Python pysam.index() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of pysam.index().
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Example #1
Source File: From CGATPipelines with MIT License | 6 votes |
def linkBamToWorkingDirs(infiles, outfile): ''' symlink the bam file and index to the working directories for execution of the transcript building pipeline ''' bamfile = P.snip(infiles[0], ".bai") indexfile = infiles[0] directories = [P.snip(logfile, ".log") for logfile in infiles[1]] for directory in directories: os.symlink(os.path.abspath(bamfile), os.path.join(directory, bamfile)) os.symlink( os.path.abspath(indexfile), os.path.join(directory, indexfile)) updateFile(outfile) ################################################################### ################################################################### ###################################################################
Example #2
Source File: From ga4gh-server with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def createBamHeader(self, baseHeader): """ Creates a new bam header based on the specified header from the parent BAM file. """ header = dict(baseHeader) newSequences = [] for index, referenceInfo in enumerate(header['SQ']): if index < self.numChromosomes: referenceName = referenceInfo['SN'] # The sequence dictionary in the BAM file has to match up # with the sequence ids in the data, so we must be sure # that these still match up. assert referenceName == self.chromosomes[index] newReferenceInfo = { 'AS': self.referenceSetName, 'SN': referenceName, 'LN': 0, # FIXME 'UR': '', 'M5': 'dbb6e8ece0b5de29da56601613007c2a', # FIXME 'SP': 'Human' } newSequences.append(newReferenceInfo) header['SQ'] = newSequences return header
Example #3
Source File: From smallrnaseq with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_aligned_reads(samfile, collapsed=None, readcounts=None): """Get all aligned reads from a sam file into a pandas dataframe""" sam = HTSeq.SAM_Reader(str(samfile)) f=[] for a in sam: if a.aligned == True: seq = f.append((seq,,a.iv.chrom,a.iv.start,a.iv.end,a.iv.strand)) #else: # f.append((seq,,'_unmapped')) counts = pd.DataFrame(f, columns=['seq','read','name','start','end','strand']) counts['length'] = counts.seq.str.len() counts = counts.drop(['read'],1) if collapsed is not None: readcounts = read_collapsed_file(collapsed) if readcounts is not None: counts = counts.merge(readcounts, on='seq') counts['align_id'] = counts.index return counts
Example #4
Source File: From GelReportModels with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def parseArgs(self): description = "{} to {} conversion tool".format( self.inputFileFormat, self.outputFileFormat) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=description) inputHelpText = "the name of the {} file to read".format( self.inputFileFormat) parser.add_argument( "inputFile", help=inputHelpText) outputHelpText = "the name of the {} file to write".format( self.outputFileFormat) defaultOutputFilePath = "out.{}".format( self.outputFileFormat.lower()) parser.add_argument( "--outputFile", "-o", default=defaultOutputFilePath, help=outputHelpText) parser.add_argument( "--numLines", "-n", default=10, help="the number of lines to write") parser.add_argument( "--skipIndexing", default=False, action='store_true', help="don't create an index file") args = parser.parse_args() self.args = args
Example #5
Source File: From READemption with ISC License | 6 votes |
def sam_to_bam(self, sam_path, bam_path_prefix): if self._sam_file_is_empty(sam_path) is True: # pysam will generate an error if an emtpy SAM file will # be converted. Due to this an empty bam file with the # same header information will be generated from scratch self._generate_empty_bam_file(sam_path, bam_path_prefix) # Remove SAM file os.remove(sam_path) return temp_unsorted_bam_path = self._temp_unsorted_bam_path( bam_path_prefix) # Generate unsorted BAM file pysam.samtools.view( "-b", "-o{}".format(temp_unsorted_bam_path), sam_path, catch_stdout=False) # Generate sorted BAM file pysam.sort(temp_unsorted_bam_path, "-o", bam_path_prefix + ".bam") # Generate index for BAM file pysam.index("%s.bam" % bam_path_prefix) # Remove unsorted BAM file os.remove(temp_unsorted_bam_path) # Remove SAM file os.remove(sam_path)
Example #6
