Python multidict.CIMultiDictProxy() Examples
The following are 13
code examples of multidict.CIMultiDictProxy().
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Example #1
Source File: From cocrawler with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def do_parser(body, body_bytes, resp_headers, url, crawler): if len(body) > int('Multiprocess', 'ParseInBurnerSize')): stats.stats_sum('parser in burner thread', 1) # headers is a multidict.CIMultiDictProxy case-blind dict # and the Proxy form of it doesn't pickle, so convert to one that does resp_headers = multidict.CIMultiDict(resp_headers) links, embeds, sha1, facets, base = await crawler.burner.burn( partial(do_burner_work_html, body, body_bytes, resp_headers, burn_prefix='burner ', url=url), url=url) else: stats.stats_sum('parser in main thread', 1) # no coroutine state because this is a burn, not an await links, embeds, sha1, facets, base = do_burner_work_html( body, body_bytes, resp_headers, burn_prefix='main ', url=url) return links, embeds, sha1, facets, base
Example #2
Source File: From tomodachi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *, body: Optional[Union[bytes, str]] = None, status: int = 200, reason: Optional[str] = None, headers: Optional[Union[Dict, CIMultiDict, CIMultiDictProxy]] = None, content_type: Optional[str] = None, charset: Optional[str] = None) -> None: if headers is None: headers = CIMultiDict() elif not isinstance(headers, (CIMultiDict, CIMultiDictProxy)): headers = CIMultiDict(headers) self._body = body self._status = status self._reason = reason self._headers = headers self.content_type = content_type if hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE not in headers else None self.charset = charset if hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE not in headers else None self.missing_content_type = hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE not in headers and not content_type and not charset
Example #3
Source File: From Galaxy_Plugin_Bethesda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def headers(self) -> 'CIMultiDictProxy[str]': """A case-insensitive multidict proxy with all headers.""" return self._headers
Example #4
Source File: From Galaxy_Plugin_Bethesda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def request_info(self) -> RequestInfo: headers = CIMultiDictProxy(self.headers) # type: CIMultiDictProxy[str] return RequestInfo(self.url, self.method, headers, self.original_url)
Example #5
Source File: From Galaxy_Plugin_Bethesda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def headers(self) -> 'CIMultiDictProxy[str]': return self._headers
Example #6
Source File: From slim with zlib License | 5 votes |
def headers(self) -> CIMultiDictProxy: self._request: web.Request return self._request.headers
Example #7
Source File: From Galaxy_Plugin_Bethesda with MIT License | 4 votes |
def clone(self, *, method: str=sentinel, rel_url: StrOrURL=sentinel, headers: LooseHeaders=sentinel, scheme: str=sentinel, host: str=sentinel, remote: str=sentinel) -> 'BaseRequest': """Clone itself with replacement some attributes. Creates and returns a new instance of Request object. If no parameters are given, an exact copy is returned. If a parameter is not passed, it will reuse the one from the current request object. """ if self._read_bytes: raise RuntimeError("Cannot clone request " "after reading its content") dct = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] if method is not sentinel: dct['method'] = method if rel_url is not sentinel: new_url = URL(rel_url) dct['url'] = new_url dct['path'] = str(new_url) if headers is not sentinel: # a copy semantic dct['headers'] = CIMultiDictProxy(CIMultiDict(headers)) dct['raw_headers'] = tuple((k.encode('utf-8'), v.encode('utf-8')) for k, v in headers.items()) message = self._message._replace(**dct) kwargs = {} if scheme is not sentinel: kwargs['scheme'] = scheme if host is not sentinel: kwargs['host'] = host if remote is not sentinel: kwargs['remote'] = remote return self.__class__( message, self._payload, self._protocol, self._payload_writer, self._task, self._loop, client_max_size=self._client_max_size, state=self._state.copy(), **kwargs)
Example #8
Source File: From Galaxy_Plugin_Bethesda with MIT License | 4 votes |
