Python qgis.core.QgsCoordinateTransform() Examples
The following are 26
code examples of qgis.core.QgsCoordinateTransform().
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Example #1
Source File: From qgis-shapetools-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 14 votes |
def canvasPressEvent(self, event): """Capture the coordinate when the mouse button has been released.""" pt = self.snappoint(event.originalPixelPoint()) self.removeVertexMarker() if self.azDigitizerDialog is None: from .azDigitizer import AzDigitizerWidget self.azDigitizerDialog = AzDigitizerWidget(self.iface, self.iface.mainWindow()) layer = self.iface.activeLayer() if layer is None or layer.wkbType() != QgsWkbTypes.Point: self.azDigitizerDialog.includeStartLabel.setEnabled(False) self.azDigitizerDialog.checkBox.setEnabled(False) else: self.azDigitizerDialog.includeStartLabel.setEnabled(True) self.azDigitizerDialog.checkBox.setEnabled(True) try: canvasCRS = self.canvas.mapSettings().destinationCrs() transform = QgsCoordinateTransform(canvasCRS, epsg4326, QgsProject.instance()) pt4326 = transform.transform(pt.x(), pt.y()) self.azDigitizerDialog.setPoint(pt4326) except Exception: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("", tr("Clicked location is invalid"), level=Qgis.Warning, duration=4)
Example #2
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-plugin with MIT License | 8 votes |
def setCenter(lon, lat, zoom=None): """ Centers the map view at the given coordinates with the given zoom level. If no zoom level is provided, it uses the most recent zoom level on the map. Uses: >>> from ee_plugin import Map >>> Map.setCenter(lon, lat, zoom) """ ### center center_point_in = QgsPointXY(lon, lat) # convert coordinates crsSrc = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(4326) # WGS84 crsDest = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(QgsProject.instance().crs()) xform = QgsCoordinateTransform(crsSrc, crsDest, QgsProject.instance()) # forward transformation: src -> dest center_point = xform.transform(center_point_in) iface.mapCanvas().setCenter(center_point) ### zoom if zoom is not None: # transform the zoom level to scale scale_value = 591657550.5 / 2 ** (zoom - 1) iface.mapCanvas().zoomScale(scale_value)
Example #3
Source File: From qgis-latlontools-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 7 votes |
def zoomTo(self, srcCrs, lat, lon): canvasCrs = self.canvas.mapSettings().destinationCrs() transform = QgsCoordinateTransform(srcCrs, canvasCrs, QgsProject.instance()) x, y = transform.transform(float(lon), float(lat)) rect = QgsRectangle(x, y, x, y) self.canvas.setExtent(rect) pt = QgsPointXY(x, y) self.highlight(pt) self.canvas.refresh() return pt
Example #4
Source File: From qgis-latlontools-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 7 votes |
def utmString2Crs(utm, crs=epsg4326): parts = re.split(r'[\s]+', utm.upper()) utmlen = len(parts) if utmlen == 3: m = re.findall(r'(\d+)([NS])', parts[0]) if len(m) != 1 or len(m[0]) != 2: raise ValueError('Invalid UTM Coordinate') zone = int(m[0][0]) hemisphere = m[0][1] easting = float(parts[1]) northing = float(parts[2]) elif utmlen == 4: if parts[1] != 'N' and parts[1] != 'S': raise ValueError('Invalid UTM Coordinate') zone = int(parts[0]) easting = float(parts[2]) northing = float(parts[3]) else: raise ValueError('Invalid UTM Coordinate') if zone < 1 or zone > 60: raise ValueError('Invalid UTM Coordinate') utmcrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(utm_epsg_codes['{}{}'.format(zone, hemisphere)]) pt = QgsPointXY(easting, northing) utmtrans = QgsCoordinateTransform(utmcrs, crs, QgsProject.instance()) return(utmtrans.transform(pt))
Example #5
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-plugin with MIT License | 7 votes |
def geom_to_geo(geom): crs_src = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(QgsProject.instance().crs()) crs_dst = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(4326) proj2geo = QgsCoordinateTransform(crs_src, crs_dst, QgsProject.instance()) if isinstance(geom, QgsPointXY): return proj2geo.transform(geom) elif isinstance(geom, QgsRectangle): return proj2geo.transformBoundingBox(geom) else: return geom.transform(proj2geo)
