Python timeout_decorator.timeout() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of timeout_decorator.timeout().
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Example #1
Source File: From PerfKitBenchmarker with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def WaitForProcessRunning(self, process, timeout): """Blocks until either the timeout passes or the process is running. Args: process: string name of the process. timeout: number of seconds to block while the process is not running. Raises: WaitTimeoutError: raised if the process does not run within "timeout" seconds. """ command = ('$count={timeout};' 'while( (ps | select-string {process} | measure-object).Count ' '-eq 0 -and $count -gt 0) {{sleep 1; $count=$count-1}}; ' 'if ($count -eq 0) {{echo "FAIL"}}').format( timeout=timeout, process=process) stdout, _ = self.RemoteCommand(command) if 'FAIL' in stdout: raise WaitTimeoutError()
Example #2
Source File: From violent-python3 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def connect(self): # this reduces the timeout of SSHClient's connect() # for failed dns lookups try: self.host_check( except Exception as e: # todo logging e print('[-] CONNECTION FAILED', return None try: s = SSHClient() s.set_missing_host_key_policy(AutoAddPolicy()) if self.password: s.connect(, port=22, username=self.user, password=self.password, timeout=1) else: s.connect(, port=22, username=self.user, timeout=1, pkey=self.key) return s except Exception as e: # todo logging e print('[-] CONNECTION FAILED:',
Example #3
Source File: From cotopaxi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def poke_tcp_server(server_port): for i in range(4): try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(0.1) sock.connect(("", server_port)) try: sock.send("123".encode(encoding="ascii")) print ("data sent (P3)") except (AttributeError, UnicodeDecodeError): sock.send(bytes("123")) print ("data sent (P2)") finally: sock.close() print ("socket closed") except (socket.timeout, socket.error): time.sleep(0.1)
Example #4
Source File: From ad-versarial with MIT License | 5 votes |
def build_driver(use_adb=False, proxy=None, lang=None, timeout=MAX_TIMEOUT, fullscreen=True): opts = webdriver.ChromeOptions() #opts.add_argument("load-extension=../misc/jsinj/") if use_adb: opts.add_argument("load-extension=../misc/adblocker/unpacked/3.21.0_0/") if proxy: opts.add_argument("proxy-server={}".format(proxy)) #opts.add_argument("start-maximized") if fullscreen: opts.add_argument("start-fullscreen") opts.add_argument("disable-infobars") # we remove the ugly yellow notification "Chrome is being controlled by automated test software" #opts.add_argument("disable-web-security") # We need this to disable SOP and access iframe content if lang: #print lang opts.add_argument("lang={}".format(lang)) driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromedriver", chrome_options=opts) if timeout: driver.set_page_load_timeout(timeout) return driver
Example #5
Source File: From Zeratool with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def runIteration(binary_name,str_input,remote_server=False,remote_url="",remote_port=0,input_type="STDIN"): if input_type == "STDIN" or input_type == "LIBPWNABLE": if remote_server: proc = remote(remote_url,remote_port) else: proc = process(binary_name) proc.sendline(str_input) results = proc.recvall(timeout=5) print(results) results_split = results.split('_') #Get only hex strings of 8 characters or fewer position_leak = [x for x in results_split if len(x) < 9 and all([y in string.hexdigits for y in x])] #There should only be one leak = [position_leak][0] else: proc = process([binary_name,str_input.rstrip('\x00')]) results = proc.recvall(timeout=5) print(results) results_split = results.split('_') #Get only hex strings of 8 characters or fewer position_leak = [x for x in results_split if len(x) < 9 and all([y in string.hexdigits for y in x])] #There should only be one leak = [position_leak][0] return leak
Example #6
