Python colorama.Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX Examples
The following are 17
code examples of colorama.Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX().
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Example #1
Source File: From Industrial-Security-Auditing-Framework with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __parse_prompt(self): raw_prompt_default_template = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + "{host}" + Fore.RESET + " > " + Style.NORMAL raw_prompt_template = os.getenv("ISAF_RAW_PROMPT", raw_prompt_default_template).replace('\\033', '\033') self.raw_prompt_template = raw_prompt_template if '{host}' in raw_prompt_template else raw_prompt_default_template module_prompt_default_template = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + "{host}" + Fore.RESET + " (" + Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX \ + "{module}" + Fore.RESET + Style.NORMAL + ") > " module_prompt_template = os.getenv("ISAF_MODULE_PROMPT", module_prompt_default_template).replace('\\033', '\033') self.module_prompt_template = module_prompt_template if all( map(lambda x: x in module_prompt_template, ['{host}', "{module}"])) else module_prompt_default_template
Example #2
Source File: From OxygenX with MIT License | 5 votes |
def now_time(): return f'{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX}{strftime("%H:%M:%S ", lt())}'
Example #3
Source File: From unipacker with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_path_from_user(self, known_samples): print("Your options for today:\n") lines = [] for i, s in enumerate(known_samples): if s == "New sample...": lines += [(f"\t[{i}]", f"{Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX}New sample...{Fore.RESET}", "")] else: label, name = s.split(";") lines += [(f"\t[{i}]", f"{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX}{label}:{Fore.RESET}", name)] print_cols(lines) print() while True: try: id = int(input("Enter the option ID: ")) except ValueError: print("Error parsing ID") continue if 0 <= id < len(known_samples) - 1: path = known_samples[id].split(";")[1] elif id == len(known_samples) - 1: path = input("Please enter the sample path (single file or directory): ").rstrip() else: print(f"Invalid ID. Allowed range: 0 - {len(known_samples) - 1}") continue if os.path.exists(path): return path else: print("Path does not exist") continue
Example #4
Source File: From unipacker with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def disass_instruction(uc, instr, addr_alias="", columns=False): if == 0: pass (regs_read, regs_write) = instr.regs_access() reg_values = {} for r in regs_read: uc_constant = getattr(unicorn.x86_const, f"UC_X86_REG_{instr.reg_name(r).upper()}", None) if uc_constant: reg_values[instr.reg_name(r)] = uc.reg_read(uc_constant) reg_values_str = ' '.join([f"{name}=0x{value:02x}" for name, value in reg_values.items()]) if X86_GRP_JUMP in instr.groups: if jump_taken(uc, instr): color = Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX comment = f"; taken! {reg_values_str}" else: color = Fore.LIGHTRED_EX comment = f"; not taken! {reg_values_str}" else: color = Fore.RESET comment = f"; {reg_values_str}" if reg_values_str else "" mnemonic = f"{color}{instr.mnemonic}{Fore.RESET}" addr_alias = f"0x{instr.address:02x}, {Fore.LIGHTRED_EX}{addr_alias}{Fore.RESET}" if addr_alias \ else f"0x{instr.address:02x}" disass_cols = f">>> {addr_alias}:", f"{mnemonic} {Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX}{instr.op_str}{Fore.RESET}", f"{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX}{comment}{Fore.RESET}" if columns: return disass_cols return " ".join(disass_cols)
Example #5
Source File: From pynubank with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): init() log(f'Starting {Fore.MAGENTA}{Style.DIM}PyNubank{Style.NORMAL}{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX} context creation.') device_id = generate_random_id() log(f'Generated random id: {device_id}') cpf = input(f'[>] Enter your CPF(Numbers only): ') password = getpass('[>] Enter your password (Used on the app/website): ') generator = CertificateGenerator(cpf, password, device_id) log('Requesting e-mail code') try: email = generator.request_code() except NuException: log(f'{Fore.RED}Failed to request code. Check your credentials!', Fore.RED) return log(f'Email sent to {Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX}{email}{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX}') code = input('[>] Type the code received by email: ') cert1, cert2 = generator.exchange_certs(code) save_cert(cert1, 'cert.p12') print(f'{Fore.GREEN}Certificates generated successfully. (cert.pem)') print(f'{Fore.YELLOW}Warning, keep these certificates safe (Do not share or version in git)')
Example #6
Source File: From pynubank with MIT License | 5 votes |
def log(message, color=Fore.BLUE): print(f'{color}{Style.DIM}[*] {Style.NORMAL}{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX}{message}')
Example #7
