = tf.ones_like(tauLomax)*tau betaExponential = tf.ones_like(tauLomax)*betaExponential name = + "Cond" properties = Properties(name=name, drawType=self.drawType, updateType=self.updateType, persistent=False) cond = CenNnFullyElasticNetCond(b=b, mu=mu, tau=tau, betaExponential=betaExponential, beta=1./tauLomax, properties=properties) return(cond)
Example #2
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def build_inputs(self): if self.mode == "encode": # Encode mode doesn't read from disk, so defer to parent. return super(SkipThoughtsModel, self).build_inputs() else: # Replace disk I/O with random Tensors. self.encode_ids = tf.random_uniform( [self.config.batch_size, 15], minval=0, maxval=self.config.vocab_size, dtype=tf.int64) self.decode_pre_ids = tf.random_uniform( [self.config.batch_size, 15], minval=0, maxval=self.config.vocab_size, dtype=tf.int64) self.decode_post_ids = tf.random_uniform( [self.config.batch_size, 15], minval=0, maxval=self.config.vocab_size, dtype=tf.int64) self.encode_mask = tf.ones_like(self.encode_ids) self.decode_pre_mask = tf.ones_like(self.decode_pre_ids) self.decode_post_mask = tf.ones_like(self.decode_post_ids)
Example #3
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def build_inputs(self): if self.mode == "inference": # Inference mode doesn't read from disk, so defer to parent. return super(ShowAndTellModel, self).build_inputs() else: # Replace disk I/O with random Tensors. self.images = tf.random_uniform( shape=[self.config.batch_size, self.config.image_height, self.config.image_width, 3], minval=-1, maxval=1) self.input_seqs = tf.random_uniform( [self.config.batch_size, 15], minval=0, maxval=self.config.vocab_size, dtype=tf.int64) self.target_seqs = tf.random_uniform( [self.config.batch_size, 15], minval=0, maxval=self.config.vocab_size, dtype=tf.int64) self.input_mask = tf.ones_like(self.input_seqs)
Example #4
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def _std(self): """Computes the current estimate of the standard deviation. Note that the standard deviation is not defined until at least two samples were seen. Returns: Tensor of current variance. """ variance = tf.cond( self._count > 1, lambda: self._var_sum / tf.cast(self._count - 1, tf.float32), lambda: tf.ones_like(self._var_sum) * float('nan')) # The epsilon corrects for small negative variance values caused by # the algorithm. It was empirically chosen to work with all environments # tested. return tf.sqrt(variance + 1e-4)
Example #5
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def _std(self): """Computes the current estimate of the standard deviation. Note that the standard deviation is not defined until at least two samples were seen. Returns: Tensor of current variance. """ variance = tf.cond( self._count > 1, lambda: self._var_sum / tf.cast(self._count - 1, tf.float32), lambda: tf.ones_like(self._var_sum) * float('nan')) # The epsilon corrects for small negative variance values caused by # the algorithm. It was empirically chosen to work with all environments # tested. return tf.sqrt(variance + 1e-4)
Example #6
Source File: From deep-summarization with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _load_data_graph(self): """ Loads the data graph consisting of the encoder and decoder input placeholders, Label (Target tip summary) placeholders and the weights of the hidden layer of the Seq2Seq model. :return: None """ # input with tf.variable_scope("train_test", reuse=True): # review input - Both original and reversed self.enc_inp_fwd = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,), name="input%i" % t) for t in range(self.seq_length)] self.enc_inp_bwd = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,), name="input%i" % t) for t in range(self.seq_length)] # desired output self.labels = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,), name="labels%i" % t) for t in range(self.seq_length)] # weight of the hidden layer self.weights = [tf.ones_like(labels_t, dtype=tf.float32) for labels_t in self.labels] # Decoder input: prepend some "GO" token and drop the final # token of the encoder input self.dec_inp = ([tf.zeros_like(self.labels[0], dtype=np.int32, name="GO")] + self.labels[:-1])
