Python dash_core_components.Markdown() Examples
The following are 19
code examples of dash_core_components.Markdown().
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Example #1
Source File: From QCFractal with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 7 votes |
def update_server_information(status): config = current_app.config["FRACTAL_CONFIG"] server = dcc.Markdown( f""" **Name:** {} **Query Limit:** {config.fractal.query_limit} """ ) database = dcc.Markdown( f""" **Name:** {config.database.database_name} **Port:** {config.database.port} **Host:** {} """ ) queue = dcc.Graph(figure=task_graph()) return server, database, queue
Example #2
Source File: From dash-recipes with MIT License | 6 votes |
def display_page(pathname): return html.Div([ html.Div([ html.Span( dcc.Link(link_mapping['/'], href="/") if pathname != '/' else 'Exhibit A', style=styles['link'] ), html.Span( dcc.Link(link_mapping['/exhibit-b'], href="/exhibit-b") if pathname != '/exhibit-b' else 'Exhibit B', style=styles['link'] ), html.Span( dcc.Link(link_mapping['/exhibit-c'], href="/exhibit-c") if pathname != '/exhibit-c' else 'Exhibit C', style=styles['link'] ) ]), dcc.Markdown('### {}'.format(link_mapping[pathname])), ])
Example #3
Source File: From dash-svm with MIT License | 6 votes |
def DemoDescription(filename, strip=False): with open(filename, 'r') as file: text = if strip: text = text.split('<Start Description>')[-1] text = text.split('<End Description>')[0] return html.Div( className='row', style={ 'padding': '15px 30px 27px', 'margin': '45px auto 45px', 'width': '80%', 'max-width': '1024px', 'borderRadius': 5, 'border': 'thin lightgrey solid', 'font-family': 'Roboto, sans-serif' }, children=dcc.Markdown(dedent(text)) )
Example #4
Source File: From dash-docs with MIT License | 6 votes |
def Markdown(children='', **kwargs): children = replace_relative_links(children) if kwargs.pop('escape_tags', False) and 'dccLink' in children: # escape the HTML tags presented in the html component docstrings # note that if these tags are within `backticks`, then we don't need # to escape. so, let the caller determine whether or not to escape a # section. children = re.sub( '\<(\w+)\>', # for some reason, if we do `\<{}\>`, the first slash is shown in the # rendered text. lambda match: '<{}\> '.format(match.groups()[0]), children ) return dcc.Markdown( children=children, dangerously_allow_html=('dccLink' in children), **kwargs )
Example #5
Source File: From dash-earthquakes with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create_description(): div = html.Div( children=[ dcc.Markdown(''' The redder the outer circle, the higher the magnitude. The darker the inner circle, the deeper the earthquake. > Currently no organization or government or scientist is capable > of succesfully predicting the time and occurrence of an > earthquake. > — Michael Blanpied Use the table below to know more about the {} earthquakes that exceeded magnitude 4.5 last month. *** '''.format(data['metadata']['count']).replace(' ', '')), ], ) return div
Example #6
Source File: From webviz-config with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, markdown_file: Path): super().__init__() self.markdown_file = markdown_file self.html = bleach.clean( markdown.markdown( get_path(self.markdown_file).read_text(), extensions=[ "tables", "sane_lists", _WebvizMarkdownExtension(base_path=markdown_file.parent), ], ), tags=Markdown.ALLOWED_TAGS, attributes=Markdown.ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES, styles=Markdown.ALLOWED_STYLES, ) # Workaround for upstream issue, # where we convert void html tags from <tag> to <tag/>. self.html = re.sub("<img (.*?[^/])>", r"<img \1/>", self.html) self.html = self.html.replace("<br>", "<br/>").replace("<hr>", "<hr/>")
Example #7
Source File: From dash-recipes with MIT License | 6 votes |
def divs_list(): return [html.Div([ dcc.Markdown( '', id='model-{}-markdown'.format(id) ), html.P( '', id='model-{}-p'.format(id) ), html.Button( 'Delete', id='model-{}-delete-button'.format(id), style={'width': '49%'} ), html.Button( 'Start/Stop', id='model-{}-toggle-button'.format(id), style={'marginLeft': '2%', 'width': '49%'} ), html.Hr() ], id='model-k2-{}'.format(id)) for id in IDS]
Example #8
Source File: From webviz-config with MIT License | 5 votes |
def layout(self) -> dcc.Markdown: return dcc.Markdown(self.html, dangerously_allow_html=True)
Example #9
Source File: From webviz-config with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, image_link_re: str, md: markdown.core.Markdown, base_path: Path): self.base_path = base_path super(_MarkdownImageProcessor, self).__init__(image_link_re, md)
Example #10
Source File: From dash-docs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_query(query): if query is None: return "No filter query" return dcc.Markdown('`filter_query = "{}"`'.format(query))
Example #11
Source File: From dash-docs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def display_query(query): if query is None: return '' return html.Details([ html.Summary('Derived filter query structure'), html.Div(dcc.Markdown('''```json {} ```'''.format(json.dumps(query, indent=4)))) ])
Example #12
Source File: From dash-docs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def replace_relative_links(children): children = re.sub( ']\((\/\S*)\)', lambda match: ']({})'.format(tools.relpath(match.groups()[0])), children ) children = re.sub( 'href="(/\S*)"', lambda match: 'href="{}"'.format(tools.relpath(match.groups()[0])), children ) return children # Use our own Markdown function so that we can # use `relpath` for the embedded URLs
