Python django.core.exceptions.SuspiciousFileOperation() Examples
The following are 27
code examples of django.core.exceptions.SuspiciousFileOperation().
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Example #1
Source File: From djongo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_file_truncation(self): # Given the max_length is limited, when multiple files get uploaded # under the same name, then the filename get truncated in order to fit # in _(7 random chars). When most of the max_length is taken by # dirname + extension and there are not enough characters in the # filename to truncate, an exception should be raised. objs = [Storage() for i in range(2)] filename = 'filename.ext' for o in objs:, ContentFile('Same Content')) try: # Testing truncation. names = [ for o in objs] self.assertEqual(names[0], 'tests/%s' % filename) self.assertRegex(names[1], 'tests/fi_%s.ext' % FILE_SUFFIX_REGEX) # Testing exception is raised when filename is too short to truncate. filename = 'short.longext' objs[0], ContentFile('Same Content')) with self.assertRaisesMessage(SuspiciousFileOperation, 'Storage can not find an available filename'): objs[1]*(filename, ContentFile('Same Content'))) finally: for o in objs: o.delete()
Example #2
Source File: From openhgsenti with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_template_sources(self, template_name, template_dirs=None): """ Return an Origin object pointing to an absolute path in each directory in template_dirs. For security reasons, if a path doesn't lie inside one of the template_dirs it is excluded from the result set. """ if not template_dirs: template_dirs = self.get_dirs() for template_dir in template_dirs: try: name = safe_join(template_dir, template_name) except SuspiciousFileOperation: # The joined path was located outside of this template_dir # (it might be inside another one, so this isn't fatal). continue yield Origin( name=name, template_name=template_name, loader=self, )
Example #3
Source File: From python2017 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_template_sources(self, template_name, template_dirs=None): """ Return an Origin object pointing to an absolute path in each directory in template_dirs. For security reasons, if a path doesn't lie inside one of the template_dirs it is excluded from the result set. """ if not template_dirs: template_dirs = self.get_dirs() for template_dir in template_dirs: try: name = safe_join(template_dir, template_name) except SuspiciousFileOperation: # The joined path was located outside of this template_dir # (it might be inside another one, so this isn't fatal). continue yield Origin( name=name, template_name=template_name, loader=self, )
Example #4
Source File: From python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_template_sources(self, template_name, template_dirs=None): """ Return an Origin object pointing to an absolute path in each directory in template_dirs. For security reasons, if a path doesn't lie inside one of the template_dirs it is excluded from the result set. """ if not template_dirs: template_dirs = self.get_dirs() for template_dir in template_dirs: try: name = safe_join(template_dir, template_name) except SuspiciousFileOperation: # The joined path was located outside of this template_dir # (it might be inside another one, so this isn't fatal). continue yield Origin( name=name, template_name=template_name, loader=self, )
Example #5
Source File: From Hands-On-Application-Development-with-PyCharm with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_template_sources(self, template_name): """ Return an Origin object pointing to an absolute path in each directory in template_dirs. For security reasons, if a path doesn't lie inside one of the template_dirs it is excluded from the result set. """ for template_dir in self.get_dirs(): try: name = safe_join(template_dir, template_name) except SuspiciousFileOperation: # The joined path was located outside of this template_dir # (it might be inside another one, so this isn't fatal). continue yield Origin( name=name, template_name=template_name, loader=self, )
Example #6
Source File: From django-gcloud-storage with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def safe_join(base, path): base = force_text(base).replace("\\", "/").lstrip("/").rstrip("/") + "/" path = force_text(path).replace("\\", "/").lstrip("/") # Ugh... there must be a better way that I can't think of right now if base == "/": base = "" resolved_url = urlparse.urljoin(base, path) resolved_url = re.sub("//+", "/", resolved_url) if not resolved_url.startswith(base): raise SuspiciousFileOperation( 'The joined path ({}) is located outside of the base path ' 'component ({})'.format(resolved_url, base)) return resolved_url
Example #7
Source File: From janeway with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_template_sources(self, template_name, template_dirs=None): """ Return an Origin object pointing to an absolute path in each directory in template_dirs. For security reasons, if a path doesn't lie inside one of the template_dirs it is excluded from the result set. """ if not template_dirs: template_dirs = self.get_dirs() for template_dir in template_dirs: try: name = safe_join(template_dir, template_name) except SuspiciousFileOperation: # The joined path was located outside of this template_dir # (it might be inside another one, so this isn't fatal). continue yield Origin( name=name, template_name=template_name, loader=self, )