Example #7
Source File: From deep-summarization with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _load_data_graph(self): """ Loads the data graph consisting of the encoder and decoder input placeholders, Label (Target tip summary) placeholders and the weights of the hidden layer of the Seq2Seq model. :return: None """ # input with tf.variable_scope("train_test", reuse=True): # review input - Both original and reversed self.enc_inp_fwd = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,), name="input%i" % t) for t in range(self.seq_length)] self.enc_inp_bwd = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,), name="input%i" % t) for t in range(self.seq_length)] # desired output self.labels = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,), name="labels%i" % t) for t in range(self.seq_length)] # weight of the hidden layer self.weights = [tf.ones_like(labels_t, dtype=tf.float32) for labels_t in self.labels] # Decoder input: prepend some "GO" token and drop the final # token of the encoder input self.dec_inp = ([tf.zeros_like(self.labels[0], dtype=np.int32, name="GO")] + self.labels[:-1])
Example #8
Source File: From deep-summarization with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _load_data_graph(self): """ Loads the data graph consisting of the encoder and decoder input placeholders, Label (Target tip summary) placeholders and the weights of the hidden layer of the Seq2Seq model. :return: None """ # input with tf.variable_scope("train_test", reuse=True): self.enc_inp = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,), name="input%i" % t) for t in range(self.seq_length)] # desired output self.labels = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,), name="labels%i" % t) for t in range(self.seq_length)] # weight of the hidden layer self.weights = [tf.ones_like(labels_t, dtype=tf.float32) for labels_t in self.labels] # Decoder input: prepend some "GO" token and drop the final # token of the encoder input self.dec_inp = ([tf.zeros_like(self.labels[0], dtype=np.int32, name="GO")] + self.labels[:-1])
Example #9
Source File: From deep-summarization with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _load_data_graph(self): """ Loads the data graph consisting of the encoder and decoder input placeholders, Label (Target tip summary) placeholders and the weights of the hidden layer of the Seq2Seq model. :return: None """ # input with tf.variable_scope("train_test", reuse=True): self.enc_inp = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,), name="input%i" % t) for t in range(self.seq_length)] # desired output self.labels = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,), name="labels%i" % t) for t in range(self.seq_length)] # weight of the hidden layer self.weights = [tf.ones_like(labels_t, dtype=tf.float32) for labels_t in self.labels] # Decoder input: prepend some "GO" token and drop the final # token of the encoder input self.dec_inp = ([tf.zeros_like(self.labels[0], dtype=np.int32, name="GO")] + self.labels[:-1])
Example #10
Source File: From fine-lm with MIT License | 6 votes |
def rank_loss(sentence_emb, image_emb, margin=0.2): """Experimental rank loss, thanks to kkurach@ for the code.""" with tf.name_scope("rank_loss"): # Normalize first as this is assumed in cosine similarity later. sentence_emb = tf.nn.l2_normalize(sentence_emb, 1) image_emb = tf.nn.l2_normalize(image_emb, 1) # Both sentence_emb and image_emb have size [batch, depth]. scores = tf.matmul(image_emb, tf.transpose(sentence_emb)) # [batch, batch] diagonal = tf.diag_part(scores) # [batch] cost_s = tf.maximum(0.0, margin - diagonal + scores) # [batch, batch] cost_im = tf.maximum( 0.0, margin - tf.reshape(diagonal, [-1, 1]) + scores) # [batch, batch] # Clear diagonals. batch_size = tf.shape(sentence_emb)[0] empty_diagonal_mat = tf.ones_like(cost_s) - tf.eye(batch_size) cost_s *= empty_diagonal_mat cost_im *= empty_diagonal_mat return tf.reduce_mean(cost_s) + tf.reduce_mean(cost_im)
