Python qgis.core.QgsVectorLayer() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of qgis.core.QgsVectorLayer().
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Example #1
Source File: From qgis-latlontools-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 7 votes |
def currentLayerChanged(self): layer = self.iface.activeLayer() if layer is not None: try: layer.editingStarted.disconnect(self.layerEditingChanged) except Exception: pass try: layer.editingStopped.disconnect(self.layerEditingChanged) except Exception: pass if isinstance(layer, QgsVectorLayer): layer.editingStarted.connect(self.layerEditingChanged) layer.editingStopped.connect(self.layerEditingChanged) self.enableDigitizeTool()
Example #2
Source File: From QNEAT3 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def buildQgsVectorLayer(string_geomtype, string_layername, crs, feature_list, list_qgsfield): #create new vector layer from vector_layer = QgsVectorLayer(string_geomtype, string_layername, "memory") #set crs from class vector_layer.setCrs(crs) #set fields provider = vector_layer.dataProvider() provider.addAttributes(list_qgsfield) #[QgsField('fid',QVariant.Int),QgsField("origin_point_id", QVariant.Double),QgsField("iso", QVariant.Int)] vector_layer.updateFields() #fill layer with geom and attrs vector_layer.startEditing() for feat in feature_list: vector_layer.addFeature(feat, True) vector_layer.commitChanges() return vector_layer
Example #3
Source File: From qgis-cartodb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 7 votes |
def checkCartoDBId(layer, convert=False): """Check if layer has cartodb_id field""" new_layer = layer if convert and layer.fieldNameIndex('cartodb_id') == -1: checkTempDir() temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(layer,, 'utf-8', None, 'ESRI Shapefile') if error == QgsVectorFileWriter.NoError: new_layer = QgsVectorLayer( + '.shp',, 'ogr') new_layer.dataProvider().addAttributes([QgsField('cartodb_id', QVariant.Int)]) new_layer.updateFields() features = new_layer.getFeatures() i = 1 for feature in features: fid = aid = new_layer.fieldNameIndex('cartodb_id') attrs = {aid: i} new_layer.dataProvider().changeAttributeValues({fid : attrs}) i = i + 1 new_layer.updateFeature(feature) return new_layer
Example #4
Source File: From stdm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 7 votes |
def _create_temp_vector_layer(active_layer, geom_type, temp_layer_name): """ Creates a temporary vector layer in memory :param active_layer: Current active layer :param geom_type: Current active layer geometry type :param temp_layer_name: Temporary layer name :return temp_mem_layer: Temporary vector layer in memory :return data_provider: Layer data provider :rtype temp_mem_layer: Layer object :rtype data_provider: Data provider object """ active_layer_crs = str( uri = '{0}?crs={1}&field=id:integer&index=yes'.format(geom_type, active_layer_crs) temp_mem_layer = q_core.QgsVectorLayer(uri, temp_layer_name, 'memory') data_provider = temp_mem_layer.dataProvider() temp_mem_layer.startEditing() return temp_mem_layer, data_provider,
Example #5
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def createReprojectedLayer(layer, crs): """ Creates a reprojected layer layer: layer used crs: crs used """ temp = QgsVectorLayer('%s?crs=%s'% ('Multipolygon', crs.authid()), 'temp', 'memory') if not layer.isValid(): raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException('Problema ao criar camada reprojetada!') return None provider = temp.dataProvider() provider.addAttributes(layer.dataProvider().fields().toList()) temp.updateFields() coordinateTransformer = QgsCoordinateTransform(, crs) features = [] for feature in layer.getFeatures(): feat = QgsFeature(feature) geom = feat.geometry() geom.transform(coordinateTransformer) feat.setGeometry(geom) features.append(feat) provider.addFeatures(features) return temp
Example #6
