Python ipywidgets.HTML Examples
The following are 30
code examples of ipywidgets.HTML().
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Example #1
Source File: From ipygee with MIT License | 8 votes |
def renderWidget(chart, width=None, height=None): """ Render a pygal chart into a Jupyter Notebook """ from ipywidgets import HTML b64 = base64.b64encode(chart.render()).decode('utf-8') src = 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8;base64,'+b64 if width and not height: html = '<embed src={} width={}></embed>'.format(src, width) elif height and not width: html = '<embed src={} height={}></embed>'.format(src, height) elif width and height: html = '<embed src={} height={} width={}></embed>'.format(src, height, width) else: html = '<embed src={}>'.format(src) return HTML(html)
Example #2
Source File: From dask-gateway with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _widget(self): if not hasattr(self, "_cached_widget"): try: import ipywidgets children = [ipywidgets.HTML("<h2>Cluster Options</h2>")] children.extend([f.widget() for f in self._fields.values()]) column = ipywidgets.Box( children=children, layout=ipywidgets.Layout( display="flex", flex_flow="column", align_items="stretch" ), ) widget = ipywidgets.Box(children=[column]) except ImportError: widget = None object.__setattr__(self, "_cached_widget", widget) return self._cached_widget
Example #3
Source File: From dask-gateway with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def widget(self): import ipywidgets def handler(change): self.set( input = self._widget() input.observe(handler, "value") self._widgets.add(input) label = ipywidgets.HTML( "<p style='font-weight: bold; margin-right: 8px'>%s:</p>" % self.label ) row = ipywidgets.Box( children=[label, input], layout=ipywidgets.Layout( display="flex", flex_flow="row wrap", justify_content="space-between" ), ) return row
Example #4
Source File: From notebook-molecular-visualization with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_header(self): img =, '_static_data/img/banner.png'), 'r+b').read() encoded = base64.b64encode(img).decode('ascii') img = '<img style="max-width:100%" src=data:image/png;base64,'+('%s>'%encoded) links = [self._makelink(*args) for args in (("", 'About'), ("", 'Issues'), ("", "Tutorials"), ('', 'Documentation'), ('', 'Adsk LifeSci') )] linkbar = ' '.join(links) return ipy.HTML(("<span style='float:left;font-size:0.8em;font-weight:bold'>Version: " "{version}</span>" "<span style='float:right'>{linkbar}</span>" "<p>{img}</p>").format(img=img, linkbar=linkbar, version=mdt.__version__))
Example #5
Source File: From qiskit-ibmq-provider with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _title_builder(sel_dict: dict) -> str: """Build the title string for the jobs table. Args: sel_dict: Dictionary containing information on jobs. Returns: HTML string for title. """ if 'day' not in sel_dict.keys(): title_str = 'Jobs in {mon} {yr} ({num})'.format(mon=MONTH_NAMES[sel_dict['month']], yr=sel_dict['year'], num=len(sel_dict['jobs'])) else: title_str = 'Jobs on {day} {mon} {yr} ({num})'.format(day=sel_dict['day'], mon=MONTH_NAMES[sel_dict['month']], yr=sel_dict['year'], num=len(sel_dict['jobs'])) return "<h4>{}</h4>".format(title_str)
Example #6
Source File: From qiskit-ibmq-provider with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_labels() -> widgets.HBox: """Makes the labels widget. Returns: The labels widget. """ labels0 = widgets.HTML(value="<h5>Job ID</h5>", layout=widgets.Layout(width='190px')) labels1 = widgets.HTML(value='<h5>Backend</h5>', layout=widgets.Layout(width='165px')) labels2 = widgets.HTML(value='<h5>Status</h5>', layout=widgets.Layout(width='125px')) labels3 = widgets.HTML(value='<h5>Est. Start Time</h5>', layout=widgets.Layout(width='100px')) labels = widgets.HBox(children=[labels0, labels1, labels2, labels3], layout=widgets.Layout(width='700px', margin='0px 0px 0px 35px')) return labels
Example #7