Example #11
Source File: From tangent with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_forward_tensor(func, wrt, *args): """Test gradients of functions with TFE signatures.""" def tangent_func(): df = jvp(func, wrt=wrt, optimized=True, verbose=True) args_ = args + tuple(tf.ones_like(args[i]) for i in wrt) # seed gradient return tensors_to_numpy(df(*args_)) def reference_func(): return tensors_to_numpy(tfe.gradients_function(func, params=wrt)(*args)) def backup_reference_func(): func_ = as_numpy_sig(func) args_ = tensors_to_numpy(args) return utils.numeric_grad(utils.numeric_grad(func_))(*args_) # TODO: Should results really be that far off? utils.assert_result_matches_reference( tangent_func, reference_func, backup_reference_func, tolerance=1e-4)
Example #12
Source File: From icme2019 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def call(self, x): if (self.size == None) or (self.mode == 'sum'): self.size = int(x.shape[-1]) position_j = 1. / \ K.pow(10000., 2 * K.arange(self.size / 2, dtype='float32') / self.size) position_j = K.expand_dims(position_j, 0) position_i = tf.cumsum(K.ones_like(x[:, :, 0]), 1) - 1 position_i = K.expand_dims(position_i, 2) position_ij =, position_j) outputs = K.concatenate( [K.cos(position_ij), K.sin(position_ij)], 2) if self.mode == 'sum': if self.scale: outputs = outputs * outputs ** 0.5 return x + outputs elif self.mode == 'concat': return K.concatenate([outputs, x], 2)
Example #13
Source File: From Counterfactual-StoryRW with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _top_k_logits(logits, k): """Adapted from """ if k == 0: # no truncation return logits def _top_k(): values, _ = tf.nn.top_k(logits, k=k) min_values = values[:, -1, tf.newaxis] return tf.where( logits < min_values, tf.ones_like(logits, dtype=logits.dtype) * -1e10, logits, ) return tf.cond( tf.equal(k, 0), lambda: logits, lambda: _top_k(), )
Example #14
Source File: From decompose with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fitGamma(cls, tau): alpha = 0.5/(tf.log(tf.reduce_mean(tau)) + 1e-6 # added due to numerical instability - tf.reduce_mean(tf.log(tau))) for i in range(20): alpha = (1. / (1./alpha + (tf.reduce_mean(tf.log(tau)) - tf.log(tf.reduce_mean(tau)) + tf.log(alpha) - tf.digamma(alpha)) / (alpha**2*(1./alpha - tf.polygamma(tf.ones_like(alpha), alpha))))) beta = alpha/tf.reduce_mean(tau) return(alpha, beta)
Example #15
Source File: From decompose with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_update(device, f, updateType, dtype): npdtype = dtype.as_numpy_dtype M, K, tau = (20, 30), 3, 0.1 npU = (np.random.normal(size=(K, M[0])).astype(npdtype), np.random.normal(size=(K, M[1])).astype(npdtype)) U = (tf.constant(npU[0]), tf.constant(npU[1])) npnoise = np.random.normal(size=M).astype(npdtype) npdata =[0].T, npU[1]) + npnoise data = tf.constant(npdata, dtype=dtype) lh = Normal2dLikelihood(M=M, K=K, tau=tau, updateType=updateType) lh.init(data=data) lh.noiseDistribution.update = MagicMock() residuals = tf.ones_like(data) lh.residuals = MagicMock(return_value=residuals) lh.update(U, data) if updateType == UpdateType.ALL: lh.residuals.assert_called_once() lh.noiseDistribution.update.assert_called_once() else: lh.residuals.assert_not_called() lh.noiseDistribution.update.assert_not_called() tf.reset_default_graph()
Example #16
Source File: From decompose with MIT License | 6 votes |
def prepVars(self, f: int, U: List[Tensor], X: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: if f == 0: U1 = U[1] alpha1 = self.noiseDistribution.tau alpha = tf.ones_like(X[:, 0]) elif f == 1: U1 = U[0] alpha1 = tf.ones_like(X[:, 0]) alpha = self.noiseDistribution.tau X = tf.transpose(X) U1T = tf.transpose(U1) A = tf.matmul(X, U1T*alpha1[..., None]) B = tf.matmul(U1*alpha1, U1T) return(A, B, alpha)
