Python PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical() Examples
The following are 18
code examples of PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical().
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Example #1
Source File: From qutebrowser with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def test_err_windows(qtbot, qapp, pre_text, post_text, expected, caplog): def err_window_check(): w = qapp.activeModalWidget() assert w is not None try: qtbot.add_widget(w) if not utils.is_mac: assert w.windowTitle() == 'title' assert w.icon() == QMessageBox.Critical assert w.standardButtons() == QMessageBox.Ok assert w.text() == expected finally: w.close() QTimer.singleShot(10, err_window_check) with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): error.handle_fatal_exc(ValueError("exception"), 'title', pre_text=pre_text, post_text=post_text, no_err_windows=False)
Example #2
Source File: From qutebrowser with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_attributes(qtbot): """Test basic QMessageBox attributes.""" title = 'title' text = 'text' parent = QWidget() qtbot.add_widget(parent) icon = QMessageBox.Critical buttons = QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel box = msgbox.msgbox(parent=parent, title=title, text=text, icon=icon, buttons=buttons) qtbot.add_widget(box) if not utils.is_mac: assert box.windowTitle() == title assert box.icon() == icon assert box.standardButtons() == buttons assert box.text() == text assert box.parent() is parent
Example #3
Source File: From gridsync with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_tor_with_prompt(reactor, parent=None): tor = yield get_tor(reactor) while not tor: msgbox = QMessageBox(parent) msgbox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msgbox.setWindowTitle("Tor Required") msgbox.setText( "This connection can only be made over the Tor network, however, " "no running Tor daemon was found or Tor has been disabled." ) msgbox.setInformativeText( "Please ensure that Tor is running and try again.<p>For help " "installing Tor, visit " "<a href=></a>" ) msgbox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Abort | QMessageBox.Retry) if msgbox.exec_() == QMessageBox.Retry: tor = yield get_tor(reactor) else: break return tor
Example #4
Source File: From face_recognition_py with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def telegramBotSettings(self): cfg = ConfigParser()'./config/telegramBot.cfg', encoding='utf-8-sig') read_only = cfg.getboolean('telegramBot', 'read_only') # read_only = False if read_only: text = '基于安全考虑,系统拒绝了本次请求。' informativeText = '<b>请联系设备管理员。</b>' CoreUI.callDialog(QMessageBox.Critical, text, informativeText, QMessageBox.Ok) else: token = cfg.get('telegramBot', 'token') chat_id = cfg.get('telegramBot', 'chat_id') proxy_url = cfg.get('telegramBot', 'proxy_url') message = cfg.get('telegramBot', 'message') self.telegramBotDialog = TelegramBotDialog() self.telegramBotDialog.tokenLineEdit.setText(token) self.telegramBotDialog.telegramIDLineEdit.setText(chat_id) self.telegramBotDialog.socksLineEdit.setText(proxy_url) self.telegramBotDialog.messagePlainTextEdit.setPlainText(message) self.telegramBotDialog.exec() # 设备响铃进程
Example #5
Source File: From pyleecan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def set_default(self, attr, attr_name): msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText( "Material " + attr_name + " property is None.\nDefault values set. Please check values." ) msg.setWindowTitle("Warning") msg.exec_() setattr(self.mat, attr, type(getattr(Material(), attr))())
Example #6
Source File: From MDT with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _export_image(self): output_file = self.outputFile_box.text() if not any(output_file.endswith(el[0]) for el in self._extension_filters): output_file += '.{}'.format(self._extension_filters[0][0]) try: self._plotting_frame.export_image(output_file, self.width_box.value(), self.height_box.value(), dpi=self.dpi_box.value()) self.previous_values['width'] = self.width_box.value() self.previous_values['height'] = self.height_box.value() self.previous_values['dpi'] = self.dpi_box.value() self.previous_values['output_file'] = self.outputFile_box.text() self.previous_values['writeScriptsAndConfig'] = self.writeScriptsAndConfig.isChecked() if self.writeScriptsAndConfig.isChecked(): output_basename = os.path.splitext(output_file)[0] self._write_config_file(output_basename + '.conf') self._write_python_script_file(output_basename + '', output_basename + '.conf', output_file, self.width_box.value(), self.height_box.value(), self.dpi_box.value()) self._write_bash_script_file(output_basename + '', output_basename + '.conf', output_file, self.width_box.value(), self.height_box.value(), self.dpi_box.value()) except PermissionError as error: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText("Could not write the file to the given destination.") msg.setInformativeText(str(error)) msg.setWindowTitle("Permission denied") msg.exec_()
