Python chainer.functions.concat() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of chainer.functions.concat(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module chainer.functions , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From DSTC6-End-to-End-Conversation-Modeling with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, s, xs):
        """Calculate all hidden states and cell states.
            s  (~chainer.Variable or None): Initial (hidden & cell) states. If ``None``
                is specified zero-vector is used.
            xs (list of ~chianer.Variable): List of input sequences.
                Each element ``xs[i]`` is a :class:`chainer.Variable` holding
                a sequence.
            (hy,cy): a pair of hidden and cell states at the end of the sequence,
            ys: a hidden state sequence at the last layer
        if len(xs) > 1:
            sections = np.cumsum(np.array([len(x) for x in xs[:-1]], dtype=np.int32))
            xs = F.split_axis(self.embed(F.concat(xs, axis=0)), sections, axis=0)
            xs = [ self.embed(xs[0]) ]
        if s is not None:
            hy, cy, ys = self.lstm(s[0], s[1], xs)
            hy, cy, ys = self.lstm(None, None, xs)

        return (hy,cy), ys 
Example #2
Source File:    From chainer-gqn with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, prev_hg, prev_he, prev_ce, x, v, r, u):
        xu = cf.concat((x, u), axis=1)
        xu = self.downsample_xu(xu)
        v = self.broadcast_v(v)
        if r.shape[2] == 1:
            r = self.broadcast_r(r)

        lstm_input = cf.concat((prev_he, prev_hg, xu, v, r), axis=1)
        gate_inputs = self.lstm(lstm_input)

        if self.use_cuda_kernel:
            next_h, next_c = CoreFunction()(gate_inputs, prev_ce)
            forget_gate_input, input_gate_input, tanh_input, output_gate_input = cf.split_axis(
                gate_inputs, 4, axis=1)

            forget_gate = cf.sigmoid(forget_gate_input)
            input_gate = cf.sigmoid(input_gate_input)
            next_c = forget_gate * prev_ce + input_gate * cf.tanh(tanh_input)
            output_gate = cf.sigmoid(output_gate_input)
            next_h = output_gate * cf.tanh(next_c)

        return next_h, next_c 
Example #3
Source File:    From chainer-gqn with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, prev_hg, prev_cg, prev_z, v, r, prev_u):
        v = self.broadcast_v(v)
        if r.shape[2] == 1:
            r = self.broadcast_r(r)

        lstm_input = cf.concat((prev_hg, v, r, prev_z), axis=1)
        gate_inputs = self.lstm(lstm_input)

        forget_gate_input, input_gate_input, tanh_input, output_gate_input = cf.split_axis(
            gate_inputs, 4, axis=1)

        forget_gate = cf.sigmoid(forget_gate_input)
        input_gate = cf.sigmoid(input_gate_input)
        next_c = forget_gate * prev_cg + input_gate * cf.tanh(tanh_input)
        output_gate = cf.sigmoid(output_gate_input)
        next_h = output_gate * cf.tanh(next_c)

        next_u = self.upsample_h(next_h) + prev_u

        return next_h, next_c, next_u 
Example #4
Source File:    From Deep_VoiceChanger with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, x):
        if self.dr:
            with chainer.using_config('train', True):
                x = F.dropout(x, self.dr)
            x = F.sum(x, axis=(2,3))
        N = x.shape[0]
        #Below code copyed from
        feature = F.reshape(F.leaky_relu(x), (N, -1))
        m = F.reshape(, (N, self.B * self.C, 1))
        m0 = F.broadcast_to(m, (N, self.B * self.C, N))
        m1 = F.transpose(m0, (2, 1, 0))
        d = F.absolute(F.reshape(m0 - m1, (N, self.B, self.C, N)))
        d = F.sum(F.exp(-F.sum(d, axis=2)), axis=2) - 1
        h = F.concat([feature, d])

        h = self.l(h)
        return h 
Example #5
Source File:    From chainerrl with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def n_step_forward(self, x, recurrent_state):
        """Multi-step batch forward computation.