Source File: From medaka with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def rlebam(args): """Entry point for merging run length information for fast5s to bam.""" logger = medaka.common.get_named_logger('BAMDecor') read_index = medaka.common.read_key_value_tsv(args.read_index)"Found {} read in index\n".format(len(read_index))) def _ingress(): for line in sys.stdin: if line[0] == '@': yield line.rstrip(), None, None, None else: read_id, flag, _ = line.split('\t', 2) is_rev = bool(int(flag) & 16) fname = read_index[read_id] yield line.rstrip(), read_id, is_rev, fname with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor( max_workers=args.workers) as executor: for results in _rle_bam_hdf_worker, _ingress(), chunksize=10): print(results)
Example #7
Source File: From medaka with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def write_bam(fname, alignments, header, bam=True): """Write a `.bam` file for a set of alignments. :param fname: output filename. :param alignments: a list of `Alignment` tuples. :param header: bam header :param bam: write bam, else sam """ mode = 'wb' if bam else 'w' with pysam.AlignmentFile(fname, mode, header=header) as fh: for ref_id, subreads in enumerate(alignments): for aln in sorted(subreads, key=lambda x: x.rstart): a = pysam.AlignedSegment() a.reference_id = ref_id a.query_name = aln.qname a.query_sequence = aln.seq a.reference_start = aln.rstart a.cigarstring = aln.cigar a.flag = aln.flag a.mapping_quality = 60 fh.write(a) if mode == 'wb': pysam.index(fname)
Example #8
Source File: From altanalyze with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def exportIndexes(input_dir): import unique bam_dirs = unique.read_directory(input_dir) print 'Building BAM index files', for file in bam_dirs: if string.lower(file[-4:]) == '.bam': bam_dir = input_dir+'/'+file bamf = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_dir, "rb" ) ### Is there an indexed .bai for the BAM? Check. try: for entry in bamf.fetch(): codes = map(lambda x: x[0],entry.cigar) break except Exception: ### Make BAM Indexv lciv9df8scivx print '.', bam_dir = str(bam_dir) #On Windows, this indexing step will fail if the __init__ pysam file line 51 is not set to - catch_stdout = False pysam.index(bam_dir)
Example #9
Source File: From altanalyze with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def exportIndexes(input_dir): import unique bam_dirs = unique.read_directory(input_dir) print 'Building BAM index files', for file in bam_dirs: if string.lower(file[-4:]) == '.bam': bam_dir = input_dir+'/'+file bamf = pysam.Samfile(bam_dir, "rb" ) ### Is there an indexed .bai for the BAM? Check. try: for entry in bamf.fetch(): codes = map(lambda x: x[0],entry.cigar) break except Exception: ### Make BAM Indexv lciv9df8scivx print '.', bam_dir = str(bam_dir) #On Windows, this indexing step will fail if the __init__ pysam file line 51 is not set to - catch_stdout = False pysam.index(bam_dir) bamf = pysam.Samfile(bam_dir, "rb" )
Example #10
Source File: From Opossum with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def CigarIndex(cigar, pos) : position = 0 k = 0 # cigar index addpos = pos # extra positions for cigartype, cigarlength in cigar : position += cigarlength if position < pos : k += 1 addpos -= cigarlength else : return k, addpos # Converts string of cigar symbol characters into the format used by Pysam
Example #11
Source File: From CGATPipelines with MIT License | 6 votes |
def getMacsPeakShiftEstimate(infile): ''' Parses the peak shift estimate file from the estimateInsertSize function and returns the fragment size, which is used in the macs2 postprocessing steps as the "offset" for bed2table Parameters ---------- infile: str path to input file ''' with IOTools.openFile(infile, "r") as inf: header = inf.readline().strip().split("\t") values = inf.readline().strip().split("\t") fragment_size_mean_ix = header.index("fragmentsize_mean") fragment_size = int(float(values[fragment_size_mean_ix])) return fragment_size
Example #12
Source File: From CGATPipelines with MIT License | 6 votes |
def makeBamLink(currentname, newname): ''' Makes soft links to an existing bam file and its index - used instead of copying files. Generates and runs a command line statement. Parameters: currentname: str path to original file newname: str path to link location ''' cwd = os.getcwd() os.system(""" ln -s %(cwd)s/%(currentname)s %(cwd)s/%(newname)s; ln -s %(cwd)s/%(currentname)s.bai %(cwd)s/%(newname)s.bai; """ % locals())
Example #13
Source File: From CGATPipelines with MIT License | 6 votes |