Source File: From notebook-molecular-visualization with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, pyname, getversion=False): self.displays = {} self.pyname = pyname self.getversion = getversion self.nbv_display = VBox() self.widgets_display = VBox() self.warning = ipywidgets.HTML() super().__init__() children = [ipywidgets.HTML("<h4><center>%s</center></h4>" % self.pyname, layout=ipywidgets.Layout(align_self='center')), ipywidgets.HTML(self.HEADER)] for location in install.nbextension_ordered_paths(): self.state = install.get_installed_versions(self.pyname, self.getversion) props = self._get_props(location) self.displays[location] = ExtensionInstallLocation(self, props) children.append(self.displays[location]) children.append(self.warning) self.children = children self._highlight_active()
Example #8
Source File: From notebook-molecular-visualization with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, parent, props): super().__init__(layout=ipywidgets.Layout(align_items='flex-end')) self.parent = parent self.props = props self.install_button = ipywidgets.Button() self.install_button.add_class('nbv-table-row') self.remove_button = ipywidgets.Button(description='remove') self.remove_button.add_class('nbv-table-row') self.html = ipywidgets.HTML() if self.props['writable'] == 'INSTALLED': self.chidlren = (self.html,) else: self.children = (self.html, self.install_button, self.remove_button) self.install_button.on_click(self.install) self.remove_button.on_click(self.uninstall) self.rerender()
Example #9
Source File: From notebook-molecular-visualization with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, image, client): self._err = False self._client = client self.image = image self.status = ipy.HTML(layout=ipy.Layout(width="20px")) self.html = ipy.HTML(value=image, layout=ipy.Layout(width="400px")) self.html.add_class('nbv-monospace') self.msg = ipy.HTML(layout=ipy.Layout(width='300px')) self.button = ipy.Button(layout=ipy.Layout(width='100px')) if mdt.compute.config.devmode: self.button.on_click(self.rebuild) else: self.button.on_click(self.pull) self._reactivate_button() self._set_status_value() super().__init__(children=[self.status, self.html, self.button, self.msg])
Example #10
Source File: From notebook-molecular-visualization with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _set_tool_state(self, *args): """ Observes the `viewer.selected_atom_indices` list and updates the tool panel accordingly Returns: Tuple(ipywidgets.BaseWidget): children of the tool panel """ atoms = self.viewer.selected_atoms with self.viewer.hold_trait_notifications(): for shape in self._widgetshapes.values(): if shape == '_axes': self.viewer.draw_axes(False) else: self.viewer.remove(shape) self._widgetshapes = {} if len(atoms) == 1: self._setup_atom_tools(atoms) elif len(atoms) == 2: self._setup_distance_tools(atoms) elif len(atoms) == 3: self._setup_angle_tools(atoms) elif len(atoms) == 4: self._setup_dihedral_tools(atoms) else: self.tool_holder.children = (ipy.HTML('Please click on 1-4 atoms'),)
Example #11
Source File: From notebook-molecular-visualization with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, format=None, *args, **kwargs): description = kwargs.pop('description', 'FloatSlider') min = kwargs.setdefault('min', 0.0) max = kwargs.setdefault('max', 10.0) self.formatstring = format self.header = ipy.HTML() self.readout = ipy.Text(layout=ipy.Layout(width='100px')) self.readout.on_submit(self.parse_value) kwargs.setdefault('readout', False) self.slider = ipy.FloatSlider(*args, **process_widget_kwargs(kwargs)) self.minlabel = ipy.HTML(u'<font size=1.5>{}</font>'.format(self.formatstring.format(min))) self.maxlabel = ipy.HTML(u'<font size=1.5>{}</font>'.format(self.formatstring.format(max))) self.sliderbox = HBox([self.minlabel, self.slider, self.maxlabel]), 'description'), (self.header, 'value')), 'value'), (self.slider, 'value')) self.description = description self.update_readout() super().__init__([self.header, self.readout, self.sliderbox])
Example #12
Source File: From qiskit-terra with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_labels(): """Makes the labels widget. Returns: widget: The labels widget. """ labels0 = widgets.HTML(value="<h5>Job ID</h5>", layout=widgets.Layout(width='190px')) labels1 = widgets.HTML(value='<h5>Backend</h5>', layout=widgets.Layout(width='145px')) labels2 = widgets.HTML(value='<h5>Status</h5>', layout=widgets.Layout(width='95px')) labels3 = widgets.HTML(value='<h5>Queue</h5>', layout=widgets.Layout(width='70px')) labels4 = widgets.HTML(value='<h5>Message</h5>') labels = widgets.HBox(children=[labels0, labels1, labels2, labels3, labels4], layout=widgets.Layout(width='600px', margin='0px 0px 0px 37px')) return labels