Example #6
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def createReprojectedLayer(layer, crs): """ Creates a reprojected layer layer: layer used crs: crs used """ temp = QgsVectorLayer('%s?crs=%s'% ('Multipolygon', crs.authid()), 'temp', 'memory') if not layer.isValid(): raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException('Problema ao criar camada reprojetada!') return None provider = temp.dataProvider() provider.addAttributes(layer.dataProvider().fields().toList()) temp.updateFields() coordinateTransformer = QgsCoordinateTransform(, crs) features = [] for feature in layer.getFeatures(): feat = QgsFeature(feature) geom = feat.geometry() geom.transform(coordinateTransformer) feat.setGeometry(geom) features.append(feat) provider.addFeatures(features) return temp
Example #7
Source File: From qgis-latlontools-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def canvasReleaseEvent(self, event): '''Capture the coordinate when the mouse button has been released, format it, and copy it to the clipboard. pt is QgsPointXY''' pt = self.snappoint(event.originalPixelPoint()) self.removeVertexMarker() try: canvasCRS = self.canvas.mapSettings().destinationCrs() transform = QgsCoordinateTransform(canvasCRS, epsg4326, QgsProject.instance()) pt4326 = transform.transform(pt.x(), pt.y()) self.capturePoint.emit(pt4326) except Exception as e: pass
Example #8
Source File: From go2mapillary with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def panToAction(self): crsCanvas = self.module.iface.mapCanvas().mapSettings().destinationCrs() # get current crs crsWGS84 = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(4326) # WGS 84 xform = QgsCoordinateTransform(crsWGS84, crsCanvas, QgsProject.instance()) sourcePoint = QgsPointXY(float(self.field_longitude.text()),float(self.field_latitude.text())) self.module.iface.mapCanvas().setCenter(xform.transform(sourcePoint)) self.module.iface.mapCanvas().refresh()
Example #9
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def zoomToLayer(self, layer, zoom = None): box = layer.boundingBoxOfSelected() if zoom is not None: box.grow(100-zoom) # Defining the crs from src and destiny epsg = self.iface.mapCanvas().mapSettings().destinationCrs().authid() crsDest = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(epsg) #getting srid from something like 'EPSG:31983' if not layer: layer = self.iface.mapCanvas().currentLayer() srid = crsSrc = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(srid) #here we have to put authid, not srid # Creating a transformer coordinateTransformer = QgsCoordinateTransform(crsSrc, crsDest, QgsProject.instance()) newBox = coordinateTransformer.transform(box) self.iface.mapCanvas().setExtent(newBox) self.iface.mapCanvas().refresh()
Example #10
Source File: From qgis-shapetools-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def canvasPressEvent(self, event): '''Capture the coordinate when the mouse button has been released.''' pt = self.snappoint(event.originalPixelPoint()) self.removeVertexMarker() layer = self.iface.activeLayer() if layer is None: return if self.lineDigitizerDialog is None: from .lineDigitizer import LineDigitizerWidget self.lineDigitizerDialog = LineDigitizerWidget(self.iface, self.iface.mainWindow()) if layer.geometryType() == QgsWkbTypes.LineGeometry: self.lineDigitizerDialog.closeLineCheckBox.setEnabled(True) else: self.lineDigitizerDialog.closeLineCheckBox.setEnabled(False) try: canvasCRS = self.canvas.mapSettings().destinationCrs() transform = QgsCoordinateTransform(canvasCRS, epsg4326, QgsProject.instance()) pt4326 = transform.transform(pt.x(), pt.y()) self.lineDigitizerDialog.setPoint(pt4326) self.lineDigitizerDialog.valuesTextEdit.clear() except Exception: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("", tr("Clicked location is invalid"), level=Qgis.Warning, duration=4)
Example #11
Source File: From quickmapservices with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def setDestinationCrs(self, dst_crs): if QGis.QGIS_VERSION_INT >= 30000: super(QgsCoordinateTransform, self).setDestinationCrs(dst_crs) else: self.setDestCRS(dst_crs)