        This method sequentially applies layers as chainer.Sequential does.

            x (list): Input sequences. Each sequence should be a variable whose
                first axis corresponds to time or a tuple of such variables.
            recurrent_state (object): Batched recurrent state. If set to None,
                it is initialized.
            output_mode (str): If set to 'concat', the output value is
                concatenated into a single large batch, which can be suitable
                for loss computation. If set to 'split', the output value is
                a list of output sequences.

            object: Output sequences. See the description of the `output_mode`
            object: New batched recurrent state.
        raise NotImplementedError 
Example #6
Source File:    From chainerrl with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, x, recurrent_state):
        """One-step batch forward computation.

            x (chainer.Variable, ndarray, or tuple): One-step batched input.
            recurrent_state (object): Batched recurrent state.

            chainer.Variable, ndarray, or tuple: One-step batched output.
            object: New batched recurrent state.
        assert isinstance(x, (chainer.Variable, self.xp.ndarray))
        return self.n_step_forward(
Example #7
Source File:    From ssai-cnn with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def channelwise_inhibited(self, h):
        self.c = random.randint(0, 2)
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(
        num =[0]

        h = F.split_axis(h, 3, 1)
        c = F.reshape(h[self.c], (num, 16, 16))
        z = Variable(xp.zeros_like(, 'AUTO')
        c = F.batch_matmul(c, z)
        c = F.reshape(c, (num, 1, 16, 16))
        hs = []
        for i, s in enumerate(h):
            if i == self.c:
        return F.concat(hs, 1) 
Example #8
Source File:    From ssai-cnn with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def channelwise_inhibited(self, h):
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(
        num =[0]

        h = F.split_axis(h, 3, 1)
        c = F.reshape(h[self.c], (num, 16, 16))
        z = Variable(xp.zeros_like(, 'AUTO')
        c = F.batch_matmul(c, z)
        c = F.reshape(c, (num, 1, 16, 16))
        hs = []
        for i, s in enumerate(h):
            if i == self.c:
        return F.concat(hs, 1) 
Example #9
Source File:    From knmt with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def apply_to_seq(self, seq_list):
        mb_size = len(seq_list)
        mb_initial_cell, mb_initial_state = self.get_initial_states(mb_size)
        return self.nstep_lstm(mb_initial_cell, mb_initial_state, seq_list)

# class DoubleGRU(Chain):
#     def __init__(self, H, I):
#"using double GRU")
#         self.H1 = H/2
#         self.H2 = H - self.H1
#         super(DoubleGRU, self).__init__(
#             gru1 = faster_gru.GRU(self.H1, I),
#             gru2 = faster_gru.GRU(self.H2, self.H1)
#         )
#     def __call__(self, prev_state, inpt):
#         prev_state1, prev_state2 = F.split_axis(prev_state, (self.H1,), axis = 1)
#         prev_state1 = self.gru1(prev_state1, inpt)
#         prev_state2 = self.gru2(prev_state2, prev_state1)
#         return F.concat((prev_state1, prev_state2), axis = 1) 
Example #10
Source File:    From knmt with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def advance_state(self, previous_states, prev_y):
        current_mb_size =[0]
        assert self.mb_size is None or current_mb_size <= self.mb_size

        if current_mb_size < len(previous_states[0].data):
            truncated_states = [None] * len(previous_states)
            for num_state in six.moves.range(len(previous_states)):
                truncated_states[num_state], _ = F.split_axis(
                    previous_states[num_state], (current_mb_size,), 0)
            previous_states = tuple(truncated_states)

        output_state = previous_states[-1]
        if self.decoder_chain.use_goto_attention:
            ci, attn = self.compute_ctxt(output_state, prev_y)
            ci, attn = self.compute_ctxt(output_state)
        concatenated = F.concat((prev_y, ci))

        new_states = self.decoder_chain.gru(previous_states, concatenated)
        return new_states, concatenated, attn 
Example #11
Source File:    From knmt with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_logits(self, seq_list, encoded_input, mask_input):
        mb_size = len(seq_list)
        max_length_1 = max(len(x) for x in seq_list)
        x, mask = self.make_batch(seq_list)
#         print "padded_data", x
#         print "mask", mask
        assert self.xp.all(mask_input == self.xp.broadcast_to(mask_input[:,0:1,0:1,:], mask_input.shape))
        encoded = self.emb(x)
        encoded += self.get_pos_vect(mb_size, max_length_1)
        if self.dropout is not None:
            encoded = F.dropout(encoded, self.dropout)
        bos_plus_encoded = F.concat((F.broadcast_to(self.bos_encoding, (mb_size, 1, self.d_model)), encoded), axis=1)
        cross_mask = self.xp.broadcast_to(mask_input[:,0:1,0:1,:], (mask_input.shape[0], self.n_heads,[1], mask_input.shape[3]))
        final_layer =  self.encoding_layers(bos_plus_encoded, encoded_input, mask, cross_mask)
        logits = apply_linear_layer_to_last_dims(final_layer, self.logits_layer)
        return logits 
Example #12
Source File:    From nips17-adversarial-attack with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, x):
        br0 = self.Branch_0.Conv2d_1x1(x)

