Python dash_core_components.Checklist() Examples
The following are 5
code examples of dash_core_components.Checklist().
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Example #1
Source File: From webmc3 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def selector(title, trace, varname, include_transformed_chooser=True): children = [ html.Label("Variable"), dcc.Dropdown( id='{}-selector'.format(title), options=get_varname_options(trace), value=varname ) ] if include_transformed_chooser: children.append( dcc.Checklist( id='{}-selector-include-transformed'.format(title), options=[{ 'label': "Include transformed variables", 'value': 'include_transformed' }], values=[] ) ) return html.Div(children, style={'width': '20%'})
Example #2
Source File: From dash-docs with MIT License | 6 votes |
def edit_list(add, add2, clear, new_item, items, items_done): triggered = [t["prop_id"] for t in dash.callback_context.triggered] adding = len([1 for i in triggered if i in ("add.n_clicks", "new-item.n_submit")]) clearing = len([1 for i in triggered if i == "clear-done.n_clicks"]) new_spec = [ (text, done) for text, done in zip(items, items_done) if not (clearing and done) ] if adding: new_spec.append((new_item, [])) new_list = [ html.Div([ dcc.Checklist( id={"index": i, "type": "done"}, options=[{"label": "", "value": "done"}], value=done, style={"display": "inline"}, labelStyle={"display": "inline"} ), html.Div(text, id={"index": i}, style=style_done if done else style_todo) ], style={"clear": "both"}) for i, (text, done) in enumerate(new_spec) ] return [new_list, "" if adding else new_item]
Example #3
Source File: From webviz-subsurface with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def intersection_option(self): options = [ {"label": "Keep zoom state", "value": "keep_zoom_state"}, {"label": "Show surface fill", "value": "show_surface_fill"}, ] value = ["show_surface_fill"] if self.segyfiles: options.append({"label": "Show seismic", "value": "show_seismic"}) if self.zonelog is not None: options.append({"label": "Show zonelog", "value": "show_zonelog"}) value.append("show_zonelog") return html.Div( style=self.set_style(marginTop="20px"), children=[ html.Label("Intersection settings", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), html.Label("Sampling"), dcc.Input( id=self.ids("sampling"), debounce=True, type="number", value=self.sampling, ), html.Label("Extension"), dcc.Input( id=self.ids("nextend"), debounce=True, type="number", value=self.nextend, ), dcc.Checklist(id=self.ids("options"), options=options, value=value), ], )
Example #4
Source File: From webviz-subsurface with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def viz_options_layout(self): options = [{"label": "Show surface fill", "value": "show_surface_fill"}] value = ["show_surface_fill"] if self.segyfiles: options.append({"label": "Show seismic", "value": "show_seismic"}) if self.zonelog: options.append({"label": "Show zonelog", "value": "show_zonelog"}) value.append("show_zonelog") return dcc.Checklist(id=self.ids("options"), options=options, value=value,)
Example #5
Source File: From webviz-subsurface with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def control_div(self): return [ html.Div( style={"padding": "5px"}, children=[ html.Label( "Parameter horizontal axis:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}, ), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.ids("parameter1"), options=[{"label": p, "value": p} for p in self.p_cols], value=self.p_cols[0], clearable=False, ), Widgets.dropdown_from_dict(self.ids("ensemble-1"), self.ensembles), ], ), html.Div( style={"padding": "5px"}, children=[ html.Label( "Parameter vertical axis:", style={"font-weight": "bold"} ), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.ids("parameter2"), options=[{"label": p, "value": p} for p in self.p_cols], value=self.p_cols[0], clearable=False, ), Widgets.dropdown_from_dict(self.ids("ensemble-2"), self.ensembles), ], ), html.Div( style={"padding": "5px"}, children=[ html.Label("Color scatter by:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.ids("scatter-color"), options=[{"label": p, "value": p} for p in self.p_cols], ), ], ), dcc.Checklist( id=self.ids("density"), style={"padding": "5px"}, options=[{"label": "Show scatterplot density", "value": "density",}], ), ]