Python shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon().
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Example #1
Source File: From Cytomine-python-datamining with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def polygon_2_component(polygon): """ To convert a polygon into a component Parameters ---------- polygon: shapely.geometry.Polygon The polygon to convert to a componen Returns ------- tuple(list, list) the first list contains the coordinates of the exterior ring the second list contains the interior rings, each defined by a list of coordinates """ exterior = list(polygon.exterior.coords) interiors = [] for interior in polygon.interiors: interiors.append(list(interior.coords)) return exterior, interiors
Example #2
Source File: From HistomicsTK with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_merged_polygon(self, cluster): """Merge polygons using shapely (Internal). Given a single cluster from _get_merge_clusters_from_df(), This creates and merges polygons into a single cascaded union. It first dilates the polygons by buffer_size pixels to make them overlap, merges them, then erodes back by buffer_size to get the merged polygon. """ buffer_size = self.merge_thresh + 3 nest_polygons = [] for nestinfo in cluster: nest = dict(self.edge_contours[nestinfo['roiname']].loc[ nestinfo['nid'], :]) roitop = self.roiinfos[nestinfo['roiname']]['top'] roileft = self.roiinfos[nestinfo['roiname']]['left'] coords = _parse_annot_coords( nest, x_offset=roileft, y_offset=roitop) nest_polygons.append(Polygon(coords).buffer(buffer_size)) merged_polygon = cascaded_union(nest_polygons).buffer(-buffer_size) return merged_polygon # %% =====================================================================
Example #3
Source File: From deeptravel with MIT License | 6 votes |
def hull_accuracy(problem, result, target): nzr = numpy.nonzero(result)[0] nzt = numpy.nonzero(target)[0] result = result[nzr] target = target[nzt] if len(result) < 3 or len(set(result)) != len(result): return -1.0, 0.0 pp = Polygon(problem[result]) if pp.is_valid: # intersected area tt = Polygon(problem[target]) intersection = tt.intersection(pp) intersec_per = intersection.area / tt.area if set(result) == set(target): return 1.0, intersec_per else: return 0.0, intersec_per else: return -1.0, 0.0
Example #4
Source File: From go2mapillary with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def enforce_polygon_winding_order(self, shape, y_coord_down, n_try): assert shape.type == 'Polygon' def fn(point): x, y = point return self._round(x), self._round(y) exterior = apply_map(fn, shape.exterior.coords) rings = None if len(shape.interiors) > 0: rings = [apply_map(fn, ring.coords) for ring in shape.interiors] sign = 1.0 if y_coord_down else -1.0 oriented_shape = orient(Polygon(exterior, rings), sign=sign) oriented_shape = self.handle_shape_validity( oriented_shape, y_coord_down, n_try) return oriented_shape
Example #5
Source File: From go2mapillary with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def make_valid_polygon(shape): """ Make a polygon valid. Polygons can be invalid in many ways, such as self-intersection, self-touching and degeneracy. This process attempts to make a polygon valid while retaining as much of its extent or area as possible. First, we call pyclipper to robustly union the polygon. Using this on its own appears to be good for "cleaning" the polygon. This might result in polygons which still have degeneracies according to the OCG standard of validity - as pyclipper does not consider these to be invalid. Therefore we follow by using the `buffer(0)` technique to attempt to remove any remaining degeneracies. """ assert shape.geom_type == 'Polygon' shape = make_valid_pyclipper(shape) assert shape.is_valid return shape
Example #6