Example #7
Source File: From MDT with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _write_example_data(self): try: mdt.utils.get_example_data(self.outputFile.text()) msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) msg.setText('The MDT example data has been written to {}.'.format(self.outputFile.text())) msg.setWindowTitle('Success') msg.exec_() except IOError as e: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText(str(e)) msg.setWindowTitle("File writing error") msg.exec_()
Example #8
Source File: From linux-show-player with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def dcritical(title, text, detailed_text, parent=None): """MessageBox with "Critical" icon""" QDetailedMessageBox.dgeneric(title, text, detailed_text, QMessageBox.Critical, parent)
Example #9
Source File: From vorta with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _alert_missing_borg(self): msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText("No Borg Binary Found")) msg.setInformativeText("Vorta was unable to locate a usable Borg Backup binary.")) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.exec_()
Example #10
Source File: From qutebrowser with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _die(message, exception=None): """Display an error message using Qt and quit. We import the imports here as we want to do other stuff before the imports. Args: message: The message to display. exception: The exception object if we're handling an exception. """ from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMessageBox from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt if (('--debug' in sys.argv or '--no-err-windows' in sys.argv) and exception is not None): print(file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_exc() app = QApplication(sys.argv) if '--no-err-windows' in sys.argv: print(message, file=sys.stderr) print("Exiting because of --no-err-windows.", file=sys.stderr) else: if exception is not None: message = message.replace('%ERROR%', str(exception)) msgbox = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Critical, "qutebrowser: Fatal error!", message) msgbox.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText) msgbox.resize(msgbox.sizeHint()) msgbox.exec_() app.quit() sys.exit(1)
Example #11
Source File: From Turing with MIT License | 5 votes |
def msg_box_error(text, *args, **kwargs): return msg_box(text, *args, **kwargs, buttons=QMessageBox.Ok, default=QMessageBox.Ok, type=QMessageBox.Critical)
Example #12
Source File: From autokey with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def show_error_dialog(message: str, details: str=None): """ Convenience method for showing an error dialog. """ # TODO: i18n message_box = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Critical, "Error", message, QMessageBox.Ok, None ) if details: message_box.setDetailedText(details) message_box.exec_()
Example #13
Source File: From hue-plus with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def excepthook(excType, excValue, tracebackobj): """Rewritten "excepthook" function, to display a message box with details about the exception. @param excType exception type @param excValue exception value @param tracebackobj traceback object """ separator = '-' * 40 notice = "An unhandled exception has occurred\n" tbinfofile = io.StringIO() traceback.print_tb(tracebackobj, None, tbinfofile) tbinfo = errmsg = '%s: \n%s' % (str(excType), str(excValue)) sections = [separator, errmsg, separator, tbinfo] msg = '\n'.join(sections) # Create a QMessagebox error_box = QMessageBox() error_box.setText(str(notice)+str(msg)) error_box.setWindowTitle("Hue-plus - unhandled exception") error_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) error_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) error_box.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) # Show the window error_box.exec_() sys.exit(1)
Example #14
Source File: From PIVX-SPMT with MIT License | 5 votes |
