Python tensorflow.reverse_v2() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tensorflow.reverse_v2().
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Example #1
Source File: From revisiting-self-supervised with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_rotate_preprocess(): """Returns a function that does 90deg rotations and sets according labels.""" def _rotate_pp(data): data["label"] = tf.constant([0, 1, 2, 3]) # We use our own instead of tf.image.rot90 because that one broke # internally shortly before deadline... data["image"] = tf.stack([ data["image"], tf.transpose(tf.reverse_v2(data["image"], [1]), [1, 0, 2]), tf.reverse_v2(data["image"], [0, 1]), tf.reverse_v2(tf.transpose(data["image"], [1, 0, 2]), [1]), ]) return data return _rotate_pp
Example #2
Source File: From Age-Gender-Estimate-TF with MIT License | 6 votes |
def eval(aligned_images, model_path): with tf.Graph().as_default(): sess = tf.Session() images_pl = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 160, 160, 3], name='input_image') images = tf.map_fn(lambda frame: tf.reverse_v2(frame, [-1]), images_pl) #BGR TO RGB images_norm = tf.map_fn(lambda frame: tf.image.per_image_standardization(frame), images) train_mode = tf.placeholder(tf.bool) age_logits, gender_logits, _ = inception_resnet_v1.inference(images_norm, keep_probability=0.8, phase_train=train_mode, weight_decay=1e-5) gender = tf.argmax(tf.nn.softmax(gender_logits), 1) age_ = tf.cast(tf.constant([i for i in range(0, 101)]), tf.float32) age = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(tf.nn.softmax(age_logits), age_), axis=1) init_op =, tf.local_variables_initializer()) saver = tf.train.Saver() ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(model_path) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) print("restore and continue training!") else: pass return[age, gender], feed_dict={images_pl: aligned_images, train_mode: False})
Example #3
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)
Example #4
Source File: From moveo_ros with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): # TODO: Remove with tf.device when top_k operation runs correctly on GPU. with tf.device('/cpu:0'): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)
Example #5
Source File: From hands-detection with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): # TODO: Remove with tf.device when top_k operation runs correctly on GPU. with tf.device('/cpu:0'): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)
Example #6
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): # TODO: Remove with tf.device when top_k operation runs correctly on GPU. with tf.device('/cpu:0'): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)
Example #7
Source File: From MBMD with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): # TODO: Remove with tf.device when top_k operation runs correctly on GPU. with tf.device('/cpu:0'): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)
Example #8
Source File: From PReMVOS with MIT License | 5 votes |
def flip_dim(tensor_list, prob=0.5, dim=1): """Randomly flips a dimension of the given tensor. The decision to randomly flip the `Tensors` is made together. In other words, all or none of the images pass in are flipped. Note that tf.random_flip_left_right and tf.random_flip_up_down isn't used so that we can control for the probability as well as ensure the same decision is applied across the images. Args: tensor_list: A list of `Tensors` with the same number of dimensions. prob: The probability of a left-right flip. dim: The dimension to flip, 0, 1, .. Returns: outputs: A list of the possibly flipped `Tensors` as well as an indicator `Tensor` at the end whose value is `True` if the inputs were flipped and `False` otherwise. Raises: ValueError: If dim is negative or greater than the dimension of a `Tensor`. """ random_value = tf.random_uniform([]) def flip(): flipped = [] for tensor in tensor_list: if dim < 0 or dim >= len(tensor.get_shape().as_list()): raise ValueError('dim must represent a valid dimension.') flipped.append(tf.reverse_v2(tensor, [dim])) return flipped is_flipped = tf.less_equal(random_value, prob) outputs = tf.cond(is_flipped, flip, lambda: tensor_list) if not isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)): outputs = [outputs] outputs.append(is_flipped) return outputs
Example #9