Source File: From PerfKitBenchmarker with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def RemoteCommand(self, command, should_log=False, ignore_failure=False, suppress_warning=False, timeout=None): """Runs a powershell command on the VM. Args: command: A valid powershell command. should_log: A boolean indicating whether the command result should be logged at the info level. Even if it is false, the results will still be logged at the debug level. ignore_failure: Ignore any failure if set to true. suppress_warning: Suppress the result logging from IssueCommand when the return code is non-zero. timeout: Float. A timeout in seconds for the command. If None is passed, no timeout is applied. Timeout kills the winrm session which then kills the process being executed. Returns: A tuple of stdout and stderr from running the command. Raises: RemoteCommandError: If there was a problem issuing the command or the command timed out. """'Running command on %s: %s', self, command) s = winrm.Session( 'https://%s:%s' % (self.GetConnectionIp(), self.winrm_port), auth=(self.user_name, self.password), server_cert_validation='ignore') encoded_command = six.ensure_str( base64.b64encode(command.encode('utf_16_le'))) @timeout_decorator.timeout(timeout, use_signals=False, timeout_exception=errors.VirtualMachine. RemoteCommandError) def run_command(): return s.run_cmd('powershell -encodedcommand %s' % encoded_command) r = run_command() retcode, stdout, stderr = r.status_code, six.ensure_str( r.std_out), six.ensure_str(r.std_err) debug_text = ('Ran %s on %s. Return code (%s).\nSTDOUT: %s\nSTDERR: %s' % (command, self, retcode, stdout, stderr)) if should_log or (retcode and not suppress_warning): else: logging.debug(debug_text) if retcode and not ignore_failure: error_text = ('Got non-zero return code (%s) executing %s\n' 'STDOUT: %sSTDERR: %s' % (retcode, command, stdout, stderr)) raise errors.VirtualMachine.RemoteCommandError(error_text) return stdout, stderr
Example #7
Source File: From cotopaxi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_vuln_tester_information_neg(self): self.vulnerability_tester_negative("GstRtspServer", "2019-12-01", "TP-LINK_000") # @timeout_decorator.timeout(5) # def test_vuln_tester_madmaze(self): # self.vulnerability_tester("madmaze_htcpcp", "2011-08-03", "MADMAZE-HTCPCP_000") # pass
Example #8
Source File: From cotopaxi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def not_test_dtls_scanner_sniff_pos(self): scanner = DTLSScanner(TestParams()) scanner.sniff(timeout=0.0001)
Example #9
Source File: From dcos-e2e with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _test_utils_wait_for_dcos( session: Union[DcosApiSession, EnterpriseApiSession], ) -> None: """ Wait for DC/OS using DC/OS Test Utils. DC/OS Test Utils raises its own timeout, a ``retrying.RetryError``. We want to ignore this error and use our own timeouts, so we wrap this in our own retried function. """ session.wait_for_dcos() # type: ignore
Example #10
Source File: From datmo with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_dashboard(self): # test dashboard command self.project_command.parse(["dashboard"]) @timeout_decorator.timeout(10, use_signals=False) def timed_run(timed_run_result): if self.project_command.execute(): return timed_run_result # Failure case not initialized timed_run_result = False try: timed_run_result = timed_run(timed_run_result) except timeout_decorator.timeout_decorator.TimeoutError: timed_run_result = True assert not timed_run_result # Success case after initialization self.project_command.parse( ["init", "--name", "foobar", "--description", "test model"]) @self.project_command.cli_helper.input("\n") def dummy(self): return self.project_command.execute() _ = dummy(self) self.project_command.parse(["dashboard"]) timed_run_result = False try: timed_run_result = timed_run(timed_run_result) except timeout_decorator.timeout_decorator.TimeoutError: timed_run_result = True assert timed_run_result
Example #11
Source File: From language with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def try_executing_query(prediction, cursor, case_sensitive=True, verbose=False): """Attempts to execute a SQL query against a database given a cursor.""" exception_str = None prediction_str = prediction[:] prediction_str = prediction_str.replace(';', '').strip() print('Current prediction:' + prediction_str) try: if not case_sensitive: new_prediction = '' last_quote = '' for char in prediction: new_prediction += char if char in {'"', '\''} and not last_quote: last_quote = char elif char == last_quote: last_quote = '' new_prediction += ' COLLATE NOCASE' prediction = new_prediction if verbose: print('Executing case-insensitive query:') print(new_prediction) pred_results = timeout_execute(cursor, prediction) except timeout_decorator.timeout_decorator.TimeoutError: print('!time out!') pred_results = [] exception_str = 'timeout' except (sqlite3.Warning, sqlite3.Error, sqlite3.DatabaseError, sqlite3.IntegrityError, sqlite3.ProgrammingError, sqlite3.OperationalError, sqlite3.NotSupportedError) as e: exception_str = str(e).lower() pred_results = [] return pred_results, exception_str