def mergeBams(infile_list, outfile): infile_list = " ".join(infile_list) job_memory = "5G" statement = ("samtools merge - %(infile_list)s" " | samtools sort - -o %(outfile)s" " 2>%(outfile)s.log;" " checkpoint;" " samtools index %(outfile)s" " 2>%(outfile)s.bai.log") ########################################################################## ########################################################################## ########################################################################## # Run Peak Calling For IDR ##########################################################################
Example #14
Source File: From ga4gh-server with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _downloadBam(self, sample): samplePath = '{}/alignment/'.format(sample) study = self.studyMap[sample] sourceFileName = ( '{}.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.{}.' 'low_coverage.20120522.bam'.format(sample, study)) destFileName = os.path.join( self.dirName, "{}.bam".format(sample)) baseUrl = self.getBamBaseUrl() sampleUrl = os.path.join(baseUrl, samplePath, sourceFileName) indexUrl = sampleUrl + ".bai" localIndexFile = os.path.join(self.tempDir, sourceFileName + ".bai") self._downloadIndex(indexUrl, localIndexFile) remoteFile = pysam.AlignmentFile( sampleUrl, filepath_index=localIndexFile) header = self.createBamHeader(remoteFile.header) self.log("Writing '{}'".format(destFileName)) localFile = pysam.AlignmentFile( destFileName, 'wb', header=header) for chromosome in self.chromosomes: self.log("chromosome {}".format(chromosome)) iterator = remoteFile.fetch( chromosome.encode('utf-8'), start=self.chromMinMax.getMinPos(chromosome), end=self.chromMinMax.getMaxPos(chromosome)) for index, record in enumerate(iterator): # We only write records where we have the references # for the next mate. TODO we should take the positions # of these reads into account later when calculating # our reference bounds. if record.next_reference_id < self.numChromosomes: if index >= self.maxReads: break localFile.write(record) self.log("{} records written".format(index)) remoteFile.close() localFile.close() self.log("Indexing '{}'".format(destFileName)) pysam.index(destFileName.encode('utf-8')) self.bamFilePaths.append( (destFileName, destFileName + ".bai"))
Example #15
Source File: From CGATPipelines with MIT License | 5 votes |
def mergeSortIndex(bamfiles, out): ''' Merge bamfiles into a single sorted, indexed outfile. Generates and runs a command line statement. Example Statement: samtools merge ctmpljriXY.bam K9-13-1_filtered.bam K9-13-2_filtered.bam K9-13-3_filtered.bam; samtools sort ctmpljriXY.bam -o ctmpYH6llm.bam; samtools index ctmpYH6llm.bam; mv ctmpYH6llm.bam 13_Heart_pooled_filtered.bam; mv ctmpYH6llm.bam.bai 13_Heart_pooled_filtered.bam.bai; Parameters ---------- bamfiles: list list of paths to bam files to merge out: str path to output file ''' infiles = " ".join(bamfiles) T1 = P.getTempFilename(".") T2 = P.getTempFilename(".") statement = """samtools merge %(T1)s.bam %(infiles)s; samtools sort %(T1)s.bam -o %(T2)s.bam; samtools index %(T2)s.bam; mv %(T2)s.bam %(out)s; mv %(T2)s.bam.bai %(out)s.bai""" % locals() os.remove("%s.bam" % T1) os.remove(T1) os.remove(T2)
Example #16
Source File: From GelReportModels with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def convert(self): # set flags if self.inputFileFormat == AlignmentFileConstants.SAM: inputFlags = "r" elif self.inputFileFormat == AlignmentFileConstants.BAM: inputFlags = "rb" if self.outputFileFormat == AlignmentFileConstants.SAM: outputFlags = "wh" elif self.outputFileFormat == AlignmentFileConstants.BAM: outputFlags = "wb" # open files inputFile = pysam.AlignmentFile( self.args.inputFile, inputFlags) outputFile = pysam.AlignmentFile( self.args.outputFile, outputFlags, header=inputFile.header) outputFilePath = outputFile.filename log("Creating alignment file '{}'".format(outputFilePath)) # write new file for _ in range(self.args.numLines): alignedSegment = outputFile.write(alignedSegment) # clean up inputFile.close() outputFile.close() # create index file if (not self.args.skipIndexing and self.outputFileFormat == AlignmentFileConstants.BAM): indexFilePath = "{}.{}".format( outputFilePath, AlignmentFileConstants.BAI.lower()) log("Creating index file '{}'".format(indexFilePath)) pysam.index(outputFilePath)
Example #17
Source File: From CGATPipelines with MIT License | 5 votes |
def indexBam(infile, outfile): ''' index the reduced bam file ''' pysam.index(infile) ################################################################### ################################################################### ###################################################################
