Python scrypt.hash() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of scrypt.hash().
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Example #1
Source File: From bitmask-dev with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _encode_uuid_map(userid, uuid, passwd): data = 'userid:%s:uuid:%s' % (userid, uuid) # FIXME scrypt.encrypt is broken in windows. # This is a quick hack. The hostname might not be unique enough though. # We could use a long random hash per entry and store it in the file. # Other option is to use a different KDF that is supported by cryptography # (ie, pbkdf) if IS_WIN: key = scrypt.hash(passwd, socket.gethostname()) key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(key[:32]) f = Fernet(key, backend=crypto_backend) encrypted = f.encrypt(data) else: encrypted = scrypt.encrypt(data, passwd, maxtime=0.05) return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(encrypted)
Example #2
Source File: From bitmask-dev with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _decode_uuid_line(line, passwd): decoded = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(line) if IS_WIN: key = scrypt.hash(passwd, socket.gethostname()) key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(key[:32]) try: f = Fernet(key, backend=crypto_backend) maybe_decrypted = f.decrypt(key) except Exception: return None else: try: maybe_decrypted = scrypt.decrypt(decoded, passwd, maxtime=0.1) except scrypt.error: return None match = re.findall("userid\:(.+)\:uuid\:(.+)", maybe_decrypted) if match: return match[0]
Example #3
Source File: From nightminer with MIT License | 6 votes |
def set_scrypt_library(library = SCRYPT_LIBRARY_AUTO): '''Sets the scrypt library implementation to use.''' global SCRYPT_LIBRARY global scrypt_proof_of_work if library == SCRYPT_LIBRARY_LTC: import ltc_scrypt scrypt_proof_of_work = ltc_scrypt.getPoWHash SCRYPT_LIBRARY = library elif library == SCRYPT_LIBRARY_SCRYPT: import scrypt as NativeScrypt scrypt_proof_of_work = lambda header: NativeScrypt.hash(header, header, 1024, 1, 1, 32) SCRYPT_LIBRARY = library # Try to load a faster version of scrypt before using the pure-Python implementation elif library == SCRYPT_LIBRARY_AUTO: try: set_scrypt_library(SCRYPT_LIBRARY_LTC) except Exception, e: try: set_scrypt_library(SCRYPT_LIBRARY_SCRYPT) except Exception, e: set_scrypt_library(SCRYPT_LIBRARY_PYTHON)
Example #4
Source File: From torba with MIT License | 6 votes |
def pay_to_address_script(cls, address): """Return a pubkey script that pays to a pubkey hash. Pass the address (either P2PKH or P2SH) in base58 form. """ raw = cls.DECODE_CHECK(address) # Require version byte(s) plus hash160. verbyte = -1 verlen = len(raw) - 20 if verlen > 0: verbyte, hash160 = raw[:verlen], raw[verlen:] if verbyte == cls.P2PKH_VERBYTE: return cls.hash160_to_P2PKH_script(hash160) if verbyte in cls.P2SH_VERBYTES: return ScriptPubKey.P2SH_script(hash160) raise CoinError('invalid address: {}'.format(address))
Example #5
Source File: From bazarr with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _hash_scrypt(username, pwd, salt=None): """Hash username and password, generating salt value if required Use scrypt. :returns: base-64 encoded str. """ if not scrypt_available: raise Exception("scrypt.hash required." " Please install the scrypt library.") if salt is None: salt = os.urandom(32) assert len(salt) == 32, "Incorrect salt length" cleartext = "%s\0%s" % (username, pwd) h = scrypt.hash(cleartext, salt) # 's' for scrypt hashed = b's' + salt + h return b64encode(hashed)
Example #6
Source File: From bazarr with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _verify_password(self, username, pwd, salted_hash): """Verity username/password pair against a salted hash :returns: bool """ assert isinstance(salted_hash, type(b'')) decoded = b64decode(salted_hash) hash_type = decoded[0] if isinstance(hash_type, int): hash_type = chr(hash_type) salt = decoded[1:33] if hash_type == 'p': # PBKDF2 h = self._hash_pbkdf2(username, pwd, salt) return salted_hash == h if hash_type == 's': # scrypt h = self._hash_scrypt(username, pwd, salt) return salted_hash == h raise RuntimeError("Unknown hashing algorithm in hash: %r" % decoded)
