Python tensorflow.float16() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tensorflow.float16().
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Example #1
Source File: From sugartensor with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _apply_dense(self, grad, var): lr_t = tf.cast(self._lr_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) beta1_t = tf.cast(self._beta1_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) beta2_t = tf.cast(self._beta2_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) if var.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float16: eps = 1e-7 # Can't use 1e-8 due to underflow -- not sure if it makes a big difference. else: eps = 1e-8 v = self.get_slot(var, "v") v_t = v.assign(beta1_t * v + (1. - beta1_t) * grad) m = self.get_slot(var, "m") m_t = m.assign(tf.maximum(beta2_t * m + eps, tf.abs(grad))) g_t = v_t / m_t var_update = tf.assign_sub(var, lr_t * g_t) return*[var_update, m_t, v_t])
Example #2
Source File: From tensorflow_nlp with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def create_model(forward_only, args): """建立模型""" buckets = data_utils.buckets dtype = tf.float16 if args.use_fp16 else tf.float32 model = S2SModel( data_utils.dim, data_utils.dim, buckets, args.size, args.dropout, args.num_layers, args.max_gradient_norm, args.batch_size, args.learning_rate, args.num_samples, forward_only, dtype ) return model
Example #3
Source File: From fine-lm with MIT License | 6 votes |
def simulate(self, action): """Step the batch of environments. The results of the step can be accessed from the variables defined below. Args: action: Tensor holding the batch of actions to apply. Returns: Operation. """ with tf.name_scope('environment/simulate'): if action.dtype in (tf.float16, tf.float32, tf.float64): action = tf.check_numerics(action, 'action') observ_dtype = utils.parse_dtype(self._batch_env.observation_space) observ, reward, done = tf.py_func( lambda a: self._batch_env.step(a)[:3], [action], [observ_dtype, tf.float32, tf.bool], name='step') observ = tf.check_numerics(observ, 'observ') reward = tf.check_numerics(reward, 'reward') reward.set_shape((len(self),)) done.set_shape((len(self),)) with tf.control_dependencies([self._observ.assign(observ)]): return tf.identity(reward), tf.identity(done)
Example #4
Source File: From iaf with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _apply_dense(self, grad, var): lr_t = math_ops.cast(self._lr_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) beta1_t = math_ops.cast(self._beta1_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) beta2_t = math_ops.cast(self._beta2_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) if var.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float16: eps = 1e-7 # Can't use 1e-8 due to underflow -- not sure if it makes a big difference. else: eps = 1e-8 v = self.get_slot(var, "v") v_t = v.assign(beta1_t * v + (1. - beta1_t) * grad) m = self.get_slot(var, "m") m_t = m.assign(tf.maximum(beta2_t * m + eps, tf.abs(grad))) g_t = v_t / m_t var_update = state_ops.assign_sub(var, lr_t * g_t) return*[var_update, m_t, v_t])
Example #5
Source File: From FastNN with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def get_dataset_iterator(dataset_name, train_image_size, preprocessing_fn=None, data_sources=None, reader=None): with tf.device("/cpu:0"): if not dataset_name: raise ValueError('expect dataset_name not None.') if dataset_name == 'mock': return dataset_utils._create_mock_iterator(train_image_size) if dataset_name not in datasets_map: raise ValueError('Name of network unknown %s' % dataset_name) def parse_fn(example): with tf.device("/cpu:0"): image, label = datasets_map[dataset_name].parse_fn(example) if preprocessing_fn is not None: image = preprocessing_fn(image, train_image_size, train_image_size) if FLAGS.use_fp16: image = tf.cast(image, tf.float16) label -= FLAGS.labels_offset return image, label return dataset_utils._create_dataset_iterator(data_sources, parse_fn, reader)
Example #6
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def simulate(self, action): """Step the batch of environments. The results of the step can be accessed from the variables defined below. Args: action: Tensor holding the batch of actions to apply. Returns: Operation. """ with tf.name_scope('environment/simulate'): if action.dtype in (tf.float16, tf.float32, tf.float64): action = tf.check_numerics(action, 'action') observ_dtype = self._parse_dtype(self._batch_env.observation_space) observ, reward, done = tf.py_func( lambda a: self._batch_env.step(a)[:3], [action], [observ_dtype, tf.float32, tf.bool], name='step') observ = tf.check_numerics(observ, 'observ') reward = tf.check_numerics(reward, 'reward') return self._observ.assign(observ), self._action.assign(action), self._reward.assign(reward), self._done.assign(done))