def parse_headers( self, lines: List[bytes] ) -> Tuple['CIMultiDictProxy[str]', RawHeaders, Optional[bool], Optional[str], bool, bool]: """Parses RFC 5322 headers from a stream. Line continuations are supported. Returns list of header name and value pairs. Header name is in upper case. """ headers, raw_headers = self._headers_parser.parse_headers(lines) close_conn = None encoding = None upgrade = False chunked = False # keep-alive conn = headers.get(hdrs.CONNECTION) if conn: v = conn.lower() if v == 'close': close_conn = True elif v == 'keep-alive': close_conn = False elif v == 'upgrade': upgrade = True # encoding enc = headers.get(hdrs.CONTENT_ENCODING) if enc: enc = enc.lower() if enc in ('gzip', 'deflate', 'br'): encoding = enc # chunking te = headers.get(hdrs.TRANSFER_ENCODING) if te and 'chunked' in te.lower(): chunked = True return (headers, raw_headers, close_conn, encoding, upgrade, chunked)
Example #9
Source File: From lambda-text-extractor with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, *, body=None, status=200, reason=None, text=None, headers=None, content_type=None, charset=None): if body is not None and text is not None: raise ValueError("body and text are not allowed together") if headers is None: headers = CIMultiDict() elif not isinstance(headers, (CIMultiDict, CIMultiDictProxy)): headers = CIMultiDict(headers) if content_type is not None and ";" in content_type: raise ValueError("charset must not be in content_type " "argument") if text is not None: if hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE in headers: if content_type or charset: raise ValueError("passing both Content-Type header and " "content_type or charset params " "is forbidden") else: # fast path for filling headers if not isinstance(text, str): raise TypeError("text argument must be str (%r)" % type(text)) if content_type is None: content_type = 'text/plain' if charset is None: charset = 'utf-8' headers[hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE] = ( content_type + '; charset=' + charset) body = text.encode(charset) text = None else: if hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE in headers: if content_type is not None or charset is not None: raise ValueError("passing both Content-Type header and " "content_type or charset params " "is forbidden") else: if content_type is not None: if charset is not None: content_type += '; charset=' + charset headers[hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE] = content_type super().__init__(status=status, reason=reason, headers=headers) if text is not None: self.text = text else: self.body = body
Example #10
Source File: From lambda-text-extractor with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def start(self, connection, read_until_eof=False): """Start response processing.""" self._closed = False self._protocol = connection.protocol self._connection = connection connection.protocol.set_response_params( timer=self._timer, skip_payload=self.method.lower() == 'head', skip_status_codes=(204, 304), read_until_eof=read_until_eof) with self._timer: while True: # read response try: (message, payload) = yield from except http.HttpProcessingError as exc: raise ClientResponseError( self.request_info, self.history, code=exc.code, message=exc.message, headers=exc.headers) from exc if (message.code < 100 or message.code > 199 or message.code == 101): break if self._continue is not None and not self._continue.done(): self._continue.set_result(True) self._continue = None # payload eof handler payload.on_eof(self._response_eof) # response status self.version = message.version self.status = message.code self.reason = message.reason # headers self.headers = CIMultiDictProxy(message.headers) self.raw_headers = tuple(message.raw_headers) # payload self.content = payload # cookies for hdr in self.headers.getall(hdrs.SET_COOKIE, ()): try: self.cookies.load(hdr) except CookieError as exc: client_logger.warning( 'Can not load response cookies: %s', exc) return self
Example #11