Example #7
Source File: From nowallet with MIT License | 6 votes |
def derive_key(salt: str, passphrase: str, hd: bool = True) -> \ Union[int, Tuple[int, bytes]]: key_length = 64 if hd else 32 # type: int t1 = and_split(bytes(salt, "utf-8")) # type: Tuple[bytes, bytes] salt1, salt2 = t1 t2 = and_split(bytes(passphrase, "utf-8")) # type: Tuple[bytes, bytes] pass1, pass2 = t2 scrypt_key = scrypt.hash( pass1, salt1, N=1 << 18, buflen=key_length) # type: bytes pbkdf2_key = pbkdf2.PBKDF2( pass2, salt2, iterations=1 << 16, digestmodule=SHA256).read(key_length) # type: bytes merged = xor_merge(scrypt_key, pbkdf2_key) # type: bytes if hd: secret_exp = int(merged[0:32].hex(), 16) # type: int chain_code = merged[32:] # type: bytes return secret_exp, chain_code return int(merged.hex(), 16)
Example #8
Source File: From cryptovenom with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def bf(h, dictionary): f = open(dictionary, 'r') lines = f.readlines() lines = lines.replace('\n', '') print('\033[1;34m[*]\033[0m Starting Brute Force - hash = ' + h) for i in lines: h2 = scrypt.hash(i, salt) if h == h2: print('\033[1;32m[+]\033[0m Hash Cracked! - Password = ' + i) exit() print('\033[1;31m[-]\033[0m Hash could not be cracked!')
Example #9
Source File: From bitcoinlib with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def addr_to_pubkeyhash(address, as_hex=False, encoding=None): """ Convert base58 or bech32 address to public key hash Wrapper for the :func:`addr_base58_to_pubkeyhash` and :func:`addr_bech32_to_pubkeyhash` method :param address: Crypto currency address in base-58 format :type address: str :param as_hex: Output as hexstring :type as_hex: bool :param encoding: Address encoding used: base58 or bech32. Default is base58. Try to derive from address if encoding=None is provided :type encoding: str :return bytes, str: public key hash """ if encoding == 'base58' or encoding is None: try: pkh = addr_base58_to_pubkeyhash(address, as_hex) except EncodingError: pkh = None if pkh is not None: return pkh if encoding == 'bech32' or encoding is None: return addr_bech32_to_pubkeyhash(address, as_hex=as_hex)
Example #10
Source File: From GenesisH0 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def generate_hash(data_block, algorithm, start_nonce, bits): print 'Searching for genesis hash..' nonce = start_nonce last_updated = time.time() # target = (bits & 0xffffff) * 2**(8*((bits >> 24) - 3)) while True: sha256_hash, header_hash = generate_hashes_from_block(data_block, algorithm) last_updated = calculate_hashrate(nonce, last_updated) if is_genesis_hash(header_hash, target): if algorithm == "X11" or algorithm == "X13" or algorithm == "X15": return (header_hash, nonce) return (sha256_hash, nonce) else: nonce = nonce + 1 data_block = data_block[0:len(data_block) - 4] + struct.pack('<I', nonce)
Example #11
Source File: From GenesisH0 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_args(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-t", "--time", dest="time", default=int(time.time()), type="int", help="the (unix) time when the genesisblock is created") parser.add_option("-z", "--timestamp", dest="timestamp", default="The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks", type="string", help="the pszTimestamp found in the coinbase of the genesisblock") parser.add_option("-n", "--nonce", dest="nonce", default=0, type="int", help="the first value of the nonce that will be incremented when searching the genesis hash") parser.add_option("-a", "--algorithm", dest="algorithm", default="SHA256", help="the PoW algorithm: [SHA256|scrypt|X11|X13|X15]") parser.add_option("-p", "--pubkey", dest="pubkey", default="04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f", type="string", help="the pubkey found in the output script") parser.add_option("-v", "--value", dest="value", default=5000000000, type="int", help="the value in coins for the output, full value (exp. in bitcoin 5000000000 - To get other coins value: Block Value * 100000000)") parser.add_option("-b", "--bits", dest="bits", type="int", help="the target in compact representation, associated to a difficulty of 1") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.bits: if options.algorithm == "scrypt" or options.algorithm == "X11" or options.algorithm == "X13" or options.algorithm == "X15": options.bits = 0x1e0ffff0 else: options.bits = 0x1d00ffff return options