Example #12
Source File: From checkdmarc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_dnssec(domain, nameservers=None, timeout=2.0): """ Check for DNSSEC on the given domain Args: domain (str): The domain to check nameservers (list): A list of nameservers to query timeout (float): Timeout in seconds Returns: bool: DNSSEC status """ if nameservers is None: nameservers = ["", "", "2606:4700:4700::1111", "2606:4700:4700::1001", ] request = dns.message.make_query(get_base_domain(domain), dns.rdatatype.NS, want_dnssec=True) for nameserver in nameservers: try: response = dns.query.udp(request, nameserver, timeout=timeout) if response is not None: for record in response.answer: if record.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.RRSIG: if response.flags & dns.flags.AD: return True except Exception as e: logging.debug("DNSSEC query error: {0}".format(e)) return False
Example #13
Source File: From checkdmarc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_nameservers(domain, approved_nameservers=None, nameservers=None, timeout=2.0): """ Gets a list of nameservers for a given domain Args: domain (str): A domain name approved_nameservers (list): A list of approved nameserver substrings nameservers (list): A list of nameservers to qu+ery (Cloudflare's by default) timeout(float): number of seconds to wait for an record from DNS Returns: Dict: A dictionary with the following keys: - ``hostnames`` - A list of nameserver hostnames - ``warnings`` - A list of warnings """ logging.debug("Getting NS records on {0}".format(domain)) warnings = [] ns_records = _get_nameservers(domain, nameservers=nameservers, timeout=timeout) if approved_nameservers: approved_nameservers = list(map(lambda h: h.lower(), approved_nameservers)) for nameserver in ns_records: if approved_nameservers: approved = False for approved_nameserver in approved_nameservers: if approved_nameserver in nameserver.lower(): approved = True break if not approved: warnings.append("Unapproved nameserver: {0}".format( nameserver )) return OrderedDict([("hostnames", ns_records), ("warnings", warnings)])
Example #14
Source File: From checkdmarc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_spf_record(domain, nameservers=None, timeout=2.0): """ Retrieves and parses an SPF record Args: domain (str): A domain name nameservers (list): A list of nameservers to query (Cloudflare's by default) timeout(float): Number of seconds to wait for an answer from DNS Returns: OrderedDict: An SPF record parsed by result Raises: :exc:`checkdmarc.SPFRecordNotFound` :exc:`checkdmarc.SPFIncludeLoop` :exc:`checkdmarc.SPFRedirectLoop` :exc:`checkdmarc.SPFSyntaxError` :exc:`checkdmarc.SPFTooManyDNSLookups` """ record = query_spf_record(domain, nameservers=nameservers, timeout=timeout) record = record["record"] parsed_record = parse_spf_record(record, domain, nameservers=nameservers, timeout=timeout) parsed_record["record"] = record return parsed_record
Example #15
Source File: From checkdmarc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, error): if isinstance(error, dns.exception.Timeout): error.kwargs["timeout"] = round(error.kwargs["timeout"], 1)
Example #16
Source File: From mobly with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def measure_power(self, hz, duration, tag, offset=30): """Measure power consumption of the attached device. Because it takes some time for the device to calm down after the usb connection is cut, an offset is set for each measurement. The default is 30s. The total time taken to measure will be (duration + offset). Args: hz: Number of samples to take per second. duration: Number of seconds to take samples for in each step. offset: The number of seconds of initial data to discard. tag: A string that's the name of the collected data group. Returns: A MonsoonData object with the measured power data. """ num = duration * hz oset = offset * hz data = None self.usb("auto") time.sleep(1) with self.dut.handle_usb_disconnect(): time.sleep(1) try: data = self.take_samples(hz, num, sample_offset=oset) if not data: raise MonsoonError( "No data was collected in measurement %s." % tag) data.tag = tag"Measurement summary: %s", repr(data)) return data finally: self.mon.StopDataCollection()"Finished taking samples, reconnecting to dut.") self.usb("on") self.dut.adb.wait_for_device(timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_USB_ON) # Wait for device to come back online. time.sleep(10)"Dut reconnected.")
