Python tensorflow.python.ops.math_ops.floor() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of tensorflow.python.ops.math_ops.floor(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module tensorflow.python.ops.math_ops , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self,
    parameters = locals()
    with ops.name_scope(name, values=[df, scale]):
      super(StudentTWithAbsDfSoftplusScale, self).__init__(
          scale=nn.softplus(scale, name="softplus_scale"),
    self._parameters = parameters 
Example #2
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None):
    # Uniform variates must be sampled from the open-interval `(0, 1)` rather
    # than `[0, 1)`. To do so, we use `np.finfo(self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype).tiny`
    # because it is the smallest, positive, "normal" number. A "normal" number
    # is such that the mantissa has an implicit leading 1. Normal, positive
    # numbers x, y have the reasonable property that, `x + y >= max(x, y)`. In
    # this case, a subnormal number (i.e., np.nextafter) can cause us to sample
    # 0.
    sampled = random_ops.random_uniform(
        array_ops.concat([[n], array_ops.shape(self._probs)], 0),

    return math_ops.floor(
        math_ops.log(sampled) / math_ops.log1p(-self.probs)) 
Example #3
Source File:    From Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self,
    parameters = locals()
    with ops.name_scope(name, values=[df, scale]):
      super(StudentTWithAbsDfSoftplusScale, self).__init__(
          scale=nn.softplus(scale, name="softplus_scale"),
    self._parameters = parameters 
Example #4
Source File:    From keras-lambda with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _mode(self):
    return math_ops.floor(self.lam) 
Example #5
Source File:    From BiBloSA with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha= -1.7580993408473766, fixedPointMean=0.0, fixedPointVar=1.0,
                 noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None, training=False):
    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""

    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the "
                                             "range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")

        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")

        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x

        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1-binary_tensor)

        a = math_ops.sqrt(fixedPointVar / (keep_prob *((1-keep_prob) * math_ops.pow(alpha-fixedPointMean,2) + fixedPointVar)))

        b = fixedPointMean - a * (keep_prob * fixedPointMean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training,
            lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
            lambda: array_ops.identity(x)) 
Example #6
Source File:    From keras-lambda with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _cdf(self, x):
    x = self._assert_valid_sample(x, check_integer=False)
    return math_ops.igammac(math_ops.floor(x + 1), self.lam) 
Example #7
Source File:    From keras-lambda with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def setUp(self):
    super(CoreUnaryOpsTest, self).setUp()

    self.ops = [
        ('abs', operator.abs, math_ops.abs, core.abs_function),
        ('neg', operator.neg, math_ops.negative, core.neg),
        # TODO(shoyer): add unary + to core TensorFlow
        ('pos', None, None, None),
        ('sign', None, math_ops.sign, core.sign),
        ('reciprocal', None, math_ops.reciprocal, core.reciprocal),
        ('square', None, math_ops.square, core.square),
        ('round', None, math_ops.round, core.round_function),
        ('sqrt', None, math_ops.sqrt, core.sqrt),
        ('rsqrt', None, math_ops.rsqrt, core.rsqrt),
        ('log', None, math_ops.log, core.log),
        ('exp', None, math_ops.exp, core.exp),
        ('log', None, math_ops.log, core.log),
        ('ceil', None, math_ops.ceil, core.ceil),
        ('floor', None, math_ops.floor, core.floor),
        ('cos', None, math_ops.cos, core.cos),
        ('sin', None, math_ops.sin, core.sin),
        ('tan', None, math_ops.tan, core.tan),
        ('acos', None, math_ops.acos, core.acos),
        ('asin', None, math_ops.asin, core.asin),
        ('atan', None, math_ops.atan, core.atan),
        ('lgamma', None, math_ops.lgamma, core.lgamma),
        ('digamma', None, math_ops.digamma, core.digamma),
        ('erf', None, math_ops.erf, core.erf),
        ('erfc', None, math_ops.erfc, core.erfc),
        ('lgamma', None, math_ops.lgamma, core.lgamma),
    total_size =[v.size for v in self.original_lt.axes.values()])
    self.test_lt = core.LabeledTensor(
        math_ops.cast(self.original_lt, dtypes.float32) / total_size,
Example #8
Source File:    From keras-lambda with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _mode(self):
    return math_ops.floor((self._n + 1) * self._p) 
Example #9
Source File:    From keras-lambda with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self,
    parameters = locals()
    with ops.name_scope(name, values=[df]) as ns:
      super(Chi2WithAbsDf, self).__init__(
          df=math_ops.floor(math_ops.abs(df, name="abs_df"),
    self._parameters = parameters 
Example #10
Source File:    From keras-lambda with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _cdf(self, y):
    lower_cutoff = self._lower_cutoff
    upper_cutoff = self._upper_cutoff

    # Recall the promise:
    # cdf(y) := P[Y <= y]
    #         = 1, if y >= upper_cutoff,
    #         = 0, if y < lower_cutoff,
    #         = P[X <= y], otherwise.