Example #13
Source File: From threeML with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def animate(self, iteration): # We only update the progress bar if the progress has gone backward, # or if the progress has increased by at least 1%. This is to avoid # updating it too much, which would fill log files in text mode, # or slow down the computation in HTML mode this_percent = iteration / float(self._iterations) * 100.0 if this_percent - self._last_printed_percent < 0 or (this_percent - self._last_printed_percent) >= 1: self._last_iteration = self._animate(iteration) self._last_printed_percent = this_percent else: self._last_iteration = iteration
Example #14
Source File: From traffic with MIT License | 6 votes |
def point_leaflet(point: "PointMixin", **kwargs) -> Marker: """Returns a Leaflet layer to be directly added to a Map. .. warning:: This is only available if the Leaflet `plugin <plugins.html>`_ is activated. (true by default) The elements passed as kwargs as passed as is to the Marker constructor. """ default = dict() if hasattr(point, "name"): default["title"] = kwargs = {**default, **kwargs} marker = Marker(location=(point.latitude, point.longitude), **kwargs) label = HTML() label.value = repr(point) marker.popup = label return marker
Example #15
Source File: From lantern with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self): self._sc = Sidecar(title='Variables') get_ipython().user_ns_hidden['widgets'] = widgets get_ipython().user_ns_hidden['NamespaceMagics'] = NamespaceMagics self.closed = False self.namespace = NamespaceMagics() = get_ipython() self._box = widgets.Box() self._box.layout.overflow_y = 'scroll' self._table = widgets.HTML(value='Not hooked') self._box.children = [self._table] self._ipython = get_ipython()'post_run_cell', self._fill)
Example #16
Source File: From notebook-molecular-visualization with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, paramlist, paramdefs, title=None): super(Configurator, self).__init__(layout=ipy.Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='column', align_self='flex-start', align_items='stretch', max_width='100%')) self.paramlist = paramlist self.paramdefs = paramdefs self.apply_button = ipy.Button(description='Apply') self.apply_button.on_click(self.apply_values) self.reset_button = ipy.Button(description='Reset') self.reset_button.on_click(self.reset_values) self.buttons = ipy.Box([self.reset_button, self.apply_button], layout=ipy.Layout(align_self='center')) self.selectors = collections.OrderedDict([(, ParamSelector(p)) for p in paramdefs]) self.reset_values() title = utils.if_not_none(title, 'Configuration') self.title = ipy.HTML('<center><h4>%s</h4></center><hr>' % title, align_self='center') self.currentconfig = ipy.Textarea(description='<i>Current params</i>', disabled=True, value=self._pretty_print_config(), layout=ipy.Layout(width='350px', min_height='300px', max_height='500px', display='flex', flex_flow='column')) self.middle = HBox([VBox(list(self.selectors.values())), self.currentconfig]) self.children = [self.title, self.middle, self.buttons]
Example #17
Source File: From threeML with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _setup(self): # Setup the widget, which is a bar between 0 and 100 self._bar = FloatProgress(min=0, max=100) # Set explicitly the bar to 0 self._bar.value = 0 # Setup also an HTML label (which will contain the progress, the elapsed time and the foreseen # completion time) self._title_cell = HTML() if self._title is not None: self._title_cell.value = "%s : " % self._title self._label = HTML() self._vbox = VBox(children=[self._title_cell, self._label, self._bar]) # Display everything display(self._vbox) self._animate(0)
Example #18