Example #7
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _variable_with_weight_decay(name, shape, stddev, wd): """Helper to create an initialized Variable with weight decay. Note that the Variable is initialized with a truncated normal distribution. A weight decay is added only if one is specified. Args: name: name of the variable shape: list of ints stddev: standard deviation of a truncated Gaussian wd: add L2Loss weight decay multiplied by this float. If None, weight decay is not added for this Variable. Returns: Variable Tensor """ dtype = tf.float16 if FLAGS.use_fp16 else tf.float32 var = _variable_on_cpu( name, shape, tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=stddev, dtype=dtype)) if wd is not None: weight_decay = tf.multiply(tf.nn.l2_loss(var), wd, name='weight_loss') tf.add_to_collection('losses', weight_decay) return var
Example #8
Source File: From fine-lm with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _quantize(x, params, randomize=True): """Quantize x according to params, optionally randomizing the rounding.""" if not params.quantize: return x if not randomize: return tf.bitcast( tf.cast(x / params.quantization_scale, tf.int16), tf.float16) abs_x = tf.abs(x) sign_x = tf.sign(x) y = abs_x / params.quantization_scale y = tf.floor(y + tf.random_uniform(common_layers.shape_list(x))) y = tf.minimum(y, tf.int16.max) * sign_x q = tf.bitcast(tf.cast(y, tf.int16), tf.float16) return q
Example #9
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def inputs(eval_data): """Construct input for CIFAR evaluation using the Reader ops. Args: eval_data: bool, indicating if one should use the train or eval data set. Returns: images: Images. 4D tensor of [batch_size, IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE, 3] size. labels: Labels. 1D tensor of [batch_size] size. Raises: ValueError: If no data_dir """ if not FLAGS.data_dir: raise ValueError('Please supply a data_dir') data_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'cifar-10-batches-bin') images, labels = cifar10_input.inputs(eval_data=eval_data, data_dir=data_dir, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size) if FLAGS.use_fp16: images = tf.cast(images, tf.float16) labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.float16) return images, labels
Example #10
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def simulate(self, action): """Step the batch of environments. The results of the step can be accessed from the variables defined below. Args: action: Tensor holding the batch of actions to apply. Returns: Operation. """ with tf.name_scope('environment/simulate'): if action.dtype in (tf.float16, tf.float32, tf.float64): action = tf.check_numerics(action, 'action') observ_dtype = self._parse_dtype(self._batch_env.observation_space) observ, reward, done = tf.py_func( lambda a: self._batch_env.step(a)[:3], [action], [observ_dtype, tf.float32, tf.bool], name='step') observ = tf.check_numerics(observ, 'observ') reward = tf.check_numerics(reward, 'reward') return self._observ.assign(observ), self._action.assign(action), self._reward.assign(reward), self._done.assign(done))
Example #11
Source File: From benchmarks with The Unlicense | 6 votes |
def _get_logits(self, image): ctx = get_current_tower_context() with maybe_freeze_updates(ctx.index > 0): network = ConvNetBuilder( image, 3, True, use_tf_layers=True, data_format=self.data_format, dtype=tf.float16 if args.use_fp16 else tf.float32, variable_dtype=tf.float32) with custom_getter_scope(network.get_custom_getter()): dataset = lambda: 1 = 'imagenet' model_conf = model_config.get_model_config('resnet50', dataset) model_conf.set_batch_size(args.batch) model_conf.add_inference(network) return network.affine(1000, activation='linear', stddev=0.001)
Example #12
Source File: From blackbox-attacks with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _variable_on_cpu(name, shape, initializer): """Helper to create a Variable stored on CPU memory. Args: name: name of the variable shape: list of ints initializer: initializer for Variable Returns: Variable Tensor """ key = (tf.get_variable_scope().name, name) if key in shared_variables: return shared_variables[key] # with tf.device('/cpu:0'): dtype = tf.float16 if FLAGS.use_fp16 else tf.float32 var = tf.get_variable(name, shape, initializer=initializer, dtype=dtype) shared_variables[key] = var return var