Example #17
Source File: From Counterfactual-StoryRW with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _decode_infer(self, initial_state, encoder_results, features, labels, mode): start_token = self._tgt_vocab.bos_token_id start_tokens = tf.ones_like(features['source_length']) * start_token max_l = self._decoder.hparams.max_decoding_length_infer if self._hparams.beam_search_width > 1: return beam_search_decode( decoder_or_cell=self._decoder, embedding=self._tgt_embedder.embedding, start_tokens=start_tokens, end_token=self._tgt_vocab.eos_token_id, beam_width=self._hparams.beam_search_width, initial_state=initial_state, max_decoding_length=max_l) else: return self._decoder( initial_state=initial_state, decoding_strategy=self._hparams.decoding_strategy_infer, embedding=self._tgt_embedder.embedding, start_tokens=start_tokens, end_token=self._tgt_vocab.eos_token_id, mode=mode)
Example #18
Source File: From Counterfactual-StoryRW with MIT License | 6 votes |
def binary_clas_accuracy(pos_preds=None, neg_preds=None): """Calculates the accuracy of binary predictions. Args: pos_preds (optional): A Tensor of any shape containing the predicted values on positive data (i.e., ground truth labels are `1`). neg_preds (optional): A Tensor of any shape containing the predicted values on negative data (i.e., ground truth labels are `0`). Returns: A float scalar Tensor containing the accuracy. """ pos_accu = accuracy(tf.ones_like(pos_preds), pos_preds) neg_accu = accuracy(tf.zeros_like(neg_preds), neg_preds) psize = tf.to_float(tf.size(pos_preds)) nsize = tf.to_float(tf.size(neg_preds)) accu = (pos_accu * psize + neg_accu * nsize) / (psize + nsize) return accu
Example #19
Source File: From lattice with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def compute_interpolation_weights(inputs, keypoints, lengths): """Computes weights for PWL calibration. Args: inputs: Tensor of shape: `(D0, D1, ..., DN, 1)` which represents inputs to to the pwl function. A typical shape is: `(batch_size, 1)`. keypoints: Rank-1 tensor of shape `(num_keypoints - 1)` which represents left keypoint of pieces of piecewise linear function along X axis. lengths: Rank-1 tensor of shape `(num_keypoints - 1)` which represents lengths of pieces of piecewise linear function along X axis. Returns: Interpolation weights tensor of shape: `(D0, D1, ..., DN, num_keypoints)`. """ weights = (inputs - keypoints) / lengths weights = tf.minimum(weights, 1.0) weights = tf.maximum(weights, 0.0) # Prepend 1.0 at the beginning to add bias unconditionally. return tf.concat([tf.ones_like(inputs), weights], axis=-1)
Example #20
Source File: From CartoonGAN-Tensorflow with MIT License | 6 votes |
def generator_loss(loss_func, fake): fake_loss = 0 if loss_func == 'wgan-gp' or loss_func == 'wgan-lp': fake_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(fake) if loss_func == 'lsgan' : fake_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(fake - 1.0)) if loss_func == 'gan' or loss_func == 'dragan': fake_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=tf.ones_like(fake), logits=fake)) if loss_func == 'hinge': fake_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(fake) loss = fake_loss return loss
Example #21
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def parse_example_batch(serialized): """Parses a batch of tf.Example protos. Args: serialized: A 1-D string Tensor; a batch of serialized tf.Example protos. Returns: encode: A SentenceBatch of encode sentences. decode_pre: A SentenceBatch of "previous" sentences to decode. decode_post: A SentenceBatch of "post" sentences to decode. """ features = tf.parse_example( serialized, features={ "encode": tf.VarLenFeature(dtype=tf.int64), "decode_pre": tf.VarLenFeature(dtype=tf.int64), "decode_post": tf.VarLenFeature(dtype=tf.int64), }) def _sparse_to_batch(sparse): ids = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(sparse) # Padding with zeroes. mask = tf.sparse_to_dense(sparse.indices, sparse.dense_shape, tf.ones_like(sparse.values, dtype=tf.int32)) return SentenceBatch(ids=ids, mask=mask) output_names = ("encode", "decode_pre", "decode_post") return tuple(_sparse_to_batch(features[x]) for x in output_names)
