Python PyQt5.QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() Examples
The following are 14
code examples of PyQt5.QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents().
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Example #1
Source File: From Uranium with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def upgrade(self) -> bool: """Performs the version upgrades of all configuration files to the most recent version. The upgrade plug-ins must all be loaded at this point, or no upgrades can be performed. :return: True if anything was upgraded, or False if it was already up to date. """ start_time = time.time() Logger.log("i", "Looking for old configuration files to upgrade.") self._upgrade_tasks.extend(self._getUpgradeTasks()) # Get the initial files to upgrade. self._upgrade_routes = self._findShortestUpgradeRoutes() # Pre-compute the upgrade routes. upgraded = False # Did we upgrade something? while self._upgrade_tasks: upgrade_task = self._upgrade_tasks.popleft() self._upgradeFile(upgrade_task.storage_path, upgrade_task.file_name, upgrade_task.configuration_type) # Upgrade this file. QCoreApplication.processEvents() # Ensure that the GUI does not freeze. if upgraded: message = UM.Message.Message(text = catalogue.i18nc("@info:version-upgrade", "A configuration from an older version of {0} was imported.", Application.getInstance().getApplicationName()), title = catalogue.i18nc("@info:title", "Version Upgrade")) Logger.log("i", "Checking and performing updates took %s", time.time() - start_time) return upgraded
Example #2
Source File: From idapkg with MIT License | 6 votes |
def system(cmd): """ Wrapper around :py:meth:`os.system`, except that output will be redirected to messages window. :param cmd: Command to execute. :return: exit status. :rtype: int """ process = Popen(cmd, shell=True) # call processEvents() to prevent hang timeout = 0.01 while all(thread.is_alive() for thread in process.threads): for thread in process.threads: thread.join(timeout) QCoreApplication.processEvents() return process.wait()
Example #3
Source File: From Computer-graphics with MIT License | 5 votes |
def delay(): #QCoreApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1) QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1) #time.sleep(.005) """t = QTime.currentTime().addMSecs(1) while QTime.currentTime() < t: QCoreApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1)"""
Example #4
Source File: From Computer-graphics with MIT License | 5 votes |
def delay(): #QCoreApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1) QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1) #time.sleep(.005) """t = QTime.currentTime().addMSecs(1) while QTime.currentTime() < t: QCoreApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1)"""
Example #5
Source File: From Cura with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _compressDataAndNotifyQt(self, data_to_append: str) -> bytes: compressed_data = gzip.compress(data_to_append.encode("utf-8")) self._progress_message.setProgress(-1) # Tickle the message so that it's clear that it's still being used. QCoreApplication.processEvents() # Ensure that the GUI does not freeze. # Pretend that this is a response, as zipping might take a bit of time. # If we don't do this, the device might trigger a timeout. self._last_response_time = time() return compressed_data
Example #6
Source File: From Cura with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def waitForClose(self): """Block thread until the dialog is closed.""" if self._visible: if threading.current_thread() != threading.main_thread(): self._lock.acquire() self._lock.release() else: # If this is not run from a separate thread, we need to ensure that the events are still processed. while self._visible: time.sleep(1 / 50) QCoreApplication.processEvents() # Ensure that the GUI does not freeze.
Example #7
Source File: From Cura with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _cacheAllExtruderSettings(self): global_stack = cast(ContainerStack, CuraApplication.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()) # NB: keys must be strings for the string formatter self._all_extruders_settings = { "-1": self._buildReplacementTokens(global_stack) } QCoreApplication.processEvents() # Ensure that the GUI does not freeze. for extruder_stack in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStacks(): extruder_nr = extruder_stack.getProperty("extruder_nr", "value") self._all_extruders_settings[str(extruder_nr)] = self._buildReplacementTokens(extruder_stack) QCoreApplication.processEvents() # Ensure that the GUI does not freeze.
Example #8
Source File: From Uranium with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def loadPlugins(self, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None: """Load all plugins matching a certain set of metadata :param metadata: The meta data that needs to be matched. NOTE: This is the method which kicks everything off at app launch. """ start_time = time.time() # Get a list of all installed plugins: plugin_ids = self._findInstalledPlugins() for plugin_id in plugin_ids: # Get the plugin metadata: try: plugin_metadata = self.getMetaData(plugin_id) except TrustException: Logger.error("Plugin {} was not loaded because it could not be verified.", plugin_id) message_text = i18n_catalog.i18nc("@error:untrusted", "Plugin {} was not loaded because it could not be verified.", plugin_id) Message(text = message_text).show() continue # Save all metadata to the metadata dictionary: self._metadata[plugin_id] = plugin_metadata if metadata is None or self._subsetInDict(self._metadata[plugin_id], metadata): # try: self.loadPlugin(plugin_id) QCoreApplication.processEvents() # Ensure that the GUI does not freeze. # Add the plugin to the list after actually load the plugin: self._all_plugins.append(plugin_id) self._plugins_installed.append(plugin_id) except PluginNotFoundError: pass Logger.log("d", "Loading all plugins took %s seconds", time.time() - start_time) # Checks if the given plugin API version is compatible with the current version.
