Python tensorflow.int16() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of tensorflow.int16(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module tensorflow , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From fine-lm with MIT License 7 votes vote down vote up
def diet_adam_optimizer_params():
  """Default hyperparameters for a DietAdamOptimizer.

    a hyperparameters object.
      quantize=True,  # use 16-bit fixed-point
      quantization_scale=10.0 / tf.int16.max,
      learning_rate_decay_scheme="noam",  # "noam" or "none"
      beta1=0.0,  # we can save memory if beta1=0
      factored_second_moment_accumulator=True,  # this saves memory
Example #2
Source File:    From nobrainer with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test__dtype_to_bytes():
    np_tf_dt = [
        (np.uint8, tf.uint8, b"uint8"),
        (np.uint16, tf.uint16, b"uint16"),
        (np.uint32, tf.uint32, b"uint32"),
        (np.uint64, tf.uint64, b"uint64"),
        (np.int8, tf.int8, b"int8"),
        (np.int16, tf.int16, b"int16"),
        (np.int32, tf.int32, b"int32"),
        (np.int64, tf.int64, b"int64"),
        (np.float16, tf.float16, b"float16"),
        (np.float32, tf.float32, b"float32"),
        (np.float64, tf.float64, b"float64"),

    for npd, tfd, dt in np_tf_dt:
        npd = np.dtype(npd)
        assert tfrecord._dtype_to_bytes(npd) == dt
        assert tfrecord._dtype_to_bytes(tfd) == dt

    assert tfrecord._dtype_to_bytes("float32") == b"float32"
    assert tfrecord._dtype_to_bytes("foobar") == b"foobar" 
Example #3
Source File:    From 3D-Unet--Tensorflow with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def decode_pred(serialized_example):
	"""Parses prediction data from the given `serialized_example`."""

	features = tf.parse_single_example(
						'T2':tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string)

	patch_shape = [conf.patch_size, conf.patch_size, conf.patch_size]

	# Convert from a scalar string tensor
	image_T1 = tf.decode_raw(features['T1'], tf.int16)
	image_T1 = tf.reshape(image_T1, patch_shape)
	image_T2 = tf.decode_raw(features['T2'], tf.int16)
	image_T2 = tf.reshape(image_T2, patch_shape)

	# Convert dtype.
	image_T1 = tf.cast(image_T1, tf.float32)
	image_T2 = tf.cast(image_T2, tf.float32)
	label = tf.zeros(image_T1.shape) # pseudo label

	return image_T1, image_T2, label 
Example #4
Source File:    From MedicalDataAugmentationTool with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def reduce_mean_support_empty(input, keepdims=False):
    return tf.cond(tf.size(input) > 0, lambda: tf.reduce_mean(input, keepdims=keepdims), lambda: tf.zeros_like(input))

# def bit_tensor_list(input):
#     assert input.dtype in [tf.uint8, tf.uint16, tf.uint32, tf.uint64], 'unsupported data type, must be uint*'
#     num_bits = 0
#     if input.dtype == tf.int8:
#         num_bits = 8
#     elif input.dtype == tf.int16:
#         num_bits = 16
#     elif input.dtype == tf.uint32:
#         num_bits = 32
#     elif input.dtype == tf.uint64:
#         num_bits = 64
#     bit_tensors = []
#     for i in range(num_bits):
#         current_bit = 1 << i
#         current_bit_tensor = tf.bitwise.bitwise_and(input, current_bit) == 1
#         bit_tensors.append(current_bit_tensor)
#     print(bit_tensors)
#     return bit_tensors 
Example #5
Source File:    From deepsignal with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def parse_a_line_b(value, base_num, signal_num):
    vec = tf.decode_raw(value, tf.int8)

