Python colorama.Fore.BLUE Examples
The following are 30
code examples of colorama.Fore.BLUE().
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Example #1
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 6 votes |
def workout(jarvis, s): """Provides a workout programm according to user's abilities Formula to generate a relevant program is taken from:""" s = jarvis.input( "Choose an exercise. Write 'push' for pushups, 'pull' for pullups and 'q' for quit\n", Fore.GREEN) if (s == "'q'" or s == "q"): quit(jarvis) elif (s == "'push'" or s == "push"): s = jarvis.input( "How many times can you push up? Please enter an integer!\n", Fore.GREEN) pushups(jarvis, s) elif (s == "'pull'" or s == "pull"): s = jarvis.input( "How many times can you pull up? Please enter an integer!\n", Fore.GREEN) pullups(jarvis, s) else: jarvis.say( "Incorrect input, please write either 'push' or 'pull'", Fore.BLUE) quit(jarvis)
Example #2
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 6 votes |
def temp_convert(self, jarvis, s): """Assuming valid regex, handle the actual temperature conversion and output""" # convert the string into a float starting_temp = float(s[:-1]) # run conversions and create output string. if s[-1].lower() == 'f': new_temp = self.convert_f_to_c(starting_temp) output = "{}° F is {}° C".format(starting_temp, new_temp) else: new_temp = self.convert_c_to_f(starting_temp) output = "{}° C is {}° F".format(starting_temp, new_temp) # use print_say to display the output string jarvis.say(output, Fore.BLUE)
Example #3
Source File: From pyta with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def walker(node, source_lines, indent=''): """Recursively visit the ast in a preorder traversal.""" node_name = str(node)[0:str(node).index('(')] value = None if hasattr(node, 'value'): if '(' in str(node.value): value = str(node.value)[0:str(node.value).index('(')] else: value = node.value name = if hasattr(node, 'name') else None print('{}{} {} (name: {}, value: {})'.format( indent, CHAR_TUBE, node_name, name, value)) lines = [line for line in node.as_string().split('\n')] for line in lines: print(indent + FILL + '>>>' + Fore.BLUE + line + Fore.RESET) for child in node.get_children(): walker(child, source_lines, indent + FILL + CHAR_PIPE)
Example #4
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 6 votes |
def matches(self, jarvis, compId): """ Fetches today's matches in given competition and prints the match info """ print() jarvis.spinner_start('Fetching ') r = fetch("/matches?competitions={}".format(compId)) if r is None: jarvis.spinner_stop("Error in fetching data - try again later.", Fore.YELLOW) return jarvis.spinner_stop('') if r["count"] == 0: jarvis.say("No matches found for today.", Fore.BLUE) return else: # Print each match info for match in r["matches"]: matchInfo = self.formatMatchInfo(match) length = len(matchInfo) jarvis.say(matchInfo[0], Fore.BLUE) for i in range(1, length): print(matchInfo[i]) print()
Example #5
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 6 votes |
def check_ram__WINDOWS(jarvis, s): """ checks your system's RAM stats. -- Examples: check ram """ import psutil mem = psutil.virtual_memory() def format(size): mb, _ = divmod(size, 1024 * 1024) gb, mb = divmod(mb, 1024) return "%s GB %s MB" % (gb, mb) jarvis.say("Total RAM: %s" % (format(, Fore.BLUE) if mem.percent > 80: color = Fore.RED elif mem.percent > 60: color = Fore.YELLOW else: color = Fore.GREEN jarvis.say("Available RAM: %s" % (format(mem.available)), color) jarvis.say("RAM used: %s%%" % (mem.percent), color)
Example #6
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _init_plugin_info(self): plugin_status_formatter = { "disabled": len(self._plugin_manager.get_disabled()), "enabled": self._plugin_manager.get_number_plugins_loaded(), "red": Fore.RED, "blue": Fore.BLUE, "reset": Fore.RESET } plugin_status = "{red}{enabled} {blue}plugins loaded" if plugin_status_formatter['disabled'] > 0: plugin_status += " {red}{disabled} {blue}plugins disabled. More information: {red}status\n" plugin_status += Fore.RESET self.first_reaction_text += plugin_status.format( **plugin_status_formatter)
