Python tensorflow.VariableScope() Examples
The following are 8
code examples of tensorflow.VariableScope().
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Example #1
Source File: From synvae with MIT License | 6 votes |
def build(self, hparams, is_training=True): self._total_length = hparams.max_seq_len if self._total_length != raise ValueError( 'The product of the HierarchicalLstmEncoder level lengths (%d) must ' 'equal the padded input sequence length (%d).' % (, self._total_length))'\nHierarchical Encoder:\n' ' input length: %d\n' ' level lengths: %s\n', self._total_length, self._level_lengths) self._hierarchical_encoders = [] num_splits = for i, l in enumerate(self._level_lengths): num_splits //= l'Level %d splits: %d', i, num_splits) h_encoder = self._core_encoder_cls() hparams, is_training, name_or_scope=tf.VariableScope( tf.AUTO_REUSE, 'encoder/hierarchical_level_%d' % i)) self._hierarchical_encoders.append((num_splits, h_encoder))
Example #2
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_define_model(self): FLAGS.batch_size = 2 images_shape = [FLAGS.batch_size, 4, 4, 3] images_np = np.zeros(shape=images_shape) images = tf.constant(images_np, dtype=tf.float32) labels = tf.one_hot([0] * FLAGS.batch_size, 2) model = train._define_model(images, labels) self.assertIsInstance(model, tfgan.StarGANModel) self.assertShapeEqual(images_np, model.generated_data) self.assertShapeEqual(images_np, model.reconstructed_data) self.assertTrue(isinstance(model.discriminator_variables, list)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(model.generator_variables, list)) self.assertIsInstance(model.discriminator_scope, tf.VariableScope) self.assertTrue(model.generator_scope, tf.VariableScope) self.assertTrue(callable(model.discriminator_fn)) self.assertTrue(callable(model.generator_fn))
Example #3
Source File: From multilabel-image-classification-tensorflow with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_define_model(self): FLAGS.batch_size = 2 images_shape = [FLAGS.batch_size, 4, 4, 3] images_np = np.zeros(shape=images_shape) images = tf.constant(images_np, dtype=tf.float32) labels = tf.one_hot([0] * FLAGS.batch_size, 2) model = train._define_model(images, labels) self.assertIsInstance(model, tfgan.StarGANModel) self.assertShapeEqual(images_np, model.generated_data) self.assertShapeEqual(images_np, model.reconstructed_data) self.assertTrue(isinstance(model.discriminator_variables, list)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(model.generator_variables, list)) self.assertIsInstance(model.discriminator_scope, tf.VariableScope) self.assertTrue(model.generator_scope, tf.VariableScope) self.assertTrue(callable(model.discriminator_fn)) self.assertTrue(callable(model.generator_fn))
Example #4
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, subnet, name=None, scope=None): """Create the Shared operator. Use this as: f = Shared(Cr(100, 3)) g = f | f | f Ordinarily, you do not need to provide either a name or a scope. Providing a name is useful if you want a well-defined namespace for the variables (e.g., for saving a subnet). Args: subnet: Definition of the shared network. name: Optional name for the shared context. scope: Optional shared scope (must be a Scope, not a string). Raises: ValueError: Scope is not of type tf.Scope, name is not of type string, or both scope and name are given together. """ if scope is not None and not isinstance(scope, tf.VariableScope): raise ValueError("scope must be None or a VariableScope") if name is not None and not isinstance(scope, str): raise ValueError("name must be None or a string") if scope is not None and name is not None: raise ValueError("cannot provide both a name and a scope") if name is None: name = "Shared_%d" % Shared.shared_number Shared.shared_number += 1 self.subnet = subnet = name self.scope = scope
Example #5
Source File: From lmdis-rep with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def pair_vars_between_scope(src, dst, src_vars=None, dst_vars=None): def canonicalize_scope_name(s): if isinstance(s, tf.VariableScope): s = return s + "/" def canonicalize_vars(vars, scope_path): if vars is None: vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES) vd = dict() prefix_len = len(scope_path) for v in vars: if vd[[prefix_len:]] = v return vd src = canonicalize_scope_name(src) dst = canonicalize_scope_name(dst) src_vars = canonicalize_vars(src_vars, src) dst_vars = canonicalize_vars(dst_vars, dst) assert len(dst_vars) == len(src_vars) and all(k in dst_vars for k in src_vars), \ "variables mismatches" pair_list = [] for k, src_v in src_vars.items(): pair_list.append((src_v, dst_vars[k])) # (src, dst) return pair_list
Example #6