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def getLayerByName(self, layer): """ Return the layer layer from a given layer name. :param layer: (str) layer name. :return: (QgsVectorLayer) vector layer. """ # parent class reimplementation schema = layer.split('_')[0] table = layer[len(schema) + 1:] lyrName, schema, geomColumn, tableName, srid = self.getParams(table) self.setDataSource('', layer, geomColumn, '') return QgsVectorLayer(self.uri.uri(), table, self.provider)
Example #7
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def loadLayer(self, inputParam, parentNode, uniqueLoad, stylePath, domLayerDict): """ Loads a layer :param lyrName: Layer nmae :param idSubgrupo: sub group id :param uniqueLoad: boolean to mark if the layer should only be loaded once :param stylePath: path to the styles used :param domLayerDict: domain dictionary :return: """ lyrName, schema, geomColumn, tableName, srid = self.getParams(inputParam) lyr = self.checkLoaded(tableName) if uniqueLoad and lyr: return lyr self.setDataSource('', '_'.join([schema,tableName]), geomColumn, '') vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(self.uri.uri(), tableName, self.provider) QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(vlayer, addToLegend = False) crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(int(srid), QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.EpsgCrsId) vlayer.setCrs(crs) vlayer = self.setDomainsAndRestrictionsWithQml(vlayer) vlayer = self.setMulti(vlayer,domLayerDict) if stylePath: fullPath = self.getStyle(stylePath, tableName) if fullPath: vlayer.loadNamedStyle(fullPath, True) parentNode.addLayer(vlayer) if not vlayer.isValid(): QgsMessageLog.logMessage(vlayer.error().summary(), "DSGTools Plugin", Qgis.Critical) vlayer = self.createMeasureColumn(vlayer) return vlayer
Example #8
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def getLayerByName(self, layer): """ Return the layer layer from a given layer name. :param layer: (str) layer name. :return: (QgsVectorLayer) vector layer. """ # parent class reimplementation path = os.path.join(self.abstractDb.databaseName(), "{0}.shp".format(layer)) schema = layer.split('_')[0] table = layer[len(schema) + 1:].lower() return QgsVectorLayer(path, table, "ogr")
Example #9
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def getLayerByName(self, layer): """ Return the layer layer from a given layer name. :param layer: (str) table name - for GPKG it is [SCHEMA]_[CATEGORY]_[CLASS]. :return: (QgsVectorLayer) vector layer. """ # parent class reimplementation schema = layer.split('_')[0] table = layer[len(schema) + 1:] lyrName, schema, geomColumn, tableName, srid = self.getParams(table) self.setDataSource('', layer, geomColumn, '') return QgsVectorLayer("{0}|layername={1}".format(self.abstractDb.db.databaseName(), layer), table, "ogr")
Example #10
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def getLayerDict(self): """ Returns a dict: {'table_schema.table_name (geometryColumn):QgsVectorLayer'} """ lyrDict = dict() inputDict = self.getGeomColumnDictV2(excludeValidation = True) for key in list(inputDict.keys()): uri = self.getURIV2(inputDict[key]['tableSchema'], inputDict[key]['tableName'], inputDict[key]['geom'], '') lyr = QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(), inputDict[key]['lyrName'], 'postgres', False) outputKey = '{0}.{1} ({2})'.format(inputDict[key]['tableSchema'], inputDict[key]['tableName'], inputDict[key]['geom']) lyrDict[outputKey] = lyr return lyrDict
Example #11
Source File: From albion with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __export_raster(self, outDir, field): xspacing = self.__xspacing() yspacing = self.__yspacing() with self.connect() as con: uri = QgsDataSourceUri() uri.setConnection(, str(,,, uri.setDataSource("_albion", "current_raster", "geom") uri.setParam("checkPrimaryKeyUnicity", "0") uri.setSrid("32632") uri.setWkbType(QgsWkbTypes.Point) v = QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(), "current_raster", "postgres") res ="gdal:rasterize", {'INPUT':v,'FIELD':field,'BURN':0,'UNITS':1,'WIDTH':xspacing,'HEIGHT':yspacing,'EXTENT':v.extent(),'NODATA':-9999,'OPTIONS':'','DATA_TYPE':5,'INIT':None,'INVERT':False,'EXTRA':'','OUTPUT':os.path.join(outDir, 'dem.tif')})"qgis:slope", {'INPUT':res['OUTPUT'],'Z_FACTOR':1,'OUTPUT':os.path.join(outDir, 'slope.tif')})"qgis:aspect", {'INPUT':res['OUTPUT'],'Z_FACTOR':1,'OUTPUT':os.path.join(outDir, 'aspect.tif')})"qgis:ruggednessindex", {'INPUT':res['OUTPUT'],'Z_FACTOR':1,'OUTPUT':os.path.join(outDir, 'ruggednessindex.tif')})