Source File: From magenta with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def result_collector(result_queue): """Collect and display results.""" def notename(n, space): if space: return [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '][n % 12] return [ Fore.BLUE + 'A' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + 'A#' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.GREEN + 'B' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.CYAN + 'C' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX + 'C#' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.RED + 'D' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + 'D#' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.YELLOW + 'E' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.WHITE + 'F' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX + 'F#' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.MAGENTA + 'G' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX + 'G#' + Style.RESET_ALL, ][n % 12] #+ str(n//12) print('Listening to results..') # TODO(mtyka) Ensure serial stitching of results (no guarantee that # the blocks come in in order but they are all timestamped) while True: result = result_queue.get() serial = result.audio_chunk.serial result_roll = result.result if serial > 0: result_roll = result_roll[4:] for notes in result_roll: for i in range(6, len(notes) - 6): note = notes[i] is_frame = note[0] > 0.0 notestr = notename(i, not is_frame) print(notestr, end='') print('|')
Example #8
Source File: From Lyndor with MIT License | 5 votes |
def course(url, lynda_folder_path): ''' create course folder ''' current_course = course_path(url, lynda_folder_path) courses = os.listdir(lynda_folder_path) answer = None for course in courses: if (lynda_folder_path + course) == current_course: if read.redownload_course == 'force': # delete existing course and re-download shutil.rmtree(current_course) message.colored_message(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, "\n✅ Course folder already exists. Current preference -> FORCE redownload") message.colored_message(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, "\n❌ Existing course folder deleted!!") time.sleep(2) message.colored_message(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX, "\n♻️ Re-downloading the course.\n") time.sleep(2) elif read.redownload_course == 'skip': # skip download process message.colored_message(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, "\n✅ Course folder already exists. Current preference -> SKIP redownload") sys.exit(message.colored_message(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, "\n-> Skipping course download.\n")) elif read.redownload_course == 'prompt': # prompt user with available choices QUESTION = '\n✅ Course folder already exists: Do you wish to delete it and download again? (Y/N): ' sys.stdout.write(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + QUESTION + Fore.RESET) while answer != 'y': # get user input answer = input().lower() if answer == 'y': shutil.rmtree(current_course) message.colored_message(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, "\n❌ Existing course folder deleted!!") time.sleep(2) message.colored_message(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX, "\n♻️ Re-downloading the course.\n") elif answer == 'n': sys.exit(message.colored_message(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, "\n-> Program Ended!!\n")) else: sys.stdout.write(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + "\n- oops!! that's not a valid choice, type Y or N: " + Fore.RESET) print(f'\ncreating course folder at: {current_course}') os.mkdir(current_course)
Example #9
Source File: From Industrial-Security-Auditing-Framework with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def print_status(*args, **kwargs): __cprint(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + '[*]' + Fore.RESET, *args, **kwargs)
Example #10
Source File: From Scripting-and-Web-Scraping with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_after(path): print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "\nAfter cleaning\n" + Fore.RESET) for files in os.listdir(path): print(files,end='\t') print(Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX + "\n\nCLEANED\n" + Fore.RESET)
Example #11
Source File: From Scripting-and-Web-Scraping with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_before(path): print("Cleaning {} located at {}\n".format(path.split('/')[-1],path)) print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "Before cleaning\n" + Fore.RESET) for files in os.listdir(path): print(files,end='\t') print()
Example #12
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_after(self, path): print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "\nFolders after cleaning\n" + Fore.RESET) for files in os.listdir(path): print(files, sep=',\t') print(Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX + "\nCLEANED\n" + Fore.RESET)
Example #13
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_before(self, path): print("Cleaning {} located at {}\n".format(path.split('/')[-1], path)) print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "Folders before cleaning\n" + Fore.RESET) for files in os.listdir(path): print(files, end='\t') print()