Example #12
Source File: From qgis-bulk-nominatim with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def addMarker(self, lat, lon): if self.marker: self.removeMarker() canvasCrs = self.canvas.mapSettings().destinationCrs() transform = QgsCoordinateTransform(self.epsg4326, canvasCrs, QgsProject.instance()) center = transform.transform(lon, lat) self.marker = QgsVertexMarker(self.canvas) self.marker.setCenter(center) self.marker.setColor(QColor(255, 70, 0)) self.marker.setIconSize(15) self.marker.setIconType(QgsVertexMarker.ICON_X) self.marker.setPenWidth(3)
Example #13
Source File: From quickmapservices with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, src_crs, dst_crs): super(QgsCoordinateTransform, self).__init__() self.setSourceCrs(src_crs) self.setDestinationCrs(dst_crs)
Example #14
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def reprojectGeometry(self, geom): # Defining the crs from src and destiny iface = self.getIface() canvas = iface.mapCanvas() epsg = canvas.mapSettings().destinationCrs().authid() crsSrc = core.QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(epsg) #getting srid from something like 'EPSG:31983' layer = canvas.currentLayer() srid = crsDest = core.QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(srid) #here we have to put authid, not srid if srid != epsg: # Creating a transformer coordinateTransformer = core.QgsCoordinateTransform(crsSrc, crsDest, QgsProject.instance()) geomType = geom.type() # Transforming the points if geomType == core.QgsWkbTypes.LineGeometry: geomList = geom.asPolyline() elif geomType == core.QgsWkbTypes.PolygonGeometry: geomList = geom.asPolygon() newGeom = [] for j in range(len(geomList)): if geomType == core.QgsWkbTypes.LineGeometry: newGeom.append(coordinateTransformer.transform(geomList[j])) elif geomType == core.QgsWkbTypes.PolygonGeometry: line = geomList[j] for i in range(len(line)): point = line[i] newGeom.append(coordinateTransformer.transform(point)) if geomType == core.QgsWkbTypes.LineGeometry: return core.QgsGeometry.fromPolylineXY(newGeom) elif geomType == core.QgsWkbTypes.PolygonGeometry: return core.QgsGeometry.fromPolygonXY([newGeom]) return geom
Example #15
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def simplifyGeometry(self, geom, tolerance): #Método para simplificar geometria #Parâmetro de entrada: geom (Geometria adquirida), tolerance (Tolerância para simplificação) #Parâmetro de retorno: sGeom (Geometria simplificada) parameters = self.getParametersFromConfig() sGeom = geom source_crs = self.iface.activeLayer().crs() dest_crs = core.QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(3857) tr = core.QgsCoordinateTransform(source_crs, dest_crs, core.QgsCoordinateTransformContext()) sGeom.transform(tr) for x in range(int(parameters[u'algIterations'])): sGeom = sGeom.simplify(float(tolerance)) try: sGeom = sGeom.smooth( int(parameters[u'freeHandSmoothIterations']), float(parameters[u'freeHandSmoothOffset']) ) except: msg = QMessageBox().tr('Probably too many smoothing iteration, try reducing it (3 usually is enough). Geometry was not smoothened.') QMessageBox.warning( self.iface.mainWindow(), QMessageBox().tr('Error!'), msg ) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(msg, 'DSGTools Plugin', Qgis.Critical) return geom tr = core.QgsCoordinateTransform(dest_crs, source_crs, core.QgsCoordinateTransformContext()) sGeom.transform(tr) return sGeom
Example #16
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def reproject(self, geom, canvasCrs): """ Reprojects geom to the reference layer crs """ destCrs = if canvasCrs.authid() != destCrs.authid(): coordinateTransformer = QgsCoordinateTransform(canvasCrs, destCrs) geom.transform(coordinateTransformer)
Example #17
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