Example #12
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def loadServiceLayer(self, legendName, service, layerList, serviceType='WMS'): urlWithParams = self.BDGExRequestHandler.get_url_string(service, layerList, serviceType) if not urlWithParams: return if serviceType == 'WMS': self.iface.addRasterLayer(urlWithParams, legendName, serviceType.lower()) if serviceType == 'WFS': vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(urlWithParams, legendName, serviceType) QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(vlayer)
Example #13
Source File: From qgis-latlontools-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def enableDigitizeTool(self): self.digitizeAction.setEnabled(False) layer = self.iface.activeLayer() if layer is not None and isinstance(layer, QgsVectorLayer) and (layer.geometryType() == QgsWkbTypes.PointGeometry) and layer.isEditable(): self.digitizeAction.setEnabled(True) else: if self.digitizerDialog is not None: self.digitizerDialog.close()
Example #14
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def resetCurrentLayerSignals(self): """ Resets all signals used from current layer connected to maptools to current selection. """ if isinstance(self.currentLayer, QgsVectorLayer): # disconnect previous selection's signals, if any try: self.currentLayer.editingStarted.disconnect(self.editingStarted) self.currentLayer.editingStopped.disconnect(self.editingStopped) except: pass # now retrieve current selection and reset signal connection self.currentLayer = self.iface.mapCanvas().currentLayer() if isinstance(self.currentLayer, QgsVectorLayer): self.currentLayer.editingStarted.connect(self.editingStarted) self.currentLayer.editingStopped.connect(self.editingStopped)
Example #15
Source File: From WMF with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def cargar_mapa_vector(self, pathMapaVector, tipo_style, color = (50,50,250), width = 0.5): #Inicia vandera de cargado y ruta del vector retornoCargarMapaVector = False pathMapaVector = pathMapaVector.strip() #verifica existencia y dado el caso carga if os.path.exists(pathMapaVector): baseNameMapaVector = os.path.basename(pathMapaVector) baseNameMapaVector = os.path.splitext(baseNameMapaVector)[0] layerMapaVector = QgsVectorLayer(pathMapaVector, baseNameMapaVector, 'ogr') QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(layerMapaVector) if tipo_style == self.TIPO_STYLE_POLILINEA: symbols = layerMapaVector.renderer().symbols(QgsRenderContext()) symbol = symbols[0] symbol.setColor(QtGui.QColor.fromRgb(color[0],color[1],color[2])) symbol.setWidth(width) #try: # symbol.setWidth(width) #except: # symbol.setBorderWidth(width) #if layerMapVector.geometryType() == QGis.Polygon: elif tipo_style == self.TIPO_STYLE_POLIGONO: Render = layerMapaVector.renderer() mySymbol1 = QgsFillSymbol.createSimple({'color':'blue', 'color_border':'#%02x%02x%02x' % color, 'width_border':str(width), 'style':'no', 'style_border':'solid'}) Render.setSymbol(mySymbol1) layerMapaVector.triggerRepaint() retornoCargarMapaVector = layerMapaVector.isValid() return retornoCargarMapaVector, layerMapaVector
Example #16
Source File: From go2mapillary with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def setDefaultLayers(self): defaultContent = '{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": []}' for ld in LAYER_LEVELS: with open(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, 'mapillary_%s.geojson' % ld), 'w') as f: f.write(defaultContent) defLyr = QgsVectorLayer(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, 'mapillary_%s.geojson' % ld),"Mapillary "+ld, "ogr") defLyr.setCrs(QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(4326)) setattr(self, ld+'Layer', defLyr)