    # P[Y <= j] = P[floor(Y) <= j] since mass is only at integers, not in
    # between.
    j = math_ops.floor(y)

    # P[X <= j], used when lower_cutoff < X < upper_cutoff.
    result_so_far = self.distribution.cdf(j)

    # Broadcast, because it's possible that this is a single distribution being
    # evaluated on a number of samples, or something like that.
    j += array_ops.zeros_like(result_so_far)

    # Re-define values at the cutoffs.
    if lower_cutoff is not None:
      result_so_far = array_ops.where(j < lower_cutoff,
    if upper_cutoff is not None:
      result_so_far = array_ops.where(j >= upper_cutoff,

    return result_so_far 
Example #11
Source File:    From keras-lambda with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _log_cdf(self, y):
    lower_cutoff = self._lower_cutoff
    upper_cutoff = self._upper_cutoff

    # Recall the promise:
    # cdf(y) := P[Y <= y]
    #         = 1, if y >= upper_cutoff,
    #         = 0, if y < lower_cutoff,
    #         = P[X <= y], otherwise.

    # P[Y <= j] = P[floor(Y) <= j] since mass is only at integers, not in
    # between.
    j = math_ops.floor(y)

    result_so_far = self.distribution.log_cdf(j)

    # Broadcast, because it's possible that this is a single distribution being
    # evaluated on a number of samples, or something like that.
    j += array_ops.zeros_like(result_so_far)

    # Re-define values at the cutoffs.
    if lower_cutoff is not None:
      neg_inf = -np.inf * array_ops.ones_like(result_so_far)
      result_so_far = array_ops.where(j < lower_cutoff, neg_inf, result_so_far)
    if upper_cutoff is not None:
      result_so_far = array_ops.where(j >= upper_cutoff,

    return result_so_far 
Example #12
Source File:    From ReSAN with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha= -1.7580993408473766, fixedPointMean=0.0, fixedPointVar=1.0,
                 noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None, training=False):
    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""

    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the "
                                             "range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")

        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")

        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x

        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1-binary_tensor)

        a = math_ops.sqrt(fixedPointVar / (keep_prob *((1-keep_prob) * math_ops.pow(alpha-fixedPointMean,2) + fixedPointVar)))

        b = fixedPointMean - a * (keep_prob * fixedPointMean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training,
            lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
            lambda: array_ops.identity(x)) 
Example #13
Source File:    From BiBloSA with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha= -1.7580993408473766, fixedPointMean=0.0, fixedPointVar=1.0,
                 noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None, training=False):
    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""

    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the "
                                             "range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")

        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")

        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x

        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1-binary_tensor)

        a = math_ops.sqrt(fixedPointVar / (keep_prob *((1-keep_prob) * math_ops.pow(alpha-fixedPointMean,2) + fixedPointVar)))

        b = fixedPointMean - a * (keep_prob * fixedPointMean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training,
            lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
            lambda: array_ops.identity(x)) 
Example #14
Source File:    From deep-quant with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _input_dropout(self,inputs):
        # This implementation of dropout dropouts an entire feature along the time dim
        random_tensor = self._keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform([self._batch_size,self._num_inputs],
        random_tensor = tf.tile(random_tensor,[1,self._max_unrollings])
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)

        ret = math_ops.div(inputs, self._keep_prob) * binary_tensor

        return ret 
Example #15
Source File:    From BiBloSA with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha= -1.7580993408473766, fixedPointMean=0.0, fixedPointVar=1.0,
                 noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None, training=False):
    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""

    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the "
                                             "range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")

        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")

        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x

        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1-binary_tensor)

        a = math_ops.sqrt(fixedPointVar / (keep_prob *((1-keep_prob) * math_ops.pow(alpha-fixedPointMean,2) + fixedPointVar)))

        b = fixedPointMean - a * (keep_prob * fixedPointMean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training,
            lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
            lambda: array_ops.identity(x)) 
Example #16
Source File:    From BiBloSA with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha= -1.7580993408473766, fixedPointMean=0.0, fixedPointVar=1.0,
                 noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None, training=False):
    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""

    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the "
                                             "range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")

        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")