    bases = tf.cast(tf.reshape(tf.strided_slice(vec, [0], [base_num]), [base_num]), dtype=tf.int32)
    means = tf.bitcast(
        tf.reshape(tf.strided_slice(vec, [base_num], [base_num + base_num * 4]), [base_num, 4]),
    stds = tf.bitcast(
        tf.reshape(tf.strided_slice(vec, [base_num * 5], [base_num * 5 + base_num * 4]), [base_num, 4]),
    sanum = tf.cast(tf.bitcast(
        tf.reshape(tf.strided_slice(vec, [base_num * 9], [base_num * 9 + base_num * 2]), [base_num, 2]),
        type=tf.int16), dtype=tf.int32)
    signals = tf.bitcast(
        tf.reshape(tf.strided_slice(vec, [base_num * 11], [base_num * 11 + 4 * signal_num]),
                   [signal_num, 4]), type=tf.float32)
    labels = tf.cast(
        tf.reshape(tf.strided_slice(vec, [base_num * 11 + signal_num * 4], [base_num * 11 + signal_num * 4 + 1]),

    return bases, means, stds, sanum, signals, labels 
Example #6
Source File:    From KerasNeuralFingerprint with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _convert_string_dtype(dtype):
    if dtype == 'float16':
        return tf.float16
    if dtype == 'float32':
        return tf.float32
    elif dtype == 'float64':
        return tf.float64
    elif dtype == 'int16':
        return tf.int16
    elif dtype == 'int32':
        return tf.int32
    elif dtype == 'int64':
        return tf.int64
    elif dtype == 'uint8':
        return tf.int8
    elif dtype == 'uint16':
        return tf.uint16
        raise ValueError('Unsupported dtype:', dtype) 
Example #7
Source File:    From megnet with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def set_dtype(cls, data_type: str) -> None:
        Class method to set the data types
            data_type (str): '16' or '32'
        if data_type.endswith('32'):
            float_key = 'float32'
            int_key = 'int32'
        elif data_type.endswith('16'):
            float_key = 'float16'
            int_key = 'int16'
            raise ValueError("Data type not known, choose '16' or '32'")

        cls.np_float = DTYPES[float_key]['numpy']
        cls.tf_float = DTYPES[float_key]['tf']
        cls.np_int = DTYPES[int_key]['numpy']
        cls.tf_int = DTYPES[int_key]['tf'] 
Example #8
Source File:    From captcha_recognize with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def read_and_decode(filename_queue):
  reader = tf.TFRecordReader()
  _, serialized_example =
  features = tf.parse_single_example(
          'image_raw': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string),
          'label_raw': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string),
  image = tf.decode_raw(features['image_raw'], tf.int16)
  image.set_shape([IMAGE_HEIGHT * IMAGE_WIDTH])
  image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32) * (1. / 255) - 0.5
  reshape_image = tf.reshape(image, [IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, 1])
  label = tf.decode_raw(features['label_raw'], tf.uint8)
  label.set_shape([CHARS_NUM * CLASSES_NUM])
  reshape_label = tf.reshape(label, [CHARS_NUM, CLASSES_NUM])
  return tf.cast(reshape_image, tf.float32), tf.cast(reshape_label, tf.float32) 
Example #9
Source File:    From fine-lm with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _quantize(x, params, randomize=True):
  """Quantize x according to params, optionally randomizing the rounding."""
  if not params.quantize:
    return x

  if not randomize:
    return tf.bitcast(
        tf.cast(x / params.quantization_scale, tf.int16), tf.float16)

  abs_x = tf.abs(x)
  sign_x = tf.sign(x)
  y = abs_x / params.quantization_scale
  y = tf.floor(y + tf.random_uniform(common_layers.shape_list(x)))
  y = tf.minimum(y, tf.int16.max) * sign_x
  q = tf.bitcast(tf.cast(y, tf.int16), tf.float16)
  return q 
Example #10
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def testIntTypes(self):
    for dtype, nptype in [
        (tf.int32, np.int32),
        (tf.uint8, np.uint8),
        (tf.uint16, np.uint16),
        (tf.int16, np.int16),
        (tf.int8, np.int8)]:
      # Test with array.
      t = tensor_util.make_tensor_proto([10, 20, 30], dtype=dtype)
      self.assertEquals(dtype, t.dtype)
      self.assertProtoEquals("dim { size: 3 }", t.tensor_shape)
      a = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(t)
      self.assertEquals(nptype, a.dtype)
      self.assertAllClose(np.array([10, 20, 30], dtype=nptype), a)
      # Test with ndarray.
      t = tensor_util.make_tensor_proto(np.array([10, 20, 30], dtype=nptype))
      self.assertEquals(dtype, t.dtype)
      self.assertProtoEquals("dim { size: 3 }", t.tensor_shape)
      a = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(t)
      self.assertEquals(nptype, a.dtype)
      self.assertAllClose(np.array([10, 20, 30], dtype=nptype), a) 
Example #11
Source File:    From openrec with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _input(self, dtype='float32', shape=None, name=None):
        """Define an input for the recommender.