Example #17
Source File: From qgisSpaceSyntaxToolkit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def to_shp(path, any_features_list, layer_fields, crs, name, encoding, geom_type): if path is None: if geom_type == 0: network = QgsVectorLayer('Point?crs=' + crs.toWkt(), name, "memory") else: network = QgsVectorLayer('LineString?crs=' + crs.toWkt(), name, "memory") else: fields = QgsFields() for field in layer_fields: fields.append(field) file_writer = QgsVectorFileWriter(path, encoding, fields, geom_type, crs, "ESRI Shapefile") if file_writer.hasError() != QgsVectorFileWriter.NoError: print "Error when creating shapefile: ", file_writer.errorMessage() del file_writer network = QgsVectorLayer(path, name, "ogr") pr = network.dataProvider() if path is None: pr.addAttributes(layer_fields) new_features = [] for i in any_features_list: new_feat = QgsFeature() new_feat.setFeatureId(i[0]) new_feat.setAttributes([attr[0] for attr in i[1]]) new_feat.setGeometry(QgsGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromWkt(str(i[2])))) #QgsGeometry() new_features.append(new_feat) network.startEditing() pr.addFeatures(new_features) network.commitChanges() return network
Example #18
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def layerByName(self, layerName): """ Gets vector layer from current selection. :param layerName: (str) layer name to have its layer object retrieved. :return: (QgsVectorLayer) """ l = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName(layerName) return l[0] if l else QgsVectorLayer()
Example #19
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def readClassFieldMap(self, preferEdgvMapping=True): """ Gets all layers with value maps. :param preferEdgvMapping: (bool) whether edgv mapping should be preferred, if exists. :return: (dict) a map from layer to list of fields with a value map. """ classFieldMap = defaultdict(dict) for layer in self.iface.mapCanvas().layers(): if not isinstance(layer, QgsVectorLayer): continue layername = if preferEdgvMapping: fMap = self.getAllEdgvDomainsFromTableName(layername) if fMap: classFieldMap[layername] = fMap continue for field in layer.fields(): fieldName = fieldConfig = field.editorWidgetSetup().config() if 'map' not in fieldConfig or fieldName in ('UseHtml', 'IsMultiline'): continue if isinstance(fieldConfig['map'], list): for map_ in fieldConfig['map']: if fieldName not in classFieldMap[layername]: classFieldMap[layername][fieldName] = map_ else: classFieldMap[layername][fieldName].update(map_) else: classFieldMap[layername][fieldName] = fieldConfig['map'] return classFieldMap
Example #20
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def getLayerFromButton(self, buttonText): """ Gets the correct layer to be used in the tool """ #edgvClass found in the dictionary (this is made using the sqlite seed) # if more than 1 button exists, it randomly generates this & middle string, why? no idea button = buttonText.split(' [')[0].replace('&', '') (category, edgvClass) = self.findReclassificationClass(button) driverName = self.widget.abstractDb.getType() if driverName == "QSQLITE": #reclassification layer name reclassificationClass = '_'.join(edgvClass.split('_')[1::]) if driverName == "QPSQL": #reclassification layer name reclassificationClass = '_'.join(edgvClass.split('.')[1::]) #getting the QgsVectorLayer to perform the reclassification reclassificationLayer = self.loadLayer(reclassificationClass) if reclassificationLayer: # self.iface.setActiveLayer(reclassificationLayer) #entering in editing mode if not reclassificationLayer.isEditable(): reclassificationLayer.startEditing() lyrAttributes = [ for i in reclassificationLayer.fields()] for attr in list(self.reclassificationDict[category][edgvClass][button].keys()): if attr == 'buttonProp': continue candidateDict = self.reclassificationDict[category][edgvClass][button][attr] if isinstance(candidateDict, dict): if candidateDict['isEditable'] == '0' and attr in lyrAttributes: attrIdx = lyrAttributes.index(attr) reclassificationLayer.editFormConfig().setReadOnly(attrIdx, True) return (reclassificationLayer, category, edgvClass) # @pyqtSlot(QgsFeatureId) # @pyqtSlot(int)