Example #7
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 6 votes |
def calc(jarvis, s, calculator=sympy.sympify, formatter=None, do_evalf=True): s = format_expression(s) try: result = calculator(s) except sympy.SympifyError: jarvis.say("Error: Something is wrong with your expression", Fore.RED) return except NotImplementedError: jarvis.say("Sorry, cannot solve", Fore.RED) return if formatter is not None: result = formatter(result) if do_evalf: result = result.evalf() jarvis.say(str(result), Fore.BLUE)
Example #8
Source File: From fastlane with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __show_diff(expected, actual): seqm = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, expected, actual) output = [Style.RESET_ALL] for opcode, a0, a1, b0, b1 in seqm.get_opcodes(): if opcode == "equal": output.append(seqm.a[a0:a1]) elif opcode == "insert": output.append(Fore.GREEN + seqm.b[b0:b1] + Style.RESET_ALL) elif opcode == "delete": output.append(Fore.RED + seqm.a[a0:a1] + Style.RESET_ALL) elif opcode == "replace": output.append(Fore.BLUE + seqm.b[b0:b1] + Style.RESET_ALL) else: raise RuntimeError("unexpected opcode") return "".join(output)
Example #9
Source File: From utx with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _print(msg): _logger.debug(Fore.BLUE + "PRINT " + str(msg) + Style.RESET_ALL)
Example #10
Source File: From fastlane with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __validate(topic, execution, **arguments): errors = [] for key, value in arguments.items(): val = execution[key] if isinstance(val, (bytes, str)): val = val.strip() if val != value: if isinstance(val, (bytes, str)): diff = __show_diff(value, val) errors.append( f"{key} field:\n\tExpected: {value}{Style.RESET_ALL}\n\t" f"Actual: {val}\n\tDiff: {diff}\n\t" f"(diff: {Fore.RED}remove{Style.RESET_ALL} " f"{Fore.GREEN}add{Style.RESET_ALL} " f"{Fore.BLUE}replace{Style.RESET_ALL})" ) else: errors.append( f"{key} field:\n\tExpected: {value}{Style.RESET_ALL}\n\tActual: {val}" ) if errors: error_msg = "\n".join(errors) raise AssertionError( f"Execution did not match expectations!\n{Style.RESET_ALL}" f"URL: {topic}\n\n{error_msg}" )
Example #11
Source File: From openpyn-nordvpn with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def update_config_files() -> None: root.verify_root_access("Root access needed to write files in " + "'" + __basefilepath__ + "files/" + "'") try: zip_archive = __basefilepath__ + "" if os.path.exists(zip_archive): print(Fore.BLUE + "Previous update file already exists, deleting..." + Style.RESET_ALL) os.remove(zip_archive) subprocess.check_call( ["sudo", "wget", "", "-P", __basefilepath__]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logger.error("Exception occurred while wgetting zip, is the internet working? \ is blocked by your ISP or Country?, If so use Privoxy \ []") sys.exit() try: subprocess.check_call( ["sudo", "unzip", "-q", "-u", "-o", __basefilepath__ + "ovpn", "-d", __basefilepath__ + "files/"], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) subprocess.check_call( ["sudo", "rm", __basefilepath__ + ""]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: try: subprocess.check_call( ["sudo", "rm", "-rf", __basefilepath__ + "files/ovpn_udp"]) subprocess.check_call( ["sudo", "rm", "-rf", __basefilepath__ + "files/ovpn_tcp"]) subprocess.check_call( ["sudo", "unzip", __basefilepath__ + "ovpn", "-d", __basefilepath__ + "files/"]) subprocess.check_call( ["sudo", "rm", __basefilepath__ + ""]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logger.error("Exception occured while unzipping, is unzip installed?") sys.exit() # Lists information about servers under the given criteria.
