Python PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning() Examples
The following are 22
code examples of PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning().
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Example #1
Source File: From qutebrowser with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def late_init(save_manager: savemanager.SaveManager) -> None: """Initialize the rest of the config after the QApplication is created.""" global _init_errors if _init_errors is not None: errbox = msgbox.msgbox(parent=None, title="Error while reading config", text=_init_errors.to_html(), icon=QMessageBox.Warning, plain_text=False) errbox.exec_() if _init_errors.fatal: sys.exit(usertypes.Exit.err_init) _init_errors = None configtypes.FontBase.set_defaults(config.val.fonts.default_family, config.val.fonts.default_size) config.instance.changed.connect(_update_font_defaults) config.instance.init_save_manager(save_manager) configfiles.state.init_save_manager(save_manager)
Example #2
Source File: From dash-masternode-tool with MIT License | 6 votes |
def on_btnEnDisPin_clicked(self): try: if self.hw_session and self.hw_session.hw_client: if self.pin_protection is True: # disable if self.queryDlg('Do you really want to disable PIN protection of your %s?' % self.main_ui.getHwName(), buttons=QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.Cancel, default_button=QMessageBox.Cancel, icon=QMessageBox.Warning) == QMessageBox.Yes: hw_intf.change_pin(self.main_ui.hw_session, remove=True) self.read_hw_features() self.updateControlsState() elif self.pin_protection is False: # enable PIN hw_intf.change_pin(self.main_ui.hw_session, remove=False) self.read_hw_features() self.updateControlsState() except Exception as e: self.errorMsg(str(e))
Example #3
Source File: From dash-masternode-tool with MIT License | 6 votes |
def on_btnEnDisPass_clicked(self): try: if self.hw_session and self.hw_session.hw_client: if self.passphrase_protection is True: # disable passphrase if self.queryDlg('Do you really want to disable passphrase protection of your %s?' % self.main_ui.getHwName(), buttons=QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.Cancel, default_button=QMessageBox.Cancel, icon=QMessageBox.Warning) == QMessageBox.Yes: hw_intf.enable_passphrase(self.hw_session, passphrase_enabled=False) self.read_hw_features() self.updateControlsState() elif self.passphrase_protection is False: # enable passphrase if self.queryDlg('Do you really want to enable passphrase protection of your %s?' % self.main_ui.getHwName(), buttons=QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.Cancel, default_button=QMessageBox.Cancel, icon=QMessageBox.Warning) == QMessageBox.Yes: hw_intf.enable_passphrase(self.hw_session, passphrase_enabled=True) self.read_hw_features() self.updateControlsState() except Exception as e: self.errorMsg(str(e))
Example #4
Source File: From Blender-Version-Manager with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def main(): QApplication.setApplicationName("Blender Version Manager") QApplication.setApplicationVersion("1.6.1 Beta") app = QApplication(sys.argv) proc_count = len([proc for proc in psutil.process_iter() if == "Blender Version Manager.exe"]) if proc_count > 2: msg = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, "Blender Version Manager", "Another instance is already running!", QMessageBox.Ok) msg.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/icons/app.svg")) msg.exec_() else: window = BVMQMainWindow(app) if not window.is_run_minimized: app.exec_()
Example #5
Source File: From visma with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def warning(self, warningstr): warning = QMessageBox() warning.setWindowTitle('Warning') warning.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) warning.setText(warningstr) warning.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) return warning.exec_()
Example #6
Source File: From gridsync with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def show_message(): message_settings = settings.get("message") if not message_settings: return if get_preference("message", "suppress") == "true": return logging.debug("Showing custom message to user...") msgbox = QMessageBox() icon_type = message_settings.get("type") if icon_type: icon_type = icon_type.lower() if icon_type == "information": msgbox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) elif icon_type == "warning": msgbox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) elif icon_type == "critical": msgbox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) if sys.platform == "darwin": msgbox.setText(message_settings.get("title")) msgbox.setInformativeText(message_settings.get("text")) else: msgbox.setWindowTitle(message_settings.get("title")) msgbox.setText(message_settings.get("text")) checkbox = QCheckBox("Do not show this message again") checkbox.stateChanged.connect( lambda state: set_preference( "message", "suppress", ("true" if state else "false") ) ) msgbox.setCheckBox(checkbox) msgbox.exec_() logging.debug("Custom message closed; proceeding with start...")