Example #13
Source File: From blackbox-attacks with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _variable_with_weight_decay(name, shape, stddev, wd): """Helper to create an initialized Variable with weight decay. Note that the Variable is initialized with a truncated normal distribution. A weight decay is added only if one is specified. Args: name: name of the variable shape: list of ints stddev: standard deviation of a truncated Gaussian wd: add L2Loss weight decay multiplied by this float. If None, weight decay is not added for this Variable. Returns: Variable Tensor """ dtype = tf.float16 if FLAGS.use_fp16 else tf.float32 var = _variable_on_cpu( name, shape, tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=stddev, dtype=dtype)) if wd is not None: weight_decay = tf.multiply(tf.nn.l2_loss(var), wd, name='weight_loss') tf.add_to_collection('losses', weight_decay) return var
Example #14
Source File: From blackbox-attacks with MIT License | 6 votes |
def inputs(eval_data): """Construct input for CIFAR evaluation using the Reader ops. Args: eval_data: bool, indicating if one should use the train or eval data set. Returns: images: Images. 4D tensor of [batch_size, IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE, 3] size. labels: Labels. 1D tensor of [batch_size] size. Raises: ValueError: If no data_dir """ if not FLAGS.data_dir: raise ValueError('Please supply a data_dir') data_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'cifar-10-batches-bin') images, labels = cifar10_input_nostd.inputs(eval_data=eval_data, data_dir=data_dir, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size) if FLAGS.use_fp16: images = tf.cast(images, tf.float16) labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.float16) return images, labels
Example #15
Source File: From zhusuan with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _apply_dense(self, grad, var): lr_t = tf.cast(self._lr_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) beta1_t = tf.cast(self._beta1_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) beta2_t = tf.cast(self._beta2_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) if var.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float16: # Can't use 1e-8 due to underflow eps = 1e-7 else: eps = 1e-8 v = self.get_slot(var, "v") v_t = v.assign(beta1_t * v + (1. - beta1_t) * grad) m = self.get_slot(var, "m") m_t = m.assign(tf.maximum(beta2_t * m + eps, tf.abs(grad))) g_t = v_t / m_t var_update = tf.assign_sub(var, lr_t * g_t) return*[var_update, m_t, v_t])
Example #16
Source File: From BERT with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _quantize(x, params, randomize=True): """Quantize x according to params, optionally randomizing the rounding.""" if not params.quantize: return x if not randomize: return tf.bitcast( tf.cast(x / params.quantization_scale, tf.int16), tf.float16) abs_x = tf.abs(x) sign_x = tf.sign(x) y = abs_x / params.quantization_scale y = tf.floor(y + tf.random_uniform(common_layers.shape_list(x))) y = tf.minimum(y, tf.int16.max) * sign_x q = tf.bitcast(tf.cast(y, tf.int16), tf.float16) return q
Example #17
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def create_model(session, forward_only): """Create translation model and initialize or load parameters in session.""" dtype = tf.float16 if FLAGS.use_fp16 else tf.float32 model = seq2seq_model.Seq2SeqModel( FLAGS.from_vocab_size, FLAGS.to_vocab_size, _buckets, FLAGS.size, FLAGS.num_layers, FLAGS.max_gradient_norm, FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.learning_rate, FLAGS.learning_rate_decay_factor, forward_only=forward_only, dtype=dtype) ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAGS.train_dir) if ckpt and tf.train.checkpoint_exists(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path): print("Reading model parameters from %s" % ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) model.saver.restore(session, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) else: print("Created model with fresh parameters.") return model
Example #18