Example #8
Source File: From lego with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_available_name(self, bucket, key, max_length=32, force_name_change=False): file_root, file_ext = os.path.splitext(key) while ( force_name_change or self.key_exists(bucket, key) or (max_length and len(key) > max_length) ): force_name_change = False # file_ext includes the dot. key = "%s_%s%s" % (file_root, get_random_string(7), file_ext) if max_length is None: continue # Truncate file_root if max_length exceeded. truncation = len(key) - max_length if truncation > 0: file_root = file_root[:-truncation] # Entire file_root was truncated in attempt to find an available filename. if not file_root: raise SuspiciousFileOperation( 'Storage can not find an available filename for "%s". ' "Please make sure that the corresponding file field " 'allows sufficient "max_length".' % key ) key = "%s_%s%s" % (file_root, get_random_string(7), file_ext) return key
Example #9
Source File: From bioforum with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_template_sources(self, template_name): """ Return an Origin object pointing to an absolute path in each directory in template_dirs. For security reasons, if a path doesn't lie inside one of the template_dirs it is excluded from the result set. """ for template_dir in self.get_dirs(): try: name = safe_join(template_dir, template_name) except SuspiciousFileOperation: # The joined path was located outside of this template_dir # (it might be inside another one, so this isn't fatal). continue yield Origin( name=name, template_name=template_name, loader=self, )
Example #10
Source File: From wagtailvideos with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def get_upload_to(self, filename): folder_name = 'original_videos' filename = max_length = self._meta.get_field('file').max_length # Truncate filename so it fits in the 100 character limit # file_path = os.path.join(folder_name, filename) too_long = len(file_path) - max_length if too_long > 0: head, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if too_long > len(head) + 1: raise SuspiciousFileOperation('File name can not be shortened to a safe length') filename = head[:-too_long] + ext file_path = os.path.join(folder_name, filename) return os.path.join(folder_name, filename)
Example #11
Source File: From tethys with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def get_template_sources(self, template_name, template_dirs=None): """ Return an Origin object pointing to an absolute path in each directory in template_dirs. For security reasons, if a path doesn't lie inside one of the template_dirs it is excluded from the result set. """ if not template_dirs: template_dirs = get_directories_in_tethys(('templates',)) for template_dir in template_dirs: try: name = safe_join(template_dir, template_name) except SuspiciousFileOperation: # The joined path was located outside of this template_dir # (it might be inside another one, so this isn't fatal). continue yield Origin( name=name, template_name=template_name, loader=self, )
Example #12
Source File: From python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def safe_join(base, *paths): """ Joins one or more path components to the base path component intelligently. Returns a normalized, absolute version of the final path. The final path must be located inside of the base path component (otherwise a ValueError is raised). """ base = force_text(base) paths = [force_text(p) for p in paths] final_path = abspathu(join(base, *paths)) base_path = abspathu(base) # Ensure final_path starts with base_path (using normcase to ensure we # don't false-negative on case insensitive operating systems like Windows), # further, one of the following conditions must be true: # a) The next character is the path separator (to prevent conditions like # safe_join("/dir", "/../d")) # b) The final path must be the same as the base path. # c) The base path must be the most root path (meaning either "/" or "C:\\") if (not normcase(final_path).startswith(normcase(base_path + sep)) and normcase(final_path) != normcase(base_path) and dirname(normcase(base_path)) != normcase(base_path)): raise SuspiciousFileOperation( 'The joined path ({}) is located outside of the base path ' 'component ({})'.format(final_path, base_path)) return final_path
Example #13
Source File: From djongo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_file_storage_prevents_directory_traversal(self): """ File storage prevents directory traversal (files can only be accessed if they're below the storage location). """ with self.assertRaises(SuspiciousFileOperation):'..') with self.assertRaises(SuspiciousFileOperation):'/etc/passwd')
Example #14
Source File: From djongo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_parent_path(self): with self.assertRaises(SuspiciousFileOperation): safe_join("/abc/", "../def")
Example #15
Source File: From djongo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_parent_path(self): with self.assertRaises(SuspiciousFileOperation): safe_join("/abc/", "../def")
Example #16
Source File: From django-storages with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_truncates_away_filename_raises(self): name = 'parent/child.txt' with self.assertRaises(SuspiciousFileOperation): gaon(name, len(name) - 5)
Example #17