        br1 = self.Branch_1.Conv2d_0a_1x1(x)
        br1 = self.Branch_1.Conv2d_0b_3x3(br1)

        br2 = self.Branch_2.Conv2d_0a_1x1(x)
        br2 = self.Branch_2.Conv2d_0b_3x3(br2)
        br2 = self.Branch_2.Conv2d_0c_3x3(br2)

        mixed = F.concat((br0, br1, br2), axis=1)

        lazy_init_conv_to_join(self, x)
        up = self.Conv2d_1x1(mixed)

        x += self.scale * up
        if self.activation_fn is not None:
            x = self.activation_fn(x)
        return x 
Example #13
Source File:    From nips17-adversarial-attack with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, x):
        br0 = self.Branch_0.Conv2d_1x1(x)

        br1 = self.Branch_1.Conv2d_0a_1x1(x)
        br1 = self.Branch_1.Conv2d_0b_1x7(br1)
        br1 = self.Branch_1.Conv2d_0c_7x1(br1)

        mixed = F.concat((br0, br1), axis=1)

        lazy_init_conv_to_join(self, x)
        up = self.Conv2d_1x1(mixed)

        x += self.scale * up
        if self.activation_fn is not None:
            x = self.activation_fn(x)
        return x 
Example #14
Source File:    From nips17-adversarial-attack with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, x):
        br0 = self.Branch_0.Conv2d_1x1(x)

        br1 = self.Branch_1.Conv2d_0a_1x1(x)
        br1 = self.Branch_1.Conv2d_0b_1x3(br1)
        br1 = self.Branch_1.Conv2d_0c_3x1(br1)

        mixed = F.concat((br0, br1), axis=1)

        lazy_init_conv_to_join(self, x)
        up = self.Conv2d_1x1(mixed)

        x += self.scale * up
        if self.activation_fn is not None:
            x = self.activation_fn(x)
        return x 
Example #15
Source File:    From DSTC6-End-to-End-Conversation-Modeling with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, s, xs):
        """Calculate all hidden states and cell states.
            s  (~chainer.Variable or None): Initial (hidden & cell) states. If ``None``
                is specified zero-vector is used.
            xs (list of ~chianer.Variable): List of input sequences.
                Each element ``xs[i]`` is a :class:`chainer.Variable` holding
                a sequence.
            (hy,cy): a pair of hidden and cell states at the end of the sequence,
            ys: a hidden state sequence at the last layer
        if len(xs) > 1:
            sections = np.cumsum(np.array([len(x) for x in xs[:-1]], dtype=np.int32))
            xs = F.split_axis(self.embed(F.concat(xs, axis=0)), sections, axis=0)
            xs = [ self.embed(xs[0]) ]
        if s is not None:
            hy, cy, ys = self.lstm(s[0], s[1], xs)
            hy, cy, ys = self.lstm(None, None, xs)

        return (hy,cy), ys 
Example #16
Source File:    From DSTC6-End-to-End-Conversation-Modeling with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, s, xs):
        """Calculate all hidden states and cell states.
            s  (~chainer.Variable or None): Initial (hidden & cell) states. If ``None``
                is specified zero-vector is used.
            xs (list of ~chianer.Variable): List of input sequences.
                Each element ``xs[i]`` is a :class:`chainer.Variable` holding
                a sequence.
            (hy,cy): a pair of hidden and cell states at the end of the sequence,
            ys: a hidden state sequence at the last layer
        if len(xs) > 1:
            sections = np.cumsum(np.array([len(x) for x in xs[:-1]], dtype=np.int32))
            xs = F.split_axis(self.embed(F.concat(xs, axis=0)), sections, axis=0)
            xs = [ self.embed(xs[0]) ]
        if s is not None:
            hy, cy, ys = self.lstm(s[0], s[1], xs)
            hy, cy, ys = self.lstm(None, None, xs)