Source File: From ldgcnn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_triangle_edge_feature(point_cloud, nn_idx, k=20): """Construct edge feature for each point Args: point_cloud: (batch_size, num_points, 1, num_dims) nn_idx: (batch_size, num_points, k) k: int Returns: edge features: (batch_size, num_points, k, num_dims) """ og_batch_size = point_cloud.get_shape().as_list()[0] point_cloud = tf.squeeze(point_cloud) if og_batch_size == 1: point_cloud = tf.expand_dims(point_cloud, 0) point_cloud_central = point_cloud point_cloud_shape = point_cloud.get_shape() batch_size = point_cloud_shape[0].value num_points = point_cloud_shape[1].value num_dims = point_cloud_shape[2].value idx_ = tf.range(batch_size) * num_points idx_ = tf.reshape(idx_, [batch_size, 1, 1]) point_cloud_flat = tf.reshape(point_cloud, [-1, num_dims]) point_cloud_neighbors = tf.gather(point_cloud_flat, nn_idx+idx_) point_cloud_central = tf.expand_dims(point_cloud_central, axis=-2) point_cloud_central = tf.tile(point_cloud_central, [1, 1, k, 1]) point_cloud_neighbors_reverse = tf.reverse_v2(point_cloud_neighbors, axis =[-2]) edge_feature = tf.concat([point_cloud_central, point_cloud_neighbors-point_cloud_central, point_cloud_neighbors_reverse - point_cloud_central], axis=-1) return edge_feature
Example #10
Source File: From Age-Gender-Estimate-TF with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_and_decode(filename_queue): reader = tf.TFRecordReader() _, serialized_example = features = tf.parse_single_example( serialized_example, # Defaults are not specified since both keys are required. features={ 'image_raw': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string), 'age': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64), 'gender': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64), 'file_name': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string) }) # Convert from a scalar string tensor (whose single string has # length mnist.IMAGE_PIXELS) to a uint8 tensor with shape # [mnist.IMAGE_PIXELS]. # image = tf.image.decode_jpeg(features['image_raw'], channels=3) # image = tf.image.resize_images(image, [64, 64]) # image = tf.cast(image, tf.uint8) # image.set_shape([mnist.IMAGE_PIXELS]) # OPTIONAL: Could reshape into a 28x28 image and apply distortions # here. Since we are not applying any distortions in this # example, and the next step expects the image to be flattened # into a vector, we don't bother. # Convert from [0, 255] -> [-0.5, 0.5] floats. # image = image * (1. / 255) - 0.5 image = tf.decode_raw(features['image_raw'], tf.uint8) image.set_shape([160 * 160 * 3]) image = tf.reshape(image, [160, 160, 3]) image = tf.reverse_v2(image, [-1]) image = tf.image.per_image_standardization(image) # image = tf.cast(image,tf.float32) * (1. / 255) - 0.5 # Convert label from a scalar uint8 tensor to an int32 scalar. age = features['age'] gender = features['gender'] file_path = features['file_name'] return image, age, gender, file_path
Example #11
Source File: From mobile-deeplab-v3-plus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def flip_dim(tensor_list, prob=0.5, dim=1): """Randomly flips a dimension of the given tensor. The decision to randomly flip the `Tensors` is made together. In other words, all or none of the images pass in are flipped. Note that tf.random_flip_left_right and tf.random_flip_up_down isn't used so that we can control for the probability as well as ensure the same decision is applied across the images. Args: tensor_list: A list of `Tensors` with the same number of dimensions. prob: The probability of a left-right flip. dim: The dimension to flip, 0, 1, .. Returns: outputs: A list of the possibly flipped `Tensors` as well as an indicator `Tensor` at the end whose value is `True` if the inputs were flipped and `False` otherwise. Raises: ValueError: If dim is negative or greater than dimension of a `Tensor`. """ random_value = tf.random_uniform([]) def flip(): flipped = [] for tensor in tensor_list: if dim < 0 or dim >= len(tensor.get_shape().as_list()): raise ValueError('dim must represent a valid dimension.') flipped.append(tf.reverse_v2(tensor, [dim])) return flipped is_flipped = tf.less_equal(random_value, prob) outputs = tf.cond(is_flipped, flip, lambda: tensor_list) if not isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)): outputs = [outputs] outputs.append(is_flipped) return outputs
Example #12
Source File: From MAX-Object-Detector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)
Example #13