Example #21
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def addLayers(self, layers): """ Add layer in the layer combo box layers: layer to be added """ for layer in layers: if isinstance(layer, QgsVectorLayer): self.layerCombo.addItem(
Example #22
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def enableAssignValue(self, newTool=None, oldTool=None): self.disconnectAllSignals() layer = self.iface.mapCanvas().currentLayer() if layer and isinstance(layer, QgsVectorLayer): if layer.geometryType() == QgsWkbTypes.PointGeometry and layer.isEditable() and not self.rasterComboBox.currentLayer() is None: self.valueSetterButton.setEnabled(True) # reset editing signals self.resetEditingSignals(currentLayer=layer) else: self.valueSetterButton.setEnabled(False) if self.valueSetterButton.isChecked(): self.valueSetterButton.setChecked(False) self.activateValueSetter(False) else: self.valueSetterButton.setEnabled(False) if self.valueSetterButton.isChecked(): self.valueSetterButton.setChecked(False) self.activateValueSetter(False) self.connectAllSignals()
Example #23
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def resetEditingSignals(self, currentLayer): """ Disconnects editing signal from previously selected layer and connects it to newly selected layer. Method is called whenever currentlLayerChanged signal is emitted. """ # get previous selected layer prevLayer = self.currentLayer # update current selected layer if not currentLayer: self.currentLayer = currentLayer self.activateAlias = partial(self.activateValueSetter, True) self.deactivateAlias = partial(self.activateValueSetter, False) if prevLayer: try: # if there was a previous selection, signals must be disconnected from it before connecting to the new layer prevLayer.editingStarted.disconnect(self.activateAlias) prevLayer.editingStopped.disconnect(self.deactivateAlias) except: # in case signal is not yet connected, somehow pass # connecting signals to new layer if isinstance(self.currentLayer, QgsVectorLayer): if self.currentLayer.geometryType() == QgsWkbTypes.PointGeometry: self.currentLayer.editingStarted.connect(self.activateAlias) self.currentLayer.editingStopped.connect(self.deactivateAlias)
Example #24
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def enableTool(self, enabled = True): if enabled == None or not isinstance(enabled, QgsVectorLayer): allowed = False else: allowed = True toggled = self.inspectPushButton.isChecked() enabled = allowed and toggled self.backInspectButton.setEnabled(enabled) self.nextInspectButton.setEnabled(enabled) self.idSpinBox.setEnabled(enabled)
Example #25
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def getParametersFromLyr(self, dbName): for lyr in self.iface.mapCanvas().layers(): if isinstance(lyr, QgsVectorLayer): candidateUri = QgsDataSourceUri(lyr.dataProvider().dataSourceUri()) if candidateUri.database() == dbName or \ os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(candidateUri.uri().split('|')[0]))[0] == dbName: currLyr = lyr break dbParameters = dict() if currLyr.providerType() == 'postgres': dbParameters['host'] = dbParameters['port'] = candidateUri.port() dbParameters['user'] = candidateUri.username() dbParameters['password'] = candidateUri.password() return dbParameters, DsgEnums.DriverPostGIS elif currLyr.providerType() == 'spatialite': dbParameters['dbPath'] = candidateUri.database() return dbParameters, DsgEnums.DriverSpatiaLite elif currLyr.providerType() == 'ogr': # geopackage provider type is ogr dbParameters['dbPath'] = candidateUri.database() return dbParameters, DsgEnums.DriverGeopackage else: raise Exception('Feature only implemented for PostGIS and Spatialite'))
Example #26