        return (hy,cy), ys 
Example #17
Source File:    From knmt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def naive_call(self, fb_concat, targets, mask):
        compute_ctxt = self.attn_module.naive_call(fb_concat, mask)
        loss = None
        current_mb_size = targets[0].data.shape[0]
        assert current_mb_size == 1
        previous_states = self.gru.get_initial_states(current_mb_size)
#         previous_word = Variable(np.array([self.bos_idx] * mb_size, dtype = np.int32))
        # xp = cuda.get_array_module(
        with cuda.get_device_from_array(
            prev_y = F.broadcast_to(self.bos_embeding, (1, self.Eo))
#             previous_word = Variable(xp.array([self.bos_idx] * current_mb_size, dtype = np.int32))
        previous_word = None
        attn_list = []
        total_nb_predictions = 0
        for i in range(len(targets)):
            if previous_word is not None:  # else we are using the initial prev_y
                prev_y = self.emb(previous_word)
            ci, attn = compute_ctxt(previous_states[-1])
            concatenated = F.concat((prev_y, ci))
    #             print(
            new_states = self.gru(previous_states, concatenated)

            all_concatenated = F.concat((concatenated, new_states[-1]))
            logits = self.lin_o(self.maxo(all_concatenated))

            local_loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy(logits, targets[i])

            loss = local_loss if loss is None else loss + local_loss
            total_nb_predictions += 1
            previous_word = targets[i]
            previous_states = new_states

        loss = loss / total_nb_predictions
        return loss, attn_list 
Example #18
Source File:    From chainer-compiler with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, xs, ys):
        xs = [x[::-1] for x in xs]

        eos = self.xp.array([EOS], numpy.int32)
        ys_in = [F.concat([eos, y], axis=0) for y in ys]
        ys_out = [F.concat([y, eos], axis=0) for y in ys]

        # Both xs and ys_in are lists of arrays.
        exs = sequence_embed(self.embed_x, xs)
        eys = sequence_embed(self.embed_y, ys_in)

        batch = len(xs)
        # None represents a zero vector in an encoder.
        hx, cx, _ = self.encoder(None, None, exs)
        _, _, os = self.decoder(hx, cx, eys)

        # It is faster to concatenate data before calculating loss
        # because only one matrix multiplication is called.
        concat_os = F.concat(os, axis=0)
        concat_ys_out = F.concat(ys_out, axis=0)
        loss = F.sum(F.softmax_cross_entropy(
            self.W(concat_os), concat_ys_out, reduce='no')) / batch{'loss':}, self)
        n_words = concat_ys_out.shape[0]
        perp = self.xp.exp( * batch / n_words){'perp': perp}, self)
        return loss

# from 
Example #19
Source File:    From knmt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def faster_call2(self, h, x):
        h_x = F.concat((h, x), axis=1)
        z_r = F.sigmoid(self.W_r_z(h_x))

        z, r = F.split_axis(z_r, (self.n_units,), axis=1)

        hr_x = F.concat((h * r, x), axis=1)

        h_new = compute_GRU_out_2(z, h, self.W_h(hr_x))
        return h_new 
Example #20
Source File:    From knmt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def faster_call(self, h, x):
        h_x = F.concat((h, x), axis=1)
        z_r = F.sigmoid(self.W_r_z(h_x))

        z, r = F.split_axis(z_r, (self.n_units,), axis=1)

        hr_x = F.concat((h * r, x), axis=1)
        h_bar = F.tanh(self.W_h(hr_x))