        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x

        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1-binary_tensor)

        a = math_ops.sqrt(fixedPointVar / (keep_prob *((1-keep_prob) * math_ops.pow(alpha-fixedPointMean,2) + fixedPointVar)))

        b = fixedPointMean - a * (keep_prob * fixedPointMean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training,
            lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
            lambda: array_ops.identity(x)) 
Example #17
Source File:    From BiBloSA with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha= -1.7580993408473766, fixedPointMean=0.0, fixedPointVar=1.0,
                 noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None, training=False):
    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""

    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the "
                                             "range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")

        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")

        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x

        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1-binary_tensor)

        a = math_ops.sqrt(fixedPointVar / (keep_prob *((1-keep_prob) * math_ops.pow(alpha-fixedPointMean,2) + fixedPointVar)))

        b = fixedPointMean - a * (keep_prob * fixedPointMean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training,
            lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
            lambda: array_ops.identity(x)) 
Example #18
Source File:    From ReSAN with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha= -1.7580993408473766, fixedPointMean=0.0, fixedPointVar=1.0,
                 noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None, training=False):
    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""

    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the "
                                             "range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")

        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")

        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x

        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1-binary_tensor)

        a = math_ops.sqrt(fixedPointVar / (keep_prob *((1-keep_prob) * math_ops.pow(alpha-fixedPointMean,2) + fixedPointVar)))

        b = fixedPointMean - a * (keep_prob * fixedPointMean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training,
            lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
            lambda: array_ops.identity(x)) 
Example #19
Source File:    From BiBloSA with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha= -1.7580993408473766, fixedPointMean=0.0, fixedPointVar=1.0,
                 noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None, training=False):
    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""

    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the "
                                             "range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")

        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")

        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x

        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1-binary_tensor)

        a = math_ops.sqrt(fixedPointVar / (keep_prob *((1-keep_prob) * math_ops.pow(alpha-fixedPointMean,2) + fixedPointVar)))

        b = fixedPointMean - a * (keep_prob * fixedPointMean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training,
            lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
            lambda: array_ops.identity(x)) 
Example #20
Source File:    From ReSAN with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha= -1.7580993408473766, fixedPointMean=0.0, fixedPointVar=1.0,
                 noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None, training=False):
    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""

    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the "
                                             "range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")

        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")

        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x

        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1-binary_tensor)

        a = math_ops.sqrt(fixedPointVar / (keep_prob *((1-keep_prob) * math_ops.pow(alpha-fixedPointMean,2) + fixedPointVar)))

        b = fixedPointMean - a * (keep_prob * fixedPointMean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training,
            lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
            lambda: array_ops.identity(x)) 
Example #21
Source File:    From DiSAN with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha= -1.7580993408473766, fixedPointMean=0.0, fixedPointVar=1.0,
                 noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None, training=False):
    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""

    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the "
                                             "range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")

        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")

        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x

        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1-binary_tensor)

        a = math_ops.sqrt(fixedPointVar / (keep_prob *((1-keep_prob) * math_ops.pow(alpha-fixedPointMean,2) + fixedPointVar)))

        b = fixedPointMean - a * (keep_prob * fixedPointMean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training,
            lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
            lambda: array_ops.identity(x)) 
Example #22
Source File:    From DiSAN with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha= -1.7580993408473766, fixedPointMean=0.0, fixedPointVar=1.0,
                 noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None, training=False):
    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""

    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the "
                                             "range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")

        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")

        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x

        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1-binary_tensor)

        a = math_ops.sqrt(fixedPointVar / (keep_prob *((1-keep_prob) * math_ops.pow(alpha-fixedPointMean,2) + fixedPointVar)))

        b = fixedPointMean - a * (keep_prob * fixedPointMean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training,
            lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
            lambda: array_ops.identity(x)) 
Example #23
Source File:    From GtS with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _variational_recurrent_dropout_value(
      self, index, value, noise, keep_prob):
    """Performs dropout given the pre-calculated noise tensor."""
    # uniform [keep_prob, 1.0 + keep_prob)
    random_tensor = keep_prob + noise

    # 0. if [keep_prob, 1.0) and 1. if [1.0, 1.0 + keep_prob)
    binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
    ret = math_ops.div(value, keep_prob) * binary_tensor
    return ret 
Example #24
Source File:    From AmusingPythonCodes with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha=-my_alpha * my_lambda, fixed_point_mean=my_fixed_point_mean,
                 fixed_point_var=my_fixed_point_var, noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None, training=False):

    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""
    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the "
                             "range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")

        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")

        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x

        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1 - binary_tensor)

        a = tf.sqrt(fixed_point_var / (keep_prob * ((1 - keep_prob) * tf.pow(alpha - fixed_point_mean, 2) +
        b = fixed_point_mean - a * (keep_prob * fixed_point_mean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training, lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
                                lambda: array_ops.identity(x)) 
Example #25
Source File:    From AmusingPythonCodes with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha= -1.7580993408473766, fixedPointMean=0.0, fixedPointVar=1.0,
                 noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None, training=False):
    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""