Example #12
Source File: From openpyn-nordvpn with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def update_config_files() -> None: root.verify_root_access("Root access needed to write files in " + "'" + __basefilepath__ + "files/" + "'") try: zip_archive = __basefilepath__ + "" if os.path.exists(zip_archive): print(Fore.BLUE + "Previous update file already exists, deleting..." + Style.RESET_ALL) os.remove(zip_archive) subprocess.check_call( ["sudo", "wget", "", "-P", __basefilepath__]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logger.error("Exception occurred while wgetting zip, is the internet working? \ is blocked by your ISP or Country?, If so use Privoxy \ []") sys.exit() try: subprocess.check_call( ["sudo", "unzip", "-q", "-u", "-o", __basefilepath__ + "ovpn", "-d", __basefilepath__ + "files/"], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) subprocess.check_call( ["sudo", "rm", __basefilepath__ + ""]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: try: subprocess.check_call( ["sudo", "rm", "-rf", __basefilepath__ + "files/ovpn_udp"]) subprocess.check_call( ["sudo", "rm", "-rf", __basefilepath__ + "files/ovpn_tcp"]) subprocess.check_call( ["sudo", "unzip", __basefilepath__ + "ovpn", "-d", __basefilepath__ + "files/"]) subprocess.check_call( ["sudo", "rm", __basefilepath__ + ""]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logger.error("Exception occured while unzipping, is unzip installed?") sys.exit() # Lists information about servers under the given criteria.
Example #13
Source File: From openpyn-nordvpn with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def choose_best_servers(best_servers: List, stats: bool) -> List: best_servers_names = [] # populate bestServerList for i in best_servers: best_servers_names.append(i[0][0]) if stats: print("Top " + Fore.GREEN + str(len(best_servers)) + Fore.BLUE + " Servers with Best Ping Are: \ " + Fore.GREEN + str(best_servers_names) + Fore.BLUE) print(Style.RESET_ALL) return best_servers_names
Example #14
Source File: From CIRTKit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def blue(text, readline=False): return Fore.BLUE + str(text) + Fore.RESET
Example #15
Source File: From casepro with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_view(self, user, subdomain, view_name, query_string, num_requests): url = reverse(view_name) + query_string client = DjangoClient() client.force_login(user) statuses = [] request_times = [] db_times = [] query_counts = [] for r in range(num_requests): reset_queries() start_time = time.time() response = client.get(url, HTTP_HOST="%s.localhost" % subdomain) statuses.append(response.status_code) request_times.append(time.time() - start_time) db_times.append(sum([float(q["time"]) for q in connection.queries])) query_counts.append(len(connection.queries)) last_status = statuses[-1] avg_request_time = sum(request_times) / len(request_times) avg_db_time = sum(db_times) / len(db_times) last_query_count = query_counts[-1] self.log( " - %s %s %s secs (db=%s secs, queries=%s)" % ( colored(url, Fore.BLUE), colored(last_status, Fore.GREEN if 200 <= last_status < 300 else Fore.RED), colorcoded(avg_request_time, REQUEST_TIME_LIMITS), colorcoded(avg_db_time, DB_TIME_LIMITS), colorcoded(last_query_count, NUM_QUERY_LIMITS), ) ) return avg_request_time
Example #16
Source File: From SQL-scanner with MIT License | 5 votes |
def banner(self): self.clear() banner = choice(banners) color = choice([Fore.GREEN, Fore.YELLOW, Fore.RED, Fore.MAGENTA, Fore.BLUE, Fore.CYAN]) print(color) print(banner.format('{0}V.{1}{2}'.format(Fore.WHITE, version, Fore.RESET)))
Example #17