Example #14
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def source_path(self, jarvis, dir_name): all_paths = [] # Changing static path to get the home path from PATH variables. # The '/home' was causing script to exit with "file not found" error # on Darwin. home_dir = os.environ.get("HOME") user_name = os.environ.get("USER") home_path = home_dir.split(user_name)[0].rstrip('/') for root in os.walk(home_path): print( Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "Searching in {}...".format( (root[0])[ :70]), end="\r") sys.stdout.flush() if dir_name == root[0].split('/')[-1]: all_paths.append(root[0]) for i, path_info in enumerate(all_paths): print() print("{}. {}".format(i + 1, path_info)) if len(all_paths) == 0: print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + 'No directory found') exit() choice = int(jarvis.input('\nEnter the option number: ')) if choice < 1 or choice > len(all_paths): path = '' print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + 'Wrong choice entered') exit() else: path = all_paths[choice - 1] return path
Example #15
Source File: From brutemap with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def colorize(self, msg): """ Mewarnai pesan """ color = self.color_map[self.record.levelno] reset = Style.RESET_ALL levelname = reset + color + self.record.levelname + reset if self.record.levelname == "CRITICAL": color = self.color_map[logging.ERROR] name = Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + + reset message = self.record.message # XXX: kenapa cara dibawah ini tidak bekerja? # # match = re.findall(r"['\"]+(.*?)['\"]+", message) # if match: # match.reverse() # for m in match: # message = message.replace(m, color + m + reset, 1) match ="=> (?P<account>.*?(?:| \: .*?)) \((?P<status>[A-Z]+)\)", message) if match: account ="account") status ="status") if status == "NO": color_status = Fore.LIGHTRED_EX else: color_status = Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX newmsg = message.replace(account, color_status + account + reset) newmsg = newmsg.replace(status, color_status + status + reset) msg = msg.replace(message, newmsg) asctime = re.findall(r"\[(.+?)\]", msg)[0] msg = msg.replace(asctime, Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX + asctime + reset, 1) msg = msg.replace(, name, 1) msg = msg.replace(self.record.levelname, levelname, 1) msg = msg + reset return msg
Example #16
Source File: From python-for-absolute-beginners-course with MIT License | 4 votes |
def play_game(player_1, player_2): log(Fore.CYAN + f"New game starting between {player_1} and {player_2}.") wins = {player_1: 0, player_2: 0} roll_names = list(rolls.keys()) while not find_winner(wins, wins.keys()): roll1 = get_roll(player_1, roll_names) roll2 = random.choice(roll_names) if not roll1: print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + "Try again!") print(Fore.WHITE) continue log(f"Round: {player_1} roll {roll1} and {player_2} rolls {roll2}") print(Fore.YELLOW + f"{player_1} rolls {roll1}") print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + f"{player_2} rolls {roll2}") print(Fore.WHITE) winner = check_for_winning_throw(player_1, player_2, roll1, roll2) if winner is None: msg = "This round was a tie!" print(msg) log(msg) else: msg = f'{winner} takes the round!' fore = Fore.GREEN if winner == player_1 else Fore.LIGHTRED_EX print(fore + msg + Fore.WHITE) log(msg) wins[winner] += 1 msg = f"Score is {player_1}: {wins[player_1]} and {player_2}: {wins[player_2]}." print(msg) log(msg) print() overall_winner = find_winner(wins, wins.keys()) fore = Fore.GREEN if overall_winner == player_1 else Fore.LIGHTRED_EX msg = f"{overall_winner} wins the game!" print(fore + msg + Fore.WHITE) log(msg) record_win(overall_winner)
Example #17
Source File: From python-for-absolute-beginners-course with MIT License | 4 votes |
def play_game(player_1, player_2): log(Fore.CYAN + f"New game starting between {player_1} and {player_2}.") wins = {player_1: 0, player_2: 0} roll_names = list(rolls.keys()) while not find_winner(wins, wins.keys()): roll1 = get_roll(player_1, roll_names) roll2 = random.choice(roll_names) if not roll1: print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + "Try again!") print(Fore.WHITE) continue log(f"Round: {player_1} roll {roll1} and {player_2} rolls {roll2}") print(Fore.YELLOW + f"{player_1} rolls {roll1}") print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + f"{player_2} rolls {roll2}") print(Fore.WHITE) winner = check_for_winning_throw(player_1, player_2, roll1, roll2) if winner is None: msg = "This round was a tie!" print(msg) log(msg) else: msg = f'{winner} takes the round!' fore = Fore.GREEN if winner == player_1 else Fore.LIGHTRED_EX print(fore + msg + Fore.WHITE) log(msg) wins[winner] += 1 msg = f"Score is {player_1}: {wins[player_1]} and {player_2}: {wins[player_2]}." print(msg) log(msg) print() overall_winner = find_winner(wins, wins.keys()) fore = Fore.GREEN if overall_winner == player_1 else Fore.LIGHTRED_EX msg = f"{overall_winner} wins the game!" print(fore + msg + Fore.WHITE) log(msg) record_win(overall_winner)