Source File: From object_detection_kitti with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): # TODO: Remove with tf.device when top_k operation runs correctly on GPU. with tf.device('/cpu:0'): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)
Example #14
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def flip_dim(tensor_list, prob=0.5, dim=1): """Randomly flips a dimension of the given tensor. The decision to randomly flip the `Tensors` is made together. In other words, all or none of the images pass in are flipped. Note that tf.random_flip_left_right and tf.random_flip_up_down isn't used so that we can control for the probability as well as ensure the same decision is applied across the images. Args: tensor_list: A list of `Tensors` with the same number of dimensions. prob: The probability of a left-right flip. dim: The dimension to flip, 0, 1, .. Returns: outputs: A list of the possibly flipped `Tensors` as well as an indicator `Tensor` at the end whose value is `True` if the inputs were flipped and `False` otherwise. Raises: ValueError: If dim is negative or greater than the dimension of a `Tensor`. """ random_value = tf.random_uniform([]) def flip(): flipped = [] for tensor in tensor_list: if dim < 0 or dim >= len(tensor.get_shape().as_list()): raise ValueError('dim must represent a valid dimension.') flipped.append(tf.reverse_v2(tensor, [dim])) return flipped is_flipped = tf.less_equal(random_value, prob) outputs = tf.cond(is_flipped, flip, lambda: tensor_list) if not isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)): outputs = [outputs] outputs.append(is_flipped) return outputs
Example #15
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def flip_dim(tensor_list, prob=0.5, dim=1): """Randomly flips a dimension of the given tensor. The decision to randomly flip the `Tensors` is made together. In other words, all or none of the images pass in are flipped. Note that tf.random_flip_left_right and tf.random_flip_up_down isn't used so that we can control for the probability as well as ensure the same decision is applied across the images. Args: tensor_list: A list of `Tensors` with the same number of dimensions. prob: The probability of a left-right flip. dim: The dimension to flip, 0, 1, .. Returns: outputs: A list of the possibly flipped `Tensors` as well as an indicator `Tensor` at the end whose value is `True` if the inputs were flipped and `False` otherwise. Raises: ValueError: If dim is negative or greater than the dimension of a `Tensor`. """ random_value = tf.random_uniform([]) def flip(): flipped = [] for tensor in tensor_list: if dim < 0 or dim >= len(tensor.get_shape().as_list()): raise ValueError('dim must represent a valid dimension.') flipped.append(tf.reverse_v2(tensor, [dim])) return flipped is_flipped = tf.less_equal(random_value, prob) outputs = tf.cond(is_flipped, flip, lambda: tensor_list) if not isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)): outputs = [outputs] outputs.append(is_flipped) return outputs
Example #16
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)
Example #17
Source File: From LaneSegmentationNetwork with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def flip_dim(tensor_list, prob=0.5, dim=1): """Randomly flips a dimension of the given tensor. The decision to randomly flip the `Tensors` is made together. In other words, all or none of the images pass in are flipped. Note that tf.random_flip_left_right and tf.random_flip_up_down isn't used so that we can control for the probability as well as ensure the same decision is applied across the images. Args: tensor_list: A list of `Tensors` with the same number of dimensions. prob: The probability of a left-right flip. dim: The dimension to flip, 0, 1, .. Returns: outputs: A list of the possibly flipped `Tensors` as well as an indicator `Tensor` at the end whose value is `True` if the inputs were flipped and `False` otherwise. Raises: ValueError: If dim is negative or greater than the dimension of a `Tensor`. """ random_value = tf.random_uniform([]) def flip(): flipped = [] for tensor in tensor_list: if dim < 0 or dim >= len(tensor.get_shape().as_list()): raise ValueError('dim must represent a valid dimension.') flipped.append(tf.reverse_v2(tensor, [dim])) return flipped is_flipped = tf.less_equal(random_value, prob) outputs = tf.cond(is_flipped, flip, lambda: tensor_list) if not isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)): outputs = [outputs] outputs.append(is_flipped) return outputs
Example #18