Example #18
Source File: From svviz with MIT License | 5 votes |
def saveReads(dataHub, nameExtra=None): if dataHub.args.save_reads:"* Saving relevant reads *") for i, sample in enumerate(dataHub): outbam_path = dataHub.args.save_reads if not outbam_path.endswith(".bam"): outbam_path += ".bam" if len(dataHub.samples) > 1: logging.debug("Using i = {}".format(i)) outbam_path = outbam_path.replace(".bam", ".{}.bam".format(i)) if nameExtra is not None: outbam_path = outbam_path.replace(".bam", ".{}.bam".format(nameExtra))" Outpath: {}".format(outbam_path)) # print out just the reads we're interested for use later bam_small = pysam.Samfile(outbam_path, "wb", template=sample.bam) for read in sample.reads: bam_small.write(read) for read in sample.readStatistics.reads: bam_small.write(read) bam_small.close() sorted_path = outbam_path.replace(".bam", ".sorted") pysam.sort(outbam_path, sorted_path) pysam.index(sorted_path+".bam")
Example #19
Source File: From ga4gh-server with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _downloadIndex(self, indexUrl, localIndexFile): self.log("Downloading index from {} to {}".format( indexUrl, localIndexFile)) response = urllib2.urlopen(indexUrl) with open(localIndexFile, "w") as destFile: destFile.write(
Example #20
Source File: From CGATPipelines with MIT License | 5 votes |
def buildSimpleNormalizedBAM(infiles, outfile, nreads): '''normalize a bam file to given number of counts by random sampling ''' infile, countfile = infiles pysam_in = pysam.Samfile(infile, "rb") fh = IOTools.openFile(countfile, "r") readcount = int( fh.close() threshold = float(nreads) / float(readcount) pysam_out = pysam.Samfile(outfile, "wb", template=pysam_in) # iterate over mapped reads thinning by the threshold ninput, noutput = 0, 0 for read in pysam_in.fetch(): ninput += 1 if random.random() <= threshold: pysam_out.write(read) noutput += 1 pysam_in.close() pysam_out.close() pysam.index(outfile)"buildNormalizedBam: %i input, %i output (%5.2f%%), should be %i" % (ninput, noutput, 100.0 * noutput / ninput, nreads))
Example #21
Source File: From CGATPipelines with MIT License | 5 votes |
def normalize(infile, larger_nreads, outfile, smaller_nreads): threshold = float(smaller_nreads) / float(larger_nreads) pysam_in = pysam.Samfile(infile, "rb") pysam_out = pysam.Samfile(outfile, "wb", template=pysam_in) for read in pysam_in.fetch(): if random.random() <= threshold: pysam_out.write(read) pysam_in.close() pysam_out.close() pysam.index(outfile) return outfile
Example #22
Source File: From CGATPipelines with MIT License | 5 votes |
def buildSimpleNormalizedBAM(bamfile, outfile, nreads): '''normalize a bam file to given number of counts by random sampling This method assumes that unmapped reads and multi-mapping reads have been removed from the :term:`bam` file. Arguments --------- bamfile : string Input file in :term:`bam` format. outfile : string Filename of output file in :term:`bam` format. nreads :int Number of reads to normalize to. ''' readcount = BamTools.getNumReads(bamfile) pysam_in = pysam.Samfile(bamfile, "rb") threshold = float(nreads) / float(readcount) pysam_out = pysam.Samfile(outfile, "wb", template=pysam_in) # iterate over mapped reads thinning by the threshold ninput, noutput = 0, 0 for read in pysam_in.fetch(): ninput += 1 if random.random() <= threshold: pysam_out.write(read) noutput += 1 pysam_in.close() pysam_out.close() pysam.index(outfile)"buildNormalizedBam: %i input, %i output (%5.2f%%), should be %i" % (ninput, noutput, 100.0 * noutput / ninput, nreads))
Example #23
Source File: From slamdunk with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def pysamIndex(outputBam): pysam.index(outputBam) # @UndefinedVariable
Example #24
Source File: From slamdunk with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def pysamIndex(outputBam): pysam.index(outputBam) # @UndefinedVariable
Example #25
Source File: From Opossum with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def ReadCigarLength(cigar, k=100) : if k < len(cigar) : cigarlist = cigar[:(k+1)] else : cigarlist = cigar l = sum([c[1] for c in cigarlist]) return l # Input cigar and pos denoting index within a cigar transformed into a string sequence. # Return what is the index in the original cigar and how many extra positions from the beginning # of this index is the current position.