        dtype: str
            Data type: "float16", "float32", "float64", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "bool", or "string".
        shape: list or tuple
            Input shape.
        name: str
            Name of the input.

        Tensorflow placeholder
            Defined tensorflow placeholder.
        if dtype not in self._str_to_dtype:
            raise ValueError
            return tf.placeholder(self._str_to_dtype[dtype], shape=shape, name=name) 
Example #12
Source File:    From BERT with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def diet_adam_optimizer_params():
  """Default hyperparameters for a DietAdamOptimizer.

    a hyperparameters object.
  return hparam.HParams(
      quantize=True,  # use 16-bit fixed-point
      quantization_scale=10.0 / tf.int16.max,
      learning_rate_decay_scheme="noam",  # "noam" or "none"
      beta1=0.0,  # we can save memory if beta1=0
      factored_second_moment_accumulator=True,  # this saves memory
Example #13
Source File:    From CNNArt with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def parse_withlabel_function(example_proto):
        time1 = time.time()
        features = {
            'image': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string),
            'image_shape': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string),
            'image_label': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string)

        content = tf.parse_single_example(example_proto, features=features)

        content['image_shape'] = tf.decode_raw(content['image_shape'], tf.int32)
        content['image_label'] = tf.decode_raw(content['image_label'], tf.int16)
        content['image'] = tf.decode_raw(content['image'], tf.int16)
        content['image'] = tf.reshape(content['image'], content['image_shape'])
        print('parse using time: ', time.time() - time1)
        return content['image'], content['image_label'] 
Example #14
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def testOnesLike(self):
    for dtype in [tf.float32, tf.float64, tf.int32,
                  tf.uint8, tf.int16, tf.int8,
                  tf.complex64, tf.complex128, tf.int64]:
      numpy_dtype = dtype.as_numpy_dtype
      with self.test_session():
        # Creates a tensor of non-zero values with shape 2 x 3.
        d = tf.constant(np.ones((2, 3), dtype=numpy_dtype), dtype=dtype)
        # Constructs a tensor of zeros of the same dimensions and type as "d".
        z_var = tf.ones_like(d)
        # Test that the type is correct
        self.assertEqual(z_var.dtype, dtype)
        z_value = z_var.eval()