Example #12
Source File: From bitcoinlib with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def pubkeyhash_to_addr_base58(pubkeyhash, prefix=b'\x00'): """ Convert public key hash to base58 encoded address >>> pubkeyhash_to_addr_base58('21342f229392d7c9ed82c932916cee6517fbc9a2') '142Zp9WZn9Fh4MV8F3H5Dv4Rbg7Ja1sPWZ' :param pubkeyhash: Public key hash :type pubkeyhash: bytes, str :param prefix: Prefix version byte of network, default is bitcoin '\x00' :type prefix: str, bytes :return str: Base-58 encoded address """ # prefix = to_bytes(prefix) key = to_bytearray(prefix) + to_bytearray(pubkeyhash) addr256 = key + double_sha256(key)[:4] return change_base(addr256, 256, 58)
Example #13
Source File: From moneywagon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def generate_address(self, passphrase): """ Make sure the confirm code is valid for the given password and address. """ inter = Bip38IntermediatePoint.create(passphrase, ownersalt=self.ownersalt) public_key = privtopub(inter.passpoint) # from Bip38EncryptedPrivateKey.create_from_intermediate derived = scrypt.hash(inter.passpoint, self.addresshash + inter.ownerentropy, 1024, 1, 1, 64) derivedhalf1, derivedhalf2 = derived[:32], derived[32:] unencrypted_prefix = bytes_to_int(self.pointbprefix) ^ (bytes_to_int(derived[63]) & 0x01); aes = block1 = aes.decrypt(self.pointbx1) block2 = aes.decrypt(self.pointbx2) raise Exception("Not done yet") return block2 = long(hexlify(pointb2), 16) ^ long(hexlify(derivedhalf1[16:]), 16) return pubtoaddr(*fast_multiply(pointb, passfactor)) ## tests below
Example #14
Source File: From bitcoinlib with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def addr_base58_to_pubkeyhash(address, as_hex=False): """ Convert Base58 encoded address to public key hash >>> addr_base58_to_pubkeyhash('142Zp9WZn9Fh4MV8F3H5Dv4Rbg7Ja1sPWZ', as_hex=True) '21342f229392d7c9ed82c932916cee6517fbc9a2' :param address: Crypto currency address in base-58 format :type address: str, bytes :param as_hex: Output as hexstring :type as_hex: bool :return bytes, str: Public Key Hash """ try: address = change_base(address, 58, 256, 25) except EncodingError as err: raise EncodingError("Invalid address %s: %s" % (address, err)) check = address[-4:] pkh = address[:-4] checksum = double_sha256(pkh)[0:4] assert (check == checksum), "Invalid address, checksum incorrect" if as_hex: return change_base(pkh, 256, 16)[2:] else: return pkh[1:]
Example #15
Source File: From moneywagon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create(cls, passphrase, seed=None, ownersalt=None, lot=None, sequence=None): passphrase = normalize('NFC', unicode(passphrase)) if is_py2: passphrase = passphrase.encode('utf8') if seed and not is_py2: seed = bytes(seed, 'ascii') if ownersalt and len(ownersalt) != 8: raise Exception("Invalid salt") if lot and sequence: if not ownersalt: ownersalt = sha256(seed).digest()[:4] lotseq = unhexlify("%0.8x" % (self.lotseq_constant * lot + sequence)) ownerentropy = ownersalt + lotseq else: if not ownersalt: ownersalt = ownerentropy = sha256(seed).digest()[:8] else: ownerentropy = ownersalt prefactor = scrypt.hash(passphrase, ownersalt, 16384, 8, 8, 32) if lot and sequence: passfactor = sha256(sha256(prefactor + ownerentropy).digest()).digest() else: passfactor = prefactor passpoint = compress(*fast_multiply(G, bytes_to_int(passfactor))) last_byte = b'\x53' if not lot and not sequence else b'\x51' # 7 1 8 33 payload = b'\x2C\xE9\xB3\xE1\xFF\x39\xE2' + last_byte + ownerentropy + passpoint return cls(b58encode_check(payload))
Example #16