    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the "
                                             "range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")

        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")

        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x

        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1-binary_tensor)

        a = math_ops.sqrt(fixedPointVar / (keep_prob *((1-keep_prob) * math_ops.pow(alpha-fixedPointMean,2) + fixedPointVar)))

        b = fixedPointMean - a * (keep_prob * fixedPointMean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training,
            lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
            lambda: array_ops.identity(x)) 
Example #26
Source File:    From AmusingPythonCodes with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha=-1.7580993408473766, fixedPointMean=0.0, fixedPointVar=1.0,
                 noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None, training=False):
    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""

    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")
        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")
        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x
        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1 - binary_tensor)
        a = tf.sqrt(fixedPointVar / (keep_prob * ((1 - keep_prob) * tf.pow(alpha - fixedPointMean, 2) + fixedPointVar)))
        b = fixedPointMean - a * (keep_prob * fixedPointMean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training, lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
                                lambda: array_ops.identity(x))

# (3) Scale input to zero mean and unit variance 
Example #27
Source File:    From AmusingPythonCodes with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha=-1.7580993408473766, fixedPointMean=0.0, fixedPointVar=1.0, noise_shape=None, seed=None,
                 name=None, training=False):

    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""
    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")

        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")

        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x

        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1 - binary_tensor)

        a = math_ops.sqrt(
            fixedPointVar / (keep_prob * ((1 - keep_prob) * math_ops.pow(alpha - fixedPointMean, 2) + fixedPointVar)))

        b = fixedPointMean - a * (keep_prob * fixedPointMean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training, lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
                                lambda: array_ops.identity(x)) 
Example #28
Source File:    From AmusingPythonCodes with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha=-1.7580993408473766, fixed_point_mean=0.0, fixed_point_var=1.0, noise_shape=None,
                 seed=None, name=None, training=False):

    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""
    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the "
                             "range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")
        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")
        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x
        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1 - binary_tensor)
        a = tf.sqrt(fixed_point_var / (keep_prob * ((1 - keep_prob) * tf.pow(alpha - fixed_point_mean, 2) + fixed_point_var)))
        b = fixed_point_mean - a * (keep_prob * fixed_point_mean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training, lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
                                lambda: array_ops.identity(x))

# (3) Input data scaled to zero mean and unit variance
# (1) Scale input to zero mean and unit variance 
Example #29
Source File:    From pointwise with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def dropout_selu(x, rate, alpha= -1.7580993408473766, fixedPointMean=0.0, fixedPointVar=1.0,
                 noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None, training=False):
    """Dropout to a value with rescaling."""

    def dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name):
        keep_prob = 1.0 - rate
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if isinstance(keep_prob, numbers.Real) and not 0 < keep_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("keep_prob must be a scalar tensor or a float in the "
                                             "range (0, 1], got %g" % keep_prob)
        keep_prob = ops.convert_to_tensor(keep_prob, dtype=x.dtype, name="keep_prob")

        alpha = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha, dtype=x.dtype, name="alpha")

        if tensor_util.constant_value(keep_prob) == 1:
            return x

        noise_shape = noise_shape if noise_shape is not None else array_ops.shape(x)
        random_tensor = keep_prob
        random_tensor += random_ops.random_uniform(noise_shape, seed=seed, dtype=x.dtype)
        binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
        ret = x * binary_tensor + alpha * (1-binary_tensor)

        a = math_ops.sqrt(fixedPointVar / (keep_prob *((1-keep_prob) * math_ops.pow(alpha-fixedPointMean,2) + fixedPointVar)))

        b = fixedPointMean - a * (keep_prob * fixedPointMean + (1 - keep_prob) * alpha)
        ret = a * ret + b
        return ret

    with ops.name_scope(name, "dropout", [x]) as name:
        return utils.smart_cond(training,
            lambda: dropout_selu_impl(x, rate, alpha, noise_shape, seed, name),
            lambda: array_ops.identity(x)) 
Example #30
Source File:    From RGAN with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _variational_recurrent_dropout_value(
      self, index, value, noise, keep_prob):
    """Performs dropout given the pre-calculated noise tensor."""
    # uniform [keep_prob, 1.0 + keep_prob)
    random_tensor = keep_prob + noise

    # 0. if [keep_prob, 1.0) and 1. if [1.0, 1.0 + keep_prob)
    binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
    ret = math_ops.div(value, keep_prob) * binary_tensor
    return ret