      # Test that the value is correct
      self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(z_value, np.array([[1] * 3] * 2)))
      self.assertEqual([2, 3], z_var.get_shape()) 
Example #15
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def testDtype(self):
    with self.test_session():
      d = tf.fill([2, 3], 12., name="fill")
      self.assertEqual(d.get_shape(), [2, 3])
      # Test default type for both constant size and dynamic size
      z = tf.ones([2, 3])
      self.assertEqual(z.dtype, tf.float32)
      self.assertEqual([2, 3], z.get_shape())
      self.assertAllEqual(z.eval(), np.ones([2, 3]))
      z = tf.ones(tf.shape(d))
      self.assertEqual(z.dtype, tf.float32)
      self.assertEqual([2, 3], z.get_shape())
      self.assertAllEqual(z.eval(), np.ones([2, 3]))
      # Test explicit type control
      for dtype in (tf.float32, tf.float64, tf.int32,
                    tf.uint8, tf.int16, tf.int8,
                    tf.complex64, tf.complex128, tf.int64, tf.bool):
        z = tf.ones([2, 3], dtype=dtype)
        self.assertEqual(z.dtype, dtype)
        self.assertEqual([2, 3], z.get_shape())
        self.assertAllEqual(z.eval(), np.ones([2, 3]))
        z = tf.ones(tf.shape(d), dtype=dtype)
        self.assertEqual(z.dtype, dtype)
        self.assertEqual([2, 3], z.get_shape())
        self.assertAllEqual(z.eval(), np.ones([2, 3])) 
Example #16
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def testDtype(self):
    with self.test_session():
      d = tf.fill([2, 3], 12., name="fill")
      self.assertEqual(d.get_shape(), [2, 3])
      # Test default type for both constant size and dynamic size
      z = tf.zeros([2, 3])
      self.assertEqual(z.dtype, tf.float32)
      self.assertEqual([2, 3], z.get_shape())
      self.assertAllEqual(z.eval(), np.zeros([2, 3]))
      z = tf.zeros(tf.shape(d))
      self.assertEqual(z.dtype, tf.float32)
      self.assertEqual([2, 3], z.get_shape())
      self.assertAllEqual(z.eval(), np.zeros([2, 3]))
      # Test explicit type control
      for dtype in [tf.float32, tf.float64, tf.int32,
                    tf.uint8, tf.int16, tf.int8,
                    tf.complex64, tf.complex128, tf.int64, tf.bool]:
        z = tf.zeros([2, 3], dtype=dtype)
        self.assertEqual(z.dtype, dtype)
        self.assertEqual([2, 3], z.get_shape())
        self.assertAllEqual(z.eval(), np.zeros([2, 3]))
        z = tf.zeros(tf.shape(d), dtype=dtype)
        self.assertEqual(z.dtype, dtype)
        self.assertEqual([2, 3], z.get_shape())
        self.assertAllEqual(z.eval(), np.zeros([2, 3])) 
Example #17
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def testNumpyConversion(self):
    self.assertIs(tf.float32, tf.as_dtype(np.float32))
    self.assertIs(tf.float64, tf.as_dtype(np.float64))
    self.assertIs(tf.int32, tf.as_dtype(np.int32))
    self.assertIs(tf.int64, tf.as_dtype(np.int64))
    self.assertIs(tf.uint8, tf.as_dtype(np.uint8))
    self.assertIs(tf.uint16, tf.as_dtype(np.uint16))
    self.assertIs(tf.int16, tf.as_dtype(np.int16))
    self.assertIs(tf.int8, tf.as_dtype(np.int8))
    self.assertIs(tf.complex64, tf.as_dtype(np.complex64))
    self.assertIs(tf.complex128, tf.as_dtype(np.complex128))
    self.assertIs(tf.string, tf.as_dtype(np.object))
    self.assertIs(tf.string, tf.as_dtype(np.array(["foo", "bar"]).dtype))
    self.assertIs(tf.bool, tf.as_dtype(np.bool))
    with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
      tf.as_dtype(np.dtype([("f1", np.uint), ("f2", np.int32)])) 
Example #18
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def testZeros(self):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=True):
      for dtype in tf.uint8, tf.int16, tf.int32, tf.int64:
        zero = tf.constant(0, dtype=dtype)
        one = tf.constant(1, dtype=dtype)
        bads = [one // zero]
        if dtype in (tf.int32, tf.int64):
          bads.append(one % zero)
        for bad in bads:
            result = bad.eval()
          except tf.OpError as e:
            # Ideally, we'd get a nice exception.  In theory, this should only
            # happen on CPU, but 32 bit integer GPU division is actually on
            # CPU due to a placer bug.
            # TODO(irving): Make stricter once the placer bug is fixed.
            self.assertIn('Integer division by zero', str(e))
            # On the GPU, integer division by zero produces all bits set.
            # But apparently on some GPUs "all bits set" for 64 bit division
            # means 32 bits set, so we allow 0xffffffff as well.  This isn't
            # very portable, so we may need to expand this list if other GPUs
            # do different things.
            self.assertIn(result, (-1, 0xff, 0xffffffff)) 
Example #19
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _quantize(x, params, randomize=True):
  """Quantize x according to params, optionally randomizing the rounding."""
  if not params.quantize:
    return x

