Python tensorflow.reduce_logsumexp() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tensorflow.reduce_logsumexp().
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Example #1
Source File: From ARM-gradient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def evidence(sess,data,elbo, batch_size = 100, S = 100, total_batch = None): ''' For correct use: ELBO for x_i must be calculated by SINGLE z sample from q(z|x_i) ''' #from scipy.special import logsumexp if total_batch is None: total_batch = int(data.num_examples / batch_size) avg_evi = 0 for j in range(total_batch): test_xs = data.next_batch(batch_size) elbo_accu = np.empty([batch_size,0]) for i in range(S): elbo_i =,{x:test_xs}) elbo_accu = np.append(elbo_accu,elbo_i,axis=1) evi0 =,axis = 1)) evi = np.mean(evi0 - np.log(S)) avg_evi += evi / total_batch return avg_evi #%%
Example #2
Source File: From CapsLayer with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def M_step(log_R, log_activation, vote, lambda_val=0.01): R_shape = tf.shape(log_R) log_R = log_R + log_activation R_sum_i = cl.reduce_sum(tf.exp(log_R), axis=-3, keepdims=True) log_normalized_R = log_R - tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_R, axis=-3, keepdims=True) pose = cl.reduce_sum(vote * tf.exp(log_normalized_R), axis=-3, keepdims=True) log_var = tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_normalized_R + cl.log(tf.square(vote - pose)), axis=-3, keepdims=True) beta_v = tf.get_variable('beta_v', shape=[1 for i in range(len(pose.shape) - 2)] + [pose.shape[-2], 1], initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(mean=15., stddev=3.)) cost = R_sum_i * (beta_v + 0.5 * log_var) beta_a = tf.get_variable('beta_a', shape=[1 for i in range(len(pose.shape) - 2)] + [pose.shape[-2], 1], initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(mean=100.0, stddev=10)) cost_sum_h = cl.reduce_sum(cost, axis=-1, keepdims=True) logit = lambda_val * (beta_a - cost_sum_h) log_activation = tf.log_sigmoid(logit) return(pose, log_var, log_activation)
Example #3
Source File: From zhusuan with MIT License | 6 votes |
def log_sum_exp(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): """ Deprecated: Use tf.reduce_logsumexp(). Tensorflow numerically stable log sum of exps across the `axis`. :param x: A Tensor. :param axis: An int or list or tuple. The dimensions to reduce. If `None` (the default), reduces all dimensions. :param keepdims: Bool. If true, retains reduced dimensions with length 1. Default to be False. :return: A Tensor after the computation of log sum exp along given axes of x. """ x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x) x_max = tf.reduce_max(x, axis=axis, keepdims=True) ret = tf.log(tf.reduce_sum(tf.exp(x - x_max), axis=axis, keepdims=True)) + x_max if not keepdims: ret = tf.reduce_sum(ret, axis=axis) return ret
Example #4
Source File: From zhusuan with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _log_prob(self, given): logits, temperature = self.path_param(self.logits), \ self.path_param(self.temperature) log_given = tf.log(given) log_temperature = tf.log(temperature) n = tf.cast(self.n_categories, self.dtype) if self._check_numerics: log_given = tf.check_numerics(log_given, "log(given)") log_temperature = tf.check_numerics( log_temperature, "log(temperature)") temp = logits - temperature * log_given return tf.lgamma(n) + (n - 1) * log_temperature + \ tf.reduce_sum(temp - log_given, axis=-1) - \ n * tf.reduce_logsumexp(temp, axis=-1)
Example #5
Source File: From BERT with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def multilabel_categorical_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred): """ y_true = [0,1], 1 stands for target class, 0 stands for none-target class """ y_pred = (1 - 2 * y_true) * y_pred y_pred_neg = y_pred - y_true * 1e12 y_pred_pos = y_pred - (1 - y_true) * 1e12 zeros = tf.zeros_like(y_pred[..., :1]) y_pred_neg = tf.concat([y_pred_neg, zeros], axis=-1) y_pred_pos = tf.concat([y_pred_pos, zeros], axis=-1) neg_loss = tf.reduce_logsumexp(y_pred_neg, axis=-1) pos_loss = tf.reduce_logsumexp(y_pred_pos, axis=-1) return neg_loss + pos_loss