Source File: From aletheia with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _apply_dense(self, grad, var): lr_t = math_ops.cast(self._lr_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) beta1_t = math_ops.cast(self._beta1_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) beta2_t = math_ops.cast(self._beta2_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) if var.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float16: eps = 1e-7 # Can't use 1e-8 due to underflow -- not sure if it makes a big difference. else: eps = 1e-8 v = self.get_slot(var, "v") v_t = v.assign(beta1_t * v + (1. - beta1_t) * grad) m = self.get_slot(var, "m") m_t = m.assign(tf.maximum(beta2_t * m + eps, tf.abs(grad))) g_t = v_t / m_t var_update = state_ops.assign_sub(var, lr_t * g_t) return*[var_update, m_t, v_t])
Example #19
Source File: From HyperGAN with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _apply_dense(self, grad, var): lr_t = math_ops.cast(self._lr_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) beta1_t = math_ops.cast(self._beta1_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) beta2_t = math_ops.cast(self._beta2_t, var.dtype.base_dtype) if var.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float16: eps = 1e-7 # Can't use 1e-8 due to underflow -- not sure if it makes a big difference. else: eps = 1e-8 v = self.get_slot(var, "v") v_t = v.assign(beta2_t * v + (1. - beta2_t) * tf.square(grad)) m = self.get_slot(var, "m") m_t = m.assign( beta1_t * m + (1. - beta1_t) * grad ) v_t_hat = tf.div(v_t, 1. - beta2_t) m_t_hat = tf.div(m_t, 1. - beta1_t) g_t = tf.div( m_t, tf.sqrt(v_t)+eps ) g_t_1 = self.get_slot(var, "g") g_t = g_t_1.assign( g_t ) var_update = state_ops.assign_sub(var, 2. * lr_t * g_t - lr_t * g_t_1) #Adam would be lr_t * g_t return*[var_update, m_t, v_t, g_t])
Example #20
Source File: From blackbox-attacks with MIT License | 6 votes |
def distorted_inputs(): """Construct distorted input for CIFAR training using the Reader ops. Returns: images: Images. 4D tensor of [batch_size, IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE, 3] size. labels: Labels. 1D tensor of [batch_size] size. Raises: ValueError: If no data_dir """ if not FLAGS.data_dir: raise ValueError('Please supply a data_dir') data_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'cifar-10-batches-bin') images, labels = cifar10_input_nostd.distorted_inputs(data_dir=data_dir, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size) if FLAGS.use_fp16: images = tf.cast(images, tf.float16) labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.float16) return images, labels
Example #21
Source File: From dgl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def data_type_dict(): return {'float16': tf.float16, 'float32': tf.float32, 'float64': tf.float64, 'uint8': tf.uint8, 'int8': tf.int8, 'int16': tf.int16, 'int32': tf.int32, 'int64': tf.int64, 'bool' : tf.bool}
Example #22
Source File: From BERT with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _mixed_precision_is_enabled(hparams): """Should be the same as in common_attention, avoiding import.""" activation_dtype = hparams.activation_dtype weight_dtype = hparams.weight_dtype return activation_dtype == tf.float16 and weight_dtype == tf.float32
Example #23
Source File: From onnx-tensorflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_cast(self): if legacy_onnx_pre_ver(1, 2) or legacy_opset_pre_ver(6): test_cases = [("FLOAT", tf.float32), ("UINT8", tf.uint8), ("INT8", tf.int8), ("UINT16", tf.uint16), ("INT16", tf.int16), ("INT32", tf.int32), ("INT64", tf.int64), ("BOOL", tf.bool), ("FLOAT16", tf.float16), ("DOUBLE", tf.float64), ("COMPLEX64", tf.complex64), ("COMPLEX128", tf.complex128)] else: test_cases = [(TensorProto.FLOAT, tf.float32), (TensorProto.UINT8, tf.uint8), (TensorProto.INT8, tf.int8), (TensorProto.UINT16, tf.uint16), (TensorProto.INT16, tf.int16), (TensorProto.INT32, tf.int32), (TensorProto.INT64, tf.int64), (TensorProto.BOOL, tf.bool), (TensorProto.FLOAT16, tf.float16), (TensorProto.DOUBLE, tf.float64), (TensorProto.COMPLEX64, tf.complex64), (TensorProto.COMPLEX128, tf.complex128)] if not legacy_opset_pre_ver(9): test_cases.append((TensorProto.STRING, tf.string)) for ty, tf_type in test_cases: node_def = helper.make_node("Cast", ["input"], ["output"], to=ty) vector = [2, 3] output = run_node(node_def, [vector]) np.testing.assert_equal(output["output"].dtype, tf_type) if not legacy_opset_pre_ver(9): test_cases2 = [(TensorProto.FLOAT, tf.float32), (TensorProto.INT32, tf.int32), (TensorProto.INT64, tf.int64), (TensorProto.DOUBLE, tf.float64)] for ty, tf_type in test_cases2: node_def = helper.make_node("Cast", ["input"], ["output"], to=ty) vector = ['2', '3'] output = run_node(node_def, [vector]) np.testing.assert_equal(output["output"].dtype, tf_type)