Source File: From raw-packet with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, admin_only: bool = True, available_platforms: List[str] = ['Linux', 'Darwin', 'Windows']) -> None: """ Init """ # Check user is admin/root if admin_only: self.check_user() # Check platform self.check_platform(available_platforms=available_platforms) # If current platform is Windows get network interfaces settings if self.get_platform().startswith('Windows'): self._windows_adapters = get_adapters() init(convert=True) self.cINFO: str = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE self.cERROR: str = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED self.cSUCCESS: str = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN self.cWARNING: str = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW self.cEND: str = Style.RESET_ALL self.c_info: str = self.cINFO + '[*]' + self.cEND + ' ' self.c_error: str = self.cERROR + '[-]' + self.cEND + ' ' self.c_success: str = self.cSUCCESS + '[+]' + self.cEND + ' ' self.c_warning: str = self.cWARNING + '[!]' + self.cEND + ' ' self.lowercase_letters: str = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' self.uppercase_letters: str = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' self.digits: str = '0123456789' # endregion # region Output functions
Example #18
Source File: From scrapple with MIT License | 5 votes |
def traverse_next(page, nextx, results, tabular_data_headers=[], verbosity=0): """ Recursive generator to traverse through the next attribute and \ crawl through the links to be followed. :param page: The current page being parsed :param next: The next attribute of the current scraping dict :param results: The current extracted content, stored in a dict :return: The extracted content, through a generator """ for link in page.extract_links(selector=nextx['follow_link']): if verbosity > 0: print('\n') print(Back.YELLOW + Fore.BLUE + "Loading page ", link.url + Back.RESET + Fore.RESET, end='') r = results.copy() for attribute in nextx['scraping'].get('data'): if attribute['field'] != "": if verbosity > 1: print("\nExtracting", attribute['field'], "attribute", sep=' ', end='') r[attribute['field']] = link.extract_content(**attribute) if not nextx['scraping'].get('table'): result_list = [r] else: tables = nextx['scraping'].get('table', []) for table in tables: table.update({ 'result': r, 'verbosity': verbosity }) table_headers, result_list = link.extract_tabular(**table) tabular_data_headers.extend(table_headers) if not nextx['scraping'].get('next'): for r in result_list: yield (tabular_data_headers, r) else: for nextx2 in nextx['scraping'].get('next'): for tdh, result in traverse_next(link, nextx2, r, tabular_data_headers=tabular_data_headers, verbosity=verbosity): yield (tdh, result)
Example #19
Source File: From git-aggregator with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def default_log_template(self, record): """Return the prefix for the log message. Template for Formatter. :param: record: :py:class:`logging.LogRecord` object. this is passed in from inside the :py:meth:`logging.Formatter.format` record. """ reset = [Style.RESET_ALL] levelname = [ LEVEL_COLORS.get(record.levelname), Style.BRIGHT, '(%(levelname)s)', Style.RESET_ALL, ' ' ] asctime = [ '[', Fore.BLACK, Style.DIM, Style.BRIGHT, '%(asctime)s', Fore.RESET, Style.RESET_ALL, ']' ] name = [ ' ', Fore.WHITE, Style.DIM, Style.BRIGHT, '%(name)s', Fore.RESET, Style.RESET_ALL, ' ' ] threadName = [ ' ', Fore.BLUE, Style.DIM, Style.BRIGHT, '%(threadName)s ', Fore.RESET, Style.RESET_ALL, ' ' ] tpl = "".join(reset + levelname + asctime + name + threadName + reset) return tpl
Example #20
Source File: From pivy with ISC License | 5 votes |
def blue(text): return Fore.BLUE + text + Style.RESET_ALL
Example #21
Source File: From pivy with ISC License | 5 votes |
def blue(text): return Fore.BLUE + text + Style.RESET_ALL
Example #22
Source File: From onshape-to-robot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def simplify_stl(stl_file, max_size=3): size_M = os.path.getsize(stl_file)/(1024*1024) if size_M > max_size: print(Fore.BLUE + '+ '+os.path.basename(stl_file) + (' is %.2f M, running mesh simplification' % size_M)) shutil.copyfile(stl_file, '/tmp/simplify.stl') reduce_faces('/tmp/simplify.stl', stl_file, max_size / size_M)
Example #23