Source File: From fold with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, input_type=None, output_type=None, name_or_scope=None): """Creates the layer. Args: input_type: A type. output_type: A type. name_or_scope: A string or variable scope. If a string, a new variable scope will be created by calling [`create_variable_scope`](#create_variable_scope), with defaults inherited from the current variable scope. If no caching device is set, it will be set to `lambda op: op.device`. This is because `tf.while` can be very inefficient if the variables it uses are not cached locally. """ if name_or_scope is None: name_or_scope = type(self).__name__ if isinstance(name_or_scope, tf.VariableScope): self._vscope = name_or_scope name = str( elif isinstance(name_or_scope, six.string_types): self._vscope = create_variable_scope(name_or_scope) name = name_or_scope else: raise TypeError('name_or_scope must be a tf.VariableScope or a string: ' '%s' % (name_or_scope,)) if self._vscope.caching_device is None: self._vscope.set_caching_device(lambda op: op.device) super(Layer, self).__init__(input_type, output_type, name) if not hasattr(self, '_constructor_name'): self._constructor_name = '__.%s' % self.__class__.__name__ if not hasattr(self, '_constructor_args'): self._constructor_args = None if not hasattr(self, '_constructor_kwargs'): self._constructor_kwargs = None
Example #7
Source File: From synvae with MIT License | 4 votes |
def build(self, hparams, is_training=True, name_or_scope='encoder'): if hparams.use_cudnn and hparams.residual_decoder: raise ValueError('Residual connections not supported in cuDNN.') self._is_training = is_training self._name_or_scope = name_or_scope self._use_cudnn = hparams.use_cudnn'\nEncoder Cells (bidirectional):\n' ' units: %s\n', hparams.enc_rnn_size) if isinstance(name_or_scope, tf.VariableScope): name = reuse = name_or_scope.reuse else: name = name_or_scope reuse = None cells_fw = [] cells_bw = [] for i, layer_size in enumerate(hparams.enc_rnn_size): if self._use_cudnn: cells_fw.append(lstm_utils.cudnn_lstm_layer( [layer_size], hparams.dropout_keep_prob, is_training, name_or_scope=tf.VariableScope( reuse, name + '/cell_%d/bidirectional_rnn/fw' % i))) cells_bw.append(lstm_utils.cudnn_lstm_layer( [layer_size], hparams.dropout_keep_prob, is_training, name_or_scope=tf.VariableScope( reuse, name + '/cell_%d/bidirectional_rnn/bw' % i))) else: cells_fw.append( lstm_utils.rnn_cell( [layer_size], hparams.dropout_keep_prob, hparams.residual_encoder, is_training)) cells_bw.append( lstm_utils.rnn_cell( [layer_size], hparams.dropout_keep_prob, hparams.residual_encoder, is_training)) self._cells = (cells_fw, cells_bw)
Example #8
Source File: From synvae with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _hierarchical_decode(self, z, base_decode_fn): """Depth first decoding from `z`, passing final embeddings to base fn.""" batch_size = z.shape[0] # Subtract 1 for the core decoder level. num_levels = len(self._level_lengths) - 1 hparams = self.hparams batch_size = hparams.batch_size def recursive_decode(initial_input, path=None): """Recursive hierarchical decode function.""" path = path or [] level = len(path) if level == num_levels: with tf.variable_scope('core_decoder', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): return base_decode_fn(initial_input, path) scope = tf.VariableScope( tf.AUTO_REUSE, 'decoder/hierarchical_level_%d' % level) num_steps = self._level_lengths[level] with tf.variable_scope(scope): state = lstm_utils.initial_cell_state_from_embedding( self._hier_cells[level], initial_input, name='initial_state') if level not in self._disable_autoregression: # The initial input should be the same size as the tensors returned by # next level. if self._hierarchical_encoder: input_size = self._hierarchical_encoder.level(0).output_depth elif level == num_levels - 1: input_size = sum(nest.flatten(self._core_decoder.state_size)) else: input_size = sum(nest.flatten(self._hier_cells[level + 1].state_size)) next_input = tf.zeros([batch_size, input_size]) lower_level_embeddings = [] for i in range(num_steps): if level in self._disable_autoregression: next_input = tf.zeros([batch_size, 1]) else: next_input = tf.concat([next_input, initial_input], axis=1) with tf.variable_scope(scope): output, state = self._hier_cells[level](next_input, state, scope) next_input = recursive_decode(output, path + [i]) lower_level_embeddings.append(next_input) if self._hierarchical_encoder: # Return the encoding of the outputs using the appropriate level of the # hierarchical encoder. enc_level = num_levels - level return self._hierarchical_encoder.level(enc_level).encode( sequence=tf.stack(lower_level_embeddings, axis=1), sequence_length=tf.fill([batch_size], num_steps)) else: # Return the final state. return tf.concat(nest.flatten(state), axis=-1) return recursive_decode(z)