        h_new = (1 - z) * h + z * h_bar
        return h_new 
Example #21
Source File:    From knmt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def compute_loss(self, hx, dataset_as_array_list, 
                     need_to_append_eos = True,
                    use_gumbel = False,
                    temperature = None,
                     train = True,
                    verbose = False):
        if need_to_append_eos:
            dataset_as_var_with_eos = [Variable(self.append_eos_id(a)) for a in dataset_as_array_list]
            dataset_as_var_with_eos = [Variable(a) for a in dataset_as_array_list]
        if need_to_append_eos:
            dataset_as_var_without_eos = [Variable(a) for a in dataset_as_array_list]
            dataset_as_var_without_eos = [Variable(a[:-1]) for a in dataset_as_array_list]
        nb_ex = len(dataset_as_array_list)
        dataset_as_emb_dec = [self.c_emb_dec(v) for v in dataset_as_var_without_eos]
        hx_dec, cx_dec, xs_dec = self.nstep_dec(hx, None, dataset_as_emb_dec, train = train)
        hx_initial = F.split_axis(hx.reshape(nb_ex, -1), nb_ex, axis = 0, force_tuple = True)
        logits_list = [self.lin_out(F.concat((hxi, h), axis = 0)) for hxi, h in zip(hx_initial, xs_dec)]
        if verbose:
            print "logits:"
            for logits in logits_list:
        if use_gumbel:
            logits_list = [(logits + self.xp.random.gumbel(size = for logits in logits_list]
        if temperature is not None:
            logits_list = [logits/temperature for logits in logits_list]
        losses = [F.softmax_cross_entropy(logits, tgt) for logits,tgt in zip(logits_list, dataset_as_var_with_eos)]
        loss = sum(losses)/nb_ex
        return loss 
Example #22
Source File:    From knmt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def compute_logits(self, new_states, concatenated, attn):
        new_output_state = new_states[-1]

        all_concatenated = F.concat((concatenated, new_output_state))
        logits = self.decoder_chain.lin_o(self.decoder_chain.maxo(all_concatenated))

        if self.lexicon_probability_matrix is not None:
            current_mb_size =[0]
            assert self.mb_size is None or current_mb_size <= self.mb_size
            lexicon_probability_matrix = self.lexicon_probability_matrix[:current_mb_size]

            # Just making sure data shape is as expected
            attn_mb_size, max_source_length_attn =
            assert attn_mb_size == current_mb_size
            lex_mb_size, max_source_length_lexicon, v_size_lexicon = lexicon_probability_matrix.shape
            assert max_source_length_lexicon == max_source_length_attn
            assert == (current_mb_size, v_size_lexicon)

            if self.demux:
                assert lex_mb_size == 1
                weighted_lex_probs = F.reshape(
                    matmul_constant(attn, lexicon_probability_matrix.reshape(lexicon_probability_matrix.shape[1],
                assert lex_mb_size == current_mb_size

    #                 weighted_lex_probs = F.reshape(
    #                         F.batch_matmul(attn, ConstantFunction(lexicon_probability_matrix)(), transa = True),

                weighted_lex_probs = F.reshape(
                    batch_matmul_constant(attn, lexicon_probability_matrix, transa=True),

            logits += F.log(weighted_lex_probs + self.lex_epsilon)
        return logits 
Example #23
Source File:    From knmt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def naive_call(self, sequence, mask):

        mb_size = sequence[0].data.shape[0]
        assert mb_size == 1

        mb_initial_states_f = self.gru_f.get_initial_states(mb_size)
        mb_initial_states_b = self.gru_b.get_initial_states(mb_size)

        embedded_seq = []
        for elem in sequence:

#         self.gru_f.reset_state()
        prev_states = mb_initial_states_f
        forward_seq = []
        for i, x in enumerate(embedded_seq):
            prev_states = self.gru_f(prev_states, x)

#         self.gru_b.reset_state()
        prev_states = mb_initial_states_b
        backward_seq = []
        for pos, x in reversed(list(enumerate(embedded_seq))):
            prev_states = self.gru_b(prev_states, x)

        assert len(backward_seq) == len(forward_seq)
        res = []
        for xf, xb in zip(forward_seq, reversed(backward_seq)):
            res.append(F.concat((xf[-1], xb[-1]), 1))

        return res 
Example #24
Source File:    From nips17-adversarial-attack with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, h, *h_skip):
        h = F.relu(self.b0(self.d0(h)))
        h = F.concat((h, *h_skip))
        h = F.relu(self.b1(self.c1(h)))
        h = F.relu(self.b2(self.c2(h)))

        return h 
Example #25
Source File:    From nips17-adversarial-attack with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, x, ss):
        # Inception (we don't need forget, as we don't backprop)
        p0 = ss[0]
        c = (chainer.configuration.config.max_perturbation - 4) * 3
        x_plus_p0 = x + p0[:, c:c + 3, :, :]
        ds = self.ins(x_plus_p0)
        ss = [F.concat((s, d), axis=1) for s, d in zip(ss, ds)]