Source File: From go2mapillary with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _union_in_blocks(contours, block_size): """ Generator which yields a valid shape for each block_size multiple of input contours. This merges together the contours for each block before yielding them. """ n_contours = len(contours) for i in range(0, n_contours, block_size): j = min(i + block_size, n_contours) inners = [] for c in contours[i:j]: p = _contour_to_poly(c) if p.type == 'Polygon': inners.append(p) elif p.type == 'MultiPolygon': inners.extend(p.geoms) holes = unary_union(inners) assert holes.is_valid yield holes
Example #7
Source File: From go2mapillary with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _drop_degenerate_inners(shape): """ Drop degenerate (zero-size) inners from the polygon. This is implemented as dropping anything with a size less than 0.5, as the polygon is in integer coordinates and the smallest valid inner would be a triangle with height and width 1. """ assert shape.geom_type == 'Polygon' new_inners = [] for inner in shape.interiors: # need to make a polygon of the linearring to get the _filled_ area of # the closed ring. if abs(Polygon(inner).area) >= 0.5: new_inners.append(inner) return Polygon(shape.exterior, new_inners)
Example #8
Source File: From SciSlice with MIT License | 6 votes |
def offset(self, dist, side): if dist == 0: return _SidedPolygon(self.poly, self.level) if dist < 0: side = not side dist = abs(dist) if (side == c.OUTSIDE and self.isFeature) or (side == c.INSIDE and not self.isFeature): return _SidedPolygon(self.poly.buffer(dist), self.level) try: buffPoly = self.poly.exterior.buffer(dist) if len(buffPoly.interiors) > 1: inPoly = cascaded_union([Polygon(i) for i in buffPoly.interiors]) else: inPoly = Polygon(buffPoly.interiors[0]) return _SidedPolygon(inPoly, self.level) except Exception: return None
Example #9
Source File: From gdshelpers with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_as_shapely(self, cell, layer=None, datatype=None): geometry = [] gdspy_cell = self.gdslib.cells[cell] if isinstance(cell, str) else cell for polygon in gdspy_cell.polygons: if self.layer is not None and layer != polygon.layers[0]: continue if self.datatype is not None and datatype != polygon.datatypes[0]: continue geometry.append(Polygon(polygon.polygons[0]).buffer(0)) # .buffer(0) for healing geometries for reference in gdspy_cell.references: sub_geometry = self.get_as_shapely(reference.ref_cell, layer, datatype) if sub_geometry.is_empty: continue sub_geometry = scale(sub_geometry, *[reference.magnification] * 2) if reference.magnification else sub_geometry sub_geometry = scale(sub_geometry, -1) if reference.x_reflection else sub_geometry sub_geometry = rotate(sub_geometry, reference.rotation, origin=(0, 0)) if reference.rotation else sub_geometry sub_geometry = translate(sub_geometry, *reference.origin) geometry.extend(sub_geometry) return MultiPolygon(geometry)
Example #10
Source File: From mapbox-vector-tile with MIT License | 6 votes |
def make_valid_polygon(shape): """ Make a polygon valid. Polygons can be invalid in many ways, such as self-intersection, self-touching and degeneracy. This process attempts to make a polygon valid while retaining as much of its extent or area as possible. First, we call pyclipper to robustly union the polygon. Using this on its own appears to be good for "cleaning" the polygon. This might result in polygons which still have degeneracies according to the OCG standard of validity - as pyclipper does not consider these to be invalid. Therefore we follow by using the `buffer(0)` technique to attempt to remove any remaining degeneracies. """ assert shape.geom_type == 'Polygon' shape = make_valid_pyclipper(shape) assert shape.is_valid return shape
Example #11
Source File: From holistic_scene_parsing with MIT License | 6 votes |