Source File: From motion-rcnn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): # TODO: Remove with tf.device when top_k operation runs correctly on GPU. with tf.device('/cpu:0'): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)
Example #19
Source File: From mtl-ssl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): # TODO: Remove with tf.device when top_k operation runs correctly on GPU. with tf.device('/cpu:0'): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)
Example #20
Source File: From multilabel-image-classification-tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)
Example #21
Source File: From multilabel-image-classification-tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def flip_dim(tensor_list, prob=0.5, dim=1): """Randomly flips a dimension of the given tensor. The decision to randomly flip the `Tensors` is made together. In other words, all or none of the images pass in are flipped. Note that tf.random_flip_left_right and tf.random_flip_up_down isn't used so that we can control for the probability as well as ensure the same decision is applied across the images. Args: tensor_list: A list of `Tensors` with the same number of dimensions. prob: The probability of a left-right flip. dim: The dimension to flip, 0, 1, .. Returns: outputs: A list of the possibly flipped `Tensors` as well as an indicator `Tensor` at the end whose value is `True` if the inputs were flipped and `False` otherwise. Raises: ValueError: If dim is negative or greater than the dimension of a `Tensor`. """ random_value = tf.random_uniform([]) def flip(): flipped = [] for tensor in tensor_list: if dim < 0 or dim >= len(tensor.get_shape().as_list()): raise ValueError('dim must represent a valid dimension.') flipped.append(tf.reverse_v2(tensor, [dim])) return flipped is_flipped = tf.less_equal(random_value, prob) outputs = tf.cond(is_flipped, flip, lambda: tensor_list) if not isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)): outputs = [outputs] outputs.append(is_flipped) return outputs
Example #22
Source File: From Hands-On-Machine-Learning-with-OpenCV-4 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): # TODO: Remove with tf.device when top_k operation runs correctly on GPU. with tf.device('/cpu:0'): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)
Example #23
Source File: From object_detector_app with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): # TODO: Remove with tf.device when top_k operation runs correctly on GPU. with tf.device('/cpu:0'): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)
Example #24
Source File: From vehicle_counting_tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)
Example #25
Source File: From mobile-segmentation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def flip_dim(tensor_list, prob=0.5, dim=1): """Randomly flips a dimension of the given tensor. The decision to randomly flip the `Tensors` is made together. In other words, all or none of the images pass in are flipped. Note that tf.random_flip_left_right and tf.random_flip_up_down isn't used so that we can control for the probability as well as ensure the same decision is applied across the images. Args: tensor_list: A list of `Tensors` with the same number of dimensions. prob: The probability of a left-right flip. dim: The dimension to flip, 0, 1, .. Returns: outputs: A list of the possibly flipped `Tensors` as well as an indicator `Tensor` at the end whose value is `True` if the inputs were flipped and `False` otherwise. Raises: ValueError: If dim is negative or greater than the dimension of a `Tensor`. """ random_value = tf.random_uniform([]) def flip(): flipped = [] for tensor in tensor_list: if dim < 0 or dim >= len(tensor.get_shape().as_list()): raise ValueError('dim must represent a valid dimension.') flipped.append(tf.reverse_v2(tensor, [dim])) return flipped is_flipped = tf.less_equal(random_value, prob) outputs = tf.cond(is_flipped, flip, lambda: tensor_list) if not isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)): outputs = [outputs] outputs.append(is_flipped) return outputs
Example #26
Source File: From garbage-object-detection-tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): # TODO: Remove with tf.device when top_k operation runs correctly on GPU. with tf.device('/cpu:0'): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)
Example #27
Source File: From HereIsWally with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): # TODO: Remove with tf.device when top_k operation runs correctly on GPU. with tf.device('/cpu:0'): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)