Source File: From moneywagon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def encrypt(cls, crypto, privkey, passphrase): """ BIP0038 non-ec-multiply encryption. Returns BIP0038 encrypted privkey. """ pub_byte, priv_byte = get_magic_bytes(crypto) privformat = get_privkey_format(privkey) if privformat in ['wif_compressed','hex_compressed']: compressed = True flagbyte = b'\xe0' if privformat == 'wif_compressed': privkey = encode_privkey(privkey, 'hex_compressed') privformat = get_privkey_format(privkey) if privformat in ['wif', 'hex']: compressed = False flagbyte = b'\xc0' if privformat == 'wif': privkey = encode_privkey(privkey,'hex') privformat = get_privkey_format(privkey) pubkey = privtopub(privkey) addr = pubtoaddr(pubkey, pub_byte) passphrase = normalize('NFC', unicode(passphrase)) if is_py2: ascii_key = addr passphrase = passphrase.encode('utf8') else: ascii_key = bytes(addr,'ascii') salt = sha256(sha256(ascii_key).digest()).digest()[0:4] key = scrypt.hash(passphrase, salt, 16384, 8, 8) derivedhalf1, derivedhalf2 = key[:32], key[32:] aes = encryptedhalf1 = aes.encrypt(unhexlify('%0.32x' % (long(privkey[0:32], 16) ^ long(hexlify(derivedhalf1[0:16]), 16)))) encryptedhalf2 = aes.encrypt(unhexlify('%0.32x' % (long(privkey[32:64], 16) ^ long(hexlify(derivedhalf1[16:32]), 16)))) # 39 bytes 2 (6P) 1(R/Y) 4 16 16 payload = b'\x01\x42' + flagbyte + salt + encryptedhalf1 + encryptedhalf2 return cls(crypto, b58encode_check(payload))
Example #17
Source File: From moneywagon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def decrypt(self, passphrase, wif=False): """ BIP0038 non-ec-multiply decryption. Returns hex privkey. """ passphrase = normalize('NFC', unicode(passphrase)) if is_py2: passphrase = passphrase.encode('utf8') if self.ec_multiply: raise Exception("Not supported yet") key = scrypt.hash(passphrase, self.addresshash, 16384, 8, 8) derivedhalf1 = key[0:32] derivedhalf2 = key[32:64] aes = decryptedhalf2 = aes.decrypt(self.encryptedhalf2) decryptedhalf1 = aes.decrypt(self.encryptedhalf1) priv = decryptedhalf1 + decryptedhalf2 priv = unhexlify('%064x' % (long(hexlify(priv), 16) ^ long(hexlify(derivedhalf1), 16))) pub = privtopub(priv) if self.compressed: pub = encode_pubkey(pub, 'hex_compressed') addr = pubtoaddr(pub, self.pub_byte) if is_py2: ascii_key = addr else: ascii_key = bytes(addr,'ascii') if sha256(sha256(ascii_key).digest()).digest()[0:4] != self.addresshash: raise Exception('Bip38 password decrypt failed: Wrong password?') else: formatt = 'wif' if wif else 'hex' if self.compressed: return encode_privkey(priv, formatt + '_compressed', self.priv_byte) else: return encode_privkey(priv, formatt, self.priv_byte)
Example #18
Source File: From python-graphenelib with MIT License | 5 votes |
def encrypt(privkey, passphrase): """ BIP0038 non-ec-multiply encryption. Returns BIP0038 encrypted privkey. :param privkey: Private key :type privkey: Base58 :param str passphrase: UTF-8 encoded passphrase for encryption :return: BIP0038 non-ec-multiply encrypted wif key :rtype: Base58 """ if isinstance(privkey, str): privkey = PrivateKey(privkey) else: privkey = PrivateKey(repr(privkey)) privkeyhex = repr(privkey) # hex addr = format(privkey.bitcoin.address, "BTC") a = _bytes(addr) salt = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(a).digest()).digest()[0:4] if SCRYPT_MODULE == "scrypt": # pragma: no cover key = scrypt.hash(passphrase, salt, 16384, 8, 8) elif SCRYPT_MODULE == "pylibscrypt": # pragma: no cover key = scrypt.scrypt(bytes(passphrase, "utf-8"), salt, 16384, 8, 8) else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("No scrypt module loaded") # pragma: no cover (derived_half1, derived_half2) = (key[:32], key[32:]) aes =, AES.MODE_ECB) encrypted_half1 = _encrypt_xor(privkeyhex[:32], derived_half1[:16], aes) encrypted_half2 = _encrypt_xor(privkeyhex[32:], derived_half1[16:], aes) " flag byte is forced 0xc0 because Graphene only uses compressed keys " payload = b"\x01" + b"\x42" + b"\xc0" + salt + encrypted_half1 + encrypted_half2 " Checksum " checksum = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(payload).digest()).digest()[:4] privatkey = hexlify(payload + checksum).decode("ascii") return Base58(privatkey)
Example #19
Source File: From GenesisH0 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def announce_found_genesis(genesis_hash, nonce): print "genesis hash found!" print "nonce: " + str(nonce) print "genesis hash: " + genesis_hash.encode('hex_codec') # GOGOGO!