Example #7
Source File: From PIVX-SPMT with MIT License | 5 votes |
def checkTxInputs(parentWindow, num_of_inputs): if num_of_inputs == 0: myPopUp_sb(parentWindow, "warn", 'Transaction NOT sent', "No UTXO to send") return None if num_of_inputs > MAX_INPUTS_NO_WARNING: warning = "Warning: Trying to spend %d inputs.\nA few minutes could be required " \ "for the transaction to be prepared and signed.\n\nThe hardware device must remain unlocked " \ "during the whole time (it's advised to disable the auto-lock feature)\n\n" \ "Do you wish to proceed?" % num_of_inputs title = "SPMT - spending more than %d inputs" % MAX_INPUTS_NO_WARNING return myPopUp(parentWindow, "warn", title, warning) return QMessageBox.Yes
Example #8
Source File: From PLSDR with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def message_dialog(self,title,message): mb = QMessageBox (QMessageBox.Warning,title,message,QMessageBox.Ok) mb.exec_()
Example #9
Source File: From face_recognition_py with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def detectFace(self, frame): gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) faces = self.faceCascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5, minSize=(90, 90)) stu_id = self.userInfo.get('stu_id') for (x, y, w, h) in faces: if self.isFaceRecordEnabled: try: if not os.path.exists('{}/stu_{}'.format(self.datasets, stu_id)): os.makedirs('{}/stu_{}'.format(self.datasets, stu_id)) if len(faces) > 1: raise RecordDisturbance cv2.imwrite('{}/stu_{}/img.{}.jpg'.format(self.datasets, stu_id, self.faceRecordCount + 1), gray[y - 20:y + h + 20, x - 20:x + w + 20]) except RecordDisturbance: self.isFaceRecordEnabled = False logging.error('检测到多张人脸或环境干扰') self.logQueue.put('Warning:检测到多张人脸或环境干扰,请解决问题后继续') self.enableFaceRecordButton.setIcon(QIcon('./icons/warning.png')) continue except Exception as e: logging.error('写入人脸图像文件到计算机过程中发生异常') self.enableFaceRecordButton.setIcon(QIcon('./icons/error.png')) self.logQueue.put('Error:无法保存人脸图像,采集当前捕获帧失败') else: self.enableFaceRecordButton.setIcon(QIcon('./icons/success.png')) self.faceRecordCount = self.faceRecordCount + 1 self.isFaceRecordEnabled = False self.faceRecordCountLcdNum.display(self.faceRecordCount) cv2.rectangle(frame, (x - 5, y - 10), (x + w + 5, y + h + 10), (0, 0, 255), 2) return frame # 显示图像
Example #10
Source File: From guppy-proxy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def display_error_box(msg, title="Error"): msgbox = QMessageBox() msgbox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msgbox.setText(msg) msgbox.setWindowTitle(title) msgbox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) return msgbox.exec_()
Example #11
Source File: From linux-show-player with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def dwarning(title, text, detailed_text, parent=None): """MessageBox with "Warning" icon""" QDetailedMessageBox.dgeneric(title, text, detailed_text, QMessageBox.Warning, parent)
Example #12
Source File: From MDT with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, problems, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) self.setWindowTitle("Insufficient protocol") self.setText("The provided protocol is insufficient for this model.") self.setInformativeText("The reported problems are: \n{}".format('\n'.join(' - ' + str(p) for p in problems))) self._in_resize = False
Example #13
Source File: From dash-masternode-tool with MIT License | 5 votes |
def on_btnDeleteMn_clicked(self): if self.cur_masternode: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.setText('Do you really want to delete current masternode configuration?') msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) msg.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.No) retval = msg.exec_() if retval == QMessageBox.No: return self.app_config.masternodes.remove(self.cur_masternode) self.cboMasternodes.removeItem(self.cboMasternodes.currentIndex()) self.app_config.modified = True self.update_edit_controls_state()
Example #14
Source File: From dash-masternode-tool with MIT License | 5 votes |
def on_action_clear_proposals_cache_triggered(self, checked): if self.queryDlg('Do you really want to clear the proposals cache?', buttons=QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.Cancel, default_button=QMessageBox.Cancel, icon=QMessageBox.Warning) == QMessageBox.Yes: db_cursor = self.app_config.db_intf.get_cursor() try: db_cursor.execute('drop table proposals') db_cursor.execute('drop table voting_results') self.app_config.db_intf.create_structures() finally: self.app_config.db_intf.release_cursor() self.infoMsg('Proposals cache cleared.')
