Python osgeo.gdal.VersionInfo() Examples
The following are 7
code examples of osgeo.gdal.VersionInfo().
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Example #1
Source File: From wradlib with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_CAPPI(self): gridder = vpr.CAPPI(, self.trgxyz, self.trgshape, self.maxrange, self.minelev, self.maxelev, ) out = gridder( assert out.shape == (6084,) # Todo: find out where this discrepancy comes from from osgeo import gdal if gdal.VersionInfo()[0] >= "3": size = 3528 else: size = 3512 assert len(np.where(np.isnan(out))[0]) == size
Example #2
Source File: From qgis-cartodb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, iface): QObject.__init__(self) QgsMessageLog.logMessage('GDAL Version: ' + str(gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM')), 'CartoDB Plugin', QgsMessageLog.INFO) # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value("locale/userLocale")[0:2] localePath = os.path.join(CartoDBPlugin.PLUGIN_DIR, "i18n", "{}.qm".format(locale)) if os.path.exists(localePath): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(localePath) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # SQLite available? driverName = "SQLite" self.sqLiteDrv = ogr.GetDriverByName(driverName) if self.sqLiteDrv is None: QgsMessageLog.logMessage('SQLite driver not found', 'CartoDB Plugin', QgsMessageLog.CRITICAL) else: QgsMessageLog.logMessage('SQLite driver is found', 'CartoDB Plugin', QgsMessageLog.INFO) self.databasePath = CartoDBPlugin.PLUGIN_DIR + '/db/database.sqlite' shutil.copyfile(CartoDBPlugin.PLUGIN_DIR + '/db/init_database.sqlite', self.databasePath) self.layers = [] self.countLoadingLayers = 0 self.countLoadedLayers = 0 self._cdbMenu = None self._mainAction = None self._loadDataAction = None self._createVizAction = None self._addSQLAction = None self.toolbar = CartoDBToolbar() self._toolbarAction = None self._menu = None
Example #3
Source File: From DataPlotly with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def _run_tests(test_suite, package_name, with_coverage=False): """Core function to test a test suite.""" count = test_suite.countTestCases() print('########') print('%s tests has been discovered in %s' % (count, package_name)) print('Python GDAL : %s' % gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM')) print('QT : {}'.format(QT_VERSION_STR)) print('########') if with_coverage: cov = coverage.Coverage( source=['/processing_r'], omit=['*/test/*'], ) cov.start() unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3, stream=sys.stdout).run(test_suite) if with_coverage: cov.stop() report = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) # Produce HTML reports in the `htmlcov` folder and open index.html # cov.html_report() report.close() with open(, 'r') as fin: print(
Example #4
Source File: From wradlib with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_get_radar_projection(self): sitecoords = [5, 52, 90] p0 = georef.get_radar_projection(sitecoords) if gdal.VersionInfo()[0] >= "3": assert p0.GetName() == "Unknown Azimuthal Equidistant" assert p0.IsProjected() assert p0.IsSameGeogCS(georef.get_default_projection()) assert p0.GetNormProjParm("latitude_of_center") == sitecoords[1] assert p0.GetNormProjParm("longitude_of_center") == sitecoords[0]
Example #5
Source File: From wradlib with MIT License | 5 votes |
def transform_geometry(geom, dest_srs, **kwargs): """Perform geotransformation to given destination SpatialReferenceSystem It transforms coordinates to a given destination osr spatial reference if a geotransform is neccessary. Parameters ---------- geom : ogr.geometry dest_srs : osr.SpatialReference Destination Projection Keyword Arguments ----------------- source_srs : osr.SpatialReference Source Projection Returns ------- geom : ogr.Geometry Transformed Geometry """ gsrs = geom.GetSpatialReference() srs = kwargs.get("source_srs", gsrs) # srs is None assume wgs84 lonlat, but warn too if srs is None: srs = projection.get_default_projection() warnings.warn("geometry without spatial reference - assuming wgs84") # transform if not the same spatial reference system if not srs.IsSame(dest_srs): if gsrs is None: geom.AssignSpatialReference(srs) gsrs = geom.GetSpatialReference() if gdal.VersionInfo()[0] >= "3": dest_srs.SetAxisMappingStrategy(osr.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER) gsrs.SetAxisMappingStrategy(osr.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER) geom.TransformTo(dest_srs) return geom
Example #6
Source File: From wradlib with MIT License | 5 votes |
def proj4_to_osr(proj4str): """Transform a proj4 string to an osr spatial reference object Parameters ---------- proj4str : string Proj4 string describing projection Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/radolan/radolan_grid.ipynb#PROJ.4`. """ proj = osr.SpatialReference() proj.ImportFromProj4(proj4str) proj.AutoIdentifyEPSG() if LooseVersion(gdal.VersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME")) < LooseVersion("3"): proj.Fixup() proj.FixupOrdering() if proj.Validate() == ogr.OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA: raise ValueError( "proj4str validates to 'ogr.OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA'" "and can't be imported as OSR object" ) return proj
Example #7
Source File: From qgis-processing-r with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _run_tests(test_suite, package_name, with_coverage=False): """Core function to test a test suite.""" count = test_suite.countTestCases() print('########') print('%s tests has been discovered in %s' % (count, package_name)) print('Python GDAL : %s' % gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM')) print('QT : %s' % Qt.QT_VERSION) print('########') if with_coverage: cov = coverage.Coverage( source=['/processing_r'], omit=['*/test/*'], ) cov.start() unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3, stream=sys.stdout).run(test_suite) if with_coverage: cov.stop() report = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) # Produce HTML reports in the `htmlcov` folder and open index.html # cov.html_report() report.close() with open(, 'r') as fin: print(