Python tensorflow.model_variables() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tensorflow.model_variables().
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Example #1
Source File: From hfnet with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _checkpoint_var_search(self, checkpoint_path): reader = tf.train.NewCheckpointReader(checkpoint_path) saved_shapes = reader.get_variable_to_shape_map() model_names = tf.model_variables() # Used by tf.slim layers if not len(tf.model_variables()): model_names = tf.global_variables() # Fallback when slim is not used model_names = set([':')[0] for v in model_names]) checkpoint_names = set(saved_shapes.keys()) found_names = model_names & checkpoint_names missing_names = model_names - checkpoint_names shape_conflicts = set() restored = [] with tf.variable_scope('', reuse=True): for name in found_names: var = tf.get_variable(name) var_shape = var.get_shape().as_list() if var_shape == saved_shapes[name]: restored.append(var) else: shape_conflicts.add(name) found_names -= shape_conflicts return (restored, sorted(found_names), sorted(missing_names), sorted(shape_conflicts))
Example #2
Source File: From eccv18_mtvae with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_init_fn(scopes, init_model): """Initialize assigment operator function used while training.""" if not init_model: return None for var in tf.trainable_variables(): if not (var in tf.model_variables()): tf.contrib.framework.add_model_variable(var) is_trainable = lambda x: x in tf.trainable_variables() var_list = [] for scope in scopes: var_list.extend( filter(is_trainable, tf.contrib.framework.get_model_variables(scope))) init_assign_op, init_feed_dict = slim.assign_from_checkpoint( init_model, var_list) def init_assign_function(sess):, init_feed_dict) return init_assign_function
Example #3
Source File: From Transferable-Interactiveness-Network with MIT License | 6 votes |
def from_previous_ckpt(self,sess): for var in tf.trainable_variables(): # trainable weights, we need surgery print(, var.eval().mean()) print('Restoring model snapshots from {:s}'.format(self.pretrained_model)) saver_t = {} saver_t = [var for var in tf.model_variables()] self.saver_restore = tf.train.Saver(saver_t) self.saver_restore.restore(sess, self.pretrained_model) print("the variables is being trained now \n") for var in tf.trainable_variables(): print(, var.eval().mean())
Example #4
Source File: From Transferable-Interactiveness-Network with MIT License | 6 votes |
def from_previous_ckpt(self,sess): for var in tf.trainable_variables(): # trainable weights, we need surgery print(, var.eval().mean()) print('Restoring model snapshots from {:s}'.format(self.pretrained_model)) saver_t = {} saver_t = [var for var in tf.model_variables() if 'fc_binary' not in \ and 'binary_classification' not in \ and 'conv1_pose_map' not in \ and 'pool1_pose_map' not in \ and 'conv2_pose_map' not in \ and 'pool2_pose_map' not in] self.saver_restore = tf.train.Saver(saver_t) self.saver_restore.restore(sess, self.pretrained_model) print("the variables is being trained now \n") for var in tf.trainable_variables(): print(, var.eval().mean())
Example #5
Source File: From hierarchical_loc with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _checkpoint_var_search(self, checkpoint_path): reader = tf.train.NewCheckpointReader(checkpoint_path) saved_shapes = reader.get_variable_to_shape_map() model_names = tf.model_variables() # Used by tf.slim layers if not len(tf.model_variables()): model_names = tf.global_variables() # Fallback when slim is not used model_names = set([':')[0] for v in model_names]) checkpoint_names = set(saved_shapes.keys()) found_names = model_names & checkpoint_names missing_names = model_names - checkpoint_names shape_conflicts = set() restored = [] with tf.variable_scope('', reuse=True): for name in found_names: # print(tf.global_variables()) # print(name, name in model_names, name in checkpoint_names) var = tf.get_variable(name) var_shape = var.get_shape().as_list() if var_shape == saved_shapes[name]: restored.append(var) else: shape_conflicts.add(name) found_names -= shape_conflicts return (restored, sorted(found_names), sorted(missing_names), sorted(shape_conflicts))
Example #6