Example #17
Source File: From KDD-Cup-AutoML-5 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def ratio_timeout(self, ratio=0.5): return timeout_decorator.timeout( ratio * self.time_budget - (time.time() - self.start_time) )
Example #18
Source File: From apm-integration-testing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def es(): class Elasticsearch(object): def __init__(self, url): verify = default.from_env("PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY") == "1" = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch(url, verify_certs=verify, connection_class=elasticsearch.RequestsHttpConnection) self.index = "apm-*" def clean(self): def term_q(self, filters): clauses = [] for field, value in filters: if isinstance(value, list): clause = {"terms": {field: value}} else: clause = {"term": {field: {"value": value}}} clauses.append(clause) return {"query": {"bool": {"must": clauses}}} @timeout_decorator.timeout(10) def count(self, q): ct = 0 while ct == 0: time.sleep(3) s =, body=q) ct = s['count'] return ct return Elasticsearch(getElasticsearchURL())
Example #19
Source File: From checkdmarc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, error): if isinstance(error, dns.exception.Timeout): error.kwargs["timeout"] = round(error.kwargs["timeout"], 1)
Example #20
Source File: From checkdmarc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, error): if isinstance(error, dns.exception.Timeout): error.kwargs["timeout"] = round(error.kwargs["timeout"], 1)
Example #21
Source File: From checkdmarc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, error): if isinstance(error, dns.exception.Timeout): error.kwargs["timeout"] = round(error.kwargs["timeout"], 1)
Example #22
Source File: From checkdmarc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_mx_hosts(domain, nameservers=None, timeout=2.0): """ Queries DNS for a list of Mail Exchange hosts Args: domain (str): A domain name nameservers (list): A list of nameservers to query (Cloudflare's by default) Returns: list: A list of ``OrderedDicts``; each containing a ``preference`` integer and a ``hostname`` Raises: :exc:`checkdmarc.DNSException` """ hosts = [] try: logging.debug("Checking for MX records on {0}".format(domain)) answers = _query_dns(domain, "MX", nameservers=nameservers, timeout=timeout) for record in answers: record = record.split(" ") preference = int(record[0]) hostname = record[1].rstrip(".").strip().lower() hosts.append(OrderedDict( [("preference", preference), ("hostname", hostname)])) hosts = sorted(hosts, key=lambda h: (h["preference"], h["hostname"])) except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: raise DNSException("The domain {0} does not exist".format(domain)) except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: pass except Exception as error: raise DNSException(error) return hosts
Example #23
Source File: From checkdmarc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_a_records(domain, nameservers=None, timeout=2.0): """ Queries DNS for A and AAAA records Args: domain (str): A domain name nameservers (list): A list of nameservers to query (Cloudflare's by default) timeout(float): number of seconds to wait for an answer from DNS Returns: list: A sorted list of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses Raises: :exc:`checkdmarc.DNSException` """ qtypes = ["A", "AAAA"] addresses = [] for qt in qtypes: try: addresses += _query_dns(domain, qt, nameservers=nameservers, timeout=timeout) except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: raise DNSException("The domain {0} does not exist".format(domain)) except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: # Sometimes a domain will only have A or AAAA records, but not both pass except Exception as error: raise DNSException(error) addresses = sorted(addresses) return addresses
Example #24
Source File: From checkdmarc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_txt_records(domain, nameservers=None, timeout=2.0): """ Queries DNS for TXT records Args: domain (str): A domain name nameservers (list): A list of nameservers to query (Cloudflare's by default) timeout(float): number of seconds to wait for an answer from DNS Returns: list: A list of TXT records Raises: :exc:`checkdmarc.DNSException` """ try: records = _query_dns(domain, "TXT", nameservers=nameservers, timeout=timeout) except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: raise DNSException("The domain {0} does not exist".format(domain)) except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: raise DNSException( "The domain {0} does not have any TXT records".format(domain)) except Exception as error: raise DNSException(error) return records
Example #25