Example #6
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 6 votes |
def logsumexp(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): """Computes log(sum(exp(elements across dimensions of a tensor))). This function is more numerically stable than log(sum(exp(x))). It avoids overflows caused by taking the exp of large inputs and underflows caused by taking the log of small inputs. # Arguments x: A tensor or variable. axis: axis: An integer or list of integers in [-rank(x), rank(x)), the axes to compute the logsumexp. If `None` (default), computes the logsumexp over all dimensions. keepdims: A boolean, whether to keep the dimensions or not. If `keepdims` is `False`, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1. If `keepdims` is `True`, the reduced dimension is retained with length 1. # Returns The reduced tensor. """ return tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, axis, keepdims)
Example #7
Source File: From bert4keras with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def dense_loss(self, y_true, y_pred): """y_true需要是one hot形式 """ # 导出mask并转换数据类型 mask = K.all(K.greater(y_pred, -1e6), axis=2, keepdims=True) mask = K.cast(mask, K.floatx()) # 计算目标分数 y_true, y_pred = y_true * mask, y_pred * mask target_score = self.target_score(y_true, y_pred) # 递归计算log Z init_states = [y_pred[:, 0]] y_pred = K.concatenate([y_pred, mask], axis=2) input_length = K.int_shape(y_pred[:, 1:])[1] log_norm, _, _ = K.rnn( self.log_norm_step, y_pred[:, 1:], init_states, input_length=input_length ) # 最后一步的log Z向量 log_norm = tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_norm, 1) # logsumexp得标量 # 计算损失 -log p return log_norm - target_score
Example #8
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testCrfLogLikelihood(self): inputs = np.array( [[4, 5, -3], [3, -1, 3], [-1, 2, 1], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float32) transition_params = np.array( [[-3, 5, -2], [3, 4, 1], [1, 2, 1]], dtype=np.float32) sequence_lengths = np.array(3, dtype=np.int32) num_words = inputs.shape[0] num_tags = inputs.shape[1] with self.test_session() as sess: all_sequence_log_likelihoods = [] # Make sure all probabilities sum to 1. for tag_indices in itertools.product( range(num_tags), repeat=sequence_lengths): tag_indices = list(tag_indices) tag_indices.extend([0] * (num_words - sequence_lengths)) sequence_log_likelihood, _ = tf.contrib.crf.crf_log_likelihood( inputs=tf.expand_dims(inputs, 0), tag_indices=tf.expand_dims(tag_indices, 0), sequence_lengths=tf.expand_dims(sequence_lengths, 0), transition_params=tf.constant(transition_params)) all_sequence_log_likelihoods.append(sequence_log_likelihood) total_log_likelihood = tf.reduce_logsumexp(all_sequence_log_likelihoods) tf_total_log_likelihood = self.assertAllClose(tf_total_log_likelihood, 0.0)
Example #9
Source File: From auto_yolo with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _call(self, inp, output_size, is_training): H, W, B, _ = tuple(int(i) for i in inp.shape[1:]) # inp = tf.log(tf.nn.softmax(tf.clip_by_value(inp, -10., 10.), axis=4)) inp = inp - tf.reduce_logsumexp(inp, axis=4, keepdims=True) running_sum = inp[:, 0, 0, 0, :] for h in range(H): for w in range(W): for b in range(B): if h == 0 and w == 0 and b == 0: pass else: right = inp[:, h, w, b, :] running_sum = addition_compact_logspace(running_sum, right) assert running_sum.shape[1] == output_size return running_sum
Example #10
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 6 votes |
def logsumexp(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): """Computes log(sum(exp(elements across dimensions of a tensor))). This function is more numerically stable than log(sum(exp(x))). It avoids overflows caused by taking the exp of large inputs and underflows caused by taking the log of small inputs. # Arguments x: A tensor or variable. axis: An integer, the axis to reduce over. keepdims: A boolean, whether to keep the dimensions or not. If `keepdims` is `False`, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1. If `keepdims` is `True`, the reduced dimension is retained with length 1. # Returns The reduced tensor. """ return tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, axis, keepdims)