Source File: From DeepV2D with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, cfg, ckpt, n_keyframes=1, rate=2, use_fcrn=True, viz=True, mode='global', image_dims=[None, 480, 640]): self.cfg = cfg self.ckpt = ckpt self.viz = viz self.mode = mode self.use_fcrn = use_fcrn self.image_dims = image_dims self.index = 0 self.keyframe_inds = [] self.images = [] self.depths = [] self.poses = [] # tracking config parameters self.n_keyframes = n_keyframes # number of keyframes to use self.rate = rate # how often to sample new frames self.window = 3 # add edges if frames are within distance # build tensorflow graphs self.outputs = {} self._create_placeholders() self._build_motion_graph() self._build_depth_graph() self._build_reprojection_graph() self._build_visibility_graph() self._build_point_cloud_graph() if self.use_fcrn: self._build_fcrn_graph() self.saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.model_variables())
Example #7
Source File: From tensorpack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_sync_model_vars_op(self): """ Get the op to sync local model_variables to PS. """ ops = [] for (shadow_v, local_v) in self._shadow_model_vars: ops.append(shadow_v.assign(local_v.read_value())) assert len(ops) return*ops, name='sync_{}_model_variables_to_ps'.format(len(ops)))
Example #8
Source File: From tensorpack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _shadow_model_variables(shadow_vars): """ Create shadow vars for model_variables as well, and add to the list of ``shadow_vars``. Returns: list of (shadow_model_var, local_model_var) used for syncing. """ G = tf.get_default_graph() curr_shadow_vars = { for v in shadow_vars} model_vars = tf.model_variables() shadow_model_vars = [] for v in model_vars: assert'tower'), "Found some MODEL_VARIABLES created outside of the tower function!" stripped_op_name, stripped_var_name = get_op_tensor_name(re.sub('^tower[0-9]+/', '', if stripped_op_name in curr_shadow_vars: continue try: G.get_tensor_by_name(stripped_var_name) logger.warn("Model Variable {} also appears in other collections.".format(stripped_var_name)) continue except KeyError: pass new_v = tf.get_variable(stripped_op_name, dtype=v.dtype.base_dtype, initializer=v.initial_value, trainable=False) curr_shadow_vars.add(stripped_op_name) # avoid duplicated shadow_model_vars shadow_vars.append(new_v) shadow_model_vars.append((new_v, v)) # only need to sync model_var from one tower return shadow_model_vars
Example #9
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_model_gradient_multipliers(last_layers, last_layer_gradient_multiplier): """Gets the gradient multipliers. The gradient multipliers will adjust the learning rates for model variables. For the task of semantic segmentation, the models are usually fine-tuned from the models trained on the task of image classification. To fine-tune the models, we usually set larger (e.g., 10 times larger) learning rate for the parameters of last layer. Args: last_layers: Scopes of last layers. last_layer_gradient_multiplier: The gradient multiplier for last layers. Returns: The gradient multiplier map with variables as key, and multipliers as value. """ gradient_multipliers = {} for var in tf.model_variables(): # Double the learning rate for biases. if 'biases' in gradient_multipliers[] = 2. # Use larger learning rate for last layer variables. for layer in last_layers: if layer in and 'biases' in gradient_multipliers[] = 2 * last_layer_gradient_multiplier break elif layer in gradient_multipliers[] = last_layer_gradient_multiplier break return gradient_multipliers
Example #10
Source File: From video_seg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def extract_sp_params(model_params, checkpoint_file, result_path, config=None): if config is None: config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # config.log_device_placement = True config.allow_soft_placement = True tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) batch_size = 1 guide_image = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, None, None, 3]) gb_image = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, None, None, 1]) input_image = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, None, None, 3]) # Create the cnn net, end_points = osmn([guide_image, gb_image, input_image], model_params, is_training=False) saver = tf.train.Saver([v for v in tf.global_variables() if '-up' not in]) #if '-up' not in and '-cr' not in]) if not os.path.exists(result_path): os.makedirs(result_path) with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_file) with tf.variable_scope("osmn", reuse=True): for v in tf.model_variables(): print sp_variables = [] for layer_id in range(3, 6): layer_name = 'modulator_sp/conv%d/weights' % (layer_id) v = tf.get_variable(layer_name) sp_variables.append(v) res = for layer_id in range(3):, 'sp_params_%d' % (layer_id+3)), res[layer_id])