def push_to_front(self, pg_ori): pg_new = copy.deepcopy(pg_ori) for index in range(self.num_object): if index == 0: print pg_new.objects[index].terminal.obj_center_proposals for step in range(10): center = pg_new.objects[index].terminal.obj_center corners = copy.deepcopy(pg_new.layouts.corners) p1, p2, p3, p4 = rectangle_shrink(corners[0], corners[1], corners[2], corners[3], 0.8) point = Point(center[0], center[1]) polygon = Polygon([(p1[0], p1[1]), (p2[0], p2[1]), (p3[0], p3[1]), (p4[0], p4[1])]) if not polygon.contains(point) or pg_new.objects[index].terminal.obj_center[2] - pg_new.objects[index].terminal.obj_size[2] / 4 < pg_new.layouts.floor[0][2]: pg_new.objects[index].terminal.set_center(copy.deepcopy(pg_new.objects[index].terminal.obj_center_proposals[step])) else: break e_total_new = self.compute_total_likelihood(pg_new, show_energy=True) + self.compute_prior(pg_new) return pg_new, e_total_new # infer the best parse graph with lowest energy
Example #12
Source File: From mapbox-vector-tile with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _union_in_blocks(contours, block_size): """ Generator which yields a valid shape for each block_size multiple of input contours. This merges together the contours for each block before yielding them. """ n_contours = len(contours) for i in range(0, n_contours, block_size): j = min(i + block_size, n_contours) inners = [] for c in contours[i:j]: p = _contour_to_poly(c) if p.type == 'Polygon': inners.append(p) elif p.type == 'MultiPolygon': inners.extend(p.geoms) holes = unary_union(inners) assert holes.is_valid yield holes
Example #13
Source File: From mapbox-vector-tile with MIT License | 6 votes |
def enforce_polygon_winding_order(self, shape, y_coord_down, n_try): assert shape.type == 'Polygon' def fn(point): x, y = point return self._round(x), self._round(y) exterior = apply_map(fn, shape.exterior.coords) rings = None if len(shape.interiors) > 0: rings = [apply_map(fn, ring.coords) for ring in shape.interiors] sign = 1.0 if y_coord_down else -1.0 oriented_shape = orient(Polygon(exterior, rings), sign=sign) oriented_shape = self.handle_shape_validity( oriented_shape, y_coord_down, n_try) return oriented_shape
Example #14
Source File: From mapbox-vector-tile with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _drop_degenerate_inners(shape): """ Drop degenerate (zero-size) inners from the polygon. This is implemented as dropping anything with a size less than 0.5, as the polygon is in integer coordinates and the smallest valid inner would be a triangle with height and width 1. """ assert shape.geom_type == 'Polygon' new_inners = [] for inner in shape.interiors: # need to make a polygon of the linearring to get the _filled_ area of # the closed ring. if abs(Polygon(inner).area) >= 0.5: new_inners.append(inner) return Polygon(shape.exterior, new_inners)
Example #15
Source File: From holistic_scene_parsing with MIT License | 5 votes |
def intersection_over_layout(cu1, cu2): polygon_1 = Polygon([(cu1[0][0], cu1[0][1]), (cu1[1][0], cu1[1][1]), (cu1[2][0], cu1[2][1]), (cu1[3][0], cu1[3][1])]) polygon_2 = Polygon([(cu2[0][0], cu2[0][1]), (cu2[1][0], cu2[1][1]), (cu2[2][0], cu2[2][1]), (cu2[3][0], cu2[3][1])]) intersection_2d = polygon_1.intersection(polygon_2).area if min(cu1[0][2], cu2[0][2]) - max(cu1[4][2], cu2[4][2]) > 0: # return (polygon_1.area - intersection_2d) * (min(cu1[0][2], cu2[0][2]) - max(cu1[4][2], cu2[4][2])) return (polygon_1.area - intersection_2d) * 0.1 else: # return polygon_1.area * (cu1[0][2] - cu1[4][2]) return polygon_1.area * 0.1 # transfer the center-based cuboid to corner-based cuboid
Example #16
Source File: From HistomicsTK with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _add_merged_multipolygon_contours( self, merged_multipolygon, group, monitorPrefix=""): """Add merged polygons to self.new_contours df (Internal).""" if merged_multipolygon.geom_type == "Polygon": merged_multipolygon = [merged_multipolygon, ] for pno, polygon in enumerate(merged_multipolygon): self._print2("%s: contour %d of %d" % ( monitorPrefix, pno+1, len(merged_multipolygon))) self._add_single_merged_edge_contour(polygon, group=group) # %% =====================================================================