def centerObject(feature, zoom=None): """ Centers the map view on a given object. Uses: >>> from ee_plugin import Map >>> Map.centerObject(feature) """ feature = ee.Feature(feature) if not zoom: # make sure our geometry is in geo rect = feature.geometry().transform(ee.Projection('EPSG:4326'), 1) # get coordinates coords = rect.bounds().getInfo()['coordinates'][0] xmin = coords[0][0] ymin = coords[0][1] xmax = coords[2][0] ymax = coords[2][1] # construct QGIS geometry rect = QgsRectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) # transform rect to a crs used by current project crs_src = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(4326) crs_dst = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(QgsProject.instance().crs()) geo2proj = QgsCoordinateTransform(crs_src, crs_dst, QgsProject.instance()) rect_proj = geo2proj.transform(rect) # center geometry iface.mapCanvas().zoomToFeatureExtent(rect_proj) else: # set map center to feature centroid at a specified zoom center = feature.geometry().centroid().coordinates().getInfo() setCenter(center[0], center[1], zoom)
Example #18
Source File: From go2mapillary with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def transformToWGS84(self, pPoint): # transformation from the current SRS to WGS84 crcMappaCorrente = self.iface.mapCanvas().mapSettings().destinationCrs() # get current crs crsSrc = crcMappaCorrente crsDest = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(4326) # WGS 84 xform = QgsCoordinateTransform(crsSrc, crsDest, QgsProject.instance()) return xform.transform(pPoint) # forward transformation: src -> dest
Example #19
Source File: From go2mapillary with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def clickedOnCanvasAction(self,clickedPoint): self.iface.mapCanvas().setMapTool(self.module.mapSelectionTool) crsCanvas = self.module.iface.mapCanvas().mapSettings().destinationCrs() # get current crs crsWGS84 = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(4326) # WGS 84 xform = QgsCoordinateTransform(crsCanvas, crsWGS84, QgsProject.instance()) wgs84point = xform.transform(clickedPoint) self.lon_widget.setText(str(wgs84point.x())) self.lat_widget.setText(str(wgs84point.y())) super(mapillaryFilter, self).show() self.raise_()
Example #20
Source File: From qgis-latlontools-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def latLon2UtmString(lat, lon, precision): zone = int((lon + 180) / 6) + 1 if lon >= 0: zonestr = '{}N'.format(zone) else: zonestr = '{}S'.format(zone) try: utmcrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(utm_epsg_codes[zonestr]) utmtrans = QgsCoordinateTransform(epsg4326, utmcrs, QgsProject.instance()) pt = QgsPointXY(lon, lat) utmpt = utmtrans.transform(pt) msg = '{} {:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f}'.format(zonestr, utmpt.x(), utmpt.y(), prec=precision) except Exception: msg = '' return(msg)
Example #21
Source File: From qgis-latlontools-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def copyCanvas(self): extent = self.iface.mapCanvas().extent() canvasCrs = self.canvas.mapSettings().destinationCrs() if settings.bBoxCrs == 0 and canvasCrs != epsg4326: transform = QgsCoordinateTransform(canvasCrs, epsg4326, QgsProject.instance()) p1x, p1y = transform.transform(float(extent.xMinimum()), float(extent.yMinimum())) p2x, p2y = transform.transform(float(extent.xMaximum()), float(extent.yMaximum())) extent.set(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) delim = settings.bBoxDelimiter prefix = settings.bBoxPrefix suffix = settings.bBoxSuffix precision = settings.bBoxDigits outStr = '' minX = extent.xMinimum() minY = extent.yMinimum() maxX = extent.xMaximum() maxY = extent.yMaximum() if settings.bBoxFormat == 0: # minX,minY,maxX,maxY - using the delimiter outStr = '{:.{prec}f}{}{:.{prec}f}{}{:.{prec}f}{}{:.{prec}f}'.format( minX, delim, minY, delim, maxX, delim, maxY, prec=precision) elif settings.bBoxFormat == 1: # minX,maxX,minY,maxY - Using the selected delimiter' outStr = '{:.{prec}f}{}{:.{prec}f}{}{:.{prec}f}{}{:.