Example #11
Source File: From eccv18_mtvae with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_train_op_for_scope(loss, optimizer, scopes, clip_gradient_norm): """Train operation function for the given scope used for training.""" for var in tf.trainable_variables(): if not (var in tf.model_variables()): tf.contrib.framework.add_model_variable(var) is_trainable = lambda x: x in tf.trainable_variables() var_list = [] update_ops = [] for scope in scopes: var_list.extend( filter(is_trainable, tf.contrib.framework.get_model_variables(scope))) update_ops.extend(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, scope)) for var in tf.contrib.framework.get_model_variables(scope): print('%s\t%s' % (scope, var)) #print('Trainable parameters %s' % tf.contrib.framework.get_model_variables(scope)) return slim.learning.create_train_op( loss, optimizer, update_ops=update_ops, variables_to_train=var_list, clip_gradient_norm=clip_gradient_norm)
Example #12
Source File: From Transferable-Interactiveness-Network with MIT License | 5 votes |
def from_best_trained_model(self, sess): for var in tf.trainable_variables(): print(, var.eval().mean()) print('Restoring model snapshots from {:s}'.format(self.pretrained_model)) saver_t = {} saver_t = [var for var in tf.model_variables() if 'fc_binary' not in \ and 'binary_classification' not in \ and 'conv1_pose_map' not in \ and 'pool1_pose_map' not in \ and 'conv2_pose_map' not in \ and 'pool2_pose_map' not in] for var in tf.trainable_variables(): print(, var.eval().mean()) # for ele in tf.model_variables(): # saver_t[[:-2]] = ele self.saver_restore = tf.train.Saver(saver_t) self.saver_restore.restore(sess, self.pretrained_model) print("the variables is being trained now \n") for var in tf.trainable_variables(): print(, var.eval().mean())
Example #13
Source File: From Transferable-Interactiveness-Network with MIT License | 5 votes |
def from_best_trained_model(self, sess): for var in tf.trainable_variables(): # trainable weights, we need surgery print(, var.eval().mean()) print('Restoring model snapshots from {:s}'.format(self.pretrained_model)) saver_t = {} saver_t = [var for var in tf.model_variables() if 'fc_binary' not in \ and 'binary_classification' not in \ and 'conv1_pose_map' not in \ and 'pool1_pose_map' not in \ and 'conv2_pose_map' not in \ and 'pool2_pose_map' not in] for var in tf.trainable_variables(): print(, var.eval().mean()) # for ele in tf.model_variables(): # saver_t[[:-2]] = ele self.saver_restore = tf.train.Saver(saver_t) self.saver_restore.restore(sess, self.pretrained_model) print("the variables is being trained now \n") for var in tf.trainable_variables(): print(, var.eval().mean())
Example #14
Source File: From DeepV2D with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, cfg, ckpt, n_keyframes=2, rate=2, use_fcrn=True, viz=True, mode='global', image_dims=[None, 192, 1088]): self.cfg = cfg self.ckpt = ckpt self.viz = viz self.mode = mode self.use_fcrn = use_fcrn self.image_dims = image_dims self.index = 0 self.keyframe_inds = [] self.images = [] self.depths = [] self.poses = [] # tracking config parameters self.n_keyframes = n_keyframes # number of keyframes to use self.rate = rate # how often to sample new frames self.window = 3 # add edges if frames are within distance # build tensorflow graphs self.outputs = {} self._create_placeholders() self._build_motion_graph() self._build_depth_graph() self._build_reprojection_graph() self._build_point_cloud_graph() self.saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.model_variables())
Example #15
Source File: From Master-R-CNN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_var_list_to_restore(): """Choose which vars to restore, ignore vars by setting --checkpoint_exclude_scopes """ variables_to_restore = [] if FLAGS.checkpoint_exclude_scopes is not None: exclusions = [scope.strip() for scope in FLAGS.checkpoint_exclude_scopes.split(',')] # build restore list for var in tf.model_variables(): for exclusion in exclusions: if break else: variables_to_restore.append(var) else: variables_to_restore = tf.model_variables() variables_to_restore_final = [] if FLAGS.checkpoint_include_scopes is not None: includes = [ scope.strip() for scope in FLAGS.checkpoint_include_scopes.split(',') ] for var in variables_to_restore: for include in includes: if variables_to_restore_final.append(var) break else: variables_to_restore_final = variables_to_restore return variables_to_restore_final
Example #16