Example #15
Source File: From dash-masternode-tool with MIT License | 5 votes |
def on_action_clear_wallet_cache_triggered(self, checked): if self.queryDlg('Do you really want to clear the wallet cache?', buttons=QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.Cancel, default_button=QMessageBox.Cancel, icon=QMessageBox.Warning) == QMessageBox.Yes: db_cursor = self.app_config.db_intf.get_cursor() try: db_cursor.execute('drop table address') db_cursor.execute('drop table hd_tree') db_cursor.execute('drop table tx_input') db_cursor.execute('drop table tx_output') db_cursor.execute('drop table tx') self.app_config.db_intf.create_structures() finally: self.app_config.db_intf.release_cursor() self.infoMsg('Wallet cache cleared.')
Example #16
Source File: From dash-masternode-tool with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_configuration_from_file(self, file_name: str, ask_save_changes = True, update_current_file_name = True) -> None: """ Load configuration from a file. :param file_name: A name of the configuration file to be loaded into the application. """ if self.app_config.is_modified() and ask_save_changes: ret = self.queryDlg('Current configuration has been modified. Save?', buttons=QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No | QMessageBox.Cancel, default_button=QMessageBox.Yes, icon=QMessageBox.Warning) if ret == QMessageBox.Yes: self.save_configuration() elif ret == QMessageBox.Cancel: self.update_config_files_mru_menu_items() return try: self.disconnect_hardware_wallet() dash_network_sav = self.app_config.dash_network self.app_config.read_from_file(hw_session=self.hw_session, file_name=file_name, update_current_file_name=update_current_file_name) self.editing_enabled = False self.configuration_to_ui() self.dashd_intf.reload_configuration() self.app_config.modified = False file_name = self.app_config.app_config_file_name if file_name: self.add_item_to_config_files_mru_list(file_name) self.update_config_files_mru_menu_items() if dash_network_sav != self.app_config.dash_network: self.disconnect_hardware_wallet() self.app_config.reset_network_dependent_dyn_params() self.display_window_title() except CancelException: self.update_config_files_mru_menu_items()
Example #17
Source File: From dash-masternode-tool with MIT License | 5 votes |
def generate_priv_key(self, pk_type:str, edit_control: QLineEdit, compressed: bool): if edit_control.text(): if WndUtils.queryDlg( f'This will overwrite the current {pk_type} private key value. Do you really want to proceed?', buttons=QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.Cancel, default_button=QMessageBox.Yes, icon=QMessageBox.Warning) != QMessageBox.Yes: return None if pk_type == 'operator': pk = dash_utils.generate_bls_privkey() else: pk = dash_utils.generate_wif_privkey(self.app_config.dash_network, compressed=compressed) edit_control.setText(pk) return pk
Example #18
Source File: From cFS-GroundSystem with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def DisplayErrorMessage(self, message): print(message) self.alert.setText(message) self.alert.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) self.alert.exec_() # Start the telemetry system for the selected spacecraft
Example #19
Source File: From persepolis with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def callBack(self, keys): # do nothing if keys is empty if not(keys): return # check that if shortcut used before. if keys in self.shortcuts_list: self.msgBox = QMessageBox() self.msgBox.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("setting_src_ui_tr", "<b><center>This shortcut has been used before!\ Use another one!</center></b>")) self.msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) reply = self.msgBox.exec_() # set new shortcut else: selected_row = self.shortcut_table.selectionModel().selectedRows()[0].row() item = QTableWidgetItem(keys) # align center item.setTextAlignment(0x0004 | 0x0080) # insert item in shortcut_table self.shortcut_table.setItem(selected_row, 1, item) # set keys in shortcuts_list self.shortcuts_list[selected_row] = keys # active color_comboBox only when user is select "Fusion" style.