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def getDatabaseList(self): # dbList = list() dbSet = set() for lyr in self.iface.mapCanvas().layers(): if isinstance(lyr, QgsVectorLayer): candidateUri = QgsDataSourceUri(lyr.dataProvider().dataSourceUri()) dbName = candidateUri.database() # if dbName not in dbList and lyr.providerType() in ['postgres', 'spatialite']: if lyr.providerType() in ['postgres', 'spatialite']: dbSet.add(dbName) elif lyr.providerType() == 'ogr': dbName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(lyr.dataProvider().dataSourceUri().split('|')[0]))[0] # if db not in dbList: dbSet.add(dbName) return dbSet
Example #27
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def getLayers(self, dbName): lyrList = [] for lyr in self.iface.mapCanvas().layers(): if isinstance(lyr, QgsVectorLayer): candidateUri = QgsDataSourceUri(lyr.dataProvider().dataSourceUri()) if (candidateUri.database() == dbName and lyr.providerType() in ['postgres', 'spatialite']) \ or (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(candidateUri.uri().split('|')[0]))[0] == dbName and lyr.providerType() == 'ogr'): lyrList.append(lyr) return lyrList
Example #28
Source File: From qgis-shapetools-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def currentLayerChanged(self): layer = self.iface.activeLayer() if self.previousLayer is not None: try: self.previousLayer.editingStarted.disconnect(self.layerEditingChanged) except Exception: pass try: self.previousLayer.editingStopped.disconnect(self.layerEditingChanged) except Exception: pass self.previousLayer = None if layer is not None: if isinstance(layer, QgsVectorLayer): layer.editingStarted.connect(self.layerEditingChanged) layer.editingStopped.connect(self.layerEditingChanged) self.previousLayer = layer self.enableTools()
Example #29
Source File: From qgisSpaceSyntaxToolkit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def to_dblayer(dbname, user, host, port, password, schema, table_name, qgs_flds, any_features_list, crs): crs_id = str(crs.postgisSrid()) connstring = "dbname=%s user=%s host=%s port=%s password=%s" % (dbname, user, host, port, password) try: con = psycopg2.connect(connstring) cur = con.cursor() post_q_flds = {2: 'bigint[]', 6: 'numeric[]', 1: 'bool[]', 'else':'text[]'} postgis_flds_q = """""" for f in qgs_flds: f_name = '\"' + + '\"' try: f_type = post_q_flds[f.type()] except KeyError: f_type = post_q_flds['else'] postgis_flds_q += cur.mogrify("""%s %s,""", (AsIs(f_name), AsIs(f_type))) query = cur.mogrify("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s.%s; CREATE TABLE %s.%s(%s geom geometry(LINESTRING, %s))""", (AsIs(schema), AsIs(table_name), AsIs(schema), AsIs(table_name), AsIs(postgis_flds_q), AsIs(crs_id))) cur.execute(query) con.commit() data = [] for (fid, attrs, wkt) in any_features_list: for idx, l_attrs in enumerate(attrs): if l_attrs: attrs[idx] = [i if i else None for i in l_attrs] if attrs[idx] == [None]: attrs[idx] = None else: attrs[idx] = [a for a in attrs[idx] if a] data.append(tuple((attrs, wkt))) args_str = ','.join( [rmv_parenthesis(cur.mogrify("%s,ST_GeomFromText(%s,%s))", (tuple(attrs), wkt, AsIs(crs_id)))) for (attrs, wkt) in tuple(data)]) ins_str = cur.mogrify("""INSERT INTO %s.%s VALUES """, (AsIs(schema), AsIs(table_name))) cur.execute(ins_str + args_str) con.commit() con.close() print "success!" uri = QgsDataSourceURI() # set host name, port, database name, username and password uri.setConnection(host, port, dbname, user, password) # set database schema, table name, geometry column and optionally uri.setDataSource(schema, table_name, "geom") return QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(), table_name, "postgres") except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e: return e # SOURCE: ESS TOOLKIT
Example #30
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def setToolEnabled(self): layer = self.iface.activeLayer() if not isinstance(layer, QgsVectorLayer) or layer.geometryType() == QgsWkbTypes.PointGeometry or not layer.isEditable(): enabled = False else: enabled = True if not enabled and self.tool: self.tool.deactivate() if self.polygonAction: self.polygonAction.setEnabled(enabled) if self.circleAction: self.circleAction.setEnabled(enabled) return enabled