{prec}f}'.format( minX, delim, maxX, delim, minY, delim, maxY, prec=precision) elif settings.bBoxFormat == 2: # x1 y1,x2 y2,x3 y3,x4 y4,x1 y1 - Polygon format outStr = '{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f}'.format( minX, minY, minX, maxY, maxX, maxY, maxX, minY, minX, minY, prec=precision) elif settings.bBoxFormat == 3: # x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3 x4,y4 x1,y1 - Polygon format outStr = '{:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f}'.format( minX, minY, minX, maxY, maxX, maxY, maxX, minY, minX, minY, prec=precision) elif settings.bBoxFormat == 4: # WKT Polygon outStr = extent.asWktPolygon() elif settings.bBoxFormat == 5: # bbox: [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] - MapProxy outStr = 'bbox: [{}, {}, {}, {}]'.format( minX, minY, maxX, maxY) elif settings.bBoxFormat == 6: # bbox: [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] - MapProxy outStr = 'bbox={},{},{},{}'.format( minX, minY, maxX, maxY) outStr = '{}{}{}'.format(prefix, outStr, suffix) clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() clipboard.setText(outStr) self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("", "'{}' copied to the clipboard".format(outStr), level=Qgis.Info, duration=4)
Example #22
Source File: From qgis-bulk-nominatim with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def transform_geom(self, geometry): canvasCrs = self.canvas.mapSettings().destinationCrs() geom = QgsGeometry(geometry) geom.transform(QgsCoordinateTransform(self.epsg4326, canvasCrs, QgsProject.instance())) return geom
Example #23
Source File: From qgis-shapetools-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def processAlgorithm(self, parameters, context, feedback): source = self.parameterAsSource(parameters, self.PrmInputLayer, context) srcCRS = source.sourceCrs() (sink, dest_id) = self.parameterAsSink( parameters, self.PrmOutputLayer, context, source.fields(), QgsWkbTypes.MultiLineString, srcCRS) # Set up CRS transformations if srcCRS != epsg4326: geomTo4326 = QgsCoordinateTransform(srcCRS, epsg4326, QgsProject.instance()) toSinkCrs = QgsCoordinateTransform(epsg4326, srcCRS, QgsProject.instance()) featureCount = source.featureCount() total = 100.0 / featureCount if featureCount else 0 iterator = source.getFeatures() for cnt, feature in enumerate(iterator): if feedback.isCanceled(): break try: if feature.geometry().isMultipart(): seg = feature.geometry().asMultiPolyline() else: seg = [feature.geometry().asPolyline()] numseg = len(seg) if numseg < 1 or len(seg[0]) < 2: continue outseg = [] for pts in seg: if srcCRS != epsg4326: for x, pt in enumerate(pts): pts[x] = geomTo4326.transform(pt) normalizeLongitude(pts) newseg = checkIdlCrossings(pts) outseg.extend(newseg) if srcCRS != epsg4326: # Convert each point to the output CRS for y in range(len(outseg)): for x, pt in enumerate(outseg[y]): outseg[y][x] = toSinkCrs.transform(pt) f = QgsFeature() f.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromMultiPolylineXY(outseg)) f.setAttributes(feature.attributes()) sink.addFeature(f) except Exception: '''s = traceback.format_exc() feedback.pushInfo(s)''' pass if cnt % 100 == 0: feedback.setProgress(int(cnt * total)) return {self.PrmOutputLayer: dest_id}
Example #24
Source File: From qgis-shapetools-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def accept(self): try: distance = float(self.distLineEdit.text()) azimuth = float(self.azimuthLineEdit.text()) units = self.unitsComboBox.currentIndex() # 0 km, 1 m, 2 nm, 3 miles, 4 yards, 5 ft, 6 inches, 7 cm start = self.checkBox.isChecked() except Exception: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("", tr("Either distance or azimuth were invalid"), level=Qgis.Warning, duration=4) return layer = self.iface.activeLayer() if layer is None: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("", tr("No point or line layer selected"), level=Qgis.Warning, duration=4) return measureFactor = conversionToMeters(units) distance = distance * measureFactor pt = destCRS = transform = QgsCoordinateTransform(epsg4326, destCRS, QgsProject.instance()) if layer.wkbType() == QgsWkbTypes.Point: g = geod.Direct(pt.y(), pt.x(), azimuth, distance, Geodesic.LATITUDE | Geodesic.LONGITUDE) if start: ptStart = transform.transform(, feat = QgsFeature(layer.fields()) feat.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPointXY(ptStart)) layer.addFeature(feat) pt = transform.transform(g['lon2'], g['lat2']) feat = QgsFeature(layer.fields()) feat.