Source File: From FastFPN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_var_list_to_restore(): """Choose which vars to restore, ignore vars by setting --checkpoint_exclude_scopes """ variables_to_restore = [] if FLAGS.checkpoint_exclude_scopes is not None: exclusions = [scope.strip() for scope in FLAGS.checkpoint_exclude_scopes.split(',')] # build restore list for var in tf.model_variables(): for exclusion in exclusions: if break else: variables_to_restore.append(var) else: variables_to_restore = tf.model_variables() variables_to_restore_final = [] if FLAGS.checkpoint_include_scopes is not None: includes = [ scope.strip() for scope in FLAGS.checkpoint_include_scopes.split(',') ] for var in variables_to_restore: for include in includes: if variables_to_restore_final.append(var) break else: variables_to_restore_final = variables_to_restore return variables_to_restore_final
Example #17
Source File: From FastMaskRCNN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_var_list_to_restore(): """Choose which vars to restore, ignore vars by setting --checkpoint_exclude_scopes """ variables_to_restore = [] if FLAGS.checkpoint_exclude_scopes is not None: exclusions = [scope.strip() for scope in FLAGS.checkpoint_exclude_scopes.split(',')] # build restore list for var in tf.model_variables(): for exclusion in exclusions: if break else: variables_to_restore.append(var) else: variables_to_restore = tf.model_variables() variables_to_restore_final = [] if FLAGS.checkpoint_include_scopes is not None: includes = [ scope.strip() for scope in FLAGS.checkpoint_include_scopes.split(',') ] for var in variables_to_restore: for include in includes: if variables_to_restore_final.append(var) break else: variables_to_restore_final = variables_to_restore return variables_to_restore_final
Example #18
Source File: From FastMaskRCNN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_var_list_to_restore(): """Choosing which vars to restore, ignore vars by setting --checkpoint_exclude_scopes """ variables_to_restore = [] if FLAGS.checkpoint_exclude_scopes is not None: exclusions = [scope.strip() for scope in FLAGS.checkpoint_exclude_scopes.split(',')] # build restore list for var in tf.model_variables(): excluded = False for exclusion in exclusions: if excluded = True break if not excluded: variables_to_restore.append(var) else: variables_to_restore = tf.model_variables() variables_to_restore_final = [] if FLAGS.checkpoint_include_scopes is not None: includes = [ scope.strip() for scope in FLAGS.checkpoint_include_scopes.split(',') ] for var in variables_to_restore: included = False for include in includes: if included = True break if included: variables_to_restore_final.append(var) else: variables_to_restore_final = variables_to_restore return variables_to_restore_final
Example #19
Source File: From DeepV2D with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, cfg, ckpt, is_calibrated=True, use_fcrn=False, use_regressor=True, image_dims=None, mode='keyframe'): self.cfg = cfg self.ckpt = ckpt self.mode = mode self.use_fcrn = use_fcrn self.use_regressor = use_regressor self.is_calibrated = is_calibrated if image_dims is not None: self.image_dims = image_dims else: if cfg.STRUCTURE.MODE == 'concat': self.image_dims = [cfg.INPUT.FRAMES, cfg.INPUT.HEIGHT, cfg.INPUT.WIDTH] else: self.image_dims = [None, cfg.INPUT.HEIGHT, cfg.INPUT.WIDTH] self.outputs = {} self._create_placeholders() self._build_motion_graph() self._build_depth_graph() self._build_reprojection_graph() self._build_visibility_graph() self._build_point_cloud_graph() self.depths = [] self.poses = [] if self.use_fcrn: self._build_fcrn_graph() self.saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.model_variables())
Example #20
Source File: From MAX-Image-Segmenter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_model_gradient_multipliers(last_layers, last_layer_gradient_multiplier): """Gets the gradient multipliers. The gradient multipliers will adjust the learning rates for model variables. For the task of semantic segmentation, the models are usually fine-tuned from the models trained on the task of image classification. To fine-tune the models, we usually set larger (e.g., 10 times larger) learning rate for the parameters of last layer. Args: last_layers: Scopes of last layers. last_layer_gradient_multiplier: The gradient multiplier for last layers. Returns: The gradient multiplier map with variables as key, and multipliers as value. """ gradient_multipliers = {} for var in tf.model_variables(): # Double the learning rate for biases. if 'biases' in gradient_multipliers[] = 2. # Use larger learning rate for last layer variables. for layer in last_layers: if layer in and 'biases' in gradient_multipliers[] = 2 * last_layer_gradient_multiplier break elif layer in gradient_multipliers[] = last_layer_gradient_multiplier break return gradient_multipliers