  if not randomize:
    return tf.bitcast(
        tf.cast(x / params.quantization_scale, tf.int16), tf.float16)

  abs_x = tf.abs(x)
  sign_x = tf.sign(x)
  y = abs_x / params.quantization_scale
  y = tf.floor(y + tf.random_uniform(common_layers.shape_list(x)))
  y = tf.minimum(y, tf.int16.max) * sign_x
  q = tf.bitcast(tf.cast(y, tf.int16), tf.float16)
  return q 
Example #20
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def diet_adam_optimizer_params():
  """Default hyperparameters for a DietAdamOptimizer.

    a hyperparameters object.
      quantize=True,  # use 16-bit fixed-point
      quantization_scale=10.0 / tf.int16.max,
      learning_rate_decay_scheme="noam",  # "noam" or "none"
      beta1=0.0,  # we can save memory if beta1=0
      factored_second_moment_accumulator=True,  # this saves memory
Example #21
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _quantize(x, params, randomize=True):
  """Quantize x according to params, optionally randomizing the rounding."""
  if not params.quantize:
    return x

  if not randomize:
    return tf.bitcast(
        tf.cast(x / params.quantization_scale, tf.int16), tf.float16)

  abs_x = tf.abs(x)
  sign_x = tf.sign(x)
  y = abs_x / params.quantization_scale
  y = tf.floor(y + tf.random_uniform(common_layers.shape_list(x)))
  y = tf.minimum(y, tf.int16.max) * sign_x
  q = tf.bitcast(tf.cast(y, tf.int16), tf.float16)
  return q 
Example #22
Source File:    From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def diet_adam_optimizer_params():
  """Default hyperparameters for a DietAdamOptimizer.

    a hyperparameters object.
      quantize=True,  # use 16-bit fixed-point
      quantization_scale=10.0 / tf.int16.max,
      learning_rate_decay_scheme="noam",  # "noam" or "none"
      beta1=0.0,  # we can save memory if beta1=0
      factored_second_moment_accumulator=True,  # this saves memory
Example #23
Source File:    From BERT with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _quantize(x, params, randomize=True):
  """Quantize x according to params, optionally randomizing the rounding."""
  if not params.quantize:
    return x

  if not randomize:
    return tf.bitcast(
        tf.cast(x / params.quantization_scale, tf.int16), tf.float16)

  abs_x = tf.abs(x)
  sign_x = tf.sign(x)
  y = abs_x / params.quantization_scale
  y = tf.floor(y + tf.random_uniform(common_layers.shape_list(x)))
  y = tf.minimum(y, tf.int16.max) * sign_x
  q = tf.bitcast(tf.cast(y, tf.int16), tf.float16)
  return q 
Example #24
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def testIsFloating(self):
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("int8").is_floating, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("int16").is_floating, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("int32").is_floating, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("int64").is_floating, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("uint8").is_floating, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("uint16").is_floating, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("complex64").is_floating, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("complex128").is_floating, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("float32").is_floating, True)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("float64").is_floating, True)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("string").is_floating, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("bool").is_floating, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("bfloat16").is_integer, False) 
Example #25
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def testIsComplex(self):
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("int8").is_complex, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("int16").is_complex, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("int32").is_complex, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("int64").is_complex, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("uint8").is_complex, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("uint16").is_complex, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("complex64").is_complex, True)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("complex128").is_complex, True)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("float32").is_complex, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("float64").is_complex, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("string").is_complex, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("bool").is_complex, False)
    self.assertEqual(tf.as_dtype("bfloat16").is_integer, False) 
Example #26
Source File:    From segmentation_uncertainty with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _remove_subj_tp(self, subj, tp, img, label):
        img = tf.decode_raw(img, tf.float32)
        label = tf.cast(tf.decode_raw(label, tf.int16), tf.float32)
        # hard coded shape because the images are a fixed size
        img = tf.reshape(img, tf.stack([4, 60, 256, 256]))
        label = tf.reshape(label, tf.stack([1, 60, 256, 256]))
        img = self._process_data(img)
        label = self._process_data(label)
        return img, label 
Example #27
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def testIntTypesWithImplicitRepeat(self):
    for dtype, nptype in [
        (tf.int64, np.int64),
        (tf.int32, np.int32),
        (tf.uint8, np.uint8),
        (tf.uint16, np.uint16),
        (tf.int16, np.int16),
        (tf.int8, np.int8)]:
      t = tensor_util.make_tensor_proto([10], shape=[3, 4], dtype=dtype)
      a = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(t)
      self.assertAllEqual(np.array([[10, 10, 10, 10],
                                    [10, 10, 10, 10],
                                    [10, 10, 10, 10]], dtype=nptype), a) 
Example #28
Source File:    From incubator-tvm with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_forward_right_shift():
    _test_forward_right_shift((7,), 'int32')
    _test_forward_right_shift((3, 11), 'int16') 
Example #29
Source File:    From incubator-tvm with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_forward_unpack():
    _test_forward_unpack((3,), 0, 'int32')
    _test_forward_unpack((3,), -1, 'int16')
    _test_forward_unpack((21, 23, 3), 2, 'float32')