Source File: From tethys with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def test_get_template_sources_exception(self, mock_gdt, _, mock_safe_join): from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousFileOperation tethys_template_loader = TethysTemplateLoader(self.mock_engine) mock_gdt.return_value = ['/foo/template1', '/foo/template2'] mock_safe_join.side_effect = [SuspiciousFileOperation, '/foo/template2/foo'] expected_template_name = 'foo' for origin in tethys_template_loader.get_template_sources(expected_template_name): self.assertEqual('/foo/template2/foo', self.assertEqual('foo', origin.template_name) self.assertTrue(isinstance(origin.loader, TethysTemplateLoader))
Example #18
Source File: From python2017 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def safe_join(base, *paths): """ Joins one or more path components to the base path component intelligently. Returns a normalized, absolute version of the final path. The final path must be located inside of the base path component (otherwise a ValueError is raised). """ base = force_text(base) paths = [force_text(p) for p in paths] final_path = abspathu(join(base, *paths)) base_path = abspathu(base) # Ensure final_path starts with base_path (using normcase to ensure we # don't false-negative on case insensitive operating systems like Windows), # further, one of the following conditions must be true: # a) The next character is the path separator (to prevent conditions like # safe_join("/dir", "/../d")) # b) The final path must be the same as the base path. # c) The base path must be the most root path (meaning either "/" or "C:\\") if (not normcase(final_path).startswith(normcase(base_path + sep)) and normcase(final_path) != normcase(base_path) and dirname(normcase(base_path)) != normcase(base_path)): raise SuspiciousFileOperation( 'The joined path ({}) is located outside of the base path ' 'component ({})'.format(final_path, base_path)) return final_path
Example #19
Source File: From openhgsenti with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def safe_join(base, *paths): """ Joins one or more path components to the base path component intelligently. Returns a normalized, absolute version of the final path. The final path must be located inside of the base path component (otherwise a ValueError is raised). """ base = force_text(base) paths = [force_text(p) for p in paths] final_path = abspathu(join(base, *paths)) base_path = abspathu(base) # Ensure final_path starts with base_path (using normcase to ensure we # don't false-negative on case insensitive operating systems like Windows), # further, one of the following conditions must be true: # a) The next character is the path separator (to prevent conditions like # safe_join("/dir", "/../d")) # b) The final path must be the same as the base path. # c) The base path must be the most root path (meaning either "/" or "C:\\") if (not normcase(final_path).startswith(normcase(base_path + sep)) and normcase(final_path) != normcase(base_path) and dirname(normcase(base_path)) != normcase(base_path)): raise SuspiciousFileOperation( 'The joined path ({}) is located outside of the base path ' 'component ({})'.format(final_path, base_path)) return final_path
Example #20
Source File: From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def safe_join(base, *paths): """ Joins one or more path components to the base path component intelligently. Returns a normalized, absolute version of the final path. The final path must be located inside of the base path component (otherwise a ValueError is raised). """ base = force_text(base) paths = [force_text(p) for p in paths] final_path = abspathu(join(base, *paths)) base_path = abspathu(base) # Ensure final_path starts with base_path (using normcase to ensure we # don't false-negative on case insensitive operating systems like Windows), # further, one of the following conditions must be true: # a) The next character is the path separator (to prevent conditions like # safe_join("/dir", "/../d")) # b) The final path must be the same as the base path. # c) The base path must be the most root path (meaning either "/" or "C:\\") if (not normcase(final_path).startswith(normcase(base_path + sep)) and normcase(final_path) != normcase(base_path) and dirname(normcase(base_path)) != normcase(base_path)): raise SuspiciousFileOperation( 'The joined path ({}) is located outside of the base path ' 'component ({})'.format(final_path, base_path)) return final_path
Example #21
Source File: From Hands-On-Application-Development-with-PyCharm with MIT License | 5 votes |
def safe_join(base, *paths): """ Join one or more path components to the base path component intelligently. Return a normalized, absolute version of the final path. Raise ValueError if the final path isn't located inside of the base path component. """ base = force_text(base) paths = [force_text(p) for p in paths] final_path = abspath(join(base, *paths)) base_path = abspath(base) # Ensure final_path starts with base_path (using normcase to ensure we # don't false-negative on case insensitive operating systems like Windows), # further, one of the following conditions must be true: # a) The next character is the path separator (to prevent conditions like # safe_join("/dir", "/../d")) # b) The final path must be the same as the base path. # c) The base path must be the most root path (meaning either "/" or "C:\\") if (not normcase(final_path).startswith(normcase(base_path + sep)) and normcase(final_path) != normcase(base_path) and dirname(normcase(base_path)) != normcase(base_path)): raise SuspiciousFileOperation( 'The joined path ({}) is located outside of the base path ' 'component ({})'.format(final_path, base_path)) return final_path