Example #20
Source File: From dash-masternode-tool with MIT License | 4 votes |
def apply_step_select_action(self) -> bool: """Moves forward from the 'select action' step.""" success = True self.read_action_type_from_ui() if self.action_type in (ACTION_RECOVER_FROM_WORDS_CONV, ACTION_RECOVER_FROM_WORDS_SAFE, ACTION_INITIALIZE_NEW_SAFE): self.set_next_step(STEP_INPUT_NUMBER_OF_WORDS) elif self.action_type == ACTION_RECOVER_FROM_ENTROPY: self.set_next_step(STEP_INPUT_ENTROPY) elif self.action_type == ACTION_WIPE_DEVICE: if self.hw_type in (HWType.trezor, HWType.keepkey): if self.queryDlg('Do you really want to wipe your %s device?' % self.hw_type, buttons=QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.Cancel, default_button=QMessageBox.Cancel, icon=QMessageBox.Warning) == QMessageBox.Yes: try: self.load_hw_devices() cnt = len(self.hw_device_instances) if cnt == 0: self.errorMsg('Couldn\'t find any %s devices connected to your computer.' % HWType.get_desc(self.hw_type)) success = False elif cnt == 1: # there is only one instance of this device type self.hw_device_id_selected = self.hw_device_instances[0][0] self.hw_device_index_selected = 0 success = self.apply_action_on_hardware_wallet() if success: self.set_next_step(STEP_FINISHED) else: # there is more than one instance of this device type; go to the device instance selection tab self.set_next_step(STEP_SELECT_DEVICE_INSTANCE) success = True except CancelException: self.warnMsg('Operation cancelled.') success = False else: success = False elif self.action_type == ACTION_UPLOAD_FIRMWARE: if self.hw_type in (HWType.trezor, HWType.keepkey): self.set_next_step(STEP_INPUT_FIRMWARE_SOURCE) else: self.errorMsg(f'{HWType.get_desc(self.hw_type)} is not supported.') success = False else: raise Exception('Not implemented') return success
Example #21
Source File: From face_recognition_py with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def startWebcam(self): if not self.cap.isOpened(): if self.isExternalCameraUsed: camID = 1 else: camID = 0 self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 640) self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 480) ret, frame = if not ret: logging.error('无法调用电脑摄像头{}'.format(camID)) self.logQueue.put('Error:初始化摄像头失败') self.cap.release() self.startWebcamButton.setIcon(QIcon('./icons/error.png')) else: self.faceProcessingThread.start() # 启动OpenCV图像处理线程 self.timer.start(5) # 启动定时器 self.panalarmThread.start() # 启动报警系统线程 self.startWebcamButton.setIcon(QIcon('./icons/success.png')) self.startWebcamButton.setText('关闭摄像头') else: text = '如果关闭摄像头,须重启程序才能再次打开。' informativeText = '<b>是否继续?</b>' ret = CoreUI.callDialog(QMessageBox.Warning, text, informativeText, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) if ret == QMessageBox.Yes: self.faceProcessingThread.stop() if self.cap.isOpened(): if self.timer.isActive(): self.timer.stop() self.cap.release() self.realTimeCaptureLabel.clear() self.realTimeCaptureLabel.setText('<font color=red>摄像头未开启</font>') self.startWebcamButton.setText('摄像头已关闭') self.startWebcamButton.setEnabled(False) self.startWebcamButton.setIcon(QIcon()) # 定时器,实时更新画面
Example #22
Source File: From face_recognition_py with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def deleteUser(self): text = '从数据库中删除该用户,同时删除相应人脸数据,<font color=red>该操作不可逆!</font>' informativeText = '<b>是否继续?</b>' ret = DataManageUI.callDialog(QMessageBox.Warning, text, informativeText, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) if ret == QMessageBox.Yes: stu_id = self.stuIDLineEdit.text() conn = sqlite3.connect(self.database) cursor = conn.cursor() try: cursor.execute('DELETE FROM users WHERE stu_id=?', (stu_id,)) except Exception as e: cursor.close() logging.error('无法从数据库中删除{}'.format(stu_id)) self.deleteUserButton.setIcon(QIcon('./icons/error.png')) self.logQueue.put('Error:读写数据库异常,删除失败') else: cursor.close() conn.commit() if os.path.exists('{}/stu_{}'.format(self.datasets, stu_id)): try: shutil.rmtree('{}/stu_{}'.format(self.datasets, stu_id)) except Exception as e: logging.error('系统无法删除删除{}/stu_{}'.format(self.datasets, stu_id)) self.logQueue.put('Error:删除人脸数据失败,请手动删除{}/stu_{}目录'.format(self.datasets, stu_id)) text = '你已成功删除学号为 <font color=blue>{}</font> 的用户记录。'.format(stu_id) informativeText = '<b>请在右侧菜单重新训练人脸数据。</b>' DataManageUI.callDialog(QMessageBox.Information, text, informativeText, QMessageBox.Ok) self.stuIDLineEdit.clear() self.cnNameLineEdit.clear() self.faceIDLineEdit.clear() self.initDb() self.deleteUserButton.setIcon(QIcon('./icons/success.png')) self.deleteUserButton.setEnabled(False) self.queryUserButton.setIcon(QIcon()) finally: conn.close() # 检测人脸