Example #21
Source File: From MAX-Image-Segmenter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _log_summaries(input_image, label, num_of_classes, output): """Logs the summaries for the model. Args: input_image: Input image of the model. Its shape is [batch_size, height, width, channel]. label: Label of the image. Its shape is [batch_size, height, width]. num_of_classes: The number of classes of the dataset. output: Output of the model. Its shape is [batch_size, height, width]. """ # Add summaries for model variables. for model_var in tf.model_variables(): tf.summary.histogram(, model_var) # Add summaries for images, labels, semantic predictions. if FLAGS.save_summaries_images: tf.summary.image('samples/%s' % common.IMAGE, input_image) # Scale up summary image pixel values for better visualization. pixel_scaling = max(1, 255 // num_of_classes) summary_label = tf.cast(label * pixel_scaling, tf.uint8) tf.summary.image('samples/%s' % common.LABEL, summary_label) predictions = tf.expand_dims(tf.argmax(output, 3), -1) summary_predictions = tf.cast(predictions * pixel_scaling, tf.uint8) tf.summary.image('samples/%s' % common.OUTPUT_TYPE, summary_predictions)
Example #22
Source File: From petridishnn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _shadow_model_variables(shadow_vars): """ Create shadow vars for model_variables as well, and add to the list of ``shadow_vars``. Returns: list of (shadow_model_var, local_model_var) used for syncing. """ G = tf.get_default_graph() curr_shadow_vars = set([ for v in shadow_vars]) model_vars = tf.model_variables() shadow_model_vars = [] for v in model_vars: assert'tower'), "Found some MODEL_VARIABLES created outside of the tower function!" stripped_op_name, stripped_var_name = get_op_tensor_name(re.sub('^tower[0-9]+/', '', if stripped_op_name in curr_shadow_vars: continue try: G.get_tensor_by_name(stripped_var_name) logger.warn("Model Variable {} also appears in other collections.".format(stripped_var_name)) continue except KeyError: pass new_v = tf.get_variable(stripped_op_name, dtype=v.dtype.base_dtype, initializer=v.initial_value, trainable=False) curr_shadow_vars.add(stripped_op_name) # avoid duplicated shadow_model_vars shadow_vars.append(new_v) shadow_model_vars.append((new_v, v)) # only need to sync model_var from one tower return shadow_model_vars
Example #23
Source File: From petridishnn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_sync_model_vars_op(self): """ Get the op to sync local model_variables to PS. """ ops = [] for (shadow_v, local_v) in self._shadow_model_vars: ops.append(shadow_v.assign(local_v.read_value())) assert len(ops) return*ops, name='sync_{}_model_variables_to_ps'.format(len(ops)))
Example #24
Source File: From ADL with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _shadow_model_variables(shadow_vars): """ Create shadow vars for model_variables as well, and add to the list of ``shadow_vars``. Returns: list of (shadow_model_var, local_model_var) used for syncing. """ G = tf.get_default_graph() curr_shadow_vars = { for v in shadow_vars} model_vars = tf.model_variables() shadow_model_vars = [] for v in model_vars: assert'tower'), "Found some MODEL_VARIABLES created outside of the tower function!" stripped_op_name, stripped_var_name = get_op_tensor_name(re.sub('^tower[0-9]+/', '', if stripped_op_name in curr_shadow_vars: continue try: G.get_tensor_by_name(stripped_var_name) logger.warn("Model Variable {} also appears in other collections.".format(stripped_var_name)) continue except KeyError: pass new_v = tf.get_variable(stripped_op_name, dtype=v.dtype.base_dtype, initializer=v.initial_value, trainable=False) curr_shadow_vars.add(stripped_op_name) # avoid duplicated shadow_model_vars shadow_vars.append(new_v) shadow_model_vars.append((new_v, v)) # only need to sync model_var from one tower return shadow_model_vars
Example #25
Source File: From ADL with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_sync_model_vars_op(self): """ Get the op to sync local model_variables to PS. """ ops = [] for (shadow_v, local_v) in self._shadow_model_vars: ops.append(shadow_v.assign(local_v.read_value())) assert len(ops) return*ops, name='sync_{}_model_variables_to_ps'.format(len(ops)))
Example #26
Source File: From DF-Net with MIT License | 4 votes |