Source File: From CoolBox with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, browser, *args, **kwargs): chromosomes = browser.chrom_lengthes.keys() frame_widget = HTML() self.navigation_bar = NavigationBar(chromosomes, frame_widget) super().__init__(browser, frame_widget, *args, **kwargs)
Example #19
Source File: From notebook-molecular-visualization with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_controls(self): self.playbutton = ipy.Play(value=0, min=0, max=self.traj.num_frames-1) self.slider = ipy.IntSlider(value_selects='framenum', value=0, description='Frame:', min=0, max=len(self.traj)-1, readout=False) self.readout = ipy.HTML(value='/%d' % (self.traj.num_frames - 1)) self.annotation = ipy.HTML(), 'value'), (self.slider, 'value')), 'value'), (self, 'current_frame')) return VBox((self.annotation, HBox((self.playbutton, self.slider, self.readout))))
Example #20
Source File: From lddmm-ot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def my_iplot(figure_or_data, show_link=False, link_text='Export to', validate=True, image=None, filename='plot_image', image_width=800, image_height=600) : plot_html, plotdivid, width, height = _plot_html( figure_or_data, show_link, link_text, validate, '100%', 525, global_requirejs=True) #display(HTML(plot_html)) wid = widgets.HTML( value=plot_html, placeholder='Some HTML', description='Some HTML', disabled=False ) return (wid, plotdivid)
Example #21
Source File: From notebook-molecular-visualization with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, client): self.client = client images = self._get_images() self.header = ipy.HTML( '<span class="nbv-table-header" style="width:950px"">Image status</span>', layout=ipy.Layout(align_items='flex-end')) super().__init__([self.header] + [DockerImageView(im, client) for im in sorted(images)])
Example #22
Source File: From pySINDy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_construction_with_children(self): html = widgets.HTML('some html') slider = widgets.IntSlider() box = widgets.Box([html, slider]) children_state = box.get_state()['children'] assert children_state == [ widgets.widget._widget_to_json(html, None), widgets.widget._widget_to_json(slider, None), ]
Example #23
Source File: From notebook-molecular-visualization with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, xface): self.xface = xface if xface.is_installed(): if xface.version_flag: v = xface.get_installed_version() else: v = INSTALLED else: v = MISSING self.maintext = ipy.HTML( ('<span class="nbv-table-row nbv-width-med nbv-monospace">' ' {}</span> ' '<span class="nbv-table-row nbv-monospace nbv-width-sm">' ' {localversion}</span> ' '<span class="nbv-table-row nbv-monospace nbv-width-sm">' ' {xface.expectedversion}</span>' '<span class="nbv-width-sm nbv-table-row"> </span>' # empty space ) .format(xface=xface, localversion=v)) self.selector = ipy.ToggleButtons(options=['in docker', 'locally'], value='in docker', button_style='info') self.selector.add_class('nbv-width-lg') self.selector.add_class("nbv-table-row") self.selector.observe(self._toggle, 'value') self.path = ipy.HTML(layout=ipy.Layout(width='150px', font_size='x-small'), value=xface.path if xface.path is not None else '',) self.save_button = ipy.Button(description='Make default', layout=ipy.Layout(width='100px')) self.save_button.on_click(self.save_selection) self.save_button.add_class('nbv-table-row') children = [self.maintext, self.selector, self.save_button] super().__init__(children=children, layout=ipy.Layout(width='100%', align_items='flex-end'))
Example #24
Source File: From qiskit-ibmq-provider with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def jobs_tab(backend: Union[IBMQBackend, FakeBackend]) -> wid.HBox: """Construct a widget containing job information for an input backend. Args: backend: Input backend. Returns: An widget containing job summary. """ title = wid.HTML('<h4>Click graph to display jobs</h4>') table = wid.HTML('', layout=wid.Layout(max_height='500px', height='500px', width='100%', overflow='hidden scroll',)) sun_wid = _job_summary(backend) sun_wid._table = table sun_wid._title = title left = wid.Box(children=[sun_wid], layout=wid.Layout(width='40%', overflow='hidden hidden')) right = wid.VBox(children=[title, table], layout=wid.Layout(width='60%', overflow='hidden hidden')) out = wid.HBox(children=[left, right], layout=wid.Layout(max_height='500px', margin='10px')) return out