Source File: From checkdmarc with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_dmarc_record(domain, include_tag_descriptions=False, nameservers=None, timeout=2.0): """ Retrieves a DMARC record for a domain and parses it Args: domain (str): A domain name include_tag_descriptions (bool): Include descriptions in parsed results nameservers (list): A list of nameservers to query (Cloudflare's by default) timeout(float): number of seconds to wait for an answer from DNS Returns: OrderedDict: An ``OrderedDict`` with the following keys: - ``record`` - The DMARC record string - ``location`` - Where the DMARC was found - ``parsed`` - See :meth:`checkdmarc.parse_dmarc_record` Raises: :exc:`checkdmarc.DMARCRecordNotFound` :exc:`checkdmarc.DMARCRecordInWrongLocation` :exc:`checkdmarc.MultipleDMARCRecords` :exc:`checkdmarc.SPFRecordFoundWhereDMARCRecordShouldBe` :exc:`checkdmarc.UnverifiedDMARCURIDestination` :exc:`checkdmarc.DMARCSyntaxError` :exc:`checkdmarc.InvalidDMARCTag` :exc:`checkdmarc.InvalidDMARCTagValue` :exc:`checkdmarc.InvalidDMARCReportURI` :exc:`checkdmarc.UnverifiedDMARCURIDestination` :exc:`checkdmarc.UnrelatedTXTRecordFound` :exc:`checkdmarc.DMARCReportEmailAddressMissingMXRecords` """ query = query_dmarc_record(domain, nameservers=nameservers, timeout=timeout) tag_descriptions = include_tag_descriptions tags = parse_dmarc_record(query["record"], query["location"], include_tag_descriptions=tag_descriptions, nameservers=nameservers, timeout=timeout) return OrderedDict([("record", query["record"]), ("location", query["location"]), ("parsed", tags)])
Example #26
Source File: From checkdmarc with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _query_dns(domain, record_type, nameservers=None, timeout=2.0, cache=None): """ Queries DNS Args: domain (str): The domain or subdomain to query about record_type (str): The record type to query for nameservers (list): A list of one or more nameservers to use (Cloudflare's public DNS resolvers by default) timeout (float): Sets the DNS timeout in seconds cache (ExpiringDict): Cache storage Returns: list: A list of answers """ domain = str(domain).lower() record_type = record_type.upper() cache_key = "{0}_{1}".format(domain, record_type) if cache is None: cache = DNS_CACHE if cache: records = cache.get(cache_key, None) if records: return records resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver() timeout = float(timeout) if nameservers is None: nameservers = ["", "", "2606:4700:4700::1111", "2606:4700:4700::1001", ] resolver.nameservers = nameservers resolver.timeout = timeout resolver.lifetime = timeout if record_type == "TXT": resource_records = list(map( lambda r: r.strings, resolver.query(domain, record_type, lifetime=timeout))) _resource_record = [ resource_record[0][:0].join(resource_record) for resource_record in resource_records if resource_record] records = [r.decode() for r in _resource_record] else: records = list(map( lambda r: r.to_text().replace('"', '').rstrip("."), resolver.query(domain, record_type, lifetime=timeout))) if cache: cache[cache_key] = records return records
Example #27
Source File: From Zeratool with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def checkFormat(binary_name,inputType="STDIN"): p = angr.Project(binary_name,load_options={"auto_load_libs": False}) p.hook_symbol('printf',printFormat) #Setup state based on input type argv = [binary_name] if inputType == "STDIN": state = p.factory.full_init_state(args=argv) elif inputType == "LIBPWNABLE": handle_connection = p.loader.main_object.get_symbol('handle_connection') state = p.factory.entry_state(addr=handle_connection.rebased_addr) else: arg = claripy.BVS("arg1", 300 * 8) argv.append(arg) state = p.factory.full_init_state(args=argv) state.globals['arg'] = arg state.globals['inputType'] = inputType simgr = p.factory.simgr(state, immutable=False, save_unconstrained=True) run_environ = {} run_environ['type'] = None end_state = None #Lame way to do a timeout try: @timeout_decorator.timeout(120) def exploreBinary(simgr): simgr.explore(find=lambda s: 'type' in s.globals) exploreBinary(simgr) if 'found' in simgr.stashes and len(simgr.found): end_state = simgr.found[0] run_environ['type'] = end_state.globals['type'] run_environ['position'] = end_state.globals['position'] run_environ['length'] = end_state.globals['length'] except (KeyboardInterrupt, timeout_decorator.TimeoutError) as e: print("[~] Format check timed out") if (inputType == "STDIN" or inputType == "LIBPWNABLE")and end_state is not None: stdin_str = str(end_state.posix.dumps(0)) print("[+] Triggerable with STDIN : {}".format(stdin_str)) run_environ['input'] = stdin_str elif inputType == "ARG" and end_state is not None: arg_str = str(end_state.solver.eval(arg,cast_to=str)) run_environ['input'] = arg_str print("[+] Triggerable with arg : {}".format(arg_str)) return run_environ
Example #28
