Python colorama.Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX Examples
The following are 7
code examples of colorama.Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX().
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Example #1
Source File: From python-for-absolute-beginners-course with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): try: print(Fore.WHITE) log("App starting up...") show_header() load_rolls() show_leaderboard() player1, player2 = get_players() log(f"{player1} has logged in.") play_game(player1, player2) log("Game over.") except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as je: print() print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + "ERROR: The file rolls.json is invalid JSON." + Fore.WHITE) print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + f"ERROR: {je}" + Fore.WHITE) except FileNotFoundError as fe: print() print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + "ERROR: Rolls file not found" + Fore.WHITE) print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + f"ERROR: {fe}" + Fore.WHITE) except KeyboardInterrupt: print() print(Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX + "You gotta run? Ok, cya next time!" + Fore.WHITE) except Exception as x: print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + f"Unknown error: {x}" + Fore.WHITE)
Example #2
Source File: From WebPocket with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def do_banner(self, args): """Print WebPocket banner""" ascii_text = text2art("WebPocket", "rand") self.poutput("\n\n") self.poutput(ascii_text, '\n\n', color=Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX) self.poutput("{art} WebPocket has {count} modules".format(art=art("inlove"), count=self.get_module_count()), "\n\n", color=Fore.MAGENTA)
Example #3
Source File: From magenta with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def result_collector(result_queue): """Collect and display results.""" def notename(n, space): if space: return [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '][n % 12] return [ Fore.BLUE + 'A' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + 'A#' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.GREEN + 'B' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.CYAN + 'C' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX + 'C#' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.RED + 'D' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + 'D#' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.YELLOW + 'E' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.WHITE + 'F' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX + 'F#' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.MAGENTA + 'G' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX + 'G#' + Style.RESET_ALL, ][n % 12] #+ str(n//12) print('Listening to results..') # TODO(mtyka) Ensure serial stitching of results (no guarantee that # the blocks come in in order but they are all timestamped) while True: result = result_queue.get() serial = result.audio_chunk.serial result_roll = result.result if serial > 0: result_roll = result_roll[4:] for notes in result_roll: for i in range(6, len(notes) - 6): note = notes[i] is_frame = note[0] > 0.0 notestr = notename(i, not is_frame) print(notestr, end='') print('|')
Example #4
Source File: From proxy-checker with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_help(): terminal(CMD_CLEAR_TERM) print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + 'PROX v0.2 - Utility for checking proxy in terminal') print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + 'Authors: Hasanov Abdurahmon & Ilyosiddin Kalandar') print(Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX) print('Usage -> prox -f <filename> - Check file with proxies') print('prox -p <proxy> - check only one proxy') print('prox --help - show this menu')
Example #5
Source File: From smtp-email-spoofer-py with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def info(line): print(Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX + line + Style.RESET_ALL)
Example #6
Source File: From unipacker with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def disass_instruction(uc, instr, addr_alias="", columns=False): if == 0: pass (regs_read, regs_write) = instr.regs_access() reg_values = {} for r in regs_read: uc_constant = getattr(unicorn.x86_const, f"UC_X86_REG_{instr.reg_name(r).upper()}", None) if uc_constant: reg_values[instr.reg_name(r)] = uc.reg_read(uc_constant) reg_values_str = ' '.join([f"{name}=0x{value:02x}" for name, value in reg_values.items()]) if X86_GRP_JUMP in instr.groups: if jump_taken(uc, instr): color = Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX comment = f"; taken! {reg_values_str}" else: color = Fore.LIGHTRED_EX comment = f"; not taken! {reg_values_str}" else: color = Fore.RESET comment = f"; {reg_values_str}" if reg_values_str else "" mnemonic = f"{color}{instr.mnemonic}{Fore.RESET}" addr_alias = f"0x{instr.address:02x}, {Fore.LIGHTRED_EX}{addr_alias}{Fore.RESET}" if addr_alias \ else f"0x{instr.address:02x}" disass_cols = f">>> {addr_alias}:", f"{mnemonic} {Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX}{instr.op_str}{Fore.RESET}", f"{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX}{comment}{Fore.RESET}" if columns: return disass_cols return " ".join(disass_cols)
Example #7
Source File: From ytmdl with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_choice(beg, end, SONG_INFO, type): """Print the available choices.""" # Check if end is more than length of SONG_INFO if end > len(SONG_INFO): end = len(SONG_INFO) while beg != end: print(Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX, end='') print(' [' + str(beg+1) + '] ', end='') print(Style.RESET_ALL, end='') print(Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX, end='') if type == 'metadata': print(SONG_INFO[beg].track_name, end='') if type == 'mp3': print(SONG_INFO[beg]['title'], end='') print(Style.RESET_ALL, end='') print(' by ', end='') print(Fore.YELLOW, end='') if type == 'metadata': print(SONG_INFO[beg].artist_name, end='') if type == 'mp3': print(SONG_INFO[beg]['author_name'], end='') print(Style.RESET_ALL, end='') print(' with dur ', end='') print(Fore.GREEN, end='') print("{}".format(SONG_INFO[beg]['duration']), end='') print(Style.RESET_ALL) beg += 1 # Before exiting print another choice to show more if end < len(SONG_INFO): print(Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX, end='') print(' [0]', end='') print(Style.RESET_ALL, end='') print(Fore.YELLOW, end='') print(' More results') print(Style.RESET_ALL, end='')