Source File: From webdigger with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def importwl(file, lst): #wordlist import function try: with open(file, 'r') as f: print (Fore.BLUE+"[+] Gathering required information.") for line in f: final = str(line.replace("\n","")) lst.append(final) except IOError: print (Fore.RED+"[!] ;( Uh Oh! Seems like database is not there.") again()
Example #24
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _print_result(self, jarvis, result): # first line of output contains date of fact jarvis.say('\nDate : {} of {}'.format( result['date'], result['year']), Fore.BLUE) # second line contains information jarvis.say('{} : {}'.format(result['type'], result['text']), Fore.BLUE) # next lines will be links to external sources jarvis.say('External links : ', Fore.BLUE) result['links'] = result['links'][:self.MAX_LINK] for i in range(len(result['links'])): jarvis.say(' {}). {}'.format( i + 1, result['links'][i]['link']), Fore.BLUE)
Example #25
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def talk_slower(jarvis, s): """Make Jarvis' speech engine talk slower. """ if jarvis.is_voice_enabled(): jarvis.change_speech_rate(-40) else: jarvis.say("Type 'enable sound' to allow Jarvis to talk out loud.", Fore.BLUE)
Example #26
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def talk_faster(jarvis, s): """Make Jarvis' speech engine talk faster. """ if jarvis.is_voice_enabled(): jarvis.change_speech_rate(40) else: jarvis.say("Type 'enable sound' to allow Jarvis to talk out loud.", Fore.BLUE)
Example #27
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def enable_sound(jarvis, s): """Let Jarvis use his voice.""" jarvis.speech = jarvis.enable_voice() jarvis.say(Fore.BLUE + "Jarvis uses Googles speech engine.\nDo you consent with data " + "collection when Jarvis talks out loud? If yes, type:" + Fore.RED + " gtts") jarvis.say(Fore.BLUE + "If not, Jarvis will talk using the built-in speech engine. " + " If you wish to disable GTTS, type: " + Fore.RED + "disable gtts")
Example #28
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def check_website_status(jarvis, s): prompt = "Please enter a website URL: " while True: # asks for URL to check # adds in https or http if necessary url_request = str(jarvis.input(prompt)) if url_request.startswith('https://'): pass elif url_request.startswith('http://'): pass else: url_request = 'https://' + url_request try: # tries to make a request to the URL that was input # uses defined headers that are not a "bot" headers = {} headers['User-Agent'] = ("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 \ (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36") req = urllib.request.Request(url_request, headers=headers) page = urllib.request.urlopen(req) code = str(page.getcode()) jarvis.say('The website ' + url_request + ' has returned a ' + code + ' code', Fore.BLUE) break except Exception as e: # if there is an error it will ask if you want to try again jarvis.say(str(e), Fore.RED) jarvis.say("Make sure you are entering a valid URL") try_again = jarvis.input("Do you want to try again (y/n): ") try_again = try_again.lower() if try_again == 'y': continue else: break
Example #29
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Os__LINUX(jarvis, s): """Displays information about your operating system""" jarvis.say('[!] Operating System Information', Fore.BLUE) jarvis.say('[*] ' + sys(), Fore.GREEN) jarvis.say('[*] ' + release(), Fore.GREEN) jarvis.say('[*] ' +, Fore.GREEN) for _ in architecture(): jarvis.say('[*] ' + _, Fore.GREEN)
Example #30
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Os__MAC(jarvis, s): """Displays information about your operating system""" jarvis.say( Style.BRIGHT + '[!] Operating System Information' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.BLUE) jarvis.say('[*] Kernel: ' + sys(), Fore.GREEN) jarvis.say('[*] Kernel Release Version: ' + release(), Fore.GREEN) jarvis.say('[*] macOS System version: ' + mac_ver()[0], Fore.GREEN) for _ in architecture(): if _ != '': jarvis.say('[*] ' + _, Fore.GREEN)