def main(_): if FLAGS.split == 'val': txt_file = 'data/kitti/val_files_eigen.txt' elif FLAGS.split == 'test': txt_file = 'data/kitti/test_files_eigen.txt' else: assert False with open(txt_file, 'r') as f: test_files = f.readlines() test_files = [FLAGS.dataset_dir + t[:-1] for t in test_files] if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.output_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.output_dir) basename = os.path.basename(FLAGS.ckpt_file) output_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, basename) model = DFLearner() model.setup_inference(img_height=FLAGS.img_height, img_width=FLAGS.img_width, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, mode='depth') saver = tf.train.Saver([var for var in tf.model_variables()]) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.ckpt_file) pred_all = [] for t in range(0, len(test_files), FLAGS.batch_size): if t % 100 == 0: print('processing %s: %d/%d' % (basename, t, len(test_files))) inputs = np.zeros( (FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.img_height, FLAGS.img_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for b in range(FLAGS.batch_size): idx = t + b if idx >= len(test_files): break raw_im =[idx]) scaled_im = raw_im.resize((FLAGS.img_width, FLAGS.img_height), pil.ANTIALIAS) inputs[b] = np.array(scaled_im) pred = model.inference(inputs, sess, mode='depth') for b in range(FLAGS.batch_size): idx = t + b if idx >= len(test_files): break pred_all.append(pred['depth'][b,:,:,0]), pred_all)
Example #27
Source File: From Gun-Detector with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def main(unused_argv): tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO)'Prepare to export model to: %s', FLAGS.export_path) with tf.Graph().as_default(): image, image_size, resized_image_size = _create_input_tensors() model_options = common.ModelOptions( outputs_to_num_classes={common.OUTPUT_TYPE: FLAGS.num_classes}, crop_size=FLAGS.crop_size, atrous_rates=FLAGS.atrous_rates, output_stride=FLAGS.output_stride) if tuple(FLAGS.inference_scales) == (1.0,):'Exported model performs single-scale inference.') predictions = model.predict_labels( image, model_options=model_options, image_pyramid=FLAGS.image_pyramid) else:'Exported model performs multi-scale inference.') predictions = model.predict_labels_multi_scale( image, model_options=model_options, eval_scales=FLAGS.inference_scales, add_flipped_images=FLAGS.add_flipped_images) # Crop the valid regions from the predictions. semantic_predictions = tf.slice( predictions[common.OUTPUT_TYPE], [0, 0, 0], [1, resized_image_size[0], resized_image_size[1]]) # Resize back the prediction to the original image size. def _resize_label(label, label_size): # Expand dimension of label to [1, height, width, 1] for resize operation. label = tf.expand_dims(label, 3) resized_label = tf.image.resize_images( label, label_size, method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, align_corners=True) return tf.squeeze(resized_label, 3) semantic_predictions = _resize_label(semantic_predictions, image_size) semantic_predictions = tf.identity(semantic_predictions, name=_OUTPUT_NAME) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.model_variables()) tf.gfile.MakeDirs(os.path.dirname(FLAGS.export_path)) freeze_graph.freeze_graph_with_def_protos( tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def(add_shapes=True), saver.as_saver_def(), FLAGS.checkpoint_path, _OUTPUT_NAME, restore_op_name=None, filename_tensor_name=None, output_graph=FLAGS.export_path, clear_devices=True, initializer_nodes=None)
Example #28
Source File: From GeoNet with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test_depth(opt): ##### load testing list ##### with open('data/kitti/test_files_%s.txt' % opt.depth_test_split, 'r') as f: test_files = f.readlines() test_files = [opt.dataset_dir + t[:-1] for t in test_files] if not os.path.exists(opt.output_dir): os.makedirs(opt.output_dir) ##### init ##### input_uint8 = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [opt.batch_size, opt.img_height, opt.img_width, 3], name='raw_input') model = GeoNetModel(opt, input_uint8, None, None) fetches = { "depth": model.pred_depth[0] } saver = tf.train.Saver([var for var in tf.model_variables()]) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True ##### Go ##### with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: saver.restore(sess, opt.init_ckpt_file) pred_all = [] for t in range(0, len(test_files), opt.batch_size): if t % 100 == 0: print('processing: %d/%d' % (t, len(test_files))) inputs = np.zeros( (opt.batch_size, opt.img_height, opt.img_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for b in range(opt.batch_size): idx = t + b if idx >= len(test_files): break fh = open(test_files[idx], 'r') raw_im = scaled_im = raw_im.resize((opt.img_width, opt.img_height), pil.ANTIALIAS) inputs[b] = np.array(scaled_im) pred =, feed_dict={input_uint8: inputs}) for b in range(opt.batch_size): idx = t + b if idx >= len(test_files): break pred_all.append(pred['depth'][b,:,:,0]) + '/' + os.path.basename(opt.init_ckpt_file), pred_all)