Example #25
Source File: From qiskit-ibmq-provider with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _job_table_builder(sel_dict: dict) -> str: """Build the job table. Args: sel_dict: Dictionary containing information on jobs. Returns: HTML string for job table. """ table_html = "<table>" table_html += """<style> table { width: auto !important; font-family:IBM Plex Sans, Arial, sans-serif !important; } th, td { text-align: left !important; padding: 5px !important; } tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f6f6f6 !important;} </style>""" table_html += "<tr><th>Date</th><th>Job ID / Name</th><th>Status</th></tr>" table_footer = "</table>" for jdata in sel_dict['jobs']: date_str = jdata[0].strftime("%H:%M %Z [%d/%b]") _temp_str = "<td>{time}</td><td>{jid}</td><td>{status}</td></tr>" # job has a name if jdata[2]: name = "{name} [{jid}]".format(name=jdata[2], jid=jdata[1]) else: name = jdata[1] table_html += _temp_str.format(time=date_str, jid=name, status=jdata[3]) table_html += table_footer return table_html
Example #26
Source File: From jupyter-cadquery with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, width=230, height=300): self.html = HTML( value="", layout=Layout(width=("%dpx" % width), height=("%dpx" % height), border="solid 1px #ddd", overflow="scroll")) self.width = width self.height = height self.number = 0 self.chunks = []
Example #27
Source File: From qkit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def control_panel(ric = None): from ipywidgets import Button, HTML,HBox,Accordion from IPython.core.display import display def fmt(inp): if inp is None: return "--" elif type(inp) is float: return "{:.4g}".format(inp) else: return str(inp) if ric is None: ric = qkit.ric def update_instrument_params(b): insdict = ric.get_all_instrument_params() for ins in sorted(insdict): if not ins in b.accordions: b.accordions[ins] = Accordion() table = "<table style='line-height:180%'>" # <tr style='font-weight:bold'><td> Parameter </td><td>Value</td></tr> for p in sorted(insdict[ins]): table += "<tr><td style='text-align:right;padding-right:10px'>" + str(p) + "</td><td>" + fmt(insdict[ins][p][0]) + insdict[ins][p][ 1] + "</td></tr>" table += """</table>""" b.accordions[ins].children = [HTML(table)] b.accordions[ins].set_title(0, ins) for child in b.accordions.keys(): if child not in insdict: del b.accordions[child] b.hbox.children = b.accordions.values() update_button = Button(description="Update") update_button.on_click(update_instrument_params) update_button.accordions = {} update_button.hbox = HBox() stop_button = Button(description="Stop measurement") stop_button.on_click(lambda b: qkit.ric.stop_measure()) stop_button.button_style = "danger" update_instrument_params(update_button) display(HBox([update_button,stop_button]),update_button.hbox)
Example #28
Source File: From qkit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def _update(self,param=""): if self._dummy: return display(Javascript("$('div#%s0').width('%i%%');" % (self.divid, 100*self.progr/self.max_it))) outp = "<table style='width:100%%;border:none'><tr style='border:none'><td style='border:none'>%s (%i/%i) </td><td style='border:none'>✈ %s </td><td style='border:none'>🕐 %s (estimated)</td><td style='border:none'>✚ %s (elapsed) </td><td style='border:none'>⚊ %s (remaining)</td></tr></table>"%(param, #"%s (%i/%i) ➤ ETA: %s ➤ Time elapsed: %s" %(param, self.progr, self.max_it, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d (%a) %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() + float(time.time()-self.start_eta_time)/(self.progr-(0 if self.progr == 1 else 1)) * (self.max_it - self.progr))), #ETA hourformat(self.start_eta_time-self.starttime+float(time.time()-self.start_eta_time)/(self.progr-(0 if self.progr == 1 else 1)) * (self.max_it )), #estimated hourformat(time.time()-self.starttime), #elapsed hourformat(float(time.time()-self.start_eta_time)/(self.progr-(0 if self.progr == 1 else 1)) * (self.max_it - self.progr))) #remaining if self.progr == 1: "this