Python numpy.average() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.average().
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Example #1
Source File: From Dispersion-based-Clustering with MIT License | 6 votes |
def linkage_calculation(self, dist, labels, penalty): cluster_num = len(self.label_to_images.keys()) start_index = np.zeros(cluster_num, end_index = np.zeros(cluster_num, counts=0 i=0 for key in sorted(self.label_to_images.keys()): start_index[i] = counts end_index[i] = counts + len(self.label_to_images[key]) counts = end_index[i] i=i+1 dist=dist.numpy() linkages = np.zeros([cluster_num, cluster_num]) for i in range(cluster_num): for j in range(i, cluster_num): linkage = dist[start_index[i]:end_index[i], start_index[j]:end_index[j]] linkages[i,j] = np.average(linkage) linkages = linkages.T + linkages - linkages * np.eye(cluster_num) intra = linkages.diagonal() penalized_linkages = linkages + penalty * ((intra * np.ones_like(linkages)).T + intra).T return linkages, penalized_linkages
Example #2
Source File: From discomll with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def reduce_fit(interface, state, label, inp): import numpy as np out = interface.output(0) out.add("X_names", state["X_names"]) forest = [] group_fillins = [] for i, (k, value) in enumerate(inp): if k == "tree": forest.append(value) elif len(value) > 0: group_fillins.append(value) out.add("forest", forest) fill_in_values = [] if len(group_fillins) > 0: for i, type in enumerate(state["X_meta"]): if type == "c": fill_in_values.append(np.average([sample[i] for sample in group_fillins])) else: fill_in_values.append(np.bincount([sample[i] for sample in group_fillins]).argmax()) out.add("fill_in_values", fill_in_values)
Example #3
Source File: From discomll with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def reduce_fit(interface, state, label, inp): import numpy as np out = interface.output(0) out.add("X_names", state["X_names"]) forest = [] group_fillins = [] for i, (k, value) in enumerate(inp): if k == "tree": forest.append(value) elif len(value) > 0: group_fillins.append(value) out.add("forest", forest) fill_in_values = [] if len(group_fillins) > 0: for i, type in enumerate(state["X_meta"]): if type == "c": fill_in_values.append(np.average([sample[i] for sample in group_fillins])) else: fill_in_values.append(np.bincount([sample[i] for sample in group_fillins]).argmax()) out.add("fill_in_values", fill_in_values)
Example #4
Source File: From Attentive-Filtering-Network with MIT License | 6 votes |
def utt_scores(scores, scp, utt2label): """return predictions and labels per utterance """ utt2len = ako.read_key_len(scp) utt2label = ako.read_key_label(utt2label) key_list = ako.read_all_key(scp) preds, labels = [], [] idx = 0 for key in key_list: frames_per_utt = utt2len[key] avg_scores = np.average(scores[idx:idx+frames_per_utt]) idx = idx + frames_per_utt preds.append(avg_scores) labels.append(utt2label[key]) return np.array(preds), np.array(labels)
Example #5
Source File: From Attentive-Filtering-Network with MIT License | 6 votes |
def utt_scores(scores, scp, utt2label): """return predictions and labels per utterance """ utt2len = ako.read_key_len(scp) utt2label = ako.read_key_label(utt2label) key_list = ako.read_all_key(scp) preds, labels = [], [] idx = 0 for key in key_list: frames_per_utt = utt2len[key] avg_scores = np.average(scores[idx:idx+frames_per_utt]) idx = idx + frames_per_utt preds.append(avg_scores) labels.append(utt2label[key]) return np.array(preds), np.array(labels)
Example #6
Source File: From Attentive-Filtering-Network with MIT License | 6 votes |
def compute_loss(model, device, data_loader, threshold=0.5): model.eval() loss = 0 correct = 0 scores = [] with torch.no_grad(): for data, target in data_loader: data, target =, target = target.view(-1,1).float() #output, hidden = model(data, None) output = model(data) loss += F.binary_cross_entropy(output, target, size_average=False) pred = output > 0.5 correct += pred.byte().eq(target.byte()).sum().item() # not really meaningful scores.append( loss /= len(data_loader.dataset) # average loss scores = np.vstack(scores) # scores per frame return loss, scores, correct