Example #11
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 6 votes |
def logsumexp(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): """Computes log(sum(exp(elements across dimensions of a tensor))). This function is more numerically stable than log(sum(exp(x))). It avoids overflows caused by taking the exp of large inputs and underflows caused by taking the log of small inputs. # Arguments x: A tensor or variable. axis: An integer, the axis to reduce over. keepdims: A boolean, whether to keep the dimensions or not. If `keepdims` is `False`, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1. If `keepdims` is `True`, the reduced dimension is retained with length 1. # Returns The reduced tensor. """ return tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, axis, keepdims)
Example #12
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 6 votes |
def logsumexp(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): """Computes log(sum(exp(elements across dimensions of a tensor))). This function is more numerically stable than log(sum(exp(x))). It avoids overflows caused by taking the exp of large inputs and underflows caused by taking the log of small inputs. # Arguments x: A tensor or variable. axis: An integer, the axis to reduce over. keepdims: A boolean, whether to keep the dimensions or not. If `keepdims` is `False`, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1. If `keepdims` is `True`, the reduced dimension is retained with length 1. # Returns The reduced tensor. """ return tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, axis, keepdims)
Example #13
Source File: From decompose with MIT License | 6 votes |
def alpha(cls, parameters: Dict[str, Tensor]) -> Tensor: mu = parameters["mu"] tau = parameters["tau"] nu = parameters["nu"] beta = parameters["beta"] sigma = 1./tf.sqrt(tau) lam = 1./beta muStd = tf.constant(0., dtype=mu.dtype) sigmaStd = tf.constant(1., dtype=mu.dtype) stdNorm = tf.contrib.distributions.Normal(loc=muStd, scale=sigmaStd) c0 = lam*(mu-nu) + stdNorm.log_cdf((nu-(mu+sigma**2*lam))/sigma) c1 = -lam*(mu-nu) + stdNorm.log_cdf(-(nu-(mu-sigma**2*lam))/sigma) c = tf.reduce_logsumexp([c0, c1], axis=0) f = (mu-nu)*lam norm = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=mu+sigma**2*lam, scale=sigma) alpha = tf.exp(f + norm.log_cdf(nu) - c) return(alpha)
Example #14
Source File: From ARM-gradient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def evidence(sess,data,elbo, batch_size = 100, S = 100, total_batch = None): ''' For correct use: ELBO for x_i must be calculated by SINGLE z sample from q(z|x_i) ''' #from scipy.special import logsumexp if total_batch is None: total_batch = int(data.num_examples / batch_size) avg_evi = 0 for j in range(total_batch): test_xs = data.next_batch(batch_size) elbo_accu = np.empty([batch_size,0]) for i in range(S): elbo_i =,{x:test_xs}) elbo_accu = np.append(elbo_accu,elbo_i,axis=1) evi0 =,axis = 1)) evi = np.mean(evi0 - np.log(S)) avg_evi += evi / total_batch return avg_evi #%%
Example #15
Source File: From ARM-gradient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def evidence(sess,data,elbo, batch_size = 100, S = 100, total_batch = None): ''' For correct use: ELBO for x_i must be calculated by SINGLE z sample from q(z|x_i) ''' #from scipy.special import logsumexp if total_batch is None: total_batch = int(data.num_examples / batch_size) avg_evi = 0 for j in range(total_batch): test_xs = data.next_batch(batch_size) elbo_accu = np.empty([batch_size,0]) for i in range(S): elbo_i =,{x:test_xs}) elbo_accu = np.append(elbo_accu,elbo_i,axis=1) evi0 =,axis = 1)) evi = np.mean(evi0 - np.log(S)) avg_evi += evi / total_batch return avg_evi #%%