Source File: From lambda-text-extractor with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, *, body=None, status=200, reason=None, text=None, headers=None, content_type=None, charset=None): if body is not None and text is not None: raise ValueError("body and text are not allowed together") if headers is None: headers = CIMultiDict() elif not isinstance(headers, (CIMultiDict, CIMultiDictProxy)): headers = CIMultiDict(headers) if content_type is not None and ";" in content_type: raise ValueError("charset must not be in content_type " "argument") if text is not None: if hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE in headers: if content_type or charset: raise ValueError("passing both Content-Type header and " "content_type or charset params " "is forbidden") else: # fast path for filling headers if not isinstance(text, str): raise TypeError("text argument must be str (%r)" % type(text)) if content_type is None: content_type = 'text/plain' if charset is None: charset = 'utf-8' headers[hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE] = ( content_type + '; charset=' + charset) body = text.encode(charset) text = None else: if hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE in headers: if content_type is not None or charset is not None: raise ValueError("passing both Content-Type header and " "content_type or charset params " "is forbidden") else: if content_type is not None: if charset is not None: content_type += '; charset=' + charset headers[hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE] = content_type super().__init__(status=status, reason=reason, headers=headers) if text is not None: self.text = text else: self.body = body
Example #12
Source File: From lambda-text-extractor with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def start(self, connection, read_until_eof=False): """Start response processing.""" self._closed = False self._protocol = connection.protocol self._connection = connection connection.protocol.set_response_params( timer=self._timer, skip_payload=self.method.lower() == 'head', skip_status_codes=(204, 304), read_until_eof=read_until_eof) with self._timer: while True: # read response try: (message, payload) = yield from except http.HttpProcessingError as exc: raise ClientResponseError( self.request_info, self.history, code=exc.code, message=exc.message, headers=exc.headers) from exc if (message.code < 100 or message.code > 199 or message.code == 101): break if self._continue is not None and not self._continue.done(): self._continue.set_result(True) self._continue = None # payload eof handler payload.on_eof(self._response_eof) # response status self.version = message.version self.status = message.code self.reason = message.reason # headers self.headers = CIMultiDictProxy(message.headers) self.raw_headers = tuple(message.raw_headers) # payload self.content = payload # cookies for hdr in self.headers.getall(hdrs.SET_COOKIE, ()): try: self.cookies.load(hdr) except CookieError as exc: client_logger.warning( 'Can not load response cookies: %s', exc) return self
Example #13
Source File: From aioresponses with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _build_response(self, url: 'Union[URL, str]', method: str = hdrs.METH_GET, request_headers: Dict = None, status: int = 200, body: str = '', content_type: str = 'application/json', payload: Dict = None, headers: Dict = None, response_class: 'ClientResponse' = None, reason: Optional[str] = None) -> ClientResponse: if response_class is None: response_class = ClientResponse if payload is not None: body = json.dumps(payload) if not isinstance(body, bytes): body = str.encode(body) if request_headers is None: request_headers = {} kwargs = {} if AIOHTTP_VERSION >= StrictVersion('3.1.0'): loop = Mock() loop.get_debug = Mock() loop.get_debug.return_value = True kwargs['request_info'] = Mock( url=url, method=method, headers=CIMultiDictProxy(CIMultiDict(**request_headers)), ) kwargs['writer'] = Mock() kwargs['continue100'] = None kwargs['timer'] = TimerNoop() if AIOHTTP_VERSION < StrictVersion('3.3.0'): kwargs['auto_decompress'] = True kwargs['traces'] = [] kwargs['loop'] = loop kwargs['session'] = None else: loop = None # We need to initialize headers manually _headers = CIMultiDict({hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE: content_type}) if headers: _headers.update(headers) raw_headers = self._build_raw_headers(_headers) resp = response_class(method, url, **kwargs) for hdr in _headers.getall(hdrs.SET_COOKIE, ()): resp.cookies.load(hdr) if AIOHTTP_VERSION >= StrictVersion('3.3.0'): # Reified attributes resp._headers = _headers resp._raw_headers = raw_headers else: resp.headers = _headers resp.raw_headers = raw_headers resp.status = status resp.reason = reason resp.content = stream_reader_factory(loop) resp.content.feed_data(body) resp.content.feed_eof() return resp