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPointXY(pt)) layer.addFeature(feat) else: # It will either be a LineString or MultiLineString maxseglen = settings.maxSegLength * 1000.0 # Needs to be in meters maxSegments = settings.maxSegments gline = geod.Line(pt.y(), pt.x(), azimuth) n = int(math.ceil(distance / maxseglen)) if n > maxSegments: n = maxSegments seglen = distance / n pts = [] for i in range(0, n + 1): s = seglen * i g = gline.Position(s, Geodesic.LATITUDE | Geodesic.LONGITUDE | Geodesic.LONG_UNROLL) ptc = transform.transform(g['lon2'], g['lat2']) pts.append(ptc) feat = QgsFeature(layer.fields()) if layer.wkbType() == QgsWkbTypes.LineString: feat.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPolylineXY(pts)) else: feat.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromMultiPolylineXY([pts])) layer.addFeatures([feat]) layer.updateExtents() self.iface.mapCanvas().refresh() self.close()
Example #25
Source File: From qgis-latlontools-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def canvasPressEvent(self, event): '''Capture the coordinate when the mouse button has been released, format it, and copy it to the clipboard.''' pt = self.snappoint(event.originalPixelPoint()) self.removeVertexMarker() if settings.externalMapShowLocation: if self.marker is None: self.marker = QgsVertexMarker(self.canvas) self.marker.setIconSize(18) self.marker.setPenWidth(2) self.marker.setIconType(QgsVertexMarker.ICON_CROSS) self.marker.setCenter(pt) else: self.removeMarker() button = event.button() canvasCRS = self.canvas.mapSettings().destinationCrs() transform = QgsCoordinateTransform(canvasCRS, epsg4326, QgsProject.instance()) pt4326 = transform.transform(pt.x(), pt.y()) lat = pt4326.y() lon = pt4326.x() if settings.googleEarthMapProvider(button): f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', suffix=".kml", delete=False) f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>') f.write('<kml xmlns="" xmlns:gx="" xmlns:kml="" xmlns:atom="">') f.write('<Document>') f.write(' <name>QGIS Location</name>') f.write(' <description>{:.8f}, {:.8f}</description>'.format(lon, lat)) f.write(' <Placemark>') f.write(' <name>QGIS Location</name>') f.write(' <Point>') f.write(' <coordinates>{:.8f},{:.8f},0</coordinates>'.format(lon, lat)) f.write(' </Point>') f.write(' </Placemark>') f.write('</Document>') f.write('</kml>') f.close() if platform.system() == 'Windows': os.startfile( else: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("", "Viewing Coordinate %f,%f in Google Earth" % (lat, lon), level=Qgis.Info, duration=3) else: mapprovider = settings.getMapProviderString(lat, lon, button) url = QUrl(mapprovider).toString(), new=2) self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("", "Viewing Coordinate %f,%f in external map" % (lat, lon), level=Qgis.Info, duration=3)
Example #26
Source File: From qgis-bulk-nominatim with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def canvasReleaseEvent(self, event): # Make sure the point is transfored to 4326 self.clearSelection() pt = self.toMapCoordinates(event.pos()) canvasCRS = self.canvas.mapSettings().destinationCrs() transform = QgsCoordinateTransform(canvasCRS, self.epsg4326, QgsProject.instance()) pt = transform.transform(pt.x(), pt.y()) url = '{}?format=json&lat={:f}&lon={:f}&zoom={:d}&addressdetails=0&polygon_text=1'.format(self.settings.reverseURL(), pt.y(), pt.x(), self.settings.levelOfDetail) # print( url ) jsondata = self.request(url) try: jd = json.loads(jsondata) try: display_name = jd['display_name'] self.setText(display_name) except KeyError: self.setText("[Could not find address]") try: wkt = jd['geotext'] geometry = QgsGeometry.fromWkt(wkt) if geometry.wkbType() == QgsWkbTypes.Point: pt = geometry.asPoint() lon = pt.x() lat = pt.y() self.addMarker(lat, lon) else: geometry = self.transform_geom(geometry) self.rubber.addGeometry(geometry, None) except KeyError: try: lon = float(jd['lon']) lat = float(jd['lat']) self.addMarker(lat, lon) except: pass except Exception: self.setText("Error: "+jsondata) if not self.reverseGeoCodeDialog.isVisible():