Example #17
Source File: From blendercam with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def Circle(r, np): c = [] pi = math.pi v = mathutils.Vector((r, 0, 0)) e = mathutils.Euler((0, 0, 2.0 * pi / np)) for a in range(0, np): c.append((v.x, v.y)) v.rotate(e) p = spolygon.Polygon(c) return p
Example #18
Source File: From blendercam with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def shapelyToMultipolygon(anydata): if anydata.type == 'MultiPolygon': return anydata elif anydata.type == 'Polygon': if not anydata.is_empty: return shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon([anydata]) else: return sgeometry.MultiPolygon() else: print(anydata.type, 'shapely conversion aborted') return sgeometry.MultiPolygon()
Example #19
Source File: From open_model_zoo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def polygon_from_points(points): if Polygon is None: raise ValueError('shapely is not installed, please install it') return Polygon(points)
Example #20
Source File: From geomeppy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def buffer(self, distance=None, join_style=2): # type: (Optional[float], Optional[int]) -> Polygon2D """Returns a representation of all points within a given distance of the polygon. :param join_style: The styles of joins between offset segments: 1 (round), 2 (mitre), and 3 (bevel). """ s_poly = SPoly(self.vertices) core = orient(s_poly.buffer(distance=distance, join_style=join_style), sign=1.0) return Polygon2D(core.boundary.coords)
Example #21
Source File: From blendercam with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def getAmbient(o): if o.update_ambient_tag: if o.ambient_cutter_restrict: # cutter stays in ambient & limit curve m = o.cutter_diameter / 2 else: m = 0 if o.ambient_behaviour == 'AROUND': r = o.ambient_radius - m o.ambient = getObjectOutline(r, o, True) # in this method we need ambient from silhouete else: o.ambient = spolygon.Polygon(((o.min.x + m, o.min.y + m), (o.min.x + m, o.max.y - m), (o.max.x - m, o.max.y - m), (o.max.x - m, o.min.y + m))) if o.use_limit_curve: if o.limit_curve != '': limit_curve =[o.limit_curve] # polys=curveToPolys(limit_curve) polys = curveToShapely(limit_curve) o.limit_poly = shapely.ops.unary_union(polys) # for p in polys: # o.limit_poly+=p if o.ambient_cutter_restrict: o.limit_poly = o.limit_poly.buffer(o.cutter_diameter / 2, resolution=o.circle_detail) o.ambient = o.ambient.intersection(o.limit_poly) o.update_ambient_tag = False
Example #22
Source File: From blendercam with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, inpoints, startpoints=None, endpoints=None, rotations=None): if len(inpoints) > 2: self.poly = sgeometry.Polygon(inpoints) else: self.poly = sgeometry.Polygon() self.points = inpoints # for 3 axes, this is only storage of points. For N axes, here go the sampled points if startpoints: self.startpoints = startpoints # from where the sweep test begins, but also retract point for given path else: self.startpoints = [] if endpoints: self.endpoints = endpoints else: self.endpoints = [] # where sweep test ends if rotations: self.rotations = rotations else: self.rotations = [] # rotation of the machine axes self.closed = False self.children = [] self.parents = [] # self.unsortedchildren=False self.sorted = False # if the chunk has allready been milled in the simulation self.length = 0; # this is total length of this chunk. self.zstart = 0 # this is stored for ramps mainly, because they are added afterwards, but have to use layer info self.zend = 0 #
Example #23
Source File: From blendercam with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def chunkToShapely(chunk): # pverts=[] # for v in chunk.points: # pverts.append((v[0],v[1])) p = spolygon.Polygon(chunk.points) return p
Example #24