def findPubKey(self): printDbg("Computing public key...") currSpath = self.ui.edt_spath.value() currHwAcc = self.ui.edt_hwAccount.value() # Check HW device if self.caller.hwStatus != 2: myPopUp_sb(self.caller, "crit", 'SPMT - hw device check', "Connect to HW device first") printDbg("Unable to connect to hardware device. The device status is: %d" % self.caller.hwStatus) return None result = self.caller.hwdevice.scanForPubKey(currHwAcc, currSpath, self.isTestnet()) # Connection pop-up warningText = "Unable to find public key. The action was refused on the device or another application " warningText += "might have taken over the USB communication with the device.<br><br>" warningText += "To continue click the <b>Retry</b> button.\nTo cancel, click the <b>Abort</b> button." mBox = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Critical, "WARNING", warningText, QMessageBox.Retry) mBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Retry | QMessageBox.Abort); while result is None: ans = mBox.exec_() if ans == QMessageBox.Abort: return # we need to reconnect the device self.caller.hwdevice.clearDevice() self.caller.hwdevice.initDevice(self.caller.header.hwDevices.currentIndex()) result = self.caller.hwdevice.scanForPubKey(currHwAcc, currSpath, self.isTestnet()) mess = "Found public key:\n%s" % result myPopUp_sb(self.caller, "info", "SPMT - findPubKey", mess) printOK("Public Key: %s" % result) self.ui.edt_pubKey.setText(result)
Example #15
Source File: From gridsync with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def show_message(): message_settings = settings.get("message") if not message_settings: return if get_preference("message", "suppress") == "true": return logging.debug("Showing custom message to user...") msgbox = QMessageBox() icon_type = message_settings.get("type") if icon_type: icon_type = icon_type.lower() if icon_type == "information": msgbox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) elif icon_type == "warning": msgbox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) elif icon_type == "critical": msgbox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) if sys.platform == "darwin": msgbox.setText(message_settings.get("title")) msgbox.setInformativeText(message_settings.get("text")) else: msgbox.setWindowTitle(message_settings.get("title")) msgbox.setText(message_settings.get("text")) checkbox = QCheckBox("Do not show this message again") checkbox.stateChanged.connect( lambda state: set_preference( "message", "suppress", ("true" if state else "false") ) ) msgbox.setCheckBox(checkbox) msgbox.exec_() logging.debug("Custom message closed; proceeding with start...")
Example #16
Source File: From qutebrowser with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def handle_fatal_exc(exc: BaseException, title: str, *, no_err_windows: bool, pre_text: str = '', post_text: str = '') -> None: """Handle a fatal "expected" exception by displaying an error box. If --no-err-windows is given as argument, the text is logged to the error logger instead. Args: exc: The Exception object being handled. no_err_windows: Show text in log instead of error window. title: The title to be used for the error message. pre_text: The text to be displayed before the exception text. post_text: The text to be displayed after the exception text. """ if no_err_windows: lines = [ "Handling fatal {} with --no-err-windows!".format(_get_name(exc)), "", "title: {}".format(title), "pre_text: {}".format(pre_text), "post_text: {}".format(post_text), "exception text: {}".format(str(exc) or 'none'), ] log.misc.exception('\n'.join(lines)) else: log.misc.exception("Fatal exception:") if pre_text: msg_text = '{}: {}'.format(pre_text, exc) else: msg_text = str(exc) if post_text: msg_text += '\n\n{}'.format(post_text) msgbox = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Critical, title, msg_text) msgbox.exec_()
Example #17
Source File: From gridsync with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def critical(title, text): msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setWindowTitle(title) msg.setText(text) return msg.exec_()
Example #18
Source File: From gridsync with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def error(parent, title, text, detailed_text=None): msg = QMessageBox(parent) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) if sys.platform == "darwin": # Window titles are ignored for macOS "Alerts"; use setText() instead. # See msg.setText(title) msg.setInformativeText(text) else: msg.setWindowTitle(title) msg.setText(text) msg.setDetailedText(detailed_text) return msg.exec_()