Example #9
Source File: From parsec-cloud with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _on_get_participants_success(self, job): participants = job.ret while self.scroll_content.layout().count() > 1: item = self.scroll_content.layout().takeAt(0) w = item.widget() self.scroll_content.layout().removeItem(item) w.setParent(None) QCoreApplication.processEvents() for user, (role, revoked_info) in participants.items(): self.add_participant( user, user == self.core.device.user_id, role, is_revoked=revoked_info is not None ) self.line_edit_share.setText("") self.button_share.setDisabled(True) self.button_apply.setDisabled(True)
Example #10
Source File: From lxa5 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def process_all_gui_events(): QCoreApplication.processEvents() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # configuration file
Example #11
Source File: From Pythonic with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def execute(self, data):'execute() called at Item {} {}'.format(self.row, self.column)) self.highlightStart() QCoreApplication.processEvents() sleep(1) self.highlightStop() QCoreApplication.processEvents() output = ('output from ExecOp') target = (self.row, self.column+1) return (target, output)
Example #12
Source File: From pySPM with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def flatten(self): from scipy import optimize as opt self.ui.status.setText("Start the flattening...") self.level = np.zeros(self.volume.shape[:2]) self.ui.pb.setMaximum(self.volume.shape[0]) for y in range(self.volume.shape[0]): self.ui.pb.setValue(y) self.flatline(y) QCoreApplication.processEvents() self.canvas.draw() self.ui.pb.setValue(0) self.ui.status.setText("Flattening finished")".level", self.level)
Example #13
Source File: From parsec-cloud with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def showMaximized(self, skip_dialogs=False): super().showMaximized() QCoreApplication.processEvents() # Used with the --diagnose option if skip_dialogs: return # At the very first launch if self.config.gui_first_launch: r = ask_question( self, _("TEXT_ERROR_REPORTING_TITLE"), _("TEXT_ERROR_REPORTING_INSTRUCTIONS"), [_("ACTION_ERROR_REPORTING_ACCEPT"), _("ACTION_NO")], ) # Acknowledge the changes self.event_bus.send( CoreEvent.GUI_CONFIG_CHANGED, gui_first_launch=False, gui_last_version=PARSEC_VERSION, telemetry_enabled=r == _("ACTION_ERROR_REPORTING_ACCEPT"), ) # For each parsec update if self.config.gui_last_version and self.config.gui_last_version != PARSEC_VERSION: # Update from parsec `<1.14` to `>=1.14` if LooseVersion(self.config.gui_last_version) < "1.14": # Revert the acrobat reader workaround if ( platform.system() == "Windows" and win_registry.is_acrobat_reader_dc_present() and not win_registry.get_acrobat_app_container_enabled() ): win_registry.del_acrobat_app_container_enabled() # Acknowledge the changes self.event_bus.send(CoreEvent.GUI_CONFIG_CHANGED, gui_last_version=PARSEC_VERSION) telemetry.init(self.config) devices = list_available_devices(self.config.config_dir) if not len(devices): r = ask_question( self, _("TEXT_KICKSTART_PARSEC_WHAT_TO_DO_TITLE"), _("TEXT_KICKSTART_PARSEC_WHAT_TO_DO_INSTRUCTIONS"), [ _("ACTION_NO_DEVICE_CREATE_ORGANIZATION"), _("ACTION_NO_DEVICE_JOIN_ORGANIZATION"), ], radio_mode=True, ) if r == _("ACTION_NO_DEVICE_JOIN_ORGANIZATION"): self._on_join_org_clicked() elif r == _("ACTION_NO_DEVICE_CREATE_ORGANIZATION"): self._on_create_org_clicked()
Example #14
Source File: From lanzou-gui with MIT License | 4 votes |
def login_update_ui(self, success, msg, duration): """根据登录是否成功更新UI,并保持用户信息""" self.show_status(msg, duration) if success: self.update_lanzoucloud_settings() self._work_id = self._config.work_id # 切换用户后刷新 根目录 if self._user: if len(self._user) <= 6: disk_tab = f"我的蓝奏<{self._user}>" else: disk_tab = f"我的蓝奏<{self._user[:4]}..>" else: disk_tab = "我的蓝奏云" self.tabWidget.insertTab(1, self.disk_tab, disk_tab) self.tabWidget.insertTab(2, self.rec_tab, "回收站") self.disk_tab.setEnabled(True) self.rec_tab.setEnabled(True) # 更新快捷键与工具栏 self.toolbar.addAction(self.logout) # 添加登出工具栏 self.toolbar.addAction(self.upload) # 添加上传文件工具栏 # 菜单栏槽 self.logout.setEnabled(True) self.upload.setEnabled(True) self.upload.triggered.connect(self.show_upload_dialog_menus) # 设置当前显示 tab self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.disk_tab)) QCoreApplication.processEvents() # 重绘界面 self._config.update_user() # 存储用户信息 # 刷新文件列表 # self.list_refresher.set_values(self._work_id) else: self.show_status(msg, duration) self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) self.tabWidget.removeTab(2) self.tabWidget.removeTab(1) self.disk_tab.setEnabled(False) self.rec_tab.setEnabled(False) # 更新快捷键与工具栏 self.toolbar.removeAction(self.logout) # 登出工具栏 self.toolbar.removeAction(self.upload) # 上传文件工具栏 self.logout.setEnabled(False) self.upload.setEnabled(False)