Example #28
Source File: From MOTSFusion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def flip_dim(tensor_list, prob=0.5, dim=1): """Randomly flips a dimension of the given tensor. The decision to randomly flip the `Tensors` is made together. In other words, all or none of the images pass in are flipped. Note that tf.random_flip_left_right and tf.random_flip_up_down isn't used so that we can control for the probability as well as ensure the same decision is applied across the images. Args: tensor_list: A list of `Tensors` with the same number of dimensions. prob: The probability of a left-right flip. dim: The dimension to flip, 0, 1, .. Returns: outputs: A list of the possibly flipped `Tensors` as well as an indicator `Tensor` at the end whose value is `True` if the inputs were flipped and `False` otherwise. Raises: ValueError: If dim is negative or greater than the dimension of a `Tensor`. """ random_value = tf.random_uniform([]) def flip(): flipped = [] for tensor in tensor_list: if dim < 0 or dim >= len(tensor.get_shape().as_list()): raise ValueError('dim must represent a valid dimension.') flipped.append(tf.reverse_v2(tensor, [dim])) return flipped is_flipped = tf.less_equal(random_value, prob) outputs = tf.cond(is_flipped, flip, lambda: tensor_list) if not isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)): outputs = [outputs] outputs.append(is_flipped) return outputs
Example #29
Source File: From MAX-Image-Segmenter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def flip_dim(tensor_list, prob=0.5, dim=1): """Randomly flips a dimension of the given tensor. The decision to randomly flip the `Tensors` is made together. In other words, all or none of the images pass in are flipped. Note that tf.random_flip_left_right and tf.random_flip_up_down isn't used so that we can control for the probability as well as ensure the same decision is applied across the images. Args: tensor_list: A list of `Tensors` with the same number of dimensions. prob: The probability of a left-right flip. dim: The dimension to flip, 0, 1, .. Returns: outputs: A list of the possibly flipped `Tensors` as well as an indicator `Tensor` at the end whose value is `True` if the inputs were flipped and `False` otherwise. Raises: ValueError: If dim is negative or greater than the dimension of a `Tensor`. """ random_value = tf.random_uniform([]) def flip(): flipped = [] for tensor in tensor_list: if dim < 0 or dim >= len(tensor.get_shape().as_list()): raise ValueError('dim must represent a valid dimension.') flipped.append(tf.reverse_v2(tensor, [dim])) return flipped is_flipped = tf.less_equal(random_value, prob) outputs = tf.cond(is_flipped, flip, lambda: tensor_list) if not isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)): outputs = [outputs] outputs.append(is_flipped) return outputs
Example #30
Source File: From tensorflow with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def sort_by_field(boxlist, field, order=SortOrder.descend, scope=None): """Sort boxes and associated fields according to a scalar field. A common use case is reordering the boxes according to descending scores. Args: boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes. field: A BoxList field for sorting and reordering the BoxList. order: (Optional) descend or ascend. Default is descend. scope: name scope. Returns: sorted_boxlist: A sorted BoxList with the field in the specified order. Raises: ValueError: if specified field does not exist ValueError: if the order is not either descend or ascend """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'SortByField'): if order != SortOrder.descend and order != SortOrder.ascend: raise ValueError('Invalid sort order') field_to_sort = boxlist.get_field(field) if len(field_to_sort.shape.as_list()) != 1: raise ValueError('Field should have rank 1') num_boxes = boxlist.num_boxes() num_entries = tf.size(field_to_sort) length_assert = tf.Assert( tf.equal(num_boxes, num_entries), ['Incorrect field size: actual vs expected.', num_entries, num_boxes]) with tf.control_dependencies([length_assert]): # TODO: Remove with tf.device when top_k operation runs correctly on GPU. with tf.device('/cpu:0'): _, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(field_to_sort, num_boxes, sorted=True) if order == SortOrder.ascend: sorted_indices = tf.reverse_v2(sorted_indices, [0]) return gather(boxlist, sorted_indices)