Source File: From checkdmarc with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def query_dmarc_record(domain, nameservers=None, timeout=2.0): """ Queries DNS for a DMARC record Args: domain (str): A domain name nameservers (list): A list of nameservers to query (Cloudflare's by default) timeout(float): number of seconds to wait for an record from DNS Returns: OrderedDict: An ``OrderedDict`` with the following keys: - ``record`` - the unparsed DMARC record string - ``location`` - the domain where the record was found - ``warnings`` - warning conditions found Raises: :exc:`checkdmarc.DMARCRecordNotFound` :exc:`checkdmarc.DMARCRecordInWrongLocation` :exc:`checkdmarc.MultipleDMARCRecords` :exc:`checkdmarc.SPFRecordFoundWhereDMARCRecordShouldBe` """ logging.debug("Checking for a DMARC record on {0}".format(domain)) warnings = [] base_domain = get_base_domain(domain) location = domain.lower() record = _query_dmarc_record(domain, nameservers=nameservers, timeout=timeout) try: root_records = _query_dns(domain.lower(), "TXT", nameservers=nameservers, timeout=timeout) for root_record in root_records: if root_record.startswith("v=DMARC1"): warnings.append("DMARC record at root of {0} " "has no effect".format(domain.lower())) except Exception: pass if record is None and domain != base_domain: record = _query_dmarc_record(base_domain, nameservers=nameservers, timeout=timeout) location = base_domain if record is None: raise DMARCRecordNotFound( "A DMARC record does not exist for this domain or its base domain") return OrderedDict([("record", record), ("location", location), ("warnings", warnings)])
Example #29
Source File: From PerfKitBenchmarker with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _PsDriveRemoteCopy(self, local_path, remote_path, copy_to, network_drive): """Copies a file to or from the VM using New-PSDrive and Copy-Item. Args: local_path: Local path to file. remote_path: Optional path of where to copy file on remote host. copy_to: True to copy to vm, False to copy from vm. network_drive: The smb specification for the remote drive (//{ip_address}/{share_name}). Raises: RemoteCommandError: If there was a problem copying the file. """ set_error_pref = '$ErrorActionPreference="Stop"' password = self.password.replace("'", "''") create_cred = ( '$pw = convertto-securestring -AsPlainText -Force \'%s\';' '$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation' '.PSCredential -argumentlist %s,$pw' % (password, self.user_name)) psdrive_name = create_psdrive = ( 'New-PSDrive -Name %s -PSProvider filesystem -Root ' '%s -Credential $cred' % (psdrive_name, network_drive)) remote_path = '%s:%s' % (psdrive_name, remote_path) if copy_to: from_path, to_path = local_path, remote_path else: from_path, to_path = remote_path, local_path copy_item = 'Copy-Item -Path %s -Destination %s' % (from_path, to_path) delete_connection = 'net use %s /delete' % network_drive cmd = ';'.join([set_error_pref, create_cred, create_psdrive, copy_item, delete_connection]) stdout, stderr, retcode = vm_util.IssueCommand( ['powershell', '-Command', cmd], timeout=None, raise_on_failure=False) if retcode: error_text = ('Got non-zero return code (%s) executing %s\n' 'STDOUT: %sSTDERR: %s' % (retcode, cmd, stdout, stderr)) raise errors.VirtualMachine.RemoteCommandError(error_text)
Example #30
Source File: From apm-integration-testing with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def check_counts(self, it, max_wait=60, backoff=1): err = "queried for {}, expected {}, got {}" def assert_count(terms, expected): """wait a bit for doc count to reach expectation""" @timeout_decorator.timeout(max_wait) def check_count(mut_actual): while True: rsp =, body=self.elasticsearch.term_q(terms)) mut_actual[0] = rsp["count"] if mut_actual[0] >= expected: return time.sleep(backoff) mut_actual = [-1] # keep actual count in this mutable try: check_count(mut_actual) except timeout_decorator.TimeoutError: pass actual = mut_actual[0] assert actual == expected, err.format(terms, expected, actual) service_names = [ep.app_name for ep in self.endpoints] transactions_count = self.count("transaction") * it assert_count([("processor.event", "transaction"), ("", service_names)], transactions_count) spans_count = self.count("span") * it assert_count([("processor.event", "span"), ('', service_names)], spans_count) transactions_sum = spans_sum = 0 for ep in self.endpoints: for span_name in ep.span_names: count = ep.count("span") * it / len(ep.span_names) spans_sum += count assert_count([ ("processor.event", "span"), ("", span_name), ("", ep.app_name), ], count) count = ep.count("transaction") * it transactions_sum += count assert_count([ ("processor.event", "transaction"), ("", ep.app_name), ("", ep.transaction_name), ], count) assert transactions_count == transactions_sum, err.format( "transactions all endpoints", transactions_count, transactions_sum) assert spans_count == spans_sum, err.format( "spans all endpoints", spans_count, spans_sum)