is a little academic, but the time between the first and the second iteration has usually a time lag." self.start_eta_time = time.time() #outp = "%s (%i/%i) ➤ ETA: %s ➤ Time elapsed: %s"%(param,self.progr,self.max_it,time.ctime(time.time() + float(time.time()-self.starttime)/self.progr * (self.max_it - self.progr)),time.strftime('%H:%M:%S',time.gmtime(time.time()-self.starttime))) display(Javascript("document.getElementById('%s_text').innerHTML = \"%s\";"%(self.divid,outp))) if self.progr == self.max_it: #end of progress bar #Turn the status bar into green #Delete all <div> containers outp = "%s (%i/%i) ✈ %s ✚ %s "%(param, #"%s (%i/%i) ➤ ETA: %s ➤ Time elapsed: %s" %(param, self.progr, self.max_it, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d (%a) %H:%M:%S'), hourformat(time.time()-self.starttime)) display(Javascript("document.getElementById('%s_title').parentNode.remove();"%self.divid)) #title self.pb = HTML( """ <div id="%st"> %s</div> <div id="%s" style="border: 1px solid black; width:900px;text-align: center; color:white; background-color:green;">%s </div> """ % (,,, outp)) display(self.pb)
Example #29
Source File: From qkit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, max_it, name = 'Progress:',est_cycle_time=None,dummy=False): if debug: print("old style progress bar") #create HTML progress bar self._dummy = dummy if self._dummy: return self.divid = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.max_it = max_it = name self.progr = 0 #delete existing progress bar with same name display(Javascript("if(document.getElementById('%st') !== null) document.getElementById('%st').parentNode.remove()"%(, #display(Javascript("if(document.getElementById('%s') !== null) document.getElementById('%s').remove()"%(, outp = "<table style='width:100%%;border:none'><tr style='border:none'><td style='border:none'>%s (%i/%i) </td><td style='border:none'>✈ %s </td><td style='border:none'>🕐 %s (estimated)</td><td style='border:none'>✚ %s (elapsed) </td><td style='border:none'>⚊ %s (remaining)</td></tr></table>"%("", 0, self.max_it, "-?-" if est_cycle_time==None else time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d (%a) %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() + est_cycle_time * self.max_it )), "--:--:--" if est_cycle_time==None else hourformat(est_cycle_time*self.max_it), "00:00:00", "--:--:--" if est_cycle_time==None else hourformat(est_cycle_time*self.max_it)) self.pb = HTML( """ <div id="%s_title"> %s</div> <div id="%s1" style="border: 1px solid black; width:900px"> <div id="%s0" style="text-align: center; color:white; background-color:blue; width:0%%"> </div> </div> <div id="%s_text">%s</div> """ % (self.divid,,self.divid,self.divid,self.divid,outp)) display(self.pb) display(Javascript("$('div#%s').width('%i%%')" % (self.divid, 100*self.progr/self.max_it))) sys.stdout.flush() self.starttime = time.time() self.start_eta_time = time.time()
Example #30
Source File: From qkit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self,max_it,name= 'Progress:',est_cycle_time=None,dummy=False): if debug: print("new style progress bar") self._dummy=dummy if self._dummy: return self.starttime = time.time() self.start_eta_time = self.starttime self.max_it = max_it = name self.progr = 0 #check for old (finished) progressbar with the same name for p in pb_list: if p[0] == p[1].close() p[2].close() self.pb = IntProgress( value=0, min=0, max=self.max_it,, layout={"width": "95%"}, ) self.pi = HTML( #value = "(0/%i) <br>✈ -?- <br>🕐 --:--:-- (estimated)<br>✚ 00:00:00 (elapsed) <br>⚊ --:--:-- (remaining)"% (self.max_it), value = "<table style='width:100%%'><tr><td>%s (%i/%i) </td><td>✈ %s </td><td>🕐 %s (estimated)</td><td>✚ %s (elapsed) </td><td>⚊ %s (remaining)</td></tr></table>"%("", 0, self.max_it, "-?-" if est_cycle_time==None else time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d (%a) %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() + est_cycle_time * self.max_it )), "--:--:--" if est_cycle_time==None else hourformat(est_cycle_time*self.max_it), "00:00:00", "--:--:--" if est_cycle_time==None else hourformat(est_cycle_time*self.max_it)), ) display(self.pi) display(self.pb)