Example #16
Source File: From ARM-gradient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def evidence(sess,data,elbo, batch_size = 100, S = 100, total_batch = None): ''' For correct use: ELBO for x_i must be calculated by SINGLE z sample from q(z|x_i) ''' #from scipy.special import logsumexp if total_batch is None: total_batch = int(data.num_examples / batch_size) avg_evi = 0 for j in range(total_batch): test_xs = data.next_batch(batch_size) elbo_accu = np.empty([batch_size,0]) for i in range(S): elbo_i =,{x:test_xs}) elbo_accu = np.append(elbo_accu,elbo_i,axis=1) evi0 =,axis = 1)) evi = np.mean(evi0 - np.log(S)) avg_evi += evi / total_batch return avg_evi #%%
Example #17
Source File: From ARM-gradient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def evidence(sess,data,elbo, batch_size = 100, S = 100, total_batch = None): ''' For correct use: ELBO for x_i must be calculated by SINGLE z sample from q(z|x_i) ''' #from scipy.special import logsumexp if total_batch is None: total_batch = int(data.num_examples / batch_size) avg_evi = 0 for j in range(total_batch): test_xs = data.next_batch(batch_size) elbo_accu = np.empty([batch_size,0]) for i in range(S): elbo_i =,{x:test_xs}) elbo_accu = np.append(elbo_accu,elbo_i,axis=1) evi0 =,axis = 1)) evi = np.mean(evi0 - np.log(S)) avg_evi += evi / total_batch return avg_evi #%%
Example #18
Source File: From gntp with MIT License | 6 votes |
def multiclass_loss(self, p_emb: tf.Tensor, s_emb: tf.Tensor, o_emb: tf.Tensor, all_emb: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: # [B] x_ijk = self.score(p_emb, s_emb, o_emb) # [N, # [B, N] x_ij = self.score_sp(p_emb, s_emb, all_emb) x_jk = self.score_po(p_emb, all_emb, o_emb) # [B] lse_x_ij = tf.reduce_logsumexp(x_ij, 1) lse_x_jk = tf.reduce_logsumexp(x_jk, 1) # [B] losses = - x_ijk + lse_x_ij - x_ijk + lse_x_jk # Scalar loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses) return loss
Example #19
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 6 votes |
def logsumexp(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): """Computes log(sum(exp(elements across dimensions of a tensor))). This function is more numerically stable than log(sum(exp(x))). It avoids overflows caused by taking the exp of large inputs and underflows caused by taking the log of small inputs. # Arguments x: A tensor or variable. axis: An integer, the axis to reduce over. keepdims: A boolean, whether to keep the dimensions or not. If `keepdims` is `False`, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1. If `keepdims` is `True`, the reduced dimension is retained with length 1. # Returns The reduced tensor. """ return tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, axis, keepdims)
Example #20
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 6 votes |
def logsumexp(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): """Computes log(sum(exp(elements across dimensions of a tensor))). This function is more numerically stable than log(sum(exp(x))). It avoids overflows caused by taking the exp of large inputs and underflows caused by taking the log of small inputs. # Arguments x: A tensor or variable. axis: An integer, the axis to reduce over. keepdims: A boolean, whether to keep the dimensions or not. If `keepdims` is `False`, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1. If `keepdims` is `True`, the reduced dimension is retained with length 1. # Returns The reduced tensor. """ return tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, axis, keepdims)
Example #21
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 6 votes |
def logsumexp(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): """Computes log(sum(exp(elements across dimensions of a tensor))). This function is more numerically stable than log(sum(exp(x))). It avoids overflows caused by taking the exp of large inputs and underflows caused by taking the log of small inputs. # Arguments x: A tensor or variable. axis: An integer, the axis to reduce over. keepdims: A boolean, whether to keep the dimensions or not. If `keepdims` is `False`, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1. If `keepdims` is `True`, the reduced dimension is retained with length 1. # Returns The reduced tensor. """ return tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, axis, keepdims)