Example #24
Source File: From larq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_config(): mcv = metrics.FlipRatio(values_dtype="int16", name="mcv", dtype=tf.float16) assert == "mcv" assert mcv.stateful assert mcv.dtype == tf.float16 assert mcv.values_dtype == tf.int16 mcv2 = metrics.FlipRatio.from_config(mcv.get_config()) assert == "mcv" assert mcv2.stateful assert mcv2.dtype == tf.float16 assert mcv2.values_dtype == tf.int16
Example #25
Source File: From nucleus7 with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _cast_plugin_inputs_for_mixed_precision(plugin: ModelPlugin, nucleotide_inputs: dict): if not plugin.allow_mixed_precision: cast_dtypes = {tf.float16: tf.float32} else: cast_dtypes = {tf.float32: tf.float16} nucleotide_inputs_casted = tf_ops.maybe_cast_dtype( nucleotide_inputs, cast_dtypes) return nucleotide_inputs_casted # pylint: disable=unused-argument # nucleotide is needed here for further use as an factory with this signature
Example #26
Source File: From HyperGAN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def parse_dtype(self, dtype): if dtype == 'float32': return tf.float32 elif dtype == 'float16': return tf.float16 else: raise Exception("dtype not defined: "+str(dtype))
Example #27
Source File: From BERT with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_diet_var_getter(params): """Create a custom variable getter for diet variables according to params.""" def diet_var_initializer(shape, dtype, partition_info=None): """Initializer for a diet variable.""" del dtype del partition_info with common_layers.fn_device_dependency("diet_init") as out_deps: float_range = math.sqrt(3) ret = tf.random_uniform(shape, -float_range, float_range) if params.quantize: ret = _quantize(ret, params, randomize=False) out_deps.append(ret) return ret def diet_var_getter(getter, **kwargs): """Get diet variable and return it dequantized.""" if params.quantize: kwargs["dtype"] = tf.float16 kwargs["initializer"] = diet_var_initializer kwargs["trainable"] = False base_var = getter(**kwargs) dequantized = _dequantize(base_var, params) if not hasattr(params, "dequantized"): params.dequantized = defaultdict(list) params.dequantized[].append(dequantized) return dequantized return diet_var_getter
Example #28
Source File: From HyperGAN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def parse_dtype(self, dtype): if type(dtype) == Function: return dtype if dtype == 'float32': return tf.float32 elif dtype == 'float16': return tf.float16 else: raise Exception("dtype not defined: "+str(dtype))
Example #29
Source File: From BERT with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def float16_activations_var_getter(getter, *args, **kwargs): """A custom getter function for float32 parameters and float16 activations. This function ensures the following: 1. All variables requested with type fp16 are stored as type fp32. 2. All variables requested with type fp32 are returned as type fp16. See #training_tensorflow for more information on this strategy. Args: getter: custom getter *args: arguments **kwargs: keyword arguments Returns: variables with the correct dtype. Raises: KeyError: if "dtype" is not provided as a kwarg. """ requested_dtype = kwargs["dtype"] if requested_dtype == tf.float16: kwargs["dtype"] = tf.float32 if requested_dtype == tf.float32: requested_dtype = tf.float16 var = getter(*args, **kwargs) # This if statement is needed to guard the cast, because batch norm # assigns directly to the return value of this custom getter. The cast # makes the return value not a variable so it cannot be assigned. Batch # norm variables are always in fp32 so this if statement is never # triggered for them. if var.dtype.base_dtype != requested_dtype: var = tf.cast(var, requested_dtype) return var
Example #30
Source File: From ASIS with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _variable_on_cpu(name, shape, initializer, use_fp16=False, trainable=True): """Helper to create a Variable stored on CPU memory. Args: name: name of the variable shape: list of ints initializer: initializer for Variable Returns: Variable Tensor """ with tf.device('/cpu:0'): dtype = tf.float16 if use_fp16 else tf.float32 var = tf.get_variable(name, shape, initializer=initializer, dtype=dtype, trainable=trainable) return var