Example #29
Source File: From DeepMatchVO with MIT License | 4 votes |
def main(_): with open('data/kitti/test_files_eigen.txt', 'r') as f: test_files = f.readlines() test_files = [FLAGS.dataset_dir + t[:-1] for t in test_files] if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.output_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.output_dir) basename = os.path.basename(FLAGS.ckpt_file) system = DeepSlam() system.setup_inference(img_height=FLAGS.img_height, img_width=FLAGS.img_width, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, mode='depth') saver = tf.train.Saver([var for var in tf.model_variables()]) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.ckpt_file) pred_all = [] for t in range(0, len(test_files), FLAGS.batch_size): #if t % 100 == 0: # print('processing %s: %d/%d' % (basename, t, len(test_files))) inputs = np.zeros( (FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.img_height, FLAGS.img_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for b in range(FLAGS.batch_size): idx = t + b if idx >= len(test_files): break fh = open(test_files[idx], 'r') raw_im = scaled_im = raw_im.resize((FLAGS.img_width, FLAGS.img_height), pil.ANTIALIAS) inputs[b] = np.array(scaled_im) pred = system.inference(sess, 'depth', inputs) for b in range(FLAGS.batch_size): idx = t + b if idx >= len(test_files): break tmp_depth = pred['depth'][b,:,:,0] pred_all.append(tmp_depth) # obtain scaled image and depth image fh = open(test_files[idx], 'r') raw_im = scaled_im = raw_im.resize((FLAGS.img_width, FLAGS.img_height), pil.ANTIALIAS) scaled_im = np.array(scaled_im) depth_img = np.squeeze(pred['depth'][b,:,:,0]) # show the image side by side if plt.figure() plt.subplot(211) plt.imshow(scaled_im) plt.subplot(212) plt.imshow(depth_img, cmap='gray') output_file = FLAGS.output_dir + '/' + basename, pred_all) print('Save predicted depth map to', output_file)
Example #30
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def main(unused_argv): tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO)'Prepare to export model to: %s', FLAGS.export_path) with tf.Graph().as_default(): image, image_size, resized_image_size = _create_input_tensors() model_options = common.ModelOptions( outputs_to_num_classes={common.OUTPUT_TYPE: FLAGS.num_classes}, crop_size=FLAGS.crop_size, atrous_rates=FLAGS.atrous_rates, output_stride=FLAGS.output_stride) if tuple(FLAGS.inference_scales) == (1.0,):'Exported model performs single-scale inference.') predictions = model.predict_labels( image, model_options=model_options, image_pyramid=FLAGS.image_pyramid) else:'Exported model performs multi-scale inference.') predictions = model.predict_labels_multi_scale( image, model_options=model_options, eval_scales=FLAGS.inference_scales, add_flipped_images=FLAGS.add_flipped_images) predictions = tf.cast(predictions[common.OUTPUT_TYPE], tf.float32) # Crop the valid regions from the predictions. semantic_predictions = tf.slice( predictions, [0, 0, 0], [1, resized_image_size[0], resized_image_size[1]]) # Resize back the prediction to the original image size. def _resize_label(label, label_size): # Expand dimension of label to [1, height, width, 1] for resize operation. label = tf.expand_dims(label, 3) resized_label = tf.image.resize_images( label, label_size, method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, align_corners=True) return tf.cast(tf.squeeze(resized_label, 3), tf.int32) semantic_predictions = _resize_label(semantic_predictions, image_size) semantic_predictions = tf.identity(semantic_predictions, name=_OUTPUT_NAME) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.model_variables()) tf.gfile.MakeDirs(os.path.dirname(FLAGS.export_path)) freeze_graph.freeze_graph_with_def_protos( tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def(add_shapes=True), saver.as_saver_def(), FLAGS.checkpoint_path, _OUTPUT_NAME, restore_op_name=None, filename_tensor_name=None, output_graph=FLAGS.export_path, clear_devices=True, initializer_nodes=None)