# Range
# ----- 
Example #30
Source File:    From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def testStringConversion(self):
    self.assertIs(tf.float32, tf.as_dtype("float32"))
    self.assertIs(tf.float64, tf.as_dtype("float64"))
    self.assertIs(tf.int32, tf.as_dtype("int32"))
    self.assertIs(tf.uint8, tf.as_dtype("uint8"))
    self.assertIs(tf.uint16, tf.as_dtype("uint16"))
    self.assertIs(tf.int16, tf.as_dtype("int16"))
    self.assertIs(tf.int8, tf.as_dtype("int8"))
    self.assertIs(tf.string, tf.as_dtype("string"))
    self.assertIs(tf.complex64, tf.as_dtype("complex64"))
    self.assertIs(tf.complex128, tf.as_dtype("complex128"))
    self.assertIs(tf.int64, tf.as_dtype("int64"))
    self.assertIs(tf.bool, tf.as_dtype("bool"))
    self.assertIs(tf.qint8, tf.as_dtype("qint8"))
    self.assertIs(tf.quint8, tf.as_dtype("quint8"))
    self.assertIs(tf.qint32, tf.as_dtype("qint32"))
    self.assertIs(tf.bfloat16, tf.as_dtype("bfloat16"))
    self.assertIs(tf.float32_ref, tf.as_dtype("float32_ref"))
    self.assertIs(tf.float64_ref, tf.as_dtype("float64_ref"))
    self.assertIs(tf.int32_ref, tf.as_dtype("int32_ref"))
    self.assertIs(tf.uint8_ref, tf.as_dtype("uint8_ref"))
    self.assertIs(tf.int16_ref, tf.as_dtype("int16_ref"))
    self.assertIs(tf.int8_ref, tf.as_dtype("int8_ref"))
    self.assertIs(tf.string_ref, tf.as_dtype("string_ref"))
    self.assertIs(tf.complex64_ref, tf.as_dtype("complex64_ref"))
    self.assertIs(tf.complex128_ref, tf.as_dtype("complex128_ref"))
    self.assertIs(tf.int64_ref, tf.as_dtype("int64_ref"))
    self.assertIs(tf.bool_ref, tf.as_dtype("bool_ref"))
    self.assertIs(tf.qint8_ref, tf.as_dtype("qint8_ref"))
    self.assertIs(tf.quint8_ref, tf.as_dtype("quint8_ref"))
    self.assertIs(tf.qint32_ref, tf.as_dtype("qint32_ref"))
    self.assertIs(tf.bfloat16_ref, tf.as_dtype("bfloat16_ref"))
    with self.assertRaises(TypeError):