Example #7
Source File: From Attentive-Filtering-Network with MIT License | 6 votes |
def compute_loss(model, device, data_loader): model.eval() loss = 0 correct = 0 scores = [] with torch.no_grad(): for data, target in data_loader: data, target =, target = target.view(-1,1).float() #output, hidden = model(data, None) output = model(data) loss += F.binary_cross_entropy(output, target, size_average=False) scores.append( loss /= len(data_loader.dataset) # average loss scores = np.vstack(scores) # scores per frame return loss, scores
Example #8
Source File: From Attentive-Filtering-Network with MIT License | 6 votes |
def compute_utt_eer(scores, scp, utt2label, threshold): """utterance-based eer """ utt2len = ako.read_key_len(scp) utt2label = ako.read_key_label(utt2label) key_list = ako.read_all_key(scp) preds, labels = [], [] idx = 0 for key in key_list: frames_per_utt = utt2len[key] avg_scores = np.average(scores[idx:idx+frames_per_utt]) idx = idx + frames_per_utt if avg_scores < threshold: preds.append(0) else: preds.append(1) labels.append(utt2label[key]) eer = compute_eer(labels, preds) confuse_mat = compute_confuse(labels, preds) return eer, confuse_mat
Example #9
Source File: From DeepLung with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def compute_mean_ci(interp_sens, confidence = 0.95): sens_mean = np.zeros((interp_sens.shape[1]),dtype = 'float32') sens_lb = np.zeros((interp_sens.shape[1]),dtype = 'float32') sens_up = np.zeros((interp_sens.shape[1]),dtype = 'float32') Pz = (1.0-confidence)/2.0 print(interp_sens.shape) for i in range(interp_sens.shape[1]): # get sorted vector vec = interp_sens[:,i] vec.sort() sens_mean[i] = np.average(vec) sens_lb[i] = vec[int(math.floor(Pz*len(vec)))] sens_up[i] = vec[int(math.floor((1.0-Pz)*len(vec)))] return sens_mean,sens_lb,sens_up
Example #10
Source File: From Dispersion-based-Clustering with MIT License | 6 votes |
def generate_average_feature(self, labels): #extract feature/classifier u_feas, fcs = self.get_feature(self.u_data) #2048, 1024 #images of the same cluster label_to_images = {} for idx, l in enumerate(labels): self.label_to_images[l] = self.label_to_images.get(l, []) + [idx] #label_to_image: key is a label and USAGE u_data[label_to_images[key]]=key to set the new label # used from u_data to re-arrange them to label index array sort_image_by_label = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([label_to_images[key] for key in sorted(label_to_images.keys())])) # USAGE u_data[sort_image_by_label] then the data is sorted according to its class label #calculate average feature/classifier of a cluster feature_avg = np.zeros((len(label_to_images), len(u_feas[0]))) fc_avg = np.zeros((len(label_to_images), len(fcs[0]))) for l in label_to_images: feas = u_feas[label_to_images[l]] feature_avg[l] = np.mean(feas, axis=0) fc_avg[l] = np.mean(fcs[label_to_images[l]], axis=0) return u_feas, feature_avg, label_to_images, fc_avg # [m 2048], [c 2018] [] [c 1024]
Example #11
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_2_targets_field_component(self, optimization_variables_avg): l, Q, A = optimization_variables_avg l2 = l[::-1] l = np.vstack([l ,l2]) m = 2e-3 m1 = 4e-3 x = optimization_methods.optimize_field_component(l, max_el_current=m, max_total_current=m1) l_avg = np.average(l, axis=0) x_sp = optimize_comp(l_avg, np.ones_like(l2), max_el_current=m, max_total_current=m1) assert np.linalg.norm(x, 1) <= 2 * m1 + 1e-4 assert np.all(np.abs(x) <= m + 1e-6) assert np.isclose(,, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4) assert np.isclose(np.sum(x), 0)
Example #12