Example #22
Source File: From decompose with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fit(cls, parameters: Dict[str, Tensor], data: tf.Tensor) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: params = cls.getParameters(parameters=parameters) b, cenNnElasticnetParams, exponentialParams, lomaxParams = params cenNnElasticnetParams = cenNnElasticnetParams, data) exponentialParams =, data) lomaxParams =, data) cenNnElasticnetLlh = CenNnElasticNetAlgorithms.llh( cenNnElasticnetParams, data) cenNnElasticnetLlh = tf.reduce_mean(cenNnElasticnetLlh, axis=0) exponentialLlh = ExponentialAlgorithms.llh(exponentialParams, data) exponentialLlh = tf.reduce_mean(exponentialLlh, axis=0) lomaxLlh = LomaxAlgorithms.llh(lomaxParams, data) lomaxLlh = tf.reduce_mean(lomaxLlh, axis=0) condElasticNet = tf.logical_and(cenNnElasticnetLlh > lomaxLlh, cenNnElasticnetLlh > exponentialLlh) condExponential = exponentialLlh > lomaxLlh b = tf.where(condElasticNet, tf.zeros_like(cenNnElasticnetLlh), tf.where(condExponential, tf.ones_like(exponentialLlh), 2.*tf.ones_like(lomaxLlh))) updatedParameters = {"b": b, "mu": cenNnElasticnetParams["mu"], "tau": cenNnElasticnetParams["tau"], "betaExponential": exponentialParams["beta"], "alpha": lomaxParams["alpha"], "beta": lomaxParams["beta"], "tauLomax": lomaxParams["tau"]} return(updatedParameters)
Example #23
Source File: From decompose with MIT License | 5 votes |
def pdf(cls, parameters: Dict[str, Tensor], data: Tensor) -> Tensor: params = cls.getParameters(parameters=parameters) b, cenNnElasticnetParams, exponentialParams, lomaxParams = params pdfLomax = LomaxAlgorithms.pdf(lomaxParams, data) pdfExponential = ExponentialAlgorithms.pdf(exponentialParams, data) pdfElasticNet = CenNnElasticNetAlgorithms.pdf(cenNnElasticnetParams, data) b = b[None]*tf.ones_like(pdfElasticNet) pdf = tf.where(tf.equal(b, 0.), pdfElasticNet, tf.where(tf.equal(b, 1.), pdfExponential, pdfLomax)) return(pdf)
Example #24
Source File: From decompose with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fitLatents(cls, parameters: Dict[str, Tensor], data: Tensor) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: alpha, beta = parameters["alpha"], parameters["beta"] tau = (alpha + 1)/(beta + data) tau = tf.where(tf.less(tau, 1e9), tau, 1e9*tf.ones_like(tau)) tau = tf.where(tf.greater(tau, 1e-9), tau, 1e-9*tf.ones_like(tau)) return({"tau": tau})
Example #25
Source File: From dc_tts with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def Attention(Q, K, V, mononotic_attention=False, prev_max_attentions=None): ''' Args: Q: Queries. (B, T/r, d) K: Keys. (B, N, d) V: Values. (B, N, d) mononotic_attention: A boolean. At training, it is False. prev_max_attentions: (B,). At training, it is set to None. Returns: R: [Context Vectors; Q]. (B, T/r, 2d) alignments: (B, N, T/r) max_attentions: (B, T/r) ''' A = tf.matmul(Q, K, transpose_b=True) * tf.rsqrt(tf.to_float(hp.d)) if mononotic_attention: # for inference key_masks = tf.sequence_mask(prev_max_attentions, hp.max_N) reverse_masks = tf.sequence_mask(hp.max_N - hp.attention_win_size - prev_max_attentions, hp.max_N)[:, ::-1] masks = tf.logical_or(key_masks, reverse_masks) masks = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(masks, 1), [1, hp.max_T, 1]) paddings = tf.ones_like(A) * (-2 ** 32 + 1) # (B, T/r, N) A = tf.where(tf.equal(masks, False), A, paddings) A = tf.nn.softmax(A) # (B, T/r, N) max_attentions = tf.argmax(A, -1) # (B, T/r) R = tf.matmul(A, V) R = tf.concat((R, Q), -1) alignments = tf.transpose(A, [0, 2, 1]) # (B, N, T/r) return R, alignments, max_attentions
