Python nmap.PortScannerError() Examples
The following are 2
code examples of nmap.PortScannerError().
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Example #1
Source File: From insightconnect-plugins with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(self, params={}): hosts_to_scan = params.get("hosts") ports_to_scan = params.get("ports") nmap_args = params.get("arguments") sudo = params.get("sudo") # defaulted to False if not len(ports_to_scan): ports_to_scan = None if not len(nmap_args): nmap_args = None scanner = PortScanner() try: scanner.scan(hosts=hosts_to_scan, ports=ports_to_scan, arguments=nmap_args, sudo=sudo) except PortScannerError as e: self.logger.error("An error occurred: %s" % e) else: scanned_hosts = scanner.all_hosts() # grab hosts that were scanned results = list(map(lambda host: scanner[host], scanned_hosts)) # create list of scan results results = komand.helper.clean(results) return {"result": results}
Example #2
Source File: From w12scan-client with MIT License | 5 votes |
def nmapscan(host, ports): # 接受从masscan上扫描出来的结果 # 为了可以多线程使用,此函数支持多线程调用 nm = nmap.PortScanner() argument = "-sV -sS -Pn --host-timeout 1m -p{}".format(','.join(ports)) try: ret = nm.scan(host, arguments=argument) except nmap.PortScannerError: logger.debug("Nmap PortScannerError host:{}".format(host)) return None except: return None # debug elapsed = ret["nmap"]["scanstats"]["elapsed"] command_line = ret["nmap"]["command_line"] logger.debug("[nmap] successed,elapsed:%s command_line:%s" % (elapsed, command_line)) if host in ret["scan"]: try: result = ret["scan"][host]["tcp"] except KeyError: return None return result return None