Example #22
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 6 votes |
def logsumexp(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): """Computes log(sum(exp(elements across dimensions of a tensor))). This function is more numerically stable than log(sum(exp(x))). It avoids overflows caused by taking the exp of large inputs and underflows caused by taking the log of small inputs. # Arguments x: A tensor or variable. axis: An integer, the axis to reduce over. keepdims: A boolean, whether to keep the dimensions or not. If `keepdims` is `False`, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1. If `keepdims` is `True`, the reduced dimension is retained with length 1. # Returns The reduced tensor. """ return tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, axis, keepdims)
Example #23
Source File: From NMT_GAN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def SampledSoftmaxLoss(features, sampler, num_classes, target_classes, target_params, sampled_classes, sampled_params): """Loss for training softmax classifiers on large label vocabulary. This function assumes that we have already chosen the sampled classes and fetched the parameters for the target classes and the sampled classes. Args: features: a Tensor with shape [batch_size, hidden_size] sampler: a candidate sampler object (see learning/brain/google/python/ops/ num_classes: an integer target_classes: an integer Tensor with shape [batch_size] target_params: a Tensor with shape [batch_size, hidden_size] The parameters corresponding to the target classes. sampled_classes: an integer tensor with shape [num_sampled_classes] sampled_params: a Tensor with shape [num_sampled_classes, hidden_size] The parameters corresponding to the sampled classes. Returns: a Tensor with shape [batch_size] """ sampled_logits = (tf.matmul(features, sampled_params, transpose_b=True) - sampler.log_expected_count(sampled_classes)) target_logits = (tf.reduce_sum(target_params * features, 1) - sampler.log_expected_count(target_classes)) sampled_log_denominator = tf.reduce_logsumexp( sampled_logits, [1], name='SampledLogDenominator') sampled_classes_mask = tf.unsorted_segment_sum( tf.fill(tf.shape(sampled_classes), float('-inf')), sampled_classes, num_classes) target_log_denominator = ( target_logits + tf.gather(sampled_classes_mask, target_classes)) combined_log_denominator = tf.reduce_logsumexp( tf.stack([sampled_log_denominator, target_log_denominator]), [0]) loss = combined_log_denominator - target_logits return loss
Example #24
Source File: From deepx with MIT License | 5 votes |
def logsumexp(self, x, axis=None, keepdims=False): return tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
Example #25
Source File: From deepx with MIT License | 5 votes |
def reduce_logsumexp(self, x, axis=None, keepdims=False): return tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
Example #26
Source File: From XMUNMT with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def log_prob_from_logits(logits): return logits - tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits, axis=2, keep_dims=True)
Example #27
Source File: From supair with MIT License | 5 votes |
def forward(self, inputs): prods = tf.concat(inputs, 1) weights = self.weights if self.args.linear_sum_weights: sums = tf.log(tf.matmul(tf.exp(prods), tf.squeeze(self.weights))) else: prods = tf.expand_dims(prods, axis=-1) if self.dropout_op is not None: if self.args.drop_connect: batch_size = prods.shape[0] prod_num = prods.shape[1] dropout_shape = [batch_size, prod_num, self.size] random_tensor = random_ops.random_uniform(dropout_shape, dtype=self.weights.dtype) dropout_mask = tf.log(math_ops.floor(self.dropout_op + random_tensor)) weights = weights + dropout_mask else: random_tensor = random_ops.random_uniform(prods.shape, dtype=prods.dtype) dropout_mask = tf.log(math_ops.floor(self.dropout_op + random_tensor)) prods = prods + dropout_mask child_values = prods + weights self.max_child_idx = tf.argmax(child_values, axis=1) sums = tf.reduce_logsumexp(child_values, axis=1) return sums