Example #13
Source File: From webviz-config with MIT License | 5 votes |
def extendMarkdown(self, md: markdown.core.Markdown) -> None: md.inlinePatterns.register( item=_MarkdownImageProcessor(IMAGE_LINK_RE, md, self.base_path), name="image_link", priority=50, )
Example #14
Source File: From webviz-config with MIT License | 5 votes |
def layout(self) -> dcc.Markdown: return dcc.Markdown( f"```\n{get_path(self.filename).read_text()}\n```", highlight_config=self.config, )
Example #15
Source File: From dash-cytoscape with MIT License | 5 votes |
def SectionTitle(title, size, align='center', color='#222'): return html.Div( style={ 'text-align': align, 'color': color }, children=dcc.Markdown('#' * size + ' ' + title), )
Example #16
Source File: From dash-docs with MIT License | 4 votes |
def imageComponentBlock( example_string, location, height=None, width=400 ): '''Generate a container that is visually similar to the ComponentBlock for components that require an externally hosted image. :param (str) example_string: String containing the code that is used in the application from the image. :param (str) location: The URL of the image. :param (int) height: The height of the image. :param (int) width: The width of the image. :rtype (dict): A dash_html_components div containing the code container and the image. ''' try: exec(example_string, {}) except Exception as e: print('\nError running\n{}\n{}'.format( example_string, ('======================================' + '======================================') )) raise e demo_location = re.match('.*pic_(.*)\.png\?raw=true', location) if demo_location is not None: demo_location = else: demo_location = '' return html.Div([ rc.Markdown( '```python \n' + example_string + ' \n```', style=styles.code_container ), html.Div( className='example-container', children=[ dcc.Markdown( '> Try a live demo at{}'.format(demo_location, demo_location) ), html.Img( style={'border': 'none', 'width': '75%', 'max-width': '500px'}, src=location ) ] ) ])
Example #17
Source File: From dash-docs with MIT License | 4 votes |
def generate_docs( library_name, library_short, library_heading, library_install_instructions, library_components ): '''Generate full documentation for a library. :param (str) library_name: The full name of the library (e.g., dash_bio). :param (str) library_short: The short name of the library, used in an import statement (i.e., import library_name as library_short). :param (obj) library_heading: A rc.Markdown object that will be at the top of the documentation page; it should provide a brief description of the library. :param (obj) library_install_instructions: A dcc.SyntaxHighligher object that contains the code needed to install the library. :param (dict[dict]) library_components: A dictionary for which the keys are the names of the components that are to be displayed, and the values are dictionaries that can be used by the function generate_component_example. :rtype (list[object]): The children of the layout for the documentation page. ''' layout_children = library_heading layout_children.append(library_install_instructions) sorted_keys = list(library_components.keys()) sorted_keys.sort() for component in sorted_keys: layout_children += generate_component_example( component, library_name, library_short, **library_components[component] ) return layout_children # individual component pages
Example #18
Source File: From dash-docs with MIT License | 4 votes |
def create_default_example( component_name, example_code, styles, component_hyphenated ): '''Generate a default example for the component-specific page. :param (str) component_name: The name of the component as it is defined within the package. :param (str) example_code: The code for the default example. :param (dict) styles: The styles to be applied to the code container. :rtype (list[object]): The children of the layout for the default example. ''' return [ rc.Markdown('See [{} in action]({}).'.format( component_name, component_hyphenated )), html.Hr(), html.H3("Default {}".format( component_name )), html.P("An example of a default {} component without \ any extra properties.".format( component_name )), rc.Markdown( example_code[0] ), html.Div( example_code[1], className='example-container' ), html.Hr() ]
Example #19
Source File: From slapdash with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_layout(**kwargs): initial_text = kwargs.get("text", "Type some text into me!") # Note that if you need to access multiple values of an argument, you can # use args.getlist("param") return html.Div( [ dcc.Markdown( dedent( """ # Character Counter This demo counts the number of characters in the text box and updates a bar chart with their frequency as you type. """ ) ), dbc.FormGroup( dbc.Textarea( id="text-input", value=initial_text, style={"width": "40em", "height": "5em"}, ) ), dbc.FormGroup( [ dbc.Label("Sort by:"), dbc.RadioItems( id="sort-type", options=[ {"label": "Frequency", "value": "frequency"}, {"label": "Character code", "value": "code"}, ], value="frequency", ), ] ), dbc.FormGroup( [ dbc.Label("Normalize character case?"), dbc.RadioItems( id="normalize", options=[ {"label": "No", "value": "no"}, {"label": "Yes", "value": "yes"}, ], value="no", ), ] ), dcc.Graph(id="graph"), ] )