        # Decode (forget)
        assert isinstance(x, chainer.Variable)
        ss = F.forget(lambda x_, p0_, *ss_: self.dec(x_, p0_, ss_), x, p0, *ss)

        return ss 
Example #26
Source File:    From chainer-gqn with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, x, v):
        v = self.broadcast_v(v)
        resnet_in = cf.relu(self.conv1_1(x))
        residual = cf.relu(self.conv1_res(resnet_in))
        out = cf.relu(self.conv1_2(resnet_in))
        out = cf.relu(self.conv1_3(out)) + residual
        resnet_in = cf.concat((out, v), axis=1)
        residual = cf.relu(self.conv2_res(resnet_in))
        out = cf.relu(self.conv2_1(resnet_in))
        out = cf.relu(self.conv2_2(out)) + residual
        out = self.conv2_3(out)
        return out 
Example #27
Source File:    From Deep_VoiceChanger with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, x):
        N = x.shape[0]
        #Below code copyed from
        feature = F.reshape(x, (N, -1))
        m = F.reshape(, (N, self.B * self.C, 1))
        m0 = F.broadcast_to(m, (N, self.B * self.C, N))
        m1 = F.transpose(m0, (2, 1, 0))
        d = F.absolute(F.reshape(m0 - m1, (N, self.B, self.C, N)))
        d = F.sum(F.exp(-F.sum(d, axis=2)), axis=2) - 1
        h = F.concat([feature, d])

        h = self.l(h)
        return h 
Example #28
Source File:    From Semantic-Segmentation-using-Adversarial-Networks with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _make_dis_input(self, input_img, label_map):
        b = F.broadcast_to(input_img[:,0,:,:], shape=label_map.shape)
        g = F.broadcast_to(input_img[:,1,:,:], shape=label_map.shape)
        r = F.broadcast_to(input_img[:,2,:,:], shape=label_map.shape)
        product_b = label_map * b
        product_g = label_map * g
        product_r = label_map * r
        dis_input = F.concat([product_b, product_g, product_r], axis=1)
        return dis_input 
Example #29
Source File:    From chainer-compiler with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def sequence_embed(embed, xs):
    x_len = [len(x) for x in xs]
    x_section = numpy.cumsum(x_len[:-1])
    ex = embed(F.concat(xs, axis=0))
    exs = F.split_axis(ex, x_section, 0)
    return exs 
Example #30
Source File:    From knmt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def compute_loss(self, hx, dataset_as_array_list, 
                     need_to_append_eos = True,
                    use_gumbel = False,
                    temperature = None,
                     train = True,
                    verbose = False):
        if need_to_append_eos:
            dataset_as_var_with_eos = [Variable(self.append_eos_id(a)) for a in dataset_as_array_list]
            dataset_as_var_with_eos = [Variable(a) for a in dataset_as_array_list]
        if need_to_append_eos:
            dataset_as_var_without_eos = [Variable(a) for a in dataset_as_array_list]
            dataset_as_var_without_eos = [Variable(a[:-1]) for a in dataset_as_array_list]
        nb_ex = len(dataset_as_array_list)
        dataset_as_emb_dec = [self.c_emb_dec(v) for v in dataset_as_var_without_eos]
        hx_dec, cx_dec, xs_dec = self.nstep_dec(hx, None, dataset_as_emb_dec, train = train)
        hx_initial = F.split_axis(hx.reshape(nb_ex, -1), nb_ex, axis = 0, force_tuple = True)
        logits_list = [self.lin_out(F.concat((hxi, h), axis = 0)) for hxi, h in zip(hx_initial, xs_dec)]
        if verbose:
            print "logits:"
            for logits in logits_list:
        if use_gumbel:
            logits_list = [(logits + self.xp.random.gumbel(size = for logits in logits_list]
        if temperature is not None:
            logits_list = [logits/temperature for logits in logits_list]
        losses = [F.softmax_cross_entropy(logits, tgt) for logits,tgt in zip(logits_list, dataset_as_var_with_eos)]
        loss = sum(losses)/nb_ex
        return loss