Example #28
Source File: From naacl18-multitask_argument_mining with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def logsumexp(x, axis=None): '''Returns `log(sum(exp(x), axis=axis))` with improved numerical stability. ''' return tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, axis=[axis])
Example #29
Source File: From BERT with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def WPC_Hidden(student_tensor, teacher_tensor, input_mask, opt=None): teacher_shape = bert_utils.get_shape_list(teacher_tensor[0], expected_rank=[3]) student_shape = bert_utils.get_shape_list(student_tensor[0], expected_rank=[3]) with tf.variable_scope("wpc_weights", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): cpc_weights = tf.get_variable( "weights", [student_shape[-1],teacher_shape[-1]], initializer=create_initializer(0.02) ) flipped_student_tensor = flip_gradient(student_tensor[-1]) flipped_teacher_tensor = flip_gradient(teacher_tensor[-1]) # batch x seq x t_hidden student_tensor_proj = tf.einsum("abc,cd->abd", flipped_student_tensor, cpc_weights) # batch x seq x t_hidden and batch x seq x t_hidden # log exp(zt x W x ct) # batch x batch x seq cpc_tensor = tf.einsum("abd,cbd->acb", student_tensor_proj, flipped_teacher_tensor) mask = tf.cast(input_mask, tf.float32) # batch x seq joint_sample_mask = tf.eye(student_shape[0], dtype=bool) joint_sample_mask = tf.expand_dims(joint_sample_mask, axis=-1) # batch x batch x 1 joint_masked_cpc_tensor = tf.cast(joint_sample_mask, tf.float32) * cpc_tensor marginal_masked_cpc_tensor = cpc_tensor # got each seq joint term joint_term = tf.reduce_sum(joint_masked_cpc_tensor, axis=[1]) # batch x seq marginal_term = tf.reduce_logsumexp(marginal_masked_cpc_tensor, axis=[1]) # batch x seq loss = -tf.reduce_sum((joint_term - marginal_term)*mask) / (1e-10 + tf.reduce_sum(mask)) # wpc_grad = opt.compute_gradients(loss, []) # wpc_grad = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(wpc_grad), axis=1)) # wpc_grad_penality = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(wpc_grad - 1.0) * 0.1) return loss
Example #30
Source File: From tensorforce with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def tf_parametrize(self, x, mask): epsilon = tf.constant(value=util.epsilon, dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='float')) shape = (-1,) + self.action_spec['shape'] + (self.action_spec['num_values'],) # Action values action_values = self.action_values.apply(x=x) action_values = tf.reshape(tensor=action_values, shape=shape) if self.state_value is None: # Implicit states value (TODO: experimental) states_value = tf.reduce_logsumexp(input_tensor=action_values, axis=-1) else: # Explicit states value and advantage-based action values states_value = self.state_value.apply(x=x) states_value = tf.reshape(tensor=states_value, shape=shape[:-1]) action_values = tf.expand_dims(input=states_value, axis=-1) + action_values action_values -= tf.math.reduce_mean(input_tensor=action_values, axis=-1, keepdims=True) # TODO: before or after states_value? min_float = tf.fill( dims=tf.shape(input=action_values), value=util.tf_dtype(dtype='float').min ) action_values = tf.where(condition=mask, x=action_values, y=min_float) # Softmax for corresponding probabilities probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(logits=action_values, axis=-1) # "Normalized" logits logits = tf.math.log(x=tf.maximum(x=probabilities, y=epsilon)) Module.update_tensor(name=( + '-probabilities'), tensor=probabilities) Module.update_tensor(name=( + '-values'), tensor=action_values) return logits, probabilities, states_value, action_values