Example #26
Source File: From Opossum with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def UpdateFlag(flag) : if (flag & 16) == 16 : return 16 else : return 0 # Returns the cigar length when cigar is expressed base by base, # up to the index k of cigarlist (default is a very large index)
Example #27
Source File: From Opossum with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def MatchingBases(md, cigar, FromBeginning) : if not FromBeginning : md = md[::-1] cigar = cigar[::-1] i = 0 # md index number = '' mlen = len(md) while i < mlen and md[i] in '0123456789' : number += md[i] i += 1 if not number : number = '0' if FromBeginning : number = int(number) else : number = int(number[::-1]) # Go through cigar to find possible inserts clen = 0 for cigartype, cigarlength in cigar : if cigartype in [1,3] : break elif cigartype == 5 : pass else : clen += cigarlength if number < clen : number += AddClips(cigar, True) # cigar has been reversed here! return min(number, clen) # Takes flag as input and returns whether alignment is primary (True) or not (False). # If additional input parameter is set to True, then also check whether read is properly # paired (definition of properly paired depends on mapper).
Example #28
Source File: From ga4gh-server with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def parseArgs(self): description = "{} to {} conversion tool".format( self.inputFileFormat, self.outputFileFormat) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=description) inputHelpText = "the name of the {} file to read".format( self.inputFileFormat) parser.add_argument( "inputFile", help=inputHelpText) outputHelpText = "the name of the {} file to write".format( self.outputFileFormat) defaultOutputFilePath = "out.{}".format( self.outputFileFormat.lower()) parser.add_argument( "--outputFile", "-o", default=defaultOutputFilePath, help=outputHelpText) parser.add_argument( "--numLines", "-n", default=10, help="the number of lines to write") parser.add_argument( "--skipIndexing", default=False, action='store_true', help="don't create an index file") args = parser.parse_args() self.args = args
Example #29
Source File: From ga4gh-server with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def convert(self): # set flags if self.inputFileFormat == AlignmentFileConstants.SAM: inputFlags = "r" elif self.inputFileFormat == AlignmentFileConstants.BAM: inputFlags = "rb" if self.outputFileFormat == AlignmentFileConstants.SAM: outputFlags = "wh" elif self.outputFileFormat == AlignmentFileConstants.BAM: outputFlags = "wb" # open files inputFile = pysam.AlignmentFile( self.args.inputFile, inputFlags) outputFile = pysam.AlignmentFile( self.args.outputFile, outputFlags, header=inputFile.header) outputFilePath = outputFile.filename utils.log("Creating alignment file '{}'".format(outputFilePath)) # write new file for _ in xrange(self.args.numLines): alignedSegment = outputFile.write(alignedSegment) # clean up inputFile.close() outputFile.close() # create index file if (not self.args.skipIndexing and self.outputFileFormat == AlignmentFileConstants.BAM): indexFilePath = "{}.{}".format( outputFilePath, AlignmentFileConstants.BAI.lower()) utils.log("Creating index file '{}'".format(indexFilePath)) pysam.index(outputFilePath)
Example #30
Source File: From CGATPipelines with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getContigSizes(idx): idx_file = pd.read_csv(idx, "\t", header=None, names=["Name", "Length", "Mapped", "Unmapped"]) contigs = idx_file[['Name', 'Length']] contig_file = idx.replace(".idxstats", ".contig") contigs.to_csv(contig_file, sep="\t", header=None, index=None) return contig_file