Example #20
Source File: From jarvis with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def validate(n, r, p): """ helper which validates a set of scrypt config parameters. scrypt will take ``O(n * r * p)`` time and ``O(n * r)`` memory. limitations are that ``n = 2**<positive integer>``, ``n < 2**(16*r)``, ``r * p < 2 ** 30``. :param n: scrypt rounds :param r: scrypt block size :param p: scrypt parallel factor """ if r < 1: raise ValueError("r must be > 0: r=%r" % r) if p < 1: raise ValueError("p must be > 0: p=%r" % p) if r * p > MAX_RP: # pbkdf2-hmac-sha256 limitation - it will be requested to generate ``p*(2*r)*64`` bytes, # but pbkdf2 can do max of (2**31-1) blocks, and sha-256 has 32 byte block size... # so ``(2**31-1)*32 >= p*r*128`` -> ``r*p < 2**30`` raise ValueError("r * p must be < 2**30: r=%r, p=%r" % (r,p)) if n < 2 or n & (n - 1): raise ValueError("n must be > 1, and a power of 2: n=%r" % n) return True # TODO: configuration picker (may need psutil for full effect) #========================================================================== # hash frontend #========================================================================== #: backend function used by scrypt(), filled in by _set_backend()
Example #21
Source File: From pycoind with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_merkle_root(transactions): branches = [t.hash for t in transactions] while len(branches) > 1: if (len(branches) % 2) == 1: branches.append(branches[-1]) branches = [sha256d(a + b) for (a, b) in zip(branches[0::2], branches[1::2])] return branches[0] # Hexlify Helpers
Example #22
Source File: From web3-gear with MIT License | 5 votes |
def scrypt_hash(val, params): return scrypt.hash(str(val), decode_hex(params["salt"]), params["n"], params["r"], params["p"], params["dklen"])
Example #23
Source File: From GenesisH0 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def calculate_hashrate(nonce, last_updated): if nonce % 1000000 == 999999: now = time.time() hashrate = round(1000000/(now - last_updated)) generation_time = round(pow(2, 32) / hashrate / 3600, 1) sys.stdout.write("\r%s hash/s, estimate: %s h"%(str(hashrate), str(generation_time))) sys.stdout.flush() return now else: return last_updated
Example #24
Source File: From bitcoinlib with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def hash160(string): """ Creates a RIPEMD-160 + SHA256 hash of the input string :param string: Script :type string: bytes :return bytes: RIPEMD-160 hash of script """ return'ripemd160', hashlib.sha256(string).digest()).digest()
Example #25
Source File: From bitcoinlib with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def double_sha256(string, as_hex=False): """ Get double SHA256 hash of string :param string: String to be hashed :type string: bytes :param as_hex: Return value as hexadecimal string. Default is False :type as_hex: bool :return bytes, str: """ if not as_hex: return hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(string).digest()).digest() else: return hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(string).digest()).hexdigest()
Example #26
Source File: From bitcoinlib with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def pubkeyhash_to_addr(pubkeyhash, prefix=None, encoding='base58'): """ Convert public key hash to base58 encoded address Wrapper for the :func:`pubkeyhash_to_addr_base58` and :func:`pubkeyhash_to_addr_bech32` method :param pubkeyhash: Public key hash :type pubkeyhash: bytes, str :param prefix: Prefix version byte of network, default is bitcoin '\x00' :type prefix: str, bytes :param encoding: Encoding of address to calculate: base58 or bech32. Default is base58 :type encoding: str :return str: Base58 or bech32 encoded address """ if encoding == 'base58': if prefix is None: prefix = b'\x00' return pubkeyhash_to_addr_base58(pubkeyhash, prefix) elif encoding == 'bech32': if prefix is None: prefix = 'bc' return pubkeyhash_to_addr_bech32(pubkeyhash, prefix) else: raise EncodingError("Encoding %s not supported" % encoding)
Example #27