Source File: From pylot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _create_lane_polygon(self): points = [(0, self.left_markings[0].y)] for transform in self.left_markings: points.append((transform.location.x, transform.location.y)) for transform in reversed(self.right_markings): points.append((transform.location.x, transform.location.y)) points.append((0, self.right_markings[0].y)) self._lane_polygon = Polygon(points)
Example #25
Source File: From fssim with MIT License | 5 votes |
def is_inside(trans, polygon_outside, polygon_inside): """ Check if a point is inside of outside and outside of inside polygon :param trans: :param polygon_outside: :param polygon_inside: :return: true if yes """ # type: (list, Polygon, Polygon) -> bool p = Point(trans[0], trans[1]) return (not polygon_inside.contains(p) and polygon_outside.contains(p))
Example #26
Source File: From fssim with MIT License | 5 votes |
def callback_track(self, data): ''' :param data: Track message :type data: Track :return: ''' rospy.logwarn("Track was received") self.cones_left = [] self.cones_right = [] for c in data.cones_left: self.cones_left.append([c.x, c.y]) for c in data.cones_right: self.cones_right.append([c.x, c.y]) if len(data.tk_device_start) == 2: self.start_A = Point(data.tk_device_start[0].x, data.tk_device_start[0].y) self.start_B = Point(data.tk_device_start[1].x, data.tk_device_start[1].y) if len(data.tk_device_end) == 2: self.end_A = Point(data.tk_device_end[0].x, data.tk_device_end[0].y) self.end_B = Point(data.tk_device_end[1].x, data.tk_device_end[1].y) else: self.end_A = self.start_A self.end_B = self.start_B if len(self.cones_left) is 0 or len(self.cones_right) is 0: return polygon_left = Polygon(self.cones_left) polygon_right = Polygon(self.cones_right) if polygon_right.contains(Point(self.cones_left[-1][0], self.cones_left[-1][1])): self.polygon_outside = polygon_right self.polygon_inside = polygon_left else: self.polygon_outside = polygon_left self.polygon_inside = polygon_right self.received_track = True
Example #27
Source File: From SciSlice with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, section): if isinstance(section, Outline): self.sidedPolygons = self.createSided([Polygon(i) for i in section.loop_gen()]) self._name = section._name else: self.sidedPolygons = self.createSided([Polygon(i) for i in section.discrete]) self._name = str(id(self))
Example #28
Source File: From Cytomine-python-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_geometries(components, min_area=None, max_area=None): locations = [] for component in components: p = Polygon(component[0], component[1]) if min_area and max_area: if min_area < p.area < max_area: locations.append(p.wkt) else: locations.append(p.wkt) return locations
Example #29
Source File: From holistic_scene_parsing with MIT License | 5 votes |
def intersection_2d_ratio(cu1, cu2): polygon_1 = Polygon([(cu1[0][0], cu1[0][1]), (cu1[1][0], cu1[1][1]), (cu1[2][0], cu1[2][1]), (cu1[3][0], cu1[3][1])]) polygon_2 = Polygon([(cu2[0][0], cu2[0][1]), (cu2[1][0], cu2[1][1]), (cu2[2][0], cu2[2][1]), (cu2[3][0], cu2[3][1])]) intersection_ratio = polygon_1.intersection(polygon_2).area / polygon_1.area return intersection_ratio # cu1 -> cuboid of object cu2 -> cuboid of layout
Example #30
Source File: From quantized-mesh-tile with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _extractVertices(self, geometry): """ Method to extract the triangle vertices from a Shapely geometry. ``((lon0/lat0/height0),(...),(lon2,lat2,height2))`` You should normally never use this method directly. """ if not geometry.has_z: raise ValueError('Missing z dimension.') if not isinstance(geometry, Polygon): raise ValueError('Only polygons are accepted.') vertices = list(geometry.exterior.coords) if len(vertices) != 4 and not self.autocorrectGeometries: raise ValueError('None triangular shape has beeen found.') return vertices[:len(vertices) - 1]