Example #26
Source File: From decompose with MIT License | 5 votes |
def llh(cls, parameters: Dict[str, Tensor], data: tf.Tensor) -> Tensor: alpha, beta = parameters["alpha"], parameters["beta"] llh = tf.log(alpha) - tf.log(beta) - (alpha+1)*tf.log(1.+data/beta) llh = tf.where(tf.less(data, 0.), -np.inf*tf.ones_like(llh), llh) return(llh)
Example #27
Source File: From decompose with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fit(cls, parameters: Dict[str, Tensor], data: tf.Tensor) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: """Optimal ML update using the EM algorithm.""" # regularized multiplicative M, N = data.get_shape().as_list() tau0, tau1 = parameters["tau0"], parameters["tau1"] # hyperparameter optimization alpha0, beta0 = cls.fitGamma(tau0) alpha1, beta1 = cls.fitGamma(tau1) # sampling taus alphaPost0 = alpha0 + N/2 betaPost0 = beta0 + tf.matmul(data**2, tau1[..., None])[..., 0]/2 tau0 = tf.distributions.Gamma(concentration=alphaPost0, rate=betaPost0).sample(1)[0] tau0 = tf.where(tau0 < 1e-6, tf.ones_like(tau0)*1e-6, tau0) alphaPost1 = alpha1 + M/2 betaPost1 = beta1 + tf.matmul(tau0[None, ...], data**2)[0, ...]/2 tau1 = tf.distributions.Gamma(concentration=alphaPost1, rate=betaPost1).sample(1)[0] tau1 = tf.where(tau1 < 1e-6, tf.ones_like(tau1)*1e-6, tau1) # rescaling taus normTau0 = tf.norm(tau0) normTau1 = tf.norm(tau1) normPerFactor = tf.sqrt(normTau0*normTau1) tau0 = tau0/normTau0*normPerFactor tau1 = tau1/normTau1*normPerFactor updatedParameters = {"tau0": tau0, "tau1": tau1} return(updatedParameters)
Example #28
Source File: From decompose with MIT License | 5 votes |
def init(self, data: Tensor) -> None: tau = self.__tauInit properties = self.__properties tau = tf.ones_like(data[0])*tau # TODO is using ones really useful noiseDistribution = CenNormal(tau=tau, properties=properties) self.__noiseDistribution = noiseDistribution
Example #29
Source File: From vehicle_counting_tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def testReturnsCorrectAnchorWiseLoss(self): prediction_tensor = tf.constant([[[-100, 100, -100], [100, -100, -100], [0, 0, -100], [-100, -100, 100]], [[-100, 0, 0], [-100, 100, -100], [-100, 100, -100], [100, -100, -100]]], tf.float32) target_tensor = tf.constant([[[-100, 100, -100], [100, -100, -100], [100, -100, -100], [-100, -100, 100]], [[-100, -100, 100], [-100, 100, -100], [-100, 100, -100], [100, -100, -100]]], tf.float32) weights = tf.constant([[1, 1, .5, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0]], tf.float32) weights_shape = tf.shape(weights) weights_multiple = tf.concat( [tf.ones_like(weights_shape), tf.constant([3])], axis=0) weights = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(weights, 2), weights_multiple) loss_op = losses.WeightedSoftmaxClassificationAgainstLogitsLoss() loss = loss_op(prediction_tensor, target_tensor, weights=weights) exp_loss = np.matrix([[0, 0, - 0.5 * math.log(.5), 0], [-math.log(.5), 0, 0, 0]]) with self.test_session() as sess: loss_output = self.assertAllClose(loss_output, exp_loss)
Example #30
Source File: From decompose with MIT License | 5 votes |
def rescale(self, U: List[Tensor], fNonUnit: int) -> List[Tensor]: """Puts all variance in the factor `fUpdate`-th factor. The method assumes that the norm of all filters is larger than 0.""" F = len(U) # calculathe the scale for each source scaleOfSources = tf.ones_like(U[0][..., 0]) for f in range(F): scaleOfSources = scaleOfSources*tf.norm(U[f], axis=-1) for f in range(F): # determine rescaling constant depending on the factor number Uf = U[f] normUf = tf.norm(Uf, axis=-1) if f == fNonUnit: # put all variance in the filters of the fUpdate-th factor rescaleConstant = scaleOfSources/normUf else: # normalize the filters all other factors rescaleConstant = 1./normUf # rescaled filters Uf = Uf*rescaleConstant[..., None] U[f] = Uf return(U)