Source File: From jarvis with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def _load_cffi_backend(): """ Try to import the ctypes-based scrypt hash function provided by the ``scrypt <>``_ package. """ try: from scrypt import hash return hash except ImportError: pass # not available, but check to see if package present but outdated / not installed right try: import scrypt except ImportError as err: if "scrypt" not in str(err): # e.g. if cffi isn't set up right # user should try importing scrypt explicitly to diagnose problem. warn("'scrypt' package failed to import correctly (possible installation issue?)", exc.PasslibWarning) # else: package just isn't installed else: warn("'scrypt' package is too old (lacks ``hash()`` method)", exc.PasslibWarning) return None #: list of potential backends
Example #28
Source File: From bazarr with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def validate_registration(self, registration_code): """Validate pending account registration, create a new account if successful. :param registration_code: registration code :type registration_code: str. """ try: data = self._store.pending_registrations.pop(registration_code) except KeyError: raise AuthException("Invalid registration code.") username = data['username'] if username in self._store.users: raise AAAException("User is already existing.") # the user data is moved from pending_registrations to _users self._store.users[username] = { 'role': data['role'], 'hash': data['hash'], 'email_addr': data['email_addr'], 'desc': data['desc'], 'creation_date': data['creation_date'], 'last_login': str(datetime.utcnow()) } self._store.save_users()
Example #29
Source File: From bazarr with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def create_user(self, username, role, password, email_addr=None, description=None): """Create a new user account. This method is available to users with level>=100 :param username: username :type username: str. :param role: role :type role: str. :param password: cleartext password :type password: str. :param email_addr: email address (optional) :type email_addr: str. :param description: description (free form) :type description: str. :raises: AuthException on errors """ assert username, "Username must be provided." if self.current_user.level < 100: raise AuthException("The current user is not authorized" " to create users.") if username in self._store.users: raise AAAException("User is already existing.") if role not in self._store.roles: raise AAAException("Nonexistent user role.") tstamp = str(datetime.utcnow()) h = self._hash(username, password) h = h.decode('ascii') self._store.users[username] = { 'role': role, 'hash': h, 'email_addr': email_addr, 'desc': description, 'creation_date': tstamp, 'last_login': tstamp } self._store.save_users()
Example #30
Source File: From bazarr with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def login(self, username, password, success_redirect=None, fail_redirect=None): """Check login credentials for an existing user. Optionally redirect the user to another page (typically /login) :param username: username :type username: str or unicode. :param password: cleartext password :type password: str.or unicode :param success_redirect: redirect authorized users (optional) :type success_redirect: str. :param fail_redirect: redirect unauthorized users (optional) :type fail_redirect: str. :returns: True for successful logins, else False """ #assert isinstance(username, type(u'')), "the username must be a string" #assert isinstance(password, type(u'')), "the password must be a string" if username in self._store.users: salted_hash = self._store.users[username]['hash'] if hasattr(salted_hash, 'encode'): salted_hash = salted_hash.encode('ascii') authenticated = self._verify_password( username, password, salted_hash, ) if authenticated: # Setup session data self._setup_cookie(username) self._store.users[username]['last_login'] = str(datetime.utcnow()) self._store.save_users() if success_redirect: self._redirect(success_redirect) return True if fail_redirect: self._redirect(fail_redirect) return False