Source File: From kaggle-carvana-2017 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def ensemble_image(files, dirs, ensembling_dir, strategy): for file in files: images = [] for dir in dirs: file_path = os.path.join(dir, file) if os.path.exists(file_path): images.append(imread(file_path, mode='L')) images = np.array(images) if strategy == 'average': ensembled = average_strategy(images) elif strategy == 'hard_voting': ensembled = hard_voting(images) else: raise ValueError('Unknown ensembling strategy') imsave(os.path.join(ensembling_dir, file), ensembled)
Example #13
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _lp_variables(l, target_mean, max_total_current, max_el_current): n = l.shape[1] if max_el_current is None and max_total_current is None: raise ValueError( 'max_el_current and max_total_current can be simultaneously None') if max_total_current is not None: A_ub = [np.ones((1, 2 * n))] b_ub = [2 * max_total_current] else: A_ub = [] b_ub = [] #Constraint on target intensity l_ = np.hstack([l, -l]) # the LP will maximize the average of all targets, and limit the electric field # at each individual target l_avg = np.average(l_, axis=0) A_ub = np.vstack(A_ub + [l_]) b_ub = np.hstack(b_ub + [target_mean]) A_eq = np.hstack([np.ones((1, n)), -np.ones((1, n))]) b_eq = np.array([0.]) bounds = (0, max_el_current) return l_avg, A_ub, b_ub, A_eq, b_eq, bounds
Example #14
Source File: From ConvLab with MIT License | 6 votes |
def pprint(self, name, window=None, prefix=None): str_losses = [] for key, loss in self.losses.items(): if loss is None: continue aver_loss = np.average(loss) if window is None else np.average(loss[-window:]) if 'nll' in key: str_losses.append('{} PPL {:.3f}'.format(key, np.exp(aver_loss))) else: str_losses.append('{} {:.3f}'.format(key, aver_loss)) if prefix: return '{}: {} {}'.format(prefix, name, ' '.join(str_losses)) else: return '{} {}'.format(name, ' '.join(str_losses))
Example #15
Source File: From ConvLab with MIT License | 6 votes |
def validate_rl(dialog_eval, ctx_gen, num_episode=200): print("Validate on training goals for {} episode".format(num_episode)) reward_list = [] agree_list = [] sent_metric = UniquenessSentMetric() word_metric = UniquenessWordMetric() for _ in range(num_episode): ctxs = ctx_gen.sample() conv, agree, rewards = true_reward = rewards[0] if agree else 0 reward_list.append(true_reward) agree_list.append(float(agree if agree is not None else 0.0)) for turn in conv: if turn[0] == 'System': sent_metric.record(turn[1]) word_metric.record(turn[1]) results = {'sys_rew': np.average(reward_list), 'avg_agree': np.average(agree_list), 'sys_sent_unique': sent_metric.value(), 'sys_unique': word_metric.value()} return results
Example #16
Source File: From ConvLab with MIT License | 6 votes |
def record_rl_task(n_epsd, dialog, goal_gen, rl_f): conv_list = [] reward_list = [] sent_metric = UniquenessSentMetric() word_metric = UniquenessWordMetric() print("Begin RL testing") cnt = 0 for g_key, goal in goal_gen.iter(1): cnt += 1 conv, success =, goal) true_reward = success reward_list.append(true_reward) conv_list.append(conv) for turn in conv: if turn[0] == 'System': sent_metric.record(turn[1]) word_metric.record(turn[1]) # json.dump(conv_list, text_f, indent=4) aver_reward = np.average(reward_list) unique_sent_num = sent_metric.value() unique_word_num = word_metric.value() rl_f.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(n_epsd, aver_reward, unique_sent_num, unique_word_num)) rl_f.flush() print("End RL testing")
Example #17
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _sim_tdcs_pair(mesh, cond, ref_electrode, el_surf, el_c, units, solver_options):'Simulating electrode pair {0} - {1}'.format( ref_electrode, el_surf)) S = FEMSystem.tdcs(mesh, cond, [ref_electrode, el_surf], [0., 1.], solver_options=solver_options) v = S.solve() v = mesh_io.NodeData(v, name='v', mesh=mesh) flux = np.array([ _calc_flux_electrodes(v, cond, [el_surf - 1000, el_surf - 600, el_surf - 2000, el_surf - 1600], units=units), _calc_flux_electrodes(v, cond, [ref_electrode - 1000, ref_electrode - 600, ref_electrode - 2000, ref_electrode - 1600], units=units)]) current = np.average(np.abs(flux)) error = np.abs(np.abs(flux[0]) - np.abs(flux[1])) / current'Estimated current calibration error: {0:.1%}'.format(error)) return el_c / current * v.value