Example #22
Source File: From zing with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_template_source(name, dirs=None): """Retrieves the template's source contents. :param name: Template's filename, as passed to the template loader. :param dirs: list of directories to optionally override the defaults. :return: tuple including file contents and file path. """ loaders = [] for loader in Engine.get_default().template_loaders: # The cached loader includes the actual loaders underneath if hasattr(loader, "loaders"): loaders.extend(loader.loaders) else: loaders.append(loader) for loader in loaders: for template_dir in loader.get_dirs(): try: filename = safe_join(template_dir, name) except SuspiciousFileOperation: # The joined path was located outside of this template_dir # (it might be inside another one, so this isn't fatal). continue try: with open(filename, encoding=loader.engine.file_charset) as fp: return except FileNotFoundError: continue raise TemplateDoesNotExist(name)
Example #23
Source File: From django-gcloud-storage with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_should_not_allow_escaping_base_path(self): with pytest.raises(SuspiciousFileOperation): safe_join("test", "../index.html") with pytest.raises(SuspiciousFileOperation): safe_join("test", "/../index.html")
Example #24
Source File: From bioforum with MIT License | 5 votes |
def safe_join(base, *paths): """ Join one or more path components to the base path component intelligently. Return a normalized, absolute version of the final path. Raise ValueError if the final path isn't located inside of the base path component. """ base = force_text(base) paths = [force_text(p) for p in paths] final_path = abspath(join(base, *paths)) base_path = abspath(base) # Ensure final_path starts with base_path (using normcase to ensure we # don't false-negative on case insensitive operating systems like Windows), # further, one of the following conditions must be true: # a) The next character is the path separator (to prevent conditions like # safe_join("/dir", "/../d")) # b) The final path must be the same as the base path. # c) The base path must be the most root path (meaning either "/" or "C:\\") if (not normcase(final_path).startswith(normcase(base_path + sep)) and normcase(final_path) != normcase(base_path) and dirname(normcase(base_path)) != normcase(base_path)): raise SuspiciousFileOperation( 'The joined path ({}) is located outside of the base path ' 'component ({})'.format(final_path, base_path)) return final_path
Example #25
Source File: From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_available_name(self, name, max_length=None): """ Returns a filename that's free on the target storage system, and available for new content to be written to. """ dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(name) file_root, file_ext = os.path.splitext(file_name) # If the filename already exists, add an underscore and a random 7 # character alphanumeric string (before the file extension, if one # exists) to the filename until the generated filename doesn't exist. # Truncate original name if required, so the new filename does not # exceed the max_length. while self.exists(name) or (max_length and len(name) > max_length): # file_ext includes the dot. name = os.path.join(dir_name, "%s_%s%s" % (file_root, get_random_string(7), file_ext)) if max_length is None: continue # Truncate file_root if max_length exceeded. truncation = len(name) - max_length if truncation > 0: file_root = file_root[:-truncation] # Entire file_root was truncated in attempt to find an available filename. if not file_root: raise SuspiciousFileOperation( 'Storage can not find an available filename for "%s". ' 'Please make sure that the corresponding file field ' 'allows sufficient "max_length".' % name ) name = os.path.join(dir_name, "%s_%s%s" % (file_root, get_random_string(7), file_ext)) return name
Example #26
Source File: From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_template_sources(self, template_name, template_dirs=None): """ Returns the absolute paths to "template_name", when appended to each directory in "template_dirs". Any paths that don't lie inside one of the template dirs are excluded from the result set, for security reasons. """ if not template_dirs: template_dirs = self.engine.dirs for template_dir in template_dirs: try: yield safe_join(template_dir, template_name) except SuspiciousFileOperation: # The joined path was located outside of this template_dir # (it might be inside another one, so this isn't fatal). pass
Example #27
Source File: From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_template_sources(self, template_name, template_dirs=None): """ Returns the absolute paths to "template_name", when appended to each directory in "template_dirs". Any paths that don't lie inside one of the template dirs are excluded from the result set, for security reasons. """ if not template_dirs: template_dirs = get_app_template_dirs('templates') for template_dir in template_dirs: try: yield safe_join(template_dir, template_name) except SuspiciousFileOperation: # The joined path was located outside of this template_dir # (it might be inside another one, so this isn't fatal). pass