Example #18
Source File: From pyqmc with MIT License | 5 votes |
def dist_correlated_sample(wfs, configs, *args, client, npartitions=None, **kwargs): if npartitions is None: npartitions = sum(client.nthreads().values()) coord = configs.split(npartitions) allruns = [] for nodeconfigs in coord: allruns.append( client.submit( correlated_sample, wfs, nodeconfigs, *args, **kwargs ) ) allresults = [r.result() for r in allruns] df = {} for k in allresults[0].keys(): df[k] = np.array([x[k] for x in allresults]) confweight = np.array([len(c.configs) for c in coord], dtype=float) confweight /= confweight.mean() rhowt = np.einsum("i...,i->i...", df["rhoprime"], confweight) wt = df["weight"] * rhowt df["total"] = np.average(df["total"], weights=wt, axis=0) df["overlap"] = np.average(df["overlap"], weights=confweight, axis=0) df["weight"] = np.average(df["weight"], weights=rhowt, axis=0) # df["weight"] = np.mean(df["weight"], axis=0) df["rhoprime"] = np.mean(rhowt, axis=0) return df
Example #19
Source File: From pyqmc with MIT License | 5 votes |
def avg(self, configs, wf, weights=None): """ Compute (weighted) average """ nconf = configs.configs.shape[0] if weights is None: weights = np.ones(nconf) weights = weights / np.sum(weights) pgrad = wf.pgradient() den = self.enacc(configs, wf) energy = den["total"] dp = self.transform.serialize_gradients(pgrad) node_cut, f = self._node_regr(configs, wf) dp_regularized = dp * f[:, np.newaxis] d = {k: np.average(it, weights=weights, axis=0) for k, it in den.items()} d["dpH"] = np.einsum("i,ij->j", energy, weights[:, np.newaxis] * dp_regularized) d["dppsi"] = np.average(dp_regularized, weights=weights, axis=0) d["dpidpj"] = np.einsum( "ij,ik->jk", dp, weights[:, np.newaxis] * dp_regularized ) return d
Example #20
Source File: From pyqmc with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_accumulator(): """ Tests that the accumulator gets inserted into the data output correctly. """ import pandas as pd from import vmc, initial_guess from pyscf import gto, scf from import energy from pyqmc.slater import PySCFSlater from pyqmc.accumulators import EnergyAccumulator mol = gto.M( atom="Li 0. 0. 0.; Li 0. 0. 1.5", basis="cc-pvtz", unit="bohr", verbose=5 ) mf = scf.RHF(mol).run() nconf = 5000 wf = PySCFSlater(mol, mf) coords = initial_guess(mol, nconf) df, coords = vmc( wf, coords, nsteps=30, accumulators={"energy": EnergyAccumulator(mol)} ) df = pd.DataFrame(df) eaccum = EnergyAccumulator(mol) eaccum_energy = eaccum(coords, wf) df = pd.DataFrame(df) print(df["energytotal"][29] == np.average(eaccum_energy["total"])) assert df["energytotal"][29] == np.average(eaccum_energy["total"])
Example #21
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def sphere3_baricenters(sphere3_msh): baricenters = np.zeros((, 3), dtype=float) th_indexes = np.where(sphere3_msh.elm.elm_type == 4)[0] baricenters[th_indexes] = np.average( sphere3_msh.nodes.node_coord[ sphere3_msh.elm.node_number_list[th_indexes, :4] - 1], axis=1) tr_indexes = np.where(sphere3_msh.elm.elm_type == 2)[0] baricenters[tr_indexes] = np.average( sphere3_msh.nodes.node_coord[ sphere3_msh.elm.node_number_list[tr_indexes, :3] - 1], axis=1) return baricenters
Example #22
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_surf2surf(sphere3_msh): in_surf = sphere3_msh.crop_mesh(1005) in_nodes = in_surf.nodes.node_coord in_nodes /= np.average(np.linalg.norm(in_nodes, axis=1)) field = in_nodes[:, 0] out_surf = sphere3_msh.crop_mesh(1004) out_nodes = out_surf.nodes.node_coord out_nodes /= np.average(np.linalg.norm(out_nodes, axis=1)) out_field, _ = transformations._surf2surf(field, in_surf, out_surf) assert np.allclose(out_field, out_nodes[:, 0], atol=1e-1)
Example #23
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_baricentric(self): tri = np.array([[0., 0.], [0., 1.], [np.sqrt(3) / 2., 1./2.]]) p = np.average(tri, axis=0) bari = electrode_placement._baricentric_coordinates(p, tri) assert np.allclose(bari, 1./3.)
Example #24
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def optimize_field_component(l, max_total_current=None, max_el_current=None): ''' Optimize the intensity of the field in the given direction without regard to focality Parameters ------------ l: np.ndarray Linear objective, obtained from target_matrices. If "l" is muti-targeted, optimizes the average of the targets max_total_current: float (optional) Maximal current flow though all electrodes. Default: No maximum max_el_current: float (optional) Maximal current flow though each electrode. Default: No maximum Returns -------- x: np.ndarray Optimal electrode currents ''' if max_total_current is None and max_el_current is None: raise ValueError('Please define a maximal total current or maximal electrode ' + 'current') l = np.average(np.atleast_2d(l), axis=0) n = l.shape[0] if max_total_current is not None: A_ub = np.ones((1, 2 * n)) b_ub = np.array([2 * max_total_current]) else: A_ub = None b_ub = None l_ = np.hstack([l, -l]) A_eq = np.hstack([np.ones((1, n)), -np.ones((1, n))]) b_eq = np.array([0.]) sol = scipy.optimize.linprog(-l_, A_ub, b_ub, A_eq, b_eq, bounds=(0, max_el_current)) x_ = sol.x return x_[:n] - x_[n:]
Example #25
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def energy_matrix(leadfield, weights, avg_reference=True): ''' Calculate the energy matrix for optimization = e "x" are the electrode currents "e" is the average squared electric field norm Parameters ----------- leadfield: ndarray (n_electrodes x n_points x 3) Leadfield weights: array weith for each element (each leadfield column), for example volume or area avg_reference: bool (optional) Wether or not to re-reference to an average frame. Default: True Returns: ---------- l: np.ndarray linear part of objective, the mean field in the target indices and target direction Q_out: np.ndarray Quadratic part of objective, the mean energy in the head Q_in: np.ndarray The squared average of the norm of the field in the target area in the target area ''' lf = leadfield Q = sum(lf[..., i].dot((lf[..., i] * weights).T) for i in range(3)) Q /= np.sum(weights) if avg_reference: P = np.linalg.pinv( np.vstack([-np.ones(Q.shape[0]), np.eye(Q.shape[0])])) Q = return Q
Example #26
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def mean_intensity(self, field): ''' Calculates the mean intensity of the given field in this target Parameters ----------- field: Nx3 NodeData or ElementData Electric field Returns ------------ intensity: float Mean intensity in this target and in the target direction ''' if (self.positions is None) == (self.indexes is None): # negative XOR operation raise ValueError('Please set either positions or indexes') assert self.mesh is not None, 'Please set a mesh' assert field.nr_comp == 3, 'Field must have 3 components' indexes, mapping = _find_indexes(self.mesh, self.lf_type, positions=self.positions, indexes=self.indexes, tissues=self.tissues, radius=self.radius) directions = _find_directions(self.mesh, self.lf_type, self.directions, indexes, mapping) f = field[indexes] components = np.sum(f * directions, axis=1) if self.lf_type == 'node': weights = self.mesh.nodes_volumes_or_areas()[indexes] elif self.lf_type == 'element': weights = self.mesh.elements_volumes_and_areas()[indexes] else: raise ValueError("lf_type must be 'node' or 'element'." " Got: {0} instead".format(self.lf_type)) return np.average(components, weights=weights)
Example #27
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _surf2surf(field, in_surf, out_surf, kdtree=None): ''' Interpolates the field defined in in_vertices to the field defined in out_vertices using nearest neighbour ''' if kdtree is None: # Normalize the radius of the input sphere in_v = np.copy(in_surf.nodes.node_coord) in_v /= np.average(np.linalg.norm(in_v, axis=1)) kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(in_v) out_v = np.copy(out_surf.nodes.node_coord) # Normalize the radius of the output sphere out_v /= np.average(np.linalg.norm(out_v, axis=1)) _, closest = kdtree.query(out_v) return field[closest], kdtree
Example #28
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _check_th_node_ordering(self): th_nodes = self.nodes[self.elm[self.elm.tetrahedra]] th_baricenters = np.average(th_nodes, axis=1) face_points = [[0, 2, 1], [0, 1, 3], [0, 3, 2], [1, 2, 3]] for t, b in enumerate(th_baricenters): for i in range(4): d = th_nodes[t, face_points[i]] - b assert np.linalg.det(d) > 0, \ 'Found a face pointing the wrong way!'
Example #29
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def elements_baricenters(self): """ Calculates the baricenter of the elements Returns ------------ baricenters: ElementData ElementData with the baricentes of the elements """ bar = ElementData( np.zeros((, 3), dtype=float), 'baricenter', mesh=self) bar.mesh = self th_indexes = self.elm.tetrahedra tr_indexes = self.elm.triangles if len(th_indexes) > 0: bar[th_indexes] = np.average( self.nodes[self.elm[th_indexes]], axis=1) if len(tr_indexes) > 0: bar[tr_indexes] = np.average( self.nodes[self.elm[tr_indexes][:, :3]], axis=1) return bar
Example #30
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_elements_baricenters(self, sphere3_msh): baricenters = sphere3_msh.elements_baricenters() b = np.zeros((, 3), dtype=float) th_indexes = np.where(sphere3_msh.elm.elm_type == 4)[0] b[th_indexes] = np.average( sphere3_msh.nodes.node_coord[ sphere3_msh.elm.node_number_list[th_indexes, :4] - 1], axis=1) tr_indexes = np.where(sphere3_msh.elm.elm_type == 2)[0] b[tr_indexes] = np.average( sphere3_msh.nodes.node_coord[ sphere3_msh.elm.node_number_list[tr